Womens' Hos pifai Aux. WIlI HoId Card Part y ta Raise Funds for Pro jects Thp "nee'r'rg r 'W'-'v Auxiliar-. i!Ml- "i'a llv' tai was hte!in ' ~ Foir. bx' îhr' ," 'l'o,'p *. ýc ]' ' ' Rujdph. -)rz:.drr', : ' Chairna in -) f ~< v " Comnivlte, 'u"' " .' ' n'ieeli)g o!r'vu v"' ' heIn ý,u'ayi"ndo "'uuv' îîî fod. o a' '(J M rs l.'s " 'v ' 'ho' a ". r " lhp I. nu (' i ' i: ' î'nî ied 'u uo l 'e -1y"' i c J'vi î' '.'l " ' ' Ne;, 1' Fi Ilof' s . R t' S r'v v A l <'I i k' - ,(ý thp Fp'ai.\"nM hoîî l (ae"il' \'rr'e Pr -l'h citi. \il nn\,Al e 'or'k T ) : . fit, R G Cv', 1' r~ <; ru- v ' i il 'i 'v C.'c.'av.. v 31 'n "v- t'.' 'v '<lu v J'y" c".' v i '<' ' fi' i "'v )v' r' "v y' iv l) u "'<ru' ny "v. y' ~' ' r .v' Iik~ vu vli.. ' r r " lAc "r r' 1' v.: r' .1" il i r..: r, Si:" ii c' 5, . v r '<J' ' . v ' 'y' r i'~vlii il. .' v r Ru mn v lî.. v i v k ' Ji. v uvf v v 'v . ' q vvilv'vvv Oui" I i .. v ' k r o' liv.. k il v r .r ' iv u i ' ' r. ' r' 3iv S . ' v r <1 v".v'u v . '<'(1 i i r- '1)0 51 v v . 'v J' :v ' .1 'lu 'k S . ' 'uv": Tii. 31." v vv ~I 'r ' i 'vvî P'v.li 31. .I vIN . a nnf0 e' " o: v "'P fn vit , 'nr' ad ri t'. r v r'<r i*p Cl'ý -hor(L: 'îA MSI: anci i u '5 -,r.u r 'i <r): baft'in i :i.i'- for i0l. pi v î ai.v 1' ,v '.< u - il 'î'kei fî' d i 1' .1 frtr.1" 'N'r" BETHÀNY il 5k o I ,j . lvi r]m (').-", N Yý in lo~ iu' .vi 'ki'or, i. i ri NI '. i'vii Iarrliii i c-i' t cil Rev.Nu ' t nu o *.'.ri lil "lin ud : 'n. ul i Mr it alic i x t!, O Il vs v 'l a .: ' îvv' u4 if uc 'cii] ariri '.k Ou j ut' 1'i'i 1 vii i.I '\vie i 'lluv'. vv'Jiiv/kv Mrs . iGoi"v 4-doun '. N 'n. 't] u ii ý st 1v ' v u.' i i<'si Iîe c! cv 1k n .e r.1 iil'i w flucf v i aci f sý'ý d ' Iar ri'v l) 1tl'.vuia R a'is- pvii s- ovi vu' 1' lv",îivjs ig elî ig '(l yl 1i , X l . ivivIv (' frl ' h r1c'5k' k i ! .ev"v" ii 'uo'r' i vne, iii ' h'e a)i sr vo i ' i 5kliv lsili i I l' '!l ' H 4il ' - rI ru r i l- ri ci ' o \. ik lu 'vîî <' il îuachp it l o lal:RaI FP.or i vvîcvî 1) a 1.i P ' i) ' 1s" r M aefo ic'ori a-'viMril', 1': u o.'i'r ,iouri eii .P i 1' SO '.ur I. o; v1! vuv1ui1îie ag~ed iv'.o.v Civriî:.iuCo 1:- Ato~ ' '~.iil. uv)îu" 1j' nu i'ivr i, ' 'i <c vu0 "' r' hv'u'fr<',.lrcIf3 Cil .ca' 'ii u :rl iu"î ho"' Isoe .îkv' 'o uv'rAii Ff"' '. E ' krii "vv C 'v vs vv' "i - v. ro . . i i i.i)" a 'soi" v ' - <"'I i ' - "'v. 'c' v~v.'v' y'0 '<i 'r ""<r "v v 'r r". v 'r "" i A HAMPTON RPv Chir1PxCatto wAt.q'n Mr.%.Grace I;artontialo. Omi 'hrpof *the ehiirch .eervire Hill Lake. xvent a fpw (îda"- s a* i2 lnon on Sept. il, 1964. with her n c. Mrq. T'n'i Thi P Irst 'h vmn used was Chant. bmî2, "G!orv be ta God fic Mrit. Mabel Mer rer. Port Fa' 1ier." The scripture lesson Hopp. ýppnt last \wepk -.vith u.saý Psalm 42: 6-9. and I Peter Mr. and Mrs. Perc" Deweli. - 0 ard .'s fllwedOy Mr. anrd Mrs. 0. Croik- rraver and ',le Lord*s Pra.ver. silank.. Peterborougiî. and T'v oi'idren's W'or "' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mar,,.n. "',n :e Rose Kep: FreFh.' Bowman':ilIe. were Sasturday T'. h h]dens h%'mn wasý visitors \vilh Mr. and Nl~ T1 'Me the Stories o! Jesli<' Perey Dewell. *Thie ermion '.zson'-Htim'li- Last Mondas' afteiî loir. N: "and wra.z followed b - and Mrs. C\-'rii MacDo11Ad, nmi210. "Stand Up and Scarboroiigh. cRlled or. Mrs. B!eýs -*he Lord." This \Vax Luther Allun. îef:î -.;ri a serle off ~r On Saturda" Mi'. and M"s. -nions nm ,he Christian Cotos.Grdon Wakelv. Mr. and MI'. iNex' Sonlda'v. Seot. 20t'n, 's Richard McLean and Debbie, Rai]v Da'.-and serVices svîll Toronto. visited M"s. Luth-Àr be onel at the ýisLia!ulies. Alin and famil . 'l'le Publ:c School îerm Rev. Ted Kersze vScarbo"- r'ineîedon Sepi. 8th, xsith ogh. oent Mýotdas' with Mr'. ilo%-erflowv attendaiice off and Mrs. Sid Kersev. il o chooi -teacher and lnowt and MrF. Bandai]., Mr. and *lizci' ch large numbers in Mrs. gar] Luke, Mr. and Mrs. na" ri ns isý not fair Ir J. Macnab attended a coirn orn" :achers or pils. ie î'oast ai 'the home off Mr. anîd vu'h' are Mr-. LYcett. u' Mrs. John Warrack, Bowman- Wofr. Hall. Miss Beech ville. and Mrs. I-ornick. Mr. and Mî's. M er w in ' l'lie folowiîng H ampton ~Moutio.ý' spent Labor DaY in oiug eople have gone far- Peterborouîgh. .eIirafîil:o otiier places if Mr. Cossaboom. \'no lias <',aurîîg: Miss Darlene Haill' spent the summeinr \wilh hîs "anes'College, Peterbor-' nephexv, Mn. M. Prime and nig'1: Miss Kath\- Hall, "Bru- Mrs. Prime, has left for lus liat- resingSchoo home iii Nort'h Carolina. T'viuîl. M. Rndal Pime Mr. and Mr.s. imer Hawe, * rr WN'i i' 'lim College, majoring anîd Mri_ Annie Havveo xisiipd :!i loi i iczil Science and Eco- last Mondav îvith Mn. and liii)Mrs. Ron Luike. Mr. and Mrs. Roîî Lîke andi lii îru'cr ciîgattlat '0 11s boys spent Siiodav evenibog are v"rtei der Io1<Mr. Clarence kv ith Mr. and Mis. Don Jonah 't n kh( CaPtLlired the mos nt t hein cottage. porls ii the:1 Dahlia show, at Mr. and Mrs. W. R. \'oi iiig, the firsit meeting off the Osh- t cltrl oie ~Bridpeoorth. M r.and Mrs. ii U' d Il 0V LI ur Sc 1 Harold Fosses', Toronto. werp, field ini the E. A. Lovel 1 iW orswilh Mr-, and Mrs Sî mio, Cenître St. 'flwîe werF- Harold Salter. 79 ilîtrios i the Dihlia showv Miss M81r%-PeterF 'isilrd Mus. Clarence Tink also Wvoii with Mrs. Kenoeth M7Pr rv, 1): .,. es Ml arrangement 0offNewca.st;Ile. c'v o c: Mr. Williami Axford f\r and Mis AhîW hî al < l'ii Pi'i/.- 011Cvi cCILS and Sharon. Oshawa. iid dafh1îas anîd aivaugement of Mr. and Misý. Gordon WXilbu'. Ii"os'i. Ni ('larienîce Tink vven Mr, and 'is Chrîs Tnonte' i liluikal s'i uspriZes On iand Margaret. Oshawa, WP!*re finivers <ouait Orono Fa ir. recien t 'i;i tors w ,h Mr. anci T'he ladies ont Hampton Sel-- Mroz. Harold Wilkins. .cClîub ook ffirst prize on Mr. Slaniev Yen spei il i' 'luerr îeedleu'ork displa.v al weekeoid ai Orono. viziting !i1 Oîioîiî Fair. atilî anvd oncle, Mr. Anîd M:-- A iîuîîber off peuple attend- Bruce Yeo. and attende(d Or- ccl Oronîo Vair. ono Fair wilh them. ou u na~ i niberoff Mr. and Mrs. John Colie lloiipoiip PO p e ttedelCoutice sixited Mr. and M?-,; De'oî'atiîîîî Servicex al. Beth- Leeman. 'scla Cenletei'k. Mr. anîd M r.i. '1'JVT ' il Mp«w.i. Balph Lcike anîd 'iited biF mnthei'. Mi'sWil Rt lMe.Rpefs enjovedi a MO. Sr. and Mr. and Mois. Wîlfred toi, trip aronilL.ake Ontario Smala. kk'fue Ralph ks'as nld. Mr. anid Mrx. Bob Ahboti \r. sd Mrs. Mlîrrak' 'SSc and Mark., Bowmnanville, sk'ere andc daîîghters spent Fridav Siîînda.ý ek'eoing supper giie.,t. eeviiuî with Mr. and Mrs. with M. and Mns. ý'lIfred lerb 'Piesooti and famil.v, Smale. Ennik-ileil.Mr. anîd Vhs. HoIl iik i S ii!I I 'n iski I a cii.in Mr. viFited on Suida *v a fternoo On Msatin Smvithi andkith i. and Mri,. Jas. Sta rk. fauil.\M ias. le 4zthr.and Starksville. arid io the evrniiig (am]>lîa a gîe;s M. î1 called on Mrs. Hectrir Bomwen Murs. Flerb Presýcott and fam- dDaln. ewat. ut'. Enniskiltein.an ale.Nwste Mu s. T. S. Moîmoto> speilu Sonda k iesw i l Mrn. ai id a reî'eîîî weekeod with hpî' Mrs. Bert Sîep'ens w5ere M-. Uiencs, Mr and rq. G aoad Mr.i. il lHamilton, Roo- fu izirho. M.adMs îachester. Miss Elsie Oke. En- Dislarteîîe Hall. Peler'- riskillen, Mr. anîd Mrs. Harold] blmnocîgh. aod M iss Kathv Buirgess. Bowmailîkille, liai', Toronuio. speot the week - M rs. Gertruîde Stepîeriý. end i hme.Willowdale, and Mrs. Etlî'. MisEvra Yen, a hi'ide.-'o- Bii'pess, To, rone, An be. waq ~gilest off honour at a couple ont davssvrith Mr. and ivîu Pr ' ipr riv oru v ltipr arl r i_ r. e t tvP pirl_ ait the home off Miss; Arleiie Short, kvho was as-: siîstu'lb\ Miss Louise Terriill] and a ghrl friend from Port Peur rv. .N11r. ail Mirs. Glenn Prex- L'v afted at the A. W. Prps- <'<>11 homîe 'o055k' farewell p' liC tii leavsing for thein homne il) New'. Zealand. They s% (Iu e a'c'ompan ied bk'vI Donaisld Prescott and Dennis. Waric'.-conratula ti o ns ie exleuîrled to MNr. and Mr.. Ber' SIes erîs kkho. on Wed- iîescltî'.irist c'elebrsied tht'ir 61<k'%eddiiig anihs eî'sarYi>II v 'a is.o Mr. Sevns 6tli lv'lls.Nian *îvreiativs'esand vacids<cl led 10 offer (con- grnuîisuioiîs Jo the'se two '"'fin)e uriiens. Mril. Ste- Pui) v'elbrated lier 83rd brufidas on Sept. l5th. M r. n iI M rs. Kri net h Cas'- elui', o ere Sal'iu'dak k'isitOi's %15 "M1r. erindirs. Doîîgl as- (" "aîid famils , sho are fri1 holidas' îîear Serpent's M1viics Nr, and Mrs. Cav- eil- Y .seie ri'.ieîit dirnen uOPiiî '. r) r. and M rs. Albert NI" ýa nd Musý. G. Adco'k w!v M1 ir. I la rr. Adeock k'isit- 'ci Mr, alid NMr r Bill H-airris'onî, tIiu: i Peui"'. ast W'dnesda\, -Vi i <I3hs. Noi an Heî'- r r.~. <'lesou i Sask., cal led 3] 3o i<'iru Arniokii. M! s. v i ti' a I l'it'.'3îi- iiir homie 'v v' J.u ic i mi vei. i 3h'. \rîrîvr aiid Misn 'u i-' r alid 31 s.0 Ar1.Mo0i r a1 ,o i'uc gue ' z:F sith Mes. 31' -.3 EBillet: was ' ci.. "ken.ng 'Pl guet' w'th NI:- IL C. Pascop and Ms Re- ' e.pPa'.cop.Oshawa. C)', .r vin 'r fes'. 'k e'vsv .'u N'5. Bie. 31' a'mi M31' Errc M.Phil- r -Nv'u'î O'ra'a.on Suij- Nl .' 'n 1"; F'ns amnie'ý -'I-c .îe'ai'i ud v r u vi. A: Px C a r:rino r'~ ~ v 'iva. ne Kpcfp4 'v a n, (l 'rs,'l' Pd v 'îv'.:v 0 <vMnlit pal anîd lad a r- D' . - o 3i.ia' Ba'. ne - "nr- "i 1.nef -iv ;e.rved bv the hotte-sa grouLi. TYRONE Synipat h *v Io Me . Icsv Wright and famil ' vor, tie passing off a iok'inR wiffe and mot lue r. An exeultive e'plinîg orf t h Couples Club was lieti ai the home off Mnaîîd Mrs. Janies Woodles'. Plans were made for the next meeting for Sepi. 19 which will be iii the fonin off a torin and wienr oasi iîeld ai the home oft Mr. aiid Mns.lJamea Wroodle'.-.In case off nainItie nmeet inîg xviiilie hall in fia '\-on Church shpl. Suiiiav afflennoon %vas ideaf weathenr for thie Decoraticuî .Ser'vice ai Bethesla Cemeîerv' Mn. John Monnison off Tori'n- to was giiesi speaker. Fni'iids and relatives gathprel fron near and fan bo pa *v theïr r-- spect un lovaI ones . Nauîs' improvariierîls have )ieen malsp duirig thp pasi 3'-ai-.Mîînh credit is due in the C'ereier v Board and Cpeaker Lloyd AiId rea I. MnI. and MNlr. C. Eîîglishi;aid Pa 12î1 Westn: Mns. Fleuis' ýý Miller, Peterborough, andMr W. Miller wer-p gupsts of !-v. and Mrs. Douglas Miller-, Deb- bie aol Glenn., VMr.sianVins. .Jack NlacKc'l' Ian. Elgele v. Sask., ss'ere '.irp' per~ guîî'sts of F M. n.d irs. A. Ruchai'ois and Mrn.ud MN/s. L. 'l'lie B1 auLi Iaîinilk lie'i -.1 h)it'i .ic'atti'.he hume ovf Mr. alîi 13 s. WV. Ps rison i S .is ' Mr n. sid Nins. Lone 'vC' Brook lin: M nsN.\'nnli' Mitz L.ov cI Skinnern anni (arn Ai vth Me. and Met. Hrnoil Mr.v'Anud M rs *\ mii Co-Ilmbos, wprr uippear aietît. Stinda M ff Mes. Flnr@ence Scnt t. Mrç,C. haw atil Ripti. Oshawa. s"sitpri Mn. and M3lrý E. - 3 V;rtup Aîr. Peltier off Hîîîi!vus'i]e nuer ne.. principal ai Ts rCv'io pîîll 'cchonu].ool ps'.'beg vur oo'u iii Misst Pat Knox's rocmar Darlene Black. NainaBiîîy' Pv'5. L.elauud Moiirizon. H1aî' 1'is1.BIa.iu \ane'v'k. M.and Mu s. Bilu Dosviî auri Do'rg, Toronto. Mu. anid N Tfieru Doîs'r. Lakefielri. ss" NI: 'n R'itrFeîl \'vniueand Mn and M Nr ý.Lao'uMotive. Mr. i.and NI n. 3' Dd avimi anîd ho-'s. Ruch nîoîîni v"np ed Mre. and Mrç liIer. an to'n Clapp re.l ."tdMr. ;sol Mr Gordon'vCtapp. el' M3r, and Mes ILlo'.d W'h'r. Newcastle; Mrn.dol rs. C.D, Hodgson. Ajax: esD. G. H-Ioper, Onono. v.ere Sc.ida gue!z1"offI.Mna'd NP, Clion, N. 1,:rh n aî rl C' f, with M R. BPhilp ;ar-hchili] ren. Nobttieton. whila Mnr PhilD is inithe hobvital, ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 TABLE Potatoes Ail nierchandise sold at yotîr Dominion Store 1jite zis aîu'codt uts FITEPIARKING M 'ai "'7 -"-"j -'-s /kvu i.'! JX.i'o<" i ~ eQ0u c? ","iy AMcats ROUND.- T-BONE.- PORTERHOUSE - WING - SIRLOIN STErm_ RUMP or STEAK ROASTS 83 l - FREEZER SPECIAL - FRESH GROUND LEAN 5-lb. P K< G. $.95 3 MEALS IN ONE ROASTS - CHOPS - STEWS LAMB in theE BASKETÀ Deep Cut Specials DOMINO - ONLY AT DOMINION GINGER ALE 30-OZ. BOTTLES VPLUS -w l Ir DEPOSITIM EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK i 6-OZ. TINS YORK BRAND Pork and Beans 420-OZ. TINS 69e MEY So Di, E: IMPORTUW LAF.3 ~SALE~ LEAN MEATY LA B U ' 6 P, 9 P.M. ON L Y &e, N 1 AND FANCY KRAFT SMOOTH P ea nut Butter 18-OZ. JAR t' s i I 's f3 C ci lb ~ 'J <.iI ~: CA E OF 24 TINS I IO~i5A -"'1 NEEDS DC),'~»<)NC11WAP SET Wool '1 t 3 PLY 1 -oz. PBAýLIL S 900 Fresh Produce Se~ OSHPNC id, PLS [{4G A 9I e ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 BLUE GRAPES 6-QT. BSK. Valuies IÏ'Jft'ctîs e init,%% Inaîîrîtus 1 n It il L ( Is"ng liie, sai. ->î1!uy i t . I . 1' ' 'I'v I ii 1l > îHIt.<X N111' I ______ r- UTHERE US NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FiLVOU iv 'i would you like a modern kitchen? an up-to-date laundry? extra living space? f ind the best way to plan it in the f ree planning guides available now at your HOME MODERNIZATION CENTRE DiNfiallIOIIX'RO Pholle (*..,-*2'1' I -2 61 'Ppr a c, - :1. î l ~diai -l NEED CS r k O ~ Hom2IM)rycflf A Nexv Car Any Wrhh~ If -.o, th-re are ý* -u" noç cI reasns v'nu sho nid get the m<iinc ou necd irmi "Tlle Bai k". '. <iir ilcalrut I oon)Itt-I)onIlilnioli Balnk nia itaser a t iilt. \,'rat:i- W i) dropi n the thinsîg %.ou %% ant tomorow . tda un TORONTO -DOMI1N ION j- B. L. BU RK. Mainager -Bns(iinnsiilft ...and That's What You Get at GuaTSflntO cii DO M IN iO log% S ISFA~CIION .. v"va. AI' .vv.'v .1 IsUfCO oI Y-1 v ... 'i " o '-'d t ar""""' ' Af **,,i,,"<' L TY RED"BRAND ,ov',<"t