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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1964, p. 1

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ia 11 VOLUME 110f 16 Pages RC>16, 1961 N CIUTE D38 1 c IP Cop - Equesirian Barrister C.hampion $horthorn Bull at Orono Fair Letterto Editor - Exu-Building Inspector CIams C(oumicl's figures Misleading iave e i own oU i .(UfIIs answer to my PlIan Prosecute claim in the local newspaper wdih some amaze- eit.It was through council's OWfl doing, thatI N ew Residents have put this daim in, flot that 1 have any desire C)f RerkàrA to take taxpayers' money for nothing.I Year-round residents of the Bnwmanvillr Beaches lving in summer cottages, who moved there after 1955, wiIl be prosecuted. The tow%,n's solicitor. A. H.Strike, vas instructed af ter the last Board Of lVorks meeting to prosecute violat- Ors Of the town's Zoning By- Law as il, pertains to sum- mer cottages enacted by : amendiment lI 1955. Six months residence in a summer cottage per year ls ail that is aliowed. i If, states and 1 quote froni that paper thiat, Town Clerk Jack Reid stated my rernuneration for 1963 as followvs, regular salary $3538.50, pay- ments for 2',r regarding subdivisions comple Led amounting to $742.40. weed inspector fees $75.00, car allowance $780.00 and 2'( of sewer and water main installation at.the base lune. (Paid in 1964 for 1963> of $1325.97, a total for the year 1963 of $6461.87. May I say with ail due respect for our clerk that some of these figures are very mis-, leading. According to the town clerk's figures in the paper, and if they are correct, my remunera- tion for 1963 wvas $6461.87. This year, 1964, ourý J ersey Breeders plus$700craoanemangatalo $4780.00 for al*jobs. If my figures are correct this would show a decrease of $1681.87 for 1964, From This Area Yet 1 was supposed to have had a raise. Do eIIat N aîd Anumber. of our council aie uion members 'S 1 caI loliirs warnd if they' got a dlecrease in remuneration as mine by Carl Bradlc *v, Hampton, inha shw I 1arn sure thy would he walking the' Fred Philp, whn assists Mr. and Mrs. Gai-net B. bull for th(, parade of champions wheri Shor-th olrî thi Cenraly Sownt dariahn itue . On Saurda, atOro0 VairfulFlim baris ]Rickard and sons at their farni near Newcastl, had Lassie Sheila Slaier, R. 1, Orono, pinncd the top Canadian National Exhto. --h---h--anp ri____fa m a real thrill on Saturday at Orono Fair. H-e broughi. ribbon on the animal. There was a total of .. xi Ncsl satda ç'ut Scntsdale Pilot, ibishuge five-year-old Shorthorn __ lors and tere eîLh os ther_ ___e Vc."iC o s elegates inzcaI s st tecý:~ os .-....county herds Thp.t ariow Briar, it fn Durham Coîînty Herd laed complte vth ngcy ppîgh okafit rz Rotary Club Meeting ib rr Ir hi weknd i te ib eryM xe r. radiry r e çon d F r î fores io eaderkshihissecon avu~u~ Mix r for h is junior bul a Ses ion ry atMr. o\ekin probbywîTifîOdentitr ,Diret frm CNEthHoperizcfon't makeor1it,"0 haol Miaughteth New Town Park Pro posed 'iet rm C E Wlaoing V Aricto andThsWek n heLvinsalsineebar.f Thb s od prize for iis e o rbule ro i ek in t e s a d . Ho s B ia h s be n Port Hope Fair The~ eod~rz o iob Tt delegates fronm Dut ham i:C.G. Andlerson Bowmanville; hobby is continued, 1 a etrd no ont t 'Ihe ort fope ~gruI- Dwight Bradley for- Nan e' Cout to the Ontario Lîberal Russell Dickson, PortHoetndcutssos.Uftnaeyth olhr. O17 A r s o r p r y txiral Soriety's f al F air to Ut filas. Lae'hpCneto ob rdBins. ..4 ot tou41.. UTn.re hîp Convtenti Yrkont eHO RS Port. rough bas and Saturdayv of this CekaeWie nivol starts a trend in theloaleaprfsin N a To n s E s o n a y HreShnm-,4-1-1 Club, Live- Beacon Roherta 7R, anîd in tht' BeRsseilC.HneM.Pad . : tran -- B- ________________ N e r I w s1s pac. stoc k Shoii, 'Mecat x produce.ca asthi, Glenholine Hughes, omn At the' luitchron merting of Attenrlance Pin. Tht' prescota- dent, iîotdîîcd Rotariari Ianhbt. Ramrod Car Rodeo, Windylea B P Malindia camie ville: Elmore Scott, R.R. 2, tht' Bowmanville Rotary Club lion was made by Art flibey, Smith, the' special pa-rMrndnknteiCoes hr. t h'Fying Dutcbman Motor tht' Attendance Chairnian. Smith fbld the club that' tht' R.ith cash orizesSo. Eni-ampb ecaot;W. ogr F ra k - Hotel1 ,on Fridav, Tan Smith, The' birthday of Wilfred Mc- Civic Committ e believes that A specially enJoyahle Mid- R. ten oo ift aSciii nthe! ar, NortaHpe;Rogr. Knrk Chairr an of the Civic Com- Mca a elbae vbi ir sapressing oecd roi- tay has heen planned. kMe, okfft lc ùHb atr, Port H oM nd:O o o F i r w park in as bblebtten.bybisîchlThere a il] bc fun for ail.senikiti lcaF lass ,,h oM.adMs elMlon ~D a s B g C o d r~n trktian address, strongrfelIo\v .Rotarians. Gucats pres-a g0od pr nle onswil hr %ennior ll caîFclassbh nM rs.1 Hrry WadeNewtonvlclme 1e dv. ated that the club pur-. cnt aI the' lunicheon meeting, would provide a place for srr-; The "Merrv lMixer'", direct the' femnale sectiron they were B]lac'0'okk' William i Bragg:Av e r e chand 1 develo tat a npak.Th ver, Fred Fisk, R.R. 4, Bow- vice clubs funictions and adti-! from thIle Canadian National ffhi tt uio efr clas .R4, omnilMr. and C A wudhawrtwieR-manville, and Captain H. Fras- cvilrles. Exd hpnibeitin Troid with Enniskillen Servant Bos- r.Howard Malcolm, RR2. w. UId ai Prevaîl wouri e awnrhwhl(,RO-er, Bowmanville. The winner Tht' speaker înformedn tht, 0provide theillint' rides.ai tary prrr.cb îin eommunibv ser- of the, football drraw xvasFred Rotarians that therp are 17 Mdwvridle% ultari, aerx a n d als i1, ntt to Jntil: r.Mr ua vice. h. ' ,,ointed out. Fi,-,k, acres of desîrahIle lanrd avail- 4 'lorli on Friday after- Enniskillen Flash Sparrow. ard Lovekîn, Newcastle;: Mrs. end waz; a 2rrat success. Large. of olrraod athr grictur os.omnîl MeI Dale ,vas made the' Bill Thîesburzpr annollncrd ahle, Bnwmanville lia-,on- oft oopand thpre % hvyaroliinmlkcls btcDln oownbp:ERrTrowý no vir li we ondtt ar h asOiai rîîgSho o recipient of a 22 Years Perfect tilat th*i, pi zl',i..... .... -1 r r - H,,i .--.,.ir .',, .. rnnA r, ...., 4....*L.... Activity Corinmittee bas- rom- Ontario as il is, situatedi he- ltd arrangements foi a tween two river valîcys, he de- ppCve Gra ts ~RoastIo 0be field i'Ki-claied, and ispoetcul Appro e Gra ts p anis Park foir Rotarians and hecome an excellent park for r t heir Rotarv Annes this Thtirs- tht' town, hl- addrri. F or' Ganaraska dax eve'nîng, September 17th, Tht' 17 acres of ]and are sit- ai 8:30 o' dock. uiated snuth of King Street, Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.. p.. George Vice, a past presi.. riiN ro rAcE Twoi lux-bain announees tht' ap- nroval nf two zre g IlIo the' GnrsaConservationi w rn er t horitv bv the PrvnilI s a N w O fc s Goverroment. Onei o 100 frcapital pr .ens n insmen and Kunettes 11we Gardeni Hill Conevto Anea and the' other î- for Tht' first meeting of the' Port H-ope,. who was arroni- $1,5000o foi- c.apital imp!rove-- season of tht' Bowmianviltt' p, nied by bis xvifr-. Arnold ments iniflic Svlvan GlLn Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs Sleep, a Past President, niov- Conserva-;tion Area. was a joint installation eveni cd a vote of thank-s tI lie Dvp-, -hcld at Memorial Park Cluib tty - Governor foi officiatingý House on Saturdav even ing. at the' installatioinî of offirer-s. STORIES HEU) OVER More than 65 Kinsmen Kinet- Afler tht' installation cre- Due In a Surplus of jj\v, tes and ibeir guesis xsert' pres- rnony tht' chairmanship of tht' and last minut-? rvetsiî,ent. nîeet ing caha one o'mer h\' Aomne sories have been licld Tht' lnstaillii, offîrer x a tht' immediate Pas? Prrsîdent nver uinti xixt %(,(k. Deptiibv - Governor Frank GîîvTrN o tPAGE i xo) An Unusual Occupation Councilloi- Wes Fice, long tii-e emplo *vce of the Good'voat- Tino & Ruhher Cormpany here is often senît to fan distant places on short noctice lii dru field splicing of rubb(,t belts. Rec-nt1v. lie neccix-ed a cal lu gucoi b\Inroai xvhert, he boarded the Cape Bretoni -Miner at thc first lcck of bhe St. Lawvrence Sv 'av,- His job xvas tb lepamr a buflt xvhilc the ship xxas enroculc 10 Toruonlîu i aiPrt'ook theni :6 houx-s fcor the tip. This ship is onl 'v about six months nid ,And carnies coal fî-om S.\dnev b t Tor-onto and Lakex-ieu, for Il'vdn-o geterating plants aI iliese, locations. The shîp is .îust tinder 800 fect lon- and cairies 23,00 tons (if coal. This was Couincillor Fice's first attempt ut sai1ing and fortunateix-, the weather was fUne. lie is shown here aboa-d the ship. admission fre on F'riday to the' grounds. On Saturday the' admission fee for aduits %viii bc 75 cents. and will be free' for elementary school children. Report Erred For Fish Fry Beef Barbecue In iast wveek's is.me there wvas an announcement of a fret' Fish Fry andl Bcd Bar- becue to bli eld at Berch'q '%apie Grove Red & WVhitr store on Fniday of this wee'tk. Tht' report stated the' af- fair mvnuld lic held fr-un 9 arn. until i10 prn. This wnuld have mieant an entire day. Actually. tht' report erred, it, 'houid have read from 8 pin. until 10 p.m. So. for fret' delîcious food, hot off the' barbecue, plus soft drinks, andi hcecream, bt' sur(, to ri i-lo' our appt'- tite and iti xhole farniiy Io Mapie Grove on Fniday. startint' ai 8 onciock ini tht' eveninz. it shouid hc fun! C.W.L. Honors Anna Sweep M 1,S Atiliii S Su ce. vuho110 trnlav et ild cheNovicialie of tht' Sîsters of Si.toscp guesiq of honor whei, tht' Cti- oh\oii neiîshc'iîîenter- tainvd io Si . ,lepýh's Auidi- toriuîm at a rereplion on1 a r c-u voig h'Peîent, Mrs. I F:.Raiid, was thie con- vc'nor. Mi s 5.epis a dai- ['îr (f \lî aîd JaŽ n Sun e;'. P? . Rv: 1,îi lie'. V. K Naaî.î S Il.ý-.- Si nxv: t balr ci tll( C ' -i !1 al, - in g f I i-uc r i h I c -un Niiane iold 5l \I x.< -ît ha; 'ci- ,VO- parerl-o' ç. anîci .-allci an uonnor 10(il T e cir do ri. ?. 'in'î -: M! -nin monle. Tue V , -, ::în a ain ccdi î-'.ingtrie'c ,-.r rnhec'-lun. o 'rI -. î Çf3,t*l and1 (Y)teces ADVANCE - Information lias iust becît received ibal tickets for tht' Canadian Grand Prix to he held at Mospori on Sept. 26thi., xvtll be available ini advance and ai reduced prices at Fra;nk's Smoke Shop and Brvson's Smoke Shop hero.. Marinv of the' groatesi names in car racing wiil take paît in tbis final big ex'ont of the Mosport season. HOCKEY -- Bowmatiîxille Little NHL organizatioti is alieadv proparing for a busy season. An.-,boy. interostodl in trvi ng out for oi'e of* tht' Ail Sitor teams sbouid ho ai tbe arena this Saturda v mono- ing, roaclv to go on thc ico ai iheo folioxving limes: Bantani à arn., Poee Xee 9 a.m., Atrir 10 ar.. SANTA PARAD)E . irst cînganizai ion umcrtitu for tht' annual Sania Claus Parade borexvwiii b e heid on Tuesday. Sept. 22nd at, 7:30 in the Plan- ninîg Board room ai the' rear of tht' Librar ' vbîiîld- ing. Evervonie intercsted in this project is roquesi- cd to attend. NEEI) LEADERS Miys. Wm, Rudel i tbis \xvu'ek issues antur'gent call forrlIadrs foi' Guides anîd Broxvnies in Boxvmanvîllo andl Hampton.'l'hrrp are plcntv of grs but. few leaders tri date. If vou cao help, phono 987-4261. (;IANTS - Wilfrtd Maindonalcl, 5 Lhrx Place, reports Ibat bis gardon has lîroducocl soîne hugýe bomatoos ibis ' ar. Ont' weight'd 2 Ibs., 3 oîunces, xx',hile man.v others wcrt' oven ont' and a haif potin ds. CHAMPIONS This Sîînda v wiii ho cbatnpiîn., daY ai Soubbx-iew Golf & Curling Club when top gol fors i n tht' varnolis caiegorios viii he oding their utmost tn win the' man v rnphies avilable. Sport alor-s who woid ii ke Io follow tht' varins miros as theov piocord arotînd the course wil be wolcomod. REOPENS --A coroplIrd nrnox'ateira nl eniargedj intonior Ibat is mosîactiv wxiii face vs~r in H-ai-nrL.ck-TsV'Yshopi. King St. West, xx'en hoe tcopens ibis weok. Shoppers xviii ho amazvd a, the t rntsf<irmat ion that bas taken place in a short lime. Nexw modoisz are alsii on displav ('urne in an] look the' place oxor, saYs Harrx-. 't'r'Ilbe giantri o evxvoll" NEWN CARS Watch noxt \v o ceks paprr for tht' noxv car Opon Ilotîse announcements. Tbev sboîild be xvoi i xort b seeîog. ,xen if %-ou -lo plan'tri drive the oid croek for anniiher season. CHIANGE -- Fiidaxv nighî 's garn slaîod for Whit- bi'. bot etu Booklina nd Vatîcoux-r arossr toams, xvill 1)0 hold in Peterboroîugh. Oithr gamos wvill ho held in WhitbY as schieduledj SIIOCKED Its mani\- friends wiereshiocker iin Wcdncsday mrirning b 'lcarn of the sudiden rleabh duing the' nîghi of Bill Nutton, Ontario St, Mr. 'Mution wP1-1xt' knoxvn in tht' communit x andi deepesi, syrnpathy wîll be extended to his wîf e.i 1 *,*.~' ,"i,.'-u'r' IiIe-c~iyWa asîmie eay oin WV~Lovely Miîss Andenault ci event hbeld hy tht'i Dur-ham:of life.. Today il, is a bard-I Catleto)n was named the Te- Central Azrîrultural Society nosed rompetitive business",! baèco Queen. The judges were in Orono Fair Grouînds, and he poînted out. Russell C. Honey, M.P., W. tht' number of entries in all In order to ma intaîin the l Allison, Port Hope, an-d Irving classes and categories, with incmc of thec agriculture sec- 1 Margels, Port Hope. The con- the' exception of necdlework, toi of otir economy at a higb .testants were iudged on pers- ,was the largesi ever reported. level we must have an increas- onality, poise, posture and ap. 'lie Orrino Fait, was officiai- invg amotîint of export sales'" pearance. IY opened ati 1:30 o'clock on Mr. Hnxstatrd. Ht' sair TURN TO PAGE TWO) rîlvhy Riissoll C. Honev, that Canadlian faimers must --- M.P. for Dirh-ani Cnîvt.. win nmar-kes in tht' tough rom- Francis Josv, Necastle, Presi- petition of thie vorld marketRo1 7 .rW h dcint of the Durbhain Central place. "Ili i order f0do SO Wet ar arW s Agrîrîîlîîral Society, and Geo. imust unstantl.v strive toim Carson, the Manager of the provr th(, qîalityof u x Oroiîo Vair, who bas dont' ex- port prodîicts", le added. ThIis Saturday at reptîonall *\-pod ork, were Referring 10to i. ee rp also (Il thle Ilat fori. luIoDenimark, wbcre lie repre-; hefïill fa r sit llpshowv- r'nt C~îinada ai a Parla Robson M otors plaie rtlie agiuitilireindus- m rern t a rMCu co r .ie nulRtr a i Mr. Horc said as h c vsarI that Canadiaiis' 'Wash ial Rhedoary Car could learri a great deal froîn -wi b edonStr Daish farincr.h xvho çonen day of this week froni 8 amn. tr on01 prodlicing top qîîaljiy Io 6 p.m. at Robson Motors, Car toln Ilýor'ucs. imited 66 King Street East. H re Mo day oer, parlicularly, (,an strive Bowmanvill Rotary Club conilpete .more effectivcly inrai- fnds for the' club's char- Wil lia ni 'ti\v Mol lox, :-I world ia kts' \r. Honeyfiable work. VIeIt st reet, repîîrted on Mn- staîrd. Thpre will be 4.5 hardwork. da aî Ino the Bowmlain- Pricîr Io h(, officiai opeîîing ing Rotarians working in twé. vil]- pîluilial Ibus car, a nfIllhe CiioF air there was a and a haif hour shifts, who I '402l wo-rhoio ul întac, li(.-filolu îrd froni uptonnWilIl gi ve a thorough cieaning.' (1l1(1: No. P9897lifb, . md bi ren inutinc1wFair G~rounds hx' nd shilling to every car- icli.Cu)ti,ztab)le John Mc- stiideuîti. of several sciioob- whoseý driver huivs a $2 ticke$> Guîev~ý i veiatigccl hY te li nîrt and of the' for the Rotary Car Wash. _l Trotters Feature Orono Fair 'J'bro vi- manv o xciting cinowdi-plc>asing trotting races at Orono Fair on' sa 1tndia." 'wîtb tht' inack in excellent condition foi- the events. This photo was taken as ont' race worihy Bill Reid of Onono went toto the hack stretch, with thee' xvi n tht' lead, kickîng up enooigh diust b bhide the other horses. At this point, thr, track is quite close bo highway 115 and cars and drivers proceeding Pitbcr nonth dur south slow down apprecîably to watch the horses and drivers, in action, ThoteP were several close fînishes on Saturday that had the apectators on their feet, shoutinz encouragement to their favourites. i.--. IPTV'ýIllivu la lilef BOIVMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'tVF.n\'F.ýZDAV v-Pr - i - --- - -

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