2The Canadlan Stplesman, Bowmanville, Aug. 5, 1964 New Machinery at Bowmanville Foundry Scenes fromn Girls' Day Camp Late Tuesday afternoon this machine was part of they could use much more room for additional ma- the large shipment that arrived at Bowmanville Foun- chinery to handie the orders that have been comingý dry and will soon be in operation. Since their disas- back to themn. This business, for more than half a cen- trous f ire several ycars age, that completely destroyed tury, one of Bowmanville's steady employers has a:~ their plant, the Foundry has been steadily rebuilding fine reputation for its excellent products and skilled both machinery and orders until at the present time craf-tsmeni. Should Develop 'Check List' Habit foced Abbott at second. When1 ___ Bird took second on a wild pitch, Manager AI Osborne ordered Ted Dadson put on base. James got "Jiggs" Cowl- Red Cross Supervisor's scngF ue o the rundi singostounce te theimound seventh as Nicholson led off wth a single. Preston struck Wate Safet Add essNicholson te second. Stephen htaslow houncer te short, hut was out coi a close play at Given ut Rotary Meeting tbd Boating Fccdetsarecaus ada lastearand lepointd iiOtta%\a Methd )'a i oJoihn Bird, Xerrv and Nicoh- ed, they do net jLut happen, out Ithat 3,5 per cent were thce tîciai îesuitation wece also oisonl. Graydon N. Riepert. Super-, resit of boatingc accidents. discttssed bv the gnest speaki visor of, First Aid and Water lIn starting eut for a boat er. Mr. Riepcrt advised evc- Safetv for th(, Toronto Branch trip people should have the, one te leacu the easv an d cf the Canadian Red Cross,ý check list habit. They should, valuablc mouth te nouth sys P nn stated on Friday. Mc. Riepert make sure that the boat is tem, was the guesi. speaker at the! properl 'v eqrîîpped, and in Tw~o motion pic'tLlC.S 0on luncheon meeting of the B.-good xorig rer hegs otîgsafetnwr re~n nianvil le Rota cv Club held at tank fulîl, that appcoved i lfc bV the'g,, t peker. A vt the Flying Dntchman 'Motor îjackefs are rcadily available.ý of thank-s to Mr. Riepcrt was FO AEOE Motel. and that thicy have a hailingý moved hy Tom Rehder, and ing rip Ie be the hest yet. Jack %0m ~c itndcdbtîckct, anîd a paddlc. T'lei President. John Bain aIsoeCx-. Starting at 6:30 p.in. tiiere th-e zucest speaker, said that: latter is useful to move the, pressed his personal apprecia- wîll be a costume parade with Mr. Riencrt was heni in Mon-:hea', if origine troubie should, tien to the guest speaker. ,(ch cf the playgrounds com- treal, and Icarncd te sw1 ceop" M.Ripr The bîcthdays of Bill Thies- peting for top honours. Th.ý wheo ho v's scveni \ cs oni. plaincd bîce and Ken Heekin \veze parade rente is frein the ~~hile stfil1iln vourîg-tec Mr. Th(, gucst speakùr alýuî ce- celcbrated hv their reiloxv Lions Centre, down Divisio ieper ct-amer a mcmibec cf nmaikcd ont the nordin srnali, Rotacians. George White uwas Street, aloog King Street ao the Mntfccl Amnateur AVh-, boats eof kep-ing the centre ofet tc wnlîr (ef the Football tip Tcmperance Street te th, etir \>. ori-inin's J un i or' ttcavitv beiow tie water hn, cwCentre. S;wi trcam. Mc. Rcid qaid. pecople shoîîld sit down whcni Ouests picscîît af thec li- Each piavgrcuiid will be ce- During Wocld Wic Il Mr. thev get loto a boat and re-, cheo meeting wcce Iltibert sponsîble .1er a 1rOLuP ef events Riepect serveci in the Royal'main seated while il i5 InHooper, J. D. CccIriîev, Bob!such as: lieuse cf Hocrors, , Air Force Transport Ceci- motion. He reminded his lis-!Henacieci. George Ch,1arlton* Side Show, T es t Y aur niand, and when ho retumncd, teners that the safe position alc saa n lcvA tegb ersmns oý to Montreal after the war he1 for canoeing is kneeiing and'Tayýlor. Napanee. tune Teliing, Balleons, Fishl was a voitinteer instructor for' added that the thwarts are Pond, Shooting Gallery, Beani several cears cf swimming only to lean against. usig BnoK sni classes for blind chiidren. Hoe Cemmon sense and court esy -egh Guessing, igK R sokg aiso bc'came a Firs4 Aid tea-iare vitaliy important whe s b a i e Ride, Hit the Clown, and chr.Mc Rîdtcd heR-,boating, the guest speaker; ýPenny Toss. lve.ýTickets wîll lie sold for, sev. appointed First Aid and Wa-; ers to acquaint themseve a i ralukdrwpzsdoa! ter Safetv Superviser for thei with the Red Cross Waterý icd by local merchants. 'Taranto Branch of the Cana- Safety Rules, and te follow FO AEOE oto h otsadcn dian Red Cross9 several vears' themn implicitly se that they i~MPG N Is f h otsadcn ego. will be assured of boatingl whlrh of the semli-final r cessions will he made and run The importance er Waterl pleasure, instead of possiblel Possibly final games rîivt A b' the children under t e' Safety cannot ho stressed tee' tragedv. He aise told of aý lie, because tonight's and Icadership cf the playgroundý rnutch, Mr. Riepert stated. Hel beoklet*entitled Safety Afloat; Thursday's gamnes could alter .supervi sors. referred Io the fact that there1 that may be obtained from! the playoff situation. Be sure te mark your calen-. wvere 1,000 morwninzs in Cao-I the Dpartme-,nt f Transport i ollo1wing the gamne, the. lac fer August 12th ---- Bow-' niany booths and -arnes will manville's Annual Penny Fair' BUILDING -.- There is so much building of onke get underway and continue ýai the Liens Centre. +1 4-ý4 - A-CC -T ý until the hig d,.au, a .. - Kinct andi U dlii>Lin tciLiwfl mat it i15 autîcuit ta keep track of it ail. Several additions ta schools are underway, houses are being constructed on almost every availabie vacant lot, new apartment buildings are underway and the town officiais are busy studyîng new proposais from several sources for additionai heusing antd apartment facilitirs. This should be one cf the higgest years in the history of the town se far as building permits are concerned. 51% PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issucdi in amounts f rom $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. " earn the ahove indicated interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. " authorizcd investment~ for ail Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. 35 Dunlop St., Barrie 73 Mississaga E., Oriltia 372 bey St., Toronto place. Kinsnien have also ined up several new fea- tures te make the hooth% fven more enticing for the customers. Be on hand carly and stay late, and bring loads of sr. Citizens Enjoy Picnic !Genie; 12 vears and over- Darlene Corson. The annual concert starte at 9 p.m. with master of cert monies Fred Cle in charî and Geo. Young, pianist. The numbers included: Litt Beachers, Debbie C o r s oi Lynne Conaghan, Jo-Anne DiJ îing, Bill Dilling, Bonnie Fori *Aleen Flannigan. Elizabet Flannigan, Mary Lou Flanniga 'singing the Reîndeer Son, Tommy Conaghan, Michai FlanniganA take-off of Ai bott & Costello; Miss Truc * Young (of the television pr( gramme The Time of You Life) Dance Routine Modcî Jazz; Mrs. Irene Findlav. m Gary Cole-Duet. Barnac Bill the Sailor; Blaine Smnit. John Masters-Joe the Bar tender: The Lucky Sevet * Teen-age Girls, Caîrol Ann McLeish, Trudy Young, Sydne Rider, Darlene Corson, Chris tine Corson, Karen Cooper Ann Redman, singing. Locc 1motion, My Boy Friend's Back Some Day My Prince Wil Come: Skit, The Shooting c Dan McGrew-Teenage Boys The Beach Beatles-Doug Rid er. Scott Smith, Ricky Con aghan, Tommy Wright: Balle The Beach Fathers: ThE cTen Tones. This was th( highlight of the progranim with both od and young. Mr Barry Matthews of Oshawa i the leader of this lively groug and they had everyone tap- ping their tes and clapping their hands. The group con- sisted of Barry Matthews, sing- er; Ron Masters, drums: Ted Howe, guitar; Ed. Wrigh!, guitar. On Monda, 1:,3, therc was a horse shoe pitch witii winners being Paul Carmai and Geo. Glanville. 1In the afternoon there were races with resuts as folowýs: 5 years and under, prizes for a l. Girls 6 -7-Bonnie Ford, IPatty Richardsoo, Delores Fredricks. Boys 6 - 7-Wayne Cooper, Paul Bowen, Rièky Verbeek. Girls 8 - 9--Suýsatn Cooper, Debbie Graham, Sus- an Trider. Boys 8 -9-1Brn Flanzer, Tommy Connaghan, John Masters. Ladies' Spot Race-Mrs. Jack Parker. Girls 10 - 11 - Patricia Thertcl, Patty Graham, Kathy Cooper. Boys 10 - il1-Deug Rider. Ken Mitchell, Richard Staple. Men's Sack Race-David Park- er. Mixed Piggy-back, 14 years and under-Kathy Coop- er and Dave MLaughlin, 2nd Trudy Young and Randy Don- ahue. Ladies' Shoe-kick-Mrs. Geo. Young, Miss Sharon Ilut- chinson. Girls' Sack Race, 15 ys. and under-Karen Coop- er, Trudy Young. Men's Spot Race-Len Rider. Girls' Shoe Race, 12 yrs. and under- Mîeverly Young, Karen Trider. Boys' Piggy-back, 12 yrs, and under -Jimmy Brown and Richard Stapley; Peter Pingle' and Doug Parker. Mixed Couple Shoe Race, 16 yrs. and over-Sandra Fry and Bob, Lowe; Kathy Ford and David, Parker. Egg-throwing Con- test, single couples-Maureen Denton and Harvey Battrel. Boys' Sak Race, 15 yrs. and under-Steve Carlton, Paul Parker. Egg-throwing Con- test, married couples-Mr. and Mrs. Langford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Handscomhe. Girls' Swim- *ming Race, 14 ,,rs. and under' - Darlene Corson. Boys' Swimming Race. 14 yrs. and under -Dug Rider, Mark' Mitchell. Swimming Race, 20, yrs. and under-Mervin Fred-ý ricks, Leon Carr; st girl to:, :finish, Sharon Hutchinson. moiny W UfIth Yu and some 1,11fSenior Cii ens cfame helpers to carry home the ofviiehldthi oaîna ~vonerfl prze~picole on Wednesdav after-i noon, Jîîly 29th, at the home! w cf Dr. and Mrs. J1. E. Hendry, K en sKing St. East. Weather con-ý K en'vsditions wece sunny and fine' all vho attendedi immeosely enjoved the event. Edge On arrivai, rine badges FOM PAGE ONF xvere pcesented te meeinhers bx' mitd fu ingle, aii Mrs J. Morgan. Gaines foi- pai an isue on fee alewed inimediatelv. . andi p d 00 fie p~ Mr. M Ccîiî li d h. J., utaf tesariit, t g ()[ilgsiv \\ ee ini charge of the lir-s thre frii t si\ Iiii thtga Ites wîtih pîizes beirtg woli anîe ro luîogbv- IVrs .N.- Cotlacutt, Mis. ý.ý Fulsp t etîd ' w udrat Vr.R. G ilber-t,ý p .d lte igîght-M rs. Il.flirdx. Mrs. E. Tabb, hînesPit(iitg motion but Mrs. E. Blac-k and Mrs. W. after lettiîîg it bother hlm for'Mcoad a couple cf pitches, John':Mcoad qubck]y rcn.ssned bis forîn. At 5:3o hic, riîrmlbcs sRt Abbott clairmed the first bitdwnteadlrusupe.,i"o Of the Zamne in the folirth, but allrrwbvich mainy gaines et 'lOf(îî, 'i tll n îba trîhes werp On [i vîp atVt,~ lzb Was weied eut cin the front end bingo %vwe rlaved with orizes' h il>adoibaI 'u cf a weird djouble pla, as for thp wrnriers. toc numereus VEtgt i t rrealioni Dept. day camnp on Pec-v rrrrfari, iioth of -James snared Brds bunt aI- ho mention. Bownativîllv. Th t:eIrrr photo3 show seme of tliewarriors liped up in t [ol - trol gom tempt Just as il was abouýt te Mi. Ni. Creok I--xprcssed lis cil rinQ, Watt îng t0 Challenge opponents in Indian icg aeîl n d od her tra-ws bit the ground, threw ldjy 'appreciation te Dr. anîd Mrs. dto' otssAlrecov o a-nsadîtrsc pttators attendeddont to fîrsl and the hall passed, Heodry for the usecof their tedes' from twc more players back' spacieus grounds, and al he annual event. "lie camp was in charge cf Recreation Dit-ectri- Buri Fanning 1e the pîtc-her and on to first. members for their assistance. and his staff', Randv Dce]ol, Jean White and Ginny Osmontd. Top phoi ,frrnyoeuthe Mver awie. Ablott nd Br hoswr xrsed aIse' left te 1-h011, JPari MeBehvrts, Ist.runner up camper: Stacev ý,'StUttî, nî e-stro wer rarngareodthe hase to TrioitN' Cbiirch. fer the ise u camnper; Cath% paths, net knowîng if il had cf pitchers, pots and gamerntk, ui 'aoSsnSr and Sharoii Bicklc ..idudle Sun Cor bec caghtortrapcd Kmg~ Tai fr tanporatinPhoto - (brsttr tnt, Diante Bîckle, Nanicy Peters and JucP r Pssmorc. LO11 thatl Stephen's tbreatened ini the and Royal Caoadian Legron,-photu - 0 ou [()aIi-, Best camper, .Janet Large, Jovce W'iv and 11elen 11ar\-evta u fifîh on Bill Nicholsons waik for tables and chairs.1-__ --_.1 odr and an îîîteoîîonaî walk Io A special tbanks was tend- becameic, a werxith nianiv servire hl*v Rev. Kenned y ai e c your-skir pinch itter Ray Preston, after ered 1teItle Recreation Dicec- sterlinîg qtialities: ,( 'î Iti)i Genaen. emrilGardenis. W BteEi shortstop John Twist dropped tc r ann.frbskn afw c:vmic- oet. Palibearers were Deuglas the bail on Nicholsoon s teal assis tance in helping make the fairoess. patience, love aid Walker. Russell Gilmour. Ai- of everyt attempt. James fanned Paul picore a sucees-.afetion l'orcheildri-, nAt ilin- bert S prorRtstEcîk SnGee Mlutten on Ilirce pitches. Pricipl(f Sis Jîussing he W7vBet arlini and Ivarn Buriev. idcn Stepbeo's botncer te second Prbi cipal. nî (ocie The mari%-floral tribute.3 rRO'.'-A ýE .E~î gel away frem Trim but lie OBITUARY Pbi eelfroin frlends and rneigbbourc cçr s ale dno i Sunpruf Ci relrie-ved in lime te force Left te inourii fls iosS r wr hîtf artîîc t rfded t saiilt inrd i c I M iiîe.the harsh,i Preston, ROBERT WVILLIAIN STORE1Y his wife, Ina Miilar: one bi()tlt theýe frm IOni J F. Aberdeern PI ca ýMr î I Sufltan Oit John Bird t-oleited Ken's er Byron cf Kemptville: 1%Vo Lodge Ne. 302, Ingleside, Ont : *ncouraginr first litt in the fifth. Doit Robert %V. Storev passed nieces, Elizabetbh, Odlessa, ai-K South Darlîngton Towonship Other nic*<1. ElhHo Bagnelferced Bird at second ,a\way at hîs home, 15 Orntario Laura, Cornwall, aîtd crie n- Scbool Area Board Members 9Btiv Diiî ùhtd:t,i i wind and ot and Trini beat eut an infieid 'St., Bowmanville, On.,o phew, Albert Stoîîcey cf Kemnpt- and Teachers: Southi Courlicej Aorte Dillng î Butte-nu1v and safty vih to ot.Mutton i Monday, Juiy 27th, 1964,afe__ ul, nt Hoiite & Scbool. Donations te iHeather Ain.eFord (Buno -' went loto the hole te grab an illness eftlhree months. 1 The deceased reýýted aiIltle lte Canadian Cancer Societ% i. l onr-b Nu 'eU Werrv 's greuod bail. --%I. Stores w-as boem in Northterrît & Smith Furieral were mnade by the Nursingilatyacarars Dsb, Alioî bet ut btrit ha Kemptilîle, Ontario, the son Home. Bowmaoville, with Rev.Staff ùf Mm1 a -op3l.br.I.! rwi ~ roiv touched the, lne and cf the late Benjamin and Char- A. W. lardîng officiatînîg onu rîmaviandi doîtatiens te arri '1 nitcit Dog 'le ceuni werit Ie 3-0 oni Bird. lotte Stoet. where lie attend- Tuesday at b p.m. Buriai wva ibe BiblPÎh1( ietv wre ruade Gratîtui. 2'b. -airi, Pamru1 1L - econd sîrîke burît attemp ed local schocis, geirîg on te in Kingston. Omt., Wýednesdav .b\ R. LJ SbaIks arî I rs nra id lwr g 2KngS.E ~was pick-ed off by Bagnelilh Ottawa Normal Schovl. He at 2 pm. after a short funeral'Allan. Perth, Ont. 13rd. Michatel 'aniln. a& ___a_____i_ USED CAR ,0E-RNC ur BUY NOW [r. AND SAVE! -le . r- 2 New 1964 Dodges il, 2 New 1964 Valiants le yv 1 1964 '-Ton Pickup r, One Only Demonstrator! * 1964 DODGE 1! 2-DR. HARDTOP Fullv equipped with auto-' matic, radio. Only 4,000~ - miles. Reduced for qutck sale. e1963 DODGE 2-D-R. îe V-8, aiîtomatic. padded ah r. %vindshjeld washers. is Nassau Bluoc, lîke new. ) Prieed for qîîick sale - $1750, ýg 1961 CORVAIR 2-DR. 6 6 yl ood dlean car. 1959 DE SOTO STATION WAGON e V-8, automatie, radio, fully pow'ered. Reduced by $200 for quick sale. 1959 BELVEDERE r ( ., 2-D R. custom radio. Priced sto clear ---$745 * 1958 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-DR. HARDTOP 8 CYL.automatic, custom radio, pov'er steering and brakes. WVhite and maroon. One owner, local trade. 1 Hcre'S a real good buy! 1958 BELVEDERE 4-DR. 1V-8 %with 3-speed automatic, Witie and black. A-1 con- dition. ]Redîîced for qulck sale. 1958 METEOR 4-DR. 6 ciVl., rustom radio. Local, one owner. Immaculate. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 CYl., automnatic wlth laie mnotor. TOP condition paInt and tires, local trade. ('lean inside and out. Fxpert repalrs to ail malien of automobiles. PALMER,. MOTOR SALES CHRYSLFR - PLYMOUTH VALIANT -DODGE 20 King Street East Phone 623-5487 4ç44~4~#~ a*re the Sport v 'sp Rth Arden's new Sun Con- es swimming but doesn't iway, sits in the sand but collect it. Besidesgiving Sbest tan with the great- )tection against burning, Dntrol lias a moisturizer ibricates your skin, too. rful, waterproof, kind-to- 'n Sun Control, 2.00, f rom zabeth Arden collection ything for under the sun. 0-giVAS the look Of a tan wii real on@. 2.00 :reaim-invisihte r.ream tiltArs burning rays 1.75 I-keeprs the ski' .,upe ,we g a beautîful tari 2.00 >r Cream--r riîy rpý,vp, & LOVELL WE DELIVER Phone 623-3361 Bowmajivill.