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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Sbatpsman. Eov-manville, Oct. 7, 19641 Plan Grain Corn Day At Claremont Farms A Grain Corn Dav xviih Jheld near Claremont. on Tuec;- day, October 2th. at th( larmis of Norman Lehrnan and Albert Foster These faum- are Iocated 2 miles west and onle Mile Souîth of Claremont., AIl of the Corn Compan.ý, gelling Corn in the Province ,of Ontario, weuc asked triîîb mnit two varîcties ta be w-cul Ia demonstuation plot. Ai! eleven Corn Compantes rc- soonded ta this ucquest i.x th the result that tbis deronsîra- troll Plot contains 2_2 cou-i varieties. The farmcr-ý at- tending <isConDyAH Farm Union News The annual meeting of Duri- hamn County OFU. was held Monday evcning afIllhe homie of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. ,vith the Locals well repuesented. Mrs. Wil]iamis, Provincial Lady President, xvas the guesi, speaker and gave a x'crv in- formative address. She spoke on "ýpricing" and urged mcmr- bers instead of grumnbling Io each other 10 send their coin- plaints to the proper authori- ties. Reports were gixcu hv the Treasureus for the Loîals and the County, and shom-cri a ~t cessful year. Mus. Willianis presidrd for the election of officers for thec comnig term. Ken Sinclair, Ponîxpoolxt ho ba& completed bis tfirsi ca as County Direclor xxas re- elected . Ms RPo sWood. Millbrook, vas clecied Ladv Director to replace MNrs, Elmer Cox whose for- ern'ci va. tinished. The evenîng o- uc xt the serving ni a del'cîoîî Local Majorettes Win Eight Trophies have the opportunitv of see-, mn, these demonstuation plots.I and compauing the x-arieties. The p rogramme will staut, at 10:0() a.m., with a tour of the vaurietY demonstuationi plots. This wîll be followed- bY a taiR bv Puofessor George: Jonces. Departmnent of Crop! Science. Unîversity' of Guelph,', on xauîeties, plant population,I fert:lit-,' and weed control in' con Hoe wili be followed on the proeramme bv Mu. John Turnbull, Aguiculiural Engin., ver fromi the Ridgetown Agri-' î'ultuî-'al SehIoolMu. Turnbull! xvill dral xvîth harvesting and' stouage of the corn cuop. Folloxving a noon î-ecess, Professor Bruce Stone from Corneil Univ-ersity, Ithaca, Ncxv York. xvill speak on corn: as a lixestock feed. I-le willU OUtline various rations for the, different txpes of livestoek. There xvili also be a largei disqplavý arca fou farm ma- cbillecu*v-All ty pes of equip-1 mient, tzsed in the production, ofcorn. will be placed in the1 displax ai-va bY the variousl MaChincux companies. Manv-y of thoe machines xvill be, demoîîstratcd in (he field, Ail1 fat-mers inteuested in ('u11 as a farm cuop are in- :ited t0 attend. MAPLE GROVE NIIS. Wm. Sprackiing, Tor-, Oto. x-ho lhas heen visiting, hier Moiin r. and Mrs. C., R Swallow, retturned home toa Toronto on Sunda.v accompan-, cvd b ' vMOr and Mus. Swallow', \vho x isifed fricnds for tlhe \lrs. oc lxel.Canning- fon, MIr * <'ha n je White, Osh- awa.Mu.Frank Olliff, Stouff-' ville, were last week visitors with their relatives Mu. andRtr Me in Mus. Fred R. Stevens. Mu. and Mus. Edgar Bush, Castîcton, Mr. and Mus.Ed Jennings, Mr. Jim JenningsLf Eden Mils, Miss Gloria Rody, ourtice H. S. Prin i a ,Actn, pen theweeendwith M.and Mus. Cecil Milîs and faiyand lhclpedceclebi-at iter 5h nivra.tl)e sries Trip Overse as -......Mr. and Mus. Fred Stevens recently spent the wcekend with their daughter and bus eB ia I o h eo al k .Mband, MVr. and Mus. Boy Top- Cib I eo 'an M r trikeb h e r e Winston bo piog, and boys, Toronto. interestinu sere of oued fist cciM Se h hI vsh M.Bo CakteVraslides taken b Jane Speel"- member of te M apiei the series taken by MuI. Wood, Peterborough, Mus. dugh poIgln on c dl b Si er uo atc .,. HcnryKoight, Bowmanville adSoinl[ n ff ietr '. both former resideott th uSe Ip S P n P b d g A burs- anandcUljlit Grt ove. weue Wfedncsday, Sept.'oftuecaub hd a Q Cr Fenroel '3Oth visitor.q itb Mus.'R. R. Du hma oranizd ta he'l ,WehHghladshis torieý Stevens.-dhsdcddt iidavo Conpratulalions <o Mu. and ilJd Bain b lC CCese Mr. Cecil Milis, on celebrating n dh l Rm h r- theti- 25tb wedding- anniver-'Club tîcul xxith the Whitby Hîgoh Scbool, Mur. St rike tuance of the Mersey Tunnel, sauy. 1dTIs .P wa-Rtî lî oxvîscn ttu.ancl the lovelv Lake District! place in Rotarcv District 707 Mu. Speeu ll(e cilib of Englanul, and Stratford-on-, io-.atnded theC.funeral - for attendEnce in Aîîgiîst. iliathieandl bis ýfamîlv leit'Ax-ori. Satudy o Ms. ar Sie-Eacb had 92.6 peu cent. Malton ai iline o'elock in the Among tbf p icliires taken man, rt opemotheMryof te ýAttendance Chairman Art mornîng. III.. fit-st pictîre bx Mu. Specurlr Soln sso Honie Heat S rvice is betterlate Mus. Clifford Swallow. ~ Ribey presented a Two Year.s was tlakcen aficu theýi TCA Jet x'îeveso îtî ue. EssoHom He t S rvie î beter Mr.andMrs Alon IIittPerfect Attendaîce Pin ta hatci fiiîwr thîough a tUndeir- Stirling Castle, the Fweed 1 Mu.andMus AlonGlenholîne Hutghes. AI W:th- storni andl risc:î abox'ct. It Valiex. ILoch Lomond, Argyll] because its people are Osaa e~ udav~ ' rspoon, Director Chairmaît(if prcscnrted a uvoiîderfiîl view of CastîeÉ licgeGece noon c alR use l a d MI t r ato a cu i oay.- co d o m tis sho ing be- Village. Inverness, the Dukel Detertrane toseveyoubeter Yu gt edic usellanl fmiy. cecd that the iIub's annual Ili- lncalthe xx ng of the plane. of Atholî's Castle, Edinbuuh,' Settr taind tosere yu btter Yo _qt ýSeveral fuom <bis commun-l teunational Stdents Week-end l'le e' si;ulc effecti\,elx-\ masseul Pipe Bands, Holvrood "exravale"forvor hatng olar.Ifyou're i, atode h-Srda ve-xiii ho helul on Oetobeu t Tth showcd th(. slin ising ox-u asle I-ose Abbev. There extravalue- fo yourhea tng dllar.1 f ing service held in Ebenezerln 8hiCseMi the type of person wvho insists on the best, ýChureh whitb eommenced witb d t. rcianul, anid tub- as foliowxetl wcer also s;orne fine PictLire haeEs Hm etthe singing of favourite hymns A. 11. Stiki-. :i i ntrîîd:iil,, bYofother:,, i e(,n fiich of Noutherlt Irclaîtu, botil ofý you probably already haeEs o eHa aftcr xvbicb Miss Hyacinth the special 'speaker-, said libat of Elîglanul lakeil fîrom th(' air. the Cîties and eoLintî-vsidc,,1 Service.You've seen the crisp, efficient way Bot.daoesfom Jamai-! James Speers 'addct lM.Seusfrtptire of a nd a 1sel s0xin rbi, ea, gave ant excellent addrcsshis life to woîk iii cducation.,London xva- Omie of Pîctcadilîx' 0< bei-Places o!'ilote in Eire.l an ssoHom Het tar IoI<saftr yur ot otihe xok in their Mu. Speers xvas a nmcmbcr ,of Circus xx th tue 1sexen strexcl and tebeaultiful Lakes of hetn ed ..seilss nsrieadcbuuch and necul of unity in the teaciîg staff of Wbiitb\, tît,1entieru . lie haul takcn .iî 1 l a rne. the t-burebdse.e.y.heue.iHightseioosefoucetunde :earshurch evarvthcrhotel xhheueolitf George Vice niiivec a vote, furnace oil delivery. This professional skill "Mus. Bill Dax'idson, Westoti, andl itsi Vice-Pruîcipa! 'fuem lsîixeci, thc Regen vPala2e. of thank to Mn .spccu-> andl . ýad sos Pul ad Rbert 195 to195. Thre alz ll xcelent Pue. ident Johin Bain aiso cx- is the resuit of thenost thorough,, practi- asn Paul nd wRob er In 5 1t 958 . The -)- relle an exce. Pllnt vu- cý-,sdhsproa]apcw' cal training in the industry. And these men s51Cr, Mrs. Ron Rogers and cmeincipal Mo. Iplet- nrate o! amdous t. as C- selftI .s Peusýonal aueî-:i- da.tghters, Mu. Ron Rogers, cm Picpa1fth itoatbda,.atIohuso h eitl Muo r- o rip brianF regularly return to the ciassroom for re- Mu. Bh DvdoWsoHigb Sehool and ninderlook a Hioties of Pauliamenît shoin" e Os ifltstn x'me builin aidavidsonî, Wespîlton, - 1i k F of nicttîres wx l bis feIlow fresher courses to keep up to date onilthe spenit the xeckeîîd a h o.Stiike g p. i o ld hchloo" Ii(, . -jorRO)îins. tan t aeri',that in 19131the Dîtuhar ,iiand Iltl'neuOf Wo! - Iatest developnients in the heating industry.tanaBocfI Countv Distrw!ictllgh Sehnool 5er Abhc- . xxhere Mr.Sp(eý They save you mloney by keeping your oilBTU R Board appointed Mu-. Spcer. :îttcnlded a .euvuc, wcrx OBT A YPrincipal of the newx ColIrtice shtîxxi. Ies chided B. I. S heating equipmient in economical operating Mainî Aitar. the Conai B H es condition. If you're flot getting this kind TI-IOMAS B. SELLERS TUChair. anul St. Gcohirr UC a ofsevceVU'u I nvtr cnnvv iuntilititou ve T-- c-ilo!-Tromas' B. _EHhSO~N~LE~MNR I1 F I an ot ~~' 'tf thlecToxeer o Londoni, .hw'îxaS bilit iii B', \eîi icads nianx .ciîot x: Th i eek I a ni qktite piut hs oi- fu taoiCthu 0repaort t bat Bowtniyanv t Lue:r xx ui, rBuLIekîigli am Srîi io r ,ach ieved t<hopiurfi Palate', it- arden. , Si. lames xcotvof bbP seasoli.' Palau. cn.uiiton Palace, telam deleateul Clark-e '26 lo aîPrtnu(e;s Margaunt - - 0vn Peter Xcr .Denni- MrFc uirlen ie.\-t biheuuc'iderieusand Doi iMeMiirtbr nsin<glî Palac coîînted fr ( he o uoahuloxx "i-phial-Be'forethe gaflir, a Scb ridepicteul W nu!l sor Ca lei al, ,,shedlret xx 1 il ma5s.v xvll-3ndSenior Team and ehceulcadl , 'eue introduceul. Tis yCî Oxe-,and mernlouabe ena- ebeerleaders i nl c I u d e J pel.--',Que sboved eItc ms, Sharon Burgess, At QueenEliz- ucv Kitson, J1. Pardy, E. A he'i 1, andl otbc-rs were of derson, SaIlx Witheulv a th(-lt fonanwng roms1 Lx-nn lel'var . Abî-ief ulescui cengîtLon î. h Qucen's r> 'i on of the fune'ion of ea rooirt ins, Quecti Vie,-' tonu. bcdioon- ho Thuone pIavr!-foiloved. Roomi, tîhe Car*te:- Roomi, andi UnfortuiatiŽly*.ýoit Tuesdi ihle state dinong uoonm . ou:- -Junior Tcam was bai Excellent piîtires of lHum - defeater].lKe< are sure th- toi Cort,-Ilch-ashui', y ail make a hetbeu showing torn Co ut xxlî eli xadh lubvtheir next came. Henux* VIII. _lmox-cd <bat Last Frida. anî 0w-ta( K:nz. favorite residetîce andul ourse v-as selap ai the ba il Vbautifui garder, This campus and ail the boyvs we buiildting îilw j ill d fo r inviteul to It,,, it ait nor guu Ha lfiivor apar:ment. inesx-e Gu 1 , Dý by -t-e h v le Quern Hoopo: -i' Grade i10. Tim Proi r il;hCi r i lictuu ;Il oxuxcd andl Grades 12 and 13, Char] uc-5of <ho( Thamo-s River. Ex-ans. AIl boy s wbo finishi KJII- Ewar's ardnz.andare t.o be -ommendcd for thc flic bithplace of Dr. Johnson. ieprfracs aînd the College.s of Oxford This Wedncsdav înornîi UnvustvSt. Giles Chuuch, andl afternoon wiil sre o, and otýher buJidîn-s 0f speciai Annual Fieldl Dav. Activit. inus n <bat 1toxvn Thero vti)rohabl.\,stauit aîiil a.r xxa' al1-o al-uexof magnî i - As lcnmene îd 1a-î we cen't Blcnhelrm Ca5tUe, the we Eire n 111 flthe midst tried the best. Get "extra value" for your eir turcu tde~ î MNemnorial Hlospital, Boi%-mar'-, heating dollar-get Esso Homie Heat Service. ville, oit Sunday, Scptcmbeu 20. 1964. le was in bis 76tb' ________________________________________________ Iyear, ouof tlîe late Mr. atd Mus. HERE AR YOUR ESO Thoms George Sellers, <hoý HER A E OU ESOdeceaseul xxas boun andcti cateul ai Scarbouough. York- HOME HEAT SPECIALISTS 'shire. Englanul. VOUR ESSO HOME HEAT DISTRIBUTOR: nrep temborr.30, 1912. ho Weck, v.ho .strvivrs, 1ut11- ast veau thcYv celebuateul Ihetu Golden Annivei-sar 'v. A. H. Sturrock ons M.Sler a engincr anx as emplovî'd BOIV ANVILEONT RIOworking in Bowmanvtlle andl Box 1168 Phone 623-5516 Toronto. H-e îetircd onily% las* veau. Suruvi, besicles hi wif are 1'2 ciildiucîx, Mus. B. YOUR ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE DEALER: Hughes (Edithý of Oshawa, Mus. F. SaYer (Dorothv(,. Mus. E. Jacque 's (Grace). both of Scarbouough. Mrs. F. Ander- son (lMargaret), Mrs. A. Lyle Georg Thonson Louise), Mrs. Ken Joboston Georgea),GThomsonTomas 125 CONANT ST. Cordon, Melboitune, Ra 'vmond Oshawva Phomie 723-7719 Ontario viPle Th c ierai 'ýcr vice %% a. ____________________________________________________ eld from thle Notheut'. & Smith FaneraI Haime. Bo-,ý, manville. on Tuesday,". Sen- tomber 22. andl va.s conductcd always bv Rev. Harold Turner.in- E S ) LOOK TO IMPERIAL terînent xxas in Boxem-ranvilie for he estCeneterY. for th bestPallbearr xxw e r e NMe.,ssu Gaufieldl Clarke. George Daul- son, ou and Bud Perfect. Lies and Charles Piper, world news in focus The Chrsion Science Monitor On. Norway St., Boston, Moss. 0-1115 Ploose enter mny subscuipt ion ta the Monitor for the period checked be-. Iow. 1 encose $-..~ (U.S. Funds) 1 YEAR $24 El 6 month.ý. IZ 53 snonths $6 Street C, t _____ ___ fiust Aen- ae-ý 'n eus îch )anv ciie îckr ng ut: ies -Mu tk. m ur Magazine Salem Campaigi.' It xil continue to Oct. l3th and then if xve are lucky enouch to reach our $2500 objective, a salesmnan dance xviii be held xvîîh a CKEY 11Gu< puesents. rem n-A Co r Ve t e mals oopiks caerasand Court Venture L. 1892, C., ductor, Helen Devitt, Inner mlos oiks. cmeasan F. held their monthlY meet- Guard. Josie Roberts; Outer in, in the Lodge Hall on sep- Guard, Sandra Stephens. tember 23rd. President Edna Past Pues. Jean Devitt pue. t HA DONBaker was in the chair. sented immediate Past Pres. HAY ONReports of arious commit- Edna Baker with her Past tees wvere heard. The picnic President's pin. Pues. Marion U.C.W. October meeting wiIl committee reported a very MacNab presented Sister Bak- be held on Thursdav ex ening successful day. but flot enough er wilh a gift as a token of ai 8 o'clock at the home of mernbers in attendance. The appreciation for the work she. Mrus.J. Jones. Mus. Waller Bazaau committee reported had donc while in office. Loverîdge and group \vill be that the date is set for some- The 50-50 draw for Septem. in charge. time in Novernber in the ber wvas won by Mrs. Mabel Sundav School \wiil b, held Lions Hall. Dexitt. 116 Liberty St., Towvn at 1,5 minutes to 2 oYclock 01 The Hardtimie Dance coin-in the amounit of $22.00. Lucky Sunda. Thank-Offering ser- rnittec reportcd the dance draw for pilloxvcasçes wv von vice tvill be held Sundav ûcx-- would be held in October in t)Y Sister H"-lpn Wallis.' ening at 7:30. Rex-. C. Dugan the Legion Centre. Ofcr etn îlb xviii be takiný, thlese--c The following Officeus xvère held October 141h a li Guest soloist. Mus. B. Burgess. installed for the \-car 1964-6,5: Of Carol Roberts. A delicious A miscellaneous shower ýxxs Past Pes., Edna Baker; Presi- lunch vvaq served by Sisiur "'dent. Marion MacNab: Vic-e - Faye Allen and her commit. given Ina Bervi Read (a bride. Pree on Saturdaviathu oe n es., Faye Allen: Rec. Sec,-, te !W ednesdav exen ing, 43 ladi'esJean Jons: TraSuIrer-, Gxvn- attending. Ina Beru. I_ received ennisý: Fin. Se(-'\- Jean De- W l-xid ncploynmcnt by manY loveix gifts. vitt: Chaplain, Olive Foxvlcu oos oald 4, W arden, Carol Roberts; Con_ e eal m lr ttle16(,0 Mur. and Mus. Earl Thomp- people in 196:3.-- son and Cynthia, Mr. Donald Thompson. Bownman-Ilîe Mr, ZMON Roland Thompson. Hampton, at Mrs. A. Thompson's (ogauaîn.t I.ai Mr. and Mus. LloYd Ashton N1us. Edxvard Haass îEva Yeo) aecompanied Mu. and Mrs. R. on, their mau:-ialge -)n Satur- v Ormiston to Muskoka and up dav. to Parr 'v Souînd and v.-iteul M 1 « .. PI. Robert< vx i1:ecl Mus. Belle King-shot at Ros-;_ he,- dauheî '.Kn Fi.':she #0 UR.. seau, and were tea gUests With at Oshaxwa General Hlospital. Y9OA'KIT Mrs. Ada Fullerton, Graven- Mu. andl Mus. Frecd Dart andl~~1 OI hursi ~~~familY, Wondx-illc,, xisitcd ajti8A* OL ,- Murs. M. Bcîtrini Jeanl. Bi:- Hnrv Dart' XEB.k'eI die and John were Suindav Mus. John Metuailie: and w0#11,' 40(//T r supper guests of Mu. and Mus. childrcîi. Whitbv, xxeuc Moi,- WfYh.~ Norman Avery, Salem, a evcning xisilorz at Gcuuv 1$ CA'.«El) Mr. and Mus. W. Blackburn. GI a.pe11's. - Dae and Neil and Mus.~Mus S . Arduon. Uîu.: P O.j'. Crossman motoucul <o Hali- Ough Jet.,M-uý. F. RicharulsOn. burton district t) sec[li Cam b r d g e. asci ,t lovel.,v colorîîîg of the leave- U.S.A.,Mu. andl %1rs. N.Po: on Saturday.ter, Toronto. xisited atil1cnurý, The heavv fro.! on Suî:davMu and Mus. Ger- G!ai<- night froze- the floxveus and pel, Mr. F. B. Gla.pl 1 IL tomnato vines. Several flocks Donald Ycllowx (es. Mr,. A Mev of wild geese have been seen McMaster xvcnt on a triîpL: going south. Thc wcatheî-man north 62o~: i ,3-3231-72 SCUGOG ST. is reporting sowx for todax. Sundav. SHANK PORTION Instal 0f ficers "NEW PACK" FANCY QUALITY SPECIAL 1 A&P TOMATO JUICE 3 48ioz 1ntOO00 CASE 0F 1-9 TINS $4.0 CHOICE QUALITY SPECIALI A&P TYLE CORN 52 iors99( 30cý OFF KING SIZE JANE PARKER PUMPKIN PIE Reg. Price $1.43-SAVE AN EXTRA 18C kigsize boxi1.25 Reg. Price each 55c-SAVE lOc each 45Ci FOOD' 'STORES APMA S.DPNàBLT BUTT PORTION GRADE "A", OVEN READY, VAC PAC, 10-14-LB. TURKEYS 1 c Ail prices ini this cd guaranteed îhrough Seoturday, Octaber lOîh, 1964. A&P con SAVE you MONEY on Fresh FRUIS and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA TOKAYS. FINEST FOR EATING, NO. 1 GRADE GRA&PES 21bs15c CAPE COD, NEW CROP, BEST FOR JELY OR SAUCE CRANSERRIES 1b cell bag 29 C FRESHLY DUG VIRGINIA, NO. 1 GRADE SWEET POTATOES 3j",ýs25C Ifs the EAT in the MEAT that counts COOKED - READY TO SERVE SMOKED HAMS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, BONELESS, SOLID MEAT END CUTS PORK LOIN Roast 1b 79C

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