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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 17

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the Sunday School Hall on lThe Canadian Statesmn omnil.O'.7 P4 1 Classified HoIy Name Society ~ Wth acompanving map, Mrs. Thomas JacksonreieadpryrtyrsCa. ~~~~ ~~~and pictures, they discussed in the thankofferings.Luc asrvdtyM. Coeds of harilcs akes CNU D onatio turn teclimate, industries, Terl aiwsasee enr rvr r.Adsr _- S s fThm-- ak s C IB D na i n aise Cu tcrafts, agricutturat probiems, byheMyre alasofrthnflSot, rs rieRey nd Iwish ta thank ail thoseý. At the weII attended meet- bail and present them to the Held i Bowmanville relibon.etc"MyMs. laeroCofors Who ere o kid t sen me ngof the Hoty Name Society School Board. f"nsie Pasan oer M TJnhdt fruit, cigarettes, gift adhetd tast night in St. Joseph*s Gerry Prins rroved that post aot3552 qaemits rs. T. Jnngs care e rs.AlnBreprse cards during my illnes Auditorium, Libert-' Street cards be sent to the men of 1 uiess session an plstethnso hmmbrt' ____holme Hughes. thank-ed the each monthiy Hoiv Namel Jack Huggins. Newtoiîville, his own protection when he, the pet lied up bis tormentors separated by about 1,000mie lnho fr a ourmemersforther sccssfi metig. hiswa seondd ty cargd wthcarte~ drvin. ws bserved staggeringash would keep baiting him unt 1 of Indian territory. With ilsunho fr a Tecrsfrthiifraivttkad iwelkedsnorthheon Libertv St.eethe.wouid WslipcoMathematiesgedCourseaonIeOct.iv0ngattatho1, i hathedtias istrz We would like ,o thank or efforts in arranging the Parish Henrv Eîkens. ndcarried. was convict-cd and fined S25 wle ot nLb-- lewudsi his cotiar. pplto f9 ilo t~~I a gedt eda.î~n ~ciî rins and neighbors of Pci n w acsdrn o atroC-hi-adsvndlascss r1 The Police Chief added that al Robert Tuerk testified thatlknown as the largest MosIei Christmas gift to SophaPak Shaws ad cmmuityforthpthesumer onforma oftheSpeiatF. dav Herva reresetedt'mfin wofd nhydepivethe1 Kig ws awonerfhewtch naion If ciies re errblyisku. he itte Geekgir loveiy gf ercîe.I a eie omk umîepecilEnted ay .He wida.ma nvilrse te. an arefaiv f edfig ndewei worh saîng verio.Ilde and emot of itl skopte byte MnesPr EpG ese e Was very much appreciated. 310 donation ta the CNIB cam- port. lie totd the meeting Ihat< Gordon McPhee testified lie food. He added th'at they were f rom execution. John Wh-, e population are reiativety poorih. otortof anaa trheliMar LyleandLillan roc This xvas moved bv Tom -the commiftee hias planned aliwas proceeding wesf on the already behind in their rent. said hie often visited tead illiterafe. The "common, r.G hs e 41tMasterson. seconded t'y Joe!dance Io be held in the anidi- Second Concession Road of lie saîd that Lloyd not only Beach xith his five chitdren man" is a farmer and somE Ms .Caera iue oraad i eS.0 o ______ - Cooper. torurîl on Safurdav eve i.Clarke Township on .August coutd nof afford liquor, butland always truisted thlemin fn'wo-thirds of the population1 and correspondence icii-snlsgcton We would lîke ta thank oîîri Alvin Nasterson v. s ap- November -.th. Thii' pp -, 2nd when lie noticed a car also ('ou_1d nef handie it. Kns ae.lve off the land. Rice and 1 cluded thanks from Mr1 Vr~ nany friends, relatives. neigh-,pointcd ('hairman cf the provedi. and acloird,(. being pushied backward-, into Robert Milford. West Beach, Officers investigatiiig ,he wheat are tlieir main cropsiFStrong for a Sunsin bo;R S L SCO NT hors al immediate family torlyouth Commitfee on a miotion A report on *lie Dravw for- a drîvewav on the north side accus-d ef keeping a viciouscmaits erJonMGe and the ,tapie food, The chief1 fromi the CanadianBil - gifts-i,*cd' cards received Oii1bv George Chard. seconiied hv ý3n eenr d er .îîu .s'of thîe road. He said the haîf- dog, heard il condemnied to and Don Anderson. Magîstrate cue fterpvryaeaceyfrsap eevd n the Itffasion of our 25th Wed- Mvr. Cooper. A safisfactory fi-!hetl af the Paro.ni Pic-nie, waston pick - up truck doing the death. This followed the hear- J. D. Burger heard ail the evi- population that is rapidly in- nounicement of aWokop ding Anniversar-. nancial statement wa;s present-igiven b-, Mc. Fair. 'the 'draw 'usigwsfreo outing in which several witnesses dence, xvhich was not rfed eaing and arable land that for Leaders to be lietina- Cecil and Leona Mills. Fdb cbr In~b b himn h(, eeig a onto the road that lie stopped'testified that they hiad been. and stated that hie had no al- ' s decreasing. Those who are an. Oct. 22, whicb h an 41treasurer. decided that the IHolv Naine seerlcr enghseiternatîve ta ordering the e .. i nusre ntemebr ilat The past president. James'Societv wil îot enter a floattfore passing. Suddenly the "King" destroyed. 'animal destroyed. cities receive an average wage CaaaPcesc opn a UT I IT The U.C.W. ladies woîzld like Fair, mvdta otal nieSnaCasPrade this truck backed up and crashed John Taylor. age 14, stated Tre ooto en\eof only $68.00 per year. Fieldjing and from PeteboghN SEVC Io thank ail who helped il and a baskefbail be donated vear. into his car, hie added. that hie and Donald Fennl, 15, cagdudrBo,'aiî' Marsball Mohamad A y r u 1 Alcohol Education Asoitojosi ebrn h any way ta, make ourr irkev to the Separate Schooî Board It\Va,,iIOLII f(1lha le- l Huggins statcd that lie had ,were riding by' on their bikes' h;n new bîaw awk l'sKhan vas eiectcd President of iwith thanks for the dnto Supper such a stîccess. Aifor use at St. Joseph's School.ý'Sutnda,,. Ocbober Iltth. xwit býakdu agthi rc noi tmbe gndteGe-esvn edl rnLsig shPakistan in 1960 and hie iof $5.00. Mrs. Ross Dxdo sa a &Dsrc special thanks to those .who This xvas seconded bv GeorgethIlioly Nan SocictV Com- a better position to push. Helmani Shepherd ran ouf and bit ý199 Spadina Road, and Lazlo.gaull rnig bu av aeteFiaca donte te crrfs toatesChard. The motion was car- munion Sundav. Floiglhe'sa3dowbe utokdithrot seeajr, oac 1 wrsf Wae o'Ilamao3reie Lne d Ven ae ganed meting oed hSongn el sae or hrcad, also te Gien Rae Dairv'ried. Mr. Fair -was aîîfborized meetinic lunch %va s srved t'yl Mîndow butr,îdontabse Ml. Boa e i lwretedot giilty, andlthe charges mr needne h orîgo h ogo ec _______________ for milk and cream. te biiv the football and basket-iJohn Killeen. a rnarsal. MPescr on al ib il ttn is finger. Barr 'v wee o t hdanI e Pl heaith conditions are being in- Maple Grove U. C. W.- Wight. OPP, laid bbe charge. Couwan. age 12. stafed 'King"w ewihrw. lxPt vestigated and more medical Denns Frro, ae 1, 2 ha grbbe bî bybbc~ jgary, 7 Major Street, xvas, centres are bcing set up. ThIr Deni Frow ae17 21!ai rabd imbyte e',founil guiity as cbarged. He cr f o edlwr, otr 41i uIs 'o vn B e v rs King Street, Port Hope, was and chased bis friend into the E C Wldanprs ct fJ(Jflor, oter lië-t ep, s convicted of theff from bis IbuIIrushes. ~ a fined $50 and costs, or 10 baskefry, weaving, jewelery, se would lihake t exrendemloyr.Magistrafe J. D. Haroldl Thomas tld the 1 d for therrcice riebr fanks r îenes fBurge'r remanded bim eut et court hie had serveil as Dog over the world for their bcauty SBDVSO ther crd, fowrs nd n l I IT ~ custedy te Novembec 3cd for F Control Officer when J. A.1 Constable D. Anderson totl and durability. Jute, riec and queiries foum-brtsavan il W n L c os e T t epre-sentence report. !Hoskin was in bospital.îetecortathhdree- tea are among tMeir main cx- Lirt S.N.B mns1e MY long stav in Memorial Ho. Afler oIng the first gamnel ,as teîl 1 ee r oit', i Constable H-. R. Cornell. ,,h dgbdbiti in edcowant s aou ota isedo ort sdeP t he new Ferei gitti pifai, Bowrmanvitle. A 1 s eet the Alain lacrosse finals thbc Beavers. tallv iii hoth tflin-OPP, sae htM.Tr-o h e. stated that M.Tr-oth e lesadta he igwthsfemdo edo idPa epi1eigsn e CM IN TO-DA1...AI HOEVU special tbanks te Dr. Anfessi powerf[il Cubs came back tei cals. bull. eperater et the Service had ceceiveil several cem- on Cburch Street and the Pakistan frem United Statesi on the Second Floor. the cbampienship thaf erîtibledl IMenday nigbt at Franklin'bad nef iced shortages frem tbh ents dMcaoutte imalieb- He md e tan enir oandar- new indutriani te t.TeiUrDVS George Bagnell. 41-t'tlîem te the new Erv. Brooks Park with the CLibs downing tilt, and reperted bhcm tae awlkn yad the aroMFady tstfi d rsd wthe tce mnaPgaageter rio n g m pr eto si . Ter ___________________ Supertest frophy. 'the Beavers b'. the l opsiderd police. Accused admitteil tak- xa akn y n hth Ie the midst etf01Fr sorrow l the scn ae hesoeet1 e1 hsvsteing between $30 an d $351iniad bitten him on the ieg andFemployee, and thbcaotiers had 10 per- cent Hlinduism, 8 per' we wish te express our beart-Cb owe b eavers 9! ]3th win ont of 1,5 gaines for smallaont ui obr is fdtreuers. 37 forwate. i hirposesson cent B istias and oew s n Ici tbanks and appreciafien te 2. Tbey w.ere led by Deug the Cubs. month ef July. The court was RortMfodtdHiWr-orsl.4prcnBuitanloes.OEHU S to ur anyreatiesfnenisHnning in goal andl bbe sounil Du rpld thewnnr ld that restitution ivas bein.g sbip that lie had feund if During bbc atterneon Magis-j The Overseas Missions etfO P and neighbeurs for bbc kinil-defence work et Darînv Cow;e with three goals. Dano'. Cow[e made. ncesay e lieve Kn n t elhe, r ngB Bxro bld aclosthe C anadian Cove unil u t ness and sympathy shown us andl Dave Orniston. Ormiston nettedIl wo anil gaineil an William Edwaril Lloy' d, age igarage we ewn u e dbaigfo wihbcCuce aeuielterMODEL H M I PN1AL in hc osset dar iisandaIe ailcl tre gols nilauassst hil Mrk ohnon 4.Liberty St. Nort 1. pleadeil cause boys threw sticks, rocks, 1public andltbc prcss were 'efforts te increase Christian- anl aterThma B Sllrsassîst while Deug Kramp and aIse scoreil fwe goals. l~ gît e ulc intoito r, andl e'.n tîrecrackers at the barreil litv. The avenue ef service is, FORY UR NSETO We especiallv wisb te thank Eernie Pflanzer scorcil tuo went te Bcrriie Ptlanzer, David October 3rd. He was cenvi'et- il'een I hita ailth dnos t bcb fuifu apiece. Cou1e anil DaveY Ormiston andl Guv Jtohnson. cd. given a suspended scntence a o ue churches have a mission t floral fibutes and Rev. Haroldl aideil singles. Kcitb Kelly counteil the louie ai andt bti rmsaei b ako ita Turner for bis consoling xvordr. Murray Ca\vkeît once agairn goal for the Beavers. liquor or go tea.iail. wit ncss." ________ 41- M xeddL fnn.ul - Police Chief Bernard R. K~it- I d c t Expansion Of interesf is file fact that, FOR SPEI LAPO TM N M î e M ajor- Ieggue ---- LaHore, Pakistan, where hec PHO E6339 Repairsfather was stationcd with bbc! RelDaîrs On Meondav 0fct.5hhebbcnec 48 B. Buday 246, *45. "O U IT'B bSi t r C u s smpiaAmy - ------_______ -Mîxeil Major Bewling Ieague " 4 B.Ilolcoxil246: P. De FO Q AITIsei? rny GAATE eeiinadacquireil anether bowicc, Har- bins 239, 229,. 210; IL Ballan- SLC USED CARS Mrs. Ross CaiT bail charge HmsBjtB Gra eDiceoalevi sioanld al n htangi ie26 .Clel'3: S LCTFavourabte reports were ce- iBlacksbeek, fcom 7 te 9 p.m. cf bbe worship service with rado ervcete Ilmaks.oli Blle, nilwbf aniht in 23: . Clwll 33 S- SEE - ceivedl at last week's Manage-Ion Tuesdays. 'hymns and prayers relating ta Television Service Co. Phone heebail -- bigh single of 38f). Bickcll 224: J. Murphyv 21C). iment Committec Meeting 0fý At the 'final session befoethe theme -Witb Grateful LOUPAN 1E E O M N S L D 623-3883. 1-tf high triple 920, andl bigh av- 211: 0. Pattielil 214. 210: fi. A ItMhe Northumberlanil - Durbamlthe test andl following gradua- iHcarts". Mrs. Ross Davidson erage et 307. Looks like \v'eDiion 208: B. Brown 9011. ~L R T B andl Health Association at'ýtio there will be a panel heldl reailthbbc sripture lesson and:c i A W th Riepail-ing will al bave te buckîe down Tcam Standings 1M WQ EE the Wallon Street office. Ce-ial, Cobourg with Modecator ' a Certfed Wachakr ,~ te tcy a nd keep uip witb thi. fs in OTbourg, regarding the expan-IMrs. Catherine Gaiger, panel:' FINE QIIALITY M ' Jw ley chance, but fis fun try in. Paf fielil........... 8 11705 MO O SALES l Course. ýMrs. Mack andl Brian. At MARKERS W Marslw llr ogrtltos aodadDunn .. ...... - 11364 - LIMITED - Mrs. Catherine Gaiger,lCourtice bbe moderator will 39 KingE St. W. welcome te our league. 1 l ...... 116:33 Chairman et Ibe Baby Sittcrs' 1be Mrs. Margery Pewtrcss 1." fer Ne »W.w UVU Vmam 16-t orsJoIbianiet ipeBckle ... . ... 4 11697 EarI McQueen, PreL Course reporteil that înterest wîth panel Mrs. Mack andfm@flo 0IIU N NH.A - - c~~f 733, B. Budav 695, G. Be-Ece l I~~ shown at tbc cnd ef Iast yeacîBrian andl Mrs. C. Gaiger and!' CF STAFFORD Dobbins 678, E. Perfect 675. Ai'erages BOWMANVILLE no'w developeil into practicali- stock bbe moderator wil e and R. Wright 663, J. McNuîty- Gaines Avg- Authorize'i Dealer for ty, in that tbey have now Mrs. Gaiger with a panel of, Ë5V 1 For Apprt ntoIset Appliance Service 657, L. Connors 635, M. An- Il. Ballen 3 30, fermeil their own programlCobourg past graduates and!r ËMLm naert 620, B. Holroyd 609. E. Perfect ......2.51 Rambler Cars udrhecarsi fMsmer.1M N ET; <ued hoo62-39 Commercial and Domestie The 200) Games eft1ihe nigýht: D. Joli .....12- 237Barbara Hlowe et Bowman- - Refrigeration - Miik Coolers HI. Ballen 380, 315, 225; A., P. Dobbins........112- 2212 Phone 623-3356 ville, with an initial member-i Phone BERT SYER Saman 277: D. Joli 271, 2.53. R. Wright ....... 9 224 0* ship of 50 petential baby sit-,StfodB thr Days - 623-5774 209: JI. Webb 262, 201: E. Per- M. Annaert . ... 12 '219 b ers. BEMITED Nlghts- 623-3177 tect 261, 2131: G. Bebee 260,ý E. Ballantiiie... 12 217î Sales on 1965 Ramblers are Furtbcrniore Mrs. Gaiger re- LMTDW Lander Hardware meu- . . Anaer1b4260, 207J.' B. Buday' v .... 12 2111 beyond ai epcato, ported, Blackstock bias also: MonW.Meetin Nutv25,21;H.Poic1cG. Bebee .12-1 '20l)9 therefore we have top trade- formeil their own Baby Sit- Continuing with bbe studv onmet and ELECTRIC 255, 213; O. Etcher 254, 249: L. Cennors 12 205; ms coming in daity. Chieck bers' Course Linder the leader-, o! East Asia, Mrs. Gardon Box 133 38-f~RWrgh_24, 27:L. en- W Horo"d12 202 this list of 10%V mileage,, ship et Mcs. G. Paisley wibb1 Chase andl Mrs. Thomas Jenn-' 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby R A ~ e u local one owncr cars! 'an initial mcmbcrship cf 65 ings shared bbc program fPon htb 7 C UonS.B WM N IL sstudents. This preveil. she em-1 Pakistan ab bbc meeting of tbeMPhneWk 8-3552C URC phasizeil, the tremendous nced1 Unitedl Church Women bell in----------------------------------- - 1964 Ramnbler fuc such courses in ail corn- t-- - - __ __________________________ D ykstra1199099munities. Wbiîe great sabisfac- e aoos Ambassador 4-Dr. obur by the Northumber- Ïj Fo d cyl., automatic, custom landl - Durbam TB an eat radio. power brakes and Association ini 1960 andl nowl steerlngr. Many other extras, being bell in countrie l od ut an equal amount ef FRESH C 1964 Valiant 2-Dr. sed cinms p nlis fl "Signet" Hardtop our own surrouning cm- Stan 6 yl.engie, uto munities, where mothers bave CH C E E Smatie transmission, cîistom feît tbbc urgent necil te make h<li radio. Real sharp car. jenquicies andl theniselves setý OR bbth projeet in motion. CHICKEN BREASTS Parils194 iP ntia dents foc this ycar*s course, l\rs. Gaiger reporteil, - t1 AGood Sciection of Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys at Attractive Prices Convertible lectures bcîng bield in bbc ni w e 9 r-0., automatie. custom Library Building on Chape] Iw, radio. povcr brakes and tStreet. Cobourg. Lecuurers are I M PRDUE EARMET PCILS 1960 ChvP - resid entr. Stock Sizes... Non-Stock Itemns - 3 To 4 WeeksDler 4i PRODUE DEPRTMEN SPECALS!radioi white walI tires, es FEHCIPN.1FEHGENwhecl dises. A-t condition. BileSoietAIIIIoALIUM I f INATION UWINDOW FRESH CRISP No. i FRESH GREEN ~~~We have a gond selection of ueScey MLDIIUV IY IIMIR ELERY I BRUSSEL SPROUTS ~1959-1955 miakes and models. Md-oOdr -..2Wes~ CE E YBR S E S R U SAil ready for %%inter The ui'vl rganîzeil Bow-'- deToOrer2 eî very LGE.drivint. manvîlle Branch et bbeC a na- 4fl 2STALKS 25C I5(BOX Service Station dAlvinBle mapo.eJd rcs nWCAR WO nd41 Open fromn 7 a.m. president, Claude Ives vice-S e ilP ieso O K-W utl1 ingt prceident, Groe Eiliotf, pasfpi G il s<' presdent, John Vandenkec ii, "Aumnm *MU AUL U.S. No. 1 CALIFORNIA 2-ORsecretarv andl Miss Marjorie IIurn DoLAGrills IAIIL TOWING SERVICE , Somerville, treasurer .1" 29 Captain rH. Frazece t of le A11N2 ........... ..........- .. 29 Phone 623-3401 Salvation ArmY was namneil R ELRP S 2 IbsLJ ierH2s65-(8 cara e b anvassing.......l........................................... ................................0 and o.NLL. plonios, chairman ef bbc Ma- 24" ....................................$4.95 ECO SHOP AND SAVE AT o f teBwavll iitr SubJect fa Provincial Tax L O E<lu CONTACT- iat Association wcvre appoint- OS Eal3cQ enThe annual canvass ofet b 1 DYST A F O DSWeldon Brown Canadian Bible Socief v in DYKSTRA'S FOODS Bud F:gg Bowranvilcwil be held on 1'> HWAWUDPkUCT Ld b "HOME 0F QUALITY" and n. 'Tili 9 p.m. Jerryncxt meeting et bbc Bowman- * ORIE SRIC HPIGCNR FREE DELIVERY Open Thurs.an r.'il9pmJeyGod n ville îirancb bbcth organiza- IlbCUTC St W. BowmanBille hn 244 i McQueen tien will he bell on Tuesday 1 ERIC - QUALITY DEPENDABILITY7817 77 KingStW.Bw avlePoe6354 Sales evening, October !l3th at 8:30 728-1611 Church. L

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