Blackburn m Hardy Fa miles MONd Annual Ail Day Picnic The Biackburn-Hardy ati- hiual aIl-day picnic was held July 1, 1964, at Solina Com- inunity Hall and scbool grounds with 120 present. Officers for 196,5 are as fol- lows: Past Presidents-MVr. and Mrs. Alfred Allin: Presi- dents-Mr. and Mrs. -Mark Cornish; lst Vice-Pres.-Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Knight; 2nd .V re-Pres.--Mr. and Mrs. Wes- 449, Down; 3rd Vice-Pros.- Mnl ind Mrs. Paul Ailin: Seeeary -Mrs. Arthur Tbompson: Asst. Sec.-Mrs. Roy Slack: Treas- urer-Miss Lela Knight. Gla.-peli. Sam Alin, Lela Kniglir. Fane- ttpepcial Prizes well Biackburn, Fred Hardy,_".*n-n* Oidest Gentleman attending Lela Blackburn. John Allin, picard -Wce*-ley Allia: Oldest Kathleen Allun, Lloyd Down,J Lady attending prcnic-Stelia James Hardy. Alma Earle. - BIackburn; Youngest Baby at- Gerald Shackleton, t e n d i n g picnrc Cathanine Relatives were present frein Do'. n. daughtc-r of Mr. and Sudbury, Grimsby. Oshawa. _Mn'. Wesle'. Doxvn: Persan Bowmanvilie. Lindsay, Hamp- comrng iep trrtibest distance- ton, Toronto, New Toronto and' .\nr and Mrs. Mark Cornish surro unding district. Hopiag' and family Lucky Draws- te see each other next year. Local Rotarian s The races were as follows. aevera i LO iguages ]BOYS' and Girls' Race (4 years years and under)-Judy How-Hudr;Grs ae elp at Convention mmand Shelly Howsam; Boys, Race (7 years and under> - Mure 'bar 14,000 Rotarian., tended the convention. in ad- Donald Thompson and Davidl from 129 couatnies attended dîtion ta Mn. and Mrs. Thies- Down: Girls' Race <10 yearq tht grtat -> th Annual Con- burger, were the presîdent, and unde)-Dorothy Walter vnino oavItraýr .EwnMnMs andJuy Hwsm: oy' Rcetional. June th 'h tJune l11h 'vana International Council-% A (10 years and unden-David beld n 'Toronto. The Rotai ilon and Mrs. George Vice,ý Povil and Phillip Beer; Girls' jans andi Rmmary Aunes wt'-e Setretar\ and Mns. Don Mon-1 JU« (14 yeans and unde)- acr.onrp'mnrecîb,. 1,600 thil-'] ris Mn. and Mns. R. P. Ricka-r Dariene Tbompson and Dore-, thy Walter; Boys' Race (14 rjrb nadMsE ihn year s and under)-Kenreth B iT t r ofnutthe Bow spoon ,Mr. and Mrs, Ericý Allin; Basebaîl Pitcb -Lloydnu,'.il R u C1 ib. bc- WhYte, Mn and Mrs. Garnet' Down; Ladies' Spot Race-,; cn e ofru- rofit e ty ru Rckau-dMn. and Mu-s.F'orbes' Esther GlaspelI, Ladies' Nov- German anti Portugese, was Hc'.land, and Mr. and Mrs A.1 elty Race-Mrs. Alfred AlIltýappointed a special Sergeant-1 O. Dairympie. Ladies' Shoe Kick-Mns. Han-' At-Anus for the duration cf! The House of Fruendsh up vey Hardy and Mrs. Rob+." the convention. was situated in the Canadia Rowsam; Horse-shoe Pitching Others tram the Bowman- Room of the Royal York, andil --eorge Wilson and Oliver ville Rotar-y Club wbo at-1 the Youtb Hub was in thel ýý - . Ontario Room thene. There was an autstandirngi pnagram et entertain mn e n t which încluded a Buffet Dmn- Joseph P. Connor, a native ouf r'-'îtr.iuem ner at the Queen Elizabeth in Bowrnanville Iast week ta take' h orf'f the'Brx Puts Building at the CNE, which mnanville and district branch t(f ItCmtn(ari:rda the was followed b a concert Lirnited and Lombank Finance- LiinîrI rtrul ai nt things "West by North," an original corner of King and Temperance Sîretuts .t.cmoinr I musical in the Maple Leaf has had 14 ye-aus experience inlime !inrrrr'c'lusilles.s 1, yo Gandens, tours of the Royal and cornes here from Lambaiik's H:uaïrltuoiîl I)r'iicl1 Ontario Museum and he Tor-Adero bi vrM Coxu" p'umtmn".sba wvant enta Art Gallery, teas tor the sd rr i ok r Ctt(i' n-etla vvithinladies, President Carl Milien's been carnmanding the Roaa CanLîdian su('Cadcen,.11 witinReception anti Bail at the Dundas. your Royal York, a Fashion Show at the O'Keete Centre for th ea reach Rotary Annes, Toronto Ha as bar c ruises and visits ta th eM s o k a Pîl islands, Square Dance Supper KenvsRanch, InentoaGive Piano Recitor Friendship Dinners, Nuagarai A large andi appre2ciatîxte Lt r' 1.),111,>~ Vd u F'alls tour, Ontario Govern-' audience enjoyed tbe Piano CaruI ,Valiilor'rt'm'rt lrivti 'î- ment Reception at the Uni- Recital by the pupils et)fM-s. versity of Toronto, and a wvon- W. E. C. Warkman in th(, Lions g ,itli. Sîulrri.l derful Ice Revue at the Mapie > Communîty Centre oun 'u-''uSiRt, ."iXr.mi Leaf Gardens. iday eveaing, Jonc 23-d. The JuutkiO.I'rrtni On the day aler thedon- choice!fmusic was excellent Lin'dau ('1'.111, lU r li ventian endeti, Mn. andi Mrs. and the high standard of th(' Roiiiiu a .1 e. . ~r Thiesburger enter t a i n e d aý playing, plus. the fine toucîrCt.>l'tiuit' t' .le number of visitons from dif-'ad expnessiveness of tbe t-n ri]mrSrtGtm~Imt ferent caunitnies at their home Young pianists drew applallst' Draiurn mR: i near Tyrone, anti their guests and many admurinp ct-ntmeurts StiZaur1I.,m < t]' 'nt aise enjoyed a tour of the' Rss etcaif anuucec ltie ort l.'e'.- 1" l Thieshurger miak ranch. names ef the pupils and thnir'tîls k.t'rut '>L ttt Mn ad M-s Tiesurge's.selections. The spacîcus roonri Klith)\ ttr tmît r- Mr adMr.Thebugr'ýwas attu-actîvely decorateti for Didt l guests w.ere Mn. and Mrs. Ive the Occasion witb beautifujl Kib ar ti,'N iml! A. Franke, Porta Alegro Sul,!bauquets of prnk andi Whvite uob-4 C» >l iîm' Brazil, Mn. anti Mrs. Cleanesipeoilies and red roses. Dse SauRmi. s'rtlr V. C Batos LaesBrazil, Watson presented a gîft c limrh u utt Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Pineda, meney ta Mu-s. Workmnu t ram JnV)utrtI n Bogota, Calumbia. Mr. andf hon students as an exre-ssion tii '.t'r'k ' tr< M u-s mssell Laurenson, New; cf their affectieon andi grati-"'e t r"'rI <t Zealanti, Mn. and Mrs. Hans!tudc Fu-b- k 'it 1;1 -l l ____________________________Kiderlen. Bcdensee, W e s t! Those takung pant wereBov ld1ý1.j, Fl Germany, Mn. and Mrs. Tomierîey Andersan, KathvM. en . __ _ _ __ _ _Jones, Liverpool, Engiand,lMu.ter-, KarnaCoxtur t ar ]RANK OF MONTREAL ~M andi Mrs. Ebenhard Paech, reIl Hunt, Bonda Htlenu Iiou _______________________________West Berlin, Germany, Mn.: ton, Penny Aintonti.Jhn u- i jf anti Mus. Erie Whyte, New-, dcI. Sheila ManchantSus. miiihi djll castie, Mn. andi Mrs. Jaba! Vice, JaniceHutRonl o ;,fr dtIý Gerkie, Mn. and Mu-s. Stan La-. Vice, Darla SL cirk, Patysrc veli Mr. andi Mrs. Steve Wo)t-'- sim ului ~ ~Rotary Anne Kassinger, ail of 5I1I KIIfïfJ~~~ Oshawa. Enniskille.DUE EPUI~ Manager Lombank Branch Marks Silver A-,nriiv. m IIIUUItpu Dring ail your personal credit needs LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED Bowmanville Brancb: Oshawa Branch: - mm - q ffl ma m. lAMES BEI IAMES McCAN SUA r. -I - Il (HILDS' LA 37 KING ST. WV. COMPLETE STOCK OF' SUMMER DRESSES TO 4(00DISCOUNI SWEATERS CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS 30 , OISCUN FOUNDATION GARMENTS 20Výo OFF MANY MORE BARGAIN BETHANY Ont., St. David's. Toronto, and, IThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, JuIy 15, 1964 this past week at Regent Park' ELIZAnLIJIVILLE Un:,ed Church in Toronto.I is'ors th'ts past week at; Church services were held the Murray Malcolms includ-'at Garden Hill. We had aur ed MIrs. Jack Parker Mrs. Tom: new "summer fil] in" speak-'D Parker and Mrs. Joe Wakerý er with us. rIrlington C ouncil of' Michigan, US.A, On Tuesday aternoon theý Accounts amounting ta $13,- apprve a two roomn additioi 'Nr an _Mrs. W lbert Mal- ý,U.C.W. met at Mrs. Wheeler's !i357.73 were passed for pay-j to Millbrook High School at s cd alled lasi Sundav On'home About 15 attended.'ment on a motion by Deputy-icast estimated by the Depart. LuiuYs brother and family, the Mrs. White conducted theRev .C ur eaddb ment of Education ta be $42,. pHqr:x Ph o f Stirling. Har-1 meeting and we toak up the ýCouncillor Richard Gibbs at50,b trsovdta h 'v ha ust recently been re-' next chapter in The Wordithe meeting of Darlington'Durham County District ig1l, . dfroni Belleville haspi-! an'd The Way. The minutes Township Council held in the Schooi Board be granted per. %vrer li ladbeen hos-1were read and appraved. ItjTownship Hall, Hampton, an mission ta engage architects r1îtiIzed with a heart candi- a_ ecddt hv urueThursday afternoon. July 2. draw plans and advertise foi te.rhih aspotpne, 1 Council decîded ta renewA.enders for this project." redsand acquaintancesý the Fali as a thank-afferingthe tawnship's insurance co. Councillor Down. secondea of Mlr Jimn Grahami near and see if Mrs. Kennedy couldierage with the Frank Cawan by Cauncillor Budai moved L' %v'a ere shocked to hear corne then with lildes of the rAgency as previausly in farcethat "Whereas the cast of thé of hi.s sudden demise, It was:Holy Land The fowl spe ith the follawing changes: 1. addition ta the Millbrook High CILI oÀŽas1ure to serve, as el- wa' discussed and we wiîi verage on 1944 fire truck bej Schoi wil be about $42,500, Owv dircetar wrîth Jimn during hav, it in Oct. We have beenldeîeted. 2. Libel and slander'the Carporation of Darlington Mýpart of 'lis seven-Year term' asked if we wauid like tOýbe cavered. Spray liability belresolves that the Durhamt M il Pre.zidfent of Lindsay Dis- serve meals at the pioughinglincreased ta $30,000. This was!Countv District High School tric:, Co-O P We were aiwavsmatch at Peterborough, We ail moved by Councillor Mary Board. be permitted ta pay for imnressedi with is sinceriy,'are ta ask Mrs. McAiister if Budai, seconded by Deput- this Out of current funds in de ?rtatio rr t a dutv, m odestv h o ld g a t e e d r 1 e v u r order t a save the cost of de- ali'1 -lin huines ailiy lLeý oure a BelevlleCunillr Iudai, seconded bentures. To be put into cf. wl! e rlx missed nat nlv, Trev will be unale a * Councillor Carl Down, ted Ibhis reslution must be b0 W; am but in the mnanY Lunch was served and helov that the Minister of approved by the majrity Ai rairzat ions of church and, ladies looked a athle s icipal Affairs be petition- the municipalities in the area. eotimmuný\,v n wbcb he took w Medding gifts. atlenedo ut~hrity ta accept cash. The Department of Education an active part Deepest svm- Mrs. Waters. Mrs. lin lieu of five per cent fhas agreed te pay its share P,'ý1V ou to hs beèav-McMil- lands as a candition ta the the year followixxg completion." ed fa'~r. oitabiveravlan and Mrs. Knax took inifinal appreval of the Pollard This .vas carried. cr fmivthe trip ta the Thousand Is-IStib-division. This was car- Deputy -Reevt- Muir mcllv- The -FI( *vd Stinson., wereilns reuer'rr v itr a' the h am ' a d ried. Od that tht Ontario Depart- th Ra Fi eIl] famîilv al Wood- Mr. and MIrs. R. Trew and On a motion by the Deputv- ment of Highways be request- ville and were sbcked ta Robet took Mrs. Walters andReeve, seconded by Councilloried te consider revising sign 1er!r of bu- bein g- dra.gged ta, M s Sm t c u c'ah - u a, h o1s i Clerk , regulations to perm it serv ie d(:j1 Imm his tactor thisý lob hen Rev. Gay spoke.Walter' Runde. was asked la centres nt located on high. u'uu -.\Ir BeIl had pllrCias- Rev. (a and Mrs. Gay ;.wre request the H-ealth Authorîtty r'1V i'Opit\t ta arrange foe -1 o t i is sw ne breed- olidaying ai her pa*renits', far aan opinion as ta which direction 'irigs lcated o, or hr erd rtram Floyd M n r. R i f Stark-ýlOts i the Pollard Sub-divis- neut t rgl of way. \".Hank Boon speni the ville ion need fil] before final ap-a ýý-jh he dawhte Cor 1. hiswas aso carried. w .' : ' vit b e d a g h t r C r- M r. an d M rs. H a ro ld D o w m o v c d W e S e ri( ure ai M alconia and Clara. Guelph, spent tlt hat By-e l aw No. 227. (te t Tht' hayrrg seasani n this weekend witb Mr. and Mrs.ý haksat LwN .Pe27as(the e S h tommuitv s prtiy wll HQuanrillamended in accordance witb M CorYtplt'ted \vitb D\'ields show- Mr Vernon Peacock haslthe suggestions for a few min-,S rr' teîdiserf, ancie.r for no!been timring Ch rs t m a Sor changes contained in a let-M s nairulrreso. Here au trees al week. erfo thMiseroMu-' Beuwe buy the best! Mouoia we weeblessed Mr. and Mns. Savory andicipal Affairs dated June 24th. YS. it s one Out of Io. xv:tl the besi crap yet, for Betty Jean. Starkviiie, andiThis was secanded by Council- 50 or 100 or more but wb'hiCwn' a re dulv grateful. ,frien'd, Bowmanville. withfIor Budai, and carried. we a11vays txnd the Mr Gaviri Gardon welcom-ý Mrs. Srnith and Mrs. Walter's Councillor Down, secunded!' scarce fine cars to meet od tour oft bis friends of Ham- on Sunday by Councilior Budai, movedý our high standards of l)t for a brief visit on Siun- Several attencied the base-ithlat the Township Clerk andý Automiobile Selling. Buy 'la. bal dance at Kendal Satur-UCuncillor Gibb omoe(n rom certified expert% ai Tht Krr fmilv reurian ay eenin. forward a letter ta the Cen-~ wr.held ai the jovelY sum- Mr. and Mrs. William Cookitral Lake Ontario Conserva-'!R mer orne Of Miss Winnie ireurnied r m their honey- tio u h r t e a d n h Kt'rr an q.r Buck Caoell linoan an Wednesday in time pasibility of improving Hamp-1 i enIor Ytlvorton, witb aroundà ta attend the funerai of Mn.,ton Mill Pond as a Conserva-ý Car Maticet GOI wieseni Mrs. Gea PagemCeok's grandmother. tion project. (MarY Kerr), the iast of thee On Tuesday Mrs. Bill Tre-' The following resolution was 194 and 196 Church St., Or'i"iil Kerr family, wasi benchy. Port Hope, with hierlpresented by Councillor Down Bowmanville. Ont. 'lit -) r),, those present. Guestsý mother. Mrs. C. Mercer, andiand Deputy - Reeve Muin, andý and vePresent fram Osbawa,' she attended the U.C.W.Iwas passed. "Whereas this' aei! i a Tolr,rirto an d Peterborough, as m meeting. Mrs. Greta McMil- 1council of the Corporation of'i i' as local communities. Ian, Port Hope, attended toa. Darlington bas been asked ta1 r I Mr. nd Ms. hestr Te- O0 July lst, 1939, Miss Re"a Mu-. and fMrs.CesoerTro- M. McGill and Mr Fred J. miniandfamiy o TerntaBiliett were tînitu.d un mn-r weu-e guests with Mr. and Mu-s. niage in the chapel ef Tîarotby Vincenît Jacksonn for the week- Eatan Memorial Churcb. Torn end. enta. Rex'. Stanley- Oshorne rot- Miss Winnfred Nesbuti us ficiateci at the ceremons . and In dn hldasinOil 'Miss Margaret IH. Dalton and 'wit MrandMrs R.Doa, ýMn. Orvilie C. Ashton attendt- Mrs.InaGribleLambth ed the bride anud groom :hasbee th gust f MsýýAs 25 ycars hax'u pausu'd on rof jLanura Morton andi Thoma.sisince that happy e%,ent. il 'wvms Mro.decided hy the irnictiate Roy Janvus, Anîdy Watson, familleb of Mn. anti Mrs Fred LOANS and Fred Gray are on bell- J- Billett that thex' '.ould plan day, mteuingta "at houe", for, tbrilvsi'.er days moorin toNovaScoiawedding annivc-rsany Mns. Harry Hannah is vusit- wThepai-tv '.'.as tbu h ii ti] LL. Mtanagter ung xith Mu-. and Mu-s. Ernest ed and -; ofiutMnr nrd Conneil la Niagara Fails. Mu-s Billeti piovric d prett< SH. MNaaaaet Miss Judy DeGeen. Tenante, 'corsages and boutonnier's. was home ton the weekend These xveue pnusuteti bY Dorrg, with ber parents. Mi-. antiMu-s. 'te their parents, grndnmotiiur, Hugb DeGeer. aunts anduicncles. brul att _____________________________________________________tendanîts andtiothers x 1 '. une assisting- The panty tva- riiinthlie S.S. nocu ot Ennrskiilu'n t if- ed Cburch, wbich lrn.Billet* attendeti bath a,, a prtpil rtnd AERSS.teauuTherin tj ens. Tbe tea table was centrer! -wrth a lovcly thu-cu - . r' t 't.ti ding cake (a prodcc frime b- !stiks, legat sivertua seu-v-c ices anti dainty lea L'ops Sil- o ver baskets of' beautifLil suru- ,mer flKweR 'mer a fes1ivé- ai: W E A 100gues'ts were ce 't BOW ANV!L Billont. buothers of the bn:iiu- ______________________________ anti groom of 25 y eau-s, asFist- cd by' the Billoîts' txvo bond- ONE RA K OF some sons, Doug aci Jin). Two nepws an w rn-eh guest book, Mastex s Jeu-et REG O ~anti Stephea Billett. Daim- andth SALEI IE * 0Peurnng tua t: ne u- o'1c Sy'kes, Mu-s. Frank _MuIilI SIrs Slemon. Miss Mary, Jean 1311- Iel, 1Mrs. K. MeGill antiMu-s. 2 0 ,?o O F JIKînsmîri. ,'ilr-r- nu teus, A serveti the guests ati the tablesr ALL SUMMER wbicb wveue adunîruti v. 11h tint' vases of rases anti arrangedti a seat four people at eacb. SLIM SA ntrsin etueo led party' .as Ituat the tmr':i , it ý wedtiing day nI.rori rp.u- ll ,-1 HATS ~in attendance, Dr. Stanley Cs- C borne wvbo perfau-ned thte maa- CLEARING AT niage ceuemeny anti Mr' Os- R( bonne, Mn. ant i Mn.C)(rC. N Ashton. the attendrunt- Bosities niant local ttam 1/2 PRICE 'eigtfulpathe, - maniy'from Oshawa, Ptirb r S AT CLEARANCE PRICES ougb, Tarante. MiiHbrr'-k. fi .- i l e. Hzqrtîr. 'nud the BiIletts frum Scauborough. tirs E C' A 'tn, tre niy SUI', "r' ,ie tm n ro 1 il 11w '. i!! w LI c v r' r %i. o ( l :.b M cic n11 'i .t, h u of~'r h t i r j islt.t' (11, i' ;! t , u pr î', U ~ 1 (.C îi i1' rm't 1 À I-' i !,t :r.. tn du. < n t2f rt' lav~' n IGA - CANADA PACKERS SALE! MAPLELEAFHAMSPear I½.lb.$13 MARE LAF HAMShaped tin$13 Mapie Leaf Cello Wrapped 1-1b. pkg. WIENERS 45C Maple Leaf Pure Pork Skfnless 1-lb. YOURK BULOGNA ,ave 17ns 69c HuEINZ KAM LUNCHEON MEAT Save lO -i. 39c Tomaito Juice 33c IGA Fancy Tid Bits or Chunk', 20-oz. tins KLIKLUNCEON EATSave 1<12oL 43cl GA PINEAPPLE 2for69c 1-b.«E _ ASONS lO-oz, tins B-OMESTI( SHORTENING 3c off pkg35Jc Canned Drinks 12for89C MAPLE LEAF LARD YHUM DOG FOOD 2eo ealU Sav95c21-b ain 8-oz. pkg. 2 g. 3c(HATEAU CHEESE 33c 1 O15-oz. 99CllGA otinlq 7P INEAPPLE JUICE kg-o. 37 î SWEET & JUJCY VALENCIA'SI .lSUNKIST Oranges3 A L)eicious Dessert G ranny Smith APPLESeaing pp?6 for 39c doz. size 163'8 0100 Jumbo Produce cf U.S.A. olte 3619 Produce ai U.S.A. GRAPES lb. 29c PEACHES qt. box 49c We reserve the right to limit quantities. Car,. No 1 Grade FROZEN Sara Lee Cakes Frozen .5 Varieties Apple 'N pe Choc. SwîrI Banana (liocolate Ea. Orange 69 Produce of U.S.A. Cari. No i Grade Receive an extra $6. tape ýEXTRA Peanut Butter ii o o A Total of CHUE Ise ofana DETERGENT .2 ~ A A A MILY Yelow. plk, aqrue $'I.~FiF SCOTT TISSUE folle $34eOOCOLGATE 34c specda Bowmanvi*le G - BROWMANVILLE- Pink or White - Facial CAMAY SOAP Pink or White Bath Regular Oatmeai DAD'S COOKIES Wild Biueberry - Lattice top HOSPITALITY PIE Fresh Orange Date DEMPSTER TEA BREAD Premnium Bread DEMPSTER Prices effective JuIy 15, 16, 17 and lSth. 20-0z. tins 2 for 33c reg. sise 4 for 49c bath sise 2 fo. 35c 33c Bave lOc ea. 49c ea. 35c Receive an extra $2. tape R.dpath SugarULA Ib " PHILADELPHIA Kraft Cream Cheese YOEI Turkey. chicken, heef FROZEN PIES 2 Can. No. 1 Grade Produceof ai .A CARROTS eobr In Bonus Tapes TOOTH PASTE Cookd Ham TaM.m~. pkg. a I 4 2c off deal CHUM DOG FOOD Foodlïner