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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 3

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' c h i f o n o v e t a f e t a ~ h ~ e - E x h a nv o w s~ u i t e r "L r r n c e I n t t h e a r e t h t b a ' T e C n a d a n S a t e m a n E o w t a n ' i l e , O t . , t h e quarter length white glove C 1f înc ___________________________________1c_ white bat and corsage of pink JIIII..îucieom teseayvl ar > d w i n t he ra b y t'm u m t h W h e ri J o h n fo llo w e d s h o r tly e r t r u th th a n i n o a ' e - o i c r b n v r e r t Fco lo winf t he ceton the d afterw ard, it w as to learn th t, essary adjustm e ri o t e eejt n ed t e w d l g c r W e d n sti t otenpons h Dolly had dieci. He refused toi changing ruralsee.ad r.KriKrtw(e t n p t o N o r t h e r n p o i n t s . T h e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~re t u r bh o r e a n d in 1 8 0 1 be T e p o p c h t w n e ý o a H n e ) a o t P r 3 b r i d e ' s t r a v e l l i n g e n s e m b l e ~ ~~ma r r i e d H a n n a h D o r a n a n d ; j u s t a r o u n d t h e c r e s a r s y e i n C u c n S t was a cranberry red, two-' . settled near Iroquois. He lateri fart that we canoogeîra. piece suit, black velvet bat SS_\ ecagdfrswt rt-d~is.Abifso ]rv M.adMs oadMl black shoes and purse, white thacot-1dirismAbi gloves, and corsage of white frh oaplc al un id ees tlaigthrwane 195onic-terpr carnations centred witb a red souh, ad tumsanalisiaedbt oal"ony rose. They will reside at 1051HfoudUteinw arm : panorama of bet sds htbs omrcrhdbe Scugog Street, Bowmanville, , dense wilderness except for playeci on tbe hfso a-rpsesdi ob ae On...r. ... about a quarter of an acre Of: vers are ail indisp t b e s g s wt.,in b o at o e f n The bride attended Stark- , busby second growth. Later WUSpeaking of wild es.abimrvdhat swse PARRI' COOPER 1 BOTHWELL - AVERY ville Public and Bowmanvjlle wa v ivdta hswa h'clnmo h r a elieved tb at mthi at he clnmo h hhrm2 JtoMs ri a woi Tn a q it d ul ig cr- Tail baskets of white gladioli typist at General Motors of steading by Frnc sliesiluri n il flloq ~recently in Orono Uni,- and vellow 'mums enhanced 'Canada, Ltd. The groom is an by fl ftr encb oldue-ssao j~gessthm a e huc Rc ad D u asS ilob United C urc, R.R. i1.apprentice with Harold Stark be.. S o n 0 m l ge t e o n b Parify toýok as his bride Cherv 1 Vewtonville. for the marriage ýPlumbing & Heating. Osbawa. apeteqndmv hmofhs loftN' in AnappCoopeeesendemoved tbem 0 ooperiai. Rvrn a on Saturday afternoon, Sep- and attended Providence and Io where hé anted bis gar witb only one aotsiasht ong ofici ti g.tem ber 12, 1964. at 3 o'clock of'B ow m anville Public Schools M s dehen.e ie u gun. Tel] that c m o R p e . W o iny a 0rm v The groom is the son of ýMr. Elizabeth Willa Jean (Betty) and Bowrnanville High School. teoedsie o aepo Mr. and Mrs.VacWiontd Rnd Mrs. William H. Parr. Saverv, daughter of Mr. and teon- . e orfm poBetty and Jane. n r.Geybakcêt otn O r o n od f tu b e te st a b ri h t o n u pmi oy Ornand the bride isthe Mrs. 'Russell Savcry, Stark-i fritfrmThe beinigontomlask nos 0 ora Youngest daugbter of Mr. and villf. and Mr. Josepb Ross SHACKLETON - ELLIS fruit ened froit the Wisoeamlesondn.Yu Isblltalo Mrs. Clifford W. Cooper. Or- Botbwelî. son of Mr. and r.I Westrnount United Churcb, itbcareully Hlannahuda on.Nra ohelo omrn shaaPariiaKa. auMr. andMr.LodWln The bride's on!v attendant ville. Btwl fBwa-Ohaa arcaKy agh- Granny Mclntoshs apple, or.____________________________ Was ber sister, 'Mî.s. Edward ter of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Ellis >' Granny's apple. C. Lane, and the best ma;n Rev. R. C'. White officiated! of Oshawa, was united in mnar- ~ /McTntosh apples comnprise .Lates('2cl Was Mr. Wa-,ne Parks, Osh- pîayed by Mn. Ross Hallowel Shackleton, R.R. 6, Bowm atoalcrp Tebie or'atrtad te wasen uswsoîoist. , Gord rdn toa Ontario apple co.Witbý o owmanville. r.Mroivleso of r.Gdn Spies, Deliciaus and other varn- The rid wor, strt, aswll as te sloit. Sbackleton, Bowmanville, andl leiVth s1c veles g wn adeeties tbey ensure that every of white lace over pink taf- Given in mnariage by erIMrs. Gordon tase nd colr reere ce ca fea ihwht lo engti'iflather, the bride wore a Street- bridge. -b e y u w ntro Sm listeners r e- 91vsadawhite velvetýint gown of white peau deW Rev. Frank Ward offici fut einth -te n i Pilîbox bat. Her corsage was soie over layers of net andled and Mrs. Ward played the:~.~2 game hneEns elg mfade of pink baby sweetheart tftasydwihlnllY- wedding rnusic. V~TT'TlTwy ihqetos olw roses. poîted sleeves.Spaso ro e . M s a e w s ~ w e ~ a eS r y f T he b rid e w o w as given in : Y E~ La V Y .I L J UJ 1i g r n, t c ac o n i in a street length dress of tILiuelc outlined the por-mragbybrftrwr .aveuesnAria blue jersey witb white ve~ttatnekie n as cet a full-length gown of white Yelverton U.C.W. met in Tibox haît and sbe wore a ed the tiny waistline and thethe church bal on Thursday, -.1.g true, akdonta cosaeofpnkrse.fuli skirt. A seif-material nos- road tye wtssetb 4 cosg fpn oe. et a lcda h aksleeves, scoop neckline anda feno with Mrs, Davidý Areception followed theetewspadattebc bell skirt, gathered at tbe lowv , Wilson as hostess. Meig cerem ny at Honev Hollo centre waist. Her elbow-Metn , îd eat in he j ge wo ' ~est uran whee th bnie'slength veil of tulle illusion waswa o en d it O e wth a m u if y u er ' a hebiescaugbt f0 a beadpiece of Hana o ersadcytl edbr* Mrs. Orval Quackenbusb econ-!torch" 7nother received attired in a, roses, timdwt er elbow-lengtb veil of French os yn"o h eu Ta eed ele veigthe Devotional asfo roya blu gow wib macb- scet srays. Sh carl illusion and she carried a bou- ~.t at" I n g b a t a n d b e r c o r s a g e w a s q e f pntr i a ns f l r t .t o h a t " ; s r p u e , e i g a made up of pink carnations.., ua bpdbuuto uto ikgailsfoeso b citreîga, nhwfs ye]low r-oses and white steph- The bride's sîster, Mrs. Don- pom eTakTe ord: carryLesli The bridegroomn's rM o t h e r aoi.adMlsnDOhwwstepemoetioal, Te Lr: wore a two-piece suit of ligbt anotss.adMîon o hawa, asseTakgvn*pae ol LTE AEHNS blue with a matbhingflowe-As maid ofi( bonor, Mis'Latonof onr CdAis ('d bat and ber cnrsage wa Glenda Mercer of Elizabeth- o rtsacltnoHmpdbby 21'Cre e composed of pink carnations. ville, a medo h rd, bieraid. Theywre dressed alike in street-length ~ ~Thankful People Come." Fol-J l otvr îteadi T e h n y o n w i s e t w or e a short-length frock of lo inot e r I] ca ], ans er dl be lo er frGreen. nd yc an g i othehnrn Ona spenrtra-hiff' feta witb scoop necklines and,. by 19 members, the minutesi quite effective. Jo lNorthenOtro n tIn-ura- onoez' etffeeib oneosrerl rent brid doned hor slevçs A slf ose ndiwere read. Busines.9 consisted, velin te rie onnd tre-urtr lngb seeesort A st t eflf ros -n , n planning for tbe turkey R H B T H R H C O R F L O C R 0fA smal] bow at the centre eccented tndefrfulI over- .- with white accessories and sit and a rose adcrua corsagecf pinkroseswaistline highligbted tbe bell-skr adicur v e i l e n b a n c e d t b e i r p e a r ! - . . . . ~~~ ~ , e p t i o n b a n q u e t o n O c t . 2 4 t b R D Y C . 3 d - B w a v i l o n H l The bnidegroomn is an em- sbapemskirHer slort oaes.nirnm. -j.for which the U.C.W. areý plye f enrl ot s fwere wbite and she wore a ed iîbxhts by beaddres of the drss matria] carried nosegays of yellow Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Ross Bothwell are shown in the above photo as thev catering. Hostess Mrs. David Canada Limited. hadre wofthesor t eil I.gadiolus florets, sign the register following their marriage in Shiloh United Churche R .1iWilsoni. Mrs. Bert Gibson and Mr. and Mr.Pr-v 'l" fier bouquet was of bronzeJTebs aiwsEwr Newtonvîlle, on Saturday afternoon, September 12, 1964, at 3 o'clock. Former[ t' x unh 'MieinOoo.Ytss Alncih oa.ere 1K/G~W A reside i Orono.and w h ite 'm um s. ;Sm ale, H am pton, and the us -ý M iss E lizabeth W illa Jean (B etty ) S avery , the bride is the daughter of M . and 1 M'. and M s. A t R ow an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mi'r. Ronnie Luxton. Bow- ers were Eric Shackleto Vot, usttry.. 01Ms mnvlle afrend of theHamtfnan Kit Eli,: ..Russell Saveny, Starkville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mî's. Nor- and girls enrteî'tained some - ______ growas best man, and thejOsbawa, man Bothwell of Bowmanville. Photo b Astor Studio 'sorn nees fsel rdr i - ushers were Mr. Bob Robin-1 Wearing pink and wbite r'ai'- -vtin ore tban 60 ladiesý Lson, cousin of the bride, R.R. nations on ber royal bhIe b .. U CUtis iintnhoor'f , ewtonville, and anote dress, the bride's mother M-iss Betb M"Mullen wbo H BO S A A k friend f the groom,Mr ceived the guests in the 7KurgSh. M Michael Kirkton, of Bowman- hall. She was assisted by tht'a e t o e i i h S h o lann natrn e Sr vil.bridegroom's g r a ndnmother future. The! "The Home ult a dcroalSrie -: IThe receptiou vas beld in Mrs. Roland Shackleton, wear- Edi.catio n the elementary IH & S Associations established calie flie parcnts so that tbhev poga onise Linda GayTHA KGIIN RET tbe Cburch Suindav Scbool ing a pale blue dress of nylon schools bas not changed toc Scbool Associations established bave a better uinderstanding n inaRwa;'ccrin Roorn where the bride's moth-1covered chiffon and a corsage radical y in the past genera-'in secondary schools. The basic"of ail ftbe ways tbey can su.P- selections by Dorothy Bris-ý WE FEATR WF' RMU o'r received tbe guests weaning cf white carnations. tion, wbereas developrnents in ains are- the sarne in elemen-1port tbe edîteation system to -'da bfiflAuuV ~~~~~ rnhblue lace sheath As the couple left on theit' secondary ed!îcation have been tary and secondaî'v Home andensuî'e that their childreînd is.uyRoioî ianoJ E D L I 0w a umorous readn byBU jdnes. , short white gloves,lb0neymoo00 the bride xvas:explosive in the past decade oriScbool Associations: to work others, get the most out f P-i solo, LindaRoa. rsAt1£AI 'lsle etes and corsage oflof pink serrano, white acces- been eut ef high school for direction of effort, and tbe seconidanx' schools. !dress emposed for the occa-Chii - - the I gîoom's mother whoiand white roses. :tie or no conception of what: In higli sehool associations Chairmaii - Public 1b.TetoLna sitd ________________ chose a sbeath dress of pink Mn n Ms hakeonaegoes on inside a modern bigh the dominant need is Io cdii- Rltoî- ebi peigtema C-l.APONS7 M r . a n M r . h a c l e o n a r eR e a ti n sib e . T h ei n tw o in d a sh e a s e y C P N rnaking their home in Oshawa'scbool. _sbower prsets and BeLo 6-9M.a Guests atfended from Buf-iof parental ignorance of the I d bnc I n udyfr _____________________ falo, N.Y.; Havclock,Caesarea, new metlîods, new courses, 1Dndep nda nt Groce thein gifts. Mrs. Margaretî W Cocîrtice. Bowmanvil]e and newpmnhlip nw oportun- theI musical Heasip povidd th iVeHavea Fie Seectbn c Haptn.-,s nw r lmsinhih accompaniment for a sing- Hanis - C(taeR ls-S oe et i . . . . . . . .scbool today? Sbould the par-E e t R y DW o f cis ngwih a olwdbl ', MIDNL -B'NE nsleave the direction the AI a delîcious luînchb. W'e Fe;tr wf' Tnee el 0' ~~child takes in high s eool ci m~R l y D y w s o s r e D elicious i C n d a k r On Safcîrday, October 3'd, pletely up t0 the scbool sys-~U ~ I ~ I ~ na ..i b WicFehSic ~~ 1964, at 12 o'clock 0000, in temn? Ray D. Wolfe, President of Mn. Juno: MLc;iogCuc 0ws al nne hr i rafs Nj""~~' ,~.... Tnnity UJnited Cburcb, Bow- Hcw many students ar'e be- The Oshawa Wholesale Limit- Louic, FH. Y. Louie COn Ltd. of Paiti ok oelk or Vtf~ U ,rsolemnized of Miss Vivian H. ýor lI in wrong channels President cf Independent Gro- Last month Caniadian share- aesfMntwraadd Bunnerand Mr Wîlfed Mai- wbenthey ould easily have cens' Alliance Limited, if was boldeis acquired fui] own n.Mury acom Ms donald, both residents of thisibenre-directed, because par-inoce followingth rs ship o Caiîadian 1G n Bex-Mr a OM REERSEIL on C ristnas ~. ev. ruceHan- ents did fot realize the situa-Imeeting of sharehoders since chane for Canadian interests son and Miss Linda Rown, c I 7 u 9 Canningtmason,,Ont.,M of- ien or know the remedies?!Canadiansg acquired sole con- in International IGA. Head- baving attended a LeadcrsbipRO SSIEHNO fiitd sitd yteRvI ow manx' times bave we trol of the companx'. qatesfflcCndncm-Tnaiiîin- Course and passed ilI / / ..~~ A. W. Harding. seen a promising student duil- LcPeieto aywilI continue to eù herinm".TeSnay I J7b Mis eni Blln\'e fed fo mediocnity. anid then Betrm no ten fisa teachers , er indcte Toroto as raidcf bnou .drppig ou cfscbol, is-M. Loch Liniited, Ottawa, was Toronto. iomicc a eoltahr eeidce FPR bearene wbn flle uner-elected Chairman of the Board; G,1 s.and Miss Janet Symons cf St.hv l v., * ataniesa iec cfth 'sandngon the part 0f lis Frank Juno, Presidenit cf Sbo aa o perati 13 es age, ofes whicfeybv a- 607l.Aerg ~fi~ rde asjnirbidsaif paetsmth e sstidand Save f(19.57) Ltd., Mont- wînTeOhw hlsl e edsnels pig lb Feee ,1~ ~ ~ Cahaihem nebreu mgh flicape siod 0f d elsEecfv iePei mited acquired the firsf Ca- Miss Judy Robinson and Missl AlFezrOdr u n rpc re ~~ ~ Mr. Frakjunightrfront b anrindef ou' oui p ope ic - Preid nt 0f Me ch n- cag -b se c mp ny iit& co - he cb rch sevies radîî pefre h uiso etcurgmn?-dn:Jms MCak n ~uadian franchise front the Chi- Paf Butxon pamticipated bn OPEN THURSW R.NGT I man. win would-go lto life botercm du-dsig an Harold K iffon is prise5s 781 retail fod markets portions f the seipture. Mn thecermoîy he atd, effn ualfie, f pr-Vice-Pî'esident of Finance. dcross Caniada serviced by Alex Taylor gave firsf read- happy couple î-ive te cts knew of the availability DrcoseetdxeeRypt Miss Jean Elizabeth McMulleîî greetings anîd goed wishcs of of bursanies and other financial Bolaod, Belands Limifed, Dant-M Wolfe c'îimated 1964 aîîd William Howard Bradley. aif the asscmblcd gucsts. ThViaids fe stiideots, somne of meutb N.S. Briuce CnrklsTsn (A whlslr n Sna ffronaK~ v . is, a group of neighbours an d ea'S a o ';f Nefilf sf111 con- sidvertiscd fines gurs f mil.fo Nee sr iasltheMde1 C -3.WtM iu fricnds, including Group 1 of tinues te give Catiadiari mn- growthv- ofld axio . "oied e hstad gth oe D -at3092 the U.C.W. of Tinity Churcli, suer asîoppirna bonanza I xo."ntdw tn, gathered at Miss Burîner's cvvmy Spring and Fa]]. ~A~~ N îîe ef]"soeget PCA RC home. aîd presenfed ei' witlîIn Canada alone. over 1,400 $1 9.00PR an elcetnie can-opener and Rexal] Drug Strsts 1hs R H PDCS O S! lÇ 'M 'IIWt rd fluffy bedroom mat. A gailv- f en day events te encourage SIH SEIN JIZ$ 49 dccoratcd "wisbing-well" full customers te bus' and trv' their HUSH PUPPIES - NATURALIZERS *1.~KLIAO elusive Rexaîl products. interest te the occasion, n udesfeua, vrdy~KLIAO of small parcels added funos-GREB AND KAUFMAN '1' RFRIGRATO Mrs. George Coles home, meties, fîrst aid supplies and Portamins, ces-scen ofCHESTFRE R Por Hpe ws te ceîecfscndries are snld af two for INSULATED BOOTSMoeK-0 another gathering cf fiends the prîce of one plus a pen- ________________________ REE 2c.f.wt SH Pfrorn that district, on the cx'- 15cu.ftF5Rlb.Freze ~UaD17 e*el s'î~ o an i mofir c was pe e t d wt gu e ompct s hf c a sp ea tl ofrug isteAC K R D H O E S H O P m e t A i,ustatt le p an bion b ndbe oi fug e S e 1 t1î. M is ui - a inr t e c hresf a sp ec u it , K AfDîls S u g g e ste d L st $ 2 7104u g e t d L at $ 9 . E U U E b aut ful plate glas u buffet like M r. F. C . T ppins, is an lnmir rwe rirror and the good wisheq independen dealer. Yet, be- The Comfortale Fit for Children $11995LPRI u'hlelur era ndA utraboid iook ! On the evening of Septem- the Rexal Drug Company f seletios Liînlou hens ad rgrkrs,23 ber l9tlî another greup Of Canada, lic is able te succcss-$ 19 jee nvetjceftîîied wa;er- fiends. includmng f o r m e n full%. onpeMSON'ihSthAmas are com piete Proof%,andàcontasi'vug leither teacbing associates. and several si ' cobuinpoweî' ofeebas-I-NL T tr. 6.5 'friends from other towns,mENS .____ grecer. department and dis- ------ St 1.95 te $29.95 gafbcred af the home Of Mcs.ei trs WOMEN'S - 1.5t 1.5 Clame Alliti. R.R. 4. Bowvman- 11, fact. the association cf $09 t-1.9-aj9ifr ville, and pnesented Miss Bun- Rexaîl druggists Nvith the Re- MISSES - --- - $895 A~~O I2IMLO neî- xifh an elegant set of ail Drug Co.-npanyý,, with ifs i OMLU *R EAt4 CASTLE -BIA.T aBy cr ' %fal stemnware in the Norm- greaf moderni laboratenies and * U U A E I MAR %e tolotwn. and Ms.Stehnprescription frscesliestin SEE OUR FULL LUNE F PMLA TOURISTAT::RACO. ECO. JEWELLERY &GF SHOP SawllOhav'a. we«r t'ac- paî'fnership and co-operation. McB INELUG AG 39KIG T.W.Bo~nanile be many yeans cf happiness Jury and LovelI Lfd, Rexail Lay-Away New&FoesCori1tma ahead. iDrug Store.

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