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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1964, p. 11

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Clarke Residenl tincreased by 2, ' rî'n -.1;1' ;u:l i 2 r1 % . Bruce Tiltson's Mother Dies In Hamilton NIF-%%'<'N ll f' I)Par lu lthe drath or Nir.Retire Tilison's niother iii IlanifIton ruer the uu eel'ciuu, TI lu,'States- maris N E % ma', 1-rdi t or, 34 ;nu :ne uic il)-, ou*, ut i figliuc cf 2,53 The folio3A rioxn ut the' .'un nlucdir ag c geouups. 2-r x'ansdL Ci aud 7 veau iP andi 9 yearu 10 îu 113 vea 14vears yI eamrs 16i lu 19 vear 21 0'o 59 s'es:r i t lu64 year <i5Io lu69 yeaî 701 -car, amie nOSîlax%À>s, 1Il Grades 9 ta mercual Mati BLusincss Pea Mcs. Mac. !rom Newt( (;radcs 9, 10 This comrn dients o! the tLe Stratford OBI . Mrs. 'ruîsî , ,.;ulot bcuo R A at bhoie l 'lect ithe vil- 'le deatiî lage Ours.(>se <n'mîathy MejCul!v, Au trocs out lu Ilî Tilîson tamn- the humne il1' iun ei u7's.Mrs. Johin Si - Fasl. Boxvu clax. Aîugust bvýi er 5: 283 Enroil at hceuîl i foc, Clarke High S I n ,;"i l Ir' io j i cP mcccii .:' ' cm îutr i i 't ,' t ci-1 Graii. 'lecmc,î r m3l 1 Gue td cumul' i i Il , i vJ- i lt .; l dii es 't 17.Pet (1 : ., fuu Daimig hite r udMrs. Je furmier Job Brunîswick, evcliLerg maccueci. shp b%" lier fi!-SI' Sîewarlt. 'in \,vx'ec Lx'lieu ArlthnrcB. M Amurr, %-(ai-,ansur Shediac. N.E Scri in ug bancd, Acihu leu' dauehte] Croix (Shirt( v'ile, auic t 'lexvartansd oilli o! Aurc Thîe fuuîe id d froni th CIl'a p 0 , 1 ,!icrsdav, A. \V as couiduci Swatin of St Uxt'eciaqn Ch va; i Box i ('V. Pal]1 bearers Cliesie Jeuîm Ires. Rayvmor iel Prime. sud Desmonu, I l - -L L *ON NATIOIS 1) At Your Local Druggi 1KLEENE) FACIAL TISSUES iEX-»LAX MODESS5 ;TONI Home Permai ISCORE Hair Cream NIVEA CREME- BABY POWDEI 1' BABY OIL SHAMPOO SMAGNOLAX I WATCH FOR THIE JJACKSON'S DRUG STORE jALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS I. 1!TMY & LDVELL T The Canadian Statesman, E YJ44The Oro no News Mr. rcMs.JmiC Phone 987-4213 Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr, and Mrsq. Elwood Wil.-'Otýrn Fair weekend with Hospita1, owmnte sonan so Dvi ofPrncý M. ndMrs. John Gibson. M %r. and Mr. Cý Walkrr GET TH] Young Statesm an Reader Geore B.C., visited her sis- Mrg. Helen Hall of Taber. and daughiFr nt Barrir viTII and Mr. Chatterton. Tuesday Hooper. Other visitors were week. 0F BA to Thursdav of last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask \,,. and Mrs . im Middýr- 77Fair Day visitors with Mr.1 of Solina, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur' and Mrs. Wm. Robinson were of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. tnd Ms en Surndert r abo t 1D Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sd-1 Dean Hodgsnof AjxM. M r!. en aderboutian rh, for a total o ononClmbs ae go j, Michelle and Michael, Scar- the ttal twnshi son f ColmbusMr, and:and Mrs. Raymond Clapp of'rogh he otal to~nshîpMrs. Frank White or Trenton, Tyrone. bruh ~.n abpa-Mr. Orville Moncrief, Mr. Mrs. Agnes Darlington nt _Mr. and .Mvrs. H. Mcrîcrr alid wn sapbeak Walter Moncrief and daughter St. Mary's is visiting Mrs. R. Mrýs. Wm. Cochrlanle attendeci Tonshi Orono a Olive ot Fraserville, Mr. and'R. Waddell. the Decoration Service ai ing Oono s toMrs. Rupert Byers or Bow- Congratulations to Mr. and! Bcthesdia Cemeter-Y on Suin- Manville. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn on their, daY and werestpr uei under ....329ý Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. 48th wcd d in g anniversaryI of Mr. and Ms Ralphi Virtule .-.....112' Priestley of Vancouver, B.C., this weekend. and JudY. Enniskillen. . ....... 194 spent t he weekend with berý Janice Wood has been st.ay- Mr. and Mrs. Doniald Char-' r.1 ........ 208,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceeu. ing with her grandparentsý, rnan and daughter have c- rs .... .. ...... 208Jones. Mr. Priestley ks taking Mr. and Mes. Wes. Woodilturned frorn Englatnd to tàIke rs .... 363; aspeCial Course in Toronto while lie mother is !ii the' up residence in the Orno 4.for the fail term. Mernorial Hospital, Bowman- vicinity. ...... 2Mrs. T. Findlev of Thorn- ville. In hionour or Mr. and Mt-. rs 176.. 2_8 bill and Mes. C. Virtue et Mrs. W. A. Gerry and Mrs. .1. D. Brownî on th(, occasîcu rs . ... -2, Carsonville, Michigan, a r e Cecil Robinson weee Sundav of their 51th \vedditig -aim- rs ..... .. 207spending a few davs xith Mr. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrsî.' versar,.Mrsianics Brow:i .over _25.-31 other friends and relatives. Mr. Les Hopper Jr.. son, of Marion Browni. Oshawa. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chat- Mr. and Mrs. Les G. Hopper.,and Mrs. M\ccciii Bcowii, Mr. one Economies,' teeton of Lakcfield vWýted Mr. Main Street South, leaves this! and Mrs. Gecald Brovn. janet 12 inclusive: Com- and Mrs. Marshall Chatterton week to enter McMaster Uni- and Bruce, Bowmiiatl\ille Mi. h., Grade 1l and . on Sunday, vers ty, Hamiton. nd Mrs. Llo ' d Ashtonî, 1î~If yoU u-e plann ctice, Grade 9. Mr. aud Mrs. Roh,. Corn-iMrs .C. Gamney lias re- don, Mr. aind Mrs. RusseI] modernize a busine iodre Westheuser, folrth of Lindsay spei t thr' turned home from Memnorial Ormiston. Enniskillen. Mrs. 1. bnt ar u ýonville, M u s i c, __-Muerra «y, Toronto, Miss Sadir ont ar u and 11. ~~Brown, Mr. aud Mrs. Everet drptvboke ng week 150 %tri- ~ Brown and Eeeewerecdiin- sehol ilIattnd:.5xN«..,.;lier gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. FI. Fetial Tme. ~The September meeting of:rmer left Thursday for it trip .. Milison, Elien and Catiu- teO.N.O. Club wavs heldi atl to Vancouver. erîne, on Sunday. Debbie Prurier, two-year-old daughtcr of Mr. andithe home of Mrs. Wilma Vanl Misses Doris Hamiltonu and Mrs, Luther Baccabail, Mr-.el Mes. Jack Pruner, is peering over the shouilder of r. Camp, Thuesday evening, wih athy Parker spent Sunda i d. Braal wt B. MrCULLY Rose Osborne, taking in ail the newxs coritained inian ettendance of 27. An or-iSept. 6th, with the former'< Peari Lcach of Solina reiurn- E LO 1of Mes. A. B. their weekly .opy of The Canadian chetr fo te ew ea's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, e ek' voin Mday Vernon rora, occurred at __Saemn eve dance was iuse and Hamilton, we' ii i i enn 25 BRANCH OFF diws l iscuseprse Fredericktown ad Cleveland, t.o ix Kinr atigtt wseft w-ie. th reit Misses Mary Romeril and Ohmn. TORONTO - 2 -if he daugt to scure ne. Thnk-vo Viekie 1-itchen are spendingM u r taville, on Mon-' wnfowrethe cd, frok Judy few dys with Rev. and Mrs. M .and Mr.s. BrucierChapmati Telepi S24th, 1964. She re- Sw ai o the fairhook she1 P. Romeril and Dennis, en- and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ir eradhdP ssS w i m ng T st rs.ceie fothe usr.oa:d f oote from England 10 Wes- Creccv of noiwerurk two month. M s. ie fo i- the s e o!terri Canada. end gucstS of 'Mr. sud mi. of the late M--.o gatltos.o .i'. .il.C atetn an qn 'e honnsn, he '1lue Oronio Red Cross Svim- Grsîîain. ding. Roll cail, A child's tale Cnrtltost essWeit ht.cousdfm anu Thnonipo uîgadtheeSft Cas Ms elS.idu aultfrom sehool. was welî answee-: Roy and Harold McLaughliný ianna Thom s hi ndWaer edtertY ibe Bs NI ilroe isss ud ueceivrd. Save youe Canada Packersi Who won first lu hoeseshoe at Shda.Nwe hc eehl h is the rneCla n rci-'bels. Some lively games oft pitching at Kinmount fair. Sh1-eir. e oewek n.uiywr o- dhcuîrcose:!T-hestie were played with Ail- Debby McLaughlin spent a wec si lue Jl HE; 2 ciK-Roa - 1hvngScit eduication. Tw. cýen cludcd Jul 24th;325 cbid- ROn al l avigSouty en van Camp comung hught few days with her grand- was peedpceased rnweenoldfomTd OuFcay, .Jîîix' 24th par- sud Aima Duff low. Wilmal mother, Mrs. Edith Murphy,' ifCM hushsud. Charlesplst erRdCoss ctsuis re iiiv. teni lu the and h ler geoup served lunch j Tytonc. 1932. Shp is 'sur-ý TheceP weee also classes un "Award Day . . Octoher meeting is in be ali Dr. aud Mes, Carl] E. Hii!,1CO r second husbsnd. 1oa\if11inBoueM - Ms. Trnusuut npicd Iled Noreen Malcolin's aud thP WiIlowdaic, and Mes. V. W.IA 4C.Cullv. dailioîu and Awacd of Mccii occasioni hy wr-comuuug ail sud roll railIo be, A Cotuntry lI Pugsley, Richmond Hill, were 'u had resided The Reri Cross Exarns wcue tsled eou Mrs. Don Staples, wsn-t to visit, aud why. Labor Day visitors of Mes.ý WHITE OR Ci Ont., for eight heid coiiThuirsday . Jiil' 231ri whu gax ' ! thr see'sce-,Te. aaspnd a-DvdHl.SEI mr to that In sud eesults were v.ery goorl. port. 'Mr. Teî uaut thauked "îr a pedd t ai îi PC t. heSeuuos ad unorssuMes Rynunl. Leuutu'etctendance aitbeolh churchesý Miss Ethel Thompsou ]s besides hec brus-1 passcd wib just one huîctrmedi- aud au i ' ,focrsucîî Srinav orning and vcrY spending s week with friendsý ur McCullv, are' iste failung. Howevcc, Mis:sîcissu veau She ako hclilpfuil services. Ili the Un1it-ý in Toronto. .p.g. o.f.4.. r, Mes. John St, Boiiiiie Barlow bas. siuuue truc! thankrd Dehbic, R(-\ nolds ,,uo cd. the choie sang an anthcmn, Mr. and Mis. Vincent Ar-' [evX, of Bowman- again sud lbas receivcd lbei- Ii- had given quille a'bit, o! hec I "He. leadetli me by -,till Wat-.:cher, Bowmanville, Mr. and Ct t.Re.f le two sous. Locue teemediate awarcd. Tbc exsuui- Lime tn helit i iiiî Watee cs". Rev. P. Romeril's theme: Mes. Elmer Archer aud Jirn,: eu R I -i Charlie Stewart. inier', Mr.. M alkeu. Per-i a\ ebmuIg mssists andIo i emnwa TeCod hib u isMarilyn / ira. borough, had heen Iu four eais iuustutîidffereutfsud the Voice.' In St. Jobs'Archee, Peterborough, were i raI servire wa pools hefore corning in Oruuî' thuumus ;i the pooIo th tuihe Sacramnet of Baptism Satueday evening vusitors ofSotWheorol e Morris Funeral and said ihese wecuthe hcsiticlsses. Mis. Rc * iitrb- theii wa.s admînîsieeed iu: Mar-ilýyn Me. and Mes. Wilbert Archer.! 1tW a~ o Bowmanville, on!he had cxarnined ibis var: so tbankced ai! fuir uuiung, aIso, Dawne. daughter of Mr. sdaesd!Ms omn TO LT1U uui2t.and Ille bovs sud girls aiong xithIlle w ox s sud \ml xlî oek-!Mes. Don Green, aud John! r n r.Nr .1T U i te vRv . h ntrco ndhlrsJate s iick Green. Canoun Aàhmoreesud Mes. Wm. Shelcock, St. i !Whte or Colaured P tAudrew's Pres- the lbard xvock paic! off.'flic' sudin iii t lullbîukedeachb aCahrns etoMnd I iui ch. luteemeuit eeeuuis arc as fios leîe. SI,(,a' o c xpccsscd: peeacbed ou DuIties s Cheis-;a motor tr, 'ithaon winoa nSC T vuanile ere- Beuuuirswrd Sc::l iuiîn u e ai i n iLe iian shoLd .perform, sudco0u- smonetnOha wlltac tinuioglloui t d uitesofPs.-them to the West Coast, then Kcuc~,Karuc'i Coamiti:cilasse- tun lu ,Armouriiinucs ii ngo t iI s fp l--In Washington, California, çw c r PM, r Cami eNcwî .Rî:ici dOron) ni.rt Ille ý;,of!Itlew hiild- ' cus sud god-pareuts. SuIn -- MMadth.EstCaAUN PAGE 1-olanrr Kit ig nth nw aviln l-thrdav School eommeuced for O'osu h a tas. sen, Gardon Sl cilcimîcrKibPxluu uleoi'ca i vsh e efait sud xinîr ertem. They plani beiuîg swaysix * Reg. Prit,* 2 btli id Goheen. Wen- Psul Stapies, Stex awve- a iii:tah!rlu ino90In.,îLe I'week..1 KTHPSAVE 10* Randal! prime Wlfrcd Gifford. TrcvSImiiI., wair. Me. aud Mes. Robert Mahar-, M.adMs e ul. d MeCur Steve Sylvester. David Sx y ta tdue.lie rpâe- fy, Glenn sud David, Si~l. uid Mes.Ken Dunus- vester, John Rubîuisoii Jl. i cls wer :-bwil the progre's-1 Marys visiterd friends in ibis moor, Betb and Besan attend-Eeg. P h ce Qutn Suook, Steve Bovdl, Breula suonls tb:t x ccc"scd nt each ivicinitv over the hlda wdiu n on FrstRg.Pie . 1-10, .1011\ý rol- B(ýgiiiics totopweeknd.Sept. 5tb, sud spent the week-ý IoLv, Joli y nma n. Wa envtfo eginr oto ekn.end with friends in Durham.i T OA&P Ch*;" Cocuvier, Jane Rcvoids, Lvnria Scîir-sud fiIxo thc Bronizei Rau Martyn, 1Laru'y HoskinsuRoetVn. P. O SKilpatiik. Ju-Ain De Grool, snd Six cm ei- c~deminnstrat- Bay MountjnadyRoaud Lloyd Tee- eg.SAVE* David Heuiderson, Tom Mantîi, cd. This provedi most inter-' win speut the holiday week-' Port PerrY, spent a few days! OAOSSV ines JrlyStehenonDonWhir. gtii, asIlii prens culdseeithtoutheirgar grandparents, ranipaen Me.M.! Junior Red Cmoss -,Axxaird- "hst us expemueni ai îte levelý MaRd Oit Harcy Van Camp. 1i N P Julie Jonies. Rave West, Kncen îîi chilcl passecdi ii sud also :, rs. oss Curtus. Oir,;Mes. Wilbert Archee IZ Reg. Priceg Homewood, Paul Tord, Dormu hte hxelaudthsisetSndy 1 hrdYI visitiuig hee sister, Me. and C H E R Y PE SAVE castle Stapleton, Donna B a r P s summlas'i wc uhhcsse, M. s.F. Cook, Beavertou. contst.Barry Hazeldon, Carot Cha~t- umfor a xpese i tue ànMrs. Goedon Strongsud Mt'. and Mus. RssMeCanu, cotet. leto, ârn o&,nýRiky Rerr '\4srXrese fmsu.ad Miss Gtee! " Your --0Bh& Suipson, Don Si'se ttheilîg In u5cîmeSumel- Me. sud Mers. Erties tLa r-1 awa, weeSundav 'pp"_ Guarante « lYu Mo yBa f'e tisserie) ICheevî osîam GîeAî Cýuni .ri Crus.- Bmsueble a;ssu:- in giv- guests uof Mr. sud Mrs. Stan LCîs l atamreTuîn Gcuit th atairi uîsxeac. ý Grade Nine, pcep s r a 1t il ns Rahm aud famuly, Lyncla xcLarlne om M(-deuut(o1 h ave heen manie for the Anl- Me. sud Mes. O sm ondniCANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED1 liance) DoumîcI. Marilyn TamhIlvu Ooun lid Crs S nc lassf he:nus] Initiation Day ta he heicl Wright aund Me.sud Mes.; [imate) Carol catdwri!. EBuimume Bau1. s.onu, c J e Tenauln, ou Feiday. If mu, is any con- Goldwmn Faunt vusted friend.s: Sno r wu iDumaTri aliuug wii th îLe msteictor and' slsiion to you in GradeNune-,, at Midland. Satuedav. A, M rs. W m. mmli D hhc R D omd, a ni - p c prrsenlecl axvans ta Most of us have cdured Il M . sd M s. Frank WrightBE Adar. la ci, Rluxe ,îoîruî îa:u a! T1,poe1.re 1, insud mu succeeding yeacs sund tamuly, Bowmanville, Mr-. HugesDo MKc~ Jmumu-s. nrediates sud . found it more aud more amus- sud Mes. David Fairthorue Broue Meaîl i Snior xvck ufîLe g. On that nught the anums u d famiiy, Toronto, Me. sud Brone , edaliot.i J c iizuig îe fm'..l te 'Init.iation Dance will e held Mes. Osmond -Wright -speut, sterV and ftni u %I i5jtll, Mr -àand M ns - Dal1ton S wanr, 41.1 eg. S119.Susan aud Pamela. Barrie, M Box of 48, sugg. lîst 1, WLO' 19 lrk rra . r a-FUHFUT N GTB KSpprt;%l $2.rv Duisnoor, Kevin andý, RS RISA DVGT M B eIL Sherr-i O.hawa, aud Marucu A ONTARIO GROWN -- nent----Rbno. rrorgh eegg. Iîst 2.00f.4) IUOS AVNG9FRESHLV PICI 3-a,6 cE Ul~Dfluxe Chesterfild Suit-~ Sunday guests of Mr and Mr3, M I T S stig. lst 7c IW ~etuahlnq, Reg. $249. ivu Blair and Todd visitedA i$ 4-oz. jar. stigg. list 1.3 N EW Slashed for Qulk Mr. sd MrF Orme Falls,w6h 99C bvNeil R[hardx Sale -$166. Oroun, Sunda.,j PL S3 ,11'lSixteen Beowuie. imd effive stg.lst!S % , i rnwe o (! rar Uc '3 P'e.. Bar - Sectional Suji leaders eujoyed a Brownie -- R--89 lý "ý- f:ýdv s CnPackHldya r rn t ecM a' 1A'SL- Guaranteed SprlnIr . oC.;o- ck H olida , VM e GrntCALIFOR 'ln B ILSIoi u br89caIfcoe cee ction. 10i%,nylon up -hLake. o oithe we e w R Â PES T 129 1.09 11I c rs ic ExPC bar. Aorite comprner cda McLaughlu was voitheGAE 4 ýi-F ad to t'hen ýal a Sleep% twa If desired. Sold besi camper bv the Brownies, rond vrai: L'L msd)0cll for $269. Chesterfield and Scisan Bolan v'cted best WAaH'ING' 8-nz., sugg iîst 129 1.09 I P eailsmh Lelaer.Ssn rol xiemumr- ArIoci u îe Week Special $17 had the hest camp diary.,C "cc ,a~ me NI: M5These uhrepe re.ceived prizes. RN. 20-oz.. sugg. iîst 1.f)9I1.29axv1 M- \îeM! Date, Sparce gaver l)av-nlport,,, The '*Six" Brownies with the AD AC W EK .29 ~ NIrcDecrmo". an.d Mr Mr- Sleep twohedding eorn-rnost points was won by the S NEWCSTLEBccs-~ o "w&iu'.%epk to choose from -$4 Ser Elaune Metcsîf, Susan 4 %,o-b iv u'ex culs lu ce- 1 Ioan. Darlene Brien and JGH NEWSCAUST OREE :1ocn ::""-.hs WISO 'SMe MesnDu . Saf ee q. xvcr ani1.11.p bmmonunwtier? Lynda Kvte and Joan., hewren MRG TOR 4z: ITIIDE igî %vec ý,i in x ,ibii zSuIt and Mes, Connie, OIlComî'.casd Bnw.î S ain. Mrs. Swain wax try-ý ORON uiaiv"! Sc:o'~wl h p]s. îg for hec rack Holida l S TUTT'S PHARMACY ii411c ur-1,àiriis; fer- '-n CRURCH ST. epuceAI] were înspected by O' o f~ specîstor.; on SA AMrs. Dorothv Nelson, Port~ -~ . To the dclýihh 0f ailbu 'tL1I1 Perry. Bowmanville, Sep. 16. 1964 ireturned home Fmriday aftr .yru- attending the funera1 of her ýo tx,' fath er, Mr. George Mortorn. IS BOOKLET LSIC FACTS Sbusiness lbans ning to start, expand or ess and you require a term your plans, write for this or vîsit an IDB office. ' INDUS TRIAL 'PENT BA NK FICES ACROSS CANADA 250 UNIVERSITY AVENUE )hone 368-1145 ese Lew.Lew A&P Prices TUES TISSUE IAL 059C * * i' PER CONGRATULATII i I I fol iig TNI Bingo W'ini f ranithe ToI'î,s& Son IG.X Store, New( iiit. nilzg thu' fiesi big Nwcck of the I. M'- uutIcauî (.Slîihcaln Ro r'.. RitI,îliii, off (Suihcaiin App M1 sl'iutîu Stocks (sunheam M' S2 lut I iiuurl uu 'mihvi-" - 'rs. E. Peal NIeL<';îîu. lu". lu'.'Nih Mrs. Helen -, îî~le'xxavEnter 1o~ta25c ourâe (Fumiy> R. p4g *o-&4AV£ 40 ýSSUE Pkg4os4c 'aper Re. Prpo g U-BAVE 4o IELS P À2o , sE 9 3 U-'649c y. Halv.*4.-oi9 m QuarPi 2 tinis 45o 14e ARKER eacli 590 10e 5 20-fi.oZau99C Iefge 24-oz siz 49C For Amy Reavs Va A- . N «Mi Pd Wi6m Yewr Ment PurcheiAt MA&P BRAND STEER BEEF RieSHORTTor JCK__b9 I lb49c 4 uelity, Exeonet kw Bimn EF HEARIS ru35S -ARR IVIN43 DALY NEW (',PO - FANCV GRADE J<ED --CMIBP Md JICY 6-qZ69c RNIA OK A VS ,ade TON t F*o t 2&29c 2&25c 4. 1 Graed* 2 5 k AIS Prio. la Thie Ad Gttaran*..d Thromh , S.tw É6)4 ". l9Ui 1964

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