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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1964, p. 3

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L 0 tained some girls n the e- 9 P c~~~~~~~~asion of her birthday last John, Mr. And Mrs. Richa-d The Canadian tsanBom vllArlL14 Legion Preparing for weevery Easter Seai'ont.wr odFda Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallo- ort ihMs ute '-H l Annual Vimy Night Will Provide Help S"oyNaeSc.'n · · ts atTMra Crippledk'Child,;Communionr Dinner 38 vng pwih eple. under the soaatteded he Cohranedp. direction of ,Mrs. E. C. West- Th_619cipe hlrnpoiino rths, correct- Sutton weddinoý on Saturday N an S o h nlHlocial vein b hed n at heuer angwel i exellntin the province, hivmng on ive braces, wheelchairs, re-lat "The Church of the Ope'nieo ietyanulCm-IdaovnmMa t,1ne Presidenrt Te-d Sheehapn pre- 178 eight mani team in the presented durmng the contests voice. their anthems being amso i it omso i eac admayohe uc ibe" eebooghSuno dnrtob hl o hejit upie o heHl r ded at the meetmng of District Crib .bage Tournament has risen in a marked degree "Were You There" and "H1-r k o the nothern964haml etatvte r1o h atr M ed.u veennArl1t tNm oit n h ah ranch 178 of ithe Roval 'held recently had qualified to thanks to their successful ef- leIlujah for the Cross".Teko htte16 atr elfnsaepoiigteSatiss v Swtevlensounsn 630 l. iok n St Jsp h oensLau.Ti danadian Legion held at the'play in the Provincial Crib- forts. communion service was Ob-Saùapinmashpmasfralvano u- BatuMrey ith hae r ont, M r Hall, iet tet otwsaeoddiyNra Legion Hall on Thursday ev-1bage Tournament to be held First ViePeietKe,-ith served and those received into!To them the Easter Seals fering. and in many cases the'BoMreel , Mrs lenSGro ee iso cu tte eetHnnnin arid h enmng. More than 40 members this spring. He also an-,Ferguison. Chaijrma n Of the church membership w e r e : bring treatment and training,, remnoval or reducing of handi- and r.il and rs.en.mih eTmg he oranzain.SpcilEvnt C-harmn were present. 2nd Vice-Presi- nounced that the Zone Bowl- Car Draw for a 1964 Oldsmo- Nancy Hallowell. Drs od oosiiltoorndpndne ape oniios mars.Gle o.eo THuhes.presidentd lnolTmMatro adJsp dent Bill Bate-s, *the Seiling Tournament would be held bile, which 's to be held in, Bruce Trim, Ted Stark and' andrief fha rotepyia ti esuigt nwthat otredtoMavsie on - E as Hugs. presiddan thrCdahweeeusedo Events Chairman. reported on Saturday. March 28th- conjuniction wýith the Legion.Wayne Stark. hradpst havbrth illness every Easter Seal gift will be Srnith's u tandto visit Mrs was a good atendanc ttecnatteCWL nti that planhehave been complet Jack Adams, a Branch 178 ,Carnival here in August, an- -- -- - iethv eft with of ome help to a cripplediand Mrs.au tBead clMr me ingreport , aos atr eftheniaturday evnngPublic Speaking Committee nounced that tickets to sell on e -e. hid Smith's grandmother. M r s.by the treasuirer, JohRAlterwten oTm April 11th, when the veteran, member, reported on the Dis-,this draw wvill bie distributed1ZION Ls ear flhe Ontario So- Balistow. John Liptar trnoe, htn atronb uryWlo ofWoldWa Iwil e h rict Public Speaking Contest to the members during the ciety o rple hlrn Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wieargrigteueo atn honored guests of Branch 178. held mn the Legion Hall in commng week. Mrýs. Arthur Scott and fam-' whose only appeal for fund s i o- adMs1a ss W ak Nwate o h n H Trentonrecently He said President Ted Sheehan con- ily Roxboro. Quebec. visited maemteaulEster Seal' Toronto, were Friday after- p eno: na S. osphsPaishPe tan 40 have indicated thatiners of its Branch Public Living, who recently celebrat-i,• arie otits biggest pro-HoM sins, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ste :ýligOpoiteoMnwCipl Tw-Rl tHnse.Tedt they will attend this enjoyv- Speaking Contest and the Zone ed the Golden Anniversary of aaMiss Sandra Scott, Roxborogam ial itshitry hisvn lppstinCrtMeeatinrtganul ini a Able event. which is held forContest take part in the Dis- his wedding. Pres. Sheehan Quebec, is staying for a few' year, the more than 16,000 Note:- Will persons wviths11a t ttieyse o Sna Presidenates tate2dthta trict Public Speaking Contest. extended all best wishes for"dy wt onaFrn. youngsters , who are listed on, The regular meeting of Bee-Jnews itemis please not phone' The, progreSsiee hre feron.Jlyoh Pest 60 Balres65aof th "Old They were John McGuirk, who the future toMr anaMs Mr. aon M rs.Jmantonthe Society's rolls as"cie eRbkhLde o 2,5,ltill afternooni, as vour corres- sponsored by the E1«,oh itvseoddb Seats"are6exoecteto be placed second in the Jufnior Livmng. Davy and Douglas were Sun- cases will have increased be-1 was held on March 23rd withlpondent is not often uip unti largely.tendn-eFrstnWde rdNemn mvdta pset "aeepece t eHigh Section of the District Secretary Ron Richards was ýday'supper guests at Leonard caPuseaOtaiossitl rw-NGmiseda;erprsd oo.Hpet etetr idev enin. rst l'Iloae oieymebr ContstandPaty Bakereqestdt seddaleter f Saw',aOhaw.1 gappultioumens eundedsJnggShewasassste byV.G th God Od Smmetim. fnertwee Ms. loy Brwn nd hei failis edea Sean ice-Presicdent Bates who won second place ini the tak oteBwavle Ms on er pn of new cases each year. The!Sis. Joan Gibson. and when il ever comes. a r R J.Pene Cons oatn aso h is AS .,pecial Events Chairman Senior Elementary Division. ýLadies' Auxiliary to the Royallcouple of days in Hamilton pervocit Sal jcve of this'e Sis. Grace Murdoch report- Thdac etigouh inawrswntoM V Fiaofehmnh ws aldiscuadplansfDimte 'Mr. Adams told the meetmgiCanadian Legion in apprecia- with her mother, Mrs. Inezi.a atrSa apin se for the Building Commit.. Hampton U.C.W. was held at eta1eelR ,asd.Temein a ls dtna LD b'Nih ire b hat every Zone in the District t ion of the dehicious lunches' Henry. ýtee, and brought in the fin- tehoeo Mrs.A. dwthaprvrhvte pr and Dance to le edb was well represented in the that they had prepared for the[ Misses Laurie and Lisaý The organization that caresiancial statement of the fundsý chard, with 2)3 members and Mr ar on p-- ta ietr e ig, Apri 81-H si te test, and that competition wasESeaking contests, and for thelmother, Mrs. H. F. Stephen, amazmngly smnall. A tightlyJ district meeting will be held1 B. Killens opened the meetin- and -Mrs. Fred Younm ani la eebu a dredpth and for exceptionally keen and close. Zone Cribbage Tournament. ýOshawa, on Saturd;ay after- knit office sta.ff ait headquart- lin Port Perry on the afternoon with a poem. Minutes we, tirets util aaiabefo this out- !He mnformed the branch thatý The winner of the March noonl. esin Toronto, a score of high- 'of April 21st. readadapov.Cre- Asting evalen r hs Lthe Area Public Speaking Con- i50-50 Draw, was Georges de1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Potter, ly tramned nurses, a corps of D.D.P. Sis. Grace Love will pondence was read and the BtnilgKilpatr. thet nt er- d pr 112tn Madoc on'Paepe, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Toronto, visited at Henry 1vlunter doctors and an army make her official visit here on treasurer's report given. The C who received the prize of Dart . . p piried citizens wholthe eveing of April 27th. Sis.rl al a aseedwt tainiment Chairman, gave a President Sheehan on be- $641: Albert Salman, R.R. 4,1 Mr. and Mrs. George Gor- give freely of their time. The Grace Murdoch was appointed' the number of hospital anid report on the sucrcessfull half of Branch 178 thanked Bowmanville, the seller of the don. John and Joanne, Osha-1 result is a volume of service as our new D.D.P. for the com-1 home calls made: and somte- monthly dances. Hfe said thlat. Branch Public Speaking Chair- winning ticket, received 641wa visited at Keith Stainton's. out of all proportion to the! ing termi: Sis. Mabel Wade and thing of interest regarding A bachelor was bireaf then anasatbeen a eood at- mani Ab Mavmn and his two Ed Rundle, a past president,' Mr. and Mrs. William Brown!mnyseto h work. Sis. Ruth Mitchell as repre-1 India. Mrs. L. Clemens and in a restaurant wýhen e tednea hs ah ns, assistants, Jack Adams and mvdta rnh18dnt and family, Streetsville, were1 This work takes several sentaiv adFcolr o lh Mrs. R. Clemens were in avor there rhmvenbeen many Joe O'Neill, for their splendid'$0t h eio u ak aturday visitors at Wes. Cam- forms. There is a nusn;eeahAsml.Charge of the worship serviceaincptoonaspsd n-vre by mth n hestr ork, He also commented on This was seconded bvDa eron's. service made up of 28 graduae a eie ohl rsnig an impressive Eas- fresh egg- hud hsme flemusic evfi orcesta the fine results of their efforts Dudley, and carried. On a, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart andi nurses each of whomr has tak-! rumnmage sale, withl Sis. Elva te hm dvtoa.-cstey fsmeyu a Sports Officer Doug MUal- in this direction, and said thatmoinbRnJhsne- family. Woodville: Mr. and en a special post-graduate Bekt1n i er un Linda Coulter sang a solo, who desires to miarry % am loni reporIed that a Branch the calibre of the speeches onded by Bob Hayes, itiwas Mrs. Arthur Dart and family course in orthopaedics. Theilham in charge of the ar- "The Old Rugged Cross." AI er's daughter. apeR. decided to make a financial were Suinday guests at Henry summer camp program which ragmns the close of the meeting a SaIe doato t heBwmnileDa rt s. ancludes the operation of five! Sis. Daisv Paeden and Sis of used articles and homne M r. antd M rs. Janmes Harri5 and District Branch of the Mr. n Mrs. Fred Ward and 'different camps provides holi- Vera Burgess were fio attenâ baking was held, with Mrs. - The bachelor w\roteadi Canadian Red Cross. family, Newcastle, were Sun..1 days for more than 1,200 the hospital birthday party Fred Pavne as the capable a few daysr\,>d h fi Celbrae 5 th Annverar de The prte thtB day visitosnataWes Carneron's.1 hidren o h vac th ec ielf etake our USal donatio. in eer. Refres h nm e n I s lowinagt no0: uroeram Service OficerandKeith Fr-well drilled deeper. of their mnability to attend was held for the quilt and, -d nv a nm cil Eigtvrelties ndfrind Carls ambM - avr .gSonicwho isalso it Vie- Master Arnold Dart, Wood- conventional cami ps or other Mrs. Bernice Selers, 108 On- ad avethee hlre lof Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes;Harris, C. Holton and mani vothbers. P.resident, attended the Pro- a, h oi d .yinthisweek s merthvaci-estc ons tario Sre. wstelcyP N Y O Lc Ls formerly of Nestileon, met at Prizedi messages of coni- vincial Service Bureau School Mr.ad Mrs.R.C. ti ohild p wmnprrgprgari o'Si.edihMoevnflcS TLU D 9 St. Lawrence Streeti Lindr- gratullations were received held in Peterborough recently- attended thei bowlinSta onv singlecarpingrgatf i.EihMor-o h While returning from Osh- HR A N EIG say,. on the occasion of the fromi Premier John Robarts, They said that the sessions.quet at Oshawa on Saturday the world. piefrteeeig uc awa Hospital a car owned byBigyordeý fiftieth anniversary of th- Prime Minister Lester B. were exceedingly interestmrg, eeig ln was served by Sis. Hilda Mr. Albert Bowins was ali ngyu-rs hrso s...te ilb honouired couple. The d e- Pearson, the Hon. John Diefenl- and that thorough instruction U anprtithHu heyndergrouip.. most completelv wrecked ;n laundered and f h lightful affair was g-raced bv baker, and a scroll was re- was given in all branches of a two car accident near Enter -ins c uthewy oulk the presence of Rev. Davi .d ceived from the Provincial the work. prise on Hlwv. 11.5. The four, them! Lemton, rector of Si. Paufl's Government. It was urged that if any loccupants, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anglicani Churich.1 Rev. O. G. Mr. and Mrs. Harris wereveterans have problems of an.vH AP T O Brown, Mrs. Penedeer an Locke, iisiter ofr St. Ani- married atQenbrO-1 ki nd that each be sure to con- Mr. Albert Bowins, received drew's Presbytierian ChurCl, tario, March 18th, 1914, and tact Service Officer Ferguson Hampton Unitedi C hl i r c h one, loved byr all who knew, Ottawa, Mr., and Mrs. Do-n no serious injury. Mr. Brown, Rev. Geo. Nicholson. rormerlv theceemnywaspefrmdfor advice and assistance. 89th Anniversarv Services' her. !Stainton, Tyrone. were Good was returning 'from hospitail w of St. John's Church. BlackI- by the late Rev. C. J. Youing. President Sheehan announc- wl ehl nSnaArl M.Mre atns o Fridav visitors with Mr. and where hie had spent a couple stock: Hon. L M. Frost, Q.C.: The bride was the former ed that thle next executive 5th, at 7 p.m. Guest preacher onto, visited on Sunday with, Mrs. Earl Luike. Mr. and Mrs. Of weeks. Mrs. Penedeer had' 'Miss Mariga re t Williamson.! meetIng of Branch 178 will be wviIlie Rev. R. C. White,1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Adok onLk n bv eeSu. en iiigheiubn seMCAfrThey had one dauighter who held jointly with the executive Newtonville, who is chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell., day evenring supper visitors is in hospital. UeMCAfrdied in infancv and a duho the Bowmanville Ladies' of the Oshawa Presbytery.iDouglas, Carolyn and David with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke.1 Easter Sundayv icswr SCRAPESteDroh who resides ihAxlavt h oa Can-i There will be special music were SaturdaY evening sup- Mrs. RnLk visited Suin- well attended on Sunda.y.withý BRISSthm aia ego o Tusdyby the choir, assisted by Mrs. per guests with Mrs. HI. Tink day evening with hler grand.. the pastor Rev. Piercy giving! INFE urin ther liftime Mr.evenig. Aril 6th.Jas. Smoales as guiest soloist,l and M1r. and Mrs. Bruce Tink,ý mother Mrs.Hws' ain uial esg."eser, IFCTIONSan Mr.Hrireie fr__ wh wilbacopnebySm. in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and vice of song was much enjoy 4 igS.E U IJYM AS 6358 Mecca ~ ~ ~ an a aort aiySm tme tHarskatonsask., Mr. Ross Metcalf. Mr. Met-î Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, Mrs. Ron Luke visited on'SunI- ed, with the organrist Mrs. FE O EDLVR Mcc à e vi f fm i ansp e n te tirSsty-th ee yasST R K ILL îal will also sing in the an- ;pent Sunday with Mr. and day evening with Mr. and Clifford Fallis at the rgan Nn raam.p n oroto Thy ive fr m. Mrs. Percy Dewell. Mfs. Don Jonah, Tauintoni. The choir was composed of JC ILSC cceee easa etltnad, otsrvc fwrsi r ndMs .Jycey, Miss Shirley Macklin Owen Young ladies of the congrega- R ZAPPI d countes fo tel pat re vears hltnave lMr. and Mrs. Grant Sylves-, for the Hampton charge was Toronto, vi:sited Mr. and Mrs.!Sound, spent the weknti. Next Sundyiil:b THURS. - Fi.-ST -AP L234 s rsided in indseav. rvele and family, Sarnia, spentheld in the Hampton Church Wm. Axford on Good Friday.!with Mr. and Mrs. Allin Mack-!Sacrament Sunday hn e BvyMecca on then Lndsv hap etrkweekend' at Mr. Jim'on Good Friday at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mr. avey Bal- lin and familyv. members will be received in-1 FRESHP /ncn rue pyoccon algustoincldtwo aP tak The SCr-ipturte lesson was from son, Betty Ann and Beverlv, Mr. and Mrs. Mountenav, to the church.OR LONS E sisters of Mr. Harris who Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk1 Luke 23, verses 32-49. The Oshawa, were visitors 0onand family spent part of Easd1_ The Orange Hall was filled Rb wer a te eddngceemnyspent the weekend al Burke' sermon was entitled "Th..elGood Fridav with his mother,: ter weekend with hier mother, to capacity on Thursday v en rOv nreC t fiftv vears ago, Mrs. m. Pol ýFalls., Love of the Cross." Soloistsý Mrs. John Balson.Mr.EihBetnSeb. nngfra aewldncOrOnP tonr Num a"¢lar an Mr. onlv, othof r. ndMrs Bran aswllwere Gerald Balson, Hamp-ý Mrs. Howard Price and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lapham andý and presenitation to Mr. and! 21-3 Ilb. Av 9 h -Madoc. spent Saturday evening at Mr.1 ton, and Mrs. T. Sobil, Zionl; Bill Price, Toronto, Mr. and familyv spent Satiirday eve-n.. Mrs. Clifford Gilbank and 1 e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - iCOMMEMORATIVE PRODUCTS LTD. 13105 Baseimep Road otlawa.Omtano NAME-_ ADDRESS cirY___PROV L - - - - - .Se OrNEWOe r MURAL SAMPLES FOR A DECORATION THAT WILL ADD DIGNITY AND BEAUTY TO YOUR ROOMS! WEEKLY SPCIAL AER ROOM LOTS - REMNANTS Prticed according to quality and size REDUCED UP TO 50% 1 A BE RNE T H Yà PAIINTS & WVALLPAPERS CI King St. Wi. Phone 623-5431 LEAN, MEATY'9 Campfire, Sliced, Rlndless% PORK Breakf stc HOCKS lb BACON 49b KING OF 'EM AL.1,, Custom-ade STANDING PRIME aly-Ideal RIB C For Bar-B-Q l ROAST 59b Steakettes J LEAN, TASTY L ean, Fresh Slied Short Rib CCOE 9 or cCOE Blade Roast49b1 AIb HOME FREEZER SPECIALS SWIFlýT'S TENDERED BEEF FRONTS SIDES HINDS ib 39c lb 47c lb 59c keit Cawel's, ort'ilpe, duet b 'y Miss Pat Knox and, Mrs. Harold Salter, Mr. and: ing--with 'M'r. -an'dMrs. Gieo.; MisesNoma ndBe lahier brother Kenneth, Eldad., Mrs. Bill Staples. Bowmani- Knox. Solinq. Halloel, oroa n, setthe The Good Friday music wasý ville, Mr. Walker, Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cle-, weedarLewHallo- renderedobyoa combmedhchoi were Sunday visitors with mens were in Toronto on Eas- : well's. fr le Hll- rom Hampton. Zion and El- Mrs. A. E. Billett. ter SuindaY, visiting Mr. and! Tel cr prv tthscho dadi. Mrs. Howard Brent. Tvrone, Mrs. Norman Clemens. t lTheek w aswel attended Ch On Easter Sunday e called on Mrs. A. W. Prescott: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bel] and land 12ektals were layned.has.* Catto chose asathe first'last Tuesday afternoon. Ricki, Peterbor-ough, spent the: Thedhightscoe wes were ae.hymn, "Christ, the Lord i Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cav- weekend -with Mr-. and Mrs. Mr. Carl Tcodd avn Mrs. Gor- Risen Toda .". The second'erly were Sunday evening R. M. Short. don arTrim. Mrs.MileSamis hymn was 'Rejoice, the Lordi dinner guests with Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. Bob McReelis dof Neton. r eville o Stedoris iKinlg,, followed by the Mrs. Douglas Caverlyv and'and Donna visited on Easter prizewtnil o h orscriptujre reading, Luke 24, familvý, Bowmanville. Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. r.an Mr AnvG verses 28-43. The children's Mr., Will Smith, Mr. and John Macnab and with Mr.! Kinsto and Mr Alf Ga, storv was -The Legend of the: Mrs. Elmer HawesWb, and Mrs. Sam McReelis. Knso, ad -r. f ra Lilies,' and the children'sý visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lukeý Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan f ham, Toronto, were guests1hymn was "A Little Seed Lay on Saturday. Mr. Will Smithivisited Mrs. Jacob Kessler, wit M r. and rs. Sid Hallo- Fast A.sleep." The sermon called on Mr. and Mrs. A. W.lWoodbridge, on Sundav, and we . was "The Taste of Victory."ý Prescott and Mr. A. L. Pres- with hier visited Mr. Kessler a Mr. Frank WesthIeuser'. of The choir sang fhe anthem cott, and reminisced about the in Brampton Hospital. Mr. Toronto, spent the wveekend at '"The Lord is mv Strength" by, good old days when thev were and Mrs. Carrigan -:pent Suni- home. Cole Simper. 'A beautifullyý neighibours on Con. 8. Dar- dav evening with Mr. and s Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls rndered duet was given by lington. Mirs. Herbert Prescott, Ennis- t visited Mr. and Mrs. Carlos .isses Lmnda Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, killen. n Tamblyn. Orono. Lmnda Scott from Maple Grove. Oshawa, visited at the A. W. Mr. C. Bovd Slemon. Nanrv tl Mr. Bert Trirnlhas the ex- Service time for the nextý Prescott home on Sunda.v af- and David, Niagara Fall ý cavation completed in prepara- three Sundays, April .5, 12 and ternoon. Masters Pauil and Mark Sle- s' tion for his new house. 19, will be as per the winter Mr. and Mrs. Pearn Lock- mon), BwavleMr.and Mr. John Stone. Orono, visit- schedule: Zion 10:30. Eldad wood, Murillo, recently visii- Mrs. F. J. Billett, Scarborough , ed Mrs. F. Stone. 2:30 and Hampton 7 p.m.: ex- ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sa!- were Sunday callers at the n Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- cept on April 12 when Hamp- ter. home of Mrs. A. E. Billett. son wvere evening guests at'ton service will be at 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. LPwý Crvder- S.L. Re,-. Kersev and Mrs i Mr. Morley Robinsoni's. Confirmation Class No, 7 manl, Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Kersev, and sons, Ottawa, Miss Donna Souch, Bowman- wvill be held Sunday i t.WilbuIr and Donna, Mr. and spent the wveekend with Mr l ville, spent the weekend at April 5, 8:20 p.m. at Hampton Mrs. Harold Salter attended and Mrs. Sid Kerselv. Mr.s home. Churceh. Confirmation Sundav, the Salter - Crvderman wed- LloYd Kersev and sonr, Weiý Last week John Robinison April l?. Confirmation ser- ding in Oshawa on Thursday ton, wvere Satuirdav evenino P ,was a tonisilectomy.\ patient at vicez including the celebration eveniing in Northminster Unit- supper guest.S with Mr. anid Memorial Hospital, Bowman- of Holy Communion will beý ed Church. Mrsý. Kersev. Rev. and Mrç ville. hield at Zion. Eldad and Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wrav Ted Kersev and familyv.Sca f Mr. and Mrs. Dani Shutka ton. Members joining on were Sundar evening dinner borough. spent Easter Mondav and Mrs. Rogers, Oshawa, vis- transfer fromi other chujrches guests with Mr. and Mrsz. Sam w\,ith Mir. and Mrs. Kersev, ited Mir. and Mrs. M. Shutka. wvill be received at these ser- Keane and sons. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lvo and son visited Mr.and nM s. t os so corrfirmed andre.andClant Oshawaudy JrnSa -Kersev ..and MrsM v se G. Scott, Garden Hill, recently .iceived on the Hampton Cir- uirdav\ evening dinner guiests and boys were Sunday even- Miss-Nancy HlallowAell enfer- cuit wl e hfid at 8 p.m. in wilh Mr. and Mrs. BUrrows: ing sppeHroluests h on. Infant Baptism will be cele- RudC .V Jammer and Clint visit- niskilen. nai s at izdl g tsh o f r (o n -Cm a d C r s i e or n o hngton nvo eEa ther W hee fer ~each charge presented Rev. were, Good Fridav visitors Memorial monument and Prp M..a n Ms.Pagre and fm ihMrnd Ms.T.Chant.sident Kenned\,'ý;grave i mn mahogan nd a purse fand family. Doonsview, aMr. attenedatthe 6Ne Yo snr .s smecerelY appreciated the ges3- Keith, Enfield, were Easter Presby terian Church. Liure. Sunda\y supper gu-ests with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tru ll Attention Hampton Ladies' Mr. and Mrs. Fowler. Mr. and Oshawa, w,%ere Easter Sundav, Bring your cleaming equip- Mrs. Tomnlinson, Ball.vduff, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lor- 8entatto the church on April werealsotwith b tDeer>enzo r .Meaf, ape the- spring c!ean-Lp.F River.nspenrthe veekend wili Grove. was anr .aster Monday Messengers met on Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and The Johns famil.v had a dSanbeaim 2 s45en.gerHampton DonaldtuaCobourg,thMnd.fand good atedance the o %n- MondaY at 3:45 p.m. ilv. Pickering, were Easter Hall on Saturday evening,. Hampton choir practice on Sundav visitors wi,,th Mrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barron, Thuirsday- evening at 8 p.m. Hogarth. and Erivnn visited on Sunda Hampton Tvros wvill meet Mr. and Mrs. Ben Killens with Mr. and Mrs. Walter on Thursday at 6:30 p.rn in visited Mrs. Ernest Killens. Lawson, Long Branch. the C. E. B!dg. Whitby, on Good Fridav. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McQueeni 1On Easter Suinday , the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murphy, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bobl morning service wvas bright- Toronto, and Mrs. Sy kez. Abbott and Mark. Bowman- ened wvith a bowl of hyacinths Bethesda, were Saturdav visiî- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, from Mr. Harry Adcock, a tors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. lovely Easter lily brought by Knox. Wills, Toronto, were Easter Mrs. Gerald Balson, and two Mr. and Mrs. Rov Knox Sunday visitors with Mr. and beautiful lilhes civen bv Mr were dinnier guest 'zw it1h M r. Mrs. Wilfred Smale. Mr. Sam Dewell mn loving memnory and Mrs. John Siemon. Ennis- Smale is home from hospital. of his wife Vera, who w,%as îhe killen. on Easter Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wake- frierd and helper of every , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, ly, Catherine, Ernest and[ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ - ---- - --·- --- ardens ARDEN PRIL 9 - 10 - 11 fii GardCner . . . sto an Expert PING¯DESIGÑ~ STIVAL SPECIALS S - EVERGREENS "YOUR FRENDLY GARDEN CENTRE" 4jj PHONE 623-5757 3 MILES WEST OF BOWMANVILLE 11 -LLk-. eý t family* of Ballyduff. Thevi were the recipients of sorne nice gifts. Music was suppliedi by thie Ken Neal Orchestrai with Mrs. Lilv Richardson at the piano. The Gilbank fam- ilv were moving to their new home in Peterborough on Sat-i uirdayv. We heard recently that Mr.I Rov McGill of Bowmanville was in hospital. Until time of' writing we have heard no: particulars. His many friendsl' here will be hoping to hear, favorable news regarding his condition It was our pleasure to pay: a visit on Sunday evening to, Mr. Lou Williamson, a 91 year ý old citizen of our village. We sure enjoy- ed hearing about' the activities of the chur-ch many years ago. He told us5 hat at one time our villagr boasted 2 churches. 31 general stores, 2 blacksmith shops,ý watchmaker, tailor. dress- maker, temperance hotel, har- ness maker. and many\ other. This fine, (younig) gentleman is still very active. We uinderstand that our ladies of the U.C.W. are spon- oring a couple of' short pla've. We wish them the very bes-t. Plays used to be veryv com- mon in the communit.y. de- Velopfing talent, and a g-ood inancial boost to worthv M In Honro JOHN F. ENNEDY A beautifully engraved portrait on a fine quahty silver plated spoon by Oneida. Demi-tasse size. 4½,' inches long. A Collector s item .. an ideal gift! SEND 'V' PER SPOON TO g GIFT BOXEO MONEY BACK GUARANTEE POSTPA10 rk Loins1 Sides of Pork 12 lb. avz. b 9 60-70 lb. Avgz. b 9 All F reezer Orders Cuit and Wrapped Free Budget Termis May'N Be Arranged With :' to fi3Mnths to Pay. Po 10-1 We Also) Specialize in CUSTOM CUTTING and WRAPPING to Suit Your Requirements PLAN TO ATTEND... Van Belle Gi SPRING GJ IlbTHURS. . FRIO - SA T - A jjýI eaturing the Radio and TV\r ( J OH N B R A D Bring Your Gardening Problemns ýj-SEE US FOR LANDSCA WATCH FOR SPRING GARDEN FE FERTILIZERS - SHRUBS - ROSE! 4

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