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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 9

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Men's Major League' -tanding Lnd of Ihird Wee First ScheduIp Tearn W L t BeaveiLu n i Lander ad a' libert'. BOy 7. 4 Nels 4onhr neIln - .3 PepsiCosi7 KenIs Mer- er 2 3 Jury nv. Frank. variet' 3 fi Olyrnia Restaurant - 6 A verages %F"é Games Ave lin;.arn rnell 4 24, E.Lesi'r Q bW ni. TI ifec* ' Rud HernntiQ ... Georýj' e l"Ife Hap Pâle Larr% 'P i George Gliarfi 'n Si!n ~ - 2 %ob R h Q ' Bert E ~ . 9 :119 Ron 9 17, Garl C :k 9 16f .Jack 1; irit -rr-151 Bob Gliz . ,r 1, Russ HaiIrnî Q 21i4 F-arol'l B"e,r Q 214 lou W ' eniai Q 21 Laureni.lnann 1 Lou ~ hrîr 12 Don Bagrcil . O 211 13ob Krinrî1; 211 Elton Brock- .9 1 Jin a!rQ9 1 Bill Orrme Q9 21 0 Clarenu-e <>e Q 211 ýek Jacks Lar.oer 711t ard Bron- 'e 17 42 2-98 '--27 5 Is !fo-a,-d iunr!e 7-,4(; 'George Gax-le7>2 n cgaTie .21 r '14 aid Ceci'2i'ro2. .>Dkra«sFood captalon- 4 Haroild Bennett had single garn-e 12-56 xvhiie :1 Bagn-is Libr n Boxvl ha 3 3-carne total of 3333. 3 Bob Willian-s xx o hi;' :ý wit!i a -ingle,fe sorr t10)9, Ron ML-a ai-, triple e.AlIey (hatter 50 111 the anc-rages AI O- 4, luook tfleïicad fiom Dr Ru borne fia, a fo1 x'rc 2garnes v.'hiie Dr. R-und-ix- Sthe rurinrer-Lip s5101 'r jij B feave; bomber stil] ma Stains the lean ;r 'ýie F a i i osi orbe ri-ne. q*T' ;j La liard;; rr n teailJr s i placrr n-;e, bo'.ier' 11dou' a no~bn72 nii- axera.- 200 onrrbetter'. 9Bnrx-ler s are r '-que>în-n bon'.-i ahean! if 'bei-e is c ha nce uic' mu; n:ssW neda rrh! brrr iig. r bn rý i -r a r.iglit hr:,th, porit-asa s hn-nIl imrg LÀ nrtv Boxxl Lt-i Teenage Leagii Bowling Jack PPnrîsr": 9 1209 Senior 1Mtixed I.cague Don Oke 1_,9 1'fr9 Ftcher .5. m[îtturn î 2,Coiv: Vincý- Vanstone - ît7, BPni- 0.1 ey ,B Marcin nAtrîrreari Q9 2?07:net'f2 \îairrn F' . i .4 214 Colv~i e Hans J,9""D îri er-- Bil houertr i 213\u ;o r i George Hi 'r,a)r; j '03 Benne-:'1 Frank is Pu' 202 Beauprie !j *X' i. ~2>1CiuI . Sinîgle fB31 (on S tarn .1 1, r leX j 14;"-'(I1! 2,«()-14 - 2:38, . I". tt Han-' \ ; ý i ' luo 1 13 EtIc' r ue*. 22,:: l ; 13(m irg Ne'. N l l -,172 tK Berrit rr et 'lu- pi-rie '20o,.N, N(';rnln 241, R lIei tbis week it- a double nic-ý prie 241-~230î, G. .Muori 21 tor\ . Ber'i ii aP higir single, 20-3-21. G AHmnn- 21 2-20 330 atid urrredtni re, " amesfl ýJeffer'- 2 q) orf 271--1 1,r' h i o' li Hr T îcr- iliii T ri p ' .n"'i' stýore rW 4 13.R. FiLin- r*i ( Xl itic Ai 1 I) n" ilor'ru-' ( rgi'64. B eanîprin- HM iaI jr t h 7 9:; 2 -129 3 ,G eoraly 681, N Nea(J4 nrl' Beb& ;- 2'1 .Si Fe-rrewin- 6011 749 (7 Jack Bornd 7:39 Junior Boy s (31:3). Alf Sanpii5, 728 i282- Adn-r 5, Brock froi,~ i 270), Jin Callan 72 323), 5, piper (); Luxini!.11, Bn-c TeàtniSîandînIl Aider Bowmanville Donoghue Luxton ... ... Maple Grove Piper l1jich Single- D Lî'or22,1 Boy Scouts W. Aider 1861. h-igh Donîb!e. W .î,u-xi151i D. Lîîx'on 2ý24. Bjr7,Juiiirr Girls *0. -ii5,r- 3,Seller-s 2. Tc-am Siurn Goodxxini . ...... Edmonnison Sellers ... .. ........ Bromel' . SLewis Hi fjSingle,.' ûdxr 212, ÎPRate 200. High Double: N. Gor>dwic 383M. Kilpatrrck 341 Bantam Girls 'Whitehead 5, Ayre 2: Piper Team Standing Whitehead........... _ Please 'Piper ..... ..... I Ayre ......... SAVE YOLTR Bradley Wi::o frthe Attendance in the Junior' girls division x n excei-. BOY SCOUTS lent 10% -s ee phe goo wok.11,to he hopeni the other icagues do tlie sanie.: Senior Mixed League Etcher 7, Reauprie 0; Col-] COLLECTION ville 7, Hatelv 10: Bennett 5,' .MutIon 2, DATE ColvilleTe am St.andini 1 Etcher----------1 SATURDAY Reunett- - OCTOBER 1 Raîun 211E-2Tr(2:1. RPre,'nt -2:.i DE( L.MBER à,. mm r225, D Nmli232- .J Heuner- 2 . .Bnr.nJ Poiitçs asa ast MODEL 810 "WIN rvake 1964 tdLîyedrtoget more game with the extrai-depeilrnioe super-fast Remington *"Wî grixis te r" This s the Puin ,!i m'r oe tîraî a million stiooters hani iriht&ýi -021 Dpendab)ie", It functions where JUi. It tk - 311the purrîshriient you cari give if, anid r nré.I' the 'Aorld's fînest pump guil Ithàý oube acionbars, harderied barrel extension. tluiuck-Lhiange barrels and much, much Mside, sold and se imore. But it's not wh, overwheimingly pojul muan Who sý%logs an 8 more gime!' And it' last. C boice cf chokes 1011t ti 3"nmagnum gauge. "Bîdîlîrnaster' barrel in 12 gauge. Sol ton Dealers.- e ( REM;NGTON ARMS OF À«eltrf i-ý4,1o-jrl (I36 Queeo ElrZ3betrr BlCd McGREGOR HARDWA PHONE 623-5211 95 KING ST. W. 720, DN 11x 23, N. Nas 622. R. Etcher 605. Junior Boys l:o 5 P'er 03,Brok 5 iLocal 189 Hockey Le r.Tea m S, and ng B um ob M rer n at J G rr i B W o w , ITeams Brown, B. Sheridan, R. Stew,, ...... V 13Ô,,Garx Cullough, S.Row eC. Trirn, C.Vanstone. .~ .~. 4 O~rne, Paul McCullough Raiders: A.C r o as e y, J n.9:. ... .... ............ ! V iar,,Cx e . G. FLn*,o it B'.Fo xwl e- B F îe . . P la d b n >'d ý11' .......... ........ Richards B Crossev. F. Cowle, Bill MacKenze, Cole, A. Wisemnan, G. Marjer,& hi ai DJ . CVO. D Luxt nD .75H eat D nB . colwell. H ah B. Johnson, P. Stacey, ý unHornets: 1). Masters, T.: H. ocatJ Grej T Bronk 2.6. Grl . irri.F.Cwlng B3lack, L. Hamilton, Bi. Abbott,!e pri DCrade, D . B a g n , M.,Cornets: F. l3airey, R. Westi Iu ýE T. Martirn, D. Prout, H. Quin. mondson 5, Goodwjn 0; ei e iiey. Bruce Cole, J. Mantle, Tea Stndig ~685, Ena Etcher 680. DolsG Jo. 67S onne ise an623, Lane, L. Piper, C. Fergu< o;~~~~Jl 672,mndonMriy Coe Ws5an B 663r urCem Slr- .ndsonnJ Clarke, D. Whalley, O~- GIld655 Btndnshaw 653.H Pollard. W. Therteli, J, 0ý Go(ixn ..... ...... ..Oni.e Etcher 11012 10 There wili be a practice i,, ~ eler-s ..... ... 4 Helen Dunn 10583 10 ssso for ail paest B.'omî9 Dris Jli.......1318 ! 3 1 1 ... .. ...4... ..a. .B e a u p r i e ... 1 2 3 1 8 S u n d a y' m o r n i n g a t i l h a . - -1 g b S î3 1 j B r o e l J o y c e T e n a n t9 31 7 S 'c l c k , I . w i ll b e a o n e h o u r Flih iDot J Brooks24, oyeTenn 10611,q sating session, with no stck ]aC21 K' Atr 206. F. B3urnsý kik PattBrookd 106r1pads required. A $2.00 en. f'ý F. Hi'benF. B 20. 1Oiefel 05 2p trv fems bc paid before frgý ) 1lbl: . ýýns 41 ,1Lola W righît 10535 'e second ga ie. League ac. Pîpe .are 0: Girls head Ena Etchel, 10124da,- hnCresmtRid A r 0 - h t h a iâ e B ,. c 9 9 8 8 e r s ifl t hre o p e n e r , w i h H o r . PgvHy e 9598 nets and Bruins playing in~ '.dn .Standing Top Averagres the second tilt. The complete ~rrv Piper Doris Joli 1 z o s ulncle vili olloxv e ......Etch r25 -m- E3"n1~ev iConnie Wistemar1 11 hr Higýi Siriele: C. Ayre 186,1 '21 Juiw Bakser................0 lib- f11gb Double, C. Ayre 343 Dona reshton ..........I95 .. ToW£NIN D . B -ad -y 2 . - DonaPregto.............195 oRH HG ES BBalov 253l Terry .... .... ... 194 O ER 'W E>iE Ewîd Tennant...........1i93: /f ALWAYS READY a e ~ M onday O live P atfield .91.....T H îtGenerals Take ~The first year of the revived lacrosse league closed1 and eats. Team members include: front row, Iett toi Barb Buttonsh-aw ï......186 Ir lZ I e Generalson T k'a night with the Cubs, shown above, win- right, Guy Johnson, Bernie Pflanzer, Doug Kramp Mriy Cl 3IrJe OW R Tennant 263-269, Connie Wise-, Petes 5 to ning the Atom lacrosse championship by downing Brian Tighe, Steve Kilpatrick, Doug Henning, back; mai, 218-253. Ill Duin'114,1'. the Beavers. Thev were awarded a beautîful trophv row, Coach Fred Cowle, -Mark Johnson, David Poole, B a r b' Buttonshaw 223-234,! s1 Oshaw,ýa Geiierals carne UP donated by Era I tetSejStpenDveDaeOrinoi Dny ol.ad ocfe A223, Pe-gg , Hans 245,r u*[th three third period mark- vc Saiov Brooks who operates aSpretSr tpeDvy aeOmso.DnvCweat ,Jeli Almon23, 225, JanSut451 t Ilees* an their secondvieSaon King St. East. This photo xvas taken at CahBrY Jhno. Viable Lewis 202, Hilda 243-' --straight exhibition victory, de- Fred "Buck" Cowle's homefollowing the celebration____- nick 227, Shirley Biekel 4 featirig Peterborouîgh Petes 5-3 244, Eleanor Dadson 209, Lola j ible 1ift1cî'îç Citv. Thursday' ïnconte-t;den bowe to rigi , noter Wright 230-223. Laura Hazel led 32 h League Bowling LADIES' MAJOR,~e oWih 0,EaEce TI *4 e Pb" ic Prdy-2 Grd MNarilyn Cole camne up wîth Donna Preston 205-223, ILindaii inir the final 20 minutes, on Bentmoeitopît1lavî 65 m DL'J Beauprie neln Baker anti a big 336 garne Io taise hîgh1 Crossey 2(02, Donna Heard; -Tiie<tî' ad Jim Patterson. in front of the Mixed Leagruerunt 621. Dunn walloped Haynes both ýtriple honotlrs, folloxved byr 200, June Baker 203, Kavý re t tte :7taeFrdonîh by 3-0-Mat 1rr r ar to uscore in te ony vshl-1 Ena Etcher 277, Joyce Ten.-! Beauprie 21 î-2 17, K a r e n mark, -ih deienceman Ar- ping Brorneil 7-0, while Brock hoth contriblited 301 duigMnadrgtsnn 6.Dr~JoI26 o- ht 2.Enn rmi riramr Girou.',- laggîng the xii- Wright defeated Etcher 5-2, gaines. lo l y HP,' Ladies' MaorbolgacinniWie-a 25 'dPgs06Onetcr2320,e- I rri; ;' iliiuts atr. aye rut[ci ~ ~ ~ ~OV~~ 9~Tennant edged Brooks 2 - 1, Hax ries245. Enice Terr-v 244, Marg 'Xiîîg 16 TEMPERANCE ST. Crîshrran's secornd goal wrap- Glanville puiled off a 7-0 ip-I AI Lobb 2î5. Bob Mitchell .Ece'dx-e o -, .oc eîin xr~'~ io21,LorePark 2'1,Doi I ePatfiel-d 2ve - I .'_1-1 uiiers triple leader at 712, ohrtpJI 0-5;29 iý, peniiln up Captain Dan O'Shea set win over Perfect to takel2(33, Ralph Cole 256, Morlex, over E, Etcher and B.iciseli îotnl.F going. ro Shiirley, Bicisell 231, E-i eu,;10 12- w s heGe erl' ohe m rk - ve tir p ac f om the Etche r 253. Jirn Bedford 24.5 --.--- - - P2,ý ai oe iiTlda Brunis 24.) 1' ----*-However, Broit provroiedl Teani Starln~ the big reversal, blasting H lar- Pi w ~~~rison 7-0l, afler ahsorbhingaBre . 9 Goo yea Lg pan' of shutout lo.sse,,yin iPeir! Wî i -,I' Thf Baibiri crurkept roll- ialie games. The fou.rth, Glanville . ..... ing aiong on Thurday night shutout of the night was writ.! Perfecr ....... ..12 byýoicRohr70viceilyten if.o the books wheli Weîir . I(ý this ime or-pr the, slumping Brocis bowed to Brurit 7-0r. tri E'n'l. Combines - outfit. The Hose the final attraction Welslî de-l Brun........... moved into second spot by feated Lobb 5-2. rnoxing intolLob-,..........S ~ ~ 5ýknockXîng off the Lead Press a tie for fifth. Prou! -11(I The Braiders beat the Vince Prout set the pace by1 Brocis POffice 7-0i and the last place rolling the high triple of 864p Bromeil ,:.Machine Shop fftnally got mov- and high single score of 390 Harri.son îng b y defeating the Tigers by He aîso alde a 281 gamne' .11gb Averages ,lthe .nrre 'i- 0 score, The Coin- O ne Etcher topped tie ladies D ic K P rfeCr.21 q. ts wozui o'.er the Belts 5-2 and 1lin both divisions ilft a 633 1 Vince Proit ,21 Uthe final tilt tire Fan Beltsljtotal. that incîrudeci b 2601 Elton Brork ._9 3 5 sqireezeni past the Laboratoryl single effort,.i"Uap" Palrrer......... 1 4-îI Other high triples went to!Hai-old Bennet....224 E,'vtn tWuj;gti lit. didn'z reach MatHarrison 728, Joe Nowv-p Jim Bediford . ....2 3 F'red ŽS1iiiti's lrrh 405 single J an 725, Illap" Plmer 701,i Joje Nowlan "'.,. ~ ~ n E,)i h i- iiRoss W'riglit EIt P Boc' Jirri Bedrrîi-li G dmiilh' tru. er rri1k37.j single. 686, iG i to )b t6WiLeu, \VeLsh fln r d fro-i; Ofiwi- r ipi, singles caime froin 6V3,Bob Mtchell__647, Bobl "Duke .Bi' ra, .... 21 J. Bond xvth 337, D. Oke, 309,-__ __ ?R. Stilh 305 and A. Randie i willh 298. il high triple action, J. Bond I camre through with a 787 score, 1 R cr ctiK eview s CI oll w e b y R . W rig h t w ith 65,' Bt Martyn 703. A. Randleî 699, D Oke 692, W. Vanstone) The Recreation Departrnent, semi-finais wil start on St 692 and J. Honeymnan 690. Faîl and Winter Brochuresi urday, October 17th, and the' Team Standings are now out. Anyone who d championship finals will be Points flot receive one, m1ayý, b a played on Saturday, October Babuy 1 ng or dropping in to the Re- 24th, Hose . ____ 24 CmuiyCIte.2 e Cornets 23_AvenueP. W. L. T, Pts Týriers 23 TAvenue.33 00 iý Tigers16 Registrations for Swirnming, BluTig er-s 3 231OO 6 ,Fan Relts .____ 16 Conversational French, Great Blue Bom'ers 3 2 1 0O lLeani Press ____15 Books, Children's Craits, Art, Fout-iers3 023I0Ot4 O fiet -- - - 14 Basketball, Teens Badm inton , l u te hi 3oiGT Laboratory 12 being received at the Recre-i were the big wînners in Sat- 12 aton ofice.urday's Touch Football gaines ýMachine Shop Il Residents interested in th-ei played at the High School 111g Avraga SeiorCitzen, SqareDan- EGrounds Iast Saturclay. Hi. Perec erate_____23 Sln Drain W SurkeopMovie The early garne saur Fory.- R . P rf e t - --- 3 6 n I1 0ý a m a o r k h o p M o Iei N in e r s b o o n c e A lo u e tte s 4 2 -6 . B. Hennings - - 2301Club, Aquarium So c ie ty.1 B. Jones scored three touci-- J. Mlurphy.. . 223 Men's Basketbalî League may1 downs and Dennis Tiernes ,,Randle_______ 220 register where they meet. See1 scoreni two. 1)oug Abernel rv 1' A. Lobb ________ 218 Recreation Brochure for fur-1 scored the other Forty-Niners Ao4 W. FHately ______- 216 ther information.tocow. Jom Biet Cu Bs Win Atom Lacrosse Championship ridIkTeens' Bamintn Marie Trrr,- 21 A Teens Bdm inton C încDoroth y S2a1 wîil be conducted at the Bad. ilePu- 07 mîinton Club, King Street1 Ba rn ey Boî- 8 202 MUM lmu East, on the following dates:j Marg Wade 201 Beginners - Saturday, Octo- M arteaeî:9 I M R I Nber i7th. M. SRtordav Or-to- M91 ýa tisgu Étht aks t G b Avace -Spurla, rt-,GraeFarrow - ,177 ~ttîsgnb&a nae t ~ br 24t1i. -iiePorte' 165 lir, ifs what it dO es Ask 3fly r eginnier s and Ail ian "- E dna Eiolt.......6 8l'O and he'il tel you, "It gels October 31 s, Marie Trini.......6 ,s quality-made in Cnd oJVeStaen16 ýs and barrel Iengths, plain or ýtise dir*ection of Austin Ma.,-. oroth.î' Stark .. ......153 mode! ini 12 gauige and 20 Pheixsori aid Fred ,Ia'1 e W;,Z ... W..----------52 A rILi~ r slug gun w ith rifle sight p rofessioliia ' t uc r '5 fio D RII nxa'o er . . . . . . .4 ________ h tatîoxarBadminton aie oset .... 14 donybyAutorîed emig- I Cub f Trono, n'aio - a:-, Skeldîi-g.........135 1Clinic ssin ie -riBarnley-Bois vert----------..131 '1:00 to 4:010omm, onî earh of et'Bîhel ..131 the three Sat'irdax'sMaireMcuogh- 17 CANADA I.IMIYED I ,-CP . . h 117 i Boys andi girN :3j, ýqOlh; ?Heirnîerson Toroo to 18 , O ntari o, asof ge.te c5e'* e - . I ls dm;j' max' '-ister aI -t nE- Sa",erý------9 I etOnffice, 26 Beech Ax-e- oye- Cr.p...-------61 nure. There is no registration SRaw apples, eaten skmn and W E LTD . Touch Football al1 cOnt:in the g:eatest food The schedule wl finis.h onvalue, but there is still plenty Saturdav.October lCail for'tBradingtI.the valelintyape Bl1ue. Bomnbers adFitY sauce, apple pies, aPPle oud- 1f rP a i g t eq a 80 WMAN VILLE N ne: -ia\ ng at 9:()()arn., ding andi baked appleŽ Al- C lt a t fOI1lxved trx Tiger-Cats and Mnost al] Ontario apple jlceI th ts strong o flflavour iAJ.uetts si 10;30 amn. The i lortiled with vitanmin C, #The Can&dtalm Stàt@BnuLr4 BOWMànVI09, &CL 'T, 1984

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