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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1964, p. 12

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i 2 chi -oti i' ri' '['n rp a or. n"' 'i nnk.- ri f ' r j 913". in thç'rc " 'il wxas litie in 'Ile 'f a'ii ie". Shr' i cx-vi' iirg for al 'i"i ','c 'i a;iri ber cxpr" " r cr' ouîgh :oi milnÏ fr i;! 'i ru n" ru S' "t r 'r' "1"' '1' t.: a "s f r a 4" "<i BELL LINE by John W. Lowry your telephone manager ('ONTINr'INr, ALERT Nniv'Iht i ie x'ntný;teriare bael4in srbnnl. 1 horie (hat Rwin'Ipdrivers xxi lo t 'elax the caution thef"' heen rrxrixisnzdîîrjn-, ihe sîrnnr mnnlths. 'Irue enouu, h.the ehiidreui aren'! out dî,rinr nio't of the dar. hbut they ARE. ont onu thre xa. to and from sehool. and dIrinz the *Itinî'h houîr." iAndi in tnta ilia titirs, snech as they î,evrr i%%('r(- 1du irin thre hliday%. t And Hen airain, tirer,', a nexi tcrop of lith' fines w ho are jus( starting seironi andi ircven't had tnn mîieh experience ini prntreting thenisfi-es from % snrlf,.s or cacesdrivers. 1 î'riînziw hen 1 rrad soires onica';rs.Iînipiug tire sîdeix %alk and kiilinz or niaiminr prople %% ho j.jL h.'ppe-ned In hi' therr. .N littie foizr->xear nid uiri Was killidi'dn this kiud of accident near "lontrral iast ninli. and hr oug mothpr had (ni haxve ale xmpuita ted. l'oi "renoue nf us exer In ut brrad of sueira terrible tragedy happç,îing li ncmn v'îlie. . * . , 4. C(Oi'UR TV '1'ie la' n'lnlriî TV inti 'iiJî,;i~ i ,;til s rniîi-1 ithi' rne r, bîtt xheu it 'noir. t tIi, FIH xx'il hp rpt mal iins ti A part.finis a fesi' xxrrk- aigo, al hp C(aîîalîanî Natîinal Fxihliticîiiin t; i'c;rt', RC's'\ Suit lrdnincîst î dils <nioti TV 'i'chicîpmiii bsup'ta III('trefii'st tinei-'iiui oîiiîii"IS ' c"i uoiik iii (',iiala.il Reli fa/'iitir's xxetctrîtt 'I ts lice ' î Ioal tii tlîi l'is'iu,î sc' lniîttt'i t'l 'i<lt pr'îilstý- ll*(i'citiiritt li" fair' gî'uir s. "iit i;iYoe.ti' k;r iss' thali(î iii, Tl'I"phuiîi"" S '<ci/i <irsx'ic'lthtre Rr'ilit'ici c . ' iiir; 'I'S* t i r oîi ii's t In aI/t oi.fui iîîî !1'1,' '11 Ami-1 ("1'« ri, e;I. Pir mnuiir Ioi ki'i'.' iti? li traîînii~enai (ai iîtr'. uw ns" imuse ni hirk mmc; w'o'i PMZUgrn'i aie ali caris norsiic'lîàs iîii'iiri."mt tcxini;tc! i'.iîntt" 'îItri' x'ti 'ci"" t"2 t t'1hat'7 xsorth a pst nu [e.hi' i/-.. iîîît li thmék e * * * * las"'1-011 heard abot the <'hînrese 'clhnalr ciho 'n'a% Zli'un ;a letu're Nihe-n al thp liphts in lhp irnnm wt-puttnu FIe(, 'dtire people in thp jaudivncpt(> rais,' their hands, Asoon as thry ennplicl[lie lighx x%%rnt ou. "'I"hi'% pix'ere xxi',drim ofthe' tl (lîîî'î I n. j' ~- ~/ ' k il" P "î r 'x nn I 'i/,- tir n;' home'ee 'me 'o Frorno. n ' Ma 'nxs"a:er.lot- of ';1) n"X. ' zi'i fro< sýhe li ' ou ,h 11eh'bcr lii' ';'a 'ri; e TY va i, 'ni. frtn s <u -hn "w ; ar;r' sxn1nnx'the ut sn r hoc kinp sur- r (n'M; 'iMeHolr.-n j; "~î'"iaii;11iithe 1xve c il ci ' i'rl'îi;gor humi- "'nu;.,s t u s svrrn'c a c 1" k'. s rreexpcriences Th !;î' ai'l x c a ntilc ci i s"rs h' itle' ap- 'i~~~~~~~~n ici'i'rcii;'r'Oîx r pihi roi "<p.b0fore Yn i ' u a i i r'i r e (- o o d a inrilcIf ut uIsu pain- <oc~rhu;ilas. and 'hat" in o\'e~~'. uf -oud or lient. À M u-', 2< uir uî"s d fille n' ' irakinzîg b i'na l.c'r'ai- scPipr's. filliug mat- "r' i c x 1 r 'tas': snd hakiirg 'lie n:aL1r's uf iiu f)uiiris. -'(c hed h;i' cn t/plied xi tIlî "i' '" ';îrr'ummer lient of c' ' s iti 'ir gisr faier. r'. îic'a anf d li iir n o c a. i 1i1,; 'm' a: riV r !(l ie îi~ g u 'ti'i'iia l -1 D1 f' Sît :cîîa fn( ltir Io ' ala xonriroe'im u l t i er i is i.lîd to se Kl"itic'iitus attidi l " isillti't1 (if I3i'<sut 1s le 1liti ai J(- i li/t a' li.er";x'liii snd lattferis' nneetitîuý nil Sati.u'rtx rxeîitî'M't "i tini/li aiParki Cluth- ' <o'ih. CobocIrg ,Senti- houts '1'lîex uffîrets îOf bOu<lsseth e WI"inISI tlle in rie: '~î' ~eunai 'r'îî'n'î,nx Kiuîî'uie oiicvrs ilciiris huit i'/\\, E NFJE~ ~ Pi us. BRat'a M ast c'rs, PeWdttEs x îVerr'y, lst V i ce, Pi .es. P)a rhIa i'a (itil 1 i aiiii 'i";i't ar1.., \Iiuii 1a 'l'i;csiiias Silînitsuas Fa ite-n' har 'ixx. lki"isî 'ai' \tilîre' ie}iDlirr'c'tîîî fli'rI the fiî'stSI (31 ln ' tr.U i( h\ull'i 'ssituî ltîldti ittit"l/aiî >'il Siiiîiai iiic RaIls' Da s aus ~ict \ssi î' Rex'. F. Lait) g~î'eai ii.pi'iigtalk in th, t'hili'iiori ut'xstuhle e Il hie o"î'r f th(sx' n Chlîi'eh. ['le xx ci' i ii ii tue( er' ce h: Fi 'ii Sitî'atîd S rs.DonrIde Sa i 'citý. jkciiiîv Dk 't aithrIeil hs'thie .Jtuior attniicii"ci sers un o hp\ýtq 2<1 5'ic <Su 'ii iAlIn si tîî- 'ii ixa ilieguetof lînor -1at a111 ' lîr'îsshox', r lîr'il l'ci lîf reî rom En fielId. QuL w- x 5ra xsr'krl gi tst or 'i n Xi't1( : K . Xl 1.iîc, ( i'ir;iie sx"îr' Frda eet; ng Inqitrrs <'f thi' J.V'. ose' h "<f' ,Jcii t iis ad faut- Si'i 'sJIr1î.alîaîi. a îr'ci tî.ir litrix I lîý r' Firr Il r' 'il ricî' G Alv icîr ui- .1 i IIri at " i'rAts 1for [ln; i;îîr'iiII N sst.'iai ONTAP'o TO AIL RESIDENTS 0F ONTARIO an announcement regarding EXTENSION 0F PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE On and afer MorîLivS1 1ciir 14.I orI fùîtîa-j rc enîiîlc-d. xx ilî<uittutig to tistlu'tis î5c5'S.15 t1i'i ipx l't rccis cd In Ille uît1icc tiff' eristeeu it:nîîii'rtît u t eîî'ix.u c t', ice in On I ito xx ho part ici p.ie in tlir eN \ cr1in'.'ntf1iti"î'io iap esceauiis tcred b li he()nîcmnîo Htîspit.îl S..'îs Ct'.o'nîittt' î'"t.lite c1'ci u îu i prescrthcd li\ a duly' qt.atl h'.sitîuand pu u < tr1i h -1, <or uildr the direct supervitaton cif, a icgî.tecrcul pi;htit, tp t. A coi u-c tof [rcatncnt niay ble for a nmaxtimutm of thrcee xxcck,. u tlusaducpli% ,,ýtian ire cnbcs a longer perîtîd. HOME TREATMENT If, in lic o(pinlionffl if t tenufing îit 1 u'.i.î i liueut c.htîuîxt attetnulflic phxxiitic'.tpus" cfice, lreaItutInî n 111C' iucixpLice <of' t estulencc xiii bc cxic.huit in. snicli t tlîlis"u:hu e ~uî' iu.nclite pitint, or patients, a total of SI .(0 per \i iIî, io:.t dc' iuc nurrtbcr of pittcnts treated during [the visit.. The main puî'pose of this additiuînal scrs'icc [o patients is to makec the most efficient use of available physiouherapy ftciiitics. It is to bic financcd by Federal Health Grants and lix îhc Pro\s mcc of Ontario. Certain phxsiotherapy services are nuit ax iible under thi'. prograin. These services may lbe obtained tîlîruîuL211 rix atc arran-ceutusxîh the physiothcrapist. (ONTAIRIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMIS SION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO NE WTON VILLE M I' ru. iiam i ' fý. 1,lux n'i i i Bi'ui'( tultr 111('c tii"Brin' C(Ilia lc'tii(-i i l (il. ni S il il i c ac Sa tlîil 1 s' (ro is ;21l e(1n'ia. i;/ittri"l ti N ata 'a I.')Il T ' , se i'tii cIuic/ it' ii tir </'u 2<ve G;Ir l. ' iiiais x\ ns\ insi"c for 1ani"s h ( 1ut; S'c i li o s i ( ')rîî î foi ;îî i 'i 1/' ii/.'ii' i t; f 11, 1î aga v lip. ofh t "'i.Dci CIi t n li 9anlt li i illw ui t T i s ia iî I 'cr aie i iIrus £ nsti ;is"in Pr'n pa.10 l'riiniil. 72ý. port Gnihx Xl l[ii'liti- Keiî,iai Pliiiu'pa'. 1;l Ir, R r'ih X iN tc l tiE n .01 111 , . 1,oss r'rs Fuýjiir iîrî ;. "h GI1od k; Gi; r t'tî'oiîîa .1 l c ns luni ii, tK i ii r 1u tic'i . X rý l'. c.'i.1 t'a ci , ' v.i ' bitii tI ](,ca\ 1'; ii r i »i" tt;] 'r i lait t u t' r tii- sC ici c i ' tI ' cc lii iT thmort if 'i icîîi 1lie >() l ti ii q ' X ' RE ýs' n îo' iHr[i 'r:t iii iii; 'i tail ifii gi'ig' ii N 1il (,ilns, ' i . r iii ic1 l; l; î u Ali - K-'1 'aTcn ['; ic ;pîî afeu Ixrt- s c- xs:î; ir iiontirer. 1; leii R3r o 1)i1 , w Ci uit ;Sc i t o h/ ;nci'<J r aiCi. ros"" me/rue5M t'/ 5 l/ r' i'.'i <'. 1u nie's NIXr. a!î l r r l l ie d G1i. ntgbt 'i1ir.ct' crfi-i r. E Ail ri en M9nti e. aii t'q l isc 1' 1 h .ii, tKr,iur :;4 ne Ci, it ti- AOnughsr aL Mor. Pnli'nuM 'av 'atnlr th' ous' aiein Pt Port NIleI.rnil a 2<; 1rrrnx tary was aîageci at the home sut udt'" evei'îimng Glets n- i ciudri Mi. and lMis.(icuî'gc "'iju' 1tf, r. anul d irs. Kru) Sîn i ih, M . îii lî'11 Ps e,- V i ,i l 1 iJîî' uîî h Ii r. m id Ms1:. Siî'xsa; t SV od. ns'îi- S\ ii M. li îd Misla i Passe n ger 1Pwsffrvations1 Maple Leaf Package Tours Group Travel D iscounts Red, white and Blue Fares Crodit Travel Hotel Accommodations riwrnv.îiii, Ont. Phone 623-336-1 tains. Ptet iii Ecltir' Jîait Prutni iridJIst ' .ii' (PAY\S Stwtt. Jinsr'ntonfîî'eîs, sr'aI el.lrfîpurihî. Diî'eetnr Jon Lunn, Past Pi-es. BertiSî'iîxvrr'i Pt denît Dutke B rutn t. 21ne Vie Pics. Rn'. (Midn e iii Rpcstrar Elxx'aid Leaver; har c'k n , I'î rasîtîr'r Etigr' N\'u inio , Sect'utai'x Vsm. lies ici. a'nc (V'Dpe i Gn rtînr l"' ranik (Guys'of Portri Inrpe hr' iistailimi- iitr Diî'ec'tnt'Al Knnxs'es, 'i'e'rrBillMtinanri1-t ictrr Prve.BobhFaites. Wood- Al.r. a/id Mriz. Ki Suit! h reniaiîîîrr lîxr Sîil ai Mîr. 2<\'iiîri'l Vini's. !VIr andciMi[.(ini apiertii alitI famuil 'v isî ted in Trio, Donnîua RN(-'e of arîiiil aîîd MsirDos/gis Val Nr'sia r. xx ciP x(rreil i- fors il Mri. "<aie MrIi. arul Mrs. C. M>'Init snd Mis. Wi. Il. Jmrie xith Xli. andrlMrs. X'ala'eMrrrili sud1 iaiisNof '<'<'arkss îrth xx ere Sitidas' visiton s inOrniui.S'im- 1a.v. ai MXr. Carmnan (Crirnishi's. Siiilas- x'visilnrs xx'ith NI;? *zc Brirgrni;cIurîcri NM r. A ti)1 2<'rs N. M Mr.ers Xi sd ir BRr, e' Mr. sud 27.F. Bi-aur", Doiii e ui si Ril Mi.. and MSrs. N . J.Braiesv snî taiîils ail of Occiiaxsa. Mr.ttîit li'Mrs ('lnes Gc.,i a/11( us i (Jir t Brrs i i i ll,j 55/n' ai XMr. C. l.~i'ams, Siiiirls MXr. sîiil Mis'. F., riri"- sari fsrimiff x en 'î'iim' lai s ai <1 Nr. ('ri.Heir'u's Port iolpi'. staýpIinî'su NI;. nulMe Ae Xlsrîîîî ariil lns'.' Nessi le F<Iiss pis a Ren dMr.;r il iisnl 'l'o;nirno .2M<r;;;i r Xi .- C; l Mrl'îî îa i ti ;aî i l a nri < ri-. 1,,Xli" Na uni. ciss'- M!- i i 5 le lo'i sAINMr. \V 'E. Rin;,C)onr. ELIZABETH VILLE chuiil., asil' adi :,mi Mi.,"rîai <<f Port îîr;nv 1/' . 'i5 c" ' .5~for x o r icix iîeti xxctctr fu ic res U.crc.';Cri. W't. uA r5', p)lo ci < tr i !i ii <ut tu e t k"a ' M/ii liiii'u irti . ti t s c' lI; sal Nî '(']'-o ii tu ix t! 2<1" andciNit'. E tuile"r oin SAttm"cax a ne'Argo'thi, to'n iiett i;es hn;iî arîc 2<1; 11ri QNIrtiro ad ici Ilîî. Xiaîrhî. s " rr ne eir, ;'i. jci '.,t m pel ' ' 'otit, Qiaiîîr-il sx'horiq go/rg 'n ,r coo in Flît'. Ses ra is"eîî' <c (7r îo no NI' r 1i Xli '.1 J. ik '<'h 'h' , x' s; tt'tl st 'lhu"k nn. NIl Smaf ý- î eit ii -"rzar t h'i'ksrnn. Prhor-; îr;g;î. x aei at rmex'er 'hi' NIr. a1td N:-SarI; Mue'c in icI 1)i. ia. ' u1 r'. <r; tri. s'i ' ut f'c. krm'aut JnbîîtDa, NI". ai <1;R .r, ot arrc i i C)Nie' et McI'o.ý f 'uic 'oh)At <'n flar/i" rocurîl rP f ishrl. 'T'lrrp i,:nol ouip srîi l n 'Ir nt ctl rer l ritr) f 'np carl b' !!au:"g pecuel ip ;'11H tci AlinUi 2 annprre r ann'th'ing idlurin& an earthquake, Bright Young Lady of 88 Speaks ta Soroptîmists 22 Paî'k~"a Cre'u<-eut Box~'n QUESTIONS about the CANADA STUDENT W)/ t>hie n- ofM NOWi ral'. of tir' no'v (- nar, is t;rl tnrinr 1131 lia ,.h"' hmrr ir cr i Sd lurJ i i mInuai hanrh nrithpri'RariLrt ofriotreal hax ht. l In u nalinr nn b w tri app i'v,. Thr' Plan vill pinrisd e r tk n r m":îr'c' ni /'.lili'îi'î0i a " j ri 1%ix , i jii r r i la nri (,rit i iii Ic ri Ir11 j ilII l-, i' dii' (m m i(niite. iii ii.m nniîte /r 'iili'm ii ii t jtirlt',ail If' the Raunk of Nont real said, 'Support of edu< ai on hax loug heen an esiatî!ished print ipleoftihe 8 of M ... An't pra ( tirai mvsure thai entends 0 threcdiiialionAt horizons of yotung ( anadians xxili al%% aý s tune a ready, À s, rupdihrt'r ru .potv.c t rom t anafia*% fîr-st k" "" 1-1rI'c n l, triarn mn'triu t'i n Plan raM -)n t[li 4 anaý-n ,r i x'nîrirai hrannh rif th-p P8of KM.Hr ha-, ail fhp - rirtati &nd hi' rar gi' tru a frnIdrr n the tubiect. Whynt se hîm now? i/i fC i / n l n r-=' j B-ANK 0F MONTREAL P. S. fon I r 'nl 'a ,n1,./1 î)i l /)A x r' xý )it f Jr,- 1.ti, i n 1 ,h -.,'t' I 'y )u wuifIbe i Iltrr(est'd mn th P Ban k o! Mo n f ral tint\ er -ily Ldur a lon Programme-aà cnmnr-h,-nsîs'ite hicn<urnrd plan in spré-ad the most of a crnhlege foducation rixer pr'riocjx tir) tIo nine s ratsrîtior Bof M ntanigrr has i'ta/ on this, t',o> ix triake a vital part. tr Î. Snioxvden choze sarT 7(19 for tIbm scriptxire whicli xxý rra ina utînîson, and hy-mn "'. il ke Tinî r in bc Holv' xvar su:ii. "lie ievotionai theme wi's -Pt axiît liancis.' Theqp xverc tir handi.,zof Fi fricot xxi mau'ude ii possible for the 'Xi'rtio hecome an Artia1t and hid surî;'e i5 on c'hance (if becoming an Artîst. (O1îîe si;rn;:!ibc aviîerritftlîfb rual ix' ai'ýz ha' i nil devoeri- 17v n id îînscli fîhl. Mi' Si;xs dci rend 'f, qrs bx nt'a ci' a;rdhx'mn "Mi lux i 'her-' sud the meet- ';i r:se xsitb the mizPRh Fhenezi'" l1nî'edCh:r h \'- rinvas bell 'Srplernhoi r'r * \"ci Sn opeed hs' the lradr1 fnilonwer'd bx hyllni irti Thnu iDivine Comipanion-un'sd prat sr. The t'casu;îrets retînt'i va Mis. Ti;bh imnonrd 'tic cr/ntg x c'. The Gonîeri; e Ciii-fch hne-rE held Sienihet' 24îir at 8/il) pr.. A\idi PIPRr;itlm ier tîîg of tihe 1î.rdchi ici1'h \'(-1 n î c u xl V i i i b ho e M n l , P i c k e r '; t îg 1 Ortriher 27' h.i MsK. F. (',nu t('ea d Of 'hieo Cohr'r nr't'in. li cii'<haî a Frir'd sve lîaeen.le t;" asvt> m ui and the uffcr-i ug xxas ga thlîr'rur[ b G .(' Au;;;suddetîci ci aienia'; i"e'sýn- Kinettes and Kinsmen Officers Instalied A h :: yri.;ý 'i' 'i eigh1,v - el ,h' suRri a Z ', 'i Younz a~eryf e:z*-'rr- ail- dressel "no Crihri "g - l IfOpe Sororri' "îh'Ij. mneetinz hr'ld i n.ari ' IfnteJ rerrn'1v' lvlorr:shar '"('r>(on- ler oif Cir 'g v' r apart jr; 'ta" b u' hi' ail living and 'ca"t'tigra.ýp the 'a.,-k ' a' %, 'LInwa k Prý ; is'ir c ' x cr']- ,ent mpornanm o 'oSes ARE YOU PLANNING A ... NEW HOME M)) IT N(').I.V .atnd (;ake (altagc of C o v~e ,i i cn t W ~in h r Ilo u t ui Id i P roiiau lle Idera I (ove t' i en t1 m na ke a ndirect pa"t*(vie t of -,*1.-)0.000(I o nt e olli N er. Hotise to I)(' ('lif l<ted bh Ia rcht) :,I 't I1965. BUILD NOW ... AND SAVE $5000 ONPI-IN P,ALAN('F;ON .-ý MRGC AT (>NTIV 6iir INTERF;ST D. BE ER S Rt "ILDER Phoue 623-226i3 Lilicrcv si. s, 1-"o%% lllaii% ille 22 Palk%,t ,Ili ail NI il le EBENEZER MANS PLAN?

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