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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1964, p. 5

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The Orono~ lr. James E. Richards, iditor Attractive Tea Table at Hospital Birthday Party Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Mrs, O. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milison and dîatghters Eticn ând Cathv attended the Gol- ripn Wedding Anniversarv of Mr. and Mrs. Ar'ht Wanna- malter (the former Della Mi!1l Fon) of Wellington, a, the 1 bhiv Centre. Bwmranvile, <f ' 7asztpr Sunidav. M r Fred Tamblvii atIend-ý r #,r] the Salter-Crvderman wed- c:ng in Northminster UJnited ('hurrh. Oshawa, las'. Thurs.! fday evcning...~ Mr. and Mrs. Rave West ' ~-;- .~ ând children visited her par-I ';r e-tits, Mr. and Mis. Percv Hav-! 4.4* *' ward. Rowmanville. on Eas- trr Sundav. Ir. and MrF. Gprald Lunn,ý Mi. and Mi.,. Robt. Dionne' anid Fons Gar, .Jerrv andi l'ed of Oshawa vjsited Mn. atid Mrs. Arc hie Ltinn oný Mr. and Mcs. Alfred Johli-: ston ,petit Mondav evening with Mr. and Mrq. W. Norm-an' MrsV'e Tatnblyn. Mr. and Mcc. Chas. E. Miller and Wayne visited Larrv Miller Visitors were most impresseci wîtitlîlteCiIOPtlupes orftlt, Vîî'îsl.na 'î .t I.'h~ nt Waterloo Universitv onand attractive tea table ai hie Memoiîja! flospîtal's :\Iis. l". T. i'î.î . ii (I t Il . Cawklt' Mod ri T. M upt !~ Birthdav Party, held last \'ednesdav under the ans- Pnîîî'inlt-ILa fuior e ai11we u lowdale sýpPnt the Eas;ter. 30thi,.in Memnoriai Hospita, weekend with her sister Mr.:hwa.ijî Pnrl va Wm. Mitchell who plans tot rmOooUie hrbo lpeave Malton bh' Jet on Salt'» Wedo nesda niafenoon. Ie-01 diav for a visit in England. medn Oroo Cetero. Itr Tet-rýv Mvlfq visited tiF etOoo eeeY Rrandparents, Mc. and Mrs. E Mr. and Mrs. i Lamb auri A Myles. Balv.%duff. thi Karen of Ottawva, Mr. a 1 d 'week i Mrs. Fred Motashed alid Miss; Mar v Boweîî or Shpr- cbildren of Simc'oe speîît the hcooks sprin? he weekend' Easter weekeod with lvii.. the hs'r pr. Mr. .p iThoronton Wilson. e o i a n l au rm "w PIfn.I1 VIý ri i Mr. and iMi- llerh D ar-kc Prîd childien of Port Hope MA L GR V aprî astcr weekend with Mi'ý and Mrs .Matt snelder M îodi î. Pnd daughtcr. r. EhelAxoH. MMiS,; no 13oh Camnpbel 1 o! Camp Edel xod r.Sn nv Pela wawa is .pendinjg hW en Oshawa, Mrs. .J. W. Easter ho] idax c c ith hi,;Hy11dS. Boxvmanittle. \u Ce' craodmother. 'M r s. Hectoi' Sattirdaîr evening sLil p p e r Bowen. gucsts vwithi Mr. anîd mrIs.Fi M I' and is. Bruce Mc- G. Freeman. Arîthtîr. Jo Aiunje. Barranid Sorrv to lose Mrî. and Mr. B3rent. Oshawa. opent Easter Dave Bothwecll Sr. fron t ou Slioda v wi tIiM.ah iq~çcmu i.Thev have nved To-m Hardy and familv. to Bowmianvilie. David Manning of Oshawa We welcome Mr. aîîd Ms lrz xisiting bis chbum Brvon Fred Hogarth Jrc. (nlee Bar'- MvIrs this cweek. bara Bothwelfl) 0 LIIurCoin- Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson r munlîx'. Tbev have nfi)vod of Ajax, Mr. aid Mrs. Glenn iinto thie apamîment vacated bv, l-lodgson, David, Patît and, ber grandparents. Xevin of Bowrnanivjlle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Folev, etid Mrs, Kenî Chamberlain 0o! Bowmanville, Mr. and Mis. Oshawa, Marv Lou and Laine!1Carlos Crvdermaîî. Oshaca, 1ILtnt of Hamptonî vis;ited Mr-s.'wer-e Good FridaovisioV 1). ;. IHooper and Mrm Tom, witb Mrs. H. R. Fole\. MVIPobc'rt5r. 'Mi.and i-iS. \\'n.<a Mr Williaini E. DaiveY paý La i rd visited thel r ;oinVril- «pd awxr, in bis 90tb ea, anîd vife on London r PArîv Monidav îiorniog, Mareb , Çeinin, Buy The BEST p rïng Footwear W'4 e ~Ilnationally' ;idvertised brands NATURALIZERS HUSH PL'PrIES for men, women and children SAVAGE SHOES for (hp, potire famlly inrlnding Children's Orthopedir ShoeM hy Savage D'IAtK and ýSCOTT-MeHA LE SISMAN and GRER WORK BOOTS AIso fulll une of< RUBRER FOOTWEAR Ail sizes in 1>piar Price Range - ai - Lloyd Ellis Shoes 11 King 'Street West BO WMA NVI LL E Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swailow called ai the Red Wing Nuîrs- ing Home, Toronto. t()o u her mother, Mis. Fred Asii- ton. The\- a lsnva lied on M~ and MIS. Len Groomi and M!-. and Mrs. M. A. Densein, Tor- onrt o. Mr. a nd Mrs. S. S. ?Hrtorî were tbis Tuesdav evenîîîg guest, ai a birthdav partv given bh'v Mrs. Russecll Low ror ber mother, Mrs, Robot. Mor- ton. CoboLIIg. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gîibank and familv, Orono N., wcere SLndiaY evening sLpper aLiests of her parent.-. Mr. And Mrs. H. G. Freenian. Donit for-et the pictures to he shown o n Africa b\, Ms. Ross Stevens. of their recent viqit there. on Thursdav ev - ening, Aprit Ptb. in the chmnchl basement. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnsiotiî and familv, Courtice. Mrs. Tedi Hoar, Missesý Diana aid Leanne Hoa-, Ne%%,astle. ec Sunda 'v dinner guie5to wxith their parent.s. Mr. and I L. C. Collacitt. Mi. and Mrs. Fred ste; et;S spent a te\,%,daYs last %week L. J. Skaife C.A. (.hartered Accotîitamît Whitby P.O. Box 208 Phon ne Orono 138 Whitby 668-8197 ENJOY A SHORT DRIVE TO SJe JACKMAN & SON OS *IACKMAN RI). BOWNMANVI LLE AND SAVE UP TO 50% CASH & CARRY SPECIALS kTHURS. - FR..- SAT. ONLYI POTTED MUMS Reig. $2.56 - U.50 CASH AND CARRY' CUT DAFFODILS Ret. $2.00 doz. CASH AND CAýRRY CUT MUMS Reg. S3.00 bunchb CASH AND CARRY COMMERCIAL MUMS Ret. sf0if ach (l'ýSH .%ND CARRY $1.25 »$17 $1-00 $1.50 .---30c -: r 'l'ie c-nîatioîs talt .\leiiciial 1loiii tiluth-1,1 1l,.r î'j: r oi'alle cennînits frin n »eSs'. This [liîlîl'i tîîri ' tei'esl i.u, as 'vas I lie il 1 isua I r;'l iî'ka ' v.iu'lîîx. i'l'. a 1 thrir da u.h îcr'n.MNlr. a nci Mis Rovy rcpyiii5and buva, Barrie. Mr.. Jii iTupping ri e tiiried ;Alb bis graiidpareîi. for a viii. Mir. aid NlI-s leruiaiHud- mnanaîd daiigbîer Kai t. M-r Rin'!Rodiuiai,. Lile 13k- tatin. \% (, iev Siida o tvîi. guesr.ts \witl i te fîile cer .Mrc and Mrc.lRon R:crnoC and faIilo. Mi. and Nlîs. Bih Sur\i..; i aîîd iwr o iiidi-et , , d ý- uerce Stindav calets On gî'aîîcpaîcits.plu antI NirsPt. R. Stevens. Sio eitl d a <t: hu par - tv foi lIn'i' lt the huoie rn! tri' cIa ighîiv. lin. 3t d i : o ' fairrilr rerc' aý! ti' e tt daîtghtet' Marc at u<i,lmiei Niri ande.Nb-Nat uto deit A;t - .\ 'i S..rri~ (;omd Frida% Mlilo. % litd e: itin . 1 aIld M i - t - h,'r ltt nsmidil A .5 ti i' i i r i fa it. vd l - ' i ' ' Ni, ~~ ~ i t .0.1 '. n ' 5,,i* r Il ritît h I. r' .t~r*t ..ti'r i hlr 'it,,' r \. M tirtandtM ! Iaki5 NI :r i.'t ii , r> . S I etl:: a I rs 1 N:le(\ V 'ttJr 'r Bt!l: e Re'tid. C t1,,t MN.:',t , ' M rtt' 'ttOîS" r t:iS Rit C. \I.':1"c S (j H r rtI ' c u :h ! '"'P: f.r. ' o Nid G -:î te i t' o'k.r 'r h '! " \ r NI: 0trhandlti '. e v ' o. ' 'N ' N- Nli: an NI' P M ' M r a't &âowmalviiIe VL.. Report r t 't "i t') r>., .~ .~ - r i t t "i i r r i i t n il ThIP CtltiAntasnowinx-il.Arrtl 1, 1A4 DECAUSE r,-M '~ rJ~ he, -e,'r o. I0'reraî r I-' %- n tr.o -n 1 r 1ne ,A .1 elr r .nY credi t dý' O-(à1 ': 1 r i mraroqrra ry thn e e..m lie .rii ej - ci , PI CANADA'S FINESI GOVERNMENT RED or BLUE BRAND S1EER BEEF Blade Bone Removed BI ade Roasti TENDER DELICIQUS EASY TO CARVE SHORT OR CROSS CUT RIB ROASI IDEAL FOR SWISS STEAK MEATY Chuck Steaks Deep Cut Specials KLIK Luncheon Meat 2 12 oz. Tins TULIP REGULAR COLOURED MARGARINE Pkg.$ 0 0 40c OFF FAB DETERGENT K ing Size 9C ST. WILLIAMS BRAND ASSORTED JAMS 4 Jars 1 '0 8 VARIETIES PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 19oz Pkg. i43c Mix' em or Match'em Cream Corn Peas & Carrots Mixed Vegetables Whole Kernel Corn Beans with Pork Free Parking .A l luerchall(Iise sold at N'ou r I)oîin ion Store Liniited 1.i,, ieondit on- al'v gmraatecd (4) -ive IIsatisfactl0fn. MAPLE LEAF BRAND WIENERS 1 lb. P kg. NIAPILE BRAX 'II.ND) Chicken Loaf - Dutcl, Mac. & Cheese - Pickle & Pimenta PgO.$100 Fresh Produce Specials ONTARIO GROWN LONG GREEN (ucumbers 2AIONAGONSO WHITE (aul 11f Iower King 5e CALIFORNIA GRONâSO CALIFORNIA GROWN SWEET AND JUICY SUNKIST ORAN GES 3 o$ 100 Fresh Bakery. Feature RICHMELLO BRAND Plain - Sugared - Cinnamon DO-NUIS YORK BRAND FANCY WE RESERVE TII!. RIGIT'lO ILEMIT QUANTITIES Valuies Effective ini Houwnixville Uitnl Closing Tirne, Sattir<la. April 1. 1961. SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE! GOVERN MENT- INSPE C TED 1 ýl . 9c

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