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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1964, p. 5

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Marriec i n Nestieton Unitedi Church h P r ou. c: 1< C Ps ', 1n 'i ;Vnî. -nI efiir SIni~ ~~"! xl a iAWor %ar e: z i. t . " ;.m . i R"'. P;, tnRomel ' Ra(Ï au j P. : r,ffîî' ýra:v' \i. C r' 1j Metf 1,a 1f. (of N F, 1 ie a nrci p P r i: lie -- ni-' c NIl r( Lax rnce Na oe f et- 'T' e rîr de xx as ' i .eu !(,Li v. 1h a cor (led a n ' rd iiild'(r l ihx' laLce anid pi r s. ad 1)J)i ir('( igihga l'd ir Pa: rliapeci skiiî laid ia rg î (<'i ~ iouli chapluimx î: lpt tr'n *,li l' <xi'b. f baid. If: luîffarrt %x v1 i f si g! .,'"îîi xs. wix b\ ia dalirî4w' o'v'xn<f phuartsý. asd -iii Cai'- ixleci a xxIxte Bible vustîvi xx l'il '"x '.'îx'-x îti'rose.es ail xx î .riilr i f ixuror and il)h lîridoania id xx a NIMr s.R o ber K r 11ar iu f C r1litonr1) Phie Pr 'dc isl. NMis Mx'ai r! on x'a fliiru r idesniaui aid Ilier i'nîi-ii. Mis WVericix \\'r scr, Rvook'frix. xxas ffloxx st r'e"i-ferîiplh froika nf nii t i: fii s ik ovrgýarii za exPrita. fetaxx'tlî ('Iaritilîx laie -pack- hinxx' Their mIatch Iiip Ixeadi nati.dz xxof ploaâteonigans'a acc'i'eidbx' xx'lte lacesu s arr rili I..car ie il' 1 M i. fiui t E'l lar. Coinexrs ri i 1hCgn 0nn,'S i o'-ui .\l R!!Vi "0< î Mru. anîd'Mus. Tio\d A'chiiald \\ilsmlî, aIil)\'i. 'civîue n 'iae\Owus in 'l'îioiîî Ni i hale Nu- NesîtIiîi United (Ci'vch on iSatuîidav afîeî nilii, Atiîgua. i 1-i, I964,a[ 2:30 o 'l(ik. hiiîrî . ia ksîîik, ill1 The bride jar the fnrvr (He. iîda Mar-aroi \\'i.s<iiî, daughter <i)f M\r. snd ?xlis. Alanl <i . 1 if)f 11) 1 ot2'il 1ii u a.xS - r11g-f Ïrere. E. W\ilsonî, anthte 'oroo is the son oif M1. srîi M'Iîs. Davixid A. Wilsoîn. ail <i r ~ 111 id N estietonii. 1Pho<to bI î'1elatid Studio. 'l'he bride's mthiier <ioiî xxîs'iga turvquoîise hPtî- s i.- airi i'îr'saîge ifpiixk and x xi' gii lod ici i . k Il( r' <'ii sud 1 rir' 1-ge' iîi"ep jil. xx î'idiigltripi ti C'spef- 'uid, t hf M i'bridi xxi.' x 'u'llmg él plilk I ii'ir liv'itlx. :ralclx andl xtirme ,iîesi'î'ramiîla lx r' ix 1<liil tîrxI <<rii col-<(i Mi'.lorPla:x 1 d reiui <).Iiftri' Iîi -t ' sti i lt ii<< iitar'1 nr'iRig fi an I .%î CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS4 4 as c SVARIETY ~DYKSTRA'S FOODS ~ ~. PIIONE l2~:4 -7 INGsT.W, OWM.XNV'îî J The Orono News1 Mrs. James E. 1'e' 5:.' T,,-lin'iv a:i'iii -t1'1 x<t1'a Ni t ii re .V1'r i i ' r" A< ho'lîîii :'i'c'l tîîx)'u'i> of Ih a pîî'iixî', lpil i 'ileIirxx:i if ilxi' .lmmixnrIî'r' iiir x o<f [lii' w1dî M !Ni:" Be 1' ; '.!-", x. s W'e carrts.. SHOES frotl 4 if) 7 in B.BC, 1) and E wivdlhs and SENIOR BO0YS. 7 1 -,ta I11 in B. C', 1') and E widthls. Ask ahatît... Savage Orthopedic Shoes for 'hildreîî (h:ri1r I rfi .fr foot u x.i"a FurIl Lineo f... MEN'S - WOMEN'S' and CHILDREN'S HUSH PUPPIES "T1he ('oi farta bi Fi t', Lloyd Ellis Shoes (LOTHES HEADQUARTERS FORli GIRLS' DEPT.- SWEATERS SKIRTS 47BLOUSES BULKY KNITS STRETCHYS CARDIGANS SJACKETS BOYS' DEPT. *SHIRTS SWEATE] T-SHIRTS SLACKS SOCKS JACKETS WINDBREAKERS UE RLI BARGAIN TABLE 39c to$10 - $HOP AND $AVE AT MU>LDER'S Richards, Editor tic' g i i of Nt-M i j 'xý ' 51ý, i. iain fMr: 'r r t Di)r . d M ' Ni " ' ." arix xnli oi i'<l W~xi <i Nîn.\,[ ud I : i( 'i! 'c a'o bu :îl . ' 'a ' <'uitla ~î . i ,' ci I.-,i Nfr' ltîu M ' ' " I Nf "t il par i lx' NI: rire NI: .i r fi i kefux iii' iii iii"," ('u'up K ii.~i ' i. s. B s i I ,s di' lîîîî i i 'îî 'xt ' x-i i 'il [ i 't NS i i Nf' ~x .iil Nf' t .. ' N f il fxu ni u . s" i > il i 'il r' xxi î" Pi': id i ':î NI:'. ,<iicl \f 'x~' .5 'xl ' ' v Nf'.s:î'i i1. tIr,' t' 'lai' I:î r xx Nf. 'il 1.1 t' xr:riu 'i.' lix ~l r r ~ ' - NI' t" B if 1~'~:-, îI "'t: r <n t <<'f.. i ,i Nf t.ui' i.s 1<' NI: 'n. r 'xi .1 i Nf. ft~r Ni. .~. ' if r i r ru 'i. I r Nf, x'i'u'r .1 i. 'xl' i ur NI: n 7i.' r' :1 i ' ' NI .- Pi': c' IL r o..'d Mix and NI:S. Nf:and Mvis. W M Nf i! ~i i cI ît ier ret1sa- Nf: er i '\t ,r i Nli dd 1fe i <le x rîrîî ditnr'par' MAPLE GROVE tii uI1l' n r Ip i' 'la:i'. F as i' r ~ ~ ~ l- liaind'k<r' < ilsui tui xi Mr.xi'an aindi~ Mllu ( its is 0 l r'.Fa vi mxi fe i thîeiluîe f eo Flax'! t: iir 'tuAN: Bîo l liti v ir ih 1lu istoi' sud lui- 'i i 1l lIilxîuîd M li" MS . , ')Ani- e Nfr t, n MoIioi)u. Base, M v xx te 'lliîu. Pr îîx- i Iis ':i t B MI 'x'-A . f.; id 1 ' '('j r 11îu fi., \i sui s iý rý) I 'i ,î in <triinugillu'l ii h1 M! nfd M s 'MrN: 'l - a li(' mil. N.' ' 1 '. i ".' i . <r',î I t ' d i z xl< ! 'xl' j' .i ' i i nu . iixx uu. nî Mxli . N Ji ohsnu NII r' ~ ~ ~ ~ z 'u. a'.y . .Y OBITUÀRY "ni Iii. i.. M. 1'. XI. 11F IIti It N '1' r rrî'.î': f i,î' I, u:i.-kut ,u'iu lu'- ii i '. 'xii Nx. - fli'jtlni.r'ii. <'it .11 iii i 'r hi" r V .'Nux~ -t 1'!', fuIt Mr u r. . ru a:!. uîr lii s'lli r ii u " ' n'ai s. i I .'x i .1 fi' 'xIs -i lu r ' ' lu' xx dxi glu' r "'e>. NS .'i,-u iii xsnîîr 'xIu.i ..~ <rn 'xi,' NIon . u .1. ît.'j'uiî .nr x-u' '1< '-'uu i ' fi" .11 i' if 'xli 5 I lOfi 'rue i <<n tîx n "'r - r 'i'. nu <r lieu., 'lIc <ru 'r i i i-n 510 lire t'uî:nî'îi ('ru ni NN",nt'u Mlii' ',x xi- tur i îiî'iu i 'il u' . i Il .."nunr Ci . i 'O' 'f'r:,i las.':- Nf i - NS - <r "ut .t.:n e " '-t i..i'. i nI N u.~ Ci' . Nf' ni' Mi ' ih".ri',u. î' Ntîln "n NI. NIe lu Fn ~e NI. 0-ur,,'.. f xx ~ 'r i ' r' Fr - N 1' ' i.) lxix, ..' i 'îu -' 'e n n i lur nu ux 'x:.<i, n r .î i ('luapi ' t) r <'.i~n " r " i i r', "i u aji. .k ' . 'N I <n 'î<- uu' lIer . I Li..nem, <...rmm.x. .-:: Un,' - ' a k n La I<irdon M aý1 NI: : ('ui'i n i Il st- 'nu j " i ilile O!'.vr'r. - (iii r ' .itnlui lii saitu- Pnu n'xi" 'Mi'. ru' MVixuinhx r ru 's li xli usick. xlr'". Riun fine, NI,"î'iî N s- Wm 1' 1Iif'- îuîu k. u a- xx if 'xli ud 2ibs. 'an'm 'xl an f - sd fatoili', ':nî.rxrurn r' Bai uc Par k ssé ~et .rgru1'li1. 'nu g. 'tr' ut l'tt. et! eîtti'- Mi: . ' I i Pettîi t. Mu'. a'i" uf(it ruuei s Lgrauicl- i ' - x 'ni ir n.. Phli l10 i. ei F.. 'r 8 ur'okîîaî iii Nu!par! ( irih i 'u uphae'l. Ms 5. eO. -i 'i attendi t hîe <f 9(1(11 1U/ NOTICE0F APPLICATION 1<) "ie Ontario Town of Bowmanvîlle for appi-oval of a hy-law to 'egilal e land uise passCd l)llrslaill to Section 30 of TIhe Planning Act. TIAKE NOTiICE thxatthie Uomiil o<if i"<i os 1lion of the Townriof Bowmanx'iIIe iireîids r in px' in The Ontar'io Municipal Board pursirarit to iPE> prov'isini of Section .30 of The Planniing Act for appi <ual of fB * Laxx 1916 passed on the 6th dax' of Jîîlx 1964. A r'opx' or the b v-law i- fiîrnisbed lieuew'iri. A noie gii'rg ail ex planatIjouiof Ithe puirpose an<d "ffct i le b'-sx and stating the lands affected îboreby <'sIlso uouhî herem il b. Anii' peroI'siliîtoi'-tedilîlax .xxîîtîr mr 1i1 i rfays aftor thie date of Ibis notice. seîîd bv r'episîovod rusl ni' del i\ver 10 thPc Cleuk of the 'Ioxx <iof Boxx niaii - ville nrotice of his objectionIo a ppi oxal oif the sa iv b-ax't(igethel' xx 1h a staleixint of t he guoiinds oif such objection. 'lhe t )iiariîî 'Miiiiiiîipaî Beard iap i' n or if Ilie srxi P h 'I'sxx lulit P<'fi'e ,cnirîg s tna"altnii trimpari d lac'e xx lien aîi objec'tiorîIo thie i-lau.' uil lie enidereciNol i Aofai'.' liabnr irg P ta v lie heIr xxpil he gix'eiicroin10pvrsoils 'uhn have fIlocian oh- 'Tîxe -la, I e for filirit e'iui i ll x li p ie n tlirr 101h d 'a x of SpoiiorI9i4. l)A'TlDatlhIe T'l'îî(u if x riix'Ie hx'Mli of <if Aigtisi. I196-4 ('lork if tllie 'rxr IBx î~r'I P<îst Offrce Box 1570, Bowrnanx'ille. Ontario TU1E <'ORP ORATI'ON OFI'I'THE T'OW(V~N 0FRt >V.lA N VIIL Bl'-i..'NV No. 1916 .A Bv-A.aw to amnend Zoning By-I.ai% 1.)84 W HEREAS the Corporat in î(fft lie ' o<f Bixi niani'le passed a Zonîrîg Bx -Laxx'Nixiiber 158<7 loni ie 2îîd da ' of Atîgust. 1955, %%iiih ci was dii '1v appi'ix'd <ix Oîder of the Ontar'io Muniicipal Boar'd. AND WHERF.AS B'-ax 1587 lias beui sîiî'îîl<' 1)'v 8-la xvs înmbcued 1612, 1I,00 1arnd I1835, passerl oni thle 3ud daY of Jîî Ix 1956 an<d ontIhe 11)11 da ' vif MSep- teniheu, 19.59. anîd on thie :otî dax îof Jaîîîîarx l, 9621 r'espec'tivel * \. wi cli a nîîrd h g hb -a>x'sxxeî'e dii!iail- prnx'ed by tlhe Ontario Muiiipal Board. AXN D WFHEREAS it is vesii'sble Iotufîrthler anrieîi< the said Zoruiîg Bx'-Iaxx 1587. NOVu' l'IEREFORE Ihe ('îîixil iof'tlie (riui'- tîlîr of thle'T'oxx'îi of Bowma îrx 11e puî sijarit to Tîie Plaînning A'ct R.S.O. 19601, Cliapten *296 Seonî3:0, tii ariiendmerts îher'eto. HEREBY NA'CTlS'l'HA'l' v-lIsîx I\no. 1.587 as arnendeci be fuirt ber amî'rrdpo as flox 1. Bi dolet îrg Sectioni 7 pa ragrapli <Ci. 2. P'. detiig Sect ion 9 paiagrapl id)î andvtAie ful toxx'nîg suhsit «ted theve foie' -'"N Residiential bîîitduîg orii' linrgs niIrvig aco.oybuilding,. slall oc'eupx imoreo tual ii 43', iffixhe Areaoa f the buillding lition xhichilror h ley are situiateci punided fî iMlir Ai siih ai'- rssos' bildingor u uidigs x-laIt oimut unt mocre Imanu 8" of lie total Area <f tope <uon ii xxi it on' tPe;'ar'e sîtîîted." .3. Hi sddiiîg IoSeelinui 9. Ili'r.icîixîsî'/iwli'. iii section (j) i"(J)îMiiîîîîinîi yardvs for irilltipte frnrrlv dxxellirgs andciaparîmicerît îrîîses hIiFroit. ésidoanrd l'st 5r vis P'ui 20 'Ct x Hi' deletiing fi'<îi te SecniiihtWenf tanagi pl ic) of .section 9 1%eQfisii %M'r3(' sd snrb"înîîg themefore t le fQuis o001-î 'se tha le opsald pra. graphi stalI r'oad as foioiws. "For a sinngle tam ilyi.d ixel Iinig.a onre st orc Pi d i g shIaIl liavîe a gu oui <d foor area oniîlot tess r!lani 950 square footasd foi a I12 andci2 store'. hnrnling a guoiund flioi resomof ont W" b îhanî Pliesquiare fko, a dxxuriOg ud iin a senî<ieci'i<'lori'diup»z' oif niol Iess thlsî 600 sqîuare'e'ut and a dîxelfrig niuit in a îmîultiple dxxelliuîg out ul iri un 5ui1 squre eu.' B\ x aifdiiig le) 'tiuî i ' l"'ii<ii f ' i <ci s 7nm,e.Psiagi'sjilî(t5i "i)S.Fîatî'î'îîtx' oi~uge lltsii tim ' i l- xx M uî'ln <<<<rît on the uunthei Iniîlît f\V'illiniti Street. bc'txx'ei Silion Shtitand ci ligog Sr 6 ydlettîîg lie lirsi îîsisgiaptiiof 'isc(t<iia) vif Section 10, Commîrîercial Zoi'. and surliitiiiig AUxrv's pounie'cr sun %i' i1i'"iîîtt 'luxuli a~l iii fnsîitx dîxolliuigsa ndi seoii-i'aelii'cinn 'H iwi'x niirl" lîcîcni tu 'me<ilfini hîiii'1Iamii h i rrîtîîxmg."' 'l'lr<'vo 'l 'ne Pc audp(oitr .Oectinuij 1, I";ikior, oiî L.<adiîrg Fsiliî <s. unider Ilie oxistoiig Peadîngur nf ('oliîrorî I and C'olijini2, the fIlînwinrg "'lx nfanîlx' vaîîd duplex dwelliliigs ;And ;;fmt-ri tachvd dxx'oliîrgs piarking saps for eaelî Mu< ltiple' fsmilv dxx -elliriîg. aird a part îîeîît bu<idinîgs contisuini îg ircueeorni nîne dxxeîîing <ils 2 parkinug sî<<~fou' arh duAelli ing (llit pliur 1 îiarkiig SPAre foi earh .3 imits or part thereof. By x' d'ltIg ile tire <st pa'raprli rt thF 'Srhpediio oif '/.viîisSoî' hni" <nder th(, headingp IN TWST LOT 9 In Concession 1I aird ihiîti iteeoothe foîlnxx'iiigz. "Fioiitfie ,oijfhbrn i mit uor sid loi t ari extridi i iî îîîîvt hovi x Io thle <mut hern Irmut of t be ConservaIton 7.oii of tPe ('<'0k iii ZONE 111 fi) Iiihho 'Schlidule <of Zriuie<' idor ft ho hearl o IN TOWNSN'HIP LOT 10 IN (CONCEISSION 1 ThPefil'stix'îtin Ii~ lic deîoîod andcithei'fîîlîoxx'îrg sîbstitiîted therpfnre' 'EX('EP'I. 'lhal poîrtinlof laîîd hoîundpdodnthe hxYtP the 05st Iinîit of St. George Sîree.t. On thp oasI i h li te east limîf of Ilie 'Township lot, or tlîe Wes l iiil oft SimpsonîAvex'nue, on the ilorth hv tlixi'extension esstei'Ii of Ille n itblimit (if Chiii'h 51<00 anid or)Iltlie Souin h Pv the extension eastevi-l oif thle Somitii Id ni t of Qiiepri Strîeî't Io the eamsterlv Iîrîrît of Firank SItreet, thleniico rîotlîerly along thpi east liîrîî ofî<if Firk S ota distance if 83-- 10" more 0ni mss. Ihenîocasevx'inia straight niie', parafll îx'<ilh flic sniiîborru mu <if Kinig Stt'î't, anrîdîstaîrt snîthlîv x' iiefunm 3110 éfootn<o ha wr-st lumit nf Simipson Aivenueein ZONE 1l. Iii liie "Si'flxdie <il Zones'"tînrter thPipeading IN TIOWVNSHIP L0111i' l IN <'ONCESSION 1 'lhe xx 1mb(If thi-esondiiexc'ept in claiîsr ho strick oul And t he foîlonx'n suîbstitii hrfî "vx 'vPî î.<<î ii. 7. 8 AndrIci hi solitlî<'î'î fool <if Imi t9 niB «<'k :32 AtNout h irteu"(oriror if, Base 'lîIio ur lnbd tvStreet. andiloni 15 tn Rt<l. tkIl nCri riarin Str'et tii ON . 1 HKAf A fit-si andiciuvcoixd11<-neibpis 6th rday ni Jli' AT).D1964. HI FAA a tiiI lii anid filiIx' î<A"vltIIIiý 41h daY of if .IîîxA.P. 1964. Jlauk I. Reuvl (',R K TIOW~N OF' B0Vê'.N[.% S' IIý..' i:xi.~ .~"O1VNOTE' O F' R)*-I.AtV No. 1916h h'uga Bu I.nrxtg)[<r aend '/srning ~-.u 51 a% aniended Seit <minis Isuii J2 rof B\'-la xx 19 1 (; m'-lxle'i 1 ilh ioî'îrî tii" R', tka 'îux<'i'ge t nît <(ni siir-iii 1'xi i îîgs f i <i thiegeuicisi pi<i'iunir'<ifIlle Ziiuiuig B'laxi' -lu îug YiiaIl truis sanI places u iittài'uitiif)" <i ixitiiii. oniti'lvithue rosidonîtatzone. Meilliii 7 par agpi aplu ieiof the airiginial 7,oîing b'. . six 1587 t- s ge'rnvati-<'i'e(-ori an«v prox iestCPalt the tot aI a n'es «i x ief '.sii'.-i x bilidings in ail zonîes ssfal l î- e'eei 8', of<fifiîai oif licbuldinug lut.'l'iis selionrias. tieri d<utr'îl sîl har'8", î'oxersg<- ni dd acidn tS el <imi i. uî.rapiv<hi Ci vfthue Zoniiig Hi-lau' sîuthirat t relates l]ýIoii i-i'î- d..'itiat mines. 'Thîe 81, i <ienage i'fînît 01oui i<"sur biiiduigs lias <ni puacOie lwnii ipp is.ix s ii am"îi's'<<hi lhuaîî resideîuhust and Pai grapli Iaid 2 <if fi taxiNu. 1916 ixeve passe I tiorimed% tire situiation, Paragiaptu 3 of Bi-taxi 9f16 ailul"a îîr<îî -iIio ZMAIiuigB'.-lau' 1587 <Io pîvnx do Chtîî uuiuiuuui i rt, side andcirearx'ards for multiple faîutcdxx'eiuigs waid aPta ilmeol Poises -laHIl Pc20 e tfo (SAuîun Ppi viii i the-e xxere îînr xaldcieq vni'n'foi.nifliiii'faniiîx ci xxeliIungs andciaptamutnint Pvuspsses ollu ril thPc' umnrug Panagiaplu 4 o'f Bi liii. 196 le immii, "i- îuuîîuiiiiioind flooît are i'qui<îieulforiiui-oe r'osdpmîes from 751f sq uîa e foctot ri9.50, sqîuru' i<' I'tî-e us no puvox snrxitu C îuiiudu rnumè iiih- lau i orce'ninîg f'atcernix tndue xalls snd M<'n't u 5 peuenlts the estarblishmnit nfo lr nl'. cgi' tuai!- <rn [fie pîvîpenties fnî<utug on Iliesouite'iru Hiixlouf syelliug- [vin Street betuxeon Milieu aird Suuig'<g lf-Pets Panagnapi 6 of Bx'lx Neî 19jfinîx 'îî' ti' uiitiî the entabushineiu of apari'tollio <'-sai nirixie fsnuulx'dwelli'igs iin a <'o'niremà'î'ma:'îî' ert ui Mi a) ini the oiungînal sorîîîîg b-axetliev iit'urnd xi faniuuî'dxx'ellinig. .semi-delschied anducinltlr n ilu. anîd aparirrueut luoniseF aiid nmultiple fanxI'. lxx i'ilrs fli<un a commnnicaî 'v<u Paragi opi 6 oif anti'ui<.tibcix- law x1916 cimes <<Ft î'xcî rde sparv iepnt rui ss andi<nil - lîple fanîil'.dux'liogs. ier te the passing uf Panagiapi. 7 Wni B'., 1916 thez'e uvere rmi prou isonsfru parknig and vl Infig fau-niPus for two- fa milvx'and ciduplex dxx'olliîîgs. ;nidseiiii - daiheci dwuvl h gs or 0multip le fanilut, ii-I lhiig'.aindc a pa rtnîxeîî hares. Painagiaph 7 n f Hu -la .x l9i ivîr ' rvilï tirparking >paie'sruinre-re' inii ii i advhurg lu eot i<ni 13 of the original .onmog (:-a. 9f; I i i l igi". f(uni '/cruti Vk' t tuii'ai zone)i toi 7onp 11t ( I.1011t 1r-fi'stî'ua] Zo<iie ;i t)i oxui ita,'9.30tf ertftoniag oniii lI'le a-i l.îiî' r irilliuiug fuîrîîil e11 nt(x' t ancle 4)f cliI!igial hlo n p ut Nou 9 mnitlie Fi'sl i i ve.sFinn ;11,ir i 11.u1iuu [loiii 1% u olx lv, (ir' ."oîheîî'ri lit of lb:, <<<n51 r stîîîî /.uuir' 'hl'lr' tiiiud5 le'îîg ie'-ztonied i e iu cixv) ou&er b.v\hxJ Dirk 'an N ben'is. lîseplu fouina. '1'- i it'i, in t lias- l ael o Pxiuuît' ti 'terlI li' lighîl iiilixirtsI suri)tifirexe s fniha tifnuoxi'envxers ail]of tilîrripaît îof <unipiuih l'c 'ntL.oi No> 9 1l'ing snuîth of the ('insei x at linZone lvi the Base 1.ine I'ansagnaîiui 9 oîf Hi six' Nu14i) li Ii " f 'irI4Ige" fréiiZ'cnei'Il I 'orxririusl i tvî Besîrfntiat (Zone lu ajipvisuistl' tre'srlitliv<i" J33 foot <(if ItPe ('nrrioicial Zonîe' 108 <'s c>hoit 1x itFrausnid St reopt an 'i ui- inn li M'Iriiu "rxre' 'l.ii' vo sunied land jus 3<40 rpfeet 'oth <if K uiigMli et suduri nrýno w nxod Px >shaxx'aWooud I's~îgspi li t o Hi' -axa Noî1916 ii ffrt rne 'sois ýL.ot 153. Btiu'k il, n0)<hboe ât s;deroFtOptarirn 5" re't fr'onîî Resîceniil sIZone 1luIto Comimercial (7,nnp Il 'Fl ic juri rîlieu ' eik!ig r noc ins proxont lv ou'ne-rl h, Rî'guliusl i Irlanlsd EufoeniHoarl anid h;PAR 6fopt fni'otago sud i16-9 foot 10 dppib. T() l E'lOAI.I. OWNERS 0F LAND)IN"THlE TOWN - SII IP (I" IARLIN(;TON W}IOSE PROPER'lIES ARU'J' ON TH1E'l'OWN 011' BOW'MANVIL.LE il'e îîtiîiîîof tue' Towni of Bouvmranxille ho apply io thp (>ntjavrio Miixuî ipst Hcînci for appu oval of ils R v- law 19144 ,iruv ii t<t< . planatniuy note of the laid By-law pi'u Jý4 , ftu r i ittnî' <'x t h .lau'k L. Rn'id, CIcri k. 'o lu. ou<f fou mari ille, 'lmI n Ha I. Boux15701, L3uxx iinuaux' mlc, Otitai <o. Sa "is :fý< n' A. IHEADQUARTERS FORI lher fd;ughter. 'MIrgAret C:r-'tmtn. Mn rç nll;;riit. \lri. nb Th Ls rmtiarli;-i1!e.Aug. 28, IP94 hell in Calgary. InhnFton. Cotiir'ic-e. N1rs.Ted___ ______ Misses Catharine Camphell. Hoar. Diana 1-bar " ci xx - Vancouver. and Margaret castle. aiîerideci a shoxi er held day 'lesx't e îtr a xpîý r.Hwr Campbell, Calgar ' . Mrs. Mur- ai the groorn' parents. Mr-.-N\1r s. Ron RogrFi behr mother. Hagfhorn. and rhildren. Plait,;- ra ' Tighe. Bowmanx lite. en- and Mrs. Don Hlannah. Boli- Mrs. Allait Snowden. On Fni- ville: Mrs. Len Gcrnmurph ', lertained their parents. Mr. and mari\ lIe. on W\edinesdiay Pven-< da%, eening. MuaRId Mis. Diana. Oshawa. Nirs. Allan Mrs. A J. Campbell. to a fam- in, last. Harrv Snoxx'-deni and two Snowdeni, were <'allers on Mrs. .1 dînner on AIguIsi 201h on i Mr. and \Iîs Balr'r Bleeks. daughters xisited ilis mother, S. Snowden, and Mrs. N. I. the occasion of their 40th Ottawa u LoîîldBrowxn. Mrs- A. Snowden. Oin Wednles- Metcalf, Oshawa. xxedding aîînix etsarv ai the aîîended thie Cor-deix Bailev- FINig Duitchmnan. i'hîs coin- xcedding ai Blackslock on Sat- rnunitv extends congratula- (ýida\. lions. i nd Nu îîIl. B ix\ i. Miss Catharîîîe Camîpbell M.\astei lv. Mis Tsî left bi' train on Siindiax for Broîx n. Maple (rove Road. N., \'ancoîx'er.Vhs I. NauKa"\. Polkstoxx . P EI N M r. and ?rs. Fini (ibsoi, E"glaid. ha\e e iletîîed 1< om Patt'v, Rick * vActon. xx ere Fr1- a \'erx <"<Hl.o' able lt vPIpth r oUghI1 OE N da.\ xiitors xitlî Mr. and Mr.s. Soutîh Wester n Onrtario, and C. Milis. anîd famili . other places of interest. Mr. nd is. l. i ~ Miss Cath\x McGîîirk. ii- it-a n i. w r din If.' Gre e- i* niig xxithli er gical aiint Mr i n n e e dMnr g e i s 0 1 N . W ' is n e r . P e s o n . A U*3 SLunda\ xitb Mrs. F.Fer gu"ol, Miss Bar bara Nc.;xi k. as MN A U .3 Newcast le. on Sunrdavx. Mr. lei-id fwlvstn e Freenîan pr'eacb ing for' the greuriediuni xîrsI.tiîidler. ýUnte Curh.Kitcheiner. Mr.Joliti McciuLir-k nieyou t iitorniwyre !Oi. and M vs. Barr\ xBleeks. itiiie<d fvoin vîisi l ',heinie avsi ur ey e Ot taxx a, spent lasi xx <"<"kw ti au nI Mris. Charles Cobet . Bres- lier parents Mr. and Mrs. W. îa<i. vated store.. . new shelving, show cases I-H. Broxx n 'XMi- anid Boh Godî iîd- Mr, and Mis. Sainî Castle. îiîrph ' vaie enj it ing a miotor and fixtures. Mr. Roger Castle. Peterbor- tripin Nor tierri Ontario. And onigi, Mr, and Mî's. John Hîî- thriîgl the States.. . ail for r shopping pleasurel band. Oishavva. were Sunida, Mis AIllait Si1Gvdeî c-iorîr your1 'gnests witb Mus. L. C. Sriow- panied lier, sister anîd husband. 'den, and Mr. Bob Snowden. Mu and Mv-S. Reo Taylor. Mr. and Mus. Leslie Colla- Oishaxxa. Io Port Fini)( on c'ut, Mis. Ted I-oav. Newcastle Sunda. luIx ii theîr parents.,A xxere gUests ai the formei's Mu. and Mis, E. W. Wilkins. A. D J CK O R G gr'eat nephew's xedding. Bob Mi-, aînd Mvs. Bill Dax'idson Ilauînali ard AinsleY Fraser-, and tlxx o sons, ',Xesloiî ..pPnt PO F6359 01< Sattîrda '.Atiguîsl 22n d the weekeiid x.viriilier' 5<51erII-NE 2-55 wxhich took place in the St. and hiî5baiid. Mi-,anrd Mis. Lritheran Chuirch, Port Credit. Rori Rogers and darighters. Mu-. 1 KING; ST. E.BO M NIL The reception wurs leld atiaand Mrs. Jolii Aitchîson and "ýSpot on eti near George- faimîlY'. lînI'.nad. xx oe Sui- ____________________1_________ Inll tAUne of SAVAGE SHOES A lx ai ' , f1)v11 1 r rîîfM' ,iw M r l i 'lo , ' h t 1 ' ij ' .: - <'ix' 'xl. xirc r'l: 'xl "iv .1 l a!xc<i Mr t i fi' roxxi' 'x: u ,î'rrt Ntî ' i> 1 (-ui: <i., 'd m' Ill'i l ril) 'co 'x <'<<a - la"'1 ,x irek xandcl NIr. \'V'î' clixl xi h .x ni kS nxl - CI I li lliu i ii xi I îet li iiirîr" rfi" "' o ' ' Ir i .; s' xx ' a 'xl NI-i:.I Iurt' ' i 'fi-i xx ~ ~ ~ ' Mi i"iîll"', N :îrt .M lîrînîr';ss ' i MIlixl 010 '1 lxriv i îîîu t a iv ' : ' iK r' NI! . G -"<' Crok ' i'xî' if" of i'..uiN'.\ ýil NI NIunicipal Board bY ilip Corporation of i RS

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