14 The Canadian Statesmnan. B3owranvîllp. April 22.1.4 BURKETON Mrs. A. E. Ribey is in Me - church h ail on Tuesday ev ei-, mnorial Hospital, Bowmanville ,ling. where she will undergo surg- Mr*s K. If. Vicer a ery. We wish her a speedy; re- hostes's ona bahv;soc o covery. Mrs. J. Aindre-wýs. There were The C.G.I.T. met mii *He 2.3 adieý prPsent. NEED CASH fo r Farm Improvement Home Improvement A New Car Any Worthwhile Purpose Il' so, there are several good r-casons (casv, Io%%-cost terns, l'or cxaniple) vhy %ou should gct the nmoneŽ )outi ned I roni "Irhle Bank"'. e i c ir incarcst 'l oronto-Donminiion Bank manager a cail. Arrange t drop in and sec him and chances are v ou tail enjoy thle things vou want toîomorrow todav -TORONTO-DOMINION Whcrc pr'nplc make the diffcrence B. L. BURK, Manager Bowmanville Branch Choir practice was heid at attended Bowmanville schools N the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.M ore hon O600 iPeopie l and on November 5th, 1913. TYRON .. Turnbull on Wednesday 1 married the former Gladys yvenijng. ilM Evelyn Burns. who survives. TeTrsadJ.M.hl Mr. C. Van Dam xas takenlSee W atch Tow er Filn 1 esdd T hith Trsand Son banqetd to Memorial Hospital, Bow- MrSekshdrsdda hi ahr aday bnight manville on Thursday. Wel Over 600 persons crowded,lonian worship. for 41 years. A compositor. %\hen about 40 attended. After I wish him a speedy recovery. j Anderson High School on Sat- Over 500 wvtncesc.. \vere he was employed for many ail had enjoyed a turkey din- Sympathy is extended t urday night to see a two-hour abl 1 fly to the different years with R. G* MLea i er, Mr. C. WV. Woodley show\- Mrs. R. Davey in the passing technicolor film produced by assemblies making it a wvorld Lombard St., Toronto, and re- ýd slides. The Tyros would of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Hil- the Watch Tower Society. tour for themselves. And tired Jour years ago. He was like to extend their sincer,ý lier. Niagara Fais. The film featured the spec- Sirnce they were the iargest a meniber of the Chuirch of the- thanks to any of the mothersý Mrs. E. McLaughlin has ce- 'tacular assemblies of Jehovah's group ever to visit Korea they Resurrection. inTrone and surrounidin- tîîirned home from Oshawa Witnesses he]d around the were given an officiai red- Surviving, besides his xife districts who g ave of their General Hospital feeling much globe last summer. In addition,crptwcoehr. are a daughter, Mrs ' Harold tianetalnswad h improved. each locale of these mammoth Commencing with the as- Jame.ý (Edith) and two grand- bnut .Mrs. F. Caughill. Mrs. J. gatherings was spotlighted to semblv at Milwaukee, June 30. children. Virginia and Douglas The Home and School meet- Sinclair, Mr. Kennetli Sinclair show how it has been affectedlthe_ around the world tour James. Also surviving are ing will be this Thnirsday ev- were Thursday guests ofMr by what the Watch Tower So-1 took delegates successively to two sisters, the Misses Edith enîng. April 23at8). and Mrs. Jack Parkins, Bw- ciety calîs false religion. N'ew York then to assembly and ida Weekes of Boxvman- Guest speaker wili be Mrs. mnanville. False religion, the niovie centres in London, Stockholm. v'ille. Heard who is Chairman Par- .Mrs. B. Hubbard, Mr. A. R. showed, started in aancient Milan. Munich and Athens. The funeral service was held ental Education of Oshawa Hubbard called on Mr. and Babylon with Nimrod and Next in line were assemblies from th, Trul Futieral Home, Council. Mrs. W. Hopps and were then spread to embrace thead tours in India and Thai- Danforth Ave., Toronto. on M-%r. and Mrsý. Frank Wilson luncheon guests of Mis. Min- world. Even countries belong- lanid. Tuesday, March 31st. and was and Hector~; Mr. and Mrs. Ross nie H-ubbard, Oshawa. ing to Christendom we'e' At 'rhailand the dielegates conducted b.N Rev. Brighitling. Wilson and Dawn, Mr~. and Miss Alice Taylor spent the shown to be tainted by Baby- dî\ ided iîîto two groups, one Interment was in Mount Pleas- Mrs. Everett Wilson. Brvan weked it MssBety-o- group xisited Singapore, Indo- ant Ccmeteryv. Toronto. and Karen, and Mr. and Mr,;. eekendrwnto. Miss Betty Pow-rs. uthnesia. Australia, New Znaland Palîbearers were iVes-iss i iln, saa ee Sorry to report that Mr. Stonehouse and Mrs. Mae Phair and the Fiji Islands while the -Charîns SchrievenWagter Bryce, Walter Ferguson is iin Me- of Whitby. Mrs. K. G. Rob- other group took inumn g akSterRoet eks all a n is .Wlo 'GdHonýg Kong-, Manilla, Tia.ng akSuttwat, Ro ert ecks. r.AndMs .Wlo n rnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. lin was at the piano for Tawa.Ke iîtn ndRyIenlg Our Variety Concert was Save the Queen". We would Japan and Korea. ton.I Congratulations toi Mr. aîdi held in the ehurch on Friday like to extend our thanks and At Hlawaii the the tx.'o par- -- Mrs. A. Wood on their 251hi evcning, April l7th. The pro. appreciation 10 ail who help- ties came together . After the: Weddinig Anniversary. April grmwas opened by our very ed to make our evening a ceai Conclusion of the assemb - D22n d gabM atro eeoisucs. there, they head"ýed foCreoss Mr. and Mrs A. Wood, Ted caal ase fCeeois ucs.final one at Pasadena, Calîf.adJh e Stryev Mr. F. Dorland. A skit called Mr. and Mrs. Bernard The total attendance at aliadJh wre atdye- *'The Tragedy" under the di- Spence and family, Oshawa, gatherings xvas estimated at ~ rL ening guests o! their daughter rection of Mrs. Mae Phair O! w e r e Saturday afternoon 58000Hanasn-i-lw.Audeyan Whitby; a musical and quar- guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Glen TÏhe puipose of tlhe fin s Merton Mavin, Bowmanville at lette number by Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey and family. opomt eee tdy of \ýW L(linier and a movie in Toron- 1-. L. Hogan and family of Mr. and Mcs. Fred Har~ding. tohprombe a de e s of 1 îieelcha r Io to honour hec parents on Brookln; tap dancing by Miss saa er au-a ee-giîgevratn it si ,teir silver wedding anni- es Margo Wilson and Gail ing guests of Mrs. Greta J. MacPherson, district repre- th1mnh etn i'eray hyas aldo Clare an Andew Hscoc of he Bowmanville and Distric-t Mr. and Mrs. liarold Tîjvett Clrk ad ndewHicok fBailey. sc-ntatixv- of the Watch 1uwer RdCoswshi nWd etn Whitby; a skit called "Black RdCoswshl nWd etn Out" and 'Help Wanted" by Anyone having chîldren bu Societ.y.îîs be baptized on Mother's Day,l Cummentîng fiirther. etea vrig pi t i Congr'atulations to Mr. and lhe Whitby group; accordion1 elh counicil chambers at 8:30 Mrs. M. R. Fergusoii on theïr selection by Mr. Frank Warren please contact the EIders of saîd, "The proper choice be-1 of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whty a acn ytecuc sso spsil.tentu n as eiinp.m. 'The meeting opened w'ith 9th Wedding Anniversary on of Witb. Tp dncin bvthechuch a son a posibeternetru e wdase religeio averby President Mrs. RoV April 23rd and lier birthday, Misses Margo Wilson, Gai', Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin, ede d. ne hewy o Sprvý. April 241h. Clarke and Andcew Hiscock Mrs. E. Bryan were Sunday Obviouslsîv . . eral Mrse.MAuteseoHatheî-ly is nowa of Whitby; violin selection by guests of Mrs. Florence Green- -. mpressed hi' fin Minutes of the 'as ioeii Miss Elizabeth Dyer of Osha- od n r.Normanfilm. the audience ciapped i meeting were iedb er-saigwihM.CaleAln wa accompanied by Mrs. Dick- Sproule, Kendal. sonigya1rveigi ayMs .Wii n p oîavle son; skit call d " iog e es R and M rs J ac P ee ing F u rth er show ings of il w ill pro ,m ed . T reasu rer M rs. B L.,L M rs. T ' F indlav M rS. G or- socan; kt ced Dio tenes Re- Mran angirls saack eeiiun-be given bhroughout Metrn- 1Burk gave lier financial report. Gî adAree lnanae"frmte htb n grs Ohwa ee u-don Walkcî-. ilad rl, grou: aothr nuberby r. dy gesî o! rs.Grea plitan Toronto as suitable A report on recent campaign Thornhill, were supper guestsl and Mrs. H. L. Hogan and Bailey. auditoriuims can be secured. wa er.Te oa mutSunday of Mrs. R. Victue and fmlofBoki:accordion Mrs. A. Carter eîîtertained wxill he read ai a later date as:also eal]ed on Mrs. Pcrcy Mc- familyof Brokîlo:the districts are niot ail com- ov selection by Mr. F. Warren of ber family and relatives at her 1 TTTT'l'7pinte. Ov Whitbv: violin selcetion by home cecentiy. UflI JUAflI Mi. and Mrs. A. Knowlton Miss E. Dyer, Oshawa, accom- Mrs. G. Wetherup. Miss, ihere was inlhing Io report anîd famnily visited Mr. andc parlied by Mrs. Dickson; a Hilda Hall, Mrs. D. Bryan, C'HARLES P. WEEKES 01n disaster silice the last meet- Mrs. H-. LaChappelle, Courtice. number by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Oshawa, wece Sunday guests1 in g. Thele an cuphoard re- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear Hogani and family, Bcooklin; of Mr. and Mcs. B. Hubbard. Tu"le death of Charles piggott ported 16 requests since last visitnd Mr. 1. W. Larmer, Miii- Cockney d an ces entitled, Mr. and Mcs. Frank AllisonIWeekes, Toronîto, occurred at meeting anîd the child's whcel- 'brook. "Boomps-A-Daisy", "Lambeth and family, Oshawa, were the Toronto East General Hos-l chair ready for use. The homne;Mi'. and Mi's. Ross Poolev. Walk", "My Old Man"~. Tak- Sunday guests of Mrs. Pearl pital on Saturday, March _28,1nursmng classes aie nearing Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' ing part iii this were Mrs. Avery and Mr. and Mrs. 1964. Mr. Wcekes ivas in his complctioîî. A r'eport on Smith, Columbus, were Sun- Hielen Breen. Mrs. Marie Burt- George Allison and famiiy. 77th year and had beeîî ili foi vomen's woi'k was given by day guests of Mrs. Florence nsky. Mrs. Cora Fallow, Mrs. Sunday School at 10:45 a.m. thrce 1wceks. !Mrs. E. Rundie showing sev- Sc-Olt. ena Hudson. Mrs. Mary Ink- church worship at 11:45 am Bonri in Bowmaîîvilin. hle ciai items rcady for Toronto.1 Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. pern. Mrs. Margaret Mustard. A cordial invitation is extend- was a sounof the late Mr. anîd! The next Blood Clinic williaiong with Mrs. C. Shaw andi Mrs. Gladys McEachern, Mrs. ed to ail. Mrs. Henry John Weekes. Fie be at the Goodyear on May 4._Ralph, Oshawa, spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. ýwere Saturday callers of Mr.% Wonnacott. Toronto, and cele- Edna Philp and Miss Jean brated the 85th birthday of, Phil p. 1their auint. Mrs. A. Bolton. on Mr. and Mrs. H. F~rancis and tSaturday. Dennis, Bowmanville, were Mr. and Mrs. A. Perfect. Sunday evening callers of Mr. Mrs. D. Perfect. Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. A. Knowlton. and MIrs. Bert Mortlock and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pedlar, son. Ottawa. were recent visi- Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- tors ot MIr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs. ence Pediar and Frankie, NIr. and Mrs. Russell Philp. Toronto, were hîncheon guests Mi-s.L. Tavlor,. Peterborough, of Mrs. W.Rahm. Ontario la,ý allthe bgeall the uarîe1 i\ i«rone onil11e nnot excitinp vacations nixNour lte. Ontario covers 415,000 sq ua re miles, packed ýý ith I'as- cînating thîimp txe. Likc nid castîci and cathedrals, art -al- leries, and long sandy beache-,, red-coaied \lounitiesandnag- niiceni weilderness, cannnns and charming side-walk cafes. Your Ontario ik a stirring. c\citing place. Take thi SIL1um- mer to explore. l-oi' more informiation %ý rite, Ontario Departnmcnt of Tr-aý elRom 270, Parlianicot Bldgs.. Toronto, Ontario. fl\ou LuEl A'LS AULD, Min ister TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON AUDITOR'S REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Duc tiuiti Schumol for, c benitucres Public andiC'ont inuhalt i t 'ulleiat(, and iIl gli "cc-iîic'Lal anîd \'ucatiîîîîî Dl' ît'tîîi tliirSuîciiîi for Dehet cres. \.-uîîîîd iaý hIli Sclîool Et idinf 'iCcli l'1oýi)tal Grant Cariiali7ed S' .h'ti) ('sali onIi laiid Cash iii Batik Suîiidr': .- -- ý-- . - 1 1 1 .c's Allowaîîce fir Docîhiful Accouis Duc (tom 11Prov*ince cf Ontario nte i,,o <'cmOhher Mmiiipial it les Taxes ,Receivablc Lesa, Allou'aiicc foctincollectîble taxe Propc't\' Acquired foc Taxes, Less Aliowance for loss on resale Total Asscts ..- for the year ended December 3lst, 1963 1rruaiv 27. 1,M4 The Rceve. Councilloî'7z ;irl laea.î~ 'The Township of Darliilplo. H-amptonnOntario. Ladies anîd Gentlemen Vuc have aîdîîed tih ok: sa 'id sýcc<îiîi s cf \veut muniîcipal- île for the vear ended Deceniher :31, 1963, and have prepared the appended financial statements iii accordance with r'eg- ulations prcscribed b.%'-the Deciarticnit cf Municipal Affaîrs. We cm ment as follows ni. thle finanicai statemnents: l"uds reinain i o school board haîîk aciiis Lupoît ccii- pletion et school board projects. Section 303 cf the' Municipal Act details the method of distribution cf these excess fonds. TIRU ST' INDS Land epaî'atioru 'here i.Î sonC Ie qoc>icJIias InoIlieri gluit of Ie IîiuiîaiivIn lîold tii -se lunîcs. Court action lias alriadly been conduî'ted in Ilis tnatter'amd tIledecision ni lin Couirti sfortheoniing concunîtg Ie d tsp. c iincf lhesn funds. TOn. uncicates coniîdeî'able iniplrov-,-erini tiilie collection cf taxes cspecîaIlly un viexv cf th'- -(act that tOe curi'eit tax roll ti 1963 vas nmore Ihiît S40,00b0 hielier than iii 1962. This loi- îîrovcenient tii tax collections isn doutît one reasen wlîv the ïànieunt et hack Ionit etstaumdiiîg ai Decenubi i.:il hans heen t'educed bY umore tîan 50t11 lrorn 196-1 'Total taxe.t ei'eivalc lei iitbt2 06 tpis'ii oft 9', i tOc titýriro'lîul. 'iiThe iah hchsfor l196)2 anid 1961 ýwcrc 28.71; andr 28.9 , rseti l WC ru cotiîtc.dt ilatx registra1ioîiîm troccri cres Oc la keiî aac in,.t ali] jropet t îc wilhti a xe'smore tlî,uî Ihree vear., nii -'t t t l hecal )92 send ilî 'ac7rvaîitoonted lo ~î2li1 1961 'fax Collections Suspense - $1,364.89 This is the adjustment required bo balance the 1961 lx~ No adjustments were made to this accounit during 1963; 1w ever, we wi]l continue bo record Ibis accounit on the balance .sneet until al 1961 and prior years' taxes are eollected. 1)eferred Revenue - $10,143.82 0f this amnount, $9,987.92 represelîts an) overlnevy or higîx school purposes. This overlevy resulted from an adjustment in the high sehool requisitien after the budget and milI raies had been set. Provincial Grantq Application has been made for a 5%giaulton01th1C our- <'hase of the used truck, snowplow and wing for the Roads Department. No provision bas been made in the accounits for, this grant since it is not known at this lime whetber this grant w'ill be approved. The amounit applied for is $1,802-50. Current Operations Operations for the ycar resuited ini a surplus of $53086.52 after taking into revenue $60,493.35 of prier yeacs' surplus and, after providing $46,661.60 foc reserves. The accumulated sur- plus at December 31, 1963 amounted bo $53,746.32. We wouid recommend more accucate budget forecasting so that attempis mnay be made during the year b follow the budget and thiîs provide a better control of expenditures and minimize fluctua- tions in the mil] rate. We understand that approval has becnre 'quested fî'om the Departmenu of Municipal Affairs to transfer $50,000 nfthie accumulated surplus bo the ceserve for working funds. If this approval is c.btained, the reserves will be increased to $126,000 which wiil put the Township in a faicly strong financiai posi- tion and help 10 reduce bank loans. WARBLE FLY REVENUE lin mdci that we may vecify wacble fly income, \%e recoîi- mnind tlîat a pre-numbered reeeipt book be maintained by the ree collecter and duplicate copies of the receipts submitler) for oui examination (VIHER BOA RDS Al schoihboard secretaî'y-ti-easirei's have now, chtaiiîcd sueybond; howcver, most of the hall board seeretary-îî-eas- liesaie îot yel bonded. The detaiied comments concernig these hall boards accompany the financial statements e! bhe buards. Subject tote qualificali ms c'onceî'iiig trust funîds, warbie fi.\ reveniue and other boar'ds. we uînrnby report that ini otr onionnu: 1. The fiîîaîcial tranîsactions xvhicli have tome uiider cîr notice liave becîî withiii the powers efthie municipalit 'v. 2. Tihe audit lias been conducted in aceordance with the in- structions of the Depactment o! Municipal Affairs. .. 'The financial statemrents prescrit fairly the financial posi- tion o! the municipality as at December 31, 1963 and the i esults o! its operations for tue year ended cii that date. The records were iin very good order and we appreciate the courtesy and co-operation extended te tirhi' youi' officiais dîîî'ing the cotirse of oui- audit. J3especivelv SUbîiiittei-. :VONTEITH, MONTEITII. RIE11IL & CO., Chaî'tered Accounitants, Lieense No. 2511. REVNtEFUtNI) S17PPLI;,S (DEI"II' A('(OI NI' December 31. 1963 Dehît ('redît Balance Bs laîîce at bcgiîuîiiîg of yeaî'. 60,493.35 Surplus or deficit iîîcbuded iin Current Budget 60,493,3-5 Nil Adi ustments affecting operal ions cf pî'nvinns years : (specifyl Overstatemeîît ef 1962 r-elief payable Balanîce after above adjusîmneuis Surplus or Deficit foi' the yeac (Form D) Tetals cf Debit anîd Credit Columuis 60,493 Balance o! Surplus or l)eficît at 'ear enîd tFouiîB) 6.39.80) 153,086 52- ).3 5 S 114,2 39.6 7 l)ETAILED >S'rATIE~MEN'I'OF1 REVENUE AND EXPWNDITUItI For <the Vear Ended Decembher 31, 19631 R EVE NV'E Rsv IIu uCIII taXatlnuîî 1: i0 3) 1) 0 (rants anîd subsîdies- Province o! Ontario $ 56.70)0 (-'hiidrcui's ;protection 707,3 10.00)) Direct relief 1-iiwa.y impî'ovemenl 415,95.14 Payments iii lieu cf 16,763.15 municipal taxes 278,00.92 Vnconditionai peu' capît a grant 51.4*27.997.31 W1nter %oi'ks $ :î.o7 .69 t 4,508.)i7 111.84231 42. 3" ,7 2 1.5 6 Othler muinicipalitims- relie f Tcenses and peu-mils- Building Permnits Plcimbing permits- Dog licenses Other liceuises Iileî'est, tax penalties. etc.- Iîîterest anud penalties oin taxes Other uuteresl Ot hec Fines Scindrv . 'lax charge backs - ---- :;194.411 i15 I.IABILIIIES Banîk Oei'di'aft 76 10 Temporary Loans .-------...... Accounts Payable ..--- - - Interest . ----$------- -3,485.00 Due t0 Other Municipalities -...- - ----- 0îî.<2 Due t0 Sehools - Schedule 9A -- ---- Fire Area - Sehedule 15 ----- $ 469.19 3228.14 Street Light Area - Schedule 15-1 51.13 :Iîuiii e Other Liabilities S141 494 oit Defecred Revenue$1,4.2 1961 tax collections suspens;e S 1,364.89 I 49 56 Hydro acrears and Federation of $ ,6 6Agriculture. etc. on rol -----$-1,201.6s i, 661.86 Reserves ------- --. .------------------ - Surplus----- S224.703.61 Total Liabilities and Surplus- - i. îi~ Bu .1,1,1 ~IS S~8916.101 2 O mO 92 l)cbeîîhîiîe licO Hospitals 98u i.o: 1:1 4 o7"8R3 9!) 16.763 15I 1.110.00 i:30.1500 on 1, 427.997 31 $1 30,500.00 Dca inage PUiblie and Continuation Schools 9'l110.00) 567,700.00) Ducc t0 ethci' Municipalties fer Debentures Assumed Duc lu Other - Fonds School Boards - lnx'estment in Capital Assets ~ 12,5ý19.89 60,000.10 1,916.45 3,485.00 3,000.00) 805.24 520.32 1211 .71 1 .39 .6,000.00) 53,746.32 $22ý470ÏÔ3-.6 i EXPENDITI'RE (muleralI goverrî ueo t Counicil fees and indemnities Administrativie - Salaries and personal services Printing, advertîsîî,, postage, statioiîery Telephone Audit Legal cosîss Other - Maintenanice oni municipal buildinîgs Mcmbershîps and conventions Itîsurance Election expenses Reticed cmployecs' pension Mi scel lan cous Protectionî tn pnîsoîîs and propcrîv\- Building inspection Livestock damage Warbie f(iv Dog control Ambulance Pliblic wioiks - highways and îcads, Sanitation and waste cemoval Social Wellare - Relief assistance Weifare administration Educatioîî - Publie clsehols Separate school High school Recreation aid S 65.80 community services Planning board - Salaries Consultants' (ces Membership Other .$ 2.800iîil $ 21.694.73 .3,785.35 639.27 1,480.00) 1,145.m1 679.0)7 1.1508.02 682.46 74 2.57 100).66 2U, 45.o5 7,1298 38.589.03 .3,823.3o1 1,370.801 624.43 3,619.75 2),360.30 2 1382).5 1 2,000.00 153,622.44 1,128.531 161,094.34 95 5. 0 1,632.39 15().00 Industrial comrmilte $53.746.32 Commitie cif adjuistonnt Lake Ontario 1)eveiopnieit t .'\5-iatiîuu Lake Ontaio ConiîservationîîActloriiD)cbenLure priiiiipal iid Salvation Arru>' Dur-ham Central $590,901I.62 Agricultucal Socictvý South Ontariîo Agricultural Socie,x, C'artwright Agrîcultural oel Hampton Pai k Boarcd fleht Charge- - intereit - 1-nspilta' T;ie dratinage liniresl andi hank charges Discount for taxes 67 1 95.1189 66 'Taxes wrutten cff Capital expenditures out of revenue - ,.966.00 )Tr'uck - srîow plow 1 .060.00))anîd .iîîg 4,118.0)1 Used truck sîiow plow,ý .15.00) 8,4.59 0)0 and wîîîg 115,65.13.. 762.91, 427.96 9.56.7-d6 (iîoss total revenue-- Surplcus tram prior years csed to reduce levy Total revenue . . . . . . Jo it or spc'ciai expenditures- ('ounty rates Vire area rates 16,7 il5.83 Street light arca Provision for deferred reveuicue' Provision for rserve for workirîg capital «2.1 47.67 813.303.78 60,49 3.35 $873,797.13 662.90 5 1)) 13,9 07. 08 3,47i6FI 13,231 01) 8 1,644.3 0 1(,694.17 665.13 Tiotal expenduture Excess cf revencie cvnr expenditui'e Total la agrec with total revenue - 1l.798.5R 2 43, 3 51.9 2 542.70 23,382.51i .115.845.3 1 5,14077 17,3 83.7 A 2,303.33 ,6i3824 16.836.00 93,003.60 4,2ü326 46,661.60 820,710.61 $873,797.13 CAPTA ANDI j \I OAN I"LND BALANCE SHEI"'I Iecember 31. 1963 REVENIR l 'LND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963