Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1964, p. 8

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f 't' o, r B 'r~ cn~fan tatsmR, Bwrnnx'llp M'l 1. P4 ~SPORTopics1d g, / \e.By Frank Mnhun 6373k DON'T FORGET Thursday nighti"? ~A hiz nne ai 'lîpnooriai Arpnp. x, tlh th"2 Bowmanvi!le Skating ("arnîxal;, siartînp al re19h1i n'drncck.1 As --vp pointed oui in la-î w c'k oliirflDebir Wi!kpsi and Guy Reveil. hronze, merial winr ai thr I-pc, wilI be the guest stars. The local club u b1wi- trii hp or> hririzLîi izz;irh excellent skatrir, tn Bowrn-tn'ý-îilp ainrl i c' <hiok- o01cr ;rgr would be missing i great opportîcni.". if te-failt o sp"e 11w Lchow. e Completes First Season I nen oi Safirriay' rîlht ihp' li-ai M4 liHock(,-es cac Rai- Westlak-es i m %vept ,will bc holding their Annal hanqiiet. 6:31 PM. Pt the Elrin- 7 Points from Harr * vSiow- hurst Hotel in Ns"qe rien's tpam while Bettyv We.,:t- lake cotild ontv gai-fer 3 T t f fpints fronm Glenn Brýoit*s CRYSTAL IVINS îcam. so %we iow have a Iwo îvav fie ai the top in point!; Crystal Dairy turnerfit iin n 11w hiî-rl ic'ri or) i c a'wuith one \week Io go. Jack nîight 10 1xallop Olympipa Restpurant 2-5The xW111i gave 'Manîle*s îeam are 6 bac-k andc Crystal the final series in tbrpe ctraizht pâmes. 'Thes u-ili metl Beîîvs tram next week. now re'eis'e the MrNulti.- Sports "c'phx - cmblemaiie ri[ the Boh Marsliall's teamn also is TownHocky LegueChamionsip.6 points back so the vvind-up Tns'n -Ioke LegueCbmpinsbp.wpek shouIlc be ver v initeresi- Y fîg lit the averages Donu ON THEAGENDABishop bas nved 4 points in ON or T he wAG eNDA .;)icrn- om iý 10, fi-ont of Bon Brock svIii1e Befre be iner epsîi 'oic' <na iiic -tusa mreMaîionnMallex- s 00w ontv 2 clances head-line the followtîîg xi epkq. thi ie BarinIinpomins iaheariof Vera King-. Club holding one on Aprîlt 11h aîîlBssmn cCrlingRc'tv Westlake lcd the waî' 1h'-uvek with 249, 208 atîci Club holding forth .Xprîl 1901. 122 o attl*f61.Nx Thought wed mention both Pci' c' uc liî-shiew Rav Wesîlake witb 14 proved treo-endoitslv populai'Ptai itun cenoî,ar)ndtow's 207Oôandi 266 foi' a 697 triple. thf tune tri> make arranreMenî'-ý. Other big ar-ou-es, Harry Soiow- ren 26., Mai-g Perris '269. FL- t fKýnp 249. Carol Roberts 222, SNOW'Y EURTKER NORTH- Dick Deniiis *224, Jac'k Mac'- Although you bave t o ok luaii tri zr p simin tii Iis Nab 23R. We lia d lots of locvý area, just, a little further nr'th, thpv '01t1 liai e pIc'its . îThis seoi'es thC- w eek led bY Joan' Gibsom ussitb 7 4, Flor-ence' reporter headeri in <th tdrection for ai ek'nlof reta xa- Sîiowrfiîi 76.Jiîn Smnith 82,! tion over tbe Easter Holiday. aniri use xi ecesîrpriscf Frýom Sandrca Goodmurifplhs' 84, Gwe'î' Orangeville nnrth, es'ers'îînng s paýiinrwhsinte <au - Denni.s 92, and toaris of sc-e'- nresîonwe iekri n ii hote ','rî~î>i,>~ ,,~ ,~,,betwe en 10t1) and 12.5. vr-nture labbchi]!'-ý, tibe nmi aie p phîeîî ski ing ;il î1 liockley anri Beas.P-rNil"rins LOCAL I199 LEAJ)S Local 189 r)efeaterl îho- lon.aLal;i Ia-< uxcck mo takr a 2-1Iclad iii i eir bc'si of fîî e finals] si-c fr i 1w Junior Hockey Lagiecanlpuon-chup. 'OLuîtb ga;fin ithie çFt has been nansrieri f 0Saliîrcia ' iîigb i aseveil o'cloc-k, wcith thc fîfîh c-onI,'.ý. if ecesis sliecl for StiîcrlPtaihIb The Towsn Leai akîa[" cniih-bIlî~icî been coniactePri 'Ye<, shoîîlri cpb 1in100<-b iuita Ted Darl'on, Il~~ + ' i i M'IN TOURNAYIENT Bouvmanî'tllesurin Legînri Mirhc'zri>-l)ihi Lir'a- Saturda ,-Gamres uere as folloux. Bou-manvilie 4 - Lindriax'vJ1- t arne BRoys cna;nvîilt 3- Orillia 1I 2cr) gamte: RoxmaîîviIll 4- ('aîîuingiron 3 :1r ri tCarininglon 1rri 2-f) us lhlu1inuiis lrfi iri -anifî,, GIVE IT A THOUGH'r BILI, c'oach Ken Campbell, Mr. lHantey h lar thIbiso a'.- Tbc Si, Catharine, -club il,;tint happy about vsiît 19 os-aîuuleatr-I tunlos officiais of tIbe Oshawsa liih rnosomnetbing tb dc1a>> Up flic suituat ion, thbe O1-lA. s'îil coliu'iicc a chanige unxiice' Campbellmus-creporter) < Icnîîî'er Ï111)011ort bue xel- farce of hi'- play.ers. as,; ie l oiaI fan-c gnt orui ofr'ouf rolini à gai-uic xxtcb -preotîlcc os ei- bce oucrs iopla\- Wt bV asten tri point ot i iîat sie cont c'noîrone ticactionus rrf those few wsho fîn i t necessars-tri fi-hi inIlue stands- andi hurl debris or the ice Hosvex'etr. Hanlex-. ii!; appa renut.- i -sLicrI lis s ci cif-neit frrimn is plctsh office witboiib baviniz xeen arts, of the series, certatnly not ai the Gerden tCuls' Arenaan a. These incidents -wAere fîrst wuîîuesscr) i <he finluaIragiîe gamne of the se-ason ri nSI. Catbariiîe, sîî;tbseqtier)tlt>'v carrir-i- ovr 3tr ti t irrl gaine of ihe "eries andrfinîîullsv uut Iast Tîtesciéi' i0nBousîranvst lep. Butt ir> nia J erre 1sa ris - ss'e Psk tWhat is thie-lu fferenc hîi u cci gg-thilu vi îîg iniS Catharunes and) BowcnanvillIp' 'l"x bit a refcî'ee use bit a player. 1layhe rotîr egPs are biggcu- tbaîî thc'îîs. 1Ils a s 11î] thîng tr do. butiafier Ialkicug sviib fans iii boh b rcias, xxe ktîow Ihe,' sucre lbororughls drtisrccv iiiib the ogg-ibu-oxx - ers. 3'bc'iit lîcte wercfanî s vbu gi abb-r paxcrs tlis uap- Pt-ned trt botb Places alSO. Holdinîg Plas ci"s sticks is titi- pardonable Ion, brut oui oc-asuoii use cotiril ilalnIlhie 'adn rail-bird for protccttng hiîmscIf. If's onc' iing fnî' thnse inviolîri i iv ic- grie cfîghît - hit ushen il der)ec'omcin tflic ci nuvil xvcî i xx litilouti sas' - -bn us anis to <orp ne Ra ine sucigo lhonri a iliîs a couple of Jeeib' So uia-do the r o i'"Andarius c roîî't krictus wuhat Dennis Hul -%'as îruiuîg toin iaiîpl:liuslîcîhe t lircw bis stick intobthespectatoi-s. At the Garden CittxAi-rlia itc-liaiiccA-tIpoaIiiîîcc 'vhile he-e i bere svere hrtt I uO. B Wu seSiluorîlr) bas c- haci more, brut Iberr sias atusa-,s sfficuctî bc'fcîrc .ancd hîndsîght. s casieri lîhauufoi csi.glu;. .'uidtI tlic -at icaf boys un bloc bInlte iiiibet' îff anstisori-l îc'ct'c, sc-iliclî ee the St. Kilts police forc-e a--oîiuplich anîc'îlmiug ieiut -r tiliait the local coiîstables;. or.,suit h dite lespectton the c'apablae Keni taruicph Il. pet-- haps he ibocîglt il lit- coi d geL I li-eganîuc iîcu d te Bla(k Hjaxks mugbt lhase a betti cIta turc'ofusuîii. It usas a 1rugged ser.ies. ia icIled ex tic-triii lx sic-l bv thle refeices. buci sie dicii't tiîuuk Jthe liuce-iiuu ad itr ý ucc- iicl force 10 ili!-or, -Btuchuataîu Iothe ic lîciuv - '. il u\s a 5>'-- djental > lie diirlt i mauîI c atise liwiBtsc ii- suhi In Showu' blait Ille cic ls riglut lias c'ad lil>fcori-îuii- plaint asuscl MEMORIAI. ARENA BO WNAN VILLE Telephnîît' 62.-728 PUBLIC SKATING ( RIDAY, APRIL 3RD Adults - )ý ADMI3S SIO)N ('liiidreit - 35c SL'SDAY. APRIL. th PUBLIC SKATING Stndn Rclu' Wc'5takf 2)3 -[ac'k Matit le 21 Bob Marshall 2! Glcîiî routl 17 Harcsc Siiosrleiî 171 Guveri Denni.s 17 Ron Bt-oc-k 16 Top Il) Ladie MailriOll Malles- Vera Kilig .... Betty Wrstlaike Shirle ' B'oc'k Marp Perris' Sandra Goodmirphv Caro! lRober-t., "-;uue.i Dentîis Bai Marslba!1 -pIa oGi bsOo Tn'p 10 î te n Doii Bî-luop Bn B'ock Ex Kilng Rav Westlakp 13ob Mai-sbail -Jac-k Manlt1e 1ar- Sio\vden -1 Dick Dennus -lac-k Mac-Nab (lcuPout Mixed Mc League Tram Standing Et ch er Il;il Sinîgle llii;bTripte Low Single C.El A seragee L. P151 21~2716 o6 5 18 50 18 8Sf 19)1 -. 17,1 * 1.58 1,55i 216 Cantîon. N.Y. Wuiiug NI 18Woodlock - Boss-matisillc coili Sple(Ccl lis fin-i seaaoiî îof vrî'college linc kex ai Si. 94 Lawsrenice Uitivesul v i b s sci- I99son - A 1962 gradluia te of Bous- 85niacu'-iIle Fligb Sbhool. Woorl' 184 loc-k - tarrer) xith the SLIJ frealunia11 sextei last vearul.e- foure oîiithie senlior Saints ajor for- 1963-64. Woodlock skaltîir ici thie second li-, t-ottectech 12 pinits oti ces-eugoals and ivse assists. Si. I awsr,--t-e ska led 'c ilis tlb> d -succ'essî i-e Eaierî Col - 2)41,2 lge Clbai'npioliuSIip al BOsjuiii. 21 Mas'. The Larri-s lcoitueh ...1 -q c'rr-wu of Ilue ECAC 3-t 1lil - 17 iP, nî 'îce Colcgc. Coacli 14112 George Meîa-d's sfîpbotnoi-.' 1.3 domciiuated cltub oppleci Artîîv liiot 3191 ar) R.P.l. Ici play usth P.C'. fil ,rfect 2 thbeCialIroiir) St-i. us-ice" I lot t'. ilobbins Il-1_.qwmuma B E. eufect 94- G. Elliol 27 îîî'a:.-] ganie. of uic J B3. Brîdav 2.14- plaxer) 'I'csr)a' man.c h2'4, i . Nolatu 218 wtIil SkipsF11'îlic uK. NI. Brtrgesq 1218 - S. Biekel 2 I shoruîc' aur) Bcl-,!] '!)é,î P. Ba tlcr'ccii21iu-in. xi nil Ia sos S ;1 "; R . Wright ... 20- andi FlPet-ur ticc i.i ilîctoi) 13. Holcoxci9206 >o . '1'lîc'îc' siI I bc a pl i K. Bearîprue - 205 off sotl N. IIeniiing 205 "lcda sxic' ain 0. Etelier -. 204 a short fourc garuic 'spic'I la icýi B. Baclrt .. . ..... 20-1 alIOrulci prîîve ini lac' a lotilof J. Car-ter 2-'(:?frUî 2'Iile gh suscr rhd'c-cl(" -t Mrpliî-'2(11 hloicaia.roui,. îuade 'tia if f0. Paîfielci 2100 a ýlLead.- and)Sec-cnds ai Iliii G(aines - G. Elliot 31. fo,îî of ail Skipsz andl';' NM. Burgess 257, 287, PB Dola-,Sis "îîe ikig lî. bitus 275,.1J. NoIa' i 25:t, -s B. BFia 27 . Bturgess 2 7 1. .1. Carier 276, E. Berfîeci 29:3.- - 28-4. oovcr o ie pWeck. ln : c- Elliot - 106 nus -ligle, 31' . ' -itgh sliî'le. " 106 B.T .S LEAGUE 'Ieam istanding lil bull ne-c ....... U ps a ra i ts ..... Niglat llauvkg ... ..... lzebe!ts Sard Sacsc L.adies' iHigh Singrle.ç B. ia'e E. Enîhlex\ .. . Caierî Mpnie' Hilzh Tiglp. A Waseman Pý Carter . Pate rso -....c..... Iae"High TrIples, Bý Carleu P. Colt-cl E . C o ,:> . .. .. . .. .. . R.S\MEnS Hg rp Gc, a uîe, Mlen's High As'erages Carter .... ..... ............ JUST STARTING O U T? 1tlien nof i th limue, îchile o r oigadi gondi teatih. jo, (cIl lie o[ndH11i,iîs for 'olîr lue icoiircncepotrn Sirit ues i oopanuc%%nh modern,- tlp iO-Cltie policies i.ilorccto oiirOi i nuit> itaii, neecls ý%s u n 1i1fe local uepreIienia II ei \ Ilu,îîî,(1 da - preciate the oppcuiijniic of ha\ mig a chat with voi>. BANNER PASSANT Phone 6213-3,158 1l Rehder Ave.. Bon-smaniille 137 18.5 182 207 21< as F;si I'i iiiliaý--litc Ilu.-si-a- sol; i ou ldIi lia' c u pc->ild in jili iii i. liii ai 1>- sii iiN laoai-ri (if c lltii;' i'cî ii i t Ei -- 1'clcc ldcit, cImi r i iii î ig (ciii oc \>c' Ji o fý ('acliad ii .-îipliiiîici c -i s il1 s1li Jliissuicaisl Iii'- c-,"iiiig pla.cxc- u's c<i l ic-cl iii i ut f tfl(, guca 1iv 1- BOI) l 'ti 1j i. AX is- viex ,il s 1h l- h i i ciIiicii o Pi 4r t -t> oifil>c> ic i i tlic soii o f (I i riî iIcIo NI i' I <iu 12). NX'cicicrik. I aîîa i.î - inis- -6:1. Imo ici- Boss un>ix ilif' <'e Il o ici.J-p cîccclWiuii ciik ai C urina News ta i ci lic SkRa] iluCI V c, M ixed League Bowling co pîJ)ln 1 îi 1: 'un- \ln\c(ri Li;î.c Bi, 7 71I' 1îi c- j!i., c tm ' P, 'cI I l Bu'i'.-d7 l'A ' i 1 i i l? i-v'i' : c i "l 77R).t: ph'f, F: Xli i;'.,- R - n'In-r- i Br!h 1!ii-n' i - ii ' 13 ilin <1:1 . 'Il 12 1 fi a ji Staic ding fi fi R fi W Beiý. c' - Bc'-1 c B-'. -, ,.. il iii - ii-. 'c- ici -' ' --lit" - i î:u i - '-'- . i i f'cc iii' i ~1' -i i - 'i i i onic!'leani Standinir i ici c.? 1 Si27- 1,'i 1 17 i ' Averages N C'îhs cl .. 193 i >' * '~' VI. ........cî1 t .' .........c-.. 1.. i G i'~ Bain .... M. Seduma ii............... 179 NI. WXi sn-iua il.. ............78ý I Vcoc ......k............ 1... SCocimbeg i M.i'61\ Foster l13 .O'iiK >('ampbPll16 I C s o ...1.. n'rai'lW. McNeil 1 i0 u 1.~ F. ii9c'.-- . 14IC 5 2 . n o t n14.1 ' Gî3ier136 1>.1. Parker 16 N Pe-rfectli R RoberLA-on 129 18 C). Moffatt 16 N Lau - fi 1 i1il MI M;Ic'hc'I II 200 Gamnei Q i Ra:n1 46. '-0*". A. ri ,î;i.- . GScîtt 24l. K Rolstori t. 1 Wocloîk --. M nvl "i. I Shcaî'r 218 M, Sc'ci- inan0~ Men's Major League Three bowleî-s illpe(j t heLale Iea man 30< 21 8010 mark thiS week with El- ROI) Mavnarci 1 21 tort Broc-k Ieading Ithe wav. Stan McMuter 2 0' Our Bresident Elton Broc-k Howardj Bionel :33 -u baci gamies of 280<,:338, 21)2 foi- Haroldri Mchelsoîî 33 2'coi 820). Dr. H. B. Ritrîdle final!" [cm ('aliall 331 'cJ. c'an ont 1>1of bis stm p tn rac'kJack Parkerc0) un games of 299, 300. 210) foi Mike Micrp;)lx 3 (15i a totat of 809 Pins Big EciFf art-v Srnoxxcele 9 '> Leleliaci 807 made nip ofý Don Oke :321 i 279.,*283. 245. , tlaiik .aiu33î:1 (f4 larici Piper wh'îc lias beeti Jack Lander:3 -" tcciîbtect with an, aimailninî F'ranîk Bltiîii 30 " foi-re lIa.-cîfoi>t ureeks ha Maur'ic'e B-iha cils :11 'i i-oniffltei irecox eî'ec)anicibac!Bob B'ia rds 33 i a nice 782 ýtr-iple. L.arrv liar) George Bc'bee :113 i two bi.- gaines (272-299)- Bni-e rg Brnoks 21 iii fl[nnîiuiîig aci7-8 wbic-h i- Harru Akex' , 3 ( 1 200 cluicedIcr ie lîigh single O<f tii" nîllt .142. Bill Westtake 766 (28<-26 8 ),M auir ice Ritlîarcl 71- fowrdBrm-GOO DYE-AR (11 71.5 (27t0), Har'oldI Michel- soli711<1 1271)1. -Murrav'Larmper l a 311 BOW LING Bro1c-e Millie 280, Not-m liei- 'The top lu1 ew b îî' n iîg 27.,lai-k Bor-d andi Doitliead-onin i oc c' iu' Oke hoth luaci 26--. Bob WîI- action l hîirsclax- iigllt.aliir liaints 264. Mien il,(,snîoke hart cicar-cld Pari i îdvuîs x'oii bolh lovc Combines erigeci Lead Pr Bu P r i7 e s i a v i îg a q i tîg e o f 9 :i 4 - 3 b ilic r e a e i c r l calf, i andcih ki t-e ga me Iotal I Sýfori i cPoint s. Office. rbucl- 4,34. Alex Wisemanî bad 9 19fr'onuast %xu'c"kloss, Ip andc Captain Bob Kenut of the! feater) Bells 5-210lic ea Scîu'Graîloutfit bowlcl1<5.Pr's for the Itoiieicc-îp o AlIey ('hatter Baiîbur tix idclciix roatrlr "h>- 'ace fot- ilîi haicrage t .1I Oiinticîîi.ou01c1 ý cii.ti 1'- a r-ai baIlle w'ith six boxu o_ýf a itoge 7-0 inc x' eu-s ini contentioni. Elloin îi- o rti-iilBacc aur) Er I <slie arte lied fou. top i Comisa a o a-cli ii sPîîl ai 235 for 33 gaines - Aldefcatiîîo I [cc-e 52.î- -1-- Osborn'ce andcIFrcce Perfeit -utii Shuop t rotinice-id 'c aie ccxi axeragitug 23Jar.k ' 70 bitllt i i liai cuic' 'O Gavi-s2:30 anîd Harold Be-lae.Lboratot', carcîepd a nett 239). Anot ber bnwiler lias decu, buoi-oer Fait ei - c iîutr >os oe and) Dr. Roîî- roundi ocit! the u.h rhci dl(,x sIiiuv 26.Doii Ot<e xx'as qihiî~hg g Li1 i B1 s:~ec usItl a 761 triple.tciî' -lh fine poiîut andi îoxî'au-e cîîîlî'B ill Shlolcrr 54. Stil ('al*iii, 3i poiîîîc oP ouitbe Net-c s- 714. Rfiuss Ilatei 703. F'ua-ik borne [ris. teamn. If Broc'k Wcîghîl 700 JTolil GiliccG<87, a oid Le-cl 'c'otti nue te lir ho' Arnoldi Loh 6f8--. jihui 1.' Pace Ille '-nu-ic' eai ai- toi)67-1B, i lcinig67"1. uc' ýerige Lîbert Bou- I!t u]IHliolicox cf 671, cogc12>- of f;r.si plaer. -o1. Briai Varivil aîld V~1 Ail captains aie 1eqttesîti!er' lateli-, ail ai 667. hic tr fi id ou>t 1mw mais' nicin- Gruauti 664 anîd Bali C' n i bers of thieir temm -HI be ai- bell 6,56. Jc'idicig the big banquici coii Arniold I, Wb ug :,,:>il NI;i a . 2 , d'fort took iigh iie iiiî' Te'a iriW. 1'. BIS. foltowser)hb' Sllol!1cr :21.2: Li;bertv Bîîul 25 8 ý25 Rucss Halci' 118, Oke 29,'52 b2bcielis. *22 il *22 214, Mac tu-t 288, AI f Býiida1' Pepsi Cola 20) 13 '21<) 276. Wri ib 2 7?. CIiait 239 l'andecJicluse 19 14 19 lcloc 267, Tcîni Vilsoii2. Kc'îî s Mcii ~Sain AtamiF 6:.joliti o Giicl woca r 1812 1412 19!:, 26'l' Dadrýl l5.26,Fri Frar1k >u'Vacieus-- Bac-khuri .5.,îîî oj Siciî'e 17 16fi 17 255, lt[cciii 19250aîl Stn ri 0o0P e! 'sf!orgsoii:1.50. ,lewselieru' 15 18 15 'Ieam Stalldilnts or-&' Ioveili15 IR 1.5 liuiioi 12 21 lîerîiui 12 21 1 'ctAiirii 11, 1> Natie Ganies AI Lsli . .ckGav 1 Hitoci Beiiliet -... Dl' IL. Ruuiuile 2 Ri!! 'u'cclakc 2 Bu-.s H-11allîaî - 3 Kal-i piper .133 Biiczs f2kc'3:3 llaiî Baluicc 3 JIac'k Bouici .. C'Ia-eîii-e Oke 3:3 Bert P'nglex- -' 3 Bob WXilliaîîuIS .22 Bi ici I lc'uîîiuîg AIf Sauicllc 3 ""Niglit-hawks' Bowling Ladies' Major Bowling Leaguei c n\ ri o ic jc. o1lo~n\\ rczýt' . 1 la 's \Io cl a 's L a cic s' M aj or lat r1' l'à . ....1 l.'agi i ttîn, RIrok, c'd -vd bK. l'coîiiti Joli Î:'i :hc iigj gamù. l- ~Do':" 1in O~crS to 'o ou:- I J. kj 13 NLI 1-' C<I 0! - Tetpnstei a21 ,uv cw 2:Ea "_() - 259 2 ove:- Pr: '<o i n,-ePasl Jol 247. Do: loI 'ý256. 56. NMa o's-p o'. oýlBer* 255. 227.Do'-ecn Pa ký ca dc '(,'2.u2 Joa ll EngI 'v xi~~~ i. KE-', :n Parxt Daiv liHa\ îws 2:3,. 1ola Wr'2h, U'1lAi~ ie îcici- T Bmool.e 't _ lîc Bakr' aîîi ' c f:-tl :te- ' 'ii ' >2 t. Bý1p arri BllIîolzIî iav ')io ici x a 'i oa: R B clol. 6'). Iplc: Pu', fil1, 1< 7'?.1 la'r . pc" '1ý r i i - 111) VO% ri C07 ..î i B k r 6 T e a m S ta n d in gs I r ce l x,\ ' 19 6 . Io \ c ef, i vi ' 'lla:î~ Pc'Pt p>1 -J' J' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F Fi'ii ' IRtB1)BA iî <.>i ' C) I-h î-u~ r 'Q \ci 1? n i ltt lccB INewtonviIIe.!Star<viIle Bowling League F icc -t ie îî'- i 21)î Pa Iru :1c-1 > -11Ï) Do)iialcl il) 21.'ite Pi'r 12. Dv h alcinIl >29. lta Vu'. Varlr Mar-ac B>-ict 1< 0 ~ ~ ~ K i Fri> "i i' ' I' il? H70. Il Aivei A ra l .'i -6 .fs' r rtSl c,, v-il ce 'I Y i 1Il \I a ';li iall Pci ntlî S ; 'lia 1 tiI2în Ii a BInuIf, 01 Pax c1., Ji s nii' Ao 'c- i i'i 'lhI i wl 1-iii i l ui i i S o A ser 0a es lcli l-ii t Nlrni la r-k ax i .ic-cîii I ah t)cu-ii( lix Sta il, 18' I'eaRf Pres 12 Banibiicx% Con i e.i r AeBelAx 22 ose 2,33 ta ide'u )301 2'2 ( 13IM 5A~I i32 2 1lII' Ilb I F UNli PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARDTOP %7-8, autoniatit'. pow er sîeeig anîd brakies, shade-lite glass. u hile u al tires. w~heel discs. back-uu ighîs ecustomi radio. Il) bea j, ifti inif ire Red wiîi uuathing iilerior. e- n tive d ,i en. J ust ove r 2.,100 ni iles. 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-DOOR 6 c~ *l. aiitoniatic, ct s(om ioarln a k- Ii) ight whhi.~~Iite vaillirnes, wl'ivel discS. (uleailîing BIttie finish wit I na ch ing in erior. (i h 40,0100 orig- inal miles. D)onî A rstrouîàg, Sa les 3Ig r. ap hili, stew Prestoni RaxIM OTuOu, Ina i p 'lIi cgL Dîcoiîa 1i I.\ i'SIa Niia ,Fa rî'îî)w Da 1 (îîrlolîîrîrî 'I'c'Icphone 62.3-3.303 -'-c.'.- 2>170; i i 2117112 'i-' 'ici.' 2', lit <i '0> ' BRÉ SERVICE Be sure you buy from 1963 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 4-DR. cit . a lton4î) l itîîs I r disc s Ilo((.k heatvr.xt phoîil well kept hv 011(ol ierAzxire ~Atjsa %vitil match. VoL' NiislJS'SEL '1 1957 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DOOR HARDTOP f; e I., Standard Iaîmsin ai * silver anîd %Nhile y> ali tires, %vheel discs, fende,' nil retrs. O nli 22,010 gua ra n teed iiles. JLocalI trade-mn 011 196Ponîtiac. 623-3:196 (0F Bowling GOODWILL"r USED CARS STRATOR! 1 - 1 à, J 1 E ICA nn«KYTT 7% f-1

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