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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1964, p. 12

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1 Uil 12 hI.o Canadian State"rran. Y;owrant flle. April 1. 1194 Births In Memoriam_ Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles- for Sale For fient Tenders Wanted 'R aE tfraeReal EstateforSal DOST-Elaine and Jake are! BRADLEY-In loving merl Beehive Rebekah Lodge BARNYARD manuire. S2 .50) HAY. Phone Orono 14 r 16.1 OFFICE space to re ni. Appl TENDERS will bo irecelve for CHOICE building lotsongo19 ACE a lo,13 bapppy annuncen heubrth otoer eartmtherMarlaete'wllmhodhar Mmag Salentxd.Cali725-509a 1-I R .eMoion. m yd. KCnaE., 7325-5.009. 14-11Rig co.roMorton.and979.. i mile.Oroo. 5 r 6 wrkabl. spiiig nd pod ir oif Lîsa Ano. March 27th, 1964,1 Mabel Bradley who passed' Trînitv Sundav School, Frida .GRSbu pigcas, AE o aeaadlvrd IUEEEPIN(; c o t t a g ù i oss pastis rniBonin __ oxle pig otsz-1AËRfr aern elvrai, EKPrkb-L. . p ~l tfom Bowmanvj Hlle p r.brî 2x4 ag lhs. 4 ozs., a sister for!awa., April 3rd. 1957. 'Aprîl 17th. 14-1 six. Phone 623-5089. 14-i 'Cali Ciiff Pethick 263-213 31. -fm o d e r ri coiiveninc Y.arlti: o tîîcîi .plwKroehHl Orono. Iri93 sed. duble arage Phillîp. Born at Oshawa Gen- A silent thought. a secret tear Donit forge.1 the dance ai EGG grading lamp with scale5. 34fAîdringa, Phone 623_12262. Aît.Poe (rn oiPoo.5î3 4Imdmbue ahom uo eral Hospial. 14-1 Keeps her merl ever dear.Solina Hall. SanI 'da,,' ApriI Cali Newcasle 987-4706. 14-i * BUTCHER t pe slcer, Hec- 1-3alereorge4- t , 12Blyowlblac -.Alwavs rememhered Il th' 4th. Jirn Fisher*s Orchesýtra. 'iric, like ne\w. Phoiîe98 4:-.IIA D4 roomis.bath' avail-, INFL'SINI -.John and Sheila famîl 14-u .e oo im.QIJANTITY of baled haý-. .deNotices nee Coveî k'> )wîsh 10 an- 141 986-4496. Ral- Bradbîtîn. i-pi IApoChrolREAILTOR ilnc the hirth of their LUXTON -In loving menorv ontr - go Thrda 4-i*IHAY for -ale. Iii-nothy a J CBii1C's, 14 Division Si.. Bol%-i Mîieîîion. Raiepax ci s of / rlauzhter Roxanne Virginia. of a dear moiher, Emma Elia- Mose igTusaýalfalfa. Phonîe Blac:ksýoc.k rnianiville. I4-I* DaruingtoiîTn 'sîp Special Poe6.-3 Sls3oi.a.thOha'abtwho passed away Aprillnight at 8 o'ciock-, sponsored, BUFFET. good condition, reas- 9864459b ÇaîîromoîiîarmenSciîooi and oLIMIfildToEDa Ceocrai o'pi, tl te sdaa, lt. 5, adadarfte.by the Junior Charober of onable. Phone 623-7018(0or aI 86449.1 1TRE-ooneoaa mit aliiitii h îcd n Sei IGnrlV ptl.mh96 o tier for FredeI, 95, ndamewopsedme ed anNrt'68Egi i.1-ihUATeYo-mxd a iîllagc, separate cîltrance dla.Aprîl 4tlî.1964, ai tilt'ChIli-uh. i ilireedor iChrh t.Bwmnle 1aia. Grandpareris are awa.,' April 9th. 1959. Oshawa. 4.5-tf'!THREE suis , girls' 10 and 14- livered. JA. Carscaddt,îi pl*[\te bath. heai anîd lighi. IianîPiOii 1OwI 'P laîp lI, li uîîao ucornier li71i6339 Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverîx .Bolv- Nothîng (atilever take awa ' V B mivi eDrama Work- lady's, size 12. Phone Mis. \V. Poe 5r9Iloîn î hiî 8-40.14-2). iveed raiittviiitof ýi il00ai J.. lC loiae rcd me saaadDsrc roanville and Mrs. Marxl Ter- T"le love a aI holds dear, shop piesenis a plav. Trhe Jeffery. 623-5748. 14-11 BED-CHESTERFIELD, ,,in,,,,,PARIMENT.3 roclis anîd ilistt o o . ilOta ii i I 431( el sae or esa Infusini rtflitai\.'. 14-1 Fond mnemories linger every Chalk Garden', BolîvileCEA pss.alriesils îgoocl condiionî: chromc bath, heated. private enirance, C0OI' 0 lot i ljrc I.(0 aeOnax dax Tolvîî Hall, April 23. 24. 25, cediar trees for liedges, etc kitcheîî table. 623-3757. 14-1 ceîifrafiy located. WVrite t\dfrtae KOVA('S Helen anid Gabricl Remembiaice keeps themi 8:1,5 p.-m . Adulis $1.00,111 im Phone Neivionville 2283. 14-tf USED WasherParts, almakes;,vet,,,46.c/oThCalladian CacInuraceDue0 0lOono îeSmlsasofOha.od pre happy (o arinoince the' near. det O.1- rsîîgIS airî. P.O. Box 190. Bot.l Poer'roo'l cebus n an.Eclcî bîrth of a daîîghier IOuIiSe -Sadilv mîssedbv daLîghter ýBUYING o eligfurnituirel i4 h.tp. nutors.263-ddys "i'.aîviile. 14-1 SItTAdnTE611 Eac. a eatony$300 -T Gabriella, 9 lbs. 15 ozs...oîijidred, soo-in-iaw Clamence ROUId and square daîîcing,1or appliances, cail Eimerj Markeihaion112632241. 'l'ATEF'Rfou41 210 Ares iîh rrn, March 26, 1964 ai Memorial and faml. 14-i Triple C mîrisic b ' Golden !Hampton: business 263-2294 -_1-2!eutpivte iîrai- fui- ('AREFUI, I)PINVEII pIý..-tN PSlaî hitnsgae AalvBo etrng \vocaliitlresidence 26:3-2,695. 6-tf KEYS cul automatica]ly, wbile i.E(e' bath, cenîtral location, itrACTsNO l'y iosla. formaville,. 1-* A 'FN-i oif&nenrCiaude Bradîrnore, i112 miles LMIUMDoo-s adWi-you wait. at eMllnliard-. Bowniaîux uI. Write Advc it.R. 1, Boivnanville hefore additinnal Sale a uhpie of a dear mother. Emma Eliza'- n Sasof H8-ion, ware, 36 King S. E., Bowman- vle 1 .POWE -Ralph and Joyce are' beth, %who passed alvay Aprîl -36Kn i.EBwmn ttera.P..Box ") ireLlC-.Autîo - l'ire îî1surn* and li olt$00citr0 ubnuCut' ie o flca iscd b îo r D u g las e brtl h F red erick Jam es, w ho p assed 'NA . - C offee a îd D essert" i S E ri i M s ev - H m is sep arato rs , repairs Ici it m s St t s ai .l o ks B u us x el e t b ic>o ne1a g Evcreîî on March 25th, 1964.1awav April 91h. 1959. part\,, Fidal, eveiîing, April,15-munfertilizer d ilî with makes,. Telephone Biackstock TTi p Wanted BUN Tr. cres11 ct l ito Pi M'Amoriaî Hospital, Bow- Sometimes it's bard 10 under- 101h (from 6:.311on, also Srn gIasedbxec l'lent_ cou-98î 387 :3-2 mnatîville . A brother for Vie-' stand 'lable Books, Fish Pond, White diîi<îîî Phonîe 726 -îîî4. l4-Ie I KINDLING Wood, 35e a b-g FULL or part lime xaitiesses DAYi' are, or-ui] 0a i-('-dom. eai i4 haî esns$2îîî bor aîî Debhî. 14-i Whv soe thi gs hav 10 be Elephnt. 142 'ai ea x'e Lîiîubeî'. 6 K ag waiîtd. Appy Mr. ampbel96schoî t b tîlrtii ut ii A htbroov. Mr.aClaedbarage,'leoos B u t ai n es l d o r, îo w as $99.011.ff tFSi.l1d enesof'S t. E ., B olv mn anv ule. P ho tI. G enosh a Il tel, O h aw a. .37 tf sick ott i' i rit Ilithia i . lîî t a nd lm ar k.%, or e le n r . S r a m - o m l O i P LngagemIeflb Bvodoîrpw ose Evening Group, Tnesdav, Ma.y Beatty appiiall,'-. P a ddy' s 623-33188. 14-1i SINGLE mant foi dairyv and 987-4236>. I 11h a~bri.Ol $8Oî MrtandMilEri.m.welaHîgad L7 sp.m.,to igSt. ,Market, Hampton 263-2241. QUAN'1ITY of Garro aiud (nuitfarm .Applo anBt ONpaîit ciifti-' ens M r . o w a n M r s r c C i e l e v is s r e nta no-f g h t A i d r e w 's C h i r c l i Ha l . A d t i t s 1 - 2 R oix Oq')îî 'l î f o e r y-, 6 9 M i d d le R o a c . P h o n e p l î i r t ' y t ii - t t t tiDAE BR S1 2 A r e h h a v f m .- ti omnîi ih1 i- And courage to bear the $2. children $1.50. -,OTelephoiîoielntr 211,lzlelo' ýI1f D AN E itoince I he engagemenît of blolv. 623-5746 for tickets. 14-1 200( BALES hav, lweii cîred;,seeri.Lewis J. Wocod, Phoiî'63:217le aixtl~14iapîd W. Werrvîn &St t heir daughier Linda Ane. 10 But xc bat il's cost t(i lose y'ou - - also dry vrod. ii) six foOt 623-20111. 14 i'LOCAL, batik icquires female Pho-t 6I-J6 Phone 623-223rZ'bikhm, i ot TVr. lames Carson Houston, soir bihReServe IdI.Apt-il '()th leiigiLî. kA. Sqtaim., 2 miles'KUGKt~l Iîi ci erk. experieiîedpi'ferredI. S A \VS ttliniarxi'123Rclk.BisSt, 1 tif MVrs. Mona Houstoni and the; No (une bîutGod will kni o 0hear lion. Michael Sîarr.N or th of Boys' Tr'aininîg tiv-ator~. i iew aîîd tîîscd. S*551buti it essetitial : Grade Xi o.il,'thebig. tt/oilatti G e! 2 x2.Loae ea ed laeMr: litigh Houston Of -Sadîv missed by daugbter M.P., ait he Lions Centrîe, 8:301 S(.1ool. 14-i1*' up. F. Wý. Weriy & Sot, 'l ('le- eq iiuva 1eit.ut Appîx 'Torotoit- 11 pu t:iîîtitti(, dle r e' 18,1V."em htb'The mar-riage wil Dorcas', sninl Cecil and p.in. Progi-amiv lil i iclcide '- ...Duuîi inioit Hait kBîtowmaux'il le cr. t 12 l v I.,o a, 8Ars nT lake ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iiibr UvB1SED chesterfîeld anîd chair, pîîoic263-186.3tt14-i.t aC(1 diiiHo iiti0fBw lk.lcaiTii'vUntdfl14-1 meîs I Ti.S. 'Scr'eech RAL.'-Rma4-1 îlviGoodsouExce p la aniti' onithedamlyOxls". No admission. 14-i1y ui' clînice Of cîPhoister-iîI9giad(EERLI-t ______ LUXTONM'av, 19v4. 14-1eel: l'Flîe public isvcogdialTl ý mateirial Whlte Bros. Up- Cars frS le. ED e'al' 11 vll AE) ,NIG ni14- m 1N:A NIAC en neîeta 1,11 il publi day rorMao,1964.i4-i lolsterîîîg, I1'-) King St. \V.',(totnd tf clttlli'iî total lencn Iiiuît'. eis btîullt tuî'o ut i iie f )ýjW of dea r moiber. Emma Eliza- xie oaieda pi et hie6355.I~ 1931 F"ORD Coachi. AppIl' 13.5 er. lI t xci;I: i eforoittos requCiit- Reats ntid, nttt lli"l t sEta te Board I ce xi( w oî thEaida ai l-t lgin Si., Bowmaiîviiie. 14-i, cdi Mus. W. Buastoxv, R.R. 1. patiuu. 'td. tcri nttiri(,S KiigS, V 1,325 u a n oae ie ±~eception bei 1,tx19529: paea a ing oflbe Ca aiCncrINSULAT1ON, bIowîng meih- Oakvîtle. Phoutie VI' 5-_63_95. eVer.ioi.îoorn h'u< otttxRiîatw Cz'$,) on Mn and il rtn Kif- Frederýick James who passed ai the Lionîs Centire, Mi'. mansuip guranteeForreesti thrci' fil eîî ai o meSaturdayavaApril 9th, 1959. LynauuG. heiderson wxvi]bemates Hary Le. Wadee Tet- OEpîeîeEic'fîdbh lmeRLîel d 'hi ecluiiîe aîge fnr euas.DnigtîGrdt latiirc-' tisgi ýi1 ileola re oom îy bdro b 1964. ind, n aIieLegiouî If the patterno rf life îooks, heghiest speaker. 14-imts. " L ad.Teei N uerd1cefr I Ilepidnbd chan orert'c' >j't3» gIo lt)9 ' ,. ' - ..* m larage Apr-il tth, 161 ith ei l darktlu\yotu phone Clarke 2420. :9-tf Pboiîe 27 r 21. Bethany .14-I * -nroouîand baud.Couîple c(Ou .. l K2-390. ttiilii ttatprie 5ý,9 I1o..LhtySreBo anil (moi '~~> Aid ie tread see Wooview ommuîty ichuccl niieAdvettse 43:1 vi le~s2 b Si 79)0Doxvî' Slaciois 3 Bowmuix':î. ondilild Hall, Qiieco Si.. fo .3) Ai h trad er odiwCmuiyCentre i CRACK ED Eggs, " a s 1 e r PUREBRED -Hereford blIIta c$î Saenaî.PO ~1~TT I.,fOrlîoi hti Sox'iiago uglI8's4'wt I iînt ( R:301p.m. oui the occasion tiîsted and queer -Monster B in go. TwentYjSeil,31'diu chtetix 1-erod CaeieBîley' Bî na111 oiîîuaIîoîllo î:î-.'.flfl'o.JUl il, o f(hur6Oi WddiigAnoi- 'l'o tire Onte who is planning games-twenly' dollars; five lasi. At tfaiî î le fam ieWesti Phonc 18iaix îe 13 . uE..'NCPAIBN & HEA'lING Jiitt air toti eai ing.Lai- $1300 it $1.((dou 14-1 heIhl designî gams-thirty dollars; $150, of Bowrnuvilie oui Northi side 14-I Susie and George Graham blt7perflt plain alid Ijackpot. and two jackpots,,at'of No. 2 Highwvay.v .Oichand H1 CRok C'uAksIblG i t"I)uro Punmps andI Softenî'rs"dobb.\'r tclke.buycîtaivoaed2toy %citl recruve iheir relatives aîîd clear. $ 2511). Door prizes. Nexi Faniiu. 1 HIT Rok hcsbld1 Phone 623-5615 "'()tta: price $ 10,500. 'rc nlrelt omn lricnds i the Royal CaldtîîFor uts aila paritiof lcdsIVonday, 8 p.m., lRed Barn, testec anud vacciuîated aito].- i OIVEN' . . î.îrg>' . ivIonie <i i e legin lai] Queui t .Box- lo'uig pauîOsbawa. 46-tf TYPE WRIT ERS, adders, cash-!qiîarîity. 'ice weeks otId'.S, DvisonSt. Btiw'miriviIle "ii 5) t ueloiî 1,il îb$ 5) o, icîrs, druplicatlr ,chequiewii-per liuidrd 6wes d 'frHoe nits - 8tlk )îaitSoltd brc. ivdtpeon igSret m1 vle rn :(1pm 0 Weîlewo'e u lnas Pie-Natal Erhucatioiî Classes. crs. connptometers, tliree biuiid-1 pet. luiidred: 7 xx eeksIod. P 30 pnu. oi Friav, Ap'ul 3'd, o grayThe Sprnîi Senies of Pre- mcd uiew and tised. Wýe buy, per lîundred. Il. W. S aplel on, PAR'T AND) F111 T]IMEANI rtt ittittliiiae w ocavle 1111 n bc ocaign ieiroT e a uîvndak bugîtr heNatal Classes witllstarl ai fhe seli, rcut, service. I laniIton PliuîcNewlIouville -P244. 14-I1t1 e ating 'at-111-rpae. Ral BsnesblcFili soe 'Fvnoffh WdigAiî- rs u odLion-s Centre, Beech Avenue, Office Eqiîipmcnt, 1:17 Brock: IlFR A[P'l'OI1N'I Pu bn E NTF L l(:tî.î.Oiv3aatet. Bwavh 14-1 f 0f atiother happuer day. Bowtnuxille. ai 2 pni.. Wed- 'South, Whitby. MO 8-5849. IIENDERSON'S Il a t c fi e n y. PHONE 62.3-7127Si.1t,5-t0uî'î. Balance uo ~tEclet uc'ru. Akn L-oviîîgly' remeubered byv oesdavt\pril Ritl, 1964. For 1(-tf Liiîdsayv. offer otît ,1 hoe6337 ý5Nlo t Bwalvle luldl, daugbter Ethe. 14-1 - . 'breerh tif cli tks front h igili46-tf anud prni ucijltB.siis oaiîîwt rc D ah agtr11 uterinformatin î elephone DRAPES: Newv patternsiîs 1p rodiuctioui strauuîs. Yott liaxu uthian7'Rcoî-nt tiitguîtoxx iiuletjbidn nKn tet o C'HANT, Stanley G. -On.Surî- OSBORNE lit lovitg uIeiiioi' orl imelii.1 u am"Weî: e a" usla ddia fi ce hluces otifwtii it" iolit sei( ANKIilias al]It ndnuti-mnu.$00-$.0 on dlay, IMarch '22, 1964, Stanley' rf a deai' husbaiîd.father and Flaîîîucît. 2.-î61. il e r'uudari. Bi te4-pio-eceks rNe wd eatstieee o3r Bedroomlercesibrin-dii G. Chant uirlits 91st year, of grandfalher. Charles E. Os- H-ampton United Clitrcl cîStrtn mîade. Olhln iPi'saisac îoî iIatfhca. oiieinlo tc.-l etoai fn oe 151 7Ruvervuew Gardens, 'Toroui- hornie. wbopassed away' Apu'il 89th Aitniversany. Sudav, samples uîoxx'beiog sitolii ior'G ai alboahasrdsIE, fIfS'rI.S 12.0> 1eî il e- eetms. loliloedhoh41 f he , 1962. pm.C;takenIo orhne r'Tahr a tdWuEASIIGSALSS250 prl; lcït, bclcued Aitisbandtif herApru 1962.Otiesi preachi 1 xuu hnt .Fen'Seed G anfor Salneed B ERT TOIVPKII'xS 13t))cxihtystî cz' Riemitom narfu liEmaAlsrtda'Your preseuice wxe miss. qI er. Rex'. R. C. W'hite. Nevx'îouî- ebirnates. Goodhraiîd's Kitio SSSNo5,0CLARKE, îeqcufîe Sathri rof M rs. C. 'cilvuan ou eoow natn.ville, Chaîrmn Oshawva Pres- SI. W.,Rcîta'iaitvtllt il mS. No.5, CLARE, alol Your -emory w ure-uiire, rttSepîcuoben 1964 a (a Iu Phone Newtonville 23" 2-berroututL huil.aoi w hcres ecsl.$.0 (Beuîîah t, Mrs. R. Camerouî Loving you aiwax's. bltery. Spec'uatumusic bv chou', TVTTOP/ERS . i tii .' dfsr,6. raud .SiteL> aragv nI h here otoniTn's Dort-,), Bolvrimauîvlle: Mrs. A. Forgettiîug vori' neveî'. assisted by Mrs. James Sua les, i seln _,rads 5,p6'rtn .Sle -id Wc aie ixîougo Yc-(niîer (Stanley)tof I.itie,_Lov'itgîy'remembered hi hlarmoniy, and Mn. Ross Mei- $50 îu R dey R sudaliic'xtioset Mnt Jouit'Bu d's Fin a Station anid ce bi thiCidbulinnfel 9~n Fiîiii.Mi uaudDogashe famuix14-1- caif, Boîvuat lle.Plaî t 10jOIwAV7A - b J3 antdlAlleon. ail of Toronto; attend anud briug a frîend. S A Aand t..arry Oats WlnîSec'. 'irvas., Nexx c astie, At TONiA'î' îC(.i inIlois toi-sacleLYe 6337 Theidore M. (Terl) Hamptoni;4- miOntai o. 13-Open Nights anod sundays ,-3(i-orl>lui brick butuglx akR<ad --6335 'hî'îsioplîer of Milliken anîd QUINTON lit ovig ie- 1-1TV SUPPLY L'LHetai Y r, rnX[LREJi fBorivihcrpr ndfrp laie .Josephî A Chant. Service Quintoit who passed away, a d hdpltes tato oiin teaSe . }"'Pîki î< îeieistpauo îitprt 1.0 wa cda i ok(hplMariAi 29. 1962. ai Red Deer, 20 REGULAR GANTES Day or Night - Bill Leask.,Prop. --v Ttl rc oif Tur'ner &' Porter, Bloor Si. Aiberta. 2SPECIAIGAIES 4-fBarley A1 ip y siaut penitco 46Bhrra t ~ "nd l avaitabo oMRGn oeyaalb 1'., 'Toro'oî. OntLt'bcesdax-, God look lber home. t xxas fHîs 4 - S25 JACKPOT'S FORD iractor, Super Dexia FU1NKS 0-filYRII> ipta it' t as Mii.'iotir sl.i it radv oroi teu'toî uu-PtrFdea al2322 Monî'th 24.ritieruîieuît Park icill, $100 .JACKPOT Modet 2-0010 diesel: set chaiiuîilercC'tc. iiius. ewovitîcI ' Gi- i - gWidowai( ler oi 'î'dî'fo ic'piîc.t LaviCmtrv oot. Bilt n m\,heait b1Ioce heu' if they do not go in the numbmers iarroxvs, New Iclea rake air(]:; Seed Corn 0111 1: - .;'iras.Neciruvl owmCLAnx icERI CEnlixvofli 'cipiitt'iutds Totalint DAVEN. Wîiîam Tortiuio At ier CnîNSOisAsIdOa icuia"'S eddr tr iler'isprca ewr.W ,Julîuî :) sE PUBLIC Sc'hool teatIer for W'all Washiiig -Janitor Serx'ice SI 4.3IIJJ Il tîî doîx ipameîpcchedadraneDr Laxx'uî Ccme(emy sîtîl: CONSOLvey FriATIO N iZES ldeddeier, Ford mo er,ft: oix' AND(E URlH. Ei>Venetian BlindCI'leaning VA.opporniili ievxii lyLmteBx18 'p V, iliamddaad -ANblie- BE s S IREd- S.S. Ntu 18, Dariliîgtcuuî1','wp., Ail Tvpes of lnor ('lcaning rmuni frnîcI , -stoeioePr oe 5i 1'vleorîa HositalBowiaut As in the boum she passed DelO' dK -briskmanuirspreaer.Mas\-, Nlpmorial Hospital. Deeî'emisk- 8:0r. old: Masco-a' e Your Order Eariy Gmadt's 5 to 8 iuiILusii e, duties îdS'r'c ulpico Rl lie NED ville, on Marcli 30, 1964 away aniesradr M-' n evceraýRa william Davev of Oono,(Ot 1 rftfisut anîd thiiîk of lier Ivemorial Park ,sy-Fegison cultivator, Mas-t I'1'Mlitoiommenîce Sept. 1, ApPlO S'I'(>RE IVbNI)OWS hy wveekly sltap". Belici sec ibhison' --- ~~~ ~~~~ 'Nb~~~~~Weti iau ail abutie sex -Fogison 92-t'tu Do,-iîOLIIl. :tixxrqii bituiuXundicc Sgo'uu90uu iai's. Otil'od acuucr -.- '-1 ' 1 oft Mrs .; eltd Kc'at tMary) Foi' mcmor ' , s the omily frieuud ni Toronto; Mrs. Cluntot Cav-. Thai grief c'aî callitis owi'î. ery Grea) of Whtby. Mvrs. - Evei' remembercd snd sadlv flanc Fouumid tRutîhi) of Omoîto' mussed bY busband Chrus. Mrs. Eveictt Porter (Olive) 4 oif Sherbrooke, Que. Rested, i ich Bar'low Furieral Home, QUiN'fON luit oviîig nivic'uow Park Si. Orono. Ser'vic'e was of tutî dear nothîer atnd gr'anuî- fro Oronio TUnt ed C1h îirch, unotler. Del la Quinton. ixho; April 1. 196i4. btriiniiemi Oron passed axca' March 29. 1962,1 cemeteu..i4-1 at Red Deer. Alberta. Toriighit te stars are shuiig }ý'ITZGERAi-,D. Nornta,. RN. - Oui a silenti lomely grave. Ait ihe Hamiltoni Geuucral fios- W'iîre sleeps i dreaoîuuîgF pitaI oui Saluîrday' moring, slîîuber Maî'ch 281hî. 196i4. Miss Nomma O'ne xx'e loveri butîtoîuld itot Fizgerald, R.N.. b eliovi o save. do uitgh 1cr of Mn-. Hutgli T. Futi'- T'l'o i cutio i liai e a nitilier craid rof R.R. 1. Selkirk, Onu- 1L'herishî ber xvth rare. larîo, a nidte laie Mr.,. Fiî ,- Yoîî xxlli meer kiiuoii ii c'rali. ini len 291h y car. Dear hearilache sister of Gra Id îfI-Ha mptt. T'uilly\Oit sec lier iaaut Mrs. Louitard Rodges t Eilpent J cthair oi Godericli. M ns. Bent Girlinug W'e pna,v lui Goë nd tlo c GcIc'ria t of Duii ii le. Mi"ý. 'iake a meîcssagec up a boxe. Wiiamo S(ioip tMmiomu) tif 'le11 lie1 r110Wx niuCh uic miss 1a paît, a iILerox' of Kîmîgs- ler tonit. Re-td ai te Bllard AA feitem allhii rtc Fuineral Hotîe .31.5 Bruuad Si. Ex ti reiieubered anid sad Ilast. Dcuiii ttc. iviiere th,, niissecd b\' .1imnu md Gay' and' bu îîca t serv-ice uxas iîeld in orandc'hidren. 14 -1 ti c hapet oui Mrudax'. Mart'l 3)t. ai 2:301 p .I trîî' u'îitic 'Christiaii (DLisciplcsî ('humnil Cerîtery, S w e cPi1 cornter. 41 FORW.\RD In Detrn-iti, et the 1:oon tuf h i,, dougbter. Mrns. Po rofIl \-NM1, N o 'lt ir'o p, on \\'ed'ucxday. MNaîcli 251h. Fred F'o'-ard. liisboitd of lite lat' .\da 1-.WVi'igliilîîicnuîîmîîi in Sx'c'a ni, lW. 1lii' 'ItF:[3'l'FAIni li lu niî tt- mui-voritf a dca r loi icr a-id gatiatiber. Vcilliani Wlc whio passed awxay Apr'ul 2utd, in9.)4 Wuthi hîour store tuf umi'ucîes [le holnîs a place spart, For po oie cise coui ever be Moreue 'erisbed iii cuilr ()SBORNF..Ai hliu:~duiti.R 1 7n Clitirnch Si, Bx'iat' i R, et Sundax. Marcil -19. 1964,:!vIEM( Eiu'i FIiahcth ui xudle. unilitem fi' isI year, %ife of ithe laie Dignified a R c hi-trd Edux' it t')stiornt.eanN<îu nîtther tof b<c u.'alîd Neistuýitnfdesigns Boxcmnui' (II.. larr'. Detu'oîti 1-i2 Sime Fud Charles J dec-eased)t Resl- '723-1002 cri a; thte MnsFtiterah Clîap - Office <'i. Boxx'arîvillc . Meniorial ïcirvite \vas held mi Eberiezer' I 'îutedi Chiirch oui TLcsdax', Manch 3 t i3:131)rit îeî - I .ummIe MentmiitlfclerCelîîeîî'rvi 'ntbered ho\tilt' 14-i MAR ORIALS and Distinctive - Fiat M.ýarkers for any need. St. S., Oshawa *728-66271 Ev enin gs 26-tf er Resorts TURKOCTO. -.-10111îî1 lInt01c THE OLD MILL Osh'usx'a Ociieralilusptal oit COTTAGE RESORT Wcdrics ay'.'\iil i. 1964. Jo0tin Tutrkoc'io. bulovcd iicsband tif fi.R. 2, Minden, Ont. 13enlo Tunkucitu and (ailier of' Mijjs Peter Kociulab 1 Oga , îboisekeeroitg ttages uni andkour W uliarn lTuirkoc'io.- 611' uf sa te. sarîdi beai o n l Iotf Hamîptont. in ii u59t1î 'lite sîîoîes cof I'welve NI e x 't. Restîîîg ai the Arm- ae ui iipc - ,i roi ng Ectueral Huorne, Oslta- lak î qitpc c i ,wo. wcib Nioss iin St. Georges al " k ttic itheits.balhrooniis Romn uCaihiolit' Cîitiurch. Fnui.- ii tiifitîshi toîlets Oanid hniancl day', .-pril:l d at !) 301 11nt. l:î- i iip aer ed i lemi: Si G reguy's Cente- ch iiti vtr edîg tî'ry. Oshlaxu a Pi axe ns 1unill u ictinO. suxerwaî e. etc. Orgaît- funeral hocmne. Tbuursda«a i si red evie ria iiri meuti t i;ghlîx 8 pý1. 1 4-1 ,Pbuiî 623-3254 14-tfii ClIub tiouse ROWIMNIIIIF 121fr CHARTER BUS New York City SEf: l'HF W(>RLD's FAIR %'I("iORIA îlEF:KENI) May 15-l8th l'OR RESERVA'1IONS Pi-ONE COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 Oshawa and District ('erebral Paisi' Parent('nu ncil for ('rippled ('hildren PENNY PAIR 387 SIM('Oi:ST. S. Osh aw a Saturday, April 4 2 - 8 P.11. PRZS- HOME BAKING .fternoon 'Iea - 35c' rlebiade for ti'a ( -o . stock lîcater for pigs or lambs, stable C vetîtilaior fanu,utexi, uscd lxi ' nuori ths: Eleci ro poil bcaîe r. Pluouue 728-9166, i 4-1* t R To <reat mild cases of mastitis Rt Use NIXONS I-ERI)-bAK ,Mastitis Ointinent ,.ix. tubes------------0 Free mastitis test blotters in each pa'kagre. Available at LORNE JOHNSON DRUGS Satisac'try'îesttlis oui .itutu utîuox' .\ back . 14-i an.. P WAN'TI Books inagazih ucs. \V USED TRACTORS International %%'-4 Trarîtor; Itetumeit Nîassey '30" 'Iractor: Aliis- storcy. ('haînners "B"-swith <ultivator: in'call I"armaii ('ub wsith mower and 'stores. cuitis'ator: 1-orduion 'M a j <i r good il Trau'tir. .NdverU WA NNbE 1) lie nced 'sî'd Statem turne t traîle for Speciai 'lrade-in Bonus Offer! USED MACHINERY International 15-ruun D>ouble' bDise D)rill; International 13- i un Dise' DriiIll;Massey 15-run D)rill on lbu .rubber ssheel.t, ! .Neari old: Massey Il-run lDrill: ('ocksbutt 1-ertilizer Distribu- -ýERESMORE FARMS !iarni' of lastitispec'i' attd saa oopet"cud. IoiMrs D. Pitai i Ex itint.Ct)., Oit b'I-lONE 62:3-71.50 NOT1IC'E TO CR:DI'OiS S A NI1). C RA- 12 J f A NI) O'b'IERS i"our-xvheei d AZNE'l B. RI('KARD IN'l'THE ESTA'lE 0F' FRANK' s ith Fie; RICHARD PARKKR. lait' tii It IAS 0N A ranted to uic'"'l'ox'isîpof 'tak' it'lte ofFcI.l , a, Phone poultu y'v, old featicerd -hor xiîccid at i te sain OI N M. Fiait, RR. 1, Beti - 'loix'iihp nof ta k. i ti Phone 7 r 13 cohlec. aboulit iblie 9th ca i îtf [oituiiFR N 8 1lf l )16 . .1 OHo ' 10 Io boy v foi' c'asiu 1AC'l'08. e(, . 'i <Sheet " pED e bookts, i.4(13.S&c 5. iFurnat'es poesN tibciobn'l' Ct id tîi's and trI tii lieu"- lut iug îentilaîin.- V lOIS i:IVANTEI) îIoit' iiirl'r onu: tîotr lue- 1E .ak j ' oupIe s"snts il 0one- anue rlt'lxhiv aleIlle J Miti' i tlb 3ý-beciroom hone. stith- fli.'estit,iloxiItlit' cius> i îîîuîu'rî P O LI kinrdiae offon ha x'îutg 'egnu icite tlie Viill a nid Sa ve Dollarus!1 i'repaed b nake ilit ta ins iha~ ia cîthi c ir erliPld and cF .o'.sn payment. Write rctcr.erî'd.I"i'îe ies iser t84, e/o ('anadian L)A'lTED al tx itOit- taku'n tri the ' ,smnf, 1.0. Box 190, . lls 18;h (tî\n' tfMartch. Budget 'le' fartt it Bocmn'ile 321 11(4 'uu'u'r' nE BH 82 ('burreh St. Pînune 623-3924 v A. L.itoocyi ACKE Wanted -SCRAP baiteries, fiTîghest pric- cs paud. leave aI Getorge's, 421 Kinîg St EF., Boxîmaîîviile. Pholue 623-3121l18-.t SMAJ.L aoe'cagc. xvii tc ie h c./ci Cataciiait Statcsuuilîai .PC) or: international .3-f'urrow ,Box 1911 ,Bîtiî otaii l lje.-Il -11V 4 ýr Photography Pîow' on rubbei':NMasse îy 3-fui'-Ded ok Srvc PHOTOGRAPHY furrow Poss:Fleury 2-'furrow Hizhesi ('ash Prices for Dead Change nof.ddress - .PInw: International No. 45 P. and ('rippied Farm stock 161Rin ., T.O. Baler; International No.d Bnwmanviile 46 P.T.O. Baier. reconditioned 'RTTFRFN I nnmnilea nd zuaranteedu King Wvse 19 Phone Long Distance Portraits Passpou'ts fi. Elevator: Coekshutt 4-wheel Zenith 66550 Inn charge to youîu %%edtns nivrsrisSpreader on rubber: Interna- Dept g i- ic'. Nc. 286-C-64 a specialty tional SeIf-propelled Combine:. 1tî ASTOR STUDIO Massey No. 35 self-Propelled C s nteSo Phone 623-2502 1('ombine: 0K one-row Piot-utoC s nteS o 202Iigger. P.T.O.: International for Dead or Crippled Farmi 202 Hay Conditioner. Stock. Picked up promptiy.' Flowers USED TRUCKS I'elephone eniiect 26.-27'Ii FLOWER SHOP11 International Tandem ('ahMargwill Fur Farmý FLOW R SH P ndChassis: 1960 ('hevroiet CAR ATIN Mdel 7 0 4-ton Cab and LceTYReN E î13C6 CARNATION ~~Chassi%: 1958 International A- L(neN.3.3C6 .'5KInir ,t. W 184 with I)ump Body: 19.57 hu I-NFRAI. ARRANsGE'MENT: 1 International S-180 %%with dump HIOSPITALNi -RR A'%GEME'NI', body: 1957 International S-180' PLets il iDDING BOU QUETS ('ab and ('lassis, 1957 ('bev..3- BEAUTIF'UL Pa ri Samoced FRE!On e ton with dump body; 1956 R- PLîPpes. ouI x fivxe le f*. Phomie j oing-asuay 190 International suith dump 635( corsage '. body and sinow' plow': 1956 -1- usth fiers - 'ýFord iu dton Piekup: 1948 In- ONE Regîsîeu'cd femalu' Dachi- uceddîng ~tcu'uational i.,-ton Pickup. slîuîuuci puIpp\-. 2 pair Japaniese order- silver pheasantils 623-343(j. Corsages and COW/~AN 1 4-1 Phone 621-7141 "- E UIM NT CO a-edt R n After Hour% 621-2184 134 King St. E. BD%4manu'ilie O-P P OFFICERrcquiieý-. We endflou'ers b)' î%irr Phone 623-5689 beduocnî bouse uni Boimaut- anywhere 14-tf l14-1 sîlle. Cali 623-3385. Il-tf' H-ami si t cl dSutoii utur I-tua (9 - :Î)n i K g Si. W.. ROWVANV'LbLE. Ont. Soiicî'tîuî'frn thle Exî'c'ili.i Repairs GUARAN'lEE'D telex\isoil anîd rao ici erx ' iIoail uîakc's. 'llc oi' cttScîx'ic ('Co. Pîtuunî RADIO anîd "lxso ea Prompt service. Pick-up and ulelixv Gerge. -14 Centre Si. Phone 6"3-5713ý 41-_tf BILL'S RADIO AND TV SERVICE Phone 623-2912 Satisfac'tion Guaranteed 14-4 Watch Repairing ("ertified %%atehmaker of Canadian .Jeweîier's Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. %V. 16-tf fief rigeration and Appliance Service ('ommercial and Domestic Refrigeration Phone BERT SVIER Days -623-5é7-44 Nights -623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 26-tf. 1012 King %%'. ERMAN «i - LOADING AVî:î, uand i'IIb Iriv e 'Iox"Tr'uc k 'a v ' %%'iilîI. S623-5756 A NVbI, E ' i - 1if TINSHOP x12?, Oruino Neta I Io'k ianîd Repaii's F"ains and I iîods tuu and U iiings 1~ 1 i (ollect 1 Gui d'î Pnîup. STERING ! iuî vu olir îhî'st- cuairs rnilpholst- home. ls. 'iis 'îî Phone' 62'13525 :1?I .-tf W'N Y N : ' S ltuigs amni u-pluîlstî'i'5 S ha unpout,' Fluor, Ivaaî îi Ilindusu'Seceu Intistri oluiuiiiu'i.t Ia Re<sidtI iia I'IIONI: OROS( '3 BARNES & BYAMý PLI'BIN<7 A, HEi-AN'ING S.AF: kSERICE '1C-HO IR O01 Burner Service SEPTi' TANKS ANIb) IIIIONF: HAMP1JTON':-18 TYRONE '16DU.165 Have Us Check Your Car for Summer Driving! F:ngine 'luni' Up -BraI,îi - i'hausnt S', 'dem Battery -Ignition Sy-sicm 'l'ires AI ~U Wrk Ilone hy- Livensu'd Mehaniî's 8.5 King "i NI àlocuvo t11 le Phonieb.>13 1.1-11 f». Kmval - 62.1-7264 623-5868 John F. DeWiIh BMm. n ni -uIc i -t14i"rank st. Di>al 623-391 liarilo. îaî 1,ctîtaed S uiiiles fli i tri B R o wc tit a ut v il i e. t 'Ou Iý irltSel t. luiii.(-t,(, Lo atin 4 miles ftti uxtaii'ut"] Puic(e anud i itx i i I'M\t(Iiu'itt 5 ,5)0P x itIi targt' hai'ii-. Stable theait- ru. \'c'xi î:gboni. bituinu'. ail rîtt iriut ttt xu'untîntes Gotd mik ýMa k cîta Ask iig$3211111 'l 111tt. 1 A() . it' t" u [Ii hlai uts. Gttu a.S 1111î-c lauuti. Pnice 12 A'ic' x iiitutis anrd liait.I, :îuu Oitv 2(1 mitîte (tîi i\i( 1() l>1ax a. Askuutg i-2)i.it)(î 't-i tut' ix. ptîi lu ui'trifttiioll t utm tut (îtttuî' i Jîtit' Ii Bloul-- sbou'k (luii'$1,000 dotiuxim I J i uttetîtr hotmec' ui l ia rup- t1 (il iaiiîtii rtut itîllnace. 011% t :!.0 )i(J(ti. .t icicuturi itutgoui.i' ii Poft îîux(ett wiîh rit futruioce. c)RONi' IIRt'tloi cinibuinuga- ti il ,ttî'îctt AIlt iexv- il 1ci ici.n 011uftLi rnat'p. bw ii) i t î. ut i ii i'.l thsbý, e'tc. A"tlan iu'l 1t-ri a -a fag .c Asking f; Rlutitid iii ugo tttxv îoî'th utP.iux iauîlIu', xx tlt gara-ge. Vf l', t <'ýau A s k iîiiîgl $8 .5 .\ ,kirug $500 (i x'h tntly Shubij tîixi,Àt, 'i tIH kft'1if t cu. :- to.rli tîmtu l bIii i ow i bh gar'- îgt-u Ait t nîrtrin ouvu Iviorigage Loan?~ Private party to invest in lIst and 2nd NIortgages, Agree- ments for Sale and Mortgages Purî'based. L O W R A T E S. Vour mortgage problems glati- ]y discussed. No fees, ne> waiting. Cali anytime, 723-3211 or 725-2539 Auictiout sale of 38 Register- 1cd Hbolsteinu cattie, ('rop arîd ;farni mi'achinîery\, 1953 ,2 -ion trutck, aIllut excellent cou- dîtionît the propent ' of Arthur McKuîîgbt, 6 miles North West of Napaîîc. 3 mniles West if Scb.Fridax'. Apnul 3rd at 12 ttc lock sharp. 14-i WEEKI I LIVESTOCK SALES al, Durham ('ounty Sales Arena Orono - Evsery Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Hlorses. Cattle. Swine, Caives, etc. For truc'k pickup Phone (>rono 5 r 18 hy I p.m. day <if sale. .1. A. Reid & Son, Sales Managers. 9-tf 't' îauttîr, tcl hue of gcîc icruoden t arn omachiuîery, 1,ousc'hîld r'ffects fmom thue esate tuf tue late Jay '[nuit, Lots 25 arn(] 26, Darbingtoii 'Towntship, Base U~ne Roadw- tIwo 'onîcessions sourth anîd one mule cas' rtf Countice, seling wutboul reserve on Saturday, April i i. 'lerms cash. For fuin r nirpaî-tucclalrs sec ih Jac'k Reid, acie-tionerr Law- uICuuc(e Harris, clcrk, 14-2 Farnu soilo Aucion Sale Iierefo-d cattle, liactor, ua- r'liu mv, tr uck, automobrle, furiiittî e bay, grain, etc., the propenîy of August Ebasoo, Lot 11, Broken Front, Clarke 'Townuship, two miles soutb and a haif mile west of Newton- ville. selling witbout reserve omn Saturda'. Aprîl 4tb, cou W, unenctng at 1 pum. Termas cash. Jack Reid, auctionîeer: Law- rencu-FHarris, (-erk. 1.-2 R or IlettCiclhi it'k turne tor) 'The' uîdersigned atictioneer nu ii t mci, Brui' ma ivil le. bas lîcen autborîzed to sel] hy Nituirui. tttietiinui-e' Orl v pub]i touîctîon for the estaîp sî ,sîu ttuxini of Elizabeth Patterson on Sot- C Rcroriîtl ht tek ittomet-wit b ,rday, A prul 4 ot 3 Lbamb.3 oit 'u uat itoo ccnît.ci. 11<-ILane, BowuanvilIe' Refrîger- cutti ut, Iglitîai Askiog ator, propanie gas stove, sew- 59'OO huit [i ns ig machine. living-room furn- dlure, dining-roou fumniture, Aflt-i 'rtîuiaIt. beds. mattresses, dressers, Dounald lounitjoy- 623-3614 washstands, 2 buffets, book- Guy I,eBlant'- 6Z3-3715 case, rugs, floor lamps, rock- Idso Wierçma (Ironn 1649 iitg rhairs, kitchen chairs. Ri)-, Davison luaoîîîy of antiques, dishes, Ruus IIs'i-nn ethany 30r3, manto other ar ticles. Sale at Jolhn M. Sandy 725-8010 1:311. No eserve. Terms cash. 1 4-i Cljff Pethick, auctioneer. 14-1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.me u\er ris. Ex cm reni :,a

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