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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, towmanville, Oct, 2A, 1964 Pre-sent Optimistic Report Durham Medical (o-o perative's Annual Meeting Receives News 0f Several Reductions,, Refunds Best Udder Winner The Board of Directors re- that the membership during, statenient for the year, the commended at the Annua1l the year had inc'reased b Y adîtor noted that the earnedf meeingofhieDuramCou-1 05with a total mebership premiums had increased oiver tY Co-operative Medical Ser-. now of 1140-members. 0f this the past year by $20,000 toaa vices held in Blackstock on membership 800 hold the par- total of $68,898. During this Tuesday, October 20th, threeZtial coverage of Surgical andiperiod operating ot a e proposais which were accept- ýMajor Medical and 340 with ýduced froni 21.75 ,ta 13% ed bv the meeting, a complete coverage. He alsoý which he said was notaNte' As a result of one of theý pointed out that the organi-f The net savings for the vea r propoýals members wili re-ý zation bad done considerableï anounted to $2 1,385.0n or ceive a refund of 20% as a! advertising during the year. 31%ý of the earned premniums.i 'reduction in their premium' t was also pointent out at The Co-op, he saint, was in à for Surgical and Major Medi- the meeting that since last favourable position with iîts cal contracts. This reduction, year the Co-op boad been pay- operation being handled quite- will amnount t0 $1200 on the!ing one hundred per cent pelefficiently. $60.00 family premiurn or cialists fees when a patient Chiropractic crare coveraý(e $6.00 on a single premium. ýwas referred to a specialist by~ was also vonsidered hv the Members holding an Ex- the local doctor. Althoughi meeting but voted down at tended Medical contract withl this is not in the contraci, it' this time. The roverage hart the Co-operative will also r- -!iS the intention to continïue~ to be complete for the -whole ceive the benefit of a $5000thp practice. As of Januaryimembership as it is a guar- deductible in Major Medicaiý 1965 new tariff rates are ex- anteed coverage for a fîxed rather than the $10000 de-. pected to be bighe.Th]o premium. The premium raie ductible. This latter lbenefit: operative expecL a me would be $3.00 per aduIt with, '- oeIlv for memrbers carrving! these increased tariffs out or chiIdren free and this ratel 4-'ie $105.00 )Ian. The third their present premium rates. would give comrpletp covera-eý recommendation of the Boa-d Mr. Lawrence Staples, chair-' tanv Chfmbrs opracd>rin " was to the effect that the, man for the meeting, stated tro ebr ot ai surplus of $1.358.00 on the that the Co-op Medical Ser- Iol h ist$10 apyfor eaeh calI.], year's operation be placed in vices had startent from a smaIll nteeetin frfu ý., general reserve. beginning in 1947 and has de-'nietîstefîo"n Mr. R. Moffat, secretar- veloped into a servic îh tced tehs.vSe fligwa,(,ex utxîx akrS ~.. manager of the Co-op, ex-; sound financial position. Iii PotHer: er a Stac rtin, Mtie. tttyW lk Spt emne, irst Ipi- zc, li 1 . i g tout \ a r- iciid nd plained that the 20% redue-: 1947 the premiums carnent Darlîngton: Cliff Macllrov, Bcst Uddered Fecrale al. the East-Central Ontario CilamIpîonIshlipl is tcin SIow t In asonSugial ndMsha aouten t $.40 hîe1Port Hope, and Edgam Buittanz. recently at Pcterbot'uugh11. ThO picture taken after a rnilk oii had herii roni- jor Medîcal only as these two, in 1964 this figure had reacn-l These directors will serve lac plcted shows Joe Mtphv of' Lindisav, rioht, proscillttî Itle William J. Murt1ph\, çrontracts show the mosi. pro- cd $68,898.00. During thislatre-er eni1c fit ta the organîzation. The~ period the Co-op had increas-, Mrs. MacLean of the On :Meorial Trophy to owne'r, T. R. Fliti of Osltava. This cxx xxas hrrd b v Doxtald Home and Office Cal con- ed rates only once, while du r- tai Mdca:eriesF'Moî.calfe of Rowrn7an\,ille-, Mrs. Flett xvas forrmcrlv Violet Bai ,1rmct.t'if .Bo\xan- tract, although showing a pro- igteps woyas t raion pedialSriev ta fit, if vas rather slim. rnembership bas en oyedl etiongsta'i i tte v ille. Mr dgrBttr ti-- duction in their premiums. ee hudh aslsa1lr i 'sr pii porting for the directors stafent Jn presenting__the finanial! for ti, he oold > alsa e -l JIou P C ,rr ino ir.Te lde. q that the savings were uniquef abu ous ostu e s ait actîx e fîIili :-ils'ctr osturs wîth roverage second ta nonp., r o,ý1,oâ The increase in membemshio tC lr .xa.iiiricçl xith -cl- arross the Province, she said'1 e JdiIdre "iiietie s In\\' a i lr Cosnswi t h was 51%, oveî' 4963 with so me u hv sirhlack lac e counities realhzing an increaseia llhaiiihh combes. of 136 percent. "W,- necd t l -I hri îhaiids'-or whifî make, a special effort ths lG110w eecuncef r J sh iits anri month, a time when P.St.laI. pzi: ini Vi ncreasing tra t es for their The Rnwnanv.ilteKntsde i i uii. udhie Monter- Cn 's s cxIeh s short Jaekrt Medical Ser-vices." 7th anniial Masquerade DnrrrsOrhrta rvîded A \ i xrlnx d tIr.(Corsonns Rev. Melville Buttais of the helnt at the Lions Communit-v prograilln i' ecîrlrnt and Mr. i/uI tiandr Mrs. Pickering United Churccl was Centre on Saturdav, Oet. 1*7,r m hnxi N i iiisic for dlanci ng. Wili. Flrw lîoie i n thI the guest speaker for the xv as a greaf success. More than Oratigr and hlack ýtieamer-; sa paît U.()!«(Io si-lar Pvenîng. He spoke on -Whati 140 people, most of whorn xvrxe extrodird ae[oss 11e oshiim.of hlack aiid rd. We Learn f[romi the Sick." Iiiwere in costumes, hart a wonid- rnoom. Rrplicas of skcv1ti. Otiier oniitstaniîg estuJmrs visiting the sick, he saint neerful tinie at the gala ex/cnt. hlack î'ais, p i iniîp kîîisi ir t rc xriîbs and tVlî a. had learned to be gratefîilo t Mms. Arthur Hooper w as .i tc1esr arlortiec the watts. tîmd CroîVtot uIliîdian Brax r onlv in the condition of nis thNe geuceral couvenai-, Suir a egiantic searro', xi haîid sqîuaw: 'Ml1. afid Mrs. health but also grateful foi' was assister hy Mrs. Osborne wxas siispendrrl fcoiîî hie cnt- Kvitii FiîIt. omla 11pa- gratitude expressent by theWilliams and M rs. Eugenu' ing hehind th(e oreh.estra. cf- triciare.ii in tgas anîd laurel sick. *There is a great gi ft in! MurIdO('h. fe x]sdorinalrd the decor. 'xvîc'at lis: ~t.anid NI\ls. lrvinr heing able tri make anlothler1TNe lar-ge alîronihart bei Maux wouîderfflir xcd. orî- <,ake r R w i.dcvi Is: a inan smilp." HP alsa stated that transfori-med ino a Ha llnwe'entri ii a]ndn aiisiîgsunie g isctiil n r:îhburnous,. Ivery recovpry fron i sckness iscene bN\ levcly arrangrd vcrr oro y the dieîs uI1(' o uM-110rd Valonitino's is inthe ral sese RIe judcs, Mr. anid Mrs. F'rrci fairloiiý Shiri k.aud another. in faith. Wright, Jin Atkinsoni and Cote and NMc. and irMs. ittoi, niaii as ïirlmiajorette. eThe speaker also poiItent lan Maurice MVantie. Corson, iart a dîffictilt t ask in AI. o a 1i tl('ie asqueradr the fart that. there was a ire-i Last Suoday local miemheis, sceeting the xx ines.xx wixtclics galore. clowns. P. n-endous neent for love annt Mr-. and Mrs. Ted Spenceley The pizi[s fortoc hic Brý;t baek cat a lia rii girl, aFam that nothing wilt stand in for' and Mm. Jim Spcncele. ,lînd-' Couple \vas xx -ouN l Mr. andc Qucri. holarsaînd football love. tanen y, of Kinmotînt RdigCîtîN. rs. John 1Ltiiiii as 'a avcmnaiiplasci r.. Ciis aia-r is, iThe speaker w-as ,tieb, attendent a 25 mi le t rail ride last and a cavexxoma ri. 'Fiiv xx re lîdiiî,ti'ctlirhirs, as xx rJi ê i ~~~Mrs. R. Chater. Tu !Sîîinday wiih Kixîmou2nt Fair pecfet as a primitive pai.M.a iixnlr I .gi-Ounds as assembly point. The Liîîî was dressed tri slaggy I1.5rniembers participaling ce- fur- aîd hart a neckceof YELVERION presentent Sutton, Lindsav, of honcs, whiehis xitese' W LE VL E Ille prospect of spending *25 cotii of coarse niaicciali1 (Inlndet fr laî weku miles "oai md" hasing anl os' xeearixg a iîrmktacr of sinill Jiiielfnl/ rk YelverO emmunitv Nas i mrniksu tender ihonecandr -lroIiehc< tcdms A. Clarlr, T juist concludent a buisy ekc-tain regians. It's Lboogh to 1licr coiffure xvas topped Nea v oîix nd ur .1. str eeiît and commencent another. The prit calltuses on ornes callotîs- largeNonie from xvhich lier-o01i111("lomirof tvrehomes in lovely warnweather (up t a ales.hrliuu oxnt irxaitPrtHpesri vcioiva near 9'b u hroeeu Procrastinatioîî has finailîx'inIlltehaek. Sat urciaYx un aH. Reeve following such unseasonabîy heen Set aside in aur t*<îmrnL[i 'l'le Most Original pli/r' vi~ n- ssistliiii n ome(f Itle colt weather, has sapped the ity. This wýeek if lemperat - ire - -er c Flo rc saioir vigor ta sueh an extent, thatilhumidity and vwind v'elociîv Carnoihal, anîd BoN Stocker as wa. nx el. x rrîinrtcd t ua only the more turgent tasks ail 1lare favourable, the commun- Ithr Straw Maxi fi-rn fic t i- . -rff 'criFa char a tum nde - ou~~~~cLt-of-doors, have receivect ah.t-iy is going la have a "Nee" tii art of oz. The prize xvxîîîîrs ai Cl',d i'a iia ltention. Following the tumkey paiîlt the exteiar of chiicrh foc thr. Most Camical costumes n'le daY at vrrk Lace, lîiq utpper ;ýnd clean-up, on We'- Jland chîîrch hall. Gniess'we w rMs. Robert Fait-CIe\ xxvhnotistii andt soi of Mc. aîîd Mrs., 1 nesday evening, a number from1 better- Ne theî-e ton! . . . xarc an nid faslioned flaînrlq Muria' PaY tir 1usd a fait iNatý this and local communities, a-1I Rev M r. Crawfoi-d of nightgowo sort nîglît cap. anidcruitrii a hrokriu collar E sso Home Heat Service is better 1 edd h Lnda DsritCiemr, uerisn mnstrcarrirailonîtroded commnode, hu',!I. ot;) )0.\ssxv'e at ant siPper rommemoi-atiog as Communioni Services at Yet- et in a biarbarie versioni of the da.\. scrmiiigly qlite e'OmfacOt- because its people are well the .Sth Anniversary of xerton on Siiodax-, assistent hxv xîcxx'otîîcss evexinug goP î able rit ilicir slitches and casi. Co-Operatives in Ontario. All EIders Mirrax Malcolm and 'l'lie ,iudgrs, Mr. and Mi-,-. Miirrax FaYuc conuien Bettr popl to erv yo bete,!Youget enjoyent the delicious turikev Davint Wilson. CaeadM-. and Mrs. Corso,, Sutidm\, school ouité, imoou-cuug supper servent Ny the ladies of -u iaeý o f toc18!, - iii Nu P Sirls' "extra value" for your heating dollar wîth Qucen St. Unitedt Chuirch. Theincamofte-norgls :Annual Rpr soî heI-caxscl ofv CaI l(- ie, eayEsso financing and top quality Esso tl-aI Raeprsoe tsthet-(']as>, rrhvCarrofltlîr ihes eay a op at enjosyets citsn N est *** i S' *i xx< o i ililteci0 in lîax' ait heating equipment. You can have the finest Y%% dte Tiute was paint. in th,ý friilda. R iORlia ici Eoî Esso heating equipment installed immediately 1fanm of a pioncer set-ail, ta the! n i ie\01forst imemory of the late James Gi-a- c 1.ciiiui o( i c o iordr, iexx th(, without bending your budget ail out of shape. hani, whose contribution to aL ý 0-dsusono 11 lwsid' this farm organization, it wasi hocut M.Vr. si(iMis , ls ioare The liberal Esso Heating Equipment Finance felt shouînt not go uncecogniiz- xuiiitiiiii aîîîîî sun o tncle, Plan-and theres no better available-re- et. Mm. Reid Roathouse, hais- sevnMaxmmr. and 'vis.lPd SkiSnelaf ing sr dth-e mxmmsix O (Isba xx'anxidilcc 'iiînr of quires no dowvn payment and allows you up years, retirent as direcîor while 0hw iicIMs Messrs. OenMyi. n Gad sudMcx. tlcBa- to 10 years ta pay. And Esso heating equip- Lloyd ConuGlacixs Feter M .'îd. iiig iidBat,- m n sgaate an akdb m eil for a three-,year terni. Mrs. dxi oiuiu hlan ciiiiîuî iN ment i sn a asoelctd Fuil tout and mail it in, Its the best way ta get fast, accurate xàîc iii uu1l\11ii11w iI-who specifies the design and manufac- lac a th ree-y'ear- terni, dlvrviyortcestateRyl lii, ni o roitosit Mai--T On Saturday afternoouu acunt The ofyl s atiames odamnthe ors hos1Teitentinl lcdSails.l ~iiu n l rvx 'Jsitingg -nuieri itpleasantf and. srtNIrs Elxx un HuiilO Kýeomore speuit last %xrck wihf D a rlingto <lie F Ba i-rasvc lotighisaccus- uug oui WecliecaY aller attend- uog the <aie tuf iîoîlsthruu cattle Daclîngion 'Townshiip Catin- ahKilaoiu [thc prex ions dayv. cil ah ils nectlin-gin the Toxxn- linss ]nng in ca is- iii all. Hamipton, on Tlitis- ii% M rS.ClaYý rokiltda.\,,Oc'. 15. drcided Iomaki- teta ns uaIs bd is-ii ecapplucatiou inta lîr Depautment Ne a mcoîbcr of hicr faiuls' in of NMunicipal .½ltairs fot sp- pros at nf a Wunlei- Works Io- 1f141, dcd a.'lîct lme ca -ntivePrograni ini*the amauint îî'a ui 18 or.of S5,0010. rNis xvas max-cnt N -V1r- and Mc HT-a cntr .\ d Cotînil tacRîicard Gibbs. sc,- a id faiiiul ' v and ÏMc .andur, i .ondeccl NsDc uts- u .cH. Ai i N un Ford snd fouliîlvelut 1'ý1C. xluic. Tounnox h sofaîîîil ics of Dpi'- ieseMir nv uci 1-oxesrtis for .s cc-nl u1in ev Mlrln. tIi:; nasiSt ifd' Wîfisee cl ' thte lTox-nstîtp Ctcrk. Wal- at irs cipu if lisuidle. be ixî5tnu-Icto wir P r o e : o î u o î ~ xrie to R u sse ll C . Ho uie s, li th(, t1801 .xsatîhis i' M P. ounicuîting litas art 1iuil for tii" xx hotr 'omuîîîuîî t v. -iiiregar d Iothie prop<îscrtd (- ta imeuit îf passexîger serrvic-e ou the CPR Toronito - Peter- lijri pugh lixip, sunt offcriîîg ite BROWN'S tosvnialip's ca.opcratinn il de- TEhits ws S conided h \ coutui- cuitlor Gihbs. Th(.c!noiaion uî xas cacre uen animils' v 'flic Deputv - Reex \r, scnic rd f).\, Caoiillm Carl Doni, niovedthtua ler of sili- paitlhx- vfroni eauuw-il tic- sent ta Ihle ;suille of the late R. R. Stevetis, a foi-nier Becs-e- of Daî-tîxîgton Town-iship and that ;, dntaion he mate tlîItlîe Rosxuîanxil le Rotary Club's Crinpîrd Chlldren's Futoci n mcniocv of Mr. Stc-x-cens. Tthis ai u xuî c-s rien tirtianiucnouîsl%,. -sli c \iicv C, it1Su' lrgece .l .\lc'ciuul Hospital, Boseu-uiii- ville, last ss'ela. M li., j tIiiIcu xas alite .n nisivilîr on ul.c fl0li, lîviii2ý i roscvr-ci .iffici"ily' h o g I hiîr nir nitf hicc naughivr at IDiiiucli.a, n sud wsvirrc dýie Sho ihif-,Ioho e'xxtiilusr hîushauic xha s abrso aaing M li- 11uil 1 J <' il C> S i l; :1ui t xx c ros \a ul-c u i ) ý a i fut oi] hi i foot to n cuinx'n a t~ ~~\,al roiinau xAl 'i tue stni'- iut IL î &S. t'tulî îmei u-it Fuuca' l\i*. t xas 1n(, * cro5 Im outinsid xx utii i itj.- t.rou) t 'uîuucci iooticrilsui i l,îîuî uluu -1'H îtîhx \t)iccuesiotni)- ci tus' ti scar ýThn r Ie, litnof ni firis nian wcii lc: i osm ('lii t Ne prsini us uiict uit srI , T- jci pcocu' ofn wi wti'ixîlI hîrîidoffucfoi' tli clii: ig nsr. mceuit I-Anucf oi"tugh: 2rnt VuPe-Plr- Ai id crs'AI i: :11-dhiCtlPrs. Ciox Tx lirnas . WiiWlson; Bull Mrir1rx Fie lîrurs rstlc t oil<th(î chia r and<idlu sas dciriin c hînld uîîîî uîuîulJ loeu Itl xxas. ini'c tl tuhue jtI- mut nu <<i f Ils iiuihushuai cuuura su cxxerc' euuîg niacle, to fuirnu sa('uîh FPak-i)Biixui'z Sectioni. Starting fuouîî scratch. ii usiiganiizswin urcid f tirIs- hacllx. sunt thc IL & S. ('t- s otini ho clou Sî 25.,utouc' tlit t luis cousicfr wcll speuit. siI',vx I if fcuir mttste icafer shioxx'cluilci ech s otc f ilie, t lu-tp uhiroligi Ettu pe. Rotih'ir puculur sunt th areoopaui'.ig rniuunutsrs sx'cr e xi-cIu"ui. anid i-crhsiuls- rujasen Ny sM 2nd Mortgages Pn Coun cilf Rpevc %Mur. sccondrd by Counti. cîllor Gibbs, couincil dccided in petition the Departmcnî aof Hîigh-ways for paymcnt of Une interim subsidy Accounts amiotnting to 7. 044.43 were passc fax p;,N menft This total ilcld te follou ing accouints: getiet-a S28.SSOiJ: xv 1 f -,re $1,5 ,5 , roads S4-1,01.1.42: sairs aoc! pax' lIsts. Coxînciltor Doxv o .sc dr Ny the Depuitv - Reve, mno\,en that 1 delega'tion of four rep- rcsntt '~to ne appoluc ivr xhIndusi ia Jmunicipa Jý. talion ('on ferec in Peter-borý- ou:2h1on October 23th. Thj.i xv'as carried. A! B i,;~tn athllnrîiztar, agrrvmoiýnt Jo a mend t Ne siîh. div 0-100 agrrrmlcnt twe Erncsi H-ockactav and Darlîîwý. tori Towvnship x'ts givrn tillrrt readin-s. pa ý,sed, signrd..r- cd ancJ uhrr 22 Get Your Price For Your Liveslock thrcugh S T A T E S M A N C L A S St1 FI1 EDS Phone ~23-33fl:t *Up te O 8%1 of alppî;iscd piopci ty value *Terrns up to 10 yc;rs *No hidden charges *No bonnss *No brokerage feos *You can prepay ai or part ai any tirne, witlhcît notice or penalty. For a FREE brochure nSUPERIOR morlqqrs. Wvrite, phone or vusit the SLUPERIOR office nerest you, TH-E REAL.TY DIVISION Or SUPERIOR DISCOUNT Phone ('ollect 725-6541t 1-s iimc-op St. Open î ido utsv to 5:3 .ti î. ., Fn taIn ::titi p.m. Other eveonungs Ns' appoioinielt ":,I. Sup)ciior offices ta scrveynu'e Mr. Lloyd Brown of Ponts- Tf.Nov. 17........... ............ ..- .(;o 1(ýrjlý1( poascalier foc the squar~e Wed. Nov. 18.,......... ....... . ..... .M t reeied . if" il m. jitti i"' WT i ;u' - dancing. Miss Donna English Thu. Nov. 19 ................... $ .......conucîtu"i iu ciii et by Mrs. Howard Malcolm F' ......... i geseral hic) tuctî it.%- d' o Vso 12 OATS.and Murray Malcolmi for t'le Sat. Nov. 21 ........... ..........s..........cuîsiso Fa utP :-uof'ccl ui ie u- occsio. nt he nexîxvST.riî admisdsion.ti< :siii ulc îhct occaion. an ith a TV. et nlse idcheque for $ ...........t"ase <ictuule xx .lis 'iirl i ti h"u a Oshawa Phone 723-7718 Ontario ""r presente ihTVset ýae!r by the commîttee in char'ge. NAM...........................................ua mpe, elf.up- pia; : c u(ti i i 1- _A Sterling and Pat ea-N cx- ... duresued enos cx i -. iwphs ix'tr pressent theur ithanks and the AODRESS.,.................................ipe fousi pouptiîui of 1v i iii 11g, in serving of lutnch fa fhe throng i Oan viLals e xs" r x'i ud it's concludedtht e evcning's enter- CITY .................................. nuilofiiiets. 'I tc u .'c ss-' ant always tainment. The uommittee ces- Ns 'Mi- Vu i ý î 'o n. cui I S C)1 LOOK TO IMPERIAL ponsible for planning the ex'ent '___________________________ i icnr f1wii ânid ic- for the beet consistent of Ralph Porter, Ken 'sa a isri xithcin<iJi 1 i'iglir Preston, Lloyd Armstrong. If orderi ng for NOMl4or Nov.21 eveni ngs, please pifiF s Nsni.sint PCrarl Aus- Juntx'Fisher, Raiph Heaslîp. îu lia 1oxi!i Mi'- ln.-laiuiliant Briaxu Clements. Donna EnR- 91v0 alternate weekday date if possible. pr n -"rli -lioxîci The lish, Ray McCullough, Morley J 1ki-ual i irncnts and hap- Oshaiva

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