Ekerona Ontario Hydro cSoci*1czl&usoal&_ Phone 623-3303 Adam S. Smith Retires After Miss WnyAyre is spend-, Station (near Kapuskasiiig. 40 Y s e vc Ing tvo v;weeks with Mir. and1Ont.) have returned Servic Mrs. Donald FouldcL Owen la fter ho]idaying at Little F&ound. Hawk Lake and with Mrs Oýt of thé besi knovvex Mr. Rnd :MiS. J. K. f_ -ra'1Oli ver's parents, Mr and Mr« ecul'iv ez ij Oitalrio Hlydro, <)f Markhani rewec-kend ,rncis Wilhjaiii and IisFUAda ni Wýyndhlarr1 S ipo ests of Mr. and Mrs. T nR. ShileY Williams. Prince 1st. 'Smith, th-~ Spritig isUX ~Vidernan, Duke Streel, Mi-. and Mrs. J. -Newmarn., ing *S 4f)tý nlh i erFalr wtith Miss Catherine Land and Sl!ver Sireet. have returned the Commissor1. Miss Cindy Lou A.y.re are homne after spending a week',ç Four decades of aARuable spndngte dYs at Campý hol ,ida., wilh their daughter, servce to Ontario Hydro as an Quin-Mo-Lac, Madoc, Ont. Mrîd.~. -~ , i and Mrs.1engineer, and the past decade J. La%,. nger and iaiiY Lon-'in the important position of NMrs. Pearl Richardýun. Tue- don, 0n'. They also apnt Regional Manager, is an out-, son, Arizona, spent a feW davs ,~~wt,- rohrduhe'~ar visiting her cousin. MrerFstaKding record that few per- anid 'oi--n-law,Mran Mrs.ýsons in the Commission have, Bquair, arnd other area rela- Ge rald Beyrion and fa vnily,! attained tives. I. Pair Sound. Mr. Smith is highl.y regard- The Cook-Jordai, fa.. , MsS, R Jamnes, ed bY the erîtire staff of Cen-ý theniCrma eam onBare'. ak aý ia'etUi ned from an enjov- tra] Region, He is greatly Bd- the Cream of P a!kiblî !,,,o-week holiday. One'nîired and respected throulgh. when aboiu' -0 fam"i nem- week -was spEnt at thelir cet-' out the entire Commission for, bers attencied. tage, Goodeiharn, Ont., andihis charming, courteous man- Mr. aria Mrs. V (;,Srider1 thc ot1ier attending the Lions -ner. for bis genuine interestý an:d son Brock, Bo.'nS treet,, C0rîvenjtion i Toronto. Thîs an(i regard for bis colleaguesý atted the A%-deiso;.-Adai-v eekt Mrs. James is attending 1anld alSO for- ail who are as- M- i .ing ilu ancrof:.. On,'.. ' ne United Churchl Womieilsociated with hinm in the Sthe weekend. n-eetjing being held at Alet ein Adam Smith is a man Mr. and Mrs, Ai. C. Harx ,.,College, Belleville, Ont. mlho bas nany friends and who and familv, Quesniel, B.C,. arc- Misses Shirley Williamns andi, inversally well iiked, visiting Mis. Harvev's pâr-iCarol _Massie retrîrneci last, Joined Ilydro In 1924 ents, M-. and Mrs. Ml A 'SatuudaY aiter a two-week va.-i In May, 1924, lie joined the Sleen. Libertv Si. North catiorn at Nassau, Bahiamab.j Ontario Hydro stIaff and took' The iînu"e ùi: . They travelled by air and en-i the two-year Junior Eiigiteer-s' Aduli. Section of the Bow- _route speni a couple off days'Apetc oreTi a manville Public Librarv hasat ;'I Yor'k Woid's Fair. On an interesting period, packed now reached 1300. Danýiel E their return trip they travelled full of varîety and downright 1 Nowian is number 1300.y steanîship to New York1bard work, butt giving him i Mrs. Mary Carnn aid M and theni by 'plane to Toronto1 wide experience. As a Junior and Mrs. W. J. Canri visr .tedllteriîational Airport. . Engineer, lie learnied about Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Annis a:, Not niany* vnersonials werel station operation under some-ý their cottage on Georgian Ba phioried inioio this colýrnn what primitive conditions, andi for fe das lst eek Grress everyone was ton limp als bu labouring and the! Messrs. Harold Mutton, BobI froir the ho,, humid weather arduous tasks of a linemani Osbone.Town an Ricar&to bother, We w.ould appre- during one off the busiesi. con- MeLean, Courtice, sailed iast¶) dat e hearing froni you, aý weistruc'tion perio<1' lu buildingi Frida fromMonteal fr aar, short staffed because of [rural brnes iii Western Onitario.! Fridy fom oiîrea fo a olidays, and do not hav e as His first position with Hydro thre-mnthtor of Erop. idci tinrje to chieck by phon- was that off nperating the first Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hi. Os î ng. We hope it cools off by plant the Commission buiît. borne, Brown Streeu,. havei thre wefekend and then, may- This was at Wasdeil's Falls' returned home after art en-1 ie, we will1 hear from niany near WashRgra in the Georgiani joyable two-week h-olidlay a ç\<jBav. area, and this generatingi Williams' Point, Lake Scugog., à .1;s,. Irene Woods of 13ej-~ stationu "as designed by Otto Congratulations f0 Mr. Da-: fast, lreiand, spent a fevHoldefl, formneriy Il y d r o's vid Higgoni Jr., ho lias suic-i!da,' s last iveek witii hes ncle' Chief Engineer. il, was a one-, <essfuly completed firsf-year a.-d aint, Mr. and Mis. Jack man station andi the operators Busiynes.s Administration at' Maguire. Brown Street. A shared the saine bed, one man R1.o,,oktrrrci :s teachier. Miss Woods is on a hopping into it ns the otheri tute. Toronto. five-week tour of Canada and lefi, for wonk. Frouîr there, lie \laster Brock Siicueý s the United States, Travellingl went to the neanby South gueîiding In n week.< vacationi hx bus, she xiii go to itlie 1 aals plant as an operetor and i;:i lhis graudIparerr: , M\V %est coast off Canada, tinenithefi to the Trent River near fid MI'$.IL. M. Snide1. ýtdownvr to California and acrosý Camnpbellford Io a smell sta- 1 .Amadle Lake an d h-ie hie United Statès to lWasl-ig-ition on Dam 8 foi a short time., Thousand Islands '013. DC, hefore In the winter of 1924-25, Mr. i Sm'u.îîg ivas transfecred Ib Mc. and Mis. Chesie. Naar vh1 h ore o crawford of Dru. le . - iaaawhn ewokdo were eeked gueîs ~the installation off the No. 6 were wekend gests a thpenerating unit, in whatil o former's brother'. Mr. E. W.)LI.tIJJJI'<Sic Adaru Becli No. 1 t Sation Crawford and «Mrý, Crawford The ruexi. spning. lie n s rans- Concession Street. Church service Sunda, atlerned ta liîe London Rural Mr. and IMrs. Fied T:pPi.x 1:30 p.mn. No churcli seruicei Area, his home own, where he lhave returned from a plea.santi wili be heid in August, Rev. eXpeiienced ail phases off rural holiday runotor toi: of Eawtel-ilDuigan wî1i be on hoidla,,s * work. O0ritarin and flic United Sitres.' The communir ' voicnic ý il Tîral tafl, Adarm Sm-ith u'e-, fnciuding Lake Placerd and he lîeld crýi trire hupclr ia'vn turued to head office, whereý tic White iVouiîairîs i atu'dy riut s, he worked iithe ilydraulieý M rWe'eY Dav ,. ufjDe- Vacation Bible Schoo; jIjjll~d Electriral Engineering troMcl. 1irig lib held in Tynone Sunday 1Deparl ment bin drafting, calcu:. gisters. MrEs W ýA Ecger ' l (ii cr.Ûal rooni strting 'lconday, lattons ;and, udesign v:-ork. Tri Mrsz. W, J, 13 ige' . îI d dr-I Augîrst lth, and runs rînjtil 11926, lie finished the Apprerit-. lu, lis ,%il, It4r<) 'ih Ie aFca ,ALlgUý- I 4h. ice Course arid %vas sent to guest i Mrs.Fdgr'Mr Wa'tîe 3Backhurn, Nap-,Baîfr as Soperintendent ar1ec, ýpeît lie weekcnd ata oper()Pen be inewiBrantford liN îad vrs R % fie. e, pRural Area Thins was ;u the J. indsor , Su.adbury. spJ» V1 and Min T Snrî7,,Idays wlîen Rural Operating1 J.e Duoele Suh nx. !eî;Sfoufiville, xere Sundey stp MAIeas wene in their infancyl Mus.R. . Suair Cetre per guests of Mn. and Mrs. D. 1and 'for the iîext decade some! Streý. Ms, eore ý aineo.off the great expansion was, oftre ýt %as GeoA eek-ai Caniroiî.experienced. in rural line con- I end ue:ileissedrgavek ith' struction in Western Ontario. Miss Ly-,nne Read, It was difficuit work in those \fr NC Vll'. ,05 *'Mr. and 'Mca 'J'i Madure days because the Rural Super- teîîded heerduation exer-: and baby, Torono,. Mr ,1dd itefldent flot only supervised' c:ses for' Certified NocLsirngý' c. EBi Ashton and faniîsyith une construction, but also1 Assistants recently b1elc et St. Beile,ýiile. spent the weekendiworked six days a week andý UanlsIiited Chu-ci Avenu..e, with iMr. and Mrs. Fred Ash.Ilong lîouns selling the farmens, Road. Toronrto, 'vhen lier, tou at ilhelu cottage - on the importance of farmý gcanddiaughiter, Mis-q Carl Nuan Ms JhnRos,, nd'electrification, Vellowlees, o'etne of tlie 40 famîily Toronîto, spent Surrdayý Region Manager In 1954 1 d'te ; ;h M'andt Mis. Ber' Ash- MÎ i Snith's progress b more iss Patîie a Mai:. r er.itonandfanii their rot- responsible positions in On- borogli eIer augher ! M.' agetario Hydro bas been steadily: sild Mrs. James Marr, Towin, Thc Fred Ashtnn famllnY,'forward since that tinie. :He' leaves by jet Wednesdav ev-I the Bert Ashton famlly and was Municipal Engineer iný ening (tonight) for a tliree- tlîe John Ross family ted Head Office from 1929 to 1946, week conducted 1tour of ilhie d trie B.-adle' piri' held etthen was named Divisiorial British ses. While ini Se(c:-, Oi'no onr Sunday, Engineer in the folliwing year. !and Miss MIair plans to xisit Mcs. Lioniel Tilley spentt he With the fornmatiorn off the several uncles a.:îd aunts. 1weekend with lien' sster. Mis. Regions in 194i, Mr. Smith: %lic and \li. Har'rv Taviori Salmon, Toroiiîfo. was appointed Consumrer Serv- anid sou.s !Alen nd tlàMaýrrk .Mn. ald Mrs. J. R. Or11nIS-lice Engineer, Western Region, jfor union service%,. with tiie rarrk on lieutenant, ________________________________later joiiîiiig thie '-8th High- landers ou Canada Sr:bse- quently, he hecamre a Captain Sand à, Cùimparny Commnder. REH BOLJCH ISTIîANîlie is arr irden' garier RtIlUb IM ~ ~ andi duririg1 the latter part ai W\orljd War Tix o orgarîi7ed and EF)R% ED C UR Hwas Chaiiýirnîarrof teOnai REF RM D HU CHHydra Gitr'(arcn Carri- spaigi lie lias mamiy obbies, Scugog Street. Bowinanville suclu aQ .rig golf. sailirng, Sfisiuýnîgsd l)l,0tograph. . Mr. Sniith ,is a tieirier if tic .E,- Rex ,Jutm C. Verbî'uggt, B.A.. B.D. Minister gneering Instittute ou Canada, ýTle Toranto Hui-t Club, The Telephone 623-5023 Toronto Cricket Club, Skating Sand Cur-liingCi, The Can- ýýadian Club, The lectrie Club WORSHIP ERoffEToronto, The Association of' WORSHP SERICESProfessionai Engineens of 0O1- 49:00 &.m. - Dutch fanao, The Muskolca Lakes Golf 4 11:0 a.m - Enîî§!a.nd Counîtry Club andi The 11:00a.m.- Engish London Club. He inm married 7:30 p.rm - English §and the Smith have à darugil- ter. Proclaiiring the WVhoI. Counsel of (,odGMpategeeiCae ideai working conditions nt th-e elants in Oshawa by miain- itaining the air tempenature at 'Back To God Hour" Broadcasi 6570 deovigreest est 3 feet' Pei m-nu:elcarge air CKLR Oý,ha%%a - StundaY. July 26th. nt 9:15 F.M. ~duic*.t inoui'îtcd 1*1'-e vei1ni deliver the cousâtaniN 1-chang- jing air at a height of 10heet., Espirets fast pain relief for children Mothers wei r ,r £,,rt ht ti., anti pain tai et It , rornul't ref fraom minai aches and raîns. smpk f fver and certain cold dno Rot.ech orange fq2 vored Espiret tablet çrovides i1 4îgraîns of AS.A., ju,. tt' .'acety1mete-y*,., acid ta en aduitlt pItie'Aýuîes prtcise ds~age for ,'hildret R" 'untr nded b3 ,t'xror, 45Ç Baby's Own Gora» soothes sore guins 0 Stops teothing painU a Rub directly on gums 9 Works on contact 98~± NO!FALSE ET FIT BEAUTIFULLY1 Cushion GrIp" 98C P C 2.25 tpdf 39c 75c any one item Until Sat ur day, JuIy 25 ASPIRIN BRYLCREEM LISTERINE TRIG Mens DEODORANT MILK of MAGNESIA SUAVE SHAMPOO IBAND-AID Plastic Strips PALMOLIVE Rapid SIiave LADY PATRICIA Hair Spray FLORIENT AIR DEODORIZER NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM-> J.&J. BABY POWDER CHLOR -TRIPOLON Ta blets, AVIATION SUNGLASSES HOSPITAL COTTON EX-LAX "OFF" INSECT REPELLENT PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE. c . - 00's sugg. list 99C King Size, sugg. list 98e 14-oz. sugg. list 98c 1-01., sugg. Iist 89C .A. Brand 32-oz., sugg, list 89c 12-oz., sugg. Iist 99c sugg. Iist 89C sugg. Iist 89C sugg. list 99C sugg. list 89C 4-oz. jar, sugg. Iist 93c sugg. Iist 98C 4mgm., sugg. Iist 1.00 SPECIAL 1-l.b. roll SPECIAL family sîze, sugg. list 87c 1'2-OZ. sUgg. liSt 89C Super Siz. 1.09 value What? Broken T..th? Fix your own broken dentures nt home with PMMoney Back Gunrantee MMURMIA198 Cbildren's Own Tablets soothe upset tummy gentie laxative, to. Ctancin.e. oui tummy. bâd breatb ed coated tonglif ot constipation art quichly i twh Children*.%Ow6n Tablete. Taker at bedtirne. thev freshen upiet turnzu - work Rently in thte nn. (iocr taming. No Ilirah drugoa. muetm Childrens Own Tabkets for your rebiad FIRST AIl At the COttR in your locker, a 4-oz. bottle Gumns sore? Mouth irritatied? LANOLIN LIFE JULY SPECIALS. Tongue coated? *Hair Spray ' Glycerine and Rosewater Cream USE * Suntan Cream Dry Skim Cleansing Cream VYOUR J once a day on a toothbrush * Shampoo with Egg Roll-On Deodorant CHOICE2 9 R W 13 i¾.oz. 1.00 4-oz. 'l.50 SLS J ABY POWDER *New ail vegetable baby powder. No min- erals of any kind. Soft, tight and soothing69 for tender skins. 9-oz. 9 l.ll.A. Brand £TYLE #2170 8TYLE #2182 FLOWER CLUSTER DÂISIES HEALTH RETAIL: $1,08 RETAIL: $398SA LTrS O L 1 potund tin 79c Millinery for Mermaids WA rn I DASORB 4-oz. 8-oz. 7.5c 1.25 I.t>.A. Brand i&o f4 CALAMINE LOTION s'VX'JE 42171, STYLE #2185 W REAIi PINEAPPLE 0c5 c 14 JWT'AlL: $2.98ILFTAII LOO »~ ~~u~SUDDEN CHANGE um sFn by Lanolin Plus hnYiePeoe o 'l'le pet fL( ied t 'i rikie-siltootiîg lotion tliat SKI« IRRITAION acts in minutes, lasts for hours. By simple dyna- IN-'~.~cSmECtîcSIESean N oitI ( (ont 'i<tlioililties ithe sk ri.smool hes (out dli' tuikisand the putIs under eves, pleasantly scend a £ fib. Ofl §omcx.-l f ct t»I tjliving youî tcontours Jooking beau- ~ rý iift illy detined hIlôcls tnoticeablly, 's 1 bl\ ait(] s quîck1h , ou will see <PAids tanning Helpz prevent *un- SIH a rffl i ee! iesults mnuu1t aller you burning elakes îtch out of bites, app~l l. Sidd n tChange i15acI on- burns, 5kminrritations *Invisible.e cenIratdi. pul ifîed, natural PI otein, Will flot rub off on clothes s Cool. Now ... ta ke Eno a' clear. Invisible, liquid cosinetic ou e ng, water resistant a Safe for single dose packs 10 jthal can be uised as ofteni as you hlrn wherever you go. URFDI PRESCRIPTIONS I.DA.REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS KING STREET WEST 623-5792 , Canadian Stittesmnan, Bowmnrvile, July 22, 1984 -7 ONLY ID ige, Rt home 1.501 PHONE I ýThe Espi.rets .