f S 'I'e Canadlan Etateaman. Bowmanvllle, May 20,196 ~SSPORTopus By rank Nlohun t23-7234-ýI RULE CHANGES IN GOLF) Ontario's snow beit -cure looks a lot iieer tu thîs reporter, now that the sumrner weather is here. Over the holiday E weekend we even mranaged *o get in a bit of golf, and while sitting around the Ji l ouse. a di-scussion alose on the new ' rule changes. The principal differences toricerij lost, unplayable or no expense to rii ai r readers the latest newvs, we have'D a secured a copy of thie pirincipal changes introduced in 1964 code as approvfýd bh.- t! Roval Canadian Golf Associationi."î However, aftcer carefull-. studying said rules for Softbal time - help' -- somebody'please explain them ta us, (soi we can explain thern Ia our readers) 1t he u To start off wilh rule 14 - it reads: "A bal striking on: for 1964 unattended flagstick xîhen played froin the putting green orl within twetity yards of th(- hole entails a penalty of loss of Mauy hale in match play and te o sti-okes In stioke play," Which î19-Por-t Hopt v Neit-u file is quite clear as long as you remeniber that the rule applies 20-Courtice v Newcastlej even if you are rnoîp than twenty yards from the pin, as Millbrook v Bowmanville long as it is on the greeii. 21-Port Hope v Orono heWe suppüýe putting would conîtinue fronst te position 22-Newcastle v MillbrookIl tebail had takecî aiter deflecting off the flag. However,' Bowmanville v Courtice what if the baIl stikes an aîfrmdn(ed flagstick9 How.v ibout: 25-Ou.0iParHopie Courticc v Bu)wmaaîtville the answ-er to that one 27-Bw-ie v Newtonvul!F Thar xI ei- loi fi e ' g~iens for dîýcusŽîon.-C t e o r-;) Definitioi 6 -- Plail Lç>t )'caia1io f 1o-tbail a tpu12 vefl Par H p.' N bal] l "oe o1' t -o u ti li afie inue r 9-ouIon ilh'c if another bail !ir.ý ivi kwntci plz ' Lefure ie ive iiiju- Nt2w-,az- .v i C utes have elap.ýed. Rule 29 - Bail Lost. otit of Botiids or Lnplayable- For Julie an unplayablc Luii ti ! rocflui-e and penalty of stroke and 1-Ba-.. 1, fie . ut-bue distance has bi iý! retamieci. but for the alternative procedure INeacastie v Newtoax fle of dropping a bil eilîL's iL th 'u club-lengtlis ut beliad 2--Orono v iboo the poit v L ii.- iji la,_ 1ij hi - . htas iUceu e iuced 3-Courtice v t wo to one >stroke. i boxî-îaîitleciewc-- Ir- Demo nstrates -Batmaking Art Rule 30 - l"oîisionaî Bail A: oto'sonauai il ay i 5 Ne c st v Orono . j7 bail * Awe ;jiaiýijwPort Hope xv Ca îjr-ice '-,vater ha-ardi. (lt-n iror a hall vhjuniai, Le lest or eut, -CutCe 'v Por-' toe' o! boin(d5. )ouasrvîtujr t se-ensis e arA IÈ'! aî is. aLtek wjttLthle peîsaityl '-- i-Hope ' vBoiîxiuai- ln rule 29t-uit la ii a -mc-'oke. butithe rfitpari offluie M'.x-tootvtv eutaleî , rule, and tien t(ofi l o 1'2 i dt- c e tttrn g ili 11nuproiioiaal 1tu-Os oro ' can be plaxerl îxcipi tu It,-idor tiraiii, bournas s î,.(a 'otn fv t ti.rur got us mule tIIus ight-xvoîundcil15-Bomnîaiv'ille IMillîbrool Blit if Ivol (rndr? t 'h!1-11 11 auîi i :olitiîi ne etinuý th eieni r IPlph our holiday. Ioîs djout !t i-.thle ani -ixer von golfess? 7 ŽtIloruc,!k iN e vcua.,t 1pcDur t Ut; t lic ltoi' ftiC 1t,11iaîcii nt H8'c0uw'xfi[ vlle 131 Siolls cek. NewovTu.vLoxr'îlv ii ry Dc i Lt.ti lt, faîtnd 'ojnîe of h iiiovts drnisn- stl Irersi cd inaVrstir ITI, i ~~19-iillbroo>k s-Couirti:e 1r I)rw ie ho ad axait: s baseail i ha: a et n- ùt'n c-. -The jci:icsan-.rilhf Buy The BEST 1 T s Schedule __~ iit \t Dois Qo Iuwu~~~J ivtoîsu-j It'~ i .Dî:Ti' i,.\ats',itls i .rd-ltc Lîî1 Zonles No. 1ian Zi-t aine-i. or,-- ion 31ay LfMillbroorin7t 2--O's. S:PeterroorouýgLs July 2:3U2-BPort H.ipt vOrn 2:3v3-it 'vcasile v Millbruok r Romaiî-ili '-Couitice J1 - - il t :0 6-Orono VPort Hopaý i --Llcereîa ~, O:axr~.~:30 Courtice ,; Bows-naîiville r î i5t 'ri- î.uî' ---iiti' -i 3 W lon a: otî op, i8--Part Hope -.Next tale î ie uu u -r r rrrrîi 6 3iu 'itii, i Bo-vtuVx-ii .v Ne%, on%-le 'i'~ ~r~1 -ttj5 i 2 P.tfl. ~~10-Port Hope v Mila'o th.>j u'- uj tu-Orono a' eroîn :3 eca:r v Cu I-o I"'D l C r ai li j. il-Peterboorougih at POItLeîîtoiyîîe r-j- ope, 6:30 pr.ni '3-ua'au 1esP ' -rj rr .0 )r - j ' i t Ouio a .Lukleýfieldi, 2 ii 4 O n i ilta, ~ 'i a t. 1 ýl t' '. ir P Y Poil Hope aiOtat-,6:30(315-Courut- r ev(tirxrr 5-~. r fn W(\"-icotue at: Pet(tbtog, ouma. i - 'r v .~e r- ~il N r r 1 _1 Jsiefiùld at isa la : 0 0' P r J- pe v C ttr' ii I r :'i t r'l 13.iC 22Peterborouagh ait Orono, Pior ope v Nxist inovtu 'i O'-r'l- 1 '4--Port Hope a* eert.O-n O is.r.r1 tX 6.30 P.fli. '2 -pott olpe - q'. liatti;;le t ri- . O 28--Osliawil ai P(-et-bosoîg1l -wt - vllea îrv7q.-' r Pl 2 titit iîllbrook ; Daru . l' ti.) 'O ltri I j Ir '- Juir ~~24--Orono v Courfie 'tfAu j-j -, 1On ii Itr l-O'u:rî Pu- Hpe.6:30 î NctvtOssvil]e v MiOts' 4-aktel : eloe. r27-Bawýmanville vMilbrookBantam O ee 2 ~n. Nwcatlev Pari H--ope Opne fil,2p.sf. 9-Miýillbrook -v Newcastle E li---Weiconte ai, Oronu. 6:-30 ' -ewvtonville v Bot-r.m'vi lej 9 --Usitawa t Port Hope. 6:30 31-Miillhrook v Colr'tie L.."L i2-Pa:î oper- P'u--Oo -August 13-Pe-:erborougss at Welcoiîsur Millbrook v Port, Hope t5Dun lt cttSaCa) (; 30 p.lu. '5-PottHope s- Neis-tont-i le tLi i alI at -un- Ha 2t sav fOrotto. titI(l rsot evatl ~ h"'c I. mlRo .23-Lïilefield ut Pari HCiDL('1.tla.' r \j v P, -Ook tr lii't - r îr.t 6:30 'T - eit.uail ' C rî:ý' i'tti j 2---Welcotuie aiv sha'.u'a, 2:--j0t iid,<r j 'r - 26-Lalçefieh.i aai Peterbor- Ailgaines ta start aqp-, u :i .- ' ui i o g.2anHaine Tanuto suioil'One, PisitCCtS'i.1 sr1.- itTs 27 -Pot-t11-l)e t î Ut Oint. 3îî. New R ail . Plate Lu t.i tri',i' rr-m l(ttrr ud e BiIl's f r-' - t *r~' r iî j~ '1.-. i Lrrj r - - - .r r . . - r- -~jr',r.. - 'jr. iii r I r, i -- (r, i ~r .r. - t r, - - r 'rt - 5'. r -r- - I---t r - . . - r. r j.jii.tir~ i<rrr -' rt-tr2 r - r t' ' r'- - '-r. i il - S' il-r - - r - '~ t; - - -r. t- - . I. j j, r r r r r r - ~ -. (r il- 1) ru, lir ... .rj\ j il' SPECIAL LOW PRICESj Chartran's and Sam's Win At Your fIju j r p lu i h III III- 'i. III ON NATIONAL BRANDS * Local Druggist's- Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. IlUDNUT î-gg rmme.Stalîpuio nîd Ureitl ie 20taiitit îe l .19 Holiday Double Header i *itr -t-s .- iiîe .is fit o.! j&Y. p J ir.saur Tir 'r i- rOirt t' iiOt.i'- 'rS Jur.Voi.dtPa'Ik j iît rrtfj , tn. Fii.r- u c dri~~~ itmmun' 'r u î'îî wi it le'C.t. la, ho n h xi, I t k~ (rr: .tri L I tf i,.i Sîi i t'm 'xi rli , îî9 rr a r.- w, Puse un Sam- ci ~NPc i- M -I.Umm! ittUf )îrjL," -',- îi-'u ! la tc, ' rr R t - .l' 0 I n' r i :nj, . n' - Àr e n - I..r - i 'i'. j- -à' ENDEN Dandruff Treatment suggg. list 8c8 3C j t 1 1 ;er ît'h. 1- . tirirrr ' i-fe.V FlASH BUI.BS S-i1% ait ia AG- I1oî* M2 12's sugg.liîst 1.5361.19 y.rý 21 )' O -tir 1 '::5 t? * '. ruti 3Ci-' ( crifi 5i tOI r ji'Wjif i l ii U si f j r.1 Cr-jD ir'lg'fls .1.c-5 t1r( itî lt P r>j - Tt TAM P- l'ssgg îs 4t~3 C rIteC le-. ek -r .:' , i-i na Ct ~ H:. c rs b411 Kennr i'.pi-::- titrr lOi Bake' foî'i.1 lîi sFi jir 5ur- 'c t.j1;î! (HLOR-TRIPOLON sugg. îî -00r79u- 'i-igr--'~e N EW LIMMITS h ugg. list F09 SPECIAL 8 7c Itrniî»Ir'- u:j.z'usinre',- METRECAL WAFERS sugg. lisi 1.39 SPECIAL119li Shoes Blast Frank's NU.V.DIET BAR~- box of 3 sugg. ist 1.49 SPECIALi .19 IVese R ig sS pem S LIM MINI GUM 36s with Calorie Book 2.23 vauel1.79 ig u e ,'i WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEER 1Jo ànýý i ý BOWMANvILLE NEWCASTLL~ SCGWLING'S DRUG STORE JGHNISON'S DRUG STORE SALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO0 JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNAICY b -, l i' a r a r 'A r i c i. e "n Jtor 'i' ul À i a i-ng rurS 's- 'ui E àV C iup tl-(rorns on 'trcc 1in, t t C- -c-na fra.t-n lu. -a 10hi~ ilKcn Baker wnLI to'.î~u tut ail 7-3 '-?ad il% tie *îsrd. 'uru , st s ru. aci 11u9 Co\ Ik sulin, sd ua: kcd. Hart i s-t'leuu cot-cd hLJ riiett at-Bl' -o , vseu'-eed a fret'utu~. Bnt ;Itied dons- x, un. lox Nichols' Motors Blast Stephen Fuels 14»1 S,:epheni Fuels mav be in for guie sofîoal riîanupionship. AI o be as they attem pt ta leas-: ;ieN ; aj o~ i t m defend the 'Men's Town Lea-,,as Nlchols' Motot'sblIasted tue chiamip5 14-1 I i- tOc opeii:)-- on Saturdav ex ening after gaiue oet!lie 19(i4 seasùs,. lanz ;wl s h they, had a social ev-en- Tuie-,da\ rltî -,t 1e RH is. ig at the home f AMr. and dcinnn. '<Y - Mrs.LWlh 'ti. ndNis.Fred T'xjs. . 1l s-ru 'a-e f Ni. n Mseýaîim.LIia ah-u mht ' xes-e Sunday visitors , ¶.1111,aicdouble. a atnd Mir. and ?ilrs. Clareneecj ji-h'siî 'rO -i:i- ' Bell and fanlily Were rementwhl n~ t .r visitors 'iith'rh M'and Ms t.YAOut rlaimed their initial victorv o rf'd r. aewl .tC sason.Blackburn anud family attend- Around the Bases; cd îLe cliurchi ser-vice at Zion E]lis. eol1sidicrablx ý'-, r. cl' Sr ii unday w-hen their grand- flîan last seasoi. procitai Prite ghter. Elaine Phyvliss Kiiit:-1 Sortie great defensi-ce xork ini horn wxas baptized. Thev îst aiding Webster ini win-nim, irus cd auterxvatds .%-ith'ii Mr and first aie Brian "Duc Adl- Mrs. Johin Kinghorti. amis pulL-P off the ea:u11C Bet iishe.. for a sp-ýePs- n - motspectacîila- plaY Il "lirayera la Miss Carol'-n Ten- fluirî a- le t-an a tmile 10tr i j wL b ,,hoýa patientiMe laic l-oe tînet Ms deepj driu " aîori. Hospital. follox-tag lÏail Webste'rin adiltion ' a ,,,-)[enciectoriv -last Frida. -ralid pitclîing effîril Lad o'c - -------_ of Ellisl 10 saieties. BrUC e'eC13MS (-'foi 4)-G ai.u Dave \oarl (1 for 3). -liijîun* (1 fur 2), Rob Osbjîrre (l ror ýFl 4) and Wooidy" Lee (jIfor q) VY * Film fur'nîshE d fthe rse of EiIî' ot'f-a.i'e cxser.Tbe l)îrhanî Coutivx'4-11 FOI- Frai -k stos I-a r r lub met la the Agli-- ~tjtir'" A it a nII. tl i k: t1irec tripe hfi u-a -- ike s anit c- - -meetili r, . Ke-jner' Vl'L-:a Tbe tlulwiiI office:--ctr jîlB I ut id iges ot r e ci:iPi-cs.. Lvý:ïîîe BrowýI h i lcz.î'îs ii» Pt s., tWalter Rtekarsi: ittS fe l C's~-t r.. i . , Cjti ' Iii'i j A' l 5o Press: ti 'r ktrii i i;si or 'tfilin î' s sLwîn on C&rcý t'le Sali. Jiin COclraîîe. f)eii: i -0 ti ti tOi ' gav, eu coinents on tie fil:.ý s- \jr~x.\ O' r ellcw'i e.leder oul Jil- j5'r , riP. * gave ~s"O j Pt( Sr i .li r _ Au' siiAi: aujourrur-r. Lelilit i Ïe platE anad SALEM 1([Ii ,t ld fui- la t't eh ItOt î', 11, exc-ellent ti t j !îrcr' i on i-anitJv DaE -Mîtt I li -ii uis. -. Rex'. C, ITi itr- ij l-e s t r ra AGl uijie- ruîd iis, sro lth( .\ tl (t e t îof îs' ,; sas helci vhei lichefollowing i-; ld r t'îni cr -e p r " - s e te d f o ~':-: îî P '~-- i pus Asn- Ittia as ii '.- 50n ta îlr.tini Mi . Jina olîîuO-.-'r îcicvRichard, J (~~ us:Michatel Tiinothv, h. k A ru r -r -r i - -iti t \l sî ifi xrs. Jaci;- a - -V rr - r'- rît Hitîe.. sîd Paît! Philip. St Teiie' îrrCu ' i.utets' r r r r -- - J i i Coot s t.,. . t h7:3 a r5bh: - 'r r- Tii' tai oSn lLC.W. iirj.ri r W i rj~ iii il t ..iil tri> r r j Cr'~ r' j i n r - .5,"' 5rrr'i <(55 r, ,J i. r 51 jrr. ~ff il' r..' r"' r Hi."- Defeat Cobourg il'- . -, st-,N '.- lr , :t , - t fi iri -r rPl - su e arw nM lm a"A jMr r C cri ~ ~ ~ p i 1ajrtliitrr SU-'r1t if-' ss - v. r t r - t' p.1112> . r r' - l (7r i 'n as,!t '5 'i-r ti rjj s: r 'i. i Sur .i ni oui 'r. I i3trîit - -l . s -- r~ tri ' - i - ~5trC i t. t ils -.~ ~t sk~-d p -t'ri' -- r~.it rU li coiý; 0'o riLi. is ., Cîa k i as tavu-aseand utEu vu DON'T MISS OUR ... MHRy rua, suM' tid uaucr î') ticl t oll i li fte îvc 'ci) ri b u e11: R: . P -e-, 'l -.t7 ipfieC, d ciltebi l - l îfl' th ~e îcr Huirler Ro[)liAbbîîti ~~ Change In Store Hours ~ard iand office % iii Satturitis - 4:00î)o i BEA VER LUMBER CO, &tROWIMNVLL bt f'l I ~FR1., MAY 2n KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO-ffl al, thei SPETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE IIER $ 8,600 N R ESicldn 1.9(4 I ord Deluxe Se-dan or S2,000 $1~î.',0Ili 1<.. Lo Game S1900 Big Sinoi-ball 457 nos.) S]1400.001 Sinal Snow-balI (56 nos.) Plus S600 regular gaies, S450 Sjet-lail garnes Dont forget lu buy the econogiiy pac-k for %'ahie FREE jjAND ALUABLE DOR 00K j>, S'IL, 150 NEW AND USED CARS Due to the overwhelmîng response to our April and May New Car Sales we now have a good selectior, of Iow mileage, one owner trade-ins. For example be sure to test, drive one of these: 1963 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1960 CHEVROLET 4-DR. HARDTOP---------......31,844 E32340 MNile-ag.' 10,304 Si cenlse X2384 1957 PONTIAC 4.DR. HARDTOP------------.... ...22,837 Ali uthe abuve li-sed cars tare fiiy guaranteed by Robson Niotors Ail ,mile. ages are original us shunaid alil I.rvious owners' naines are atritilable tipJoI requesl 36,452 9975 11964 BEAUMONT 4-DR. SEDAN fi cyl., siutenatic. custom ra~dio. uthite wall tIres, %theel disv-%. tviri(lsiield w ashers. I inished in Ermîne %Vhlt.- ut ii, atching triyn, Lxeeuiti%-e <ris l'Il vr < r6,0004 1964 BUICK LA SABRE 2-DR. HARDTOP .Autoniatl(-, pout er brakes ind steering. customs radio, ove'.sizi.' t ii' oai tire',, %vihe Idjs<'s. utindshield tashtrs, vinyl roof, cornerlng lghts, Iligh -fsupro-4siîmr enigine. Just over 1,000 miles. Full new car warranty. 6 -yl., automati-. custorn rîadici, oversize wut le wailltires, %w lei Idise%-. 't I'dshield 1as64 PONIAC5,00 rAl mllIe ets-cr. SEANt 6 ('31I.. s. iloi-na lir. 4'iitdtnradio. white ut aIls, utasherY. FîII nft- s,Lr ~a s t BUY PROM VOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER 623-Lathngu Hap I->hilp Ste~~' Preston ltsm~ Laîhamîgue Doni Arinstrong, Sales Manager I I I I Summer Footwea r 'Ne seil nationally advertlsed brandPi " NATURALIZEBIS " HUSH ?L'PPIES for men. o.î and ehildreeu " SAVAGE SHOES for the etitire fainily 'ncludlng ('lildreiCi Orthopedie Shot'-. hy Savage "< DACK rand SCOTT-M ý'cIIALI: " SISMAIN and GREB WORK BOOTS Also full lie <of TENNIS ANI) RUNNING SHOLS .MIl sizes lni Popular Price Range - at.- Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King Street West BOWIMANVILLE l'4111 Junior Men's Softbail ji I COLGATE Dental Cream 79c Plus Dentagard Tooth Brush 1.98 Value fogg Mil ü 166 HANG PHONE ST. K 623-3396 a ý -z -- -- 1 Hal) Philp SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS 1 B99665 1 1957 FORD 4-DR.