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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1964, p. 7

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\¶ts:; Susanrip Ball ,il! crm- oteoce f vrt 'er Art'. and~ Scenrp ;at Qiuepn's Univ ersity. K.ogs'toîî. Mrs. K. (boxx andl children *rP visiting her parent-ý, Mr. andi Mrs. Henrv TBe in San Francisco, Calif.' Mr. Richard Landirlha-, ne- ttirnrrd Io Qirfn'sU ert', Xing'.ton. for second year Honors Ecooomics. On Thîrsdax %-Mi.- Jaiîe M Peek-, Javes ,for the Univers* - it v of Toronto triheein firnI Nyear stidips in Geocral Arts. Miss NancY IWoolsex' left on Tiîesda;' to commence first ye'ar Ats andi Scienc e at Qiîeen's Universitv. Kingston. Congratulation,.;tIr)Mrs. Sam Glanville. Elgin Street, vho is cpelehrating lier 97th hirthdJay today' . Wdesa Sept. l6th. Mrs. Charles Ricee town. sind granidauiter SalI'.- Smith « 1Kingstonî. vîsiteci Mr. andi r'. C. Beckett. Chîhougamau, re<ePntl'.. Miss Carol'.n taeyleft on Sýundlay, for Qîjeen's Utiversitv,' Kingston. fn commence fir.;t ypar storlies in Honor B.A. Ciaq.s i cs. Miss Gai]t Hob. dauighter of lis Worship May,.o r Ivan I-lohbs and Mrs. Hohbs, pla;ced secoid in the barrell race at Orono Fair. Miss Ileatie Rahme beaves oln Thîîrsday, tomorrow, to commence first ycar Ceocrai Arts andi Science at York Uni- versity, 'Toronîto. Miss Diane Taylor wilh tPave on Thursday off <is w\-ek 1 eltend York tJniversîitv, Troon- to. for her first vear in Gen- eral Arts and Science. Mr. andi Mrs. Jîm Callan anîd sons werfe n Torontto on Mon- djay a teni iig the fitocral off Mrg. Callan's sister, Mrs. Caro- line Mclntosh, Don Mitîs. Miss JudY vBrough draui- ter of Mr. anîd Mrs. Jack 13rouZh, left on Tedv Sept. 8fti, tri cnîniircetraining at Ha;ntîlton GCeocraI Hospital. Miss Marg r atm.toiie andr ?%/li. Nrormani Vansîone have re- tiicnerl tri Qic'i..Inuvcrsit, K ingston. for t bei nfourth ici Fecnd y ear stidies . respect- Mtr, anid Ni . Porc'.Boxt end fa mi ly, Torontii. visuti-il Ii-. moîher, Mrs. Edith Banîks andi sister, Mrs. Jack Parkin and ntiyaIScîtgog Camp, Cipsarrea. Mr. and Mrs. I.F. Mu- Cu'eady off Edmontton, Alla., lwere- recent giuists xith Mr. MvcCready's sister anîd brother- in-Iaw, Mr. anci Mrs. BYronÎ Vançtone. Don Lovprrîck oif Oslîaxxa, a helper nt the Scmigog Camp off )Ar. Poirteouîs. town, came sec- ond in a Iwo ai one-baîf rmile rai-e al Cacsarea, Labiîr Master Rohhîe r -oiili, for the second conspeutivevrea r, won the Williams Point Gol f Tournament in the ciglît yacs enduîirnder class on Saturday, Sptember .th. Cil]ret urn. t o'Vo r k Uni- ver.zit'.. Toronto, on Thursday for third cPar Art studies. r'.Lillian Denb v. town, iand ber sister and brother-im. Slaw. Mr. and M rs. W . M. i-lenr *v off Markham. have re- turoed from a pleasnfor werek moior trip 10 Manitoba' andl Saskatchewan where they vîsîted relatives. NIrs. Nora Featherstonie- lanigh has reliirned to Cal- gar'., Alta.. after a pleasant three-week visit at C. W. Downe '\s. While here sh e visiteci relatives anîd friends at Owcn Sound,. Gaît andi sur- roundin2 villageps. Miss Helen Vanstone relurn- ed Mondav ex'ening from an noxbe holida 'v n New York Cit' . guest off Mr. anci Mrs. Bru ce Murrav\, and left, on 'I'iesda v to attend Quienos Unierstv.K ingston, for firstj v car Arts. English and Historv. Area students entering the Universit *v off Cuelph, Guelph, Ont., incluide Miss Ruth Werry, R.R. 2, Newcastle: Miss Marv Ruth Osborne. town: Messrs. Ted Watson. town: Donald Rickdî d, R.R. 4. Buîwmanvîlle, andi Lanny Cooper. R.R. 1 Bo\wmanviile. Mr. anci Mrs. Sain McAllis- tor. accompanied bY M iss Mldred Willmott and Mrs. Mar ' Hohbs. town, xisited last Wednesda 'v %ith Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowman off Baltimore 1,ho ivere hosts for a birthday tea bonoring Mrs. I-obhs' 87th birthda 'v on September 6th. Miss Karl 'niiMcDonald spent the holida'.'wcekend witb Mc. and lMis. Cý. Cunrow, Dale and Jeff. Irondequoit. N.Y. She aixo visiteci Mr. and Mrs. E. Lingard and Mr. aoc] Mrs.- C Wells off Rochester. N.Y. Mc. t andi Mrs. F . Swcitzcr andcil Cinci, Agincourt. spent Lahor L Dav wîtb Mr. andiMrs. Hîîgh 01 McDonald, Br'nwn Street. Ï Mr. andl Mcs. W. Fravi. Cal- W gar.Atta., WVe guests lastR \&eek off the former's sister andl hrother-in-law, Mr. andc NMrs. Charles Johns, LihcrtvV St 1 North. Mr. and Mrs. Fra vî<s daughtecr andl soti-M la.Mr. anii Mr-s. lo vd Wood- TF snand fanîil't, Downsîe, Were Sunda.v cvening dinner R Pguest. off Mr. and Mrs. John,;.BF Nir. anci Mrs. Frax'n retiirniedE Io Downsview xith <hem. A Mr. andc Mrs. Fî'ed Sharp. daugbtcc Cacolyn andi Mrs. L. Snmithî, Fîsliers, N...xisitc'd Mr'. aîîd Mirs. D. R. Alîdreaci over ihe xvceokencl. Miss Mac> Alcircaci. wlîo lias jusl retîtrr- vd from speîîdiîîg the iiontb off August bolidaytng xxith ber cousin, Mr-. J. R. Tinkess ini Wins Showmanship Trophy Walter Riekard of Shaws and a Grade 13 student- Schouîl, \yas champion shcîwman in the Box- s' and Girls' National Exhibition. Shorthiîrn Lassie Charlotte Smith, Trophy oii behiaif (if the donor L. Cadesky. at Bo\vmanvil]e High Class at the Canadian presents -the Louada Le gion Ladies' Auxiliary Ho Annual Birthday (elebration The I tth Bit hilax ar vor the Box'vîarivillc Lit'.Atx- iavto the Royval Caraiani Legion lhelci ii ie fLeîiîîî Hall on Tlîurscla v eeiiog xwa nila evot iiîiitîiedh Ille largoeime iiiimîi whc i atc cieci. IPrcsidiIlt Eci'.the Ruîîcile poîl : Others it lfiel',iiIl tab Bulotiî, 2ndi 'ici-Pri sc lef-aittrer <if Btnttclî ]7-, oh*tlî. Ro vai Catiîa-Jilt,cjoegn 1: . . Ruairiî, a Past onfcltî i Braiîci 17ï8 anîd t ts sîîi'c Events Chai riî, Sei ar' cita Piperi, lii'astiiii Hu <i Pa lmer anîd Cîînîrade I lt Humnphrey, Ada Btiir, Rc'îia Batbigate. Jean Fîrt h, ei- na Carteriandl Leaîh G iiihaîi, Exeiu tivé.,I me en anm . Ken GJrahami. ýb!tes xere aIîciaIIgi Io fot nl 1 amte rectangle witli ail E a for the xeekeîîd. While i ii iiti Pl tta t i ti h British Columbia she '.ent on speita i onnii uesi' nxici' a uampitig t rip triTerrace aoci oui> isj-miatitînttfon die clvi Prince Ruiper-t. SiIiînl,. Sclîîiiml xx ilsbec i Mr ndMý, rnkWi hit:15 ar. I .Thic xxon 2 Mr.aîî Mc. m mk Wigllpreseui n.t ). lRiii n- su - Gr'ant andci Rex.. Mrs. N. C.pîiticet, itiitrh hi Ycllowlces, lownvi Mr. aond sSsin. 'l'chitn iiaxýs \x i-ne Mrs. Doin loxle.Grg nrorc.litt e miu.s'Kathcev Citidv Loui atîd Michelle, Otta- Behe, andclMtss Rîtth rna xva, spent Labor Dav NMonda>' crinb xere ffaviiîtlred 'th wxith Mr. antd Mrs. Ivan El1t- birthtda> '.isbc's, cOt Pptei-botrtiîEhandl nre- Ci. 'Ti. i.............. M Jss aines Rickard, Vial- setec îdra llicotI't tb tec fer Gihsoîî andl DonîBrci'.vnuîcrae's \waîcîîbeforo she icrt l ii h li eommeîîî'e Iirri ear, 1, attend lte Nightingale': e'.'.'I rstîdies. andi Mn. toîLas ae S,1i1oi1off Nursing, Toromîto.,for a p-cond s'a r stîii ttht Uni- Sandr, xvbo s 17, ohtaioen '.ith '.'er'.;itv off Guelph, CGuelph, tue iîghesl marks offal i nsut Ont, iii Crade 13 in th(> three in all ~\moîig tlose Itt('IdiP Pet- Peterborough Collegiates. xxithîl roihTeachers' Coliege -- nîmbe .Ççxisses Carol Elsoî,Jan se nito CarniMcRbet. yOfR 1Lc'e B3EAVER C . . . . . . . . . Car & Hall Spacimus 16 nx22n il. a:rne1e vtt cnvenienti Irnt acces. de,., - tra space tor sI oaoq or work- TWO0 CA R Twn chu'ir 22 x122 i. Cadef t sytei qanr",eue wîlit' XIu siorage space ni tha recre.crnm plot@, ready la ereci. only -- $369 $529 BUDGET TERMS 1 tiani tiiuii. c -nrs Stuicv gromp \vas Iîid e sutiîa v Sciîrol.'lTe currmiciului,; 5a ietiihi son l tutîaxsclîîîcîi îd a n fv w( il tsses, cIl ii1t ges he, miadt' to triv andîi ft agevs iii îîîceî IitcIch ti id Eisttî lci l îî t n s11-1aI11 )ens. boxcexer xxilh Icacil- îîitliaseh xxitltthis tîcî d aindch 1, i. ,- -.. CADET D ELI1V ER ED Studs nd Rafters Pre-Ciit, Easi to Fo11ov Plans, Coniplete Materials Inelude AII-Stûel Up andi Over Door! Smnari, trim and pracicai, lh. 12 x 20 il 'Cadet" qaraqe ha% ooad siyling. sounrl con- struction and un easy la foi- low plan that any home. awner can fllow. NOTHING DOWN! ONLY S14 A MONTiIV! -Frer ci'r -Quality 3Materials -EaSY to Btîild -Pre-Cnit Sttîds andi Raf fers -Onlv -'-14 a MNonth BF XVER 'ECONOMY' $ Sandard size and styuug 12O x 20 It garage, rami ete ma- to, als include allstel p and - o er da ocant pans. F REE DELIX ERX.23 CANADA'S FJNEST GARAGE DOORS Canada's finest ln%, priced dnor. strnZ. rizîd and durabile llith hearinz action,' bonder- 5$0 5 0 ievd .tevl. u'niplete ,witb lia rd%% a re! The standard 8' x 7' size. 5 o niy Standard S' x 7' with lites Larmger 9' x 7' door 9' x 7' w~ith lites S $55.95 ----57.50 S62.95 CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Kil il cl ried. B. C. mcd ceda r 9" and 10" brvel -siding ah the loi'.. ow price of onl $99 PER 1000 Exellient for rarage or cottage. eîîîoshîrthnla y Cake oin a spociaRl table ini'the centre. 'iThis delci'tahlo Cake, donateci I-), Tomn Carîci'. was iced iin lVciite xx tlh frost ing decoca- , ilu iin p:ik, pale bLîu, arld yei ti'.', anîd il bac pinîk cancles. 'li-h( i rt hdav ca kef xxniîrcled xx thltPink and Ycio cwiarinat ions anîd green i aeon a xi îelacp cloth. Ti'table wasliîghted bhy a tail pin taper in a crysta I candie- tic k. A blît Il i florîai baî'k- gIuoiil forIllte Iîi'ad table \v as hîîtîîncl h\ a tîroflîsîotî off piik ali, xvhiti , cill'la t loiî., astel,, a il( diii aî îîîosarraiîgi- e 'li li la rge goldenCtcolot-ed lias kek. îled xxîtu tnatcbinig satinl ho'.'... at I ail lecî plmiied along the front off fli staige. Ili the ~cenitre off lire Su ,i. curla tîs t ere ivax a i'v % vreatili fistivelv fîîn- ccl o C cali iatioiîs and asters 11, shtcialices intirsperscd xvith gre itiilv of Iflc '.a i ev leaves. Sinlla xvclihsador:neci tli, '.-lsof' hie shn aIl. F-'i nvi' xveru dona ted h v Colirade Berthla ilan. 'fic()11-" tiailes werc- liglit- e d wjît 1 taii pink, pastel and ci attl lii". apers eaî-h in a evlicaiidlestick xvith '.vtdi' irx ' \ta] basefi lIed xvtth ilohili intitn blossoms iin pretty Pastel shades. Evecy' vPlace was mnarked w.itb a datinty ciluier of ilu, vbu tulle it pastel colors lied %wit lt matcbîîg ci b-g lion xvh i i not mil v'\vas iox-e-_ 1' *h-inlook at bat also cao he 1; ti Asa auttilitmriati whtsk. 'ieehan beeinimade hbv the jreta h-o received sînatlntg- gage labeiliholderýs andl a sii'.er poliÀil favor. ail donateci tih rougli I 0looers Jew.ellcr v. tA i 1loolier, a nimber off Braîîîb 178, also donated two PlSiiî diiîit î'l '1 Htii d ilu R( 1le i .x~ ~ ( iomc lite nemhris andclr giesis and Ssuc toldci orade .Vinii le Wîsemnaî, tue oldest nîeîî iher off t hp aitxiliîarv, Ilow tap)'.ait xxcPtc tiiave iter haci ai the aixîliar. athiie- angs aa iin. Cuie Wîse- 'Ids Bates, xvbo bad bhee Chir- mniaioff tle AiixilIiari 'v's A no ual Entcrtaiiemt lait ,;pj-jjj, pi-c- smiîtcd photcîgraplis off the Olci 'Iiroers Croup Ac-t to Coti- rades Mitînie Wîisenîaii. Volet Sonierscales, Rachet Rrîîîîl, Aninie Clapp, Clacix' s Ble ancid crea- Aorte Piper. PrýeSident-BoUnde aiil(IIiîiced <liat a pliotogra plioff Comiracln W'îse(inaoil sitgiiig liefr sîîî xxoiffid he frýaoied and Ilia g in 1 i e fiall, A\ vote oîf tIhatiiýs tii theî 'i'artatî Club mi il1îcrs andi Pr5dîtIcEdrCa'le icater- inîg ionvetior foîr preparitîg andi serv'îg Ilte dlcl 'oits oitier andc a rraîîgîîg the effect ixo decorations. ias ooxed lx' Coniadu Jeani Firthi, ai e":- ecutive nmeinhor President Rutie a iso expiessec i tut pi tsoiia Iappiociatit tuIotthe 'lart aitCltîb ladies. Cootrade Rthl Rarclaxv on behlif off atl present <liait <c the an xilhar' eXeCUt tvoý for <lie tutlle fax-ors hbey bad maniae. Cîmirade Bett v W'ooidward ivas lthe xiie-off tt'lack (-hair prize. Conîrade Aca Butlier, ait exeiit i '.eiîeht ivas itichiar-ge off the speîial cira w. 'The icize U'.'.11ltosxer Cîînînadcs C rac e Mardoch, Fr1 Rurîdie, <cette Ca tîcienr ix Beckett, Agîtos Sliehan, Sî.c Cuabai. RýuIh Barca ' , Kem;i Ciiahair, Ada Butler, Betty Woodward, Ciad 'vs BLyanci Beryl Hcîughes. .\fter diîîîer K'eii Grahamî pt'c.ýCttîed ail tntcrestîtîg soutîci and coloroci Motion pictulre hý' oaci takeit off tlî iiî:n' aonuîa i eîilctainiioiilî, photor- graphed iast sjîning, andl fi lýii of several atîtîtalIshoxv'F lîc'lî Il v be aîîxiliarv i n prevî-ous- Year[S. lie xvas thankeci hY Prrsidetît Riiodie. Diîiiizfih aiaîîîc if 11w rvye thinego%\-a-. plâ\ici, andc llicre were nian\' prise wîî- OBJTUAIRY ROBERT KilI Hç p i i..',tuu in pl iRobertilI i h c -U , 7 83, tht ie îîîî -hatikie hiii-p ug airle Axc. West, O'.ha'.xa.-i P ii cttItî.effPectuxe-somucr ga me ai1 Ha rîîîîîon. ii puîit I iiio n îetîî(' ni i i p. '.vIl i)-Ili i ccI nes d ax' \, Sept, 2, I9)4 . il c i-be ad;l Ri tiiposi "be-h Il liari <mciri iofailmng lîalhh forn t no!teis iot th e mrc ut xii ian t'.'. i ' au-s. on tiiIlftc i i Cotol- A 'i-rit off itte tale 'Mi.. ;;il t ,itr Ve tîi te suame Nît, s. ane'. -7iiihiw pi " ai it taIIamum ii %\.xOtri, o.ilt lA 1rýi :t .î ni.,'sNoîrihhc , lic iii. î' i:mtrt t. î,îîtrl. 'it lmîucl. '.hî Ielic xa ia ci ut mli:, <'ci ed fot the xe -1Ii iiii lier t a h ie i 'ft 'i doi 'iîeo i ' t 1:1 thi tffît us Os!a'..a drh ici fori' i:, t:ti'x liax taisel. If ttîcx (Io ic' xxi'.a kisucti 5, fuýi it: , iti e xxii xiii:: sIirhail , i c i ci i uttt. xc<j a uîa i' i x ( cix\'. (,i oi uîtt uppîuti so dolii 4lie t uîcui ii) l , u ut Iforiatkut-ietlifeiit Fieîtuiui :Nr. K:llje;m '.as iuiienlniti ttii' '.v.111 siittli e Ilic-i, ail G(fit ict*uil M, I' a!td \xx1 S i iiiîit,î- ii.O'li' lpoîiitil ' \tîtettîelt off 7.on U'nite-d Cliirc i to mu t:î tili '. 'l'Oî uise tif vit îî w l lrîm x o vii 1 '. i i t ii cI t iîi.' i r s . s a lli. i ii i .u'i i isi- x i :1 'hi ut i uui uoi- 11. f tut i M,-\ 7% 1 'lt'. aIc .1t1 ItS rfut u11 ie> job.. ý j1 lSla 1i ci ti'.itllla il. (»i)-t - tSt a f î(JîSloumî et \xoxx'î'tu lu xxmi: irNhmie I NtD.uC týits tat l Ii-ds \i ou M saaid.. Ccrnue iPri' g g'. Milngutret fuit mîîulc ,iÀ lea e XpI)(ti'd "'nîttM: xn. W iî1ff rccl Kaîil Iioh ohtr . lisane R sand<s IMa ri Tormitto, atlfcî io, 1 loi' bacige tliai x ou ,ame prix',- soitr-. tarmes, Doimncc a midJohnm, tIecci dto .ea.E standcs for .i 'x.and GoreToronto. reutî Imlt miipi lpl1it:mn ;aul:x - Th rre ! it ster s. maugpa rh. u1 im\ u'.onrt. R aausfori ne Auiiiemai dSanah.li. laiidi, larn xx au n x .,ni] u i vP andîci b h'.xo hroiîherF, la m n a i i ntIh.itrnk Ss nlsfor i-et '- W.' iltam oif Pen sxla ta I - iii', the higîludoff I.e2iui, curvi%'. . HPle iaspredeeaseci faime I tands foi harnnoîV hvA 'i s;tePrI' îI aRhe th. tlw n thtat %xx c miî:t la]jh îin. i brothen", Fier',-(renid Cen, stald a i n . fn t t înîaui, xii ' nuic Eix'ilw ff-hIza ndi, a ri c'. <-mx1 îttl t lu l ie.)fprJomhnmioff Inelanci. Thi- eare 21 sIaliîcls for umntîira t*.ý o proniîoîegrihhîtte: t!tî'i îîîi u'Rex' H. Caîtîiiio -ct, 'Pi' il Mi'ci'ttc'nýs togetît- 7:oil UCimiei Chitilianici Box' et", îu îiim1ýlibî'rasliip lias a Racksax"cotiduc'ted the nie- sptc1 . i ii 't\'e are proîîd off mi-ai i-ec'. ici-aa t hic Ari- I ha u<ihar anmd off u nc o utgmen i'nvai Chapel, Saltir- iiî Brunil 1 i78".cia *vSept. th.tIntcrmmiîn'a" Gîctn-andilut' .i-in Zîîîo Con tr l îuu'î Prýc".irl t'ed Shtocltaiu liooriian-vpaiburo eP ot Rraitoht 178 xvere c'xtcmded We.S.1ley vCameooit or Nl(-Cal- Iiuý Bt aîchî Iti ea'.turecGeorge niomîci.Rumscîil Shauîtîou, Rtus- '1'mu: mi-lî-r. xx ho aIh'o couie el diPenk mns. Arthumr Stainîîîmm Pri'sudettt Shlitait'i egrets David 1Hutcheoo anîd Samîtel ihit.,t it ht:ucthveeî:imipossil he frit - . ilint i i uîa'"'iul iiit- BlitIitimî Active- maii-arisi- %"e:-t Pi t> IW lu il'. thattike d htarr 'v Polo,. erri G ha'peii, ttli.il.iI., tir il., tua- KmechCmionu Iliis ('et,- itu. tlu the tix ili-B ht- b-cctSr . Fraiik Pa.zcoe and <la'. Pa rîiv. a-icd urnniendcd RosStaimîtomu. i ol utciiihîmu r îk for Bcanch 178 river ltee(a r'..CTCS O Cuîîîîradc ilNtie \ S-eunan FOR T CAH TOD. ES asiý- I odi -t neîmroff ihe FO OU APLIAU îiu'. h Ialr' 'aý; i'j io i ria v tr u P! 1, r- ?.mi Iot ut hieS TATi IN M.1%N '. ' ' ir 'ake i,1CLASSIViIDS rcm'. test'elpphone 623-3303 ~coaVioe-Prc.sident àMUhle Mrç. f).J.. Smmtt \v , n-tpe te a StAnle 'v Dmi.îaîn her home on Tt;esdav een ing. Mrs. L. R. Argue spent Wed- nesdaY inPtrbogi Mr. R. .1. Cous i. a ai- tlient in Toronto Generatl l pitai, la. t werk. \Ve w i1him a speed'. recot er.v. Don't forget lie uti i s miee*ingip in Ille stitool on1 Fi- da '%-ex eine iat 7:3<' gm .. sen- teimber i- 111h. vryi i o: ort -i ant me'eti n g i ojitarC inosi cor- diailxmx'e( < \tn MNr. Itaril Vlzoi..'l<îu calleci on relilt vos andif ei in the village on Saturda. A nunîhet fron hew a tend 'cd-Oroîo Fair on Satitiidax Mi n r ; H Sa!n1i-1 C,iî ant ,.il fanm 1! O-.hý;a'. v'-re S ijn id a',guest- off d1rS. R. Mir. aid M\lrs 1). Holio \d ii îd f)iilumid. Di nok iii. , cre Sun 1 nd z :' s (frMr. and Mr'N,. FrînxHoîr-ox ciand fml M' ia nd M rs. (). 'J. (-rer andl . i.weesuidav .gliesis of MirS. E.n'a. \lr. amid Mrs.A. E. Biblex r re S11rdax glet-S For Mi'. iiiid MîrS.Harnold Larmer. M!. ,il \l n. to eA Ilis ainil fai1Y w iere' Sandax' vgt1iexîs of »MIi-. idi M r S. Mnrk M c- M1hn i nil failxiSndxSîliiol at 10 4.)<i nc (.11 uircb ixoni-lp atil11:45 a'. . oalinv\itation îreXteîIld- t, -' - k EX-LAX the chocolated laxative MODESS Regular ONE-A-DAY SCHICK Shave Cream MAGNOLAX GERITOL BABY POWDER BABY QIL SHAMPOO Micrin Oral Arntîseptic B rono- Sel tzert Baby's Own Soap Lilly Tincture Merthiolate Hclene Curiis Cr--me Rinse Lentheric Tweed Cologne North-Rite Bail Point Refi I.D.A. Paper Napkins t uoe39C 1 7c .10 <-o69c 4 i.6 9c i i.60C Blc 25c tu"19C " Only One to a Customer " Very Limnited Supply " No Phone Orders Please 5 K'NG ST. W. The Canadian Stateemain, Bown-anvflle, Sep. 16, 1984 7 ed ln ail. Plain,;lia xe be-n otaýriep fo hnld our thank offrritng service nSm' Octriber 25 at 2:30 p.m. -t a gtîiest speaker antd Special miusic. Bn<x of 49, sî l i'.t l 1.47 t.4 ail 3019 i.7vii; 5 99 Rs Wxanpolf -o. s'il it 1.50 1.29 .ýramîipir Vitanuîn <mn Tonic 24 07.., or 8ht's 5.19)~4Ii 4.44 KLEENEX Facial Tissues LIGHT BULBS SPECTROCIN GILLETTE DESERI FLOWER 2hiil'N 16C Lu. Siixani 4, 1. o 1029ct R ri eh 4 bulbs 88c Frrlt Hp-.i- Urt lOtir O -~i~~ih th. mirh,.n 6 ;tniunlpçn rtopi Bicmcio 1.38 vmlupç Hund 6 Bodcy TONI Home Permanent SCORE the clear hair creamn NIVEA CREME Vapomaster Vaporizer Humidifier 9-0z.' I, - 4.011 veut,,. .%iiit il. h-t l.00 Wî-i finq Puici $ 3 mnotlthsi% ýup-)uy Vita BMet Vitailin andi Mincral Tablets 90's -29 the Iowest price 79c HALIBUT 1.79 LU VER OIL 4-î..jar, surit. îist 1.73 99C CAPSULES - 100's 49c,1295c I.D.A. Brand MINERAL OIL SAVE 16c 16 ounce - REG. 69e 53C value 1.P.. 'i tiuiLF-l Pond's Moisture Base Anacin Analgesic Tabiets Coricidin Throat Lozenges Dy-Sil Tablets, for stomach distresý Solo Safety Tip Bobby Pins Poiyethylene Decanter Total Valuc at Sugg. List Priccs .7 i. 33C is 29r SIs 59C 7h,25c <il ui,49c ALL FOR ONLY e000 e Grab Bags on Sale Thurs., Sept. 17 PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A. REMEDiES *DRUGS e ?HONE 623-5792 BURKETON 7BE SURE TO TRY. OUT THE .. "'MERRY MIXER"F %A Utri lin g 3 idwa ride . direct fro in the Toronto Exhibition 1'l W11,1, BE AT... PORT HOPE FAIR Starting This Friday at 4:00 P.M. Stock Up And Save For FaO! e Septemb er s AL These Specials Effective Sept. 14-15 Over 200 items Io bring you big and botter s-Vnj SUAVE JarSiri I' <,kaaIs 9c~ for lirecord- SUtJA.VE Sharnpîîî, I-ox.. xlipz.t 9c ' a1.20 value L1. .for ollly 1.7)0 Giant Savings on Johnson's LARGE Sizes Ah-sqbfî'ihat:o <islmre 'îmiîî. lt l»c89C Jlru- keep inrillit ,knsoi 0-i ilt ' 1.09 for ehildrrn S <ii . st , 1*! 41.09 6066 15 items OEA VER LUMBER Dependable Quality & Service 96 King St. E. 6338 ALEX McGREGOR Il i. I. n w 'A ,ýililtiplr N'itarnin Tahlptg 1.49

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