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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 1

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ita demarn Fishing By the Yard n-, xlb% l 1,U iUbT 6 94 I luePer COPS NUMBER 35 0Town Hils lKddies' Parade Opens Big Legion Carnival This Friday Evening Trhe Legion ('arnival bo be lield this Friday evening, August 28th, Promises to lie the besL Yrt! The gala event v% iii start at 7o'clock, and people of the town and district are eagerly looingi forwvard !o a onderful time. Kennetli (Jim) Niek- erson is the ('arnival Chair- ma n. 'TlicClildreni's lParade, which %vill. bc led by tlie1 Bowmanville Legion pipe Band, %vill form at the Hligli School grounds ai 6:30 p.ni. Ail children must report to Ron Johinson, the Parade ('hairnian. the five classes for(1'lie parade will be: l-('oi, 2-Original, 3-WVestern, t- Doîl Carniage . 5-Decorated Bicycle. For furtlicr infor- formation children shoiild . . ~ Softball Finals S~start Tonight Due to the sudeitud erstorm Tuesdayatron S four out of sevei fiasn last minute. Nichois' MotoisadSt-)i en's Fuels w ill pla o i- lIN dnesday i stdrtlnt ait 6:30. with the second gaine Father and son, flennis Tierney Sr. and Jr. King, probably Sunday aftern<îon St. West, had an eXciting and rexvarding fishing trip at ! pari. at tIhe highi school cri Monday, August l7th., xvhen thev lancled this huge( gr<ound<s. Tis date is still el 11, -to bc confirmed, so fans are rnuskelunge xvhile trolling at Hasting~s. fIt hrt a Luckv advisecî to watelî the bulletin Strike lure on a 10-lb, test Jine wý,ith a lffiflin elÏ. boaîrd aIt te Lihraryv orner D'oth, fishermen were wearv af ter playingis he huge, for changes. f4lsh 4 over an bour, w}ten finally. D eninis .Junior Other games will be play- :nett.d rt and they brought it mbt the boat. It veighed ed next %veek on Tuesday botertha 11/2lb. ad as ve :3 jche lng a n d Thursday evenimîgs. bettr tan 11/' Ib. an wa ove 39inces lng - iweathcr permitting, starting They plan to have it mounted for posterity al, 6:30 p.m. Magistrate's Court August 25tli, 1964 'rwo 0O>haxva youtlis. Clif, lord Goderîcli. age 21, atît Michael Mcîcdoch,'age 19, ap peaned last i'ekchargec .Augui>t tit \vtil hattenilptet( M.AKJ:5 (LEAN SIN'EP Eiford S. ('obbledick of Newcastle miade a dlean SWCCJl) of ail appie x'arieties in Lihe packaged fruit corn- petîtion al, the ('anadian Na- tional Exihibition this w'eek. In addition, lie pfle(l up an inipressive arrav of awards i h Uic er classes. More details ne'xt w'eek. grotind superv'isor. jl'lere will be cash prizes, Ist-S5. nd-3and 3rd-$2. Ail îentrants xviii receive free refreshment ticket,;. Thie Parade Route wiil lie fromi Bo%%nianville Highi Nclmonl. east on Queen Street, dovvin Ontario Street to Ar,,,Yle Street. w~est to Duke Street, ai-d soulli on Duke Street to NMenorial Park %%vhere the jîdging wiill take place. M any attractions at the I.egion ('arnivai have been Planned for persozns of ail ge.and everYone wvill have flii. re *w'ill lbe a colossal bing o bootli, gaines of skili andl chlance, refresliments, fruit. blankets and novel- tics. ihere ivili also be special rides for chidren to enjîo. F ree ii tie miditne c a s h Prize ofI S15, 510 and .S5 %wll hi' dravvi-mai i9..,10 p.nl. and Il P-11. Vbu Must ie Presefflt b vini. Iroceeds fron i te Legion Carnival %vill lie f'or tlie commimunity * w (rk of Bianchl 17 of the *Royal ('anadian Legzion. In case of ramn the carnival xili lie ield on Saturday even- in", A ugns.t '9th. Tli'ee will lie the Bowv- nmanville Ladies' Auxiliary Dr-aix for a transistor radio, luggage. telephone bench, stcp)-stool, xwalk'ing dolîs, basebali glove and bat, and a wyjanma <ll. The prizes in lIhe Legon Giece Club Draw %vill be a set of Corningwaî'e andl a transistor radio. AIliglli,7lmt of the even- iîmg v.ilI ke thie draw for the 196-1 Oldsmnobi le 188", Hou - da3 Sceni Tvo-door liard- toi), Nw'Iieh is cquipped 'uith poiver lirakes, Nwindshield %vaslhcrs, and hydrarnatic. INN ESTIIENT IVINNERS r, xvwiiiriers o f ':"50)eachi hia\( t ititi nnouncecitoor theý iii Iliixestieiit Lraxv Ron Bîii \ v. oithle August l8tih camf :vd.'Lciion Pearson wa, tlite xi lmierminAugust 251h. Hel'd in Bowmanville J WINNI I' .OSHIA FAIR, ltn. d id \elwitii lier entries' -breakinîg anîd enlry ut Keri's cour",tiLit ieua . nodîng n thl Ilowesadvgtbe _!Menus Wear. ilîeft of a cari mail at the back of titý' Pus: at Osîtaxcai Fait- lat xxeek. She! di frorn Wilson Petro. arnd thefi Office. between two and I hr',v -xon Il tii. . ,1:3 sec'onds art(] o f a transistîor radio fromi in lte morning. wxv(i i eOt"tid jPeoiTransport. They eIect-ý heard an 'uîol ccr d cd trîil bv idge aiid j urx'. beltind KNe n'. IMe it X\ec. ri l'le pelniu a s lxa~ieci tis Theita ar ii'xitlou? l1.'i' nu' tOlSE'S 1DOWELL1 week. trîi ai nine o'-clck. past hini vit ixco personis i. Go r (À- -t Brent'ts borses froi beftire tnuitret'i la: tour: ses- t hi'front scat, a n d tii ritoTx' rotte ook part in both Pet-ý si. east On Chiurcit Str-eti. IlHt e rborougit and Oshaxx'ra Faiî's ('orporu.i K. Freeîlte gav'.eadded ta ii', sa xvijiiird 'cetlxStone(wall anîd Duke' exidenrtu' 'ea di ng itenplittio- mntrunhîîng ci\ frtonit 1uc lidtîgii'. x i tIi Nlary Ruth i -.li lie lid aiiki ilof the sceite. tieui a oui ce ccir ic sh'ottrnt idin i g. look a third inl area n iivtixt'd, behinid Ken's off atter :t e b : ot'i lte Opent Saddle and Mcii 's Wi',î. alittia:i te Constîable laînSu' ît esi:- Ld Saddlc, c'ass at Peter-! Brookcicî h Kitgswa x Apart -f;te:el ihat he aliidCoiý)rpiti' itrmiigit anud Christinte Brent, nien t- .'aie t' a*, tend .ot Frc'hx' xeteuto ri tiil ieput'- rode' lier pit adr t h t. Clituit Streetroi. cleck t îîgprc ut se-a 1(!u-\tîs ()tsittw;a. th(,\-xwonîa fourth. Gtordon Mitaoreîcrat io:ilci 'e TLRN TO 1PA E THt Ri-EE N, iniilite StddleCls On uesavand %Wedusesday of tts \"Eek, 411- I I orne st edxsfo manv parts if Dur'ham S Countv aiîeusded tr-aining school aitise Agu'cultural > flPice. ii preparatlois for titis ý'carýs prisjecl "The Club C irl Sîauids uitGuaî'd." Receusîly appouuted Fhome Eî'onîiisîfori hs area. Miss Paticia Wu'ap'.xxas i char'e and welcorrned tise 17 ladies xi. îci viii trîains 1hei'i igi'otîfs uit Cîtzeish up,\ î anad Phy-sical l; aIthlu.Sautet v înî the I buse. Safetv ion thîe H i ghsvav, anud Fui a \ iiMeu~s I. IIFacdi in' t. P li ci aLh N uu'sc '1'uesda\ oui thei'topîc Sa te! ':i, thiit tîît<aîd id "rst. 'cît. L ýtut, O.P.P. corporal J. Wo'oud ionsIle' Buw-j manille detacintispoke en i lîcr.xavSafety anc tbe fuwstuon of lise O.P.P On Wî duîesdap. Mrs. Mai-ion Montgomery of Nobleton assisteci Miss Wi'ay -%vith the conspleîioît of tie subiect matter. Miss May. a native of V'ancouv'er.B C. took ove:' MeeàiiJune fu-um Mis Mlaroii \'îaddcql 1xxhcu Las beeîi appoitted as an in- structressaaI epiît Agruc'ulturai Schooi. She is a grpaduatc uf the LUi veu sut; trBrîtih Columbia and us show.n standîitg. ici t. vii ?xMiss McFadden, and tise 4-H leaders repî'esen: iîtg cl. t ritus etîîaîiv.Ca"an, Ronsstu i; Scicîa iîd'Etc. Building le Version To the Editor, Canadian Statesmian, 1 bave feit it. mv dut."W the citizens of Bowmanville, as their former Building In-' spector, to s~et out for tbemý the written reasons for whichý ýmy resignation was requested by our elected officiais. and mY full knowiedge on theieý points in order. This has proven ilecessarv since Council did not wish to express these reasons' at thie Public Hearing of this mnatterý held on August 14th, 1964. The following is the letter, of Council ivith' their reasons, thon follows in"v co mrents. The Letter Civing Reasons For Dismissal AL1gu.st1-., 19é34 f-odgins aund Morris. Barristers & Solicitot,, 14 Frank St., Box 399, Boxvmanville, Ontario. Attention: Robert morr-is Dear Sir: Re: Melville Moore ac h Town of Bowmianville As vou know Mr. iVloore's employmenî xvîtb the Towvn )[ Boxvmanville xvas tcrminatcd at a Couincil meeting- on Aug- ust l4tb. at which Urne you, appeared and mnade represen- tation on bis behalf. You weýre' advised at that time that the Couneil would submit xvritton reasons for Mr. Moore's dis-: imissal and accordingly .1 havei been orinstructeemnt o thabig sree\daoc as toIlow,. in Enniskillen on Saturdav evening, under auspices The Connelit I i co Ina',ý h ù -M njý al ù.te5 -0d a a il numIber of per.sons involved o h C(m)iyHl. u.th 05 da. wsIe in the building trade attended with Reeve Arthui- Blanchard drawin,î the xinning t î4th cil mneeting on Aug- ticket. Winner of $465 \vas Kenneth McWillianis.R.R. andth Cunilwele 2, Newcastle. a staff member of' Bowmianvilje Post advse byx'u tai ths t-Office. The ticket was sold b%, another Posi, Office TURN TO PAGE TWO, I nspec tori Of put Top student ini Gradie 13 al: Cartwvright High Sebool xvas l\liîss Janjue Sadilu'r.daughter of M\r. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier, Nestieton. Sie lhas been ar- ceptcd at Oshawa Memorial Hospital and xvil! go into train- ng on the eighth of Septemi- Post Office Staff Member Wins Enniskillen Draw but,>i c - W/HO TOOR 'EI? --- Legion Cariiival officîals are racking their memories and tracking down every lead trying to solve a mystery. When thcy wCIî to their storeroom to bring out the equipmvtnt for their carnival this Friday night. îxvo Crown and Anchor wheels, plus stands xvurc imissing. The person or persous who have themn aie( askýed to please return them quicklv .,so i le.v mu'ýv e lnsed at the carnival. WELCOME - Maux' encjuiries aie cornin- in îo the Chamber of Commerce office concerning their Management Accounting Course. starting Sept. i4th. This is not confined to Bowmanville. ihose from the area will also bc welcoinedi. \Vriie Box 1240, Bowmanville. if interested. REOPENS MIONDAY Jacksonis Druc Store has been undergoing extensive renovations in- cluding new fixtures, lightiiug. etc. Itxvii] îe-open on Mondav for bus iness. NEW FIRM Gr;adualiN, the vacant toxen stores are filling up. This xveek. Jack Ricard opened a real estate office opposite the Bus Terminal. This was fnrmerly occupied bv thte East End Bakecry. MIr. Ricard fias had exte'nsive sellincxerec in the area. GET SWINGIN' -.- lThe sqjuarec daiciiig xiti' Bows are preparing lfor the fa] I season ltaixii soon bec ith uîs. If ouu void like lîî iaku part in their enjo 'vable activities. phone 623-22:37 or- 725-2744. They'I be Ihappy lIoxvelccme '\voit anid xvho knovvs. exercise mnav Le -gricucifî voit. GIANTS - Last \veek ut xvas gialit goosebeiî'ies. now we are dealing xvîth super large potatoes. 0. K. Osborne, Concession St. East, planted 12 eyes from one potato in June. -lic planted them between his apple trees and this week uncovered a couple of the progenv. Que weighed 2 lbs., 2 ozs. and the other 1l', bs. Last week. they also found a mushroom one foot wide itnlte same area. But there's a reason, some months agi) fie obtained a large quantity of manure frim Plcasui'e Valley ranch, where thev Isad stabled racing horses. and spread it, through the orchard. \V laci ltice leave i t îight there, xvi hout fi itli'Ueiîcmiiiînt. t t ORIGINATOII Boxmvisiille xxa.ý iîctîuuî d recently by a distisguished visitor xvbese pî'esence xent almost unnoted. Ile was J. E.'"Teddv," Mar- gletts of Ottawa xvho îiginated the farnous'Musical Ride of the Royal Canadian Mouited Police about 60 -,-cars ago. Mi. Mau'getts. îîoxv 85. îoited the RCMP after te Boei' Wai- ai tiseIloin tif the century and remained xith that oi'ganization until his i'etirement about 20 veai's ago. Ife is stili verv much interestcd in horses aiid was ini the aiea as guest of Mi'. aîsd Mî's. Lloyd Ateiiisoii at Nexwton- ville. + . + '. RACER JerixV RuCe, ý,u11 of :].aid Mi S. BLUd *,Rice, of Orillia, and guandson of 1rs. (3îlarles F. Rice, Ontario St.. has becus makiîsg quite a reputa- tion in the boat racing field. Recently. le drove a *14 footer. powened by an 80 h.p. Wes't Bcund out- board to second place in the Detroit Newxs Belle Isle Outboard Club î'egatta races. the 1iu'.t time a Canadian bas ever neceived a trophv in this event. Jerry is no w with thc Bell Telephone iii Windsor, btît stili calis Bowvmanx'iIle his -htome town." emp]oyee Keith MeGili who won $10., The presentation was mnade on Monday afternoon and those taking rfart included. f rom left to right, Hall Board Chairman Harold Ashton, Mr. lVIWiliams. Mr. MeGili and Mrs. Edgar Wright, secretary of the 50-50 draw. The post- poned dance will now be held on Saturday, September Durham's Dairy Princess To Compete A ug. 2 9 aCNE Master Baker Charles Carter Dies Saturday Aixxays a ighlig t of te x'arîous activities at the Can-o- a ainNational Exhibition, the'Tip o St es EihhAnnual Dairx' Priincess i t S ae cunipetiions xviii be held in the main ring o' the Colis eun,1lnfor atve exhibition grounds from Aug- om t ii. I '22nd to September 31-d. ' ~ Durham',; Cairv Pririces:ssays Local M PP Mrs. Jmes CmbesR.R.5 [lowmanville. xx%"11 compete Oit Durham MPP Alex Carî'uth. Saturdav evening, August, 29ers, head of the Ontario legis- The competitions are sponi lative committee on aging. sored hv the Canadian Nation- said Monday that bis trip to ai Exhibitioni, the OntarioiNew York last week to study Milk Prodccrs Co-ordinaîîng problerns of cane for the aging, Board and the Ontario De- yielded mnuch valuable infor- pint ofAgiulur ilh imation. and daJir\ pro)cesso . assisi - t h îr p b c ns a r u l in, the sanie as ours" said Mr. 'fîe Couiny nî," Carruthers. Financing, one or .,s xiIi compete i te pr'2- the f ari o bco ni e e li cirx competitions he d ;he On a io co011ei û e each venin betxeen six and ut i' prime conideraî ions, lhe sev(x'n p.mn Girl: entering tii" s3ai prel iin r v conpeitions xil 1 Aiazed at CosL hax'e siteen eted frornt <orný e i ad hie as amazed, T INTO PAGE TWO bhox; îver atth loc h,.i '.'it ti th Blackstock Fair This Saturday 'lle' 9901î Anuual Bia'k - stocki"ai l'Fair xili be lield this .Satiîrday, August 29gtll. It xiii start at 12 '! elock noon witli a gigantie parade, m'hîch wxiil include floats, a cavalcade of antique autos and WV. Bar L Ridens. 'here MiIIlbc a ihorse show. and hor.se racing at the Blackstock Fair, a Rodeo and Kiddies' Rides. In the evening there wviII le a dance andi an Oid 'Ivme u'iddling ('ontest. 'The Port terryla ir will Il(e ield un Labor Day, Se- tember 7th. It %viii feature a inidway and horse racing. Tîmere xWilI al>o lbe slowings (if î'.ttI., horses and ladies' 11,esIl (arter lro udirrg tigciri'm iIi i. îtlcî xxiii b a d achîeved initernatiional Prumiliteicc, dîed oit Saturdi,'. in Meniorial Hospital. after aric iliness cf several rnntiîli Mr. 'Carter was un luis 8tili xccr. He will be remenîiîered for lii' courtesy, kîîîdlîîîe. - aid xi ,'-] r. - Carter xte biirii i1 Lonîdonî,Englanitc. 11' x (- ,a sonou*thtitilat .Xticfaîtd Mîlr- clith Carter lind Wiltr;ini Cai- ut Lowî'(stotI,.Etiii lie caile Io Callaa.I lJi 9:' anîd re. ided ini Kirig. liii for- sýoînc ,cr. 'csi' r .jiout to i Boxvniii'iiii_18 xîtîr ti.tMv Carter ownî'd the Carter 1"cinî- il' Baki ue hr. tand reýtlîintî" an Iîtîeîli t Iheopircitiiîn , the Ca lin sil hi, v'd tr, l Charles Roberlti o Janc'î. Preston: Mr' . C.' Haîtni Editit Ma vi. lI iltigtor,. anid Lvr. . C 1 a r e ilîce î'Okt anîd lirt e soits. Charles W Il iin cf Toronîto: Titoitas, Ienu x' anc. D)oI"IlS Johit. bot h rof Bt>'.; ina nvir le 1 tON f0 CAGE 1. For thei,'fi rýît un,(.i. t yaear'ý. Bi'ookliit S.I itii' .\lîc i. ants.v oil a lacro'-" gainue ti St. Caliiariitî'a (,it Moliiduv nigit ..The'x' ciîrî'd Ileii li- iiing goal %xvth ix. o ecojitd ici go arndx'. i piav i i,î<ic gan'i" iii ii ýi .'u "fr-'t longhî il) u r t:i. (oîîc aie nov.' ied Ki ti:ee ýci i xxork. ird ;tcJfor caci nii one coiu- iuit i V i'a tnt' treaineîîtt ccii- ýlie ini Newv York, Peuple aiceuincouragcît to vAil liicentre fîoni ii'fong tIut 10,00(l pupert 'n iiiv ' Tlîî'v an;il '(, dwiltb day " I lc llt, paît iof il iii tiýt i t avxercigi's ont tri a cost o i f a b o t11 t 100ho) p i vc iir fo r ic.c i actieirt.' siîilviMr. air- rcitnies. *'T'hî e c arc 1,400 p'opjt l lgilîle for tareni Il lie circia, aid about ha If of thein t-ii adR h6vanttagc ot it TI) is rionihen us inîereuîsing ai] the tinte ' The 'Onitaio eontnlîttee v/ut rire'>i'itban înterîm repor't ci ils findîngs dcîrirîg titi' itîxi. a otf îiarliauuîcnt. lie su id h»' dlous flot î'xpect, a fuinalI c- puit tiIo i.ricn;'foi' cutior. eîîfniiîîîttî'î' ii Mciy this \'tai' wzas prornpt'nJ bhxara)Ii ly growirig itiiibel tif' agirig ni'- Cartwright High School Grade '13 Resuits G>rade 13 Re.suits ('ou i i '« .Fi1;g. L t.3'd ci1FI. B'1,rS, Ja nte- VFr A 'iAuth. 3: c. Fn orn C Uihmn, Pacul 1 o'11). C B;rs eg Jaritce -A]g. 2îîid uBt-t'; Zoo]. C; Fi. Auth. C. Fii.Mar,' - Eig Corrip). C; iiti. joje - Erîg. Comp. Ellr , 1 Lit lt . ut :nd. Bot 'C; C, Eig. Lit. <'; M c. ' d; Zîîul C' Lut Autit Ird: LaI (,îoti 2tiId; T 1îg laI:Lat. Cciiip C' Fr Auth, 'Fr.lComp . :rd: Fi. Aîth. C; t'f-, Comrp, C C o mp.C. Grx.BritIi -t. Auliî. '. Sadclt, Jaiii(c - Fig. Comiu. LawýE-nce. S 1 v i a - Eng. I.sl; Eng. Lit. 2nd; Geom. 3'rd; 'îCrîp. C: Eitg Lit C: Botl C; Bot. C: Zo]. 3rd: Lat. Auth. Zoaj C' :trd : Lat. Cornp. C; Fr. Aul. Mathî'. .riel - EnIg ('ompi. 3rd: Fr. Comp. C. C: (Jeom. C. Bt' Boot. rc Staniland, Brian - A],,. 3i'd, Mcaihliî, Donna - Eng.; Georn C: Tnig. C; Bot, C; C:.tpf Eng. Lt C: Gî'om.ilZool. 3nd; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. :trciî: Bot C(*:zool. C: Lat. Corip C* Xýi' r :Pd Fi .Xîîh C: Fi kit 75"- and over; 2nd- C .uir>;6 - '74'; ; :îrd - 6(j - 65%; .C Presents VOLUME 110 14 Pàges Former 4-H Homemaking Leaders Prepare New Project BOWMANVILLEONTARIO-WEDNF'-;n,ý%-t' Ineýt 5 Janice Sadler eces and

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