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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1964, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesrnan, Eowmanvfle, April 8, 1984 aouprfateAsi n oftenC a h l c W o nn1i mrillions of dollars per year Report from Queen's Park 1ThesuComssion attaJork stReion. Conference 1 rm nNew York and otherA areas in the United States t iiierivigtitt.toJoseph's Hall by Alex Carruthers, M. P P Ontario. We should therefore giv te role ad he There was a large attend- celebrated on April 26th. She The Ontario Legislature has of last week. As this report powers over the terror strick- recommendations of the Police ance ait the Regional Confer- also outlmned the origin of now recessed until the middle was the basis of Bill 99, ran en peasants. The organization' Commission serious thought. ence of the Catholie Women's this devotion. of April, which should provide Act to Amend the Onarjo became s0 powerful it turned! One xvonders what would League held in St. Joseph's The Regional Chairman, an opportunity for the emo- Police Act, I am sure it would an the landowners and forced 'have happened to the "Ten Hall, Liberty Street South Mrs. Earl Leonard, announcec tions of the members ta abate be beneficial ta review somelthem to submit to theJr will. Commandments" if Moses had recently. The Regional Chair: that the annual Diocesan Con. and the citizens' fears of an of the findings of that body. 13. Organizatiua of the Society: been forced to present themn man, Mrs. Earl Leonard, Co- vention of the C.W.L. wvill be Ontario Police State to dimin- The expression, Cosa Nostrai The Casa Nostra or Mlafia isito the Ontario Legislature. l bourg, presided. held in St. Michael's Hall, Co- is.As the smoke of battle or Mafia, is continualîy crop- Ia form of criminal govern- ebbs perhaps the legislativt ping up in connection with in- ment. The head of each fam- with a prayer by Rev. G. p. June lst. battlefield will assume a more ternational crime. A brief ily is a "boss". He appoints Sullivan, Woolner, Ont., the The conference was ther realistic and reasonable at- summary of the history and ahl officers including an Pe te rorg fDo teaC.w.L. cussed itoics oupncern dwith rnosphere. operation of this society May "Underboss", a "Consiglieri O ý _ the rmembrsfof hecrthehe .. chnge s l t rbrcs a n d Very few of the members provide a better understand- and a number of "Caporeg- pthr et er R ev. F K. a- thercas, hichae rcame rond had an opportunity ta study in g ai the problems facing law imas" or captains. wr e.F .M-ehrwihhv oefo fully the report ai the Ontario enforcement and law eniorce- The "Consiglieri" acts as a lane, Bowmanville; Right Rev. the Ecumenical Councîl, how ]Police Commission on organ- ment agencies in this prov- neutral advisor handling liasonDerr.ams J. P. Collins, Cobourg; Rev. they affect the church, and the Ized crime before the debate ince. with cther families. With ahl the pros and cons L. Cleary, Port Hope, and world in general. il.Meaingof heExpression: 'Th "captain" is the head of on the establishment of a new Rev. H. A. Black, Grafton. A h opeino hs osa Nstraor Maia m ans 'regime", consisting of a flag and national anthem, I,: On behaîf of the hostess C. group discussions a spokes- Nostra or afiaameans number of "Isoldiers" or "but- like a lot more songwriters,1WL ConiS.Jsps, anfracpeetdthx zuthio "ng", r"ur Organ ton men", or "good fellows"., were given the opportunity Of Bowmanville, the lst Vice- resuits. Thien Father Sulli- ASK FOR *,,dcae" The bosses of the major copsing a new 'lyric' for IPresident, Mrs. Delbert Hends- van, the Diocesan Director, "Syndîcate.cmpis a"cmms the melody: "The Maple Leaf1 bee, welcomed the delegates. presented a summation on the fo Datrle o r C UNeyhC ! I 2. elora ie ece ,soH. T e omissionfm~ a "om is ThiFIrever." ,andThe Presidents' Reports work of the Ecu mnenical forfat elef-r ony ac! I i awel rgaizd ecetthe ruling body af the Casa Ti a readmy were then presented as fol- Counceil in Rame. Dolcin has thousands of friends who criminal society restricted ta ostadcdn o oiymt own candid opinion is: That lows: Mrs. Earl Rand, Bow- Right Rev. J. P. Collins, Ca- tell others. Mrs. H.W., PortfArthiur, Ont. members of Italian birth and tras ell as do iu tesb no one will came up with a..tr swl sdsue e manville; Mrs. M. Byrne, Port bourg, also spoke. Monsignor wrlf os: "Whenever 1 hear of anyone is principally of Sicilian origin. ten"aiis suitable lyrie for that melody. Hp;Ms oebClaCliscmetd o h sufferlng from Arthritic Pain, 1 make It developed as a socal andjirThatis, ne tat wl sing rafope; Mssep adln R oo- loulis cussionanthe e sure to tell them about DO LCIN. My fa mily organization in Sicily 4. Methods T ta nthat melody wiou at o;MsMaein o-gupdcsinadh r relatives and friends have ai! got relief as a result oi bad government rThe arganization resorts ta ale ang esineemeo y Cbug;Ms M edr-dcedta or hngsw and thank me for sprcading the news.' aîwn h naina b abrsm hne ntemld a Coîborne, and Mrs. be forthcoming fromn the Ecu- pano rhis remîînsifica isa he n a sono ta rberphysical violence, itself. Not and do justice ta Jose'ph Culman, Grafton. menical Council's delibera- pain ofmuhrst he~u batirn, c intc The lwescniin nmre and extortion in arder the ten provinces and the dif- The President of the Dia- tions. or lumbago-or your money bick. Ask Te awsscniosi ta enforce its rule. ferent people living in them. cesan Council. Mrs. P. Mc- Miss Madeliene Rooney, your druggist for DOLçlN Tablets, and Sicily at the time led the own- 5. Membersbip Regulations . However, I do believe, that Ilray, Huntsville, wba bas president af the Cobourg C. You to» will be proud to tell others how 'ers ai large estates ta place All mnembers are carefully ' hile he encosed lyric cer- served two years in thîs high W. L. Council, thanked the much Dolcin lias helpcÔ you. 64-1i their lands in charge ai ruf-1screenied belore being admit-'tainle, von't go ta the above1 office, addressed the confer- Bowmanville C.W.L. Council -flans who exercised despotie ted, and under a tradition cal- 1mntoned elody - it does ýence. She spoke with appreci- for its hospitality and friend- ed "Omerta" a member: (a)do a lot for Canada as a whole; atiorn of the unfailing support lincss. She spoke with ap- Muy stitea ut or jicta ndshu(ybageewih ethat she lbad been given from preciatian of the warm wel- an cnsitte utorty ()after having read it: Vou have1 the Peterborough Diocesan came given ahl the delegates. Must neyer assist in the dete-1 prmssion ta use it in your Cauncil, and asked for theMis Rooney invited everyo Inofcie(c Muto-pe. members to give sîmilar as-'t,aattend the autumii Regianal Ifyo 'd li e serve absolute secrecy about,ý In closing, 1 am cf Englisb sistance ta ber successor whcn Meeting ta be held in Cobourg. ýth opratonsof hesociety. ýblood, was born andi raised in she is elected later this The conierence closed with to vmp ov our fariri 6. "Family" Responsibilities:- ,England, and my father served seasoni recitatian o ai .WL im p ovewhih t cntrlsandRoyl ude thec ulEach family has a territary ftwenty - six years witb the Miss Agnes Grant, Peter- Prayer and an act ai consacra- ivhy flot do it nowv? it bas a napoly af variousf ing manarcbs and the Union fborouh rvnil~neo in vices. There are same open > Jack. However, I believe Can fo Report Forms, gave a Following the business ses- areas wherein several "fami- aathoudhv lga practical talk dealing with the sion a deliciaus lunch was ,,fa annual reports ta be made by C.W.L. Council. The attract- Ta 1k Lo your lene o teea mi. Tes in- a nte ai e h a ohn: o rprwyt i]otth evdb h omni lha peetate ito hefailes"Om aadm a n he bath, in: eacb C.W.L. Cauncil in the îvcly arranged serving table 'baspentraedito he is"9gnada a nnde 'red En- 1Diocese. She reminded the was lighted with talwhite af labour, government, bus-sg.Wy oeaurvras Toronto-nom inion iness ind even education. Igavernments have neyer madeldelegates that these reports tapers in a pair of massive The aperatians ai the saci ety cither officiaI is beyond me? bave ta be in by April lSth. s il1 v e r candlesticks. Mrs. SU t became nw oteahri Wish ing yau cantinued suc- An intercsting question and Michael Heenan, the immed- Bank mI.anaer about knth own athe auth-.ori- cess with the Statesman, alsof answer periad followed. iate past president, and Ms tnic t hrohad the ! only l:noxvn In ber address, Mrs. D. F. Lea Goulah, another past lo - o t"Omerta", Joseph Valachi, wîho 1 Yours Sincerely (Ted) M e C a r t h y, Peterborough, president, oresided aver the is owserin hie mp i- Edward G. Lennard spoke ai the Feast ai Our Lady tea and calice cups. The local m o - o ti o ent. CANADA MYpriHOME aio Good Council, tbe Patron C.W.L. members assisted la Under Mussolini a drive, by aio the C.W.L., which will be serving. Farm. ~~~~was conductod against thie 1Eda GLenr Mafi inSicly hichreslte A andwitb glariaus sunshine attended the Feed Dealers' As- . h lest sociatian banquet held ati grateen oa ,in ta tho Unit ed aers i-iWhere freedom reigns from Markham. ENFIELD niproveinent Loan.ting manyhai Uit edb ers ! i- east ta west Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart- (nede o1atWe wbere they hecame active ii A land in all the world the ley, Rick and Heather, Barrie, I nene o ls ek) the flourishing bootlegging in-1 bs spent the holiday weekend, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Reding, Fer- H e's a good rm an dsty.Another drive is now Il stnaa tyHoeworldîame rant Ms.A anelumu; .adMrs.N mthR Ilrreu t aly There g My he oe. with beMr. n Mp Aarents, Clumu; .adMrs.n . Rmt. to kn w The Ontario Police Car- oden wbeat Grace and Ted spent the long Cowling, Whitby; Mr. and t K lO . mission in its investigation di i There lie the prairies scentedf weekend with ber parents, Mrs. L. Watton, Oshawa; Mr. flo fndanymaarargnied sweet Mr. and Mrs. James Bancroft, and Mrs. F. Samis were Sun- no idan ao rgaidWhere mounitains, lakes and Newington.1 day guests ai Mrs. R. Grîffin. crime in Ontario, but it did1 forest meet1 Mrs. C. Noland, Kingston; rs-C G. Bowman spent ai Interested in a new tractor ... new plumb-r discover Mafia links in Toron- In1 Canada My Home. M.anyHriN cstle, few daysý with relative ad ta, Guelph and Hamnilton. Ten provinces make up aur were Monday aiternoan and friends living ln Hamitan. ing... new fixturcs... or a new farm water The danger is flot in the, land . evenîng callers with Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor andi rsntsituation but in the United, hand in hand we stand Mrs. A. Barnes and Ted. ;girls, Bowmanville; Mr. and systcm? Talk it over with your nearby ýfuture. Th, cancerted drive 'People came from ev'ry land__ against crime, particularly the 'To help us clear and build il: Toronto-Dominion Bank manager. Mafia, in ather jurisdictions Same were white and some may result in an increase in were dark crime in this province. Some Cannot speak our Anytimeyouwanttoimproveyourfarxn(in f New York State inl 1958 set language up the New York Crime Com- But placcd together we unite just about any way) he cana be a very good mission ta deal with arganized 'In Canada My Home. frind.Dro i an ge aquante ~crime in that state.. The On- We fear no foie or foreign frind.Dro i an ge acuante son. tario Police Commission is might Imodelled ta some extent alter Shaîl e're possess this land Bo this bady. . bright The New York Commission For aIl Canadians guard the ________INIo as an investigating body re- right a ___M __ parting annually ta the Gov- Ta Canada My Home. ernor and tbe State Legîs- Through all the world her mhr eol ake te différence lature was gîiven powcrs very name shahl ring Wlwepeplesimilar and la some aspects And all Canadians proudly mare drastie than those askcd sing for la Bill 99. The success of For anc for ail we stand or B.L. BURK, Manager its work is evident by the fact fal Bowmanville Branch that criminal elements are And Canada Our Home. finding the State f New York On,îvardsý, Onwards an ta fame Nation tbee shail e'rc proclaim A iad ai wcalth and liberty Whose homes are filled with Rul with power and with Thou wbose bopes are so, OSHAWAbright 1 unite 1 ý__ 1 n CandaMyHome. attend a Home and Sehooli convention held at the Royal1 York Hotel in Toronto, on Tuesday, March 24th. Mr. and Mrs. John Huband,1 Oshawa, were Friday eveningý visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wfrighti and family were Friday after-1 noan visitors with Mr. and! Mrs. Mel Shiels, Oshawa, and in the evening called on Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, En- niskil]en. Mr. Howard Cryderman is a, patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, having under- gone surgery.' Our best wish- es go to him for a speedy re- covery. The Base Line community held a card party i the Base Line No. 3 School on Friday evening. A pleasant evening was reported by ail attending.1 Mrs. Charles Depew, Bow-' manville, xvas an Easter Sun- day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy' Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Art Busheli and Ruth, Niagara Falls; Mrs.' Charles Pilch, Victor and Vivian, Toronto, were Easter weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. Miss Dorothy Foley is spend- ing Easter week at hier par- ental home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell.; Valerie, Lee and Dianne spent] Easter weekend the guests of Mrs. Charles Brownell, Finch, Ont. Mr. Ron Brownell and Mr. Brian Flegg visited their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brownell, Ingleside, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Flegg, Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steven- son. Glenn and Paul, Detroit, Mich,, spent the holiday week- end with her parents Mr. and r Mrs. J. R. Metcalf and brother Ross. Mr. Fred Wright recently'- Most drivers consider their cars a ma- jor investment. Yet, time after time. many motorists return to the same make of car without seriously consid- ering any other. How does your car compare. feature for feature, wîith other cars in the same price range? The remarkable new X- Ray book tells you. The X-Ray is a free automotîve fact book. lts 28 pages of impartial charts rMs. 1. Smith, Hampton-, Mr andMr. . ibon M. Don- f reace aid Gibson and friend, Colum-~ bus were recent visitors withl the E. and D. Prescotts. u%3es Miss Louise Stableford spent a few days witb Miss Marion A J Prescott. vveu., Mrs. Nellie Hockaday, Mrs. t!E. Hockaday and girls and Moiss' A new st )fSpires, Sauina; Mrs. R. Cadi- tention on C rane, Mr-. L. Cochrane, Miss furtber worl iEdith Joint, who spent the sale today. dwcekend, were vîsitors ai Mr. Nicholson, i- and Mrs. Les Cochrane and cral said that ýRalph. timcly la vic )-iMr. ai-d Mrs. Les Cochrane Itcrest la pea df and Ralph called on Mr. and This is tht Mrs. Elgin Cowling and iam- multi - colaur i ily, Peterborough. Canada Post Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane, this year. N hMr- and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Mr' plained thal d and Mrs. Len Stephenson, Mr. metbod caml nL. Cochrane and Mrs. R. graphie proc ,Cochrane ail attended the tagio proces eCachrane-Sutton wedding la the tradition Peterborough on Saturday. e Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- 1 Keown, Garry and Arlene, ,rWhitby, werc Sunday evening dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and family. e Mr. and Mrs. W. Fowler and Judy Ann, Hampton, were Fr1- day evening guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and Keith. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, eBrantford, spent the weckend at thie W. Pascoe hame Mrs. A. Taylar and Mrs. E. Lee werc over night visitors with Mr. and Mrs R. Hart- !man, Enterprise. Master David 1Taylor stayed with bis grand- %parents and bis parents re- Liturned for hlmn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson and Nan, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. M. Alhin and their daugh- ter Mrs. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simpson and iamily wcrc Sunday dinner guests ai Mrs. L. Simpson. The Young People's eld their montbly meeting last week with Ken Beckim's group in charge ai the devotional. For recreation tbcy went as a graup ta the dance at Enniskil- len. The card party lield on Thursday cvening was con- ducted by the Yaung People's with Norman Lec's group in charge. The prize winners were Laura Bowman, high lady; Rod Simpson, bigh man; Marion Prescott, bigh girl; Gordie Griffin, higb boy. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith and family, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson and family, West Hill; Mr. and & Mrs. Keith Taylor and family, Janetville; Mr. T. Taylor, Ontario has a Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. T. Taylor. the varlety fai The Young People's spent excitiag vacat Saturday morning an their paper drive and were very Ontarioc pleascd with sucb a good re- square miles, sponse. Tbey gatbered togeth- cinating thing er for a bot lunch in the cslsadc church basement which gave csisadc tbem an appartunity ta use the leries, and lon gif t ai the elcctric stove and red-coated reirigerator, donated by the Starks family. The Young nificent wilde Peoplc's arc willing ta pick and charming up any papers that were nat Ministe~ avaihable an Saturday. and illustrations compare the features and factory list prices of 24 Canadian cars. lt's the only free fact book of its kmnd. Il gives you ail the informa- tion you need to know before you decide on any car. This exceptional book gives you complete exterior and interior meas- urements, comfort and seating options. hidden quality and value features. en- 1gravfng, such as darity of Stam p dsign and subtlety ai tone, I will be retaincd, while the off- on a eset process wiladd brightnes: A . i estamp vill sowaglb O white and blue, around April 8 whicb appears a gold banner bearing the words "Pacem in tamp focusîng at- Terris" la a darker gold. This Canada's desîre tu local point is bighlighted with ld peace went on wvhite and set la a blue back- The Hon. John R. ground. Tbe îvord "Canada" Postmaster Gen- appears at the bottom, ta the it the issue appears leit ai centre and is a darker iew ai current in- shade ai blue. The desiga is ,ace. contained in a white border ci iirst ai several and the words -postes" and red stamps the "~postage" appear la white at tOffice will issue right angles ta one another ini Mtr. Nicholson ex- the upper rigbt hand corner. dthe production The design vas commission- bines two litho- cd by the Post Office Depart- ,sses with ane la- ment, Mr. Nicholson said, and is. ha ibis way. r xecuted by the Canadian ial virtues af steel Bank Note Company. all the bigness, ai r one ofthe miost tions of yaur life. covers 415,000 ýpacked with fias- is ta see. Like aid ithedrals, art gai- ,g sandy beaches, ounties and mag- lrness, cannôns i side-waik cafes. Your Ontario is a stirring. exciting place. Take this sum- mer ta explore. For more information write, Ontario Department of Travel,Room 270, Parliament Bidgs., Toronto, Ontario. HONOURABLE JAMES AuLD, buy any car n a Rambler) rit bout gine and transmission choices, safety features, factory lîst prices and many other specifications. With an X-Ray book you can see exactiy what you get for the money you pay. Don't buy your new car from habit. Find out which car is really best for you. Pick up your free copy of the 1964 aulomotive X- Ray book at your nearest Rambler dealer's now. _______________GET YOUR FREE X-RAY BOOK FROM YOUR NEAREST RAMBLER DEALER McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET, EAST -IONE 623~33L b - d reading XaRay OPEN EVERY THURSDAy & FRIDAY UN0L00 O'CLOCK 54 QUALITY STORES TO SERVE YOU PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING CONVENIENT BUS SERVICE INTO THE CENTRE I .iONE 623 - 33.L

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