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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1964, p. 13

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Lndsay,. erwin tnest at ainhsnme aa HA M P ON ereue "' oMe ortunate In andCanadian Statesntian. Bowmanw, illnninprone of t3 HMTN"The Flving Dutchran ' nJ II a l n t ns sfhçivaw. xv cnioedofstde_____ Frîday evening IE f prizesý a happy coincidence of the Canai nlre a kil i rcad4 lsi T h e Spring Anniversarv Life - The service closed withi Confirmation Services inc1ud-. M r. and Mrs. Nie rw i nar ieain i- 1 mother xo one last Club haîîs ' neîed1 >tow aea vrý sevcswr elatene'tn-e nmn "Te jjay Tou; ing the celebration of tioiy MoulLjU'viitd M.and li St r Ho key \ e i Ioo.lîke ou r tethicr :î 'r a~ eiwo3 ~ e etDr h on Sundav evening. The scrip- Gavest, Lord. I. Ended.' fol- r Communion wvili be held at E. Strong. Bowmanv ile.ai 11~A~ xi con r ue to he preli yCc!E ot r t. o',qa:yîgpro ftv er ture lesson was read. follo;v- lowed bv the beniedictioni Ham plon at 6:30 p.m. attended "Cornz a Popriin owiis Peterborough 1ski- >P1 i.c. h,,, \-Cal wro r>Qîicc"1s~1.0ea:0Th iecdnthiawrthb ed by the Lord's Pravrr. The The guest -speaker for the an-îifn bpim -lbe M0ndMs1Hrld 1Ioc xvlhai ow thlan hlax* st v r ~ o 2: : tBa'mo rto aa.d choir sanz a number. "Son of niversarv was Bey. White, clbae nCrstian Farn-'kins visited recentlv wvith Mr To conchirde our season ci nmc11-0 T>e eeead Iwolix o.i lti--inrî ipan li 2 roiitiieetdI cin\ lp'd1n10eu kr, " My Sou!" bv E. Turner, w.th Newtonville The people Of ulv Sundav (Mother's Day>.,Iand Mrs, Chris Toolv.OýLI- iîter-sclicol hockey an alsa îl Killen protected the Al- >wo mond poccs l rim e c ~ r olroukr-uinfe iotnaSuiîrSieWht helo from Mr. Ross *Melcall the comn-unitv aopreciate. Mav îoth. a w a.. (lîrce n pop.f 'l later >i:rometpiimu çahcrta>svrg9.,i After the h-n 'The King of very much the cheerful, faith- lUIca"' d chosen trom the Star zone while the forwards spriic1 iL2 oiox lTti4 . k i ik 8 k fti Love, Mv Shen'nerd 1." thec fui help of 'Mrs, K. Caverly,' A.O.T.S. Mens Club Ladies Mr. Alvin Yeo and his tri- four ýchoo1s Saiem., Mitchell's wrth their Constant ;kating.ý,ud\tN Nina: c-dueton '1 >p en eru 9 asfidduhtr offerinz xvas taken Mrs. Ja.S. theleader of the choir: and4 Night \vill be held at Courticeý end Mr. B;1 Henning, Bo.x - Corners . Manie Grove and back-checkîng and successfui nal- sud Ken ef Harniitoîîiîk n 2 i ptii a 'rl 56 e et tiful solo, 'Thc Lord 1I M:cated organîist. ,at 6:45 n ..m. Weý1 Virzinia. for- a iew rornposed as folloxvs: Salem- Goal scorers were Bob Hawes "st1 Mi. (.E Rbin(n an i.> iOcsîr>t0. tShepherd,- accompanied I)v Confirmation Class No. 7 Hampton W. I> held theirldavs las> week, and aýtrnded George Leaver. Dave M.ýayn-,3, George Leaver. John Oyl er. c Rax Robinsona tnd > xerae P Sb .r twf Mr. Ross Metcalf. The sermon was heir> in Hampton C. E meeting April 7th ai the C. E. a Jamboree ard, Dax'e Shackleton and Jamnie McPhail. Joe Hircock. Tric Ralnh \IaIcintnis arc> ur b-qrffvn eirU O was ntited Our ternl Bdg. unda, Aril th. Bldg. Mes. Dr. C. Vipond, Mr, and '\,r& Euank LIlcetî J a nii e MePhail. Mitchell's Dave Shackleton, Gien Finney, mm'> j nmI >hýD-!j ll-xveeklnd xvît the briO, dt.îthr Legay -TwoNew alus n Nex Suday Aprl îthOshawa. was guest speaker. :and chîldeen. Oshawxa, speilt Cornes--Gon yler. Bob Terry Flîntoff and David VJig.'- iiaxs' i <iIlcniy le b Saidr uni.bpnors-ýirex saiipinc Mes Jhn aitt. Ces-.Eastee Sunday xx'h M aIli a wes. Joe Hircock and goal-igans each nee Karèn ernîaîned for EasterpeerS'crtîcrbrx'-t ox mmci a> Kdn well, cailed on Mr. and Mes. Mosr,,, Clarence Yen. tenider Bih:' KilIený ai oahHrexpeseergltoia' x'tîcoîî i er iratc i2 tîdduh-Lnor Ctir i Sd ýA .Prsot nTurdyýGrove- Glen Finney. Paul gests that seeunig hîox ail but Macî: Saîi a tie rfn A. W Prscot onThusday Mis DebîeFeriaiîe/ rr>Huggat -xho xvas rcpeesentedone of these boys wouid have îrirnd te oaro' o o- iMaster Allun Maiette and his1 tcroniead atdb efft ,14 m l7f1io~î i î cnolol vt Corporation of The ~ brotherpaa'rvofpEnt Tr rsek b Je rr7, Davey, Dave PingIe been ehigibie tb play Bantam rav xili Joy'OuOMaclcolm.20 .h Cniîn Cateousand boy s. Hc rwth Mrs. Nîdderv ndMrx'. Courtice-Tom Cook, Don Mc- av e be mîesceflE~~ xe 'î e rn hlieoc3 > c alixc rMW a D h js ex- o,, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Fernandez îiilen. Terrv Flintoff and They xvouidlike toîhnknithi rsRoinonof caventi. a ge \neBsîr ownsnup of varex'uungion tothnkmohe Ms. oonsn fSdv tendedhtp Mes. John Tuekocîn îted a> tue Niddery home Richard Ellîs xvas repeesentedirthe parents, thedtrc bsa 'o undav, .rs. NS Falk- bv Daivîd ViggaiiailS fc> lox'r!r\Clu i>Si~ tr o a b er daughter Mes. Kozlb or ad M-M u lieDcivr --11.paper, Joe Kennett, Bud Per-. c' ll-Stii c t cvPif B» 0 Vl NOTICE 0F BY-LAIV concerning the and sons Nick and Wianlliamc-'xo fT LAli-Stars dominated!fect aind above al,Roy' Neads, Ic-i ls 0 etcyca. < cci, itaie.îuof l o Tîaifîîiig lîîr iemer ýTronto, visited r> MeG. N r> illir z-anie witb a Peter-lfor the excellent support and lîttie filrdoon Monrlay pr: c rs' Awclt> irc lcr>Ct 9irsdM .KCx r Allowance between Lots 16 and 17 inJh Teolo ase wYlon Suiîdav. ______ri: onto occasion cf lier 7»: tester xslsc riuituoadM the 9th Concession of the Township 10MApilIsH.'urS iPrsilc hone c'1r6 t il- E op a > ;As weli as Hampton Scboonl Ms .SPie oo'.psiiî.hcF'r t of Darlington and providing for the Choir obtaining second prize 'jMes. F.nR. K rsiak, Cxhnas, YLV ERiro On Sa uda(m Fo p sale thereof to the abutting owners. at the recent Music Festival x 1e rai r Ca.Su:ci.,iiîGa.Dvdar in Peterborough,tef iho-Johiîs. Bowm aniillo. ixxre ic- lJn k av hrh neiehvn om i isorayiDvican d NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ýing Hm to students obtain ýcent vsitors i» i i- a n cl Sympa ni jý con-scved in var c s offices -an. hîpcl i P CouncHaroof thetCorporationanof.thespTolnshiporf r> i fth oprtono h onsi f jdmarks worthy of mention, -s aor>Sle.munîîîîîy xtded oMrs. eIder, stewaed and treasurer. Pcîrr' olc! U U E iLeslie Jankovich, Eddy Kozak Mes. H. Tink, Solîna. vusul- Gordon Rbisno Cavan, FLIerah servicesx îe e y. No tr uîîa feWh L d Darlington at its regular Council meeting to be adBiy ht.ed Mr. and Mes. Prv eel! agb r> M Brtfo: osoc uer ld OmeC>uiEiss xul> fîthedWitf D held on Thursday the 7th day of May at the On Tuesday afteenooMes.on Sundav and atieîîded t i Vsee cf Ir> r>d on Ray of in Peterborough vWith inter-l Me. A. TayirsEse'm Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hamp- Richaed Geiffin, Union Sec-i anniveesaev services. Yeiverton ntepassng cf a nment at 'ci orton Jid sage anid special mîusic lbA ePoutohneuc tonat :30p.m o antim threfte ~0ll - ion, spent the afiernoon win Mr. aur>Mrs. Carl Bradiey ]Olcviuig sbnd and father.:Cburcb Cen ictery Higl C's, Loxv C'soni' Mediumh porteto to t13 ..o ntm hratrw n Mes. A. W. Prescott. On Fri- and Miss Mary Balv inGordloni far> l.d fCos.Manncf is îîakng sider passing a by-law to stop up and close that Br tenonMs ate eeSn a dleen: io, ng e.a lcfOîI ~ Tuesday Messiroofnisiciaîgo part of the original Road Allowance between ýBeath, Columbus, visited with guests wi'iîMr. nd Sr s. O ig, p o lit s iog Lots 16 and 17 in the 9th Concession of the Tow n- M s. A. W P escott.i Lorenzo Trul. M .îndtieient >0 Cavan village a land x'îîsi r > o M an 'er e w a ntribitte o u se 'g d cas t cr s ship of Darlington. ,'Miss Marion: Prescot. En- le. ad e G\ S ih.fxxyears ago.foc:ship oinc a bus ar> a c ot B c re ~~a fil.spent pari of hec Eas- Th(-,esM deceased xxas a very br itui oî> fmn -adMs ieNst NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN That !tee bolidays withhrganb ban r.Mtir. Yo-berTseof Liîidsax'District Cc- ý.an' d ous f ori Credtar th C u n i o t e o p o at o o t e o n s ip pa e ts M . an1M s. I h ýr> en d ed the O ran g e L od ge t uir- f f0 1),c1 T ' t: w h ic as t a i > th .0 1h. E tn d asuD e ale rsPnrt h e B o w m a n vil i parents Mr. andsupperosandpertieftthenment theîib; anfrte>CrpontinFo idaTonshpftey sai T rnd n acîrainment'"annivesary cellebratînis of thie.1 Eat uuda' xvisiors a>,Mal-adRrlAe of Darlingtonproposes at the same meeting by Sno: nd oalier> r- -Tron Mne. and Mes. ORRSHCn-Op Inovement unin iar i ________ the aforesaid by-law to authorize the sale of the A. W. Prescoti. , ng. foryscesulEse e hatrdabstovstsosi said stoppcd up part of the original Road AI- Saiurday callers ai the: and es avicor> Faerxx' xas beir> in tbe Sunday of- interesi in Guelph and dus i Prescothome were Me. anr> and îmiîv RvirM e. acir> t enedyA riet.Plaes e Ca lowance to the abutting owners. Mes. Will Ashion, CaesaeeanL,,,t îat 2:30 p.m. uncher the ans- w modeBrCO.lte On Thursday Mr. and Mrs.5 I Ms. Lawrence Faeeoxvý and pires cf thie U.C.W. plant and the Co-Operatîve - The proposed by-Iaw and plan showing the Raymond Farrow, Raymond, Mes. Victor Farrow. Sark- Aîîercrîo tea xxas serveredear R. Fuehpoandry e E rs J re hlands affected niay bc seen in my offices in the Marilyn and Gloria visited, ville. trm3pm. cîîtil 5 p.m. Tables' cener Rarn s Jerseypro- J Township Hall. M.OdMs Caec l n O:Sundav Mo. andur>Ms.R.. rf ocrpisc xeeesigpat at S.Peters andc famiiy. Woor>vlie. arwadfrnl iie1niaccd bore and there, gay brcilir e oe ,0 Breeder Honor C m iain F ra e Far'row and r> fLavnî iie roburg xviîb a ae aciî n The Cotincil will hear in person, or by his Me. and Mes. J. E. John e ar sLxerne Fîrro.v loxcrs and r> eety covers gave Ti uia ihbsod or erconsiaget r olcioran prsn ho Toronto, visiter> Mr. and Mrs.Wlcme an air of cteeriulness to tue Ti uia>xvi uiaa L. Carl Bradley of Hampton,~~ ~Brn î,ca oraim s elthatgis or erlisciorl b erjdcily oenoTrl o atray¼Me. and Mes. Cen. Yen >5>1t- otbcrwise plain eoom. froni both Grasshiî and Camp- lias just been enroiler> in teian wod vt- Me. and Mes. J. R. Metealf,ler> Mes. Evelx'n Colville anîd A long table xvas placer> o beIlford xvere also guests cf Constructiv e Breeders' Reg i affected by the said bv-law and wvho applies to rMpeGoe 'e udyMes. Bertha Yen, Bowman- -t i oo oU C.0 at a delicînusliOisrcuthCaîdnJee b er.jMpeviIciStra vnn. the south cm-' luiichotoiîThefful r> y out conversubion or be heard. ~tea guesis with Me. and Mes, il, nStera eeîi . pheteh y coverer> xith homel îpse>CttCubt:oh the hîgb ment Loreazo Truit. Me. and Mes. Hosken Smirli cnoking încluding beruspleasantlY ps udn conviv~ialpnuconartpecbs DATD TIS TH AY0F PRI, 164Mr, and Mes. Sam heirgadagheaînd pecakes anr> cookies, vege-. npayan hsei atuî>trd, and thc adoption ni DATD TIS7THDA OFAPRLK196a en iss Mndarlon r tescoteld- blbs amance xvere deeply impeesser>1lierd umpeovemnît pengeams and sons, Oshawa, were Sat- 'Coenz a Poppin ' un Bow- t1ables, gaînous bub. asbywa rmscnacOP ofteP1ubTet-nets- urday evcning supper guesis manville, and visited r>M. aianur> Tle ywhtforerscnaem-c t î xeîyuîets hnsdfe ana jehr.esnd iss. forstbmselves b" woek- e or>ioxs in bis terr>have a;brsdwo Walter E. Ruindie, Clerk. wt Me an s.To. Mrs. Harland Truli in Box'v-l r xar 'aît ihnd n OOeatively. In thîs productici: ni 125 per cent cf tksoe uo Wra.v. mnileiniade ahirons. emnbroiderer> pil-, day and age when eeyn îkar 2 e eto u- teCentreltavi___________ nd14 ercetofbu- Tte ladies cf ]ttc cass,______ad____lea ______l'x1css ovlsadmlylas harder and harder. cn terfat, nf breer> ciass average, group cf the Women's Insui-,ohruel and fancy rils'gvnmt assistance, the ad3 iasfe>cosi1t ottersefu34 tclasverfied -'ows intiathe Corporation of The tute bar>an executive meetingi TheSULT î basor> uianl ery îOPlt- ewlr-arelpw ogrfso oo daerage 87.6 per cent. last Thursday afiernoon atl L Nte akev ol otabe and ompetewa-,'seîî-tp of rogram s ncp t ~ .tte home of Mes. T. S Mounît- ticîes on ttc, talent table re-1or ianr> 'e uliyigpeelor> FOR FUTEINFR TONC TA'L Townshipn of Uarlingtonjoy, to plan their meetings fori Mr. and Ms.Albeet Vandyk 'iaincd for packing axvay aticf business,.hssh oooer h etr ie 011 ýthe ~~~~~coming season. Badodwr .Studyaf;hecncuio fttesae.Jingo Pînn Poacci: 18J. wiîb O T t e B adi er> w eec ~ at ecî y a ," <cn îiî ioi ni ~ r S ev eral D d d e an ciers from a ratiîg f 23 tester> raug b- Mes. Charlie Simipson, Ati-;ternoon guests ni Mo. and Mes. Thiîs holiday tea \vas con-tis community attende> ttc tees of 7.837 lbs. ni milk. 427D UI NOTIC 0F YLAX conernîn , mnt, anitba, as an ~ . ~x'enr> t ttcpresident, Mes, Annual Eastern Ontario Ab-'of fat, '5.44 per cent, B.C.A.RE D H V 40heet in wdth oing of a Forced Road night guesi with Mes. Lutc Me. and Mes. Douglas Straxx- Helen MeýIHoîni, assister> byeer>een-Afgus Sale in Peter- i 103-104 anr> 22 tester> daugt- HMTNTRN 40 eetin idt inLot 15 ini the 5tb Allun and iamily. ibridge, Manvees Station, xxere tlîe vice peesident Mes. Morton borou-t Exhibition grounds 'tees that average 85.23 per H Conesio an prtoftheorgialMes. Will Armour, Oshawa 'Sunday suppel- guests cf Me. H ondereson. Members andio aura.Tc akWl o:.Phoe26-88Poe6360 Road llowace beween ots 1 andMrs. Bob Gilroy and Mrs:iand Mes. Sidney Coenist. friends sbaring Ili ttc work. [snj curr Hserar e ebrc t o ,Walter Spence, Toronto, wo rdM. and Mes. James Smriit Suîîday school was teir> at Master Marti Malcolm xvas steuctive Breeders' Registrv 15 in the Sth Concession of the Tow'n- 'Saiurdav dinner guests wiih!and fanîihy, Ricky Nsît1:5a.m. There weee 23- t. ship of Darington and providing for Me. and Mes. Geo. Armour. Ajax, xvere Sunday guests of, présent. 'Ttc superintendent, the sale thereof to the ahutting <)wn- Mes. Sidney Cornish. Mare.ythe IMcLaggau:s. MsD.Ian cdut he and Wendy, Long SaulI, were MeI. and Mes. Richar>dveMs .Ilanscnutr h CCS vsitrswiih Me. and Mî's. Diane anr> Richard, otnim, ysesion, c crptue wasrear Gen. Armour on Feiday. wee Tuesr>ay evening vstr M'JmM cHnel olm. Dthernttyc1 lSec ai I v at n . NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the Me. Harvev Basn ar>ar es Vionxk eon h oku t olc Council of the Corporation of the Township of déaugbters, Oshawa, acconi- Lm ur ioY vociei> t' M us. Cavi cf Port Ceedit, h ulci odal nie Darlington at its regular Counicil meeting tb be panier> by Mes. Glen Balsonorth TI- pubic s codialy inite la tteniau held on Thursday the 7th day of May ait the adsn eabeuh vstr eiangt Arl.scn> a tex'D ais.xx'ithier Mes. John Balson on Sunday. alBrtSpc(n> Iit'lc Coni Chmesi h Townhip Hall at Ttc Zio U:CW. invied weekend at hom ,ithii kc an~at PIGGRE the ealer wil M s. Joh B lso b ther'motter and beoters. M os. E. W ilsonîof Port Hope,, c o n s i e r p s s i n a b - l a w 0 5 î ~ U p a n d l o s e A p i l m e e t i n g w h e r e s e w a s l B r u c e K e i e t t , J a n c î x ' l î c w a s d i î n c r u s f M s V l part f the birthday. Ttc tea table wasl ero-n's on Sunday aiternon. Aîi stkn ntcEsc in ot 5 i th 5t Cocesionandpar ofthe centrer> with a lovely birhday'Mr Pat Wright and famîly,' Tea aftcrwards. original Road Allowance between Lots 14 and ýcake. Mes. Baîson is a LicBtany an-2i Mes. Norman Me. and Mes. Ettan Joncs 15 in the 5th Concession of bbc Township of Dar- 'Member of Zion U.C.W. Dvs otpn eeFia fPr oewr uua upe guesis ni their parents xisitrs witt Mes. William lington running froîn teSuo odsm- r n r.KihBiIllot, M n r.ReGbsni ýiHin limescalle Couny Roa No. 7, notherl Bowrnanville, Me. andMe.a Mrs.BeGbc i cnm tiesclldCont oa o.57 orhrt onne ni Mes. Gibsnn's birll ________ eaturing.. LeleHoskin, Tornton's Cor- 1r>ay tbrough the property of one J. J. Van Herwerden ners, visiter> Mes. Balson n ~Mes. Pat Wright. Bcthany, (formerly the property of Nelson Levi Robbins) tee biethday. Me. L. McMculen spent Satue- Lion (HopU}e Twnhi) for a distance of approximately 1509 feet to the Me. and Mes. Edgar Hemor, day afternncn xx'îhî Mo. and M- original Road Allowance between Lots 14 and Osiîawa, xveee Sunday even-lMrs R. Gibson. rhl icZoî U.C.Wý, meeting r N:-Z 15 in the Sth Concession of the said Township and MsîpA.eLgueBsawchar.: cluc.Acenigbc-vs of Darlington more partictilarly dcscribcd as fol- Master Stephen Billeit aur> Iîcave uî..\ c heau meg etivagu loivs: bis brother Jeeome. Bowman- BASE UINE lii>t te order cf ttc day was vile, spent a few days ofteir rxcs olwnxing tc thie small 10 haISINGa IIbeaeing of Noth 17OdegrAsT)8 mintsV; gamthee, Mes irc... B-;vs +cntx1s1u'xxif i1atednc.TIsepesn hh and continuinz along said vetrY limn ,.-ecii '~ .' '" rý,e"er i 'cn Wrughit and Mor c i Vr~iIa !u'119 \xvfo c lirn î:îotîîer 283.11feet mre or ess wettr a distance n valescing folowîuîg e e ccrIi oi ouclx îo uin l ut5 Nra:(e PI1I '~A T 28-1fe oeo esto a fence running easterly, ý Mirn MIiSijrj Os1icaan dMra"irh spn> ssGr-* L N S A U.~ U THENCE North 72 degrees f04 minutes 10 se conds east Ousudcv nug o . l i>Sr . A vu icatcaid W1),nt :gtn FREE PLA INGS O U along said fenre a distance of 44.18 feet to the eastcrl O Siiuînîsklcvn. ca xer cids'alenct:ctti' usu wiCiTeuc limit of saîd forced road. fs îi cItM s aT. S. cuItMeair> St>; ', t ir- rqi u rj:'r!M r.- l"REEEPLSTINITE 7 dgres10minte 5 scnns-,,t Inluiirttox Lpaitcb, Aîsx. Ont i.un O hm. ru- Eatcr along said -asteriv limit a distance of 12.57 feet to the Mor. IsBi:Lk -d W ae 2xt ori't y, s -5 .ir aiix P IGýF STVL1E IL Point of Commencemeë-niMzRnLk:ad eae or oMý ýýrïc lnt box-s x'uted on Satcurdav wuti: Doniald Foiev' i1 cii flie-, irk n> 'Corft Beý, peut Ea-t"r ROSE NG GARDENSPECIAL The hereinhefore descrubéi l and% being part of a forced SM.r>ndMes Elmer Haves. lîst and hînne hi:e ill soon te -iou- ai'uut ROSES SePtir. HRU Road 40 (cet vide as intended tn be described by reg- Whitbv: aur> on Satîurdav ev,-Jfeelii:g nich: httre iiMiar M.Esx'rh1 lz Ciihe 9JGJ)J' PTTZ1IA lstered instrument nunuher 3008 and Part cf the original cio oac es ocLik-(a.xoi.aMi . îrîcanoeIdahi olath _ ,1.f ' '$45 rtchneaPG 17 Road -Allowcnce hetwecn lots 14 and 15, concession 5. x'sîîed MNIe ccd NMes -Dcii Sui riav an p l51 FaKsDushi- - P29 MI'R yaIPnth-'a NOIC 1 LS HREYGIENtht Jonat. Tauntonc. J1SuF.erK.cugar Muichi 1.2~-1"$ 0'~p~e a ut NOTIE I ALO HREB GIEN hat Me and Mrs J. C Sciales jlni'lpý petsvrldy the Council cf the Corporation of teTownship adM.adMs .Si 1:(11ig!e oiaý il iýSv 8 3.87.18"N UIR$ of Darlington proposes at the samne meeting by Oshiawa, Mi'. Boss Metclf, grciruuit: holid tl pcii-Sae$2s 125 th foeai y-a tauhrieth al f h Meple Grox'e, Miss Nancyu, unipaeisi e . cir>MusC. Svene$210al th aorsidbylw atorzete al f he Bckhamn, Pickerinig, Me. Bon 1Moei1e said stopped up part of the Forced Road and Hoar. Kinsate. Me.GCcv1ounIrý Mesnc>Mrs. Harrv Trever, Broklu. ereScndacvuî-, ' ivil <lieue >.rElter snunSecae-$ek RE PEIL Road Allowance to tbe abutting owners. BIFYOI/WA//TTO F'eveve- viiwît: icuit Eaýýir1fster xveek SHEEP MANURE î Montain.N-h$9-959 The proposed by-law and plan showing the cdMs .Bro n EIFONlax,, Mo- acd Mes. Chas. Bal:v! 50 lbs.. Reg. $3.29 - ETLZRSRAE Sv 14 84 and Mrs. H. . Barro andi-ec>uriiiiui2 e rin, îs Monr>eyIIZR PEAE lands affected nîay be seen in mny offices in the rlyn, coPA /OI 5Pts i. \îi'u 61 Township Hall. Me. and Mus. Jack Carter;,Y mIAIWAL/v C> Fr>' YSeroxwa 25 lbs., Reg. 81.-9-5 --$ .4 'e$.5Sv 17$ . Candi' ccd Christine, Toronto, ,rVUE rnAf ,oc>cal- uis .rcn as $1911 86 -Sv 17 6 5 pcd 69 The Couincil wilî hear in person, or by bis spent ttc weekeu:ld wut Mr p osue u plekIa> io. arot 27 da i or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who and Mes. Ted Chan,, jtcridr>iu. ail c nurches of thie' .daimsd Ms.Albîn Clemrens, t fW hi on:, chr ge "ere wcell clisthat bis or ber lands ivilI be prejudicially Bcwmnanx'ille. spent Sundav yeî'e' >D affected by the said by-Iaw and who applies to be wtt Me. and Mes. Laverce, Rex-.SM Freenian gaxe a, beard. Cleîîîcns. 1 brictuful Eastee message. Ttcý Me. ccd Mes. Clark., Creci- - .l chru ir-tcliucîex'ded speciuli DATD TIS7THDA 0FAPRL,196 ,wood. visiter> on Sundav wu:h I Ea uic %voith Mes. M. DAEDTHS THDY F PRL,194 Mr. and Mes. Lew Cryderman V ANj BIELoiLaitt oran Mastr Trrv yonsenl(ý[foim Tc batue owee c WalerE.Rudl. lek. part cf bis Easter tolidavs!Ê rangemenîts weee placer>in 3 MILES WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE ON0YN Walte E. undl, Clrx.itt bis cousin. Master Tomn-1 623-3231-72 SCUGO GST. ttc churet unn memory cf ttc PHONE 623-5757 __________________________________________ x'Plaver Bonmanx'ille.q u1't-Sîrs. Buluf Bebce by tee Mr. and Mrs. Clare Staples, lamfily.

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