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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1964, p. 13

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* CLASSIFIED* Cards of Thanks- Personal I wish ta say "thank you " to HYGENIC supplles - (Rubber el who telephoned or sent gifis ýgoods) mailed postpaid in plain or cards ta wish me a -h appy j ealcd envelope with price list. birthday". All were g reatîy Six samples 25c, 24 samp]esý enjayed. Thanks very muc h ,$1 .00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Wesley R. Allun. 14-1. Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91. _____HamilIton. Ont-. -,- 1_52 1 wish ta thank the nuorses Room and Board and staff also Drs. H. B. Rundle and Dr. GuI, also al AVAILABLE immediately: ecI n',y friends and relatives who derîy persons, mnen preferred. Yrère so kind and thocîghtful ! Phoine 623-3935. 13-tt while I was a patient in Me- -ACCO-MMODATION-avaitabîr marial Hospital. April Ist iu new boardingi Betty Richards, 14-1* house on Queen St.. near Gond- %-ear plant. For inforrnation P h o n e 623-29-.3, evenings My sincere tnariks t0 o nlv.1-: friends, neighbours and rela-- -____ tives for cards, letters and LICENSED f lowers. A special thanks (n N rsn H m Rev. P. Rorneril, Dr. Rennie. Dr. Kandell and aIl the nurses SOUTH Ha~v ursing Home while I was in Port Perry Hos- Accommodation for privateý pital. a n d semi-private patients, Mrs. Beatrice Saneilis lounge TV. Fully licensed, 14-1 new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable, rates. Free ambulance service. Phone In this way 1 wish to t}îallk Ncwcastle 987-4441. 41-tf aIl those wha did show kind- "HELde NrigHm iiess ta me during mv recenton Hi gayNu.iensgdHome t a nMemorial Hospital, ommoaio aay ilable. in- es Ially Rev,.J. C.Ver- care. tiNurse 24 hrs. Viind brige, Dr. Mikios and nues- wcme. NPhone24rs. Witrn. es; also to Mrs. Bettyv Rich- Wescm.Poe r.Wn ards for being such a wonder- fesoyer, Newcastle 987-4252. l room mate. 4____ -1 f Mrs. Cornie Srnîdstu a. 14-1SOLINA 1 wish to express ni.,;Scuec*I 'E A lairge couiregat cci ýt- thanks ta relatives and fricnds teîîded the church service ocn for flowers, gits, cards and Easter Sundav. Revercnd Caf- visits during my stay iin Me-'fa chose as his subject -Týic marial Hospital; speciai thanks Taste off Victor.v." A prelude la Drs. Sproule, Hubbard and of f aster muîsic was pi ovicled Sylvester, nurses and staff. b%- Mrs. F. Cryderrn at thi-- and ta Ladies' .uxli ri 1 piano and Mi.ss GladYs - The Royal Canadian legionu iowlees at the ni-gan. Thev and St. Paul's Church U.C.W. also accornpanied the chour (Mes.) Georgina Carter._aîcd congregat ion f or he 14 hv:csduring tho eri- Mrs. Bary Co\vling. Bo %v- My sncere fhaîclc t, D rnaîville. favored wt a love- McKenzie, nurses and Qtf of 1.,:snoo.-The Holv- Cit\ . 'Thei Memorial Hospital, also rný, ehoce selection was the aui- relatives, ffriends and îeigh-Ithcrmn li oseplVs 1oe boums, Shiloh U.C.W.. Ifeather Grdn .Rebekah Lodge for cards, vis- Duriuig flic Scuîuda'. Slcooi its, fflowers sud giffs '.hile Iliour, preceding flice l1iuecl was in the hospital. Mauy service, a special Easfee lieo- thanks for kindinesses demie grani \.vas presented. This was jsince 1 came home. Tlanks aerauiced bv Mrs. Tom Bakeru again. arud Mes. G. Brown vifitlîch Bernice Sfark. 14-1 former iii charge, Tlîe proc- pgram uucluded eeadings b'. Mes. T. Baker, Peggv MIilîsu i. 1 wouid like fo expu e:ýs nv Jaekie Browni. Carol Wafsi) thanks and apprciusfunî f0'sud Karenu Yellow-iees: s soui2 lniends and neighbocurs f'orb%, Illie Primai-v Class. vouai: fîawems, cards sud vusits wluie Ouets b'. Kathx' sudScsu iu hospital. Thanks to Rev. Vice. sud Shirley ilamrnaud C. Dugan, Tyrone: Ty ronie L. BeverleY Pascoe: aeîd a tv O.B.A. 1244, Club 5f). Louug resd bv Mes. JohnciKuii o Sault Homne sud Sc-hool. Alsor Seripfcure passages were read' thanks ta Dr. Keith Slemon. bv, Ewset Werev, Herbue 'Tik Dr. H. Rundîe, numses sud i sd Glenin Milîsouî. and thue staff on Medical Floor for their' offeing was fakeui b'.'Bruauî wonderfui care. Knox, Mueray Yellowlees aujý Mrs. Jacobinue Vaievk. Neil Tiuîk. 14I Quife a miluberfroîuc lîci atfeuîded the (;ood Fridia. I wouid like to express n1vchuech ser-vice ati l-auî fu Appreciatian tamynieghbocuus, 1Miss Pat Kniox sud her hecc- friends and relatives for il(uetli2 Kenî sang saOuet, Wi iovely cards, flowers sud gîffts inug f0 take flie Cross- RI,- 1 eceived whiie iiithelie e- Cafta spoke on "Thle ILov.e of .rýor ýbl-Iospital. Special thauîks flue Cross.- . r DrHJ. B. Rundie sud the The cliurclu ser'. ir-e uc\t nurses and staff oui the Mcd-'Sundax-, Apt-l ilih wiIl be .uf Ical Floor for ail their kind- 1:30 oclock, with Suudavý ness ta me. I wouild aiso lkeSclool foliowimîg at 2:45 pi.'ý ta thank Rev. John Romneii, Confirmation Sunda'., Apu ilý for aIl the calîs he macle on 1-Nfsrvcswllicud h' rn wil iMtes . a' 14-If celebnationi off Holy Comunc: Mrs. . G av. un al, Zion, Eldad aud Hanup-, foui. Membees joiuîuîg oui Clarence Peu fol ad s):uidtuamsfeu-from obhîe churc'nns_ family wish fa express sincere wilb -evda hs nppreciation to their un suv1 vices. A recepfiouu for a1' relatives and friends for th,-those 50 couificmed anîd f manyact ofkdnes lIral 1ceivcd oui the Hamptonî c re tributes, and expressionîs offcit ilb eda .i uympathy in theur reccutlic l1-lamptouu C. E. Bculdilug.j beeavemet-nt. Specual thauuks! Au Infant Baptismal Ser-, ta Dr. K. Slemon, Dr. Il. vice '.viIl be hielO oui Mothers3 Rundle, Mrs. Monrison anud flie'Da,'. Mav 10. Parenîts vishingr .staff af the Medicai1 sud fa have babies baptuxcd shoutd Chronie Floors of Memoriai contact Reveu-eud Catin '.e,] Hospital, Bowmanville. roi, beffoie tlîst date. their great care sud kuiduie..u Se'. euai menifi ocu Si uu la Mrs. Penfound in hln louug af:eud cd thîe A OTS iui iilness. Many thanks aiscu ta iieetiiug af Ziouî, last w.eek.'s Rev. John Romerîl sud Rex'. I We aâre pleased fui kn:.î'v Harry Mellow for the besuti- Il that Revereuid Catto is wslk- f ful service, the Morris Fu nuaiug agsiî, vitluthelic suda<cf Home and the Fidelis Croup'calîe. affer hsviuîg lis rig;it C off the Courtice United Church Iegc in s cast for flurce uîîoîîîîî's c Women for theiî- kiud sud as flic resuît off su accident. thoughtful gestur-es. 141' . Tiue Wnme ns îsitufe wil!s luncto Thersdav night. Apeil RESULTS COUNT! .9at 8:15 p.m. Roll cali 'Singy,n saacf, or Psy'v 25c fine."!b Thue Explorers met oui Sa:-i unday aftcrnoou vvitl suxfccuî i îuîcrbees preserit. The sfud 'v, t offlindia wasscouîfiuîcued h inMsB.Tiuîk snd Mes. R. Ce'. - 01 MULTPLELISING ERVCE dermaii. Bev.erle.v Pascoe aunda MULTPLELISTNG ERVIE SllY Laugmaîd assisfed ;n Sc Consuit a Memnber of the tie worshipsrvc, u a Osharwa & District ga 'me was pla.ved.iil Real Estate Board faniY athnd ai'Mr.lad k Mers. Ralph Larmer's. Ba or- ci Ii g Sunsef Terracea St'B-DIVISION O 'Liberty St .N. Bownnîanîv iIe c tOME IN TO-D U X\ AD CHOOSE VOUR a LOT IN THIS BEAUTIIULLY PIANNED N( SLB DIVISIONd Hlomes Buit B vB LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. J. ffc AsLowA$$33900 N j hi H $1,200 DOWN TEM o For Appointment to Inspect tei Phone 623-3393 Ho G c kui W. FRANKIN me REAL ESTATE tic fît 177 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE out Moc 1ICK,~-, onz irav spendiiig tUe holiday s At !s ,The Canad ian Statesm-an, 30own Corporal Ken Strang. 'Mes. miwhome inî Windsor.___ Sfrang, Tom and Steven, 0t- WMe. Arthur VanCamp and: evat ec cna-du tawa, xvrre Sundav tea guests ýoefinsfo otPrvNwate %r udvd off Me. and Mes. Harvev Yel-. M somefriends rom PortPtrryj rer guests off Mr-. andMs lowles ad failv.ispent Priday ta Sundav on aiR ussel Mountjoy. MssBoa-, r Mes. Bruce Tinik vizited lier H ' * nl n aýCl-trice Mounfjo.,. OIiawa, \xas n sister, Mes. E. Harvev. Tor- Hela in DowmanvilIe iMe. and Mes. Dannv I- an afternoonvio. Sharmia tý ono, onWednedav.cucco, Lesa and Joe37, Osllawa,l and Kara Lee reirnailied for a auto.on Wdnesav. pent the weekend with Me.1 ffew dys. Mand mlv#mesnPercveel March 31st. 1964 William Arthur Porter, 16 His Worship comniented and Mrs. Lorne Thompson. 1 îMiŽ e Eldeiî'W Te * Sfurav eagueîs ff u- Thre Ohaw vuth, Rb-Division Street, Bowmanville, that there were sa many Mr. Lorne Thompson arîd anto. aîîd Merle Thornpson. Sauda Mes. BuesTinkf an.dCet evOshawe 17. 93 Ren- who appeared December lOth familiar names and faces that Mes. Colacicco visited Mes. Ashbueu. were Tuesdax- guests, ffan rnl. Buc Teuad r Strpef, De 17.s93 re,- and pleaded nat guilty ta it seemed like Old Home Weslev Montgomery in Lind-j and Me. and Mes. Sani Tomp- fMul. aî es RvLaiae 1,57 ncl StreetDni aoqe charges off dangerous driving Week. sav Prîvate Hospital. Satur-' kinson and Erie. Wcstouu. Nie. rnaîd. Me. aund Nies. C. Langa- and Robert Henessey. ane 16 and driving while bis licence Robert Lymer, 96 Byngi day. Wrn. tps of sI:id xer .maid and childreui were ,tea 152 LSleStreet, appeareâd xas Linder suspension, appear. vne sawwscige i.aî Nr.Nrun M rs. ôrra\- gesîs ifNî.u guesfs off Me. and Mu-s. -loyvd for sentence. cd before Magistrate Baxter December l2th with failing ta Nalix' Coîbonîe, ,vere es. reVeînii Preto ad failv B\van O Mrch10h he 1sdtodav. On December 1Oth he stop at a stop sign ait an in- guests off Me. and Mu-s. Carl _- vileto anSud am'v. beemn On arged joîIwh lýv 1with lad'been remanded ta Janu- tersection. Eajs Wrialit and scîpper guesfs off ' Careon aud Aun hI Seubreakiîîg ed nti-v sud tlftarv 98th dt osal . Constable G. Eas P Mc.'and Mes. XalIace MaeIr- seerdasdîeiu Es eu'from Haroî Pcs agte. Obn-that dt osal .told the court he and Sergeant îow, Sundav. .d sevra das iirngEaser frm arod ecks arae.Jovut, OPP, told the court off Gordon Keast had been in an Me. and Mes. Xeneiit Steele : holidavs w;ith MNr sund Mes.ý R.R. 2, Nestletn. 'l'v were c1aing Porter ffrom Oshawa unmarked car, and werel n lnO-1s wr c- . -c Ton W~tIke Peeroroig. asocharged 011nlvou tha't Town Line to Nichols' Garage, southbound on H-ighwav 35 d ay guests of Mr. aind Mes.1 .. . i Me. and Mes.Johin Flett.date with theff off a Cheveolet. Courtice. H-e said Porter was about three in the afternoon. Cauîdace sud Julie, Brockville,ipick-cîIp truck Il o ni Rac viîga ihrt "ewr bu 00fe Jim Marlow and Amiue. Mes. T. Flett, Columbus. weî-c Snooks, Nestleîoî sed n de htbsh ot fteTutonRa i- Mr. and Mes. George Colei LEAN Suîidav visitors witlî Me. and Thev' ail elected Iiiki by cence had been suspended two tersection when we saw a aî e ukAce.Pr Mes. D, Fleff sud familv. nagistrate. pleaded gHope, Mc.h prviosud Meters.spicouptrukn D1 undcrosI Mr aud Mr~s. John Thomson evidence was heard. and tev oth rvi'l. otrwa ik-ptuc etound crossy Edgertoîî. Cadmnus. and Mes. D Id e ,ýand cand thevAncosnd, guilty.'Highway 35 at 20 ta 25 miles Gea. Fowîee were Suîday af-1 iauod chiddeen, Ancasrerndisitedweore ffound guilt «v. Thev \,eret Then Magistrate R. B. Bax- an houe. There are stop signs ternooci guestis off Me. andi ouiSuuda. wfhMr.an Me, emanded until this weck s50 fer warned William Arthur there for vehlicles travelling Mes. Harold Crawford, .Jatiice, R. Vice. pre-sentence reports could he Porter that if he acted like a east and west. Accused didan el\' SHORT- RIB or Mrs. Rae Pascoe wvas a ce-, prepared. Ilutfli reautime cIlild hie would be treated like not stop, and hie was charged,"I and euuî . LreBa- cen tus ffMsA Ilicir' thev were wariied to sfay'a child. He ordered Porter ta Constable Evans stated.b fBeevor. Oshawa. oin the fo- apsert from eac-h other sud ob- report to the Bowmanvilie Robert Lymer was fatiodl bien, Toronito, called Mouîday i . Mi-, Kenncth Caverlv.Ha-Iip- G L Mrd c1ý s a t 7:30Poice arnd bsre a hnineot uilfy mers bithdav.serve a îiîîe o'clock ufew. Plc eatetec ih uly He was fiuîed $10 andj Frank Cateand MD.nald. MesatadI i at -3 ad osevea nnecotsorfie dy C r-t, ere SDîalud, a- ng ton. Me. and Mes. Wl Ton- who appeared four Stapley.ý o'ciock cueffew. Leendert VanDorp, R.R 2,1 pi oveIlwerl'SatcrLewis!___ kîuî, Mes. Hiauel Mâeeritt. Oshi-,poiuîted ocît thaf lis client ~'rîTis week Porter was ce- Newcastle, was charged March visiors l bli Mis. Lewi awvisited Mr. an~d Mis. N.1 pre-senteuice report \vas qtîîte' marded until Aprîl 28th. He 2nd with stapping his car on yi Wo:ei. NisN.Wotefavoturable. If showed that was toid it will nat be neces- Na. 2 Highway where it imn- Me and Mes. Donald Gceenj Me. anîd N oInStapleyv had been workiîîg ]Msaev ta repart each night ta peded traffie. c suent Sunida.v xifh lier par- visited oun Easfer Suiîdav witlh General Motoîs, auudin Lob-'fi omniî olcbt Acsdexîiîdfitî15ents at Daetfford. iTP Mes, L. B. Williais. Bow- laws duriîîg his nspare tiuiie, bliat fliere was not to be anv children a t t e n de d'Ih'- ewioi'M u Saw" Normaiî Greenu to the village.! niarî\ île. snd with Me. and tniil lie became iîîvolved xvifih driîîking. Schooî and since onie had been'!h" ivdfontefrn Mes. Frank Gilbert. Itie law iii Oshiawa. lie admit- James Biockrnan, formerlv almost hit bv a car îast year,' hvnoe in lefr Miss H-elen Baker. TorOIifo. ted that white lice vas on pr~o- Stonîe Street, Oshawa, advised he hs beoe etrmlir iidav. HOME - 'MADE ,Me. and Mes. BarrY Cowlîng-, bation ffeornOshaw'a inrtief liîe court lie was married oui cautia M on e I.'uthelîokiui Ha Ituo~ Bowma v-ille. w\ee SLiuîda .N1îwo charges îîad heeu laid Maîî h 7h and is now living He said fliat w'îeii som e0 1\ ro . LSpeu it l si we ke dam vToBr anditli NI sd Ms,.lereiliGreenbank. The charges childreji cao ouf almosi~~on hlp Rne ad 'rom Bake aii fanil'. Me Miidoci sîue Ouhathi~were fheft and assault dating front ai his car hie had stop-'Ms irl veatne Good Fiida *v vîsitors wilî client xvas iow \vorkiuîg lca back twa x'ears. He admitted ped short. At the same time. the Confereiuîe U.C W. in Mu. and Mes. E. Cevderni araae hc fu1Geiu-lM- lie oasnu probation from he added, his little girl had KnsoîTedvau e wveee Mr. sud Mes. Keui Me- tors were wîlliîîg Io :ake uini Oshawa aîîd added that lie scrambled iîîta the car, ThisKigtnTeca ad d- CA N IO -Svec Miucn andcd lildeen aîud Me. bat-k xvhenc'ver a joh was vokugaGeeaMohacuedimostpl niesday.- CA AIO - aeS sud Mes Chas. mt, A pn.w okn a eea o a lue i osoplne r i Ms ly rgt a.a .Snîif, Osli R. B.Rsaxer re-fors. than approved by the offierj a Mc. aîdMil eI.od rightd Mi-, nd Nrs J andMagidstale\'Utl îV le was îernîded UtlAp- in the car fallowing him. îîd faiNîel vMortodn Mand'i M ek Ea oae r!ltaid toîd to continue The constable w'a. absent OshawakEvaporate farnîl'. Mr. sud Mis. George 26f1î. advisiiig liiii to recîurnirrepoeting to the probation of- from court due ta illness s0 Mr-. aîîd Mes. Raîplu Larniier I Bittiier and Dianîua. Oshawa, as soouî as passible tu GeiîeraI fîcer, Oshawa. the charge was dismissed. i wove SLîndav visifors wifli Mofors snd uîoi Io associate - . and fainiiîv entertaîîîed Me.1 Mu. aud Mes. E. frvderiiian. with the ccli<-r tIwo livolvd. .Eaîd Mes. Ernest Larmer, Cor- KL E X SAVE Mes. S. Rundle. Miss Jean l-eriessev sud laroe-quu w'ic"Pli 1 ,i ~p oral anud Mes.1J. K. Strarug Ruîîdle, Bowrnanville, Me. aîud ecd given scspcîîdcd cuîv.,,ang~sd boys, Me. and Mes. Har- Mes. C. .1. Wray sud dauLIP1- feuce for s year. sud oudered ýVev Yellowlees aud family, TIS E f e i-s, Oqîiawa. wevre Eastee fo i eport oncee a uuoutlu fui tIicT I:M r.sud Mes. Glenîn Larmer Sîîîdav tes giiests off Me. sud pr-obationu offîc-er Oinii(acand baNs, Mr. and Mes. br Mers Ross Cr'.dcrmnî aî1id!Each was %wari d W nUUam B w lingI Snowdenî, o11Saburday i elîildrcuî. aw's'. from tlîe otla rMe. and Mu-s. Doni Pargater c Mes. Ilîsr'. Groomiîs aud Me. Fi-ed Cobbledi III .L 1and famil 'v, Poet Perry, wepre ro uc D prt Gordn îParker, Toronfo, re-,tIc, appeared for ,snene f jn D i t ic la o fSLnday gucsts off Me. sud Mes., UC SWFET C'.5. îstmuhîice, hrc of thft ud 0 ~~. egin bwî g Egîe H et Sorry bu report Mes. Fdna NVIus. RA tes udeh10 oî o eikigiiilth ee o ucui ad Zn ILgo oln Eg 11 ent.McLaughliî is iiiOshiawva Hos- ucuî R.s the nd.ss Dori.ae.ofHe w-ails iern ude rtîplsYofffs xveeliîeld at Liberty Oshawa won the sinigle and pifaI. We lope foi- a speedy Mlo. Wateloo, is D v i. td S-Apuil 2i ws rded 10 ob Bow! on Saturday, March 28. double championship. Bow- recovery fru ieu, also ail the af O a g ()fix-eihere. eArveii i-ndordrl o-k -o rfe am rmAax.omn Mu- vsd ee-. servMdO e- -ls ouc.iîp s -cd o bbe îeOshawa, Uxbmudge and manvîlle will aiso have anc other resideuifs off Caetwî,ight, foui, Rndbuuî sude o- dîck torsget adob.sd uae- iWhitby competed, with Bow- other team ta go ta the district wlio are ill. X1iuie aîruTOS to, obn ndBrce Tr-ic t gt jban iakiMe. sud Mes, VneCi ANnacNT outo. Mes. Wni. Culliuîg sud1sometiiug off hîs life. ýmanville winning the team playoff alang xith Whitby. Torno eeweei uss -raiiddati-liteir. 1leatlucr Sler- 1__________ ______ evecit. Winning team memn- Bowmanvilie also will have a ocrando, u-c eekeHaiduss riff, Osliaw,,a, wc-ue Suudav FR hAT'ý bers were E. Perfect, P. ob doubles teamn go on ta the Mr. and Mes. Esel Trewin AP E guesfs off Mu. aud Mers. Ale c "O1 AITi bis, A. Lobb, F. Samnis, B. District Playofi. aind familv. Euîîiskilîeu, werel Potteu-.SELECT USED CARS" ~- *. Suîîdav guests off the Fred- _ Mr. A. Pot fer accouipauiied- SEE R I ~ ~ % U 7kfT rewins and Albert Weights. CO>OD~ SIZE Me. sud Mes. R. Middletouî B LÀ K U O C Satuirday eveniîîg Mr. and anud chuildren u fui sit Me. srud Mrs. Grant Edgerton, Cadmu Mrs. Harold Potter, IIamptoru Euglut Explorera and 16 Mes- weekend with hee parenits ufn pntertalned Mr'. aîîd Mrs. Edý M Q E N sengees met tagether Tuesday Toronto. Hareis, Mr. snd Mes. . . Ca tldIuUU OBT A Yin the Sunday school roaîn Mrand Mrs.John Kewen, Flett and Miss Donna, Mrs.~ u MOTOR SALES sf rip "Village Boy ini India," consfielId, Quebec, are visiting haffy, Bowmauiville; Mr. and CRISP-FRESH-LEAF MOTO SA ES affer whichî bhey maved ta her father, Me. Everett Tee- Mes. Vinue Cain. Toronto; Mur. WL ANEDA EIN- I TE thein sepacate rooms. The wn. and Mes. Gilbert Magill Col- OnI ofNAwMiDR eMAditn MT- Messenges had a discussion Ms. W. W. Vn a uu ad umbus:Mrad s. ury Oied off Newd,ýcaste dalMQen Pe. aotteflm olcl aisfiiu e VaîCaupsn t ikttaM. ad*ro ac ET ýýiIim dga Brnnpased 21 KIG T.E. "What Easteî- means ta mye." the weekend with Mn. and Chapmaîî, Part. Perry, Mr.T C aWil Li dae Beunauî, passd 1cKNGS. . Mes. Fecguson explained same Mrs. Ron Drinkwater and Jim Harris, Mes. Jean Mc- 22d.164 Il wsiu hs94h BOWMANVILLE flîiîgs about Easter, also the family, Ottawa. Laughlin, Grant and Ne iMr. P.E.1. NO. 1 TABLE 2ea2d 1.leusd eu in i for ouulv uhrzdD o legeiid off the Easter eggs and Mr. sud Mes. Acustin Bea- and Mes. Menvyn Graham and thceradla en l o fl dahoizd eaer'o be a labeth BiIly'soastr Mr spent a few days wibh BiIly Pai-gater, ic honor off Souîe of fhs te ERiîmC.er Cars buneas E,BlzehThson cockMr.and Mri. Jiio. Mcw and Me. and Mcs. Ed.lHarris' wed- P T T E Phone 623-3356 Bcnv'A uinEse aiy, Toronto. dingz anniversary. Beîuîau aud Eliz.abethu Tomns,** gamie'was played. Misses Gertrude Henry and, Saturday, the'Local Squirts the deceased wa'c bou-uuaf Lot The Explorees lîad their Doris Griffin sperut the week- off Part Perr' played two 34, Cou. 1. Clarke 'lownship, 'The sales of 1964 Ramiblers LIscîsl openiog ceeemoîy. and end at home, games off hockey iuî the begin- thucfarni puopeutv owuued by, have been bcyond ail expec- eeading off the log. Tl'le for- Comparai and Ms. J.K. niîîg off a tournament in S R Iii-s falier, sud b'.' is granîd-! tation with tbe resuit that ]mci- chapber off "The Golden Strang, Tom and Steve, 0f- Brampton and won bath YS R f hef fore iîîî I-Fle attend-I we have some immaculate Coin" wece eeviewed, then tawa, spent the weekend with games. They uetcurn Thursday cd ha'sSchool.1 trade-ins. Visit ouîr lot to- ýMiss Donna McLaughlin read the Erncst, Glenn and Ralph for more games. Neil Me- Fnllnvv'in-Iglis niai iage iii' day and teçt driv-e one fthe concluding chaptex-. JO- Larmer familles and the Har- Laughliiî. Blsckstock, a nl d 77 KinAgI Jcuuue 15. 1905, ta Max' Locuise' these used car-s. anue Ballingal, Linda M c- vey Yellowlees, Salins. Larex' Jackson, Caessî-ea, are VARw. Ruuuclu who predeeeased îi- lLsughlin, Launie Turner aod Miss Dianne Wheeler, Oslî- members off this team. s.W Me ernui esied ueu-~196 Po tia 2-r.Leanuîe Dorrell gave the wor- awa, spent the weekend with es Ccl oruuu, e PHONE F maitîder offIi-lif letînie n V-8, automnatie, s t a n d a r d ' ship. Chief Explorer declared Mr. and Mu-s. Ernest Swain Milton Payne, Me. and Mu-s.1 623-3541 Newcastle. transmission, positive trac- 'tfie explorationu finished. and famiiv. Sidney Ferguson, Slîarma andilF Thîe foi ni e Bcuîalu~ei, fntin rear axle, tinted wind- Mauudy Thursday was oh- Me. George Alexander- isKara Lee and Dale__Powell, 110uw ouicd lis Chas. c: - h- ipld-n ri d ir 1ii1 served in Sti. olin's lir-, _____ %v as puirehascd bh, foc! Bernan of Uni ted Emnpilre Lo va 1 stock a nd his Sootch w i fe, W ho. e faril.\ narn %vas Car- trac,. ( wîdow off Sir John Bey- erlev Robins~o )from Kinjg,'s Co]leoge, York, i n ftlh Provirue of tipper Canada. on Jone 23, 842. The deed is wclpre- servcd to this da\. On the deatti of Joe] Bc-, mil, the farrn wvas didedý between his two soils, Jnel, Who had the casi Portion, and; Edwin who had thle West por-ý ion. Edwin :ýet oiit a nUrsery, and at one tine was gr-owinil ()\,CI 100)species off pea rs a lie. Villianî Bernan, hisý on, ilhe deceased, \vas a rp- ognized authorjtv on pears in hîls part of Ontario. Throughout the area tF, leceased W as aIs o a wett- :noxvn and h ighl v respected, rchardist, w-hi(ch avuation lie, 'arried0on onlt il h isretire- lient int1938, A mîeniber orf Ilie Un tled hlhMr. Beiniai was or- i i al1lI a Methodisi alid was etiv e uc a ffai r's. Il erved as a îîeinîber rf thé,e Ifficial Boa rd of the New'- 'a ' te United) Ch o rrhl for a lumber of \,cars. lie was als).' ýt oîîc tlrne, a mcrnbcr of the e\Via ' s1le School Board. The dec eaý-ed is suîrvived liv brother. Arthur off St. Pe- rsburg, Florida, who was 95 ,ears nid on the day off W. El crmnWs death. Also surviv-' g are tour nhece.s. May' f Mrs. .Mc Bath), St. Petersburg, la. Dorotlhv fMrs. B. Lv11- ord i. Scal Beach, Calif.; rvne Mi. Rinch and 'Marion VIes. Chas. Gîlkesî., hot off e wca st e. The fîc ieral se rv:ee , eld frorr the Morris Fuiîcral lorne, Bowmanville, ou Ttice- av. March 241h, anîd w-s ouducted b- Rev. E. C. Wood- nd Off Newcastle. Intermen!- a., m Bowýnan%-ille Cerne- PaIlbearers w e r e Messrs. larold Gibsoî., Jack- Wade, eorg,,e Grahanc. E. R. Love. n. George !Iunsd p.G le we! . (;îer'al Motors ranaîîteîîaîîe en have about 16,5 acres off 01 space tb dean ini Oshawa Onc. En route. the%' we-ar t 1 .001) broorils and I-300) Ops: lise up 1'500) gallons Off OIr cleaner a à ear. snn Il. r, ,, t iIres. ,'till under warranty. 1963 Chev. 4-Dr. 6 cyl.. automnatie. caistom ra- dio. Real sharp n'hite with red trim. 1962 Pontiac 4-Dr. 6 cyl., automnatie. custom radio. Local trade-in, A-i condition. 1961 Pontiac 4-Dr. Station Waglon V-8, autoniatlc. customn ra- dio, power hrakes and steering. Ideal for the fanily summer holjdays. 1960 Triumph Convertible 4-speed floor shift. Sharp red sports job! 1959 Ford 2-Dr. 6 ùYl., standard transmis- sion, local trade - ini. (<od transportation. SPECIAL! 1955's - 1956's Choice off more thari 10 makes and model1s, inelud- ing station wagons . . . must be cleared. some a% ln%% as $295. SERVICE STATION Prevent rust - have Your car UNDERSPRAYED NOV OPen from 7 a.n. until 12 midnight 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 Afier Hours 623-2083 Member of N.AL. CONTAT:0 Fan MeQueen Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Jim Crombie Jack Miller I)ou.- Snidcr Sales by th e S ac'-ra men tà bo f-1Hol y Cornrunion that evening. On Frjdav rnorning the custom- arv Good Friday Prayer Ser- vice was held. Sunday there, was a good attendance for the Easter service. Canon Ash- rnore spoke on the Collect -for Eastee Sunday and adminiîs-ý ftered the Sacramnent af Holy Communion. As well as an Easter lily there were flowers in memoey off William Taylor, also David and Ronald Archer. In the United Church Good Feiday evening, Rev. Romeril .spoke on "Washing nue hands off Responsibility." The choir sang an anthem, "That's Where desus Died." Sunday morning the church was pack- ed. Rev. Romeril's subject, w'as "Christ Is Risen." Thel choir sang two anthems, "God! So Loved the World" and "Now Christ Liveth."1 The Sacrament off ly Commun- ion xvas administered. There were fflowees ini memory off William TaYlor, and an Eas-, 1Cr lily, A bus load or O.NO. Club rnembers, husbands and fri-ý ends went to Toronto Tuesdayý iîight and enjoyed Front Page Challenge. Me. and Mes. Norman Mc-: Nally, Coîborne, spent Tues- day night with Me. and Mrs Carl Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H-arry De La, Matter. Mr. and Mrs. Allan! Hitchman, Toronto, and M. Jack De La Matter, Stouff-1 ville, were Wednesday supperi guests; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack' De La Matter, David and, Doug, Stouffiville, were Sat-, urda.y guests of Mrs. George1, Crawford and Mr. and Mrs! Wes. Pearce. Glad ta report Me. Charles Turner returned homne from hospital, Thursday. Mrs. An- derson, Winchester, and Mr. anîd Mrs. Ralph Turner, Buck- iiigham, Quebec, are spending a ffew days with their father, and Mr. and Mrs. Rov Turner anîd girls. Mis~s Anna Samneils, Orono, Mi. and Mrs. Melville Samelîs' a'id ffamilv, Bowman vil le,' . peut Fridav with Mr. and Mlr- Kcnncth Samells. Joan and Kath v remained for a fCw' d av. Mr. ,and Nuis. Harold Ma- uî,1 vi>ted feiends in Toronto oun Fridav. NIr and Meç I-{arold lfarrn. .l:orà and children spent the HOUSE FOR Oshawa Office and Show,.roomn Oshawa Shopping Centre Phone: '.28-1617 BOW.MANVILLE - 728-1611 -LIMITED - T0 SEE YPIOF TO SRVI' VO .".J .I% - /.l.nnin t 610 21bs$1-00 A4 tins 59C 3 pkgs 49C Bag569c ~l69 2 c9l 2bchs 29C Ys IY Ope n TIinirs. & 1'ri. 'Till 9 P.111. Feor Your Shopping F"REE I)ELIVERY )ODS IN BEAUTIFUL Parkway Crescent SUB-DIVISI ON LIBERTY ST. S. BOWMANVILLE HERE'S YOUR DREAM HOUSE! 3 BEDROOMS LIVING ROOM RAS ULTRA- BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN MODERN BOW WINDOW * VANITY IN BATHROOM CERAMIC TILE BUILT FOR MODERN SPACIOUS LIVING IMMEDIATE OCC UPANCY BUY NOW AND SAVE$190 LOW N.H.A. MORTGAGE TERMS PHONE 728-1611 AND ARRANGE TO INSPECT THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS lg 3i. M aI iîn (JEt ccc a n d t s o c , uu itI-î<î LIîu;î 1stork. Mn r nlanx i11e. April 1, 13 Pick Up Your FREE ENTRY BLANK for the MEXICAN FIESTA CONT EST af JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL AGENCY Bownxanville 623-3361 &Sî 63 l Dast 69 lb ST 5 c3 lb es lis 0 5 SALE

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