2 -cCaadanStesto Bxvar :1e Ar ~194 Se eks Mission Funcis E. .uundle 1-"1" --' rvreà~ m - -ne : c'mmnd " cv A E ONE a C r-i r'îror E. J. Ru n r - vIy I Uf I9 and nark. : ine zot r a hr 'mnre vud rhirman «a cauýerCr-r ln r î'- cDcg Cr-r c: Conimittee frrnný - r>1 a oer 0'r ie O,'id Ci'" Paul Chan-, o'c sar. o'NIn c B tra:--r ti. ern* î1t North Am ericon Tour H-obbs corn 1 1' fCorni-o P uw1 l Pr j ci:er Ccimrn i ,e,-. ,Froim Peterboou n nu fo :,r m a n d %hoop- orphans f0 returro ta their ]or E. J. R t" ýlý-" o*rcc dC ro ind:( e a -xord that, Bertha Nm) n 'o.î.vticît edicinelcomrnunitres as leaders, and cd to)*r '*r")nniWrr a mo-rn1nborf' M i a-JWhvte. whose Wh '-vtehavcrrj or i-n<iato The iiearest doc2-giving schooi instruction to left ' Pr w- aC im) - homnies for tunrid er p r ,V 1 Ule Ci or ÎS 4 miesaw.ax- village children. Georrý' S '" Tw\r r 'rnio bidren iii Ontario and i r- Sho lias been a>* isierl bx : I feel now that if was for toi 1 r, .'i h'rd' ' xr' o- a :ir:,' d af1mnztrh Columbia wcre rlosed dv 'oippor ,er \\ 10 owr'n: witfî birrthe best that my homes were aIld C)'- .' 'r>* :r,)nrdIheaith aithorit tes f tin 59a' id 1 No er roni Canada. ov cIosed in Canada," she wrote,' han'Il vo' .JBTard of 1960itti. plans a spcakîng ton c on:ni crtfron, àCanadian "as now 1 arn serving where ha :o i r rR îrf:~i 1 ;m ii 1 da 1i'Canhda and tht- Uniled StaLes ',iîp.c:t's'and liv Nrgeriaii'there H the greater need. this mmerni tei-, to tuti t fJapcr: Sonnaalso rn breaks my heart to see, chrnx- . C r ' - I iO.-cli ardfrbr fta o-tn i'magrd'o 'onNigerian the poverty and sickness here. M-'l'Ž Whx' e,",cher ielorlir'î V Bu, when I observe thena (-':n n r. ' 1 r-or l-- f t!,,,, a' rt Nr': I lcop E'1et(t C ' p iO r' I in b-r-.cf ~ Bowvman eri r, On1t. iir tl ir NI., \\'(t l :a i e an tives pitching into el.o had ' .t»'nrK:- '(c i; e tT'F'te foset o p a thidiCiis trerrue e rierxi'krfi' rntearfi-1t e limit of their strength, I of o'- r .-i rrit *~1c. o'or . Or i rfe n* 'io' *li te village of A îx-ctorrrr i bt'r'farm ingP iiiethods 'o couId shufo ,,. ce'ec*tcd Z"or.r-ri t:' Rino W. aird s'ri1'Nigeria. She ba.,sistoe added ctfie ir-aifarmiers, t raifi ing' -Examiner. The S ',:rS n>n C-, ri -.-n: c c'.- C cea farm. an ambulanc anA report of ' m i"-'o-Id la 1first-aid servire. a vxc' Fridav 'r5 re' training centre, a sedhoof ra.ii S k amting C lub adopted on a nioc' in r-rn f- ra noii-dcnomînatuiînal rhapr i. utvRexePc S v 'P asse IdNir. -hte s aitrinral r'raMa Rn l EAG O0N El tsparkled with tinv shinling to tire Peterborcugbl Exam i't«r ic d boardis ferîîgthie 'stars, and the beautiul and -lie also hopes in 'bond a ho.'- lar'te expirn:c of ire were 'fitted top had a deep V o f sD eCua. pifai and sanatorium. and xuiarcrind uxi tfî gav replicas cf' glistening sequins, with the - .-cek fondcs for the boLi1diîîg ciephant:. deer', dops, rats,ladorniment of three larger suli r-' M F ONEorogýram durr-ng fier speak tr io nrke ' s, hor-scs anid trees. 'ver sequin stars outlined in. llectrical equipmnent and tour in Mav aîd Jue.f' l, fieir. t nitimber. Cheerfjet both in front and back of, E~fADEapplIianccs-~S5O.00 (S25.00). r'dates anîd 'plares-c, be rof )- lnadei fctiircd an arrav cf'the bodice. Shawn skated' Christmas trees, other than .pearanres xx re uc] kiîcwrî. 'hi otr i pctdwile through a series of jumps, those heinir sold by non-pro- The Whvtcdiaveîi Ionies t> -rît auli xx'arung a redglides, twirls and interesting' fit, charitable and welfare Boîvroanvîie and a] Sommer pititîrver i nitrcýd %wrtl a dfg'Patterns in perfect tempo. oreganî1,at.onssiîo.o (So ) fand. B.C.. ivere efo:î'd d xîir ".Tkn paît werel The Dream About Casties In SECAR aothmng, mens iear and hat authoritter- ber-arr r' r Brenîda Bomiber. Lviirn Barteri Spain was a picturesque Latini US D CA S lais'iea-5.0 0)oerrwdn.Mrs.W l ahXV rovsh SeMann,isciection. The dancers woreï ;reeting cards and calen- said she ncrer ret'iî.-ed tri 'iii îr Sheila Cromibie. Dianire Ccwleialluring costumes with yellowý 1961 CORVAIR 2-DR. dars, other than thore heing noci er wx -at it.PtGop Mary ýboleros over colorful tops.Th 6 cyl, standard transmisî-' sold by non-profit charitable r Had Busy Time ()k('. Nticori Ilor-slei, Diannie'long sleeves were encircled: sion, backup lights, scat anld 'vdlfare organizations-.. She wrcte TheFîcfxaiiriit,"-Iliarri'oit. -Jarrel Large, Lvnn Iwith tiers of red, yeliow andi beits. Good clean car, S5.i1 (S5.00).filitsfic fia.; just rrred i- Major, SiwiLcddyt. Loolseýgreen ruffles. Their fuil shirtsý 'Magazines, books and sîm- ont ire 0îc rhi)rIpl a n a _,,r' Marini. Sanra NMeGregor, Fay'e'er mosd f layers of1 1959 DE SOTO 4-DR. ilar goods-S50.00 (S25.00). 'Apil2rd 1fc tî'rrllr viies'. Kaithî'v MrGuirk, Kathy ' vider ruffles in the same STATION WAGON Goods îîot included under. Apiixfiir polir-c xiinati' it. - u ri-r, Donna Mikelic,:bright colors. The quaintly: V-,atiai, tsu a lnder itemis mcntioned- Arxla,,,pJ(f 1( liri Morris, Pot-o' Noxx Iain, Pat'pretty headidresses were high' d -, u tnmao c cusc tom r - eoçi> >500 SI . rocssed. T fhis %vas novei i ' , Rud rit' 1 (!irier Sa iders, iarrangem ents of fruit ai-d di a flly o e r cqîpc d e ,ý%I'S Deputx- R ee Steveri- r-'c'îri - iirfo W ebb, S fiila Shred di,'flow ers attached ta green, or Localy wne ',ice nx1. lCE\t-SlNC RLAS d bdyvCouincilior E. .I. Rutrdie L tieSluiuoi.RezaînrieStar-k- red scarves, which were tied, 1959 B ELVEDERE Delivcry chceý 5. oOn a motion d\, Cctillî-ricî r- rd. . Jîîtî rda 'itc. Arrita Trouil,. under the girls' cdiîîs. 4-DR. 0 0 l .O1-1001)(,s,~ bpcr.e-rihdli-Cui'-tanrd(euxfWirfi a rut .The Latin dancers in this' Br-cad d vr tukfiir . 1evFie - rrîtiln]1u,- . rr ' e irIlti GîteA rimber were Brenda Bamber,l 6 cnl., automnatir, çiistorfl irst chicle - S50.00; for eived anrd fifcd ia ettel r t'in ii \l triî le xxut-exctt ypr-ctty Danne Cowle, Sheila Crombie, t radio, backup lighits, he cach additional v'chicIe t>f ,Ille Centrai Lake Orntario Conr- ir>;iiiffv x'iî'shiort skinr alîirh u anJni dissu-ahcs, iror . o- nfi'erison, S'20.00. rnrvtoi.\rfcrî 'i'uit utIîftrloit) udorrîed xx tIi fer Saunders, Laurie Siemoni cal trade-in, Clean. Puo$5r -~0.00 .ino ri tiotun 4I((iuiteutig ix c'r1-suquinsrît Efirf ornicd anrd Rozanne Stackuruk. rit' a citfici-tt -- 190 i t;,isolo t a ti riO a n tud xx'fî tc Sanîdra MeGregor made a' 1958 BUIC K 2-DR. El triiatns - S.O0 (0. aurd levier. stiîtdslver foiti xx'file slue c igSpns'enrt o HARDTOP MrhPlc eot skarlir-tri pfîa suries oti,litber rhythmic solo. She skated' Automî ti. They Policre. 'Ruptot-tt-r'rioct fitehier spotlight waig One local nowncr silice ne"%. C ou n cul -as ecc e n pte d ()i'oîi.\t caiïc, i riiirrug iriii- a becomning scarlet watiIIa Imcla a moit ion dx- Cccrîeîi or Hctip- l ýiitc olePiasedi at and a matching fiesta costume" r, orîd-dd v Courniior Lcî'ts 'iiicu f l11f cad The cf the same vivid red. The well: 1958 DODGE À&'rve Fc5> Lt shicx'td tiat riftcurst tir xY fîrok cilird-eru xxerc: fittcd long uine bodice had aý MAYFAIR 4-DR. ' rrder filie Crimrîa f code xx--r' 1Lttrf', Londrît. Iaiitttc Br v- square nerkline, and the short' V-8, automatic, custorn eti- r - - rF~' as foiioxvst orie assa.it. x i-u1-f rt-J titt ad.Bra- ui kr ierssonf1 wde1 dio, -auhers. Loc-al, ane !0 Rît' i Cd.lias dccii clcared; coic break- Castie- Littir Drot, Afin urCth- floores. She wore longj owncr A-icondiion.i hriiur' rîrrf ii anr offeider~ dtr t crrr .'Xiridfti. unLt i-:danglinig gcld and red jewell- ower Al oniton Cici ' Cru il Paut Cfraîî, a,,en crd thoiitfnd fiîh'; ton iii bit. ' ait Up 'fl'ic' Cick, ed earrings, and a matchingý 1 oitcithrailCan e e fts cf nd cinc- iEx au. t Rtf IEif. Cathy pendant hung from a goldený 1957 PLYMOUTH 'n'iovî-d iiat ith-se petîttrurîs deft fnoo rok:TYSIr. Madeline ehain around lier neck. 4-D R. re fi ru 'cftr i(t- PUC foîr ii-sexeru thcfts cf crtni ý ( i i fuSrtfr fc4rrttrutr ates niat'cf rcrîd n dt xoret ier r 'dir t r x- f -rdr t trCroix'. The Pirates of the Spanishý 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,c ay.atmtt c-l-oI.au ite rýira te of o(,-fmir sntirtti 'itri Rîd>Iui t'Main ti):Stcits loss«ie, -iXaini wcre brave desperados1r trade - inw-ut only 25,(000 ciCoc orianam ilesrrtr'-, d 1trito Iîcci . T 11 c xx"' xrîtifriuipe- Il itif I i ,rî Stitff 'l'lic Baby selves with a swagger and, ý-v, crre ý inanniisl%.tu îxt rttrac-tixve girls,'skated with spirit. The pirates' 1956 PLYMOUTH A r'colffitton ro 'îm the Cfîv nuents of fedr-rai sîatittt'r, auc ixe Xvii's andcieîila Shiredd,wore red and white horizon-. of W'indsor Lirig thfat luthe co hîsers5 is1ci skatc'dvllas a pair. arîd thîcir'talx' striped jerseys boundý 4-DR iî-urriuî n ni()îtaîcdecompleted: offenres irririr prit- ixi-i 6 '. toai tci sic tip r'îeia tuei-vn idl taOntarxx-i-o e' pIUIltrîuiurrît. xru:asiso ikiliful.. with aide red sashes Their' r.ý- 1 - autmatic.N*(,i- ask-e in pocu ediis qucklvý'liiil tPttrt. '-ee sixanV --13abioi white- Barcdhior rblacrkblck, usersrs cleatn. a.- prib fuIx ht ti,-,, taltfu hrares baic en coniipintecfd-. "fS>iî'i-.ff> f iei ahhdanro e tie 1956 FORD 2-DR. lirnit tif a uIix('nsaf goxenni- an îhrnrh N sttaî ere Iii fît' net r 1956 FORD 2-DR. riru pr stec Iiedîr-al plan. ' -eared ip. Under traffîr (rit - 'i i i.a"'vrar-vrin hr'iý SilOe1 o et i1ifr a pirat frît. down tne sides, and were V-8wit rcondtioe~ na-v.-s i mtxr r ard fiec cr r-forcemn ter tdti-ex's ont- fai- Sfic Pruifi Thei tri Bncl - 'rie stuffed into high black pirateý tor. Good automobile. nmotionui hîsL)t'pt-i eneeRos ire te stop, arrd rxuiiptrihNcf lN ft-sIalir e î'qisbos.Rdadnsweeid 15 PLM TH S tc v(i 'r-. c înrhcrlv Corîrîr-i- drîvens. xx-ftr> verradrarbleintr fetrh- around thieir heads, and theyý 15 PLM UH loi- C"in sic't'-. Courrîril for G i e ru fi o i m e 1ri9Pyw atris, or pastel coler.edleaCh had a single gold hoop 2-D R. Cîrr ittrîImr. 'echa rmotitn dx' Hughes mcx id thot tie ann rîual "ix'in cf meeaise ad earring in their left car. 6 cyLsfaldardtranin, ClvicllorIloo(?,i- secndeýrepot ofthe Cntra LskatingIlivr The spiratesThepweres wr e nnnss sin ~oî înnmr a.- dv Critu nn.l]>îr Ifîiple frî hat a Onta-,rro Conscrv-ationî A1,t1111( hrxvor r uba ra Bai-réll I BamberBin are ily ut f ru our fron the Cointvacilitv li, reccived anîd fr cci. Tfu ino i Pr'B'itoil. MVarv Ruth Diiiing, Bob Eakins, Michael Peel mîîo,. rerîng ath eatt 'voîrxa eedd lertce ~rNisx' [axev, Bennie rSaunders, Jon Sissons. Martin PALMER cocerin aneton -,vasl;rP me. b Couî 1 cr rh D xvuii ih . ~ ritiDn al ucisn rotit hu rneî-e nid lîr. oeterandraruei. 'cîtttFî crtu- Fordh. LatiSissons, Randy Van Meer. andi Meatie Ogaza-ui10' Hghe tat .I.O.. utia f i Janert Loukm, Bard- i Dou*as Harrison cast a spell tie Couititec iftîî Uitc reen etif Fernicrruet -ir Xl (îtis.Burida ivirffatt oni the audience with his Puffj MOTO SA E Cenites x ri cccnnd dx rng d rccrve an fît anduîrch aitî'o îî cvthebeMagie Dragon solo. Be ws CHRYSLE IR -PI 31VLTH ccrî-loti fir - iilicripalifi,"sthat a thtr-d report freri C.11. rtrnîsoo asrîe i (lv eie- crneeely cncead by his VALI ANT -IOD( G E NI.Ccnuniitre. and the O.CA. dealinîpg îtin'W'ho tt <i> T.fIe Fin'AQ.ecl oastue wih tasom 2)0 Kin.-Street rEast mciuers of tfrî' ienniiiîîen-endations renccrnnng filrit XleX xts'fîn il, Pls-hini fite a mythical animal.1 Phione 623~-5487 wene askcd to at tend if pos- iow Iying land, de refecu cf ti rcir .ParmaRdi Ti re'ratr pn c.hie, icUtnitedt Courittes E.M. the Board of Wenks. Itile itilurne xxrifîa icher ef its head dlown the centre off_ ,i o.l itr na kýisetnigfd h o O.N'eeiig irCoeog r euciic- -'coc'. cîrcî tir'fiItn-rcrr' tr Iandrc inugs.iits back and long tail, and' i ed dv CoonecillenIliciglit-:. *ni' IIcirrr cit' :rtitx îts xx'crc m(n- dexii its winglike arms. Simi- ;cd thiat the reponlrtfio Reads arîd Streets Coiniriilt f ii rcfx't ttii ci qL1ns,,Iar spiny fins went dlowni the! riitiug uîit le-'itr irc t 1 1( Iuur-n raîtrîritvx' ioxen. relutre of dthe dragon's snout. LIBERTY GARDENS Iadoptiowonee'pic t rird ,a dright ned tangue appeared' f1 nti ti'Biirhattr-a uxsfî'em dis mocîth. Dix xýeaI,-wh-'ht'bctJvfer'r'd t \itl iiot,rjr.SilIir' itSrrtld, The Pirate Chief, Victor Irv-1 UJLTRAn.-MODE.~.IJ~j.~R !.HOMES. the Reads anîd Strcet('n riut\ r'ttt 'l'un-m atnrac--, ing of the Unionvilie Skatingi uji t Yor pecfîatins milIe fer a f[nu re(pcrc't. li i\,(,tut rîtrîtut I t:halltigreenlClrrd, a flamboyant figure iný Buit-o oV O n S eiicfos other section rgandinrp prav- tr' x i\'lx'fi ilnged'el cet rie blue bloused top,t MANY PLANSCI to ede nîvestrgaîect lix-Rrîusc- 'oît aid t'rrcnuî frtti rip ccd driglit orange sash, jet blacki TO C OOSE FRO anu Strcit- xxifba il ~ î~ ftr soiîn nd tîrhtIe o111- troserss ide strrped iin gold:ý IUove to this l>restir,ec District Without Delay luax-rng the cncîshed'cl rax ve x iirl -rf llui us iîflugrnenualso ih a orne ea trocked te tie fou-n 's -rý nd 11i t caf adhaugodnro ILT aird Dit VELOPED Bflithturd about tiIi(,f n~-hati idp---ifnos-r. n rg odnho 'tif ritd fr"'pintp-B. . rntnîgs, presented a memor-ý Trcc Cempanyibcdecrferr'd tIn 1 (j X.î,ur fn tîc able solo. Roarîs ancd Streits forctt fut .\ r Sfio(.I icitiis Shur Is FoI]owinig the irtermiission, 'triER r-anii xx'a1 -lev-oted te th1 uu RoýiL VJ@ oibk AMR Mdcik M r tipîr' v toc nirtc-r ',tl tt ui'r rrî - ipas. 'T;ht, as sn'-ci ci 1)'%' -'ID Cicit-iflien- Fic' anîdr-iiref Delivery Licences-? Ccîtn11iltlor I loopen sîc c 1f tat scure nuntvisten si sfîîî uIbr C A Nri deiiverics for rc.Il tae l t n rkingtu ua î- T A[l He uggestcd a sper-ral liccnuce 'n bc doîîght for trurcks Io cru. ribleiienu to park te cuake a i * ~ ~ crcielrv xitiiocntpaý muanuttrui 1fii- filled dit*vx meters. in :Uexico City' and Cenîncîlion IIughecz, scronrdcd Acapulco. dv Cooncrhior Ronudie. mcv- c d that this niatter de nefe n-iý(d * Siht rj~p-If thue Board cf Wnrk-. 'Tfi i iras rarrned. 4' Sx inîîiuigExtend Deadlinc r-' (iuded 'l'n ns A ltter frnt A. 11ir, (;tiicd Torst"ie txxns solicitor, staleci ttit fý etter bad bdccii eccii-rd -a motis Mxcaofrnî Rex -\V. K. Housianîder. F'o od C'fîa nrnîan of the Trtuster Boarcd of Trinity United Cbcrrcb. This >' FlM IltleC Stil r'SCMn. -Strîke i-ote, Ilt tiim possrble foi, thîn rarosboards cf th(,e hr lîî'î 10 STATION - 1350 Io dca] îxith tfue mat>' nne- Forfit and 'ading tfue Board cf Wenk.' il t I I fi111 cii (Ihed ixithin the time alleîx'enl, mation a-t ad tbat the Oshîix-a Presbx ,- x'ry xxhue epeu ntt>sîrurr i - n e cccle. drues notlef nucufmmt't LOVEer montb. LO V ELLThemoriginal ocHer lad rot W' ENCY Deputy Rece B oss Sme5 seconded by Councillor il-oop- Bo0wnaîîviIIc rr. îorcd tîrat thec'offe-r de ,xtiudEd teIo flfie îud ff îf Maý . This ui r>ccicicu. L ENJOY A SHORT DRIVE TO Se Je JA(KMAN 65 JACKMI ND.W BMANVILLE AND SAVE Up TO 50% with our CA4SH & CARRY SPECIALS THURS. - FR. - SAT. ONLYI POTTED MUMS Reg. S2.50 - %3.50 CASII.AND CARRY MIXED PANS lya-cintils, Etc. Reg. S.3.t0 ('ASII ArNI) CARRY CUT DAFFODILS Reg. S2.00O do7. CUl MUMS Rieg. S3-00 bunch COMMERCIAL MUMS Rez. 60c each ('ASII A~ND CARRY $ 1.25 .$.7 $1.75 $1.00 $1.50 30c FalbrIe Sp a ils Save up to 21(' Yd. Reg. to 79e \ÀfPLKER' L ÀMunufucturer'Fs lmuuuiry Quality %U II%'A NOb Al obN 1099 A trpmnenlu.,s st'eçtion of thick, thirsty, Iiuxlry qualit.y bath lowei s in an Rssort- mient of pit terris and coiors. Sizes up to 22" x 46'. AI ND A VE Wl TI 581 Pf. Crisp washab]e wriveuî c-lîc-kjd gingham 'l tisuninier 'des Ideal for homie dec'. Chilifteîî's fasions. SPFCIAL VALV'E- t'«»Igibut %eerssiguker Rteg. 1.19 Fine sti'iped fab-ic i~-tl illiliî- rare, no ir<)nfish Perfect fur children's aridrn istefsdrrs-,er, blo)uses Ptî'. Limited quantity- 35" wîde. + 'I NÂ1.~LKER' S King ~treet East Bowmanville F. i. r 21 b. b, t- h. i. I. t' o' ALL- EXPEh MEXII FIES LISTEN TO CKLB RADI (tet Ynor Official Ei Furthcr Inforti JURY & 1 TRAVEL A 2 King St. E. 1 --Aýà%ww% .EW ~1 il t- t' t' t, I. t' r, 88ý yd. King %)treet East Bowmanville