2 TheC (anadian Statcsman, B3owmnanvMe, Sept. 23, 1984 Corne in and see these new models anytime next week *NJOY REFRESHMENTS* FAVORS DOOCRIE WATCH NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 0F OFFICIAL OPENING 0F NEW SHOWROOM &GRG McQUEEN MOTO.R SALES LTD 29KNSE.BOWMANVI LLE Phone 6335 Lerch will be driving ai of racing talent that bas everi crfale. Il~ protecc s.kin frorm and a dog to do the barking. A'motion bv George Vi.e.!%vice Thiîs .asariduniîg ___ Lotus 19 Ford in the fourth ined up onl the Mosport start-OJajyc oilac', with hice air, and Weed and pest control were the club's IHstorian, secondedjmoujsI'. M gcc eotcc o.h annua Canaiah randPrix. inR ord. f onibe friction of clolhing, described by the speaker. He by D. . a n tin,! T: oinm xa a ponc uli eaiîc 'm îe anyear ao he was the1winr hainfluxDr ofEdwcampetisva Af teda n Summer Rac e i e p ected nlursdf ay and ROM PAE ONrb.,no*isticîre, but dcirs sajd th-at present day hybrids immediate Fa st Presýidenta direcîcîr fur 1w laneoaî htSi eel a ofte nia unmrRa epctdonTurdyanuRO AE N) tcake. A\Omcsface of dry corn are relativelv im- thalt he l'tuîb bivIlice mil], the sear lu fil c1wvcac cîî tihbddiccc b Vhe FRMPG N) iteCndinpouto h h pdrk havebeen especial i hsi-n6O eea m cub i a cosnieUc Blackbirds are a major prbof pproxvO imate 1-areanue cr. This , as mr o\ictdagua 1 opt vic tory door of a maiorI pioinship up to 1300 c. rserved for camping. Ar- curn's ancestor stili grows î'11,hthuldue cl cuicc with lem, and researcher.s are. a cuat cof SI17,0J00,\ cs arrced.1lughies. secoriued by r cl 1 lu ih nfoto h race at Mosport for somne time. The Canadian contingent of rangements have been made, Mexico and Central America. t h"i, cclIluw hs working on 1nicîboda luo con-* Rex Waltci's. a [iie'ocf Onc a motcin1v r c'lbulîcsutailrasoîd If th61 andiaain 192ranrcd divrsixl e oe-lou, for firexvood lfor Camp- It il;cailed Teuisiutcl, aid ;s- il i<ci uic peisiralion trol lbhe leadded. the -l uth, secucidel iclh' ccidd i alrsuv1w vrsMnnilIl of16 n gi n16 i ng against sorte of the worl'sfires, toilet facîjîces aîîd watc î.î cac t 1r(n 'r i i 1 Mr lnqoe tefliilOub r e vhihH r oe a pine plici esieu h i d finished fifbh. On thel'Play'- grcaîcst, in the sleekest and for *Mosport gucats w0Io %vcIl "Corn s stl iia gisa lit \v(citt li .tlowcng saying frum ,îoîatIiaîî called foi. the Civil- A ffairsVice - (hacrmaî uf11Bur.igicldofabnk al. er's 200" a year ago he also fat' tîncbnry[a mnsbe living icodr caon'as. ilt eali no long-er gr-ow w iI- l dc'I:C't finished in fifth Position. ingenuitv ('an produce. The; Ismdomkl lnti' ilccg ~ ~ y,î lcl i ifest, 166-I74, Woceî']n Il n' smokngamakes planars 0f brig or.nînediale sludv\ aind surc'v 'sun, st'c'uiide(l 1w M i .Wles flc icncsIlsia u Over Labour Day wcckend at drivers .from outsiîle Canada' secds, which are the err s sarc'!la, 'r-1ai'iedpp w ldso rst tov, f leael*i ht ta r el' taheuI la îa'ed ipe tu blads of rasslu gioBrucfeUMccieaenccdf'lîaît lîcv t ba M r.d.l Ihe apoinle ilîaîw pî'sente a chque a properlyspaced s latha eno c.acdmniatces br nvoegrcw before,!present a rmastili'plancIo luIeCliaii'nian of thice nne$00 roiIi uiir Races at Mosport he lapped Nev eladPdr Rdige plants will nul rcwdcai. uf U1W (u i c'ob varietv of tleserves better of mankind Directors showing the futture Cuni,ýncitic'e. aîîd Ibis xa a-pyfrptofîntr.Sc every other car in the field 10 of Mexico, and Jim Hall nf vollier. foi'l. cn ('ciiis seflI- pcpc' aic' 'ccIiîc gd sales. and rdfls more esseictial ser- ceopmattenî eo 11w arha t idsigse a lwrbxsb score an easy win. More re-iTxs. Tbe latter bas Ici-I FROM PAGF ONF c lsî lpuue H ~Ilc\c' i~aind ý.turagi uif, vi:e lu lis ~Country lhaii thesbhtîeceunnei lc tý'trîca i o h r\cc o usaranx cenly e jsbbatoutb~' ,won the 1964 US. road raccig aclaopted as ruad. grds.and nol 1the:ars xci'rli ~ali 1) (X plined livýwholce race or poltlcians prî LI cobe donc tiiîs faîl, Miaecîi oîiie r-simrtcadl h trc whskr Pdr Rdrguz Ic. îîîonsbip. Treasurci' Paîmer siibiitîî'd bear keriieLs cor sccd'. AlliiIl c l of a iîew îogeîîîer"ai Ia uepa lecumlt ptd laice-]Iop ae i' pir ie fIepto Mexico in a 100-mile î'ace iun This year's CanadiaiGrand bbc accounits lwbewre pasa - 'Ifmani shotîId vanisi h tn nccci cmd rilia nîac'liicîe tlii t "da \ wci dacc ed Tni' e lt ccci as Maici ic. 19 lspc.Ofii btva iîca adbadtba i u la Second in thle Poîilni tad-of the bcst sîncc tbis aicoual 1ist IVice-President Bucrton, sec-two« vîcc~ as afcra d. ueci ic. cil(iiei' icri k'- icîifl)(ilmeco- p" ccg lospi icrX ri tcb el tpclAcaCei ihamponsthip at sn n Dr. gjsports eveiit was firSt estab- onded bN' Comi-ade Batbgate. îOnie tilIusaîîd veais agci- ni:-;il.(il' n Iii1 dcca s'litisiî cicîccridig u'fi-lc..îe saiiiuî taf cviîgcclh. cap onhi m t prerinieg .,Alisbedi at Mosporb by thie Biit-ICuri-espundeiice xvas read by dian.s of the Western Ileu i willit nxcc"'iccira kes r Iulre. 'l'le coni ait, i ueK I.'ili a i frîcd id D.licdiýlhimaio Phil Smyh of Winipeg. Aish Empire Moto,.-Club bhrcelSecretary Anne Piper, Cards aphere werc plaiutiîg dcornicc xe iec -cdfrliveslock. adaptaLe na Cttf isbu o veterinarian, Ihe is une of Wcs- 1years ago. of h .ns for- flowers xeicre- iultIle hi]Is wil fisceds spaced lei oiti cadgai'spl <etubie. trerof mai for HospitG i s noxi il coi c. lie addta IeiutCt eeiecies of tharîel' .ili d- ýgth se-ýcliuie. lias cbaîîgcd a 111poi'Ia c'id otfo n I ba eîes o i terri Canada's leading, drivers.- Race director George Mo5.s cecvcdl from Starîdard-Bearer three fecl apaît as XX C plail ' ld c-ui %v lb licttecl air aîîdircadilx' as man's \vants ba10'-elhatILr Ne îlibe ehîd te weeiis til nealiîin wîh svetal eorinaCarer.Rub an toav.storiîîg il mi graîlanies i.-.quite, cbangcd," Mi'. Affinsaid iPO AE N lngMI st "uea. vnn.naîgrnîlcmite r of a Lotus 23 Ford for Ihe ollier big name drivers in Graver Palmer-, ahuco Iroin Mr. Affn ad lct cii cccrînu. storiîig lice cubis îî conlusioi. tionc. T'his Xvas îîcuved bv Mn r . rorvd s î.Coair an M ko, ue rsi nt o be Ination's longesb event coica Europe and it could be bhatlCoumrade.,Aicne Englisib. A Canada lu Peri.0.11<rc ~c ciluî ribas illu tile busks Bill Tlicsbccî'ger ncoved a Waltcrs, sec'uidcd by M. Bel]* ftcf1)ie Goc' Comiîe -MdcaStfliseadDr road racing track. , bhis will be the greabest array letter waa also received froni crltivabed Celitliries 1)ct'ftc'eii.-' is thlut'smcust csual s-utc uf thaciks Io Mn-. AI IL and carried. pîorted! thaIlice oldbuligKul hiiigxeaom'- IMrs. Editl Carter Hantrcaithe xvhite man came. 'l'liecInut va%- of ianIlin'l bforcistlc'mestiig adrd. a. d teiilr lieuisive racsoncnt h s placîoedth thanking the auxiliai'y on be- dians of aittrihes frtcrn 1h iwca uîacroîg allwind rs ioertJoninî adess: e CA lrm'o eitBadotu, wre 'ker iad l tierond10 cld Ies c'nrrî half of the Carter family 1cm SioiIx and thie Iroquois in tepIicttI claiudc l.ijsît ra]detJuii an e- SbVic hircu to f orlî efit nol.Sm catry r ViIsgv h - J ttw! teexplcccrve afecede un-prcssed lus persoîîhapr-sbmliglua scîaiocfrleveilîg offlicad hetdu.Mdcl lf' eot ~ r LE UAl tue luuîcb scrved afler Ibe lu ci- nuinthi luItle Aztecs and Ma as "Corninuýi1d sciage ai n îgicialion Io VMn. AlUn four bis reasons uof hlis1h, was read bi' anrd't itre cci hll' nîni' c h h opta1Amctrtîr EU M er~~cial of Charles Carter. of Mexi'o, and th Ie Inicas -otr!ifavor as flic btck brerakicîg most iniformativ'c classifica- teChimai-M..Jc soî' pricrM.Hld:.rprtdta i 7Ç!R D ER NW ICommitîee reports secr Penci, grýesidornc. wcurk <cf d i ,iný,,ti(cuit of silos lion talk. excellettwonk duci ng h 'i'ieclcinii i ii-Aîga tcîisoî i is K O K l v W ;a:d Auiis,2nd Vi-ce-Piesi- adaptable ceres ailnd i' oId tfilu, iî«e of nieuiani'cliiiilIo:âbCluib decid:d to pu-c'iase land ed by thenienni:r. ltic, Waltcrs,nrepo'dlit hJiiy dent. Mih Bts, wlîo also er ai-cas there li(1dXsc lenancu e'te- -tsd develop a park for thle Il cas uinioX'ed bv M r 1I1-cc;estht' fcllocvcng iîase bcici o 'cio ctbt.Te' pavcIe t et e por.lBng, b .. ' stets ts irilcu f crcc- hi irjct 20 d-osaluin Mr .cpcratrîuonaled in il sprd G L ECR 4 PJnComnade Batl'gatc, \wbo tory and ripens tegracia cueeii': akoî ecocn es-auevoeacî iacs eaoî uc G UL DIN C R ISP~ HUdi Thînre-ai tue fil lb, Ze eniN- tingComlthe Cirnic a acpedlchiregnat in be ac- ne> peraing aii ~ 1~Ç~'asi* also gave the rantecu report;, 10 weeks fronu plauîtiuîg.maciier v tudiaY, eins'it", ot-amtdblieCivi - i etciwt ege.ad taoperalin iig 1011 t' b Il I9l4- ISH & C H IPS ad Hlca Threare ether varies eqwith, heslo'iln 'îývs5of 11mt Fre eln nietrhe sentIohiIhxp es-t Ic machines.blu huno I S H & C I SHupryad itd'vBoa '20 foot stalk s'îu'îtakesi mcil.fi vi' eaiiis cof lorses, Garnet Rickard. îcîg aopreî-cii for lus ser-lb-iis for- sunecuiuis. n li-dprmît ALWYSFRSHFRED HIE ~o lComnade Grare Muirdoch. six nîonîths lu prodce'a (ri Presideuit Kd ytlie Runcidie Methiods o f g rosci i i c-on -thanked ail the Draw and wene discîîssed li\s'Mul-.Allili Booth CIcaîrmen, tlîcr asscst- lic explained fliif î'cîu iCtîc. ORERERLER-anis and ail tiose w'ho lîad ho' grown coitinuccîuislv year helpedt wibh bbe L.cgion Caro- i aflen year n outhe same fields, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 'val. Comrade Batbgate re- j auîd each sean Ilie crops tenîd _________________________________________ Iporbed on bbe auxiliarv main i acecase iii vield. If good WE US ONL HALIUT -draw and lst Vice-Pi-es,. Jean1 cultural practices arecolo WE USEONLY H LIBUTBurton reporled un Cbildren's c d tbe fertilits- of the suit e'ail drasv. Reparlas were also' ho mauotaîned. and il i fart -- FOR PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE given by the following Boothb increaîîed, hie pcoiu itoI. Cluairmen: Hot Dogs, Comnade "Conui- tle most importanît Florence Knigbt: Horne Bak-! feed grain qrowicii fue U ing, Comnade Ada Butler; Caf- 1S.A. aîcd Ontar'io. Il civestu 22 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE ýfee and Sandwiches, Presidient lhigbesî trcturut acitotcg fec'd Rde:Novellies. Conirade grain cr-op-c, bol luinus cuf, Benylhes. fced anud dollars pur cc-i e. itl~ ca a igluIs' fe ),i clt cnu, i cc'icb uoi'maII. p1)nro d i l cee*'e sonicthiuig even cîncien ad ver.se cond itioncs, anrd il ce ldd.msponds cvîl Il c lt pi le- !h irw ' îattei-ic being itsedc BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED hcr agonal .. Geîu icdded Itt il i5 quite posstiit' flow bein- tested. acru îuc'c farning technique:,s thicut :'sn We wish to thank Our nany (riend% and custoiners who visited "ou ~telvc a our renovated store Iast wvcek. If sou were unable to attend this opening ccn cxcellent food!. lu;is please accept our invitation to drop in any tinie and look arotnd . . .hoie nelianed fnom cor: glucî'cc. sure to visit our Color TV and Sterco Salon. iertaun a itv rlias, au in. .taruî'h. su [ficient nourisliiuc c'-c att u rdcnetbe Winncr of OuIr Special Draw - Transistor Radio: exildc silien il i. 1at o uya edcovetile foftunîuîstbbcfacilicur ponp I)ARLENE WEBBER, R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE corcu, suc ocucli lik'ýd lis'hb.s > and girls. "Mlany grauis ai-e iw nI Cet a Commerce Red Convertible Loan. VISIT OUR RECORD BAR FOR THE LATEST HIT RECORDS bread, wheat, cornu, r-.". oa- The durni hread s) o pc;ci It c tunie parts o n ce1!S-.iiade oubrac iid focieOr ,naybe your wife would prefer a green sedan. Sedan, convertible, canoe, in riadrb..pes HARRY LOCKEcor anc niot tini villiut T v k~utividai bnad itie fiuicirf (or i'our ife) One of a wide varie/y of Commerce Mans can be tailored /0 o rned.P neovii H &RL OKT Vgroand ccp cornîîcca- iccitiLc Luun Diparinient of-any Commierce branch. CANADIAN IMPE-"RiAL BAN 0FC MR E 20 KIG ST.ici treating varions "k .uî dci 2KIGS.W. BOWMAN VILLE ýonders. Powdered c'o c ccci i J largelv cllulose and i lu ccc grit free, and clîngs Ici the