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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 12

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Th Cnain taema, owavile ct 2,1 Forty Niners Beat Blue Bombers to Win Touch Football TitieE Northumberland & Durham Health Unit Report Report for Septemnber 1964 An 2hild 'n the school not Communicable Disease previouslv .5ucce sful ' vac Oniy seven cases were r ca areer0 ve n po ported during the monrI vaccination if his paes being chickenpox, German vwsh. mneasies and red measle. This:2, The smailer schools %yl brings the total number for have clinics every th"ee yc2rs, the vear ta date ta 1393. at v hich ail the childrcn .'vho I There were na rabid an iedreinoren mayu'Za- nai,, reported du'ang Iheltion or v~accion ma r- for treatment given out. 3.As formerly. no ch'IcI 'Tuberculoss wili bc given his baic ert of thrce doses a, school. Al At four monthîy chest cli-Ichildren should have this be-- flics, 68 persans received afoetain taSOlsr- ree chest x-ray. There was~ ing at 3 months of age as is n one admission ta and one dis-jýr rccmmended in Ontario.v There are nineteen persans on Thr er 2 ist O charge fremesanatrium. HometVisit ntituberculos;s drug therapy i etrbr f lorowing trcatment in sana-ý aiisi etmeo toriuir. This aliows dischar e1which 420 were on b-haîf of fromn hospital after a periodi infants and pre'school child-ý of treatment of 3 ta 6 monthsi ren. Nur3ing care was Jvcn i rather than 12 to 24 months1 on 108 visits ta patients tilatU as formerly. These natients hm. use ae68vEt receive spriin hrUh as part of the tuberculosis pre- the local chest clinic and the vninprgaman 43 Health Unit. visits on behaîf of handicap- Imunztinped children or adults t] At 23 clinies, 63 children ccollelt uevso coînpleted the initial series of 1 In September, much time of. Quad vaccine, and 82 receiveditenigad ~cea.ia1:n. a reinforcing dose. For sta-stfofheHahUni titialpuposfistan sen i r~srtnr te î~li, On Salut day morning at the high school grounds, the finals of Jerome Billett anAanboleeakrwDogBog re an E second doses are flot countcd. vidual health records of the! n an ol;bc oDu ruh(e This gives poeto gis seventeen thousand elemen-1the Recreatton Dept. touch football league saw the Forty Niners supervisor), Doug Hayes, Bill Nicholson (ref), Doug Aberncthy diphtheria, pertussis, tetau tar" ,,school children and five take on the Blue Bombers and defeat them 50 to 20 ta win the Don Gilhooly (vice chairman of the Recreation Com.> prescnting a' andpolomyliis.Thee wrethousand secondary schooi championship. Members of the team, officiais and supervisors, in- crest ta Capt. Brian Joncs, Don Taylor (co-captain), Brian Colville, t 66 reinfarcing doses of Triad. chilrcn, ostrontho hav Smallpox vacnto wa now changed their cîassrooms;cue rn o left ta right, Brad Adams, John Westover, Jim Dennis Tierney, Doug McFeeters (supervisor) and Ken Tabb. given to 72 children, and e or schools. ýScott, Gary Preston, Bill Wright, Murray O'Brien, Doug Parker,______________________________ vaccinations numhercd 31. Nurses had 287 interviewvsu ____________________________ Tepormefrciiswith schooi inspectors, princi- programme with the use of and now thought ta have nor- payment. Theproogr ammbe forclnirs Pals and classroom teachers,ithe audiometer resumed in mal hcaring. MlIrsch o apontd ararianRobats ai to th oow hs ng changed g for heaith serv'ce 220 tests were copi eted ned Liraia P rt ta the fofoowinana"ranging .. the elementarv schools. The drigthe month and n ew ist. H Uigh Sc oo B . HoeHgShol In the larger schools,duignne tateshos n ecvn majarity of tests complcted harnHoseper idcaec.ma iuteiht mnîîpli with enrolment of nmo>re than messages about most urgen huineh mnhwce rin a sseîirnstilî shon'ciatet ixout feia gdthoreuioîli 100, reinforcing immuniza-neers. Visionntests weregqv- conirmthon onth ereblid idrn s EWUUII atics ave îng the csution o tion agalnst diphtheria, teta- en ta 336 chilciren andi h-alth pce f aigahaig.crn oso eetatra approvingaddinsrution fo rius and poliomyclitis willibe inspections to 195. pecteci offhaving a hcaringonearing loss on reteditifter an offered in grades 3, 7 and Il Audiometry Hlo theurse; or o Puhicencar. The Durham County District Richardison, who has been a Courtice Highi Schooi. Six tncI re-vaccination in grade S. Thr, nilttine h',=nqine ~ 1b- familv- ohvsiciansl Sanitation High School Board met at member of the Board for the municipaiit i e s repre. enting Sepemb r eîn t e FîlCourtice Higrh Schiool, Oct. 21,,past eig hit yars, was accepted over î4 % cof the responsibility Fair month, six inspections with 16 members presenit. with deep regret. Dr. Rich- for poyment favour 10 year de- were made. It is generai that, The Board opproveci a study ardson has been an able mier- dentures rother thon 20 years.i where municipal water and by Mr. Hass entitled "An Oc- ber andi wiii be greatly misscd. seeýg srie aentcupational Survey of Durham High School Commence- O 01d-Fashoned Sew ng S vinsonweriaglesericear e flote Cou nty." This study is t- ments will be as follows: Miil- HAYDO jiences provided are primitive ýwards a guidance spccialist's brook, Oct. 31; Clarkc, Nov. 13; andpooly ainaind. nte- crtiicae.Port Hope andi Caurtice, Nov.1 (Intenci for last weck) vies ithfai firoffciis The resignation of Dr. R. F. 20; Bowmanviile, Nov. 27. Mr. E. R. Thompson anci M odern as omorrow Jet-Age Tenders for the additionicitasCynthia xvere dinnor ouests of prio ta the day f t e f ir a e r ~ T t T r TM illb rook H igh S c oo i w r ýM rs. T h o o n on T u c-d aiy. AIIscldom productive. Fair Board Jwere 1L pneils anaacitc M.aîdMs.Mocl i oficiols arc n lîed tr or m in- tender of the Finn Construc-1 ford, Port Perry, ccled onI mie ofhmoe efrmr imprta- (Intended for ast week) tion Company of Peteror ig Mrs. K. Cowling andi Mr. and ______________________________cilities because of the inter- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lycett or $47,375.00 wvas aecepted Mrs. W. Blackburn and famnhy mnittent and short-tcrmn use of Dennis andi Bannie, Oshawa1 witb construction ta start at oni Sunday. th rud.were StudaYeeig u once. Mr. E. Syer, Mr. Russell 5 DAYS ONLY! In an~ atternpt to maintain of Mr.and Mrs. Elmier Lee andci It was decided to purchase ' FdnkonMr. H nvilAe, on o If yo've t min to ew nw is he tnic. (C), retireci from The On-I Mr. and irs. Wm. White and reccived fromn the Dr. Paca Saturdav and alejvc If ou've a mm taeofswnwi th e ime taria Watr Resources Com- family, Whitby, were Sunday Hamilton Estate. The interest trip ta the Cartxricht district mission, and who was pre- cvening dianer gucsts of Mr. Ion this amount is ta be useci Ahton Mr.dFtanwkli.n r savings to save as you seW. Ail viously with the Engineering and Mrs. Elmer Lee and fam- for scholarships at Port Hope Tshe public ho ol upls arf mt h e les t haltvf brcsDivision of The Provincial iy. High School. are mch blow heirDe,,artmcnit of Hcaltb, bas Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman Mr. Speers, the Principal ofE AS OA regular cost. Drop ini been taken on staff temporari- atteadeci the Grass - Badour Courtice, will make a film de- GTCS OA and ec. nd sockly, ta help compensate for wcdding on Saturday in Port picting the work of ail the FOR OLD APPLIANCES an sc.Ad toklois of sanitation staff. Mn. Perry United Church. They schools, ta be used in guidance tlirouglî up foryourb e xt Tyler as been, and wili be also attended the reception at work for the elementary STATESMAN eigbe.inspccting cating cstablish- the Genosha Hatel, Oshawa. scois. t otlo CLASSIFIEDS ments anci dairy plants in Mr. andi Mrs. H. Be Acont t atoalo Telephone 623-3303 &particular. Ashburn, wcre recent 0t1, 1 6 __________________ Meat Inspection gucîts at the G. Bowman's. Mr. anci Mrs. Murray Pres-. 0f113aimirisecei cott and girls, St. Catharines; duiqthe month, ten we Mr. and Mns. Jim Harnis andi condemnoci, beine 61Swin,, failySouthMngawr anci 4 cattle. In addition 23 Sunday dinnier guests wîth the!1 portions were condemnecid .oc . rsots Generl RearksMr. anci Mn. Len Stephen- »> Miss Irene Holley, public son, Whitby; Mr. andi Mn. health nurse, who haci been Win. Carr anci family, Crook- wnrking from the BrightonecCreweSnavdnr office of the Health Unit, bas guesti of Mr. and Mrs. Les, moveci ta the Millbrook dis- Cochrane aci Ralpb. triet. Mns. Isobel Kirkpatrick, On Wednesday evening the who worked os public health U Cy.hc s hi us nurs frm te Prt opeof-speaker Mns. Arthur Johnson, fice during the past two yeors. a missionary nurse xvho gave' bas res.igneci. There are' two) an interesting talk andi show-, vaconcies on the nursing staff. cd o film on bier home in one at Brightonanoa ne at Quito, Ecuador, South America,; Port Hope. Skie spoke ta guests from Zion, REM NANT SALLSauna, Burkcton and Ennis-ý OBITUARIES The Enfielci U.C.W. hl UpTo5...their fali bazoar on FridayI UP JANE THERESA COWAN evening in the Hampton Hall., Miss M. Luke, President of the A native of Newcastle, Jane Oshawa Preshyteniai U.C.W. Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded SHOPPING 15 CONVENIENT *ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT \k4i4CýLK E R# « Stor .ving Ontario BOWMANVILLE had been in taiing health for' about eigbit years. S L I The latc Mns. Cowva wisýA E born in Newcastle in 1,8821 and liveci thene all ber lifel (Inteadeci for lait week) except for the pa.st five years xvhen she resideci at Hilisciale Salem U.C.W. helci their Monor, Oshawva. October meeting ai the church. Her h ni s b a n d, Frederick The President, Mrs. S. But- Ccwan, wbom she marniec in teny openeci th e meelting witli Newcastle, predeceasec i er in the themne hyxan followed by 191-. the Lord's Prayer. The coin- She was a member of the mittees for aur bazoar witl be Newcastle Uniteci Church. appointeci at the Novemberý Surviving are four sons: meeting. Richard of Ta)ranto, Fredenick Mn.s. Twist ad ber group of WVhitby, James of O- xv lere in charge of the meeting«. oniSamuel of Cob nîur' aciS nhds oe ug anc daughter, Mns. Ross'Dick - Mns. Twist gave the. devotion- insn (ariail) o Ncv-al fallowed by prayer. Mrs. caso st le.) f ew Narman Avcry favouicci with, castle.a vocal solo. We were very Resteci at the Gerrow Fun- pleaseci ta have as aur guesis' eral Chape], Kinag Street West. M.W .IeBwavie Osbaa. Te fnera sericeand Mns. Richardson, Whitby. for the late Mns. Cowan xvas Mrs. Ives gave an interest-, helci Tuesday at 2 P.m. Rev. ing account of the meeting of : F. A. Word of Westmouat the Gencral Couaril of the, Uniteci Churrh, Oshawa, con- Unitedi Church of Canada helci1 ducteci the service. recentiy ta Newfouniaad. Interment was ia Banci Mn Richardison showeci us! Headi Cemetery, Newcastle. pirtùres she haci taken xvhile Mns. Ives aci henself attend- CHARLES E. TABB j d the meeting as commission- ers from this Preshytery. The cleath of Charles E. 1 We aIl enjoyeci a social visit Tabb, ageci 68 ycars, occurreci 1 when lunch was serveci. at Sauthaven Nursing Home, Be sure ta attend aur tbaak- Newcastle, on Wcdnesday! offerng service on Suaday. October 14, 1964.1 Sec particulars on church news Born ia Darliagton Taw,-, page. ship, he was the son of the Mr. John Twist, Queen's late Mn. ai Mn. John Tabb. University, Kingstz'on, who haci He attendeci school in Cart- attendeci a Young Peopies' wright Township. Conference at Lindsay, speat In 1916 he marrieci tbe foîn-! Sunaia evcaing aci Moaday 1er Emma L. Burns who sur-; with his parents, Mr.aci Mns. vives. Mr. Tabb was a farm-! E. Twist. .er ad resideci at Tynone. Mn. and Mrs. Me] Emmer- Surviviag besides his wife san, Stouffville, wcre Sunday are twa sans, Norman L. Tabb cailers ad Mr. aci Mn. Fred aci Arthur L. Tabb. 'Twist, Whitby; Miss Patsy The fuacral service was helci Bell, town, acid Miss Susanne' from the Morris Funeral Schwartz, Codmus, w'ere Sun- Chapel. Bowmanville, on Fni- da ' supper guests of Mn. aci doy, October 16. 1964,acidxvas Mrs, E. Twist coaducteci by Rev. C. Dugan. Mr. aci Mrs. Lewis Ruadle, 'Interment was in Bethescia town; Mn. and Mn. Farewell Cemetery. Blackburn were supper guests. Pallbearens were Messrs.' of Mn. aci Mn. Leslie Welsh Murray Tabb, Russell Tabb, last Tuesdav evening on the Lloyd Prescott, Rov Prescott, occasitonof Mr.and Mns. .Earl Prescott andi Keaneiki Runcle's 25th wedding anni- Hardy. J versary.i had a half holiday on Frlday. M'r. Smith attended a Teach. er's meeting at Bethany. Mrs. K. Cowling and Miss Lily Tabb were Wednesday visitors of Mrs. M. Cowling, Salem. Mrs. M. Bertrim and family vjsited Mr. and Mrs. Puffer, Koshi Lake, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family and Mr. Ronald Ashton called on Miss Emm~a WTerry, Toronto, an Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. J. Jones, San- dy and Alice visited Mr. Ken MfcKenzie, Richmond Hill, on Sunday. Several from Haydon at- ;ended the Thank-Offering Service at Tyrone. Mr. Victor Smith and Mrs. 1'hompson were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond and family, Bowman- vile. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Charles Tabb who passed away at Southaven Nursing Home, Newcastle, on Wednesday, af- ter a lengthy illness. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was held on Friday: interment Bethesda Cemetery. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Myr- le (Bradley) Greenwood who passed away at Bridgeport, Connecticut. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Baw- nanville, with service on Saturday. Interment was in Hampton Cemetery. Mr. Roy Graham and Mr. John Hoyland are attending Service School at Belleville this week. EBENEZER (Intended for last week) Firty-five members of the U.C.W. met on the regular Evening Unit night to see Mrs. R. R. Stevens' pictures of the Congo, and ta hear some of the interesting details of Mur. iel's recent letters. Mrs. Stev- ens presentation took the forin of an interview conducted by Mrs. Allan Dawn. With a table tastefully de- corated with fruit and calor- ed leaves, Mrs. Grant Herron and Mrs. Ron Osborne uscd "Thanksgiving" as the thern for the worship service. As Mrs. Herron related the story of the first Thanksgiving, w e were reminded of aur cout%4 less blessings. Janet Dawn and Shirley Pic- keil sang "Jesus, knacking at the heart's door" very beauti- fuiiy. The evening unit leador Mrs. Douglas Oke canducted the business and then called an Mrs. Alec Muir, the Christ- ian Education Chairman, to give same facts af the currcnt discussion on legalizing loi- teries. It was agreed ta send a letter of pratest ta aur mnem- ber af Parliament. Mrs. Raymond Osborne gavez some thoughts on "Steward- ship" ta close the program. Over caffee, Mrs. Wcslcy Down expressed the gratitude af everyone ta Mrs. R. R. Stvv- ens and we once again had the apportunity ta ask questions and examine the articles frorn the Canga. ARE YOU PLANNING A NEW HOME Do IT NOW... and take advantage of Government Winter House Building Program, the Federal Government may make a direct payment of $500.00 to the home owner. House to be completed by March 3lst, 1965. BUILD NOW.U,. AND SAVE ON YOUR $500,000 DOWN PAYMENT 13ALANCE ON N.H.A. MORTGAGE AT ONLY 6%% INTEREST AT BEAUTIFUL eaâwayCrescent SUB-DIVISION Liberty St. S. ENQUIRE TODAY Bowmanville De BEERS 22 Parkway BUILDER Phone 623-2263 Crescent Bowmanville BLY iPermanent ln the Oshawa Shopping Centre on Special Accounts Regular Accounts You will enjoy our up-to-date savings facilities which include long hours for business - open 10:00 arn. ta 5:00 p.m. from Tuesday through Saturday; open until 8:30 p.m. on Fridays. For deposit by mail, we offer prepaid envelopes. Ail you have ta do is ask aur office for a Supply. Regular Chequing Privileges on 3½/ý% Accounts Withdrawals On Demand Frorn 4% Special Accounts for 4 or 5 year termn Canada Permanent Debentures These debentures have been a favorite far morc thon 85 yeans with Canadian investors who waat a gooci retura andci cmplete secur- ity. Issueci in ariy amouat fromn $500 ta $50,- 000 for peniocis of 1 to 5 years. Interest may be rnailed ta yaur acidress, depositeci in your savings occount or you may prefer ta clip your awa coupons. 5% on 1 year debentures, 51/4 on 2, and 3 year debentures Write or Telephone For Explanatory Bookiet and Application Form n I J. W. FROUD, Manager, Oshawa Shopping Centrej 5 KING ST. E. ______________________________________________________________1 Serving Canadians for Over 100 Years CANADA PERMANENT

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