14 The Canladian Statesman, BowmanvMle, .Tuly 13, 1964_ Births In Memoriamn Carcis of Thanks Articles for Sl AiesfSale For Rent __ Notices ___ _allRa1Estate o Sl (nee' Foster) are pleased to of Wilkam A. Hoskins who ter Hicks wish to express sin- 623-2179. ___ 2-1 ow as $9900 ul n fURooms ith bat elephonew517.be clsdly l a u. rik 6rom, ilcovni ..e i announce the birth of a girl, passed away at his home in cere thanks to ail relatives, - ce fsdfrsdig Beatty appliances. Paddy's23..102______ 24-tt3rdincluive.28-3 ences, town waterpingsp ELO Diane Elizabeth, 8 lbs. 8 O' ' Burketon, July 21, 1960. neighbours, friends for. their Phone 263-2675. 29-1 Market, Hampton 263-2,241. D. ih-ble- ce xvili plied;nceyln on_________ ______7,_1964,11-52 THREE-room apatment, avass- Dr. Keith oflletfs offi edhe n-c1y1-andscaped. Priv- Bowmanvllle - 14 Franr S on ue da , uly 7, 19 4, at e ho lo ed him sa ly mi s m ny ac s f k nd es a t E W o a o s _ able A ugust 1. Phone 623-31 02 be losed from Jui ly th t ate. W rite A d ve ts r 5 0 PotHp optl 911 him, time o herbereavement. NWPtte.Passant's, 1229Phone623-395 Por Hoe Hsptal 29l~ As it dawns another year; o hi 29-1*,Duke St. Phone 623-35271. - PASSANT'S - Gladiolus: ut or 623-5578. __ 28-ti August 3rd inclusive. 9 _:,) c/o Canadian Stats an O I n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Io h i k n2 9 f l w r f r a i c a s o s C n B o x 1 9 0 , B o w m a n v î e 2 ~ * 2 0 A r a m w t a g Ionely hous ofnthinkny ______ tainer arrangements. Phone ONE 2-bedroom apartment, Dr. Allan B. Sylvester's brs ore oe i Foster) are happy to announcei Toughts of him are always We wish ta thank our friends WA'rER for sale and delivered, 623-3527, 122 Duke St., Bow- North Ward. Cali after 7 p.m. office wiil be closed from JulyPeesmoe cavnnes sin th-arvio hi o oet near. of Salem for the lovely gifts 24 hour service. Caîl 623-57,56. manvilie. 28-10) Phone 623-3058. 29-7-3 RJly3s icuiv.lELtOR Alan, on Thursday, Juiy 9th, dl mssd yhi botermettatae p esdnc i WTE frsae nadeovrci aumnu; nid riînginAaiabe epemerviKiceelvsinCeric C1an 313 iKiS.E.ngaw DSt.AR, 00ace 196, t Mmoia Ropial Chstrsister Florence and Bowmanville. Caîl Cliff Pethick 263-2131.dsg:clmsroivds. St.; adults. Phone 623-3263. will be closed for holidays 728-7321ulig.Atmtcsal Bo m ni . A brth for' pe ak adfml.Jm adEenrHl ein ou n;ro iies 91xfO uy 2 ta August 3rd Donald. 29-1inl 29-ac and faill. Tmand laor Hall 32-tf For free estimate cal Whitby inclusive. 29-2Liberty GaC2 ssl ______ 2-1 ndBihTayor 291*FIVE, 714x4 tuibeiess tires; ex- 668-8606. ______ -28-2* THREE-room, seif-contained - 2 S elec t district euiu I1ERRON-Grant and HelenMURY Robert-In loving 1 wish ta thank friends and 02OR16J.___________lbchoestabebul ricne tebrt hapoyteiranmemry of a dear husband relatives who sent gifts. cards 16J----.---__ 29-1" Auto, Fire and Mortgage lst. Phone Newcastle 987-4552 closedi July ')0 ta about August dlay brick construtoc:Go ikqoa te an and father, whoh ofpassedsoaway and filowers, aiso the nurses iDUTCH babyanae ond policies, 'phone 623-3621. Dirklor Newcastle 987-4644. 29-1 10 when it will be open for an ahrwop ycrige oï-about a week. 28P, amic tule bath wt aiy oehsalmdm cn Peter John, 6 lbs., at Memoriai uy15 91 and Dr. Sylvester who were condition. Phone Newtonvilie Brinkman, R.R. 1, Scugog d. EATED four-room and bath sm ihatce aae Hospital, Bowman vl]le, on Nothing can ever take away s0 kind ta me while in ho-23.- --2 9-i:. Bowmanvilie-. 23 -9 apart ment, availabie July 1 Dr. E.'L. Ewert's office xviii mahogany cupboarsadti.ers Sunday July l2th, 1964. 29 -1 Telv ahathld en ital. WTE-frsae-ndlîerd REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, Appiy Charcoal Burgers, 14 be closed for holidays froîîî Build ta your awo lnvnd 10Ar LK HR Fod_____ligr___ r. laTopis 2-eTeehneGog Feddema 9 cubic feet, in excellent con- Division St. S., Bowmanviile. Juiy 1st ta July l9th inclusive. specifications atresnbeAM.Eclntou Or KNI HT- ack and Be nic Fo d m rnoie li ger evey M s. Olg To pkis2 63-eeph ne Geo ge 22-tf dition, $85. Can be seen at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - --- n1 ase o f m rg n y o tat prcs y cain 7 873827-il3ak1hoe A k (nee Finn) are happv ta an-1 Remembrance keeps him, We wish ta thank ail our UEDproan 2270ov Durham Growers Corp. Ca- THREE - roomed apartment, -he - -hapial---_ 2-3l S750.00 Dow 4,0.Trs nounce the safe arrivai 0f!i near. friends in Bethesda n SDpraegsstv and operative Starage, Newcastle. separate entrance, bath, heat The Board of Trustees fu rie.copatfRE -Ee eebrdb ieTrn o h oeygigkitchen cabinet. TelephohnRma rutleso16 ArCRITA Jîîiv 2, 1964, at Memorial Hos- and family. 2-1 away gift. Your thoughtful- 2-82 atoNw-adlgt hn 8-40,IlaaeShos o Lnao ihf Boxvmanville. A baby _______ ness is d 1castle 987-4388. 29-i Bruce Hcaslip, Nestieton. 1eaat cho o iea ting, 3-piecebahlrgtee. tea.Soeoue p'al, omnil.Abb ess appreciated ver-, mitch. i 40" FINDLAY electric range,jOFC Euimn- p- 29- the Town of Bowivle » * f B AnistasI si ter for Ricky and San dra.KnadAn i mr ecletcnito.PoeTk týc htt( Speialthnksta r.SieonRICHARDSON-In loving me- Ken ad AnneKîlmedexcelent cnditio. Phouc Tak n o c e tat tl brlotkoniYd ite am 1V DAIRYFARM Sa manitys taffD. 29-i mory of dear husband, father and Saily. 29-P1 623-5642-. 2- 'xrtrs, cide rsiters, dfli-OsNLbrckbil-abovc mentionted Board ofwitgodblinsExeet and _______saf. 9- and grandfather, Harry M. !SWEET and saur cherries.1 cators hqexrtrfls ing, about 500 sq. feet xvorkiTrustees on the sixth day cfl omn ROWEDo'gîa andLoiR(ncheyarsago, Juî 17,d1963. Mriends who sent ctardslan f urnitere. We buy, sellrent, i-spacesuitabie for smalii 'voark ul.194 pscdE-L1 .Gond thrce bedmombng-ig Richrdso, wo pasedjus~~ sicer thaks a ai myPick yaur own. Telephone service. Largest stock, budget shop) Central. $30.00 month- : tJuthrîe h brr1964, wt crpr o lt 0X Roed bungaloxvith. Aildred) are happy ta an- His smiiing wayanpeaatvstdmwheinopta7563.2-'Itm.Nw and plsed. Lowisty. 623-2698.n - 25-tf of monc by the issue and sal.' 117 ft., on paved sre os i ocncn Alsa -a speciairtthankshtarDir. SOC!in hitmstesOverhedad, mxv prîces. BiH loeexm nounce thecihirthaofstheir face Mikios h --Clirït -sreleoîc Hamilton, R a glanri(North V atd " 0 debentIres of Ibis said 'te school, asking 3051 il e ecs ~igsi daughter Donna Lynin, on Are a pleasure ta recaîl, 'staff and the nurses an12228 Orono 29-2 rOshawa). 8ifLWainnBad fTuses nth r iteaoaiedwnpyent. itBo.0 dw Junej 29th, 1964, at Memorial:He had a kindly word for eachstf for their kindness. Sinmn.cpl__- I oIS000.0.Th: HositlBovmnvli. lttlŽ nddid elve b al. cereiy, -McCORMICK binder, 6 ft., a1lJULY Sale- Bedroomcdin- THREo ormo pant cpl afr whteun oI-0Ono. ie Suo Pit4Roc enhoeo Hsitr, for Antte. A29-le ndome dy eoe tyaiml.raeHad 9* ah i edy ta go shp.ethceridsue, ment, Auguist 1. Young couple, prse fb bowi tone:,' Bedmofrihd at hgwacsPewateA I hlmj Kenneth His, Omono. 29-1rk clear at greatly reduced pnices., ne children. Refrenes exstenionbofo ris to ui 3ae106000wit $150) dwn WIHA GmyadVma oeaw nwntI wish ta express my sincere iomad d-A'sa lamps, rugs, pictures and requrst *Write Advertiser 52F)an etsncf orooms to xitid.v100 It. bakefotgu~ oewt w WIHA-Grya4-yn an ay eko o -iRVL omad snd . b1assocks. Trade-in -30" Con- c/o C'inadian Statesman, P.0 the Prei.scol283sdvbabeuflytrd (nec Foran) thank God fan' wben,1fniends, neailhb reltisefor lotn largelts. hlivingnenarnom withte siextraBx lotsBwminilNewcast lotieareAsvi- thp safe arrivai of a son, 1To clasp his hand in the better fitls nigborIfo he rnos.hn icnaAc;cintesie Bx10 mnvîlle. 29-ld toBu 1 soP f Ion -"000 JrfreyTod, is. ¾ os. ladlovely cards and fiowers which 3rOoo nySth table, 4 chairs and buffet wal-' vvntd o.uy îieireace cobina n rs Jrffey o-d,8 ks.tchen andlan, dîning screened hosita.6 Roamedih, home, xvith1 Lot ail at Memoriai Hospital on Neyer ta part again. I eceie iei n hospitatl D . M- j -alrat. al___ 19-tf neutrfinsgo cn îoiotSRLLER in A-I condition. porch, 2 piece bath,2pesr oe cneine.Ol Tnunsday, July 2, 1964. Finst -Ever remembered by wife Seiltak aD.M-Prs i ae;Mrh Furniture, King West,.- --Poe63712 91s tmakn Kenzie, Dr. Stewart and staff I h .motars. Paddy's Phone 6378.29-1.1 IRISH Setter, main, answers P 2 91rS5~îs sig$70 w-$,0 on grandchid for Mn. and Mrs. Zeima, son Wilfred, daughter ,."hp room guest bouse icue. 5Roe uglwo IE J. Foran, Bowmanviiie, and G r a c e and grandchildren on Maternîty Floor. Market, Hampton, 263-2241. tainae of "Deike", tattooediUSED cement mixer. Cal! ce.Mdm vnecs Mr. apn . . A vry gafuLiKEYS cet autanatPculy.29 wh1ieprape!ied combines with 10- Crest Beach. Cali Toronto wishtot. thank ail (has e yo uat at eMulenWhrd-foot tables, thoreegblv aven-11HO 1-3991, Mn. N. DuBray.LIVE poultrv, nld featherlRon letherington -6333 on thank yau tri Dr. Anfossi arnd IIHI lvn emr fwh aettansecaie, hset xva, ain t. E., BowmHan- hauled: oeesdDontreh'cwr. 91ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1. 3eth-, Bob Johnson - 7824 OTPRY omd inurses on Maternity. 29-1. 36James A..Sm.,thowho-passe __Phone_7_r_13__ ______ - -aayJulA.2Sth, 1962. sd. cards and flowems, and belped ville.'_____3-tf ing machine \xith shredder -__ __ n. hne7r 3cilect, Bill Ratcliffe - 65-97amsnebglo.o- y uy2s,16. lu naywydrn y-and claver aîtachment. on \Vork \Vanted- 28-tf Larle Allen - 7578 mcneine.Vr niu (d-nqacjements -Fondiy loved and deepiy savi saaGnrla-, ODBADFabmics is auhI teel. New andl used balers HRSTTSIt e mournenaOshahate CUSOM uumbiningé KennehRITV1 rees 0on theill7i11Irvine - 7826 Geoes- ave. m adrned by the family. 29-i , pitai. Also Drs. Doberty and 'orized dealer for Elo andhite smalier t.ve combines.l G I 6Roomed, well buleit benga-. or r s !R5.R A. Harv'ey, of Forest -Stanley and the nurses that ewn acie. je ur-Masseyý,ý-Fcrgusoin Dealer, Litte ibnBaktc 8-83 tmore. he op, 40 a.o Roh i____ 29ciaore.PhoecPoîtypol 0-R-.BdetTemne . 25-507howeode7.oneni-ces R -e, Kirby Muxloe, are picas- TERRY-In loxing memory of wr n3.i~ Ple. ___ 6t ntL --hae --------CUTO_____ Ifoagw-. Frank $,90. Tmms ec1 ta annaunice the engagement a dean husband and father, Dawson Beckett. 29-1i A TRAILERSbx 4 'l f t. b yCUTMfmigfoae__2-I Faksao of their daughter Ann, now in William Terry, who passed i7.' ft., extra 50 bushel box. TV TO\VERS harvesting, baiing and rak- Vanted - LIMITE] rneSre n xeln tt Canada, ta i-yan, son of Mm. away July 1tn, 1950.1 wish ta thank my many LDump or bag cambining. Tele- i ng, comrbining. Percy David- _____________ 623-33931 ear sig$100 and Mrs. John Geboers. of;God watched you in your 1friends and relations wha sent! phone 263-2015. 29-1 $50 UP son and Son, 728-1343. 29-5vTrs Bowmanviile. Ontario. 29-lfi Hen ou ad our'stayndpia. specitnks r xi TOweutiiity trailer, 7 , OSHAW~A YOUNG personabie girl ne- rvcMebrOhaanDit -omebuglwl- Heke o a orsa nhsia.Seiltak 63compiete with lighits. TV U uires position as office girl 1 Highest Cash Prices for Dead, cel sated ot o omavl1 Mn. and Mms. Eari D. Hegetlsaed yur ear br an ailenu rs of the hene ;2 pe tires. Tele. VSUPT . lndsecretariai deties. Further and Crippled Farm Stock '177 Churcli St., B1 avleMdm covnecs n McQuee'i annouince *,he erHi- nly Sud or e rgicr aaiFloohr. hsesoftae!hone62'-5752. 29-'i~361 Gibbon St. Diai 728-8180! information Phone 623-5512. -- BURRa lor Takst 9- PoeTLonFURisance 200 hAvcrDaiFn, hie 79 gagement of (hein daughter eyeso 29-i uritrlD r igt- i Patica mi t M. erld And taok you in His care. r evcnybndy. BUiNG r sl gfriueDy o N1t BhLcask, Prap.Zenith 66550 (ni) charge ta ou)View from b ouse. Huei omnil. Alm IvTo)rley Baison, son of Mn. and -Sadiy missed anameten:n-bMssneGeoge6Perfect.on applianes, ai len 4-fdONTO rainkbo evc cN. 8-4Idmleedmdmie. ag ovnece. Ett ae and Trechesrdrinsf1uda-De pt. Agric. Li.N.26C4 mPel odr Mr.Gerald Balson, Hampton membened by wife Irene and 2- residcnce 263-2695. 6-tf sdiiO adsetctak dgadhave_________ 12-t jmodern dainy barnwihsaeAkng120. r Tfhe mamiage to take place aï, family. 29-1* __ Ehvesvrlgoad baflld . aî Sotjcîcaner. Two siio, tra Bamptn Unied Chrch ~I ______ Iwouid like ta extend my 9677 asA____LUMINUM Doors and Win-Self-propeiled and pull typer 23-f onlthe SotOmono arca. $40,00-fu 1 omdhm nmi HmtnUie hrholthanks ta relatives, friends andio. Contact McMullen Hamd-i combines as a result of aur i A A s forDC d rC1pp dF r o Am tokFrm -tosi Saturday, August 1sf, ait 4 WESTLAKE-In loving me- neighbors, the Bible Ciass, ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Class Combine pop)uîarity. frM- Ir rppedF roî oo0011cfunace.oerk o'clock. 29-1* mary of Uncle Bill, aur cousin, UCW f ad,ît'nl h 2-48 iH47 - AB AnA Rstretci. 1-lampton, 2 bath-y ______who passed away July lOth, f fow r red;t rst-nd 1SlATPon,6b3-5408. metfH- 82,00.Ct "42", Cktt "27, -C ~ Tlephone collect 263-2721 hro brick hom.Moe anis Mn nd Ms.H nr hik 16.r Ievd oD .A s-ÏN--Ù ---I------ - -10 kt "2" kt " " 193 nadD.MKyadsafo lwn eh ht"25"; also tractons: 30îPumbing & Hea ting Tebar 50' x 110', secn ao CVN croams Mr.ndElizabeHlennounhce Always smiling, happy and11 n D.MKy n tafa d, with rock waol. Work- 1CPOtE6230127 iMargwill FrFarm30' x85'. Stream.Exelnnebgao.Mdmc- tongagcnîaen t hein content, ie nurses of Memanial Hospital,mnsigaatd.Feet- Cktt. 88 Oliver, 77 Oliver, VA POE6372 soul. Owner's agefacsal.vneesAsking ,00 thLegkeen fdherBowmanville: ta Rev. 'C.-mates. 1lIaîry L. Wade. Tele- Case, C I-H-C, ploxvs, etc. 1O5ENelsn St. B10anmiles diughter Patricia Beryl Isabel, r was auer coust, iDgn yoe o i any phone Newtonville 2420: hl-tf J-D and Cktt. sidemakes. Cail Licence__ 4-t TROELincay.d 10 ienat fTrs Io John JT. De Koker, son of weevrhwnt visits. DLcrîgcne----t up or caîl iin. Hasson Machin- PEFCT Ii-tf Tcrms. Hih udvsot I1i i. and Mms. P. J.DeKoker, eaGrad 1DL Ta abeautifiJi life, at sudden 2Vera Ganrard. 29-1 taery, Caid Springs, Phone 37. I ERNIE _____-14RcrFSok "" BioliOn.Th cdig end, ____stroller, with hood and mat- 24145-... crchopigere.S-iockmn& ta takelace Snt.TedJul He died too sean, everyane's I wisiî ta express my sinceme (ess; alsa dail crib and bigh -27--__-_-__ 4, PLUAIBING & HEATING R. DaOirs Tyrone. Good strem wtihp rc uglw ,0 18th at 7 o'clock in Unitedl friend. thanks ta relatives, neighbaurs chair'; ail in excellent con-Liso Fr Phone 623-3540 GIJARANTEED television and pd ondsie. 7arno oenz q et îie t$3 Churh, lizbetvi Ont.nt. -Lvnvingly mbrerememberedindsforcarandgftf diendsCopfor, 1ca0rds, LvegiftForsledidotionie.tComplaks.te,, Tele-,oo Chnh lzaehii,29-if cousins Frank, Doreen and fowers, visits and other kind- phne 10 r 5 Orono. 29 - IPONY for sale, $100. Phone PO. Box 1599 radion Service taoaiPhmae 99$3A0r0e-s10o00 down ~~---~ ________family. 29-1 nesses shown whiie Ij asIni Benjamin Moore '63652î78 Ontario St. Bowmanvilîe 6233883. 1-tf area. Six room homithalDnl onjy-6331 Deaths hospital and since coming Q I _____- conveniences. Barr4'x8' u LBae - 6331 ~i~kiZATonota eneri RMARhome. Speciai thanks ta Drs. OUTSIDE iHOLSTEIN heifer, due tc -- --- IRDO and TelevisIon Repaîrs. Gond view. Oniy$5,o- so iema- rno14 S-AtTornto eneal RMARSieman, Stewart and David- HOUSE PAINT freshen, gond size and quaîify.ý BULLDOZING Prompt service. Pick-up and Tcrms. HIospital on Thursday, July MEMORIA#~LS o n hewnefl uss Wie n oos uryBesBaktck O Ldelivemy. Gearge's, 14 Centre 10 Acres choice mreia-RosDvdo -Btay3r 9th, 1964, Walter George Hicks, Dgiid nsiticie on athe rgwl orul nurses hiBeAndClNs) 986-47à6. B -y-r-29-1 .CEMENT and ROAD GRAVEL S.Poe6351. 4-fdnln ihs Il. , ampton, in his 30t'DgiidadDsicie theMarinconl. ___- CI'ristie Çae,dehsand fa Monuer nts -Flatanon Maconald. Gal. BRND)TT1Wiiiow Removai Equipment WathReariq and raspberries, an pvdra yer, eiovGaceldesand fat Mo nueins -fia ak ers29-1 H .elp vvcnteu 1Custom Loading and Hau jing ciÂLplfg 3 miles narîhi of B(wavi of Robin May and Kimberice 152 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa The family of the late Annie ±kFULL or part time waitressesî PhOER986-209 ollee CertildWthkrofan Liberty Street. -On1,00$5,400 Rose, son of Mn. and Mrs. 723-1002 - 728-6627IFergeson wish ta thank ail IVcMULLEN 'wantcd. plyMn. Campbell! RBER SRON CaadLnaeweee's ssa -1,00 on Austin H-icks, Yarmouth, N.S elties fiAppaniy ' 24-ffl otlOsaw. 7-f ar'sT Jare elctonofchic 1 dcan brother of Kay (Mms. Don Office Evenlngs oreltsfor ilcnds and nigh- HARDWVAREeos 3Hte9OsaKing-f .VLcrSt.W.iîry acre lots, som hsrain liorsey) aodi Marion (Mrs. Don bours fooaIl t he bte auan tifal 36 King St. E., Phone 6350 RASPBERRY pickers, also SEPTIC T9ANKg St6'IV and view, near Osaw an Gpvei). Scrvice xvas hcld _in __26theloaltrieofthees n adt 62-408Raspheri'es for sale. A. Sei's, i.fBowmanviile. Pricdfo CbapmanvClemiriatreave e t h vte ti e o hi e e t e _ _ _ _ _ _ 1__ _ -1 Pho e 263-2413, Liberty St. N., P U M P IN G $5,000 up. Down pa en theorrs______________________ eavmen. Tans ta Re. C.1j Shop Here for Full Line of 1 mile north Golf Course. 29-i WHITEWASHING STABLES andonv$S4,000. Tem ws ufveca aci B'wmnvleonStudaLiberaiPciStra f Cafta of Hampton for the kind on ---- estabera et nN.3 Hgwyi meny lt hat 2o Ceete. I ternoon, Ju1y 2t, aitnay fwords and Marris Funerai C.AMVPING WANTED-Man for sfeadv BERT TOMPKINS ApnîjanceService bungalow an Highwa o ineTonhpo udx men 29-on1 Pary trkoo, Jcwcastle. AIltome.Chapel and Enniskiilen Ladies' /TT ~T~m travel among co . 52 i c ___9-1__1A______fo______unh.___ ME T owrnanville. Permanetsin Phone Newtonville 25 5t n cmNwail ihbtmo vnn hry atr1 ____ ___________28 -2 Aueiliry fo (heinlc. Lri-'U.r.L1LN BCommercial adDomestie and lange lot. Ony0 1,0ococ. hedirsfth The oad amii Picic, he Frgusn Faily.SETS neionwilarge manufac- _____________-Refrigeration - Milk Coolers down. cr novdwn onFr SITORTT--At ber residence. Saturday, Juiy 25 at Hamp- ___ 9--BR--Qcnidered. Write Rawieigh, JACK B URGESSI~ Phone BERT SYER Beac,0 -bowavleytwbeoencrTotoJhn ren R da , B.Jmlyv8h, 1964, elletsilverkBring dishes and IThe family of the late Ray Dp.G4îî40 ih-OLBTNR UNCS Days- 623-5774 furnished cottageatWs60ByoAvneWhb, ILI'iVN CHAIRS Dp.G1011 05Rce I UNR UNCS Niglîts -623-3177 Bah omnil.Akn ensMrieTmno BrUta, age 7years. wif, ellof ___r 29-11 Munday wish ta express sin- lieu St., Sf. Henry, Montreai. CLEANED .3100dw.DulsTmec, cab- t1v" Iate Arthîur John Shartt, 1Ma-nthydaànceýtBÉowrnàn cerest appreciation ta ail Who 29-1 PL BIG EARS LfdrH dw e 3760-bys3edomb d~'I 'rnohra uhrCviGolf Club, July 18. Re- were of such help deing (hein â.L./ - j ' eugh, andHadwarRob,6rt raam, (UWrtr do urge C. (elsee yaur tickets eariy with recent tragic bereaveent; for Ym...... REAL estate salesmen xvanted 2325 and ELECTRIC cottage witb trout stamad iîode ce ýd), dear sist&'r af Arthur. Mrs. Hilda Rundie, telephone isym1pafhy thmoiîgh w o r d s, -LuI Th itH o amount4-f enalHils Ti B:t, Oshawa. Service wasl623-2861. 28-2 deeds and filowers; ta Rev. Mr. 85 King St.W Bowmanvillej Realtor, in the Boxymanville, p.O. Box 543 - Bowmanville ri-fe-______ __asl h('iint(_Mri Fnrl -s-të '-no,--- Houslander fan bis camfont and! Phone 623,-3134 n i I1lamptoni. Caesamea and Omrono 22-tf Auction Sales arifîc oesmn as ladvausodmaette hiebt in lieMomusenea onstrBngTursday inspiration; ta thc Morris 1 areas. Experiencenont neces-- - ---L aoeOP netg C., 'pel. Doxvmanvilic, on Fnl- night at 8 o'ciack, spansored FnniCa o h efcet2911 sany'Repv fta Mn. O'Hagan, IOjR j'O O EEKY ppulr aea.Da2,pame00.d d.,July 10ih, at 2-)'clock. Iby the Jno hme Funra C.foTteTficen S WJC'VOIuaraea Dw Inemen Booînvile em-JCmmecerd Baru, Notfn ymabtc service; ta PRecndritined 11. Kcith Limnited, 181 Eglîn- P.Bx12 rn IVESTOrr nvci tee.A 1:4p..o Sna tn per". 29nvileOshawaJ.ympt e t i B ws Sq aet n A nu E s, To no 12 wnith every M Part, Hope 885-2527. 28- __T IIE X R 3-tfj COakung utensîls, power lan - 2- Inteestate o ALBERTA MEEXRMONEY mowcr, baby carniage, cantîn- ~"~ muac otehsia wedig unNihta WltnaPakLOIE AYAN lteofte thr acinry mentai bcd, cbild's bed, raIl- ~"- tee Fre. aun igb at ly2to.ngak oUSEofLAYMAN, llae if the lery a portable TV set, vxxhile ACERawa"y bed. Maîîv cf the above - Yerews esdeal Corsages and .and games frail h. New- Couîty of Durham, \Vidow', Se :4 aexpenience oetraryn. NoelI cx- damageeta aIletbnee cars in C ut F l w e rs iti n g o p -v a u e C h r st m a s L O A D I N (b isN Ca c c id e n t. C o n s ta bi18eon t hP . CMM C u t l o w e s *. a n d G if . E a n bi S a n , G a v e l T o p S ali a n dc a s h , n o r e s e rv e . 0w n - Phone 623-7141 everyone ta attend their an- Crediiors and others having! International 45 Baler CrsadGfs anbgSnGaeTpSi n .Jc Aiter Boums - 623-2184 nuai camnival. Merry - Go - claims against the abave estate 1 e mgated.Enla WVe send flowers by wire Round for the children. 29-1 are required ta send full par- Power take-off - $375 profits. Friends and neigb- I F111 delivered eidmai ongandR 1: . a ____ e 2-f iuaso sc li EW 7tn W G bous by on sigt. Write for 24-Hlour WATER SERVICE Hr id, acie en 5R-1 L n S n a fe no t21 -Monster B i ngo. Twentyundersigned Execetor on o623-57on6N.-2 Hghwavat thLPrva Phoogaph gmestwntydolar: iv befoî'e the 14th day' of Augusî used rubber - $195 samples on approxal. Special6355 -BWAPACKesS onaeRad h riesa gams-tirt dolar; $501964, affer wbichi date the S P E C I A L - lBH 10' Self- ChurîcheF C i1îu bs, Schooîs. yNESAM BJORDER Coîlie puppies fortetwcasnxivd ee- jackpot, and two jackpots aitat' sesxiib îtîu-Propelled IVINDROWER wit1ilHomer-Warren Ca., Dept. 73, BARNES & B I1sa le. Reasariabie ta good home.~~Jh ons,13Rsln PHOTOGR.APHY $25. Dor pizes Nex edavavng egar onix' (O AY CONDITIONER 411 Clenidenan Ave.,Toronto. PLUMBING & HEATING Phone Newcastle 987-4549.uRaObwa n his CagofAdes- Monday, 8 p.m.. Red Barn, edaistathxe1enrec -29-9 SLq ERIE29-1 cfeR..2 omn C h a n e o AOrssh a w a . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D e m o n s t r a t e d o n c e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S L S & S R I E_ _ _ _ _~a p o 161 King St. E. saa___ ___4 feCnda Permanent Trust SAVE S900 . 24-HOUR W:D,*ivrTh- Bownianvllle The Mountjoy Family Picolo Company, rersonu.t - OilBur- __erviceiorgages , ee a umget bt Portraits Passports will be heid at Cartwrighît 25 Bytreet, ~fl UrrjeiccasCnsbeJ.RCa- Weddints- Anniversarien Park on July 22nd, afternoon Trno1 naiCOVVAN FIYGENIC supplies - (Rubber' ETCTAK N WE wiIi bey Agneements of wih Pivsigatd a Speclity and evening. In case of rain, Executor.i'T1%,,T goods) mailed postpaid in plain TILE BEDS Sl; hux' or give second M'.Sao orswstk 2%ASTOR STUDIO ini the Fire Hall, by Hodgins & Morris, LQUwIPMEN.T CO. Fealtd envelope with ponce ist jmentgandez.b te Bwmaviîe re ASORS IO SuggStetCasre.Al, liiSix sampies 25c, 24 samples PHONE Imort andC.. oristro Dev einipt-jPhone Ablnet eoiiRs Phon 62-253 mmbe8 ae rquetedt~iSolictrs;.'134 Kint St. E. Bowmanvllle $1.00 Mail (Order Dept. T-29, HAMPTON 263-2288 led New( :fie. Phone New-jptlweeserciq Phoe 63-203 embrsarere2estdi.o Box 399, Bowmanviile, Ont. hn2-69 J N RbberCoBx . TYR NE263-2650 esatle987-4245 r0shawa ate' . 2-1*129-i Hamilton, Ont. _ 1-52 19-U 728-2102. 23- Li623-33tpa(n dprte Il , g woà . . i W DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED