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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1964, p. 15

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G reets Regiment's Guesis Tn the receiving line at the Ontario Regimen't annual Regimental Bal held Friday, May 29, the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, Col. R. S. Mc- Laughlin, lef t, greeted Sergeant and Mrs. Peter D. Branton. Other Regimental members of the officiai reception line were Lt. Col. and Mrs. J. R. Warnica, Ma- S adMrs. W. C. Paynter and Regimental Sergeant Major and Mrs. W. R. Feutures of World's Fuir Described ut Rotary Club sentations at thé World's FPafr, He told the Rotarians that American Airlines have 25 per cent more passenger miles in and out of New York City than any other carrier. He said that Amenican Airlines is equipped to serve as Wonld Fair headquarters for those planning to make the trip, and is ready to make ail arrange- ments for them. He added that there are three daily American Air Lines non-stop flights from Toronto to New York. Bennard Holden moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Noonan for his enthralling account of the wonders of the New York World's Fair and for the graphic colored slides that illustrated them. President Mann expressed his personal appreciation to Mr. Noonan, and prcsented hlm with a copy of Seven Paths to Peace as a souvenir of his visit to the club. Bill Thiesburger, chairman o! the Crippled Children's Committee, spoke to the Ro- tarians about the rota to be known as the Father's List, which couples a club member with one of the crippled child- ren in whom the organization is interested in assisting. In this way through active pers- onal interest, each Rotarian will gain accurate knowledge of the need and wants o! his charge, Mr. Thiesburger ex- plained. AI Witherspoon, chairman of the Special Events Commit- tee reported that returns to date from the Rotary Fire- works Display amount to $ 1,071 andas expenses amounted to $918 for fireworks and insur- ance, plus $153 for tickets, ad- vertising, etc., the club will break even. George Vice, a past presi- dent, reminded the membens that registration for the Rotary International Convention will start at the Royal York Hotel on Sunday morning at nine o'clock, and that there will be a Buffet Supper and Concert in the Qucen Elizabeth Build- ing at the CNE that evening. Dr. Mann, the president, an- nounced that President-elect John Bain has called a Rotary Assembly to be held at the Lions Community Centre on Wednesday evening, June 24th, when plans for the coming year will be discussed. Guests present at the Rotary meeting were ,Tom Norton, Fred L.ewis, rK. Wildsbloan, The President, Dr. G. Edwin i The presentations were made nations exhibiting, and of their ahl o! Oshawa; Walter Ruther- Mann, neceived a 10 Yeans' i by the Attendance Chairman, fabulous exhibits, as well as ford, Caldon; Bob Creighton, Perfect Aotendance Pin, and Art Ribey. the diversity of the ententain- Port Hope, Howard Guest, Co- Bill Thiesburger received a" The birthday of Dr. W. M. ment offened by the memor- bourg; John McFarlane, Don Sir- Vears Penteet Attendance'RudehI, a past president of the able event. Mills; Jack Cash, St. Cath- Pin. at the luncheon meeting club,;was celebnated by hisi "The Unisphere is the sym-1 armnes; Donald Buttendam, of the Bowmanville Rot ar.v fcllowv Rotarians. President bol of the 1964 World's Fain. Brantford; Gordon D r o p p, Cý ub hehd at the Flying Dutch- Mann conferred an Honorary It is constructed of stainiess Whitby, and Ken Anderson, man Motor Hotel on June 5th. Mcmbenship in the Bowman- steel, and is as taîl as a 14 Kingston. ville Rotary Club on Bob stoney building. It was don- Hegadorn, an Oshawa Ro- ated to New York City and its tanian. The president con- 1964 World's Fair by UnitedSA E gratulated Ken Hockin on the States Steel. The World's FairSA E birth o his third child, a motto is peace Through Un- amsun wetrad daughter, last week. jdcrstanding, and the fair i am snywate n I n.qqrane iS not ducinhe Hughes in intro- idcdicated to the achievements excellent attendance heiped ducng heguest speaker, Bill.l of men in the expanding uni- to make our Annîversary Ser- î,pl Sbje olonan, Toronto, stated thati verse." vices last Sunday a decided the wo mst mporantevens 1success. a~~~~ Mr.esbjc h to ~ een~t~sNoonan told the Ro- Theaywa seakrorth tinent this yean are the Rotary icight houn daYs to sec every- ton. He spoke especially to International Convention be- thing at the fair. He showcd a the childrcn in the afternoon ing held in Toronto from June'striking picture o! the lovely on the subject "Life and 7thto unellh, nd he ewlunar founitains, and of a num- Death." His evening address, York's World Fair. ber of the other highiights o!f Wnmno o, a "When the Rotary-Interna- the event. r calenge of ail.ws tional Convention ends next relcalng ail ThrdyRtàin ilb The Sudan, one of the 18 The Sunday School choir Tus f thcotarns w l bee tenomabendsoeye h eetroviosoau wondering what to do next1 African nations exhibiting prnvided spec!al music at and Bill Noonan is here to telï hrhs a beautiful building both services. I hch te rdtinl ns Many favourable comments In recent years insurance has and cnjoyed at the New York's of Moslem architecture, is coin- wcne expressed concenning 'become a complex and hihy World Fair. psdo abeadsoe e t1echnical subject. lt's harder Toot.H1ecîe i . effect. Church service next Sunday than ever for you to know 'TrtoHeeUn iveyo! Toonto1 China's Pavilion houses a at negular time o! 9:45 a.m., if y-ou have enough insurance n1lo tedd sod treasure trove o! jade, exquis- ihSnasholflong protection for your family.-. Hall there," Mn. Hughes told ite jewellery, silks, paintings Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Wclsh, Rioe-cr r bsinss Fo ithe club. He added that Mnr. and sculpture. Thailand's ex- accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. ]hoe--ar r bsinss.ForNoonan had decided on a hibit includes a remankable Lewis Rundle, Town, attend- ithe expert advice you need to cancer that includes more high marbie temple, and fascinating cd the graduation exercises at ietermine if you have enough flying than the law, so that court yards. hate the Kemptville Agicultura] coverage--and the right kind I after leaving Osgoode Hall he Pakistan's building fn h School on Saturday. Mn. Ron .-why flot consult us tpoday? had joined Amenican Air classic onion shaped domes o! Welshi, who was ane of the Lines.Islam yet it illustrated modemn graduates, also reccived the Ujiç isAQ bi, Uo.Lne. d concepts as well. The facadeEatnOnai Bankers dness covering the highlights of the Mexican exhibit is mod- Award for the best account o! the World's Fair was illu- ennistie, yet the pool in front book, and the Ottawa Journal strated with a graphie senies of it is centned with an ancient prize for the best livestock of colored slides. It started Indian statue, which was 0"d judge in the senior ycan. with a panoramic view of the lhen Columbus discovcred, ogauain oM.Jh great New York Wonld Fair of America. Twist who has successfully 1965 located in Flushingj The speaker told the club passcd his finst year at STUJART Ra Meadows Park. which il is cx- that Pepsi Cola's huge build- Quecn's University in General pected will be vicwed by ing is dcdicated to UNICEF, Art course. J M S70,000,000 visitons. and funds raised by it will be Mn. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster Discussing the manvelous donated to this organization and Donella, Newtonvilhe, Mn. JAMES sights at the Wold's Fair, heý that helps needy children and Mns. Ivison Munday and Insurance - Real Estate mentiond that the site o! the throughout the wonld. Disnev iMn. and Mrs. C. Wclsh and ~lngSt. . Bomanvhlefair is nean both LaGuandia i has designed automatic figures, Ofie eiene iand Kennedy International1 for this exhibit that pcrform Betty with Mr. and Mns. Sam 623-5681 913-5493 Airponts, and has its own great entracong flk dacesa.BtMr 'an r.AbetHl Marina on Flushing Bay. He xanou outnes n anM.arent Hih!s, spoke o! lange number o!: Mr. Noonan showed sldeswTh roM. aw rnccSquir depicting also the enormous Whh isJyeHligr International Business Ma- chines Building with its huge Kingston, was a weekend blue theatre and moving visiton. grandstand. Sinclair Oil's Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lane and Dynoland has great prehistoric family, Shaw's. with Mn. and animaIs that seem to be alive, Ms ly ihrs r. andit s hrdto heieve that Mn. and Mrs. Howard r- they are only life size replicas, dermian. Mn. Jim Cryderman, ,4 ~animated by intnicate machin-ý Maple Grove, with Mn. and e spake Mrs. Ken Shackleton. Thespekeralso mentioned 1Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Cryder- the Scott Paper exhibt whch man, Hampton, with Mn. cor- shows the entire pracess 'don Shackleton and Mns. thnough which the raw ma-: Roland Shackleton. pPAID ON terial goes from living trees to Mn. J. Dugan, Rev. C. Du- the inihedtissue. He tohd of gan, Tyrone, Rev. C. Catto, the stylized version o! the: Hampton, Miss Stehla Black- moon's surface presented by humn, Town, with Mn. and G UARANTEED Eastmnan Kdk n h r.Grl hcltn gohd covcred theatre that looks and family, Bnookhin, with lîke a flying saucer from the Mn. and Mns. Doug. Reynolds. TRUST Coutside.ESMn. and Mrs. Ken Butteny SThe amazing Festival o! Gas and famnily with Mn. and Mrs. with its fine restaurants and Bob Craig. " issued in amounts from $100 gourmet meals, was also men-i Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. tioned by the speaker. as were, hurn and famihy, Mrs. Kate * ean 54% iterst, ayale hifthe Worhd o! Food wvith wond- Cowling, Haydon, Mn. and " ean 514'c'o iterst, ayale hlf.enfui disphays by .50 famous _Mrs. Chester Kinghorn, Wood- yearly by cheque. finms and the Ford Company's ville, Mn. and Mns. John King- autorze inesmet fr ilMagic Skyw,ýay ride showî,inglh orn and Elaine, Mn. Rager life from prehistorîc times t igon in isJa Canadian Insurance Companies the city o! tomorrow. 'Westlake Solina, with Mn. and and trust f unds. The great carillons in the:Mrs. F. Blackburn. Coca-Cola tower, and astound- 1Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Foley, ing presentations bx- Dupant, Mrs. Hilda Colwell, Mn. and Gencral Matons, Geiienal Ehec- Mrs. Clarence Bell and fam- trie and other famous coin- ily, Town, Mn. and Mrs. Les THE panies were aiso discussed by Cn]lacott, Mrs. Howard Foley, Mn. Noonan. iDavid, Esther and Ralph Ct-y- He told of the Vatican Pa- d erman, Maple Grave, Mn. and \«ST R LIN T R U!S S] Èvilion's wonderfuh presenta- Mrsý. Carlos Crydcrman, Osh- CORPORATION 1tins which iniclade Michael awa, Miss Suzanne Schwartz, being shown for the first time Er ncst Twist. 0tsde he atiansince 1550. \In. and Mrs. Jim Smalcs He also descnibeci the Pro- and !amily, Harmony, Mn. and 372 ay t.. 35 unlp St, 7 Misisaga testant Building which houres Mrs. Tom Baker and famihy, 372 aynt.. 3 anlprit., 73 iso a beautiful chapel. oe- o:a with Mrs. C. Johnson. Toroto Brri Oriliagardens, ancd a theatre show-' m. and Mrs. J. Malette, ing instructive films Mr. Littie 3ritain, were Sunday Noonan also described m-any .eveiiing visitons with Mn. and 1other o! the marvelous pre- Mis. M. Marchant. ~~aMr. ad Mr. K. G. Roblin Te Canadian Statina B owmanvffl, Tun@ 10, 1084 3 tB R E O N revisiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom cr adCro taifndLn r Smith in ~~~~~Stouffville. ieadCm tcyadLn 1 Mr. AI Reid, Ohio, U.S.A., is anied by Mr. J. A. Turnbull at Sunday School illii be at da Rowan. M itchell's ivisiting friends in the village. the piano. A musical seiec- 10:45 and cnurch worship at Don't torget Yelverton'as Glad to report that Mr. C. tion by Messrs. L. Beech, G. :11:45 next Sundav, June l4th. Garden Party on Friday ev- & R.oi Van Dam is improving. Baker, O. Ashton; a reading bv A cordial invitati-on is extend-i ening, June 12. See Comlng We wish Mr. Anthony Smith Mrs. L. R. Argue, a number ed to ail.1 Events. H S R p r better heaith. We hope fris' by the Junior Choir accom- A number from here attend-- To the dog loyers in Man- conitin wll oonbe mprv-panied by Mrs. J. Abrams at ed Enfield Anniversary Serv- vers Township - We advise Mitchell's Corners Homne aM4 codito. llso eiirv the piano. Patsy Gatcheli, ices. getting your pet on a leash or School was held recently witit On Tuesday affernoon the Kathy Lee, Gwen Stephensoni Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson, rsk having him picked up. I a large number of memnberu Burkton unirs paydEn-a nd Pat Lee sang "Prettv Blue 1 Oshawa, were Sunday guests 1 future we presumne ail farmers and guests in attendance. nisilln.Bureto wre heEyes"; a selection by the Long'of Mrs. Greta Bailey. wi11 have to catch their own Mrs. Arthur Peeling, presi. inisn. Brkeg1to 1reth Sault Kitchen Band. The pro- Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Argue1 woodchucks and deliver them dent, extended a warm wel- winne rs, cingw17 too 16. gra ended wlth God Save visited relatives in Tweed on 1to their dogs to be rendered come to old and new member starting in this vicinity. The Queen. ýSunday. "hors de combat". What non and guests and ail stood for A eicos od upr a Snwihs cpcae ad'Mrs. E. Krantz, Mrs. M. sense! the singing of O Canada. Aeve dnelicu c lt coldsupe ws anwice s, cupthe cae n Hubbard, Mrs. A. Debona,* Yelverton U.C.W. met on Mrs. John Adalr kindiy met. larveg te c hurchf haoll to acofeewer so i the kitchenp t Oshawa, were Sunday guests Thursday of this week at the ed as recording secretary in a lascrow of p eope ows ring4-0.insth cpoceeds up to'of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted the absence of Mrs. Victer tag gieas a sihtinose our $42.00 is onertfora bs to Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin Spenceley. Sorry. no details White, followed by Mrs. Mil. teseage ir ls it eas w ilp adsturmone for a us î'eft on Monday to visit friends available-my membership has ton Mountain with the treasur,. tess end would lithake tod ex- M t an turto PMtrboad rg.in Picton. been suspended! er 's report. p ten r ay t ohanksa d p-GManthanks thon aMs. _________A sour note or two was;1 The room count was won by prmeto to ail wh o nBpe dR Gaad, the os ndSault struck this week by the Mur- Mrs. Margaret Parry's roorà% cet makreaousupper and con- Band, and our v isitos, n ail TON ray Malcoims as the piano teacher for Grade 3. Oerthusa vnn n a real success. ohle omk hsee-.~lLi1 market took a sudden drop. It Mrs. Lionel Hart introdue4 On hurday eveing a ng rel scces.seemns that Murray bought Mrs. Margaret Hewîe, Grade 1 large crowd of people gather- Mr. A. R. Hubbard spent Mr. Oram Moore and Mr. themselves a piano and while teacher at the school, polntlng ed in the school auditorium Fniday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Donald Proutt are currently transporting it home it topsy- Out what is expected of chlld- for a variety program. Mr. J Hubbard and Janice, Trenton. enjoying a motor trip to the turveyed Out of truck "Iker- l'en coming into the schools in A. Turnbull acted as chaýi r- Burketon Seniors lost thei East Coast., flop" on the pavement, neces- September. man for the occasion. The bail gamne on Friday afternoon, Many Yelvertonians attend- sitating major surgery to bring Everyone found Mrs. Hewle programn began with a selec-, Bethesda were the winners. led the piano recital in Black- it back to its original con- very informative and interest- tion by the Long Sault Kitch-1 Mrs. B. Breck, Kingston, is stock on Fridav evening put dition. Hope they get ail its ing and as the sehool has noe en Band, accordion duet bylvisiting friends in the villageo yRt isnspaontsptbc ntesm idratni aetepr MaserH.A murphyalseind n .tib we.I sa elpesr pupîls. Also on the program order. ents a clearer view as to wayo Bae. uscl ee tio n i seeing Mrs. Breck.1 with tap dance nuimbers were We at Malconla enjoyed a they could improve their child- Messrs. L. Beech, O. Ashton Congratulations to Mr. and'Mises Candy Malcolm, Adele pleasant Sunday atternoon at ren at home in prepaning them and G. Baker. A musical and Mrs. Gerald Abbott (nec Gail Page, Pamela Stinson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright's of, for school. a singing number by David Thompson> on their marriage Mitzi' Malcolm, Those partici- Islington. Mrs. Harold Oyler. chairman MCGIII, Bobby Archibald and on Saturday in Toronto. pating on the progrmfo Mrs. Elizabeth Mentink and of the Field Day Committee Wally Ramsay. A number by A number from here attend-! Yelverton were M\1issea(s Annoe Mrs. Hank Boon of Nether-1 gave her report as to the pro the Senior Choir; a solo by ed Brooklin Fair and ai o Mo-,and Barbara Wilson, Marguer- lands returned to 6pend a few gress being made for Fie idà Mrs. J. A. Turnbull acomp- sport on Saturday. ýite Wilson, Pam Stinson, Jan- days here. Say.,.Tune 15, 1964. AN.OiNERSTILE- So Nearly Indestructible Ifts Replaced F RE E (FITBO S«GureneD CASH and 5i% CARRY BONUS COUPONS Leorri how relaxed driving con be "Sofety 99". At sustoined high speeds, handlie. You'II enjoy a new meosure of eose. Use the Cash BONUS COUPONS for FREE INSTALLATION and WHEEL BALANCING 1Thonks to Super-Lostic your cor feels so eosy to comfort, quiet and riding Coul it a Premium Tire, a Luxury Tire or whot you wiII - the high- style Super-Lostic "Sofety 99" High Speed Nylon Tire puts Sofety Fi rst! . . . Yes, Canadian Tire puts a price on this super-tire - but na higher thon ochers for theur ordinary top-grade tires . . . Nome ony brand you wish. BUT, your "trode discount" and special old tire trode-in ollowance are like "money in the bonk", when you compare YOUR FINAL TIRE COST - at Canadion Tire. ALetW ~~@ NYLO N oTES-LFr STSUc l [Ieal Col-OOK df II VOR use thle olu» couponl 0 160 CHURCH ST, PHONE 623-7111 BOWMAVILLE- -.j BOWMANVILLE -

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