Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1964, p. 6

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~f SUPPLIED BY hi tuîg afSt. Bowint'-kiimg a d in May. W. H. (Mie 1-we Jilvsllks biîîc iib-'tic'IE. RICHARD LO I--[N Brown received an ovationm Red & Whitc Is Scllhng ParkByTeTnTi',hc ORCHLAND FARMS ,\ iinmd' rciiii'oII 'w5's lid B.A., LL.B. 'fcom tht' audience.,IHe tbank-99 ;'fIli lini' o 'M an Mr;.ran g eser.Solcior9 C ig ýi pecially '.eleted -IWeil Trimnied RîPotn 'I fic )Oi)c'ç~f c amd ms. Barrste. Slictor ed '-vervone for cOringestmdo. ii1d-îom )î lionour off King St. E. Newcastle helping to make il a great R. R. 3 BOWMANVILLE "i* r,rnîi-70imd 'Mrs. Ed-1 Phone 2246 show. N m.NR ltngl 9-5:30 -(l Wed.n, Sat., '- -He spoke off bis pleasîîîe iunCarrots r...... 25c i LOIN Or POR a GRADE A GUARANTEED FRESH t I.tWdlngAn-'ing tht' show each year, and 1' s '. r il î' eue ' i Eg vFaohlAlPrý, N.1lreh l i i _____________________________________ateîdîmgw'reasg her atonge as ONON 3 1c____________________________________ Ti'îauiîu urpantronatgaee adsht adinc IatheapOfNv A 'r N Ioq VurI eeerW1al9a oîîosx Nrs, JeanrI cLaugh-SiE AITN- prcae oLo OKLIS lb.45c Phone 623-5444 To-Day U n b'5.M. ii aaf'. isPhone I r 16 îthanked Mr. LeValîey and t heCeii4 Loin Park Chops lb. 65c _______________________Motae uns other officiaIs in attendiance a MUSHROOMS . ........ 9 KN ES1-b el Min. (iilhuiî IGîi Coluni- Residences - Farmns the' Case-Brow'r Showv for Crisp andC No.i SIN ES b1el .î- 1 , Nu :îrd Mrs. Murrav, Business Properties particxpating. e N CHý.11ozBq 2 for 35c WIENERS -- ---- 43c Brie:'. Pîîît Perîs. Mr'. and' Mortae oey available Mrs. E. Staub, Newcastle', SIoNAC Hammered AIuminum "<nn.,J;a , I. Chmnmaim. Port fo________he______ote lIst1-b.Ta Pck- UR Pc i rs%..\ o in* attendance fraIpurposes. ,wstt inroftt is PD x rîM. a'idNîrsJJFet Let us arrange your farm prîze in the' draw, a complete I Hi 511 IROif N Pc SAUSAGE 45c J. IPour itof îDaryni aeOhe immiru:ic M. <im Ms.L.'boan coming due or a new lban, e f onnwr. Ohî id i tc B' 6o.Tn l VneyPe aa rp1 z H an d ie3 m . i vir1ie:mamr.and N rs. Asi WoLe.:CowTrer R NG VJaFrieLunPceS r Sn acks 59 recent Tu sts off fl t V rwin, CaicDown, rs. Tins LIMITEL)Mi. MrLR Mm R. Daa'ey. r o r e s iD amr iero , CAier Ed , V. M pORANG E KUV E M AK 1 E M apfer 63 - sxî ose ar car l beio vk ,ed p erîs i tioans m a. en Cryde m an Le-c ,\J 5 Ilmc. MismMrs . C naw- 141 K HARLD S. PE.-wavLL e oalson;.R. amnr:?-I. conmy G i n ou iiu r Orono. ogauatos ee taete b 5 xxmkd a iad n îm curn elpoer63-25 a[raonalesway, hîl F RECn.IS 9 a\l ndclmmNirsTHer iis b e'w stes.7-4hu6s arl raey; rewift and Sons 98 KING ST W EG OMNVE r.atîx nMs. ed 'e tn Gd 9a.. tS.m. R.Regoan Van Belleyr, O TRR. & W I E . . . e tn il LEITL)(WERfvonwr e rmd ecMmend MrestsTof 0 rpday eenriygu G. ,Carl own, inSman A Crawr d u'chregetforthat' We. d St,* * 3 uiny,lertCoEacd, V oE R VE M A K T IB The CanadiariSa"' n'~a~1e April 1, 1994 gast three years. All we cIlM IA TMunday: Eastern Farm Ma ~~say - it is aur loss, and their I emrorili r &,Sfn chinery. Gus Wilson; H. L.r K ne t gain. We wish to take this P r Turner Limited, H.Cr opportunity to wish Mr. and a-;Banfr ivnJ Mrs. Crawford the best of v u " *y e rt rBunia.Jr,: Canadian Tire,,A Deputy - Reeve TelIls Lions 'Oeerything. Thank you and LBM7 Cr wer n stef Pojco undy cholat1045a.. or Cerebral School Following the dravcae n R ecerit 4frican T 'ripand church worship :t 11:45 HlnPr eotdo h noe saoto T Swspop were sr dto the hugi er oc am. next Sunday, April 5th President Jeffery and Treas. the treasurer, Mrs Park, who audience.ug A graphie account ru f S sa, thi Congo. She k stsa- Nght D . rne\t Monday A cris iayti our gu e t ekr.d d ocatheon wîCh te y aaend- Rchad s. bvai' s D rîv 1T T n îc-rsdn B raa dcrae n teKiet-c recent trip to Africa %was g.v- tcî Smires fro n Le- evcrîng. ed 'to ail. School and Clinic for handi- Nr.Caiod clarke pre-ONG AlULT Cone!!owan theKne en by Deputy Reeve Ros- pL; 1< andi>orlc off thct' Th t' lo, Internîational Mr. W. H. Crawford was capped children, which is situ- îdnMlttîaso-u ttheae Stevens at the dinner mret- onle ?.'o w\':h0e îîr<eýs at s Convention, to he held in Tor-!Sunday luncheon guest of Mr.ated n Bond Street, Oshawa. ente h etl eot h r n rs .MlodadCu' nulV ing of the Bowmanvîlle L:o:- .'. uspitaI. Tht' i <4 offt'i< of. on.uvcghht ndMs .Goobi r.Pr si httewrkBino report \\Ss prescnted by baby, Bowman\ îllh vere Sun-Ngtdne Club held at the Lions Com- nr.g taff iî< ade Utp m01 usîvc' was du.v ighhd. I ataguest oK. M. Ran Ms.a in g . ak done th e orkpldthe chairman. Mrs. Vi ThomP- day afternoor visitors off Mr. the Fiving D.itchmaia childrennclssivenderful. Shecd.on.wMrs.eahompsonofar.edndobert A.ib.nHotenc oneWednohsday.leMacl W.di rnunity Centre on M\onda;',ii. cprone.decided to orcier aine hospi- E. Ribey. hlrni odru.o Ms hmsnakdRýctSn.Htlo March 23. He was introdueed i I'l reniendo':s .work ben talîtv books. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard added that she ils glad Me- lor mlebiore ca i.h Bo arbars Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Cook Aftecwards it the omn by Wilfrid Carruthers. ii:lur refupees from Ango The winn 'vs orf the Hockey and Janice, Trenton, were its c ark sou atio eerebraltie\ and Nirs. Shirley, h eeStra upr,-IeKnteCu' Deputy - Reeve Steven w! - :ai v.aS described bY Dept, Draw were Nlarch 31st forl Sunday guests off Mr. and Mrs. Pas ly Paret ounio the b Cowan vo]îinteered. guests anid Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. dav Party the presidnGa dlress was illustrated bv a :cc- eut Stevens. lie tbld Offlte the' first gaine in the Stanley B. Hubbard. as aet oni o . Smith, Bowmanville, wVere ls s tutt, on behaIfofthor je o ecelet olre sid>, liusnd I Agoan wimonthly euchres for such a Thet' Kittiien report 'vas giv- Sundav sîîpper guests off h ganîzation presenitedaNW R that he had taken durin£t lîr fa; e tied across the borde'r land and Ji:n Marc: April 2ndlwawas Sunday guest of n.Mrs. JDey liheme- adth'me ing hat it va s M. Btmoantupioaescen pita tht Bow visit to the Dark Continent. 'ntc tht' Co119o sînCe the' re- for the' second gamne, Bill Cole 1a;,d Mrs. Thomas Hodge and e hatil a 11. Bter'n aiis en itrictheBc He told his felwLions; ofoit in thrnr country againt andti elen Dutchek, Oshawa. fmyand Mrs. h.marogue.andng that there is an urgent nt'cessary to or dec sorterlocks a royiantheDrstaiertbar-n his tour off South Africa an.d 'il'i1 ortugese. Severev i On anaîf of his.fAorguMr need for typewriters at the and also more glasses for bai n dx' nadian Cancer Soci T ALIKE of its bustling modemrn c r ecmaue a enLon: RaphoArnes preented and and Mrs. George Carter nests abliCerebral Palsy Sholfor quets. The inside Proplerty re- . adNr.Jh aekpeetation vas na He ws paticlaîimpr * rie h- hePo-uee gal a n attractiv-e gift 10 Rex. K. J., aiy Bwavll;M.children who cannot use their port %vas t)rtst'ntt'd Ib Mrs. and family wvere Sunday in Harrv Freeman, pridnof se b ohnesugbt 't .moLi',rndte r\\SFrampton for hiý. new infant and Mrs. Robent Carter and fingens to use a pencil. Mcs.1 Barbara Courtîwv. It Ia s lner guests of Mc. and Mrs. j the Bowmanville andDsrc pressed sympathy for the nmicro 'IlI rfuigees were in pitiahieon The bîrthdavs off lexIfamily, Windsor,- Mc. and Mrs. Greta Luxton, seconded bv dcecided toavuav' n es'ht A. Rosevcac, Tyrone, and 'Branch off the CancerS population and ils diffîcilti' if» ami r(It i cîi thcv arriei ';0 a.Raph M lnyeKenneth Carquill and John, Mns. Helen Cook, moved that w'ate tank uîistalied. ThisWSSna vnn iiosofte OhrofcasofteC under apartheid. He also spoke 111 'litC nnt'o, Dep îtv Ree' îid icr.SuatJae: Gravenhunst, were weekend Memonial Park Associatio axed il,, Mis.hen Cook,:W. V-nekscer Society prescrnt wr i of bis trip thnough Northecn Sc:c~dRass: i\etcalf. and Roy Turneriguests of Mrs. A. Carter. punchase a re-oonditioned s;econIciel)cd b\Irs Anniie Diii- Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanek ence Bell, the treasue M.: Rhodesia, and showed picte" fl ogi nia; cd a % ctt' cn celebrated bv their fel-ý Mrs. Orvus Smith is in Me- typewriter and donate il 10 the itg. and Miss Grace Smnith wcreiStan Dunn, chairmanofEdi- of ils interesting countrv ticicof iti:nn 10 Dept;' fReeVi 10wmviembers off the club. morial Hospital, Bowmanville; Cerebral Palsy School. Ti h' cahe;cin o ud>lnho ut f ainadPbiiy h ThegreterporionoffDtp.t~<i or i. nfomatve Foilow,îng the' dinner meet- Mrs. E. McLaughlin ils in was carried and the presenta- Apriaîpaoiîtd ;s 'Miss Mcs. E. Murphy, Tyrone. iso an honorarv mebr1 uty Reeve Stevens' id hi, .I Icîiîne, : Presidcnt Russell iî.g there was a dicectors'i Oshawa Genenal Hospital. We tion will be made by'PresidentiLorrtto itm ii.ir.Een Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peters, tht' Kinette Club,heasit Wife's two months i.-tc Oih' a!I. c cpressed his appre-mcig;ibZn Chr- wîsh them both a speedy ne- Jeffery at the nex Cerebral!or Dadsoîî. wid Mrls. Shirley Oshawa, \vre Friday after-: ant, Ernest WessellsMr.W spent with their duthcitiiiocilI) tht' spe aker for the' man mi gvthZoe-. r-covecy. ____Palsy Euchre. ubr 1liwic-ht bsnesnoon vîsitors off Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Syer, chairmanof"om Miss Muriel Stevens, R.N.. no rigneunofhihci- . A satisfactory fînancial meeting a social hour svas en- Sidney' Cornish. en's Service for tIlOtaj is a United Church M in-i eitrsigsîls Business virectory statement was suhmitted bviîye Mn. and Mrs. 11, Murphy Countv Unit off th Cncr di uaisrncnes#r c 'I'rnitv nitcd hurih ~ Iand laniîl., l\'Iî. and Mrs. Gor- Soivt, who ;-saiso aKnte e '<<c eUnt5 xihNr.5c- Gtee ClubA AInt n don1 Baker and farnilv, ?Mrs. Mauri'ce Stephens, ammt: .ta n fUcmn rin ritics he ravenlr c a e ase "ay Johinscatientlt'dtht' Johnsof the local branch's e;<c eî< he iicP i? !'ý 'foi, d <'iic ious d i rnnu. A n InuLE>'a~I~/V nl ow Ccunîon held bin lanp- Dicectoî-s, and v'c-rsiitient ahi hmcos Gi2< ath inrnetrRAY J. DILLING tnC unitv Hall. Saturday off the Ontario ContUiflclpeaîdmonsofn -S- gadsh gtlelefd t thhte inermetigrelietfhateedAcoutatcietsSmthxvs Stu- sCDugasTalo, rachsuaicchei ltcdlaIlcî pr nrlgsamsnsoudrsoyer, fuc Z .one Cub. Lloy d 93lCh- ___Street______________DouglasQII) 1have suffered from arthric pa n n if infmht'r t'Jt th(, Mill-Reaî9ChrhSeeA Miss G. Smt a au-Secretarv, and Mrs. C .M-tclrrqieeî.Yuwl wrtsMs ... aesilOý. o iZons Cha. lCirm e LONRD 23381 r CK ---1 "> day overnight guest of Mc., Donald, who represetdt~tnis el i i < "A g ri n d .HL, aerse e tO n ictryJIl-.B h Stevens. and Jack ChOar ed J A cc Ot St ansd 1\Is. J. C. Cook. 1Sunshine G roup. 2 d V c -" u i ii Jo(,alo onanil.CatrdAMEcBountant Club 50 President Barbara Cnei1 îçîssarouac cd DOAIN.mood l eadd me 1fo iîy cCIN R aIlt(,off Bo an vnianTrstilinc. t -te prOLCIN.Im so rldfifr DOLCIN cie accoT wnuud oium ur cï-Bt tt ck dO00 Tuse'I akutyIU I JJIJ'LIICilb 50held their Marclh tht'aea f h'Kntean iu a orcncînc rmiddblessdreali oref oLCme. 1sPublic Scliools hvebelniSuite 205W 725-9953 cara fI ueed tatrell oriet orme" i 'îied h leth'sCcenttans'. i3o b onouucng their respective, Oshawa Shopping Centre TeTw alauioimTeti' mi lTmi:R ecting at tht' home off Mrs. 1CItibs Fund Raîsing omi If you want fast relief from the tn 'ii îî nud ilmotioni bu AITheTowHalauitoium __________Il___ R W.Stan'Gable ;,ithm 12 membersItee. of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, lu")- ('i'îfbt'rtson andI Bob 'ta WM 3ih ieprfracs"'"'~. H. COGGINS hast Friday evening was filhed: Nicha.I.s, h 1,- a.Bovmi n e visibor presenit. Mrs. PeîetFenir hik' bago, bursifis and muscular pains, fry l i h îî ep id t aItht' Kisuaý.nis MVusical Festi- rsdn Fc.m DOLCIN aft once. Saee why thousa'ds is'ai bcinflicldiinsbbc city off Chantered Accounitant to eapacity with crowds off I Ville Aio ;,itiiPît.. Norman: -A. Milîson opcned tht' meeting th'Bwanil inte o pas ocns ihy opeesai- Ich h vas announceecla v]big di thatit o Second Floor happy people for tht' annuali Dykstî'a FîdDniîcn Barrie;l with hvmn 5lte omav.l prleDlin1 igly opeePeterborough lasI sx'eek. vte nrosdé lsfacton-or your money back. Ask for foun'"eîi Bosx'nanvilie Lions~ New Libnary Building Case - Brown Show. Every Joe's Sfioe S h oi1. Ponnume Mms.* Milison then conducted tht eeosdnto h' DOLCIN Tablets. J ! :,i t'c'cf htPeterhor- On WedncesdayN, tt rnlo.Kn eprneSssa ntemi atoff tht'1Reeli: \ T', i il.ls. F. tht' iccessacs' business on, had madet'of htantd .. ntis Chlb Prcsidcîît's Publie Sehool Glce Club took, Phone 623-3612 auditorium and in the' large, Hant <il. "W :cts \alI- lîand. XVe aiccpted an invita- tc'poetrads T A T R a fii lae iith' wopat~ YALE, FRIEDLANDER ' loywsfihe.'ac 'eIBarcc'tt. Gall liin taattend Haydon U.C.*W. Bac f b oit ehtinîi5 imis gcop off soe 25, & OMPAtYl.A heacty weheome was ex-' SLio, Fred R'xi:DeLaval onMai4 Amoon;a no' eant( lpCOMPNed tended t tethrongs by W Campmî iiv, Siimieli,: Tukpasscd ht vegive adJAMAESnitc iof miestnou ea 1YIltle OooCup eedAccountanto tti.5Trc htw on- Adaai mto îtit 1ý,xVM îîîm G Lc î:î v"'enCwlbi imeOct-o Llcensed Trustees H. Bnown's eldest son. Bob Ti'actorEi' cpinunit. i. Rickai'd; tion ta the United Church "Tht' Dactors," a Uitd - 623-559 eh înd tîîîîet b Mis Ah-I in Bankruptcy Bcown, who is a membàer off A. Il. Stîmni ack and Sons, Building Fund for prîrposes off tists film, xvas shawwih e1n.rncreiI at R OP Lfi2)-5589(c tii ret. a inbrfted 1) ovoMis A ingS.E 2-31teteaching staff off Losell Das'ifBeaf!i: <)taîuî.Ai'chieicedccorating. Gifts vere prie- ncw projeetor andsr'n'Kn tFomale stf.Tceueel col, Oshawa, Ontario Public School, Oshawa. Dai Tlioiipsimi: NiOngo ard- scnted ta Mrs. R. Gibson, Mrs. Afterwards, Presîdnt tu fierednc :taf. 'llwr' xxcnt cigt scooh -_____- Brown, second son off tht' xar-t, 'Navot Wrmght: Terpak Don Davey, Mcs. Dolores blew ontb the eîghl ade n63-61O359 cntcrt'd n tiim competition. MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS popular Case dealer here, was Li mit<'d. M r. . Ross~ Lane;, 'Tlomp)son. Mrs. F. Panbner the large white iced ibha Ths hus.taSa.,Apil2\-4onîîTitiifu thdcondin karrd CAcounan tht' witty and poised M.C. H-er'b Roiii.oii Limnittd, 1,.'and Mrs. Sandra Davis. Cake which xvas batiu1 Thus.at :3. F1.andSa. a 7aîî 915tht' duet ciass, as sxell as sec-, Oshawa Shopping Centre1 The audience enjoyed sev- Thus. it7:3, ri.an Sat.at ad 915ond and thirtinin tht' solo chass. 728-7527 [enal mehodious piano duets by' \lii lme diet iassDonn BaI Panners a hrother and sister, Dwigh A InGIllet irddeoFlaF * Goes to R me"andi Demiei - Gren pîaced first Hon. J. W. Motteith, F.C.A. and Mary Bradley, and they "Gidget Goes to Rome xth LYnmda Thomnpson and' A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. neceîved much applause. The',[% ae o l Donald Berry placiîîg second.' G. W. Riehh, C.A., R.I.A. beauties off Bermuda were pier- Colon - Jamnes, Darriii . iîdy Cacol Gordon er placed second (Licensed Trustee) fectly depicted in an impres- n the solo ciass Nxvjti Debbie G. E. Trethewey, C.A. sive colored motion picture Matinee Sa(. 2 P.mi (25 (ents) Green plac'mng thii'd. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. travelogut'. Times B. R. Waters, C.A. The Junior Farmers Quactet, wLSON' BURRiOWS composed off Marion Buttery,ý Sun. ta Wed., Api il 5 ta 8 Chartered Accountants Margaret Shackleton, James BUBKTON 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Coomnbes and Erie Shackleton, One oflpI(t Smo ~~B7<> acters sang "If You Wece tht' Only I Mr ~ ,. ~ Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Girl in the Worhd", 'When tht' Mrn. snc .. 'l'rick, G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Saints Come Marching 11', .Mm. and Ms. 'Wallace Trick, Phone 728-7554 ",All Thnough the Night". and "B RA B S"Lidanty '. r rLnesl T; of --"Now Is The Hour". Their "BARABBAS"Mr.ind s . 'rerceteslis oayloreceptionally good voices de-!* (Color) and famil io r c c lgtdth itnr.Tt Sympat l .v s s xlendcd1 Cbi-o rac ic lghte thelistners ine Anthny uînî. ithu heucd, Ms. Tylo aîd rl a -ii .E-I A,,DC adience were also enthusiasb-i Anthoy Quiiii, rthurKeiiied.ý, Il aylorand rlaties ni EDWINMANN,Ü.C.ically neceptive off the nom-i ETBYSAE1c lime pasiimg ff Mi. Willia Chiroractonber off varied selections pîayedMx'm orM chEmBS BU!AETh D.BLARY1-z.Tn Sylvana M1angano. Katy Jtra<I( Taylor. Biackstock. Off ice: yatlneyogmuci,ýMx'E or achEn 1Mr. anmd s H. Woodwvard 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey St. Misa Tialente ouNewuscanl. and fanmiy.'N7,Blind River,' were Phone 623-5509 CMiss TiallCusc ont. a c e s K re on C a p o Fidit' guesbs offMi'. and rslOfice Houns: By Appointment Ce ealy oot.a A. . Sephnso ad fil___________ -executive off lie J. I. Case 1 15o.Tn 4o.Tn A. C'. tStt'pheimson aîîd family. I i ~~~~Company, spoke off tht' wond- /ln1-oTisB TBU!AV hc'-INKEP K 1ic atiMle Goreioiet aenfui special offer being made; WTNSOR Il niffamiiy are spcnding their 'e by tht' ficm regarding tht' saleBE2-o.Tn Hiappy Good M ornings l11Eastei. holicdas in Florda iDR. W. M. RUDELL, DD.. of the most modern hay-bal- E N20o Tn Pson and fainily speuît Fciday Office Houns: mnh ht twYRKW HPORK SCO TTIES Faca Ti ue 7 99 TO THE MANY CUSTOMERS sxmth relativesnin Barrie. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Ht' discussed tht' chaîmging BAD O o ETBY A ol TO THE MAN CUSTOIE.SDorotliv Bmyan, Mcs. G. 1Closed Saturday and Sunday BRrends ioi 9armiog and tht'VEIre- Wl Mrci M'. J.- Miller and 1 Office Phone - 623-5790 trendosly fficieanthmoem, _____________------________ Terr i, Miss Hilda Hall, Osima- House Phone - Newcastle 3551 machines that are completely' 0Fi va,. xvene .Tiusday t'vtning, DR. E. W. SISSON capable off doing amazing wackV OU I ý!bard Office in his home cd that by the' year 2015 aI [ DIBS U!Sv e urni rn om~nd3l î Mm mndiatM rs.Em Stewart, 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville cultural workers will onlyHIFf anr ~id Mrs. Daim Robinson, Phone 623-5604 ihave to push some buttons]£ O 0lnf G ien R ae f~c1iry Niagara alWerc weekend Office Hours: i t have their machines do all ' RB eD N L. aet i "Mrs. Flo r en ce 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m. daily [tht' wock in tîeir fields. l Cmmihiil. Mr. Chester Hoskins, ClosedWednesday - Suiday Mr. LeValley emphasîzed Sav'e 9r 16-0z. Pk-S. W/ho started Ilhcî' (i;i\-\\ î<h i esiî Giacle N'-mi ,JckSiiliran-D. .-.-ATRN --..S tatwhleth' umerof frmîs Maron mor i~e1e eua îe(a<sl mi;Office okr sudronamr- ;[lM adI irs. 0. j. Smi ngSt Ed decline in this province the S A H T I9 "A" eggs dCludi ,ra<d anîd andled , mîh I)I* 'tlime Smitb115.ceKiorSE.Bowmanvill --er s-n--onga-ak-5 9 IC&N suldl eîts a iii dsiiawastonishinghy capable farmi' B auy Ba95frC9 a. Offi ~~~~9a.m. to 6 p.m. daily machinecv available plus bet DISCOUNT- oke îtîi7 ii > 'î noumde tgpotc(>1lat\hC Mnail im.re Ca-Closed Satunday and Sunday Iter facm management,,,,,,._-,7 PRICES! ~~. . j . iiiiam.Port Penn1.1-' mieehoe fic 2-49 nroslinrasdpou- .'nmOnMsedf m l qu±ryI 0i~niaii 1 CII C i;ue N am rs. ___ ý - n li Q1rA on nivviCse ' 4i9 ReM.r69mi- 60 s1 1UIà%lW

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