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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1964, p. 17

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SAVàKRAF7 ,hI& "Sx BRAND I"RESII ,'MEATPIES Chickcn - i urkt ',I - ** Tenders W antec pzjinting controi oÀ' ý arnounccrs .";'r Park by; OA alter 6 p.rri. TENERS xtfer Registerord NM..i p' flot later thar,. nn rtesdav. April Addition. u rýid 7 lhe ChH;drî t Y A Office Euî!dt o P -)and addrc'ssed o(i:' ren's Aid Sortit' i t' berland ard (ii.):' Barneti & - .i(r ý f Archtew*,. !7 O' 'i,.. Port Hope,.O....L and specifica*t te'.i' available to (R.' lors from Anril C»' of $50.00 d, po t:ýi 0ffictt, Loy. t, , . t flot necCS:Zar1]'; îî t To bring liteali, iý( services n t tr., miote parts <fi X .. Canadian Rrd ( «38 outfpo I ti1 ;(! ing stations eick Up Yotir FREE ENTRY BLA NK for thie MEXICAN FIESTA CONT EST a t JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL XGN(Y Bowrnanville (62:11:136 1 229c Sx NIAG~ARAX - [EAN BREAKFASTc BACON Lc 9 Produce Departmnent Specials FRESII A V' sl>i\i. ASPARAGUS FRES II ,Green Onions ~~ bchs 19c SEEDLESS-' GRAPEFRUfI 5 for 5sic CR151> F -i l qmsu «,COASTER PIPE TOBACCO pkgs 89C 1 BOX CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES Save 'l1c Save lUt h î'~ 1i111. h t o ~9c 't 1î1.oîî ~î' ~It.t'î' k SHOP AND SÂVE!! 'r .DYKSTRA'S 7Kin,, St. N%.VARIETY lUE 62-33-1 FOODS 1 1VL R Y CLASSIFI-ED C.'ars toi Sale Cards of Thanks * î'fJ'~ '~.', ood con- 'r'.radio, S300. 1-uocs"eBan: 15-1 *î'. u kup. 6- * ~ ~~ cc k' eon- )ud r.tPhone Fo.- Rent-- \l'r't-: A. ' r Ye p 75oiu K'r i 135-. ** Coming Events _;Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville Drarna Work- 1 Tyrone. wish to thank the shop preserits a pla. "le 9familv and friends for presents Chalk Gardein". Box mtvil and cards on their 50th Wed- TownIiliai]. Apri 1 t24. Y ding Anniversary. 1.5- 1* 8:15 p.m. Ao:'.î' dents n50c. 14-4 Outr sincere thanks 10to I oudlltes --- lu: tC 1many wonderful people of TRpluCnd u:i . (d 'lyrone. Long Sault and Be-, rilOCrOrt.ib. ;J1ý thesda for the beautiful chair Vlafle 'Boy atr. ! , prest'nted to us.nohasoflaî't..e t Lee and Kenoeth Rosevear. Satu"da%- Corne Io St. J*ihî's ;î." 1 x \isrh Io thank allmx' v,.A. *'oleand D" *frierîds for their kindness dur- partx'. Frîdax exoîtît t-,ý. .ýj ing my stav in the hospital.! 1 Oth from 6.30 oin, aoS'vt Special thanks to Dr. Fer-'Table Book. Fi.* h Poîri. \ f: guson and the nurses of the Elephant. I1-- Medical Floor and aIl those Dance. Blaî'ksît f:Htrtet 1wmho sent cards and flowers. toalCîr, p:1,R' Wm. . Tylo. l~1*Godtrey"s Orchestrai .spotiisr Susie and George Graham ed by ChicrnseYt Club. -,1)1 wish (o thank Statesman 5staff,IE-cýoul Tîks i 15ti -1 ýCanadian Legion and Ladies' E xýon oomr. 1- Auxiliary, relatives and friends Beeh ive Rebek:rtî l,urit-r for gifts, cards and visits on wiIl hold a Rurutra.s.ii n thie occasion of their Twenty- .Home Bakiiîp Sale mt"îîîr iifth Wedding Anniversary. Sunday School, F'flîv. pril 15-iflU 17. Rrr'rrrrr,, 'r,'ti1(, itl1 ft '; i 't t l) pi'ed . up; Poiatý i' Li uw n f ti iit 1 ; \C' tilale î x .Io bsincerely' thank p- f t iPon -10 tt't' 'r liingurelatîves. friends and îîeigh-!- . . 'z 15-t ~bors for their cards, flowers Crwîh tigt~ioî lI r' .1 t'r, itah. Axail- 'and \'isits while in Memorial Sixth Aniîual AtI Ilittît!(trIv, t .r., rr . \jpl r' Chiar-!IHospital. A special thanks 0 oheld in fhilre 'îgîR ot r1I D i,,i S., .r C. Austin, nurses adstaId. FriCentrex i52' the Second Floor for their care 10 1964 ai 9 p.in. 'ti-tb\r 1 ad innes.Cliariie Cochraîie's 0C)iir. t f ~ ~ ( fiý'itirt.i)ditmiiittn 1a5d1kindness. t 't~ tîtrace 'WalIter Ferguson, 5tE'r-n wluu' , r,'ri ~r 1 :atîd b lt -. Woodview Comrnunity Crntre ft.,r' ir ltî'î 142 ixx'ih 1 express rny siticere -Monster B i n go. Txvcntx' thianks to relatives and friends games-t.wenty dollar,'; fîv" ~filIfi 1't r i rliti nen. xxt)for t'mwers, gifts, cards and'tgamnes-thirty dollars; t 15" t iit 'it i T;i' l'r rittî Rd. E. viý.js'dîring my stav at Me- jackpot, and two jacO po1ý t a r .r, 'iittn ltiii- Y'CI mortal Hospital. Special thanks !,$250. Door prînt". 'Ccxl 1-j" .)Ortil). 15 Io Dr. H.r B. ROfdle, nurseslfMonday, 8 p.m., Red Biîro. _______________________and staff on Medîcal F10oor for!Oshawa. 46-tf r 'their wonderful care. I John llately Sr. 1,5-1 SOLINA FrOOTrBAILL (TUB'1 -R& unIAm a.a a r n f'r -vrrrrrri, 'D A N C E r.tsu,>etiStc ' thanks to nurses arnd staff on in SOLiiN.AIl XLI. Medîtal Floor of Memoriat Hospital. Also thaîîks to Dr. Sat., Aprîl l8th Rundle, ail who sent floxvei's. ui yAcheCut fruit, candy and 'ards and to Msch rhe(orie:î those who xisited me and Country Traveilers. f made my stay in hospital more MNYSVN pleasant. "5-1comingf Il'.' Rixa jIl' lt'- Ro MGîi. lt"lNationali'adetî iiSPRING l' SALE. 'il'N BR;DYS J xx ouId like Io thank Thursdav, April 16111thii fi' r l frîiinds and neighbours for Saturclay. Apirl 2iircl"' î f lowers and cards and also Dr. las muIiol for a Pîur' Sîtont' ti Rundle for kindness shown uis Rýxj pigI ai.jý. during the illness and passing Loveîî 2- Kinig St l'K..t1)x of our loved father'. We acmîvît.f deeply grateful to exervone t who helped in any way. B NG1 Mrs. Turkocio and sonsBIN Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kozu;Ilb 2 REGI'LARt(A"I" anîd grandchildren. 15-1 '2 SPECIAL G.AMi's 1 xx oid like to thaîîkthe if îîu'y d1o0 JACgointnrhr turses of the Chronic Floor doî<to ificînlir for oare and kindness andý CONSOLATION PIIIZItS kçitchen staff for the gond !Every Friday Night food: relatives, fiends for ý 8:00 'CLOIý('K flowc'rs, fruit, plants, other e ora Pr gîfts and many cards 1 receix - Me oilP r ed while in hospital. also those, Club House -x'ho prayed for me. 1 appreci- ate the thoughtfulness of those OIMiNI.It " xxho sent in food for my fam-, '~~R E U iy while 1 xvas ini hospital and CH R E BU KD. G46L7 sînce coming home. Mrs. Henry (Venta) Adams. 1s-il New York City Mr i'and IVrs. A. K ilpatrick ,1h >111E il THE. I YS (. '"tIR~ t ,,v'ish to thank mosl sîncerel *v' VIC'TORIA IVEEKI'ttheir Iwvo sons, also grandsons, for t1e lovely Lazyboy also Ma 51t theiî' daughters for the pros-i FOR RESEJIVA'rIONS PHIONE ent of a large sum of money from their familios. It was ail' COLM\ER appreciated very much. The.'t would also like to thank i TRAEL SERVICE their neighbors and the Townjj of Bowmanville for the flow- ' 623-3265 t'rs which were sent on) oui' -. ______________ 60th Anniversary and alsoai' t o friends who sont cardsf anîd letters. l~ Ii lte rnidst of mIn%7soîrow, 1 xish to express my heart- .foIt thanks and approciation to relatives, frionds and neigh- bors for the kindness and sym- pathy shown me in the loss of my beloved husband, William' Taylor. 1 especially wish toý thank Rex'. Romeril for his' consoling words, al (ho don- ors of the many beautiful ,floral offerings, the palîbear- ers and McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home for their kind, efficient management of the services. -I-CENSED- Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Nursing Homo' Accommodation for private a n d semi-private patients,! Ictunge TV. Fully 1icensed,i1 ncxv building, modern. Visitorsj welcome. Reasonablo rates., Free ambulance service. Phonej Newcastle 987-4141. ___41-tf1 "THE Lodge" Nursing Homel on Highway 2. Licensed. Ar-1 coonmodation available. Kindý 'tire. Nurse 24 hrs. Visitorsi xt ccomne. Phone Mrs. Wm.fl Westover, Newcastle 987-4252.ý 44-t f RepDairs _ GUAýRANTEED televisioiî aîd radio serv'ire to all makes. Television Service Co. Phone 623-3883. 1-tf RAýDIO and Teclevision Repairs. Prompt serv'ice. Pick-up and, delivery. George's, 14 Centre St. Phono 623-5713. 41 -tff j BILL'S RADIO AND TV SERVICEI Phone 623-2912 Satisfaction Guaranleed Watch Repairing Certified Natchmaker of ('anadian Jewcîler's Assn. Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. 16-tf Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domcstie Refrigeration Phone BERT SYER I)ays -623-5774 Nights -623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRJC "THE DORIWOODI $I974L "THE MAPLEWOOD" $1627 O 'ffice anîd ,*ho%% rooni (>shamrra S'hopping Cenriie Phone Bntrnan' il Comning Events Dont' t' J"' kk liai: ('lr.îv. N t" Y N'~ i. ' t ..î (tri t~.i Mi n î'2, ,ii'Lî îrsdo.cî tttiir t t tr tt' r. S~itN 01 1 P(" t! i, r, r t:ib' f I Wanted to Rent tIlt trif tIll( tltit,,li Tititi 't lr ,t "x f' r !W tiit r,' , hl if, t oi"; l~t'txr r it i tri HeId in ap r i i , Da -.Re R R. .rrt\'ailt \ t. phadrîctit- w u su t'v - ha T.t' ' K: e dt0 rtî. uxnttv] xt't r'Tut b"',rC tfi o xx .'. .1 ïi b S.'.rt' .: rit, chii'iî h S' !'1, Si s "' ti t.br f- 'Flia 1 î <'I, " !at (i t he lit tar xwas Cdr1-; 'ri in ti i -c'iat ic i a md i r ftii i i' sra"'iî'i-s 'i '0 the sidie ion tii Y.foi. aid ' ti tti <"r 'i i .r' rf at di.' rt. - W P, 5100, sri: ,mi l i Daiti'l R R R.'. tf 1!( t'ttCo .x t. ii i i: i I.la ii.titti if o lt WN 'ut, 'tit'. Ilet' pI',arlod i tifir 'io ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii inttî 'tîg' x îîi X ,î uit t iý1 i tt"ct liii' I t i' or' theil: iv'tg fi C, The tq li di ti .tu itit ui' Titi' 1Žr' d iý'111E'lto Ltqiitî' UAd 'î':i" lut 'litt iîrr i r 'osu i. ' a' i i, 'rtii' Kf '. (C . Latix 011,,it <i~~ ~ ~~ r' t'îxîît'ît" îîîxxrd 'tî ii ii xx i t tîx ber 'r '. \kr,' t, Oi i " 1t ,;ir iiittti R u ir. tr r r . .t , r tîtîrt.r oîti t , hi0'f,( iirtnifi r 'r'îî lit' C, 'if .tltîîrîiî'ofîIlle tii I tt i.t ' r t it irît xx ' , i , r tt ttii e . t t t rî ý! ý! ,t il fîîtîtf ldt't !lth' 'r' plt 1î. 'î. t i t xî'fîtr1 o \ I l 11' 11 r. t xl r 1 ol 'rd ' lr. t ii It i t titi tir Decidstock Service h'î'r î'îîf li iiîtt Clati ,h( fo 'i.îs ii' D<'ad- dîr r'i W, motnt an .î itor aînd ('iiitli'd î:.iîîî stoc'k xxot"'re hi' 'p cd f ît il r'xa- i)(1, tîd tatedfa Othrî t' OttO lanit Bt LIII I itI I .RM 'ut onî'ihi: hî'aCt's hrlît Ot- i'Iionc l.on, Di)staince tti 'a ' ial dtîg tîrtt' ad tt /.i'iitîih l i10it)c a.i' i' b o 1,u i a'i îr'îîr' ie t'tîd 'i l i CpZ c ,so, tI'eSpt hrli tM,'t hatg'd ontii 20 l'o r I)c.d or ( 'rîi lî'i d i Marg-wil.1 Fur Fa t Y!, )N 1,,:'( "ti 1l1 , RESULTS COUNT! rm i fMULITIPL ISlTING SERVICEf throuuDî Oshawa & District î ~ Real Estate Board Bowmanvill r'Or i t)'1 'rt ' i ,tu i 't lt' ('11M , l'o ,,. ')" .i n (ir.t l it i tt' l c i it t" i .iitl, t' and t-i t" 1'r" r i l in i 't)i i il t' I jul :'î . If' N cliii ti i . fi . ' tl i n ' r ' tilt, O, ý 1 fit I r (' ~, r trt"tt". r' rt r " t'r t', r n r ',~ J tri r '.4,1' r' r" t <'n" ' t "t 1..t il ,~. , r' i \lt t" r,,i.tt 'r' 't t r .z'rrf:'. lit' t t"')t\ 't' r ~' 't ..irt r",. 'f r f' t) r il i i.i 'liii t. t. r ~ 'r I t "("ti t t" 't i t '.rt r t. irif r'r' "r" t' t r ' titX'.i 'r' it I 't.î fit' I r' i r, r' ir, tt t r-fil; fli i r i SI" (tri i "i r i r. iir rit, r,., i tir t i r r i r ,t' Cri tuttI iii t i If 'i t t ,r ut tir tit j tir x ti r)r 'ir tir' . iii ,.'i. i rit. t 't r i 5 r'itti'tt if t il iii i Sunset Terrace 'U-4 8 II 'ION 1 îan NuIll LOT) IN TH"'I1S B iVU:. LI'IF' I A.. ' NNIrI S L'B-l )I V SI O)N LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. As Low As $13,9O N.11-N TE Eql1S For Appointment to Inspect Phonle 623-3393 W. RA K REAL ESTATE 177 CHURCH ST. MOTOR SALES - I11ITED - Ean MeIQueen. Prcts. 219 KING ST. E. B( )W'MNANV IILE Anthnriî'rd Decaler for Rambler Cars ph11onio (62: 33236 nli "'"n 1!11 i ,nxblers ha be-ren beo onl all expee- tation. v. ilh thle resuit that -,%-c litîxe soine ijinaculate i radlo- ins ii' s it our lott lu- dayi andl lstdrivt~1e neof thc', iIC(l .r s 1963 Valiant Convertible f; c LI.,autornatir, custoni radio,.tLocal tradc -bi, nr-w catr condition. 19V62 ]Falcon 2-Dr. 6 cyl.. sitindard transmis- sion, riistimradio. Green wîil h roii tr'hiog trini CGond 1961 Boat and 75 h.p. Scott Motor. ('omplcte xxith Irailer. Noxv's the tinme to bîîy and savr! 1961 Corvair 2-Dr. AN rrai s;ioit-. inodfel vit)î I sprcd floor silift. custom radijo. 1960 Envoy 4-Dr. l c3I.local ir,îde-in. l'or the person 'wlin is Ccoflom3' 1958 Meteor 2-Dr. Hardtop X('1%l. I nIIoiflti( , cust~om ra- dio. Local tat-n in im- iniclt c<iiiiiondition. SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND! 19,M;î %*Olll%.R IV.N;N Sli. 11951 (HEV. :!-Dr. c'14. 1957's - 1955's (;ood .ecto of ail niakes and models. . . bcing cîcar- ed ;ii reduccrLprices. SERVICE STATION J>cctrust - have your car I'N DER SIAY ED NOW Open from '7 a,.i îîntil Ili midnicht TMWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 After Ilours 623l-2083 Mcnher of N.A.L. 0 O** CONTACT: Eair~l CQIICcn iVldon Bronwn 13,td Fogg JiiiiCrombic Jack Prliller I)oug Sinider sales ii JDGET AL! 4 Exciting m-Ai Mag ist rate's, Ca-aia- ~t csnan. own Ar.if, prM . 1e4 17 "FOR QUALIT[ SELECT USED CARS" Court- SEE - e IMcQUEENI Wiih The Purchase of * T$3.50 Worth cor Fresh Meat SBSTEAK ____ AU, BEEF RII'D(OR 81lAtA[NI)EI A-1 QUALITV (\ YN.\iNT INSPECTEI) Iit'l'St. N. a lu IM GR aýlk am 5 M - SALE - HIEREFORD -CORNED BEEF '1( 49( a tin SALE -IDEI XI c -GREEN PEAS 4 69~ ' SxBRN BIOLOGNA 3l'os 89c28e $I,200 DOWN BOWMANVI LLE 4S I 'STMIN!* URERYOURCTTAGE SAVE TIME AND MONEY .. ORDER YOUR COTTAGE NOW . . . ~BE FIRST TO HAVE UT ERECTED.. BY CHOOSUNG YOUR COTTAGE EARLY' SAVEONOUR "PRE-SEASON" ffSPECIALS 'à'? rPI(NI( TABLE A $23.00 VALUE iq WITH YOUR COTTAGE ORDER "'THE FAYWOOD" $16OO As\ýk About Our "Budget FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 100 MILES NO DOWN PAYMENT ONx OUR DEFERRED P.XYMENT IPLA.N NO PAYMENTS UNTIL SEPT. lst, 1964 "PAY AS YOU PLAY" ERECTION . . MINIMUM CHARGE WITHIN REACH 0F EVERY BI SPECi, bah bIii-oino 1)I1i o rnia ini'iior p>a )-' iIi onis ~'Ilt a11 ailni aIl og - 111Y 1' 1v ' x o i . OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS -LIMUTED - AJ[AX --- ZE.nith 2-9600l In TELEPHONES 'lO SEJINE YMUii $11ç t1.l.îit ttu O .t.d"ho ntiirr - 1 1 è 4ak . SPECIAL BARGAINS.1 c 1 1.9t-29 tooy*.

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