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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1964, p. 8

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'Th@ a;rlîn gtgtp-çmn,, ,'y ~ll.Ma"!'27 1PA4 SPORTropics c I By Frank Mohun 623-72341.) TENNIS ANYONF' As we'rp wvriting ibis. ihigt scrihbler iy hoping to be one of the -raquepeer!;" who participated in Bowmanville Tennis Clbsopening nîghu festivities. Wednesdav night. Junior' pla 'vwssae ogludraya :0PMvihjnos Over15 ad seior statingal ioiro'icc e We pla.ved tni for several seasons quite a few years ago, but one night a year is about l we seemabetge in -- with a fairl 'v heax y sports schedtîle alwavs on the C u tc IRgen-rda. 0f Cour 1se we alxaYs saY - This summner were i- H. ?vickeison, Cha n ra ns) Coyle (Ellis) McManlus, (Sa ms) We bst1er. (Ellis) Bates (as Bruce Adams, (El 1is) MecMtirteci. (Franks) Lane, C h ar t ra is) Cla rke, (Chai')rans) (Franks) Thompson. (Fra n ks) Brian Adam.s, tEllis) Sm 1th, SC ha mt a ns) Tu f ford, (Chartrans) Linton (Sains) Nips goinge to pla '% tennis" rnaybe this lime wve will. Local Ladies The executive extends a -heartY invitation" to ex eî vone fntprp.ýtepd n th. g u: t plav on the courts at the Lions To W i n 7- 6 Juniors under 1.5 years of age mnaY use the courts anY Courtice madte the best of timp uintil 7 p.m. There will be instruction on Tuesday rive hits to edjge Bowmanx'ille nights from seven o'clock to eight. The courts are flood-lit for night pla 'v with a club rulfing that play mis cea.ýP ai Il p.m. On SundaYs, the Club isý closeçd from 10 arn. miii 0000 hour. Tennis nuit certainil v rank as a most inexpensîce sport once Yoil have the necessary equlpnienu that is. Fee,,;at the local club, are as follo\&s: - Marrued Couple Famil.y Membership St udents For furiher information wvp would suggest either the President, Mrs. Anna Strike or the Mvrs. Jean Evans. + t t t SOUTHVIEW OPENING The netters as mentioned above got underway tiei week. Iast week it was the ladies softballers and previotisiv men's softhall and bantamn basebaîl. The golf clubs have heen rolling for quite some lime nowv, but officiai opening cere- rnonies ai Southview weren't 'tilI last Saturday. Leo Huhta was the da ' 's top golfer, wvith Don MacGregor, mho doubles as club president and club champion, coming ln %second. Bud Lawson .vas thîrd. In the second flight it xas fir-st- Doug Grant, second, George White and in show position was Charlie Warren. Other prize winners included:- lsýt Flight Low Net -- Wils Stauffer; John Fowler; John Ford. 2nd Flight Low Net - John Bain; Glen Blackburn; Lew& Welsh. Martha Stauîffer was the ladies' best, wbile Hilda Rundle wnind tup with tow net and Norma Ga' swated the iongest drive on the ninth. Dawn Rayworth, our curling biidd %, captured the hidden score prize, while Barbara Grant was thie mosi bonest golfer. We understaiud the memnbers eijo ' ed a prettv\ fair partyv tr climax the day. Sonry 10 miss it but we were at the Bad- minton Club closing dance. au which we encounîtered AU! .Samelsr. who asked us to pass along some Golf Club infor- mation. AU f will be running the summer dances at South- view each third Saturda *v in June. Julyv, August and Sep- tember. The firsti s June 2tth so get your reservation in early. MVusic by the Cavalliers. t t t * ' t NO ANSWERS Seveî'at people hîave commnented on the rule changes we pointed out in la.si week's column-- but so far none of the golfers hîave beeri able to corne up with the ases We'\ce ilsr) been asked wh v we referred t owmnil 8*s being in the Silo',\ belt area. Sorry about that-- we failed to ifuenîion that last weeks columo m'as wiitten while we were awa 'v-- sorne hundued miles north of here .And we were talkîng oven the new ruIes with members at another golf club. + t t t t 'HUCK" RETIRES Jiiust when it seenied lie wouîd go on forever, Harold "Hock' Raison, une of the hardest-working soccer men in the' area, announced his resignation as secretary of the Dar- Iingtnn Soccer League. "Huck" held the post for 13 years and w.as a gi-tieip tb us in preparing our soccer report. We'd like t>, îhank Harold and aiso his successor Herman Prakken-, who will be our ne%& reporter. Incidentaly v.- the soccer srason was officiallv' latinched las) week to round out the entire list of summer sports. 1~ ~ ~ t WELCOMNE BACK JIIM W'e are indebtedto Jim Clarke, xxho bas undertaken tht' chore this season o! writing mip the Junior Towxn League softalgarnes, nhi apct spuiblicit 'v director. If iwl ts -everal vears ago, particularl 'v basebaîl andi juvenile hoc- kex'-. RilI Nicholson xvas the Junior softball reporter last se l'. hanks gentlemen. Stirling Mass Coming For Players' 200, June 6 NMtor r-acitiîgs best - knoxcuthle international circuit but ~ersonalit.- will be back ai no xvorld championshîps. Mospori on Sarurdas . Jmne 6, tî-onicail ' , mxiii a Gerinan in hîs nexx role as teani nman- i ar eniere i n next moith's âger. *Pla\er-s 210K' racing experts Su riii Nlrs.xx Ot do'. e l it xvas Mosss relucta nce Lot ns 9 1v curs, in i.()'e fi îs ire ea nyth ing hbît Briish - Lo'Pls 1 ors211 is terir : ta eta us that cost h inm the Porsche 904 in this ea r xxni'l'lie e. luxv- i unig Porsche ex-ent. 5904 a tde\x & Piluet)o!f lie The drivxer lias ni'At'cet bri flà(iisclie IS l62. xxaý . msi ini- coiîfirmed but t xi llI ikulx be tiotîucd lite iI 190. Huigli Diblev . aLidîiair w- vi iri rîau line pilot anud sticceist'til Fi)r- TL1e.<,rî.ý'- Juie ~2, fuîioxIiiug mula Junior racer ini the- V K. the- Gerniaîu Grand Prix and Moss sxxitched 10 malîagîng be on1 liaîd iin 'Toronto foir racing teanîs frllowving his the festîvities dtiring race imeriouis crash at Goodxxootinii xxeek. These xviii incluide a 16.Pnior to the accident. he r-aratie. fashiomi shoxx' andi gala wvon mois) of-the hîg rames on pie-race banquet andtihail. f H. Av e. 8 66- 9 600, 12 4 4 33:3 1 5 3 300 Il1 3 275. Ellis Shades Sa m's 12-10 By Tin (Clarke Tlhe SI tIgerS had a field dia, last Thmu rsýdas exeing ai Mu,- inoriat Park, as Fîlis shaded Sams 12-10 inî Merfs Juni.ir 1, e a g ui e Softbaill Averages wxere faltened as bolh clubs: flexed their offensive muscles for a total of 29 hils. A sec- enth inning surge bv Ellis gave them Ithe win as the.snapped a 10-l0t) ie. Four successive s;afetjes b v Bilîx Crosýsev, IIla fn c o c k, Yourtb and Covle did the r1aoiagre as Sains' Wil v" WHiow-daie su ffeu'ed his fi rst defeat this seasuîî. By .îm ('larke Bttb McMaiius slamined a A sevr'mîh inin-u rallv h% ioxxering homer iniiet'first Frank's Varie) r feli hori as frame for Sains vith Fa Ils on' Cliatrans captureci Iheur 1h ir boarti, then Kiipatrick double win of tOcf seastui 13-9 lasl' chaset i Baine Pickard home Tuîestiac nig-ht. xvi) h Sams third uun of the Fraiîk..x un iess alit r th ee garine. Ellis scrambled back for gaines, rappeti eicfer Dumug fomur runs ini their firs) wi!h McNeil ftor fomur <uns anti u Harx'ev Websers triple the' hits ii l, c se'. cuth. Mc Neil kev bloxx-. Ellis atideti tOmrer,<c relieveil Chai triails ai' more un the second as Brati er Deîi u Sivair xxas (lie YIitrth, J im Cuv le and Bruce \lt nof sonne sha kv fir'lti îg Adams ail hart sungles. as ('hariraui: alnus, lnt a 1.3-5 Sanis, trailiîig 7-3 n th,, fou rîth sl ashed ot îfuce hlIs i ncu<d ing a homner bc W il- loxx'taie to go aheati 10-7. El- lis kept Sains off thescr sheet for t11e reia inuder of ',h g-aineanti fi nail]x-vovertnok t Or' lost'rs inthe final frame. Around the Bases: Jinmi Cor le xvas top swal 1er for El e i (i a perfect 5 for 5, shooting his preseffl ave r- age afterlOit-gaies to55 liai \ver Wcbslem hlut3 for 4. uiiumluga ip. kt'epîin mip hu.',Ciniiatiuig 70<rpluis a'.eiurgc Biait anti Bruce Atiaiu ulainieti five uf Elli-. 19 hius betrxeeîî hei, wxxile Bil Crosse c, John Ha uîcock ani Brati Youirth ect hart a pair rof aeis \'ou-iîO Plar' iuîg iii hi-. fluý Pame fo! tht' rear patroli right fielti flaxx-esslr for the' rvînneî s. Ont' of Bradstix ovm hits xxas a kev ont'. toming un ihe final trame. Bob 'McManuus anti Johun Klpatrick combuneti for six of Sams i10 bits, each havuuug thmee. Bobs finst iniing roiund-tî ipper xxas a prodi- ion]s blast deep t10 iRhl fieil TIhe r'ictor-fon Eh us movu I !hem mbt second place ;ur tOcj .tanîdings behind Chartranrs. \w' 1o are undefeated afier 1he ans Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For ,he xreek of Mar> 18- '24 inclusive: Admissions 6 Birîth5, 4 maie, 7 female il Discharges .. .....58 Major operations -...... 6 Mirmi u prations 2h Eoengnumcx:r ýTeatments 42 \'usiting hours 3-8 p.m. daiIý . teat i ti-appear. Suli iair xiii> ai1uetî tudil frrm th(, xirixvukcd SIX Inný 1ilng-s.. g-,1v1i'-ungminfe rmuis a il d allovuiu 1) lut ..\:em a it t em <Pi u1-p fr a tuiit' xx'1 l i'i Fiauks piaied a pair ouf mu:rs Line Score. Smllix'an heaved sîoad%, hall for tOc xvviiners. Cha mîrali chali 1'tma nu rippeil Don MeMurter for ýýix Frauuks nmiîs iu the semourd (rame a-. *hcx stashet omit six hits. Iel 7lM iii ii gîlg tt i- lancte for Franks <ras uîîcked for a total of 14 huis. Franks came n p xx 1theui (bestdui- pla v of ptower Iu dater, bru:, tacketi clitch bits rluiriuîgs'. cral Irail ies.Richarmd Vie! cla and b Ce iî et: n suxrst teci (îninrs foi Franiks, lmIi tbu: hloxvs rcame xxith the' hase-. eniptvs Around the Bases: 1in 'Spa rk v' Cl anke a nd Haroldl Mukelsn pam'ed thle xv<ir.is <illi four and lhy-ct' brIs a preu. Joins 5 Frank's 71h Innîng RaIIy Faits For Short of Mark As Chortron 's Win 13 Io 9 îaies Sta.ff DntrugLaiî e kpt !lirs' cn aI an cxcii.5001. as ýlie toilecelîm a pair of safetues for Chiamt- [)or]î Nftiltutr pickctd ri pair ofsaut'i ei. 2ls F"rancis Tuf fordmi iadtea tlazilin 1 -kîeeling grab t)f Mc- .Malîmuu.'s sinking dirixe l ti Robo oosLd fBw iii t field ini tht' se-eitb for Rritr'MtInLd.oBt- Chartrants. unu i lIi- isplrasedtl luan - Torr Baer-ofirir'anzthe- .rppttîutnur't tif 'rcrs Bkero! ha I rilsMn. ColiniCotkn Iotrc ae pcrformed capabîrlu inrelief at saf. 1e'hi mgs :trmE, in Ilir <nlhase. c f r'c.pr iil 1ruIlOc' sa le> gFraniks VIM(va hur nmade ant iruacîîug fil, ant ius a Nmme iuuredjie dfesx'mnhn of the' locailKuusmen piavs a f rsi in te ,.ane. Club. Ken's Hand Biis Second Setbackc Ken's Men's Wear out-last- '1'xx-ut Imggereti a paýr of txxo- cd Bils Billiards in a fret'- baggeu s. Dax e Wernv' hart a ý;coinpdouîble andîrin.-uge anti Ilaicer' , nug 13-1Il Men's Tuon-Slip" Roîxr e-and Charlie Leagaue softball couitesi aitll"'î' mri ni eam' vori c1 trui Ou t1e d 1two Hugh Schooi diaunoiiti aýt si)lv, Tuesdav ilight . After',he JohtnîuuJameus Oeld Bil l's teamns traded four runs apiuvi five bits. buît xas unhont in the opening frame, Ken's waîer onîS f the xvr'xxhen broke loose for eight big set- tontrol tiiffa-iiis saxv him ond inning markers. Barcdk dish mîp 'ulfree îîa<scs. anti came Bilî's xxith fixe infthe O.-. ram-riaI>"-atîtetiseven bottom haîf. Another pairl. ::'r'r'lFS. Le * Sarn e-xa s tOn the fourth put the billiard onul% one of the losers xx'uto boy s wlthin a single run, but nmore than one but. singling Ken's added another 10 wrap trr'ue. ut rip in the sixth. Pat Corne!]l hrrrk the loss. Jack Parker swatted a homp fa.l'n t-ri)sîurv vu On scond run andti hree singles for- a inrng. ixih Ted Final- check- perfect evening to pace the ung Ken',- on a single run the winners' 13 hit barrage. John> rest of the way.& p. TO LA Dear Sir: -6iun a Durham Ladies' suit- bail encounter, Fridav night ai Courtice. Joan Canfield gave losing hurler Marg Pickard the most trouble,ý leading off the first mwith a homne iun and adding a double and single. $1Ot> gun for- the v'u.itors with a i5.00( tri pIe and pair o! singles. 18.00 Virginia Fairexv was righi. in 3.00 stop, smashing a triple and conta cting sungle, while Annabelle Ste- phiens hada double and a Trauesingle. Despite Bowmanville's heavv-hitling, Keene held on to preserve the siim win. ,ACROSSE FANS WhitbY, Ontario Mav 20th, 1964 1 undersia nd thai there arc several lacrosse fans un cour area who attend the Brookîmo Sr. Lacrosse garncs in Brook- lin. We were wimc il cou Could sec fit, 10 put ýn your sports caiendar or sports i 'olun the gamnes of the ,-c for the Brooklin leamn. or ru'i the schedtule for us. Lacros;e n this amea appears to bcr comning back stronglY and wr' feel we hav'e a good club for the comning season. iHopung cou (ean g<vr'Li.- somne space in Your paper. Yotirs trulY, Cliff Gordon, Secretairv\-TreasLirer Brook lin Sr. Lavrossp Ch i h 217 Hallett Ave.. Whitb.v. Home (4ames Sal. Mac 23--St. Kitis JSat. Macv 31) Peterýbo-omughý Sa). âmue 6--Port Credtt *Sat. June 13 H untsvuille Sat. June 20 -St. Kitîs m a. ue 27--Port Credhit t ~~sSai. J,'4Bapo A.Sat. .1uicIl PeteýbOr-OUph Wed. JuIc 13 -Huntt.Scitlr Sat. Jul.v 2,5-Peter-bor-oLgh Wed. Juic 29 1lnsii SSa t. Aug. 8--Bra mpton Away (james Thur,;, Mac 21--Port ('redit Fr .Mac' v29-Peterboroiigh Tues. Jujne 2-lHunt.<vil!e SWed. June 17-St. Kitts Thurs. dune 25--Port Credit Fni. JUI 'V 3-Petcnhoi-ough Fni. Ju Iv i t)Brainpton Sa). J uic 8IY n1sil Wed. Jul 'v 22- St. Kits Sat. Aug. 1Hnsil Fri. Aug. 7 -Peterborouigh Starting timr of il] gprn's in Brooklin 8:45 pi. 'Senior Gros-e t.Goalscrr f 0o r Courînce - A,. t0!rtwo L2, . Coverlv (l ), andi R. :.Vdc s- %vorth i(1). H-ampion 8, B ri . t (ua scorers for lHa mp:ni- I L Wn (3),. W.Walrof 3),*. R; noods ( 1),L. Cook (j) Mac '21: So:hua $.Sucm Ii. Goal scorers for Suna - 1 G, GipspelII(2), tL Ri oumu t. MV. Fliî (1). K.C!crun (1). (oui t c 2. 'i rou ( su'orrrs fo< tu u'-wr'-, K' n iCoccr1 v a ndlG, M'iapie r'Govu :. 3, ¼ Gnal scr,'s î n r - J G 1hT: ý (2l, G "r>ý,;1 for Flamnti nW Niax 21: /.:uîr l :-i 1 andi M. Ktizxcutku R OYA L 10W DOWN PAYMENT WITH EASY PAY DAY TERMS ON OUR GMAC FINANCING PLAN or . . . if Nou arc steadiIl 'iipoyd e aI',o offer a no donn ayinent pîmnchasing plan. BUY FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER 166 KING ST.EF. Hap lPhilp Don Arnistrong, Sales Manager Stew Presto>n RaY Lathangîie PHONE 623-3396 Colin Cooke Solina 4, SaI Pm 1 . Goal- scorers for Solina- G Werrv (3 ), J. We'rr-v ( 1),a nc for Siilr'ml* onlv taiiv, G. Leaver. Hnpon4, Foin skilen 0. Goal 'scorers for Hamopton - Wilrof (2). A d co c k Wruah 1(i) Trunr' 3, Couri c i .(G;aI f0!fvon'-Hamilton, and . totGihhý. Courtir'; o~'aa! camv from W. Down. Future Senior Games Ma', ' our u Z -!' at Hamptn T ! <n , !Maple (;rox'p ti tZion a) Soilmna (u. uai Hampton Futurne .unior (;ames% flam ptun ai Courtîc1,'îeIcc SY ala)Tyrouir B()W M A NVIL LE 623-5589 This Thurs. to Sat., May 28-30 T1h,îrs. at 7:301, Fri. and Sat., ai 7 and 9:10 P.M. "Under the Yum Yum Tree"âv Cnlor comerx ci. u -cmm(nenrl'or AduIts Jack Lemmnon, Carol yl, Edie Mains Children's 3Mafinee, Sat, 2 P.M. "The Three Stooges in Orbit"f Sun. ta Wed., May 31 - lune 3 One Coinplete Show~ ai 7:30> P.M. "The Spiral Road" (Color) Rock Hudson, Bu il Ives, Gena Rowland% Coming - Ladies Special! lune 7.10 B ROAMDVA V'S "Mary, Mary" clr Starring I)chhie Ret nolds and Barry Nelson Reccçmmendr'd Aduit Ertcrtainrncnt Net» O0, 1964 BEAUMONT 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cy I.. autornatie < custom radio, s% hile %% it ii E %%'s. i rei <dIi-. uvmmdsheld uhr. Finished in Ermine WVhite wvith malehinz trim. Fxectalm e drivien, Just os'er 6.000 miles. New car warranty. 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN 6i cyl.. automatic. custom radio, oN-ersize w hite sua il t ires, wxhrel dises, wvindshield washers. Only 5,000 original miles. Newuicar w amant. 1964 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., automatic, eîîstom radio, w hite us ails, s Fs uis iliine%%, ca>rsua rra nty. Darlington Soccer Results Donate Maple Leaf Hockey Trays Junior Men's Softball BallurîR Leadeis tbased on I10 or moue At Bats): On Fîidav, Max' 151h, a banquet was held at the Legioii1-Jal \vhen about 25 officiais of minot' hocke ' teams here were presenited with beautifu i aiumi- nurn serviiti trays. They were donated b v Dominiioni Stores Lirnited, ini recoginî- tioni of the conitribution these officiais had made to the tcams anid the bo vs ith whicl tlît' had xxotked. This photo shows BowmaniIvile Doniioni Store man- ager C. A. McDonald preseni ing a trav to E. J. Rutîdie, who was one of the men in charge of the banquet and is also Little NHIL Piesident itere. Eacl) Ira ' vlhas the autograph of ever 'v Maple Leaf hockey pla.ver, plus a replica of ithe Stan1ev' CLIP. Others wvho received tra.vs were: M. Oke, (,. Piper, L. Piper,. A. Wisem-an, F. Cowle. Il. Baison., D. Gilhoolv, D. Wallon, E.MClth. P. Chanit, E. Osborne R. Neads, K. SI-mrnrsford. J. Osborne, N. Bothwell, J. CoYie, 'P. Black1 G. Caw- ker. C. Devilt, D. Masters, K. Hooper, E. Bagneil. EMPLOYERS DO YOU NEED SUMMER HELP? PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL bha% grade 11) & Il students partially% trained aq: Auîto Mechanics. Machinists, Electricians, Drafts- men. Carpenters. Painters. Sheet Metal Workers, Welders. Waitresses. Mason's Helpers. Hairdress- ers, Short Order Cooks, Seamstresses, Sales Clerks, Typists and Office Clerks. For Technical HeIp contact - Mr. H. W. Arnold, 885-6346 For Commercial HeIp Contact - Mr. W. N. Crandail, 885-6:146 or apply at National Eniployment Offices, Co- bourg, Port Hope and Oshawa. Help keep our talent at home and assist yourself in obtaining permanent employees for the future. P. J. BIGELOW, Principal. Buy The BEST Summer Footwear 1%Ve stII nationally adv'ertised brands * NATURALIZERS * HUý'SH PUPPIES for men., i'omen and children * SAVAGE SHOES for the entire family inclîiding Children'i, Orthopedie Shoes hy Savage * I).CK an(I SC OTT-MM A LE * SISMIAN and (GREB WORK BOOTS * The new Sisnian "COOLS" thc shoc with the ventilated sole. Also full lune of TENNIS AND RUNNING SHOES Ail sizes in Popular Price Range - at - Lloyd Ellis .Shoes 49 King Street West BOWMA NVILLE 1963 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR. Equipped sîith autrniatic transmission, %%-hile su ail ires, xuheel dises, ximd- .uhield suasheir, and a guai';îuteed oig- imai mieage of 0f nls'12,6,201miles. L.i- cense B97?259. 'This automnobile (arries equal to ne%%, car v ,rranty. 1960 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP (>nI 32,000 gîiaranterd orî izi n mivs. preu'iomas owuner's mame on reqîmeit. Fimished in E1rmine %V'hiie, with rustom red trim. flep tread ushile suai>lirs whpel dises. windsliieid w Thrs iis atomobile is onp of thp heiter cars w e, have on omîr lot. 1962 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC "88" 4-DR. NV- t) igimme, mu uomatir w lth power steer- inu .and brakrs, custom radio, white su ail tires,sulel dises, windshield suasiiers. iniiished in Hlorizon Blue su ili m.tchiiîg trini. 30,000 original miles. i'rt-vious ow'ner's name on re- <q [est. 1962 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 4-DR. U*itiihed in .'uireiJma uith matrhing lrim, a.tmmmlmic lramsmlssion. brand neut xx hile suai> tires, wheel i dsrq, s% inifshield %ruashIeprs. i.oeai trade--in, fial il zui-araî teri. it 400 6 400 5 333

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