14 The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanx'ille. April A. 1194 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Ernesi Boweîi aid famtîx'. Mr'. aind Mrs. Geo. Moion. ettendcd the 451h Weddîng '%Ir and MIrs. Peî ux Lo ir had Sunday supper .vith Mr. Annivemsary celebration of vîsited Mrs. Emma Lcinn and Arthur McKav. Starkville. her aunt and uncle. NIr. and hem '.îster Mrs. Jane Peters at Mr. and Mrs. Nim Giles and Mrs. Roy Leach of Peter- Coe Hill on Sunda-Y. Jim of Sudbury were Easter borough ai the home of Mr. Mir. and Mrs. Ian Nlontgonr- weekend guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Austin Worm at cmx' snd childmen of Ottawa, Mrs. Gardon Cotteî' and Cavan on Saturday ev.,ening. 'Miss Sharon Perkins of Smîiths'daugchter Vick'i Among the Orono guests ai Falls spent the weekend with Unit 2 meeti ng was lield ai the Jeffs - Graham wedding Mr. and Mrs. Perey Morgan. the home of Mrs. Harry Memeer in St. Georges Anglican Mm. and Mms.' Mashali .and Unit -, was held ai the Chumch, Oshawa on Saturday, Chatterton retumned home on home of Mrs. Wm. Hoar oîr April 4th were Mr. and Mrs. Wednesdiax' fmm a trip by Tuesday afternaon. Units !, B. F. White. the gandpament, 'plane 10 California. 13. 4 and 6 held their meetings of the bride; Mr. and '.%r,. Mms. C. W. Simpson of Alla- i the new Christian Educa-. Cecil Graham, Mrs. Walter mont. Manitoba; Mm>. Viola tion Building and Unit 5 at Couch, Mms. Hemb Murray, Mr Smi'h. Mvrs. A. J. Saunders, the manse arr Tuesdav even- Vernon Graham. Mm. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Mrs. Luth- .ng. Ed. Graham and son Terry. ("r Barrabal, Mr. and Mrs. Ladres of St. Saviaur's Aîrg- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lunn Jîm Middlcton spent Sunda' lican Church hcld a very suc- and Sandra of Oshawa visited -lth Mm. and Mrs. A. J. Jake-1 cessful Easter tea in the Parish Mvr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn on man. Hall last Wednesda. Sunday after a thmee weeks tnp to Florida and Nassau. Mrs. C. W. Simpson of Alta- day for hem home after t%'o mnonths visit with elatives and friends in Omana andR t r n e e a y The C.G.I.T. held their mert- Ut> xer"flaciri'e" ing Monday evening ai the Tire Drectors oftie Dumham pcîrîîoîî beireid ini coiulrc-, for, tOc UC 'x'.îro"tr r home of Mrs. E. Couiver. Main Central Agricultural Society lion with the fair and bc held 'MondIay liirtlut îr.Jottr Street South. met on Monday evening, Mar. an the first day of the faim. Knox, preaicierp'. rpeirrd t;ire Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lan 30th. in the Oddfellow's Hall Mr. John Moffat, a diector meeting xxiiI a Ouni. pi-" visited Miss Lillie Logan and ,,,he,, the.xý- presented Mms. Ross orf tire Omono Athîctic Associa-land a pren ie -SVra.Ntir Mr. Albert Logan in Tweed Giibart with a watem calor tien, asked the meeting if thcJ Vi:e .led ir Ilre xxoraîi rra" last Wednesday. paintinrg. The paintirg wasAssociation would consider ai xice. TOe, toîrri' "BýilIoclCar'l Mrs. athemne Set sprit presented in recognition of 0crpermanrent agreemenwihteaBrrl" Sunday with Mr. and Mms. H. womk as secetary of the fair Athletic Association for theled bx' Mi'a Dort Tavtlor xx Iil Machmer and famiiy, Scar- board for the past number of fair building to be used as ai cri'yoie îakirg parrt rît tira bomough. years. Last ycar Mrs. Gilbart ink. The Athletic, he said, are! disi.cssionr period wh'ichl'rit- Mr. and Mrs. Lamne MeGiliresigîred this position whîchconsidering artificial ice and ilowed. Dirngtire hcr"rire'." rif Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Ross has now bcen taken ovcr by would like a permanent agmee- period tilx'a' der'rded to cOl- Taylor and eilîdren of Si-ar- Mrrr. John Rickard of New- ment if such aPOetws e odcaduohîgfr borough visited Mr. and Mrs. castie rondertaken. The Bu il din g the Toroîrto depot tI or' cit- Chas. Taylor on Sundav. 'The presentaLion of tire wa- Committce is to consider 10e'îtribcîîed wxrer iic-cdr'd. Cl;-i Mrs. C. W. Simpsonn fAl-' c oouia ad vM.request and bring in a î'epart dren's clothiîw ta esc. pali'. mont, Manitoba; Mms. Luther Francis Jase. President, on t O ietr.neei Ar'nr v.iir ]Barmabaîl, Mms. V. Smith. VIrs. Ochaîf of the Association. Mrs.ý Messrs. Fraincis Jose aird1contribcrie an\x cîonrg ii -A. J. Sanders and Mrs. jimiGeorge Carson spoke af theiGea. Carson reparted oir thc leave tl atirsJ, K1irONes'ISe MViddleton wcrc supper gucstS 'work accomplished Oy Mrs. fair conrventionr held recentlyi:soorr , pcosible. Ladies ait'- of Mrs. Wm. Sevymocr on 'GilbarI during0cr years as sec- ýiîr Toronto.. wered tiereoll cal]ithr'i a tiit'F Tuesday of last week. rctary. Her efforts had addedý Consideratiair is beiîrg given rioîar ir lîrdia. Nr axr Mm. and Mms. George Wil- greatly ta the success of thec for painting tire building. As X'cllowl ee> r'rrndcîc'tr'ci a rcrrn- son of Richmond Hill .,tsitedlfair over the past few yeai'5. 0e fair sign has been remov- test on Irdta. A deliitcî Mm. and Mms. B. F. White after rMrs. Gilbart in replyiirg stat-lcd fî'om tire east side of theIct111î(1xx aa aýrrx rd ix Mi. 1 ettending the Jeffs - Gahame .ha the many friends madergrounids it is also 10 0e conr-' S p irc idtreIe' wedding on Satumday in Osha- hi oînectîon had ('etaiirnîee f1efi e -oul .'ir'ndottlhrxrîrre rrarrr wa. l y compensated for the work Oc paintcd on the side of tire Ox, tire Lirarx 'Board g ti Mm. and Mis. Orvilie Chatt- tIrat had becîr dene. building facing the highwvay. Thcirsdar' rigIitxx'rr'ar) r'rr- erton, Carol and David, speiri About forty diectons wc.re Prices are to Oc abtaiîred foi' ioYtaOle 'ccent DIurngitre ir the weekend with Mm and.ýpmcent for thc meeting whoisuch work. cx'eniîrg heacrtifrri urilorrnr cil Mrs. John Cook, Scamborouiglh. tîeccivcd î'eports and made! Mrs. C. W. Billiîrgs was a-sie 'fNx etrc.At Sevemal men, former neigh- plans for the future. pointed ta sit with tire men's' tralia anrd Hon- Foir x o bors from Clarke Unionr, at-; Mm. Paxton, prirk ,j'el oif the:comnrittcc ini an effort ta cre- siroxx'ihOr'Mi-,aard Nr'.Af tended the auction salle of Mr. Orono Public Schov, àpoke on aie a better liason betwcen Alliîr of Bxrmar'il x o and Mms. Neil Raine>' iear thc Junior Exhibits at the faim:tlr ladies and mnen's commît-' eceilx- Iad tic tlrillirîr" cf\- Sunderland, last Saturdlax'. and askecd if it xvas not pos- tee. One oth"'r lady executîve perienru or a r'orduci-ed f'r Mm. and Mrs. Vance Cooper sibie tb pravide more oom is taobc delegated along rvith: 0tirhoelc iaes .'xîis.nI -1"r ,of Oshawa spent Sunriay cv- for this exhîbit and aisoe,0 IVis. Billings.-Times. lui ainirr't:x a.p'rrrîrc eninig with Mr. anrd Mi . provide mome divisions ir the --- t cth rliOr rrrr'îrî rttll rtOf Ernest Bowcr. classes. He also asked for conr- Solina SCIrorîLI((lcîrr'r r',1(' r Miss Ruth Muttr'rt of OSI-ra' sideration of eiiaigthe, wa visited Mrs. Viola Snmithr horses fom te cl adin : UDI iUARY i ton or Mir'. S. sirrxxrielni', tOc seool paade icher. aind Nrs.I)ri Tr l-or l-' cri Eastem Sunda>'. anrd tirat the band Oc braught WLIME XI1 isusnu cu itt'ua Mms. James A. Richards at- cdoser 10 the paading child' WLLAME.VIEY rni . B i lcv Mi i tended a Spenrcem meeting at ren Honring the parade. These William Edward Davev. M -lckd. B rVxc. \'r'iIoxx11-Iý 1 thc Hotel Genosha. Oshawa, necamnrendatîans are 10 0e well - known residiert of Orona' ces. Miarý Glaci- 'r'clj(r'rx'l" last Thusday attemnoon. 'discussed with the Junior Comn- dîed in tire Memomial Hospital 'Mns. Raà1lî Davisandrc Mi.s .Miss Joyce Harris, RN. anir'mttec. air Monday. March 301h in his Pearl Leaii xeîrhgr'oinf iNiss Daizy Reid, RN. of Wes_ NMm. Daîrymple, also spoke 91st ytear. Mm. Davey was iin Mias, Donts Millsorr . Oiinanx'-., ton spent the rveckend with 1otahie meeting asking that thelilI - health fan the past nom- air Thurdax' afitrnonr Mr. and Mms. Lawrence Harris Junior Farmers Judging Com- ber of months. Seral elaîir'esanatrd t' Mn. Davey, kiiorvi as "Bill"' ends attended therencreptrer ' taeveryone ir the Village, tire Legioir H-lI,.Boxxir'rarîx lit tOoo part inr th, Klondike Gold ir hoîror of Srîsir' mnîd eie R shlemved on the Orono Grahamir ilitcir lxx'crîtx ftt'r1 Vouneer Fire Depatment for xveddiirg annriivensare'. more than 50 yeams, and was Next Surîdar - April 1i t, acirof hefirst Chevrolet car confirmation ar u tnlil ~~~ ýalesmen in the Oshawa area. iirg tire r'leOratioîî ofil2r EU MMr. Davey was the son of the M OUE T 'ate Edward Dar'ey aird MaryEdda ) u erb: lHannah Cooper. He was a har-'j.oirning rinti trair'er frotîr ness maker by trade. othen r iuics x iibc !te, Mm. Davcy mamried Mary ceivcd a', thireserc Anrx Gertrude Hill in Omono in 1905.' vho xxish o hIn O r err'c'r'r'r À 4 in r1959. ,those S, oucrnirrie aid r W U - 19 Mr. Davey xxas a niember of ccîved onrflire linptott I ~ ~ o ~ F i rono United Churcir, Orono cuit widl be at 1 ,*Ii. ri" 4 member of tire Chamber of, Inifant baptîsîrnxI wilbu r'r'.c- Commerce. He w'as volcînteer:brated cr Metir" a Drr, YOUR CHOICE 0F OVER 100 jF ire Chief inîr Oono for 41 10t0. MONUMENTS N DIPLAYy cars. He didn't retire until he' AOTlS MNn' ilr .rI 'was in hîs 80t0 'eam. He was Nig-ht xx'll leiclIrcid at frîcrrîr MO U EN SO DSIA asa an ardent fisherman and United Cýiurr"r xx'cîr'da was active for many yeams with Apnul 1,5. at 61;iii. rtScn'prf.l (iurancedin rithetx'Oîoîro Horticultural Sa-'ticket,. l .75 a rr",i\ r'ali" GTOc \\' 1, xxiii îrter'tL'l'.rtr. 4 \;viig are tour daugh- frThein"'N lc~n. PERSONAL SERVICE TELEPHONE lrs: Mrs. Lelaîrd Keat (Mary), dax' Api- il 9tlir. rrt tcCom- 4 o f Toronto, Mrs. Clinton Ca-' monitvx-fiai! ai 8:1.5 p rrni îri verly (Greta) of Whitby, Mms. T. Soi. zicîr. xxi i reaoll- 885-5216 Dane Found (Ruth) of Orono st*î'aîe aîcinnirriicuîu 4 a nd Mms. Everett Porter Olive, Breirda aundi.aru'Ytr o f Sherbrooke, Que. Tirere are ]lesa lperrl aux ural cda\- rut'lNI- four grandchildren and caire anrd Mu' ý. Ralîuirlia:'i", R UTTER G RANITE (00 The Oodv 'rcsted ai Barlow MBssr'katcrukm(1.1;ak LIMITED'> cnerai Honre, Oroîro uîîtilIo' x'rr-iuui - x .ý r i i ' j Wednesday then 10 Omono sii irrîr t.î7i t r NTARI ST.PORTHOPE United Churcir for, service ai îorx ler 75O TA I S.PO THO Ep.nr. Rev. BasilLong orit leîriri ' -r Orioîro condrrn'îed the ser'itee and intermerrt si Orono Poî". Cexasr.Seiroolxxru eent.rt' r' __________ emetmy.' tairii ï Pla "atîuIer of thirrr tr-,c'irrt. 'Mi. x Spring Syrr i bol of Canada's Capital 'United Church Plans " ',v 'i'~ ~3-Day Orono Seminar A million Llups xviii be îr in îrni iri :',x rrrù capital citx' marks île an rial C("'a dia' » lc'x Natian's grea test flowxe r ir;hoxx' r'il I lr r(,iri i i I rrl' i graceful tlups liglit up Parliarnen' i liii rîttri t ., 'ri ' a small giîirlnoy's tihe beautotf t .. ri . tir'rdk emali corner of xvhichî te sirrvixn tIrtlle pi eî r! tr .\r-' et t "r 'r r Ni t; t' 'r i '.1' 'xl' S' t' ""'t xi Pl IL à '.l'a ! or. ' 5 " Cr i *t' r'( 'r r rr v ti',1 Fxrat n tri ' t I ) r1 t.; i ' 'l'and i Vt ' F i. ': r scrut a i. x '4W, r'. -r iYour Chryier Canada LId.dealer'"s! - r' more for you Special V, offer new FARM TANK FULTER iteeps yornfarm Ifuels clear trfi ters ourt water,. rail and drti whrch cari cotiect durrng sdofige. Fr 'use '~vv~YOURS NOW $9 FOR ONLY $ 9 _th ur ' , îr'e 'A ,P i 3 At; àS rAtor birisr 'Ther& l i-C .i'rrr nrrrI a horxlillrgparir at tlr'Fr'x B ,x'iieAI c .K tc ' IOshawxa. 'l-.x"r 'rr- ~taned a fterra'c"a' MNI'-.", Mu s. F JToliri<"-O!I*<. 'I e.: u- dere; NMr. atrd Nr" r"' '1',, .ý, entrt'aiurud a: attr.x ;'- ei'î-rg OHr Sat crcia r ' }onoriirg Mi-: W 'A.û'nr' an'd M; '"sDiatricTHt k nii sent u-rx'neMrndii :' xr Jacksorn. Robei-t aurd PartI. N suld Nr' cr a J3 'uk;rr OshOaw'a, Mr. aurd NI N Blair. Mr"W NO'rrti' Miss AIl(e(,Olv-rr Brook li:r. Mr.anrd Mn'. Br'uce O-it' and Barbara Antre.('umt. and M r Doirgla. Figr ' En n C'k il leî. 'xlrs 0 Lcini, a i i td r Peterborouîgh,,, i ;i t e id rî Langmaids for '.evtral cia':'. Fave , î~iad and lNar:.,% Lunn attendcd their rou n Kýole-,en Prerton's Orira'par-ý vx'iii Bowmrranirx'i.I on Sat r-ý dav Mr aid MrS.t,VC"or NIa- tr.Er:leiart.M" Ret'a Mantur. Oshraxxa. xxenereer guests nrf Mn. atîci VnsR. Fra se r. Solina Suirool C' uirb e'r xx'ill Oc, telci otr Tl i: . Aprtl 16t1r. Mm. and M.W'e.- 11 PI. e.- tcnîained relatix eý of tOe Hilis familv at a parix' aor Frida.v n gO t. ~vIr. and N:-E 'at:rr MîiLbroak, vîsited 10e B. andý ElIjý qI 5 *vear*5000miie warrantv on every Plymouth, Dodge,Valiant, Ohrysler!1 flore +1{iinevt nobody beats Valia n tfor value! ~x '," N 19nxl<64 ( hrnr c-i'uriî car andc truîck is backc' I Orthre ilo('cCt tand finest rranrantr \ i tr -ran- 5O.0O-nrîle poxxer-tiin xxrrantv. '1 it' e < m t, r' (. u r cc( trîdîi tr,1. vranu rtxpotcr'Lx , hie inL'rnr,rttriJall intcmni pnirts, lOti kcianil oid,xx a 1cr punip, îransnrrssion, drive shaft, unîrersal joinnt,,, dnft'erentriIl, rein axic aînd rcnirxÀicel bcingx. t fir- cludes bath parts and1 labour. And it ès honoured by cx'cry Chry.sier ('irritr J tr.i. Heu -r. Vis exclusive %â~rranIt) ýr, yons rrcxcry cxciting '6r4 l>rirîjlJodgc, Valiant. and Chr) Iric. So trade now-r-during 1>rrpnirmni l'àr\Off. >IAkc thc record- I'rc'.rk riî, poprr tirii r a t Ocewgreift ncvxý (-htr,lcr-built cars pay off ,4wgCHIvLE SO0LI1N A I 4 quality motor ois aUluba 'hrIb Regardless orf the type and make rif eqrrrpmeuit yoir îr.rî your Esso Agent tas therirght motoor) otl o you. eel. oped by Impetial i research, each oneof ttese 4 motor cils is designed for a specrfic prrpoîe- desrgned to do il bette: titan arry ctei trand. A. H. STURROCE & SONS -BOWMANVILLE At these quahity ScecPlymouth, Dodge. Valiant, CbrysIer at This~ Dealer~ q~ mm«&t-Vaiamt PALMER MOTOR SALES 1 20ls-o! ' KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO ----------- 1 5 4 .~ ~ ~ ~ A i,, 1 4 1 in F r r r o r ri . ' a t C i r rtid i e t r : ' r ' x c o r ! - S don.. lia,ltri'. lOlûtitO. B o* rrLa'r: "rl:r'E'i ~' 'h'- ~ rf Q iil'ai r,îd MN i': 'r'r ý re Brrtl r iîm1Nr LIr,. r 36".r: 12.7,24 ture, rrI1)ixr rr' 'apluaril "rir"d !la\-(' past'-'rrar rr'\' ("' l On"',lr rr. DrY Ci 1.470 487, peopir' r a' CF.l: 'ratl) l Dr- E G. TFe 40)P'eb'er. 1~rf ' <pipic \ !Fir H t (' u )'trat- Coli fet'lie wr xjI uac'lr rild -il rri rî D rrQttrrWUnr et' r, i er>rt'ii ortM.a\t(..rr' ird sons \xisicd -\1r'.and N1 'rr r , ;'utr', \\ ~qr~' t \\c ( r' tire ilt1on T.i -lk. E bc ire."Irrr'.rr l'ri ' dS r'! t',îîrr as ille M rht Prxx" Oshawar. nt' i 'ra dotre iriatli ' ir' rd 'nl ~'~'J[(,ie ed Mi atrd it N.\\'rrtr'r 'd r!'r'P'x"n r 1' ' ~.1rrtie' Dx r: ' rr ci . e 1 Q ' pr ,ri rt ti r 'e 200 tîlr u> lrrr'di î 'tr ttxrn \ r Brrrrrr.\t i xrr' I' drr' l aî i' E i e' rir 0 'a e.' iL 1uix' r îîo Z ~" tri r'rri lr'Srrd Mi t' r ( F- "r ' Di urtr rr NI: In r r Corrrt( lir ir's- n ia ciriot lri'. ir Bn xx r trix'.kt ri rrt'rîî . Sillixxrr atd arte xxrîr' Ft'd'r' x iK r'rrrrr NI rtd I r'. I'atr rtrrr'. Bxxi rrfi r xx îrr11 xx o ri ' 1) i rrî r', trr' cr(' "' r' ("r irx r trr 0' 1 i: SL irîri Sr'rt atr er oi r r itf ' i Cif' n-'rr'c, r: N!,il ,ý i ii '(r , tl MI 'etý t M x'r'u D N' a iwtr "ro'fr 'tai r. '( I rr.r!1ild r'rrdIItx an d î' Cirî'g ix ardlo rt 'w S rrrT "r'ctir tr' rrfNI : rrrri:l 1"' ' 1t,\orri t S rrî Scr.irx (-d'r rn ( rrr le c'11 !I ' r'r ' ..tr [' t -flr ,.ttK lnx ttrr ' 'i' b'ru r i Ci r' i(.tŽc r rrrlr' unr r'rr tr'u ci a rrrr1)1rr"0p' îrr' ti tiorn a 'i . ' t I'. Crr Mr, R.P pi-nn 1 ýýl "'p~ minar --, à down le) rartIr studs' of modern change is alffctcs rural areas and * 0e Cllrir'l and Religion 'n * Ie c are~ irvlxedare the uuoio'rr,' or'iologýiCal. geo- .ta i Ili aF t1.pý'CIhOIogical and rcrCiÎor.-'foirces pîa.ving upoii. rroda ' j r.or result ing frorn irr'e trli dax *'auid change in tire~ar Io'a rp i, î 'isd:'tos ae t r )o,:" ot re r ~ rf î',ori r.e>s r r r '.t' olai pcîrposes. 2 lrr' (rI furîtx of the t' i tir'ttu re suppl.v- par rCe e> than 175 t ~ i) l"rr~'rv of thp ("(jr Ill(tc 'ocîirti'r' iii fil- t a:-( mark iire a grerter use of rer .'At.". uc.Christiail r Htr'i jti ri~rtj'f I counisel- rrt:r.rrd ri'ban brani- r 'r (V 1'1rW c'iiri , '. anrd the' poýW':i\ lux'ecloprirg flcv 'te' "'. . tFeiu'al uhuî'cih tri~ ~ ~ oil '. 't a riCdiscussion w F r s 't' ' ' il ' cit 1a to xisî t' rrti'Pr~t~' ,0' oth"'r Imr ofx1r' tril.tt e ~i'iis is in it agenrda. LJ. SkýafeC.A. ( lurtered X('ountant Whitby P.O. Box 208 pioire Oror.o 138 Whitby 668-8197