1r = o BOWN BOYS YOD 'A AT "MY BAN K BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTU 00 WN PA YMENT 0F 51ý $250 FOR A $50 SONO '5 FOR A$100OO, il BALAN CE IN 4ElASY INSTALMENTS 0 VER A YEA R BANK OF MVON T R-EÀ (di<4'4 9c.a 4" 411i', n .*O, 'WeddingJ e -ddurmez u nd ae.n Te"v- r'nnviin, jo),1t ant'1frrti.is likete flnem hAie ean regeante And i divii vs gîan nmatch. 'J'hernin-engravi ng <Iiu.is aboutîl hnljas m<cc/ 'n.hi aîec- the copper plate tirat mal I' îr; RFADY <irir %tt h îdI'ir en% MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE . ' W;rý-wor1ti 'vere rriia), ve'f visitorz v'îth 1rsBe I i ~*.. - AA.... B... ~ *Th-o Canadian Statesmnan, I.owman",lle, Oct. 28, 1984 1 i;tlPr ~ncM;Iunr u'Inwun I i Anumn 1 a u n l-- m R- -m - M Mu uu '\I.and Mis. Reid Wood. 1I 9 E9 * U IJ* MUTVR***U 16UUU The foilowi-i2.chedue cl pr B ~ xnKpatcx .Boh Jac-\aIlM. and Mus. H-arold Wood fo i ornni' ~ X,'. ?r h.~ d to"t- Ci' o:- Lex ci-ci eSatiirday i2ht visitons ai latMonday was shutoli* 293, 241; Barb Btiionsliaxx220. Deprt:1n Io, -Oucizirr. -Sirx7v, a WoodYBowman- nigh: Pet Lîbeutv Bowl.A z t266; Sliuriev -Bîckl!248,27 keLe~u.Th r fu~rc-.J1h~.~ h..cn.Pa' ."'.' v.-..yvil.eas! half *the gamez xxouîîd upMary Harrison 213, 27:Marion tic e :n.îeui'~Sq::. -, lin. Pai,' ne r.Dxi:roe Ru ':IGide Doiel a Lta ha. wa'v in Ladi§ MjrMri 2.Oi hhu29 dayv. Oct. s. Moncla.v. N-ov. RoyP .r r0........ox eu o.KîŽan. Ri- spe;" the weekOnd at Pione: League action, as Wrigiit Joaîî Engley 2'-0 3. Cauol\-o 2nd. anîd Siturdiy, Nov,. 7ih. rOx:B:eîd:ex \Mli'er. K ou :c. ib E1lis ..Jo0nln',CampJ. NeWxcastic, ounced Beaupule 3-0, Brooks Bruce 205. Mah-lc LIe\x î 2oi. MVime-. Brian Coaî. iob: MacDonald, Ken Ma-I:i. v" Doi. Eliiot! entetain- dOoxvned Dui 3-0 andgPatfieid Shirleyv Davis 256. Ililda Sinm- Saturday-. Octoher 31st B1rî onT~'i.R-' aor ou ~Roc(- i,~iuso e rtne ae -.rik2:3. Dens cArnucart 2:39, Time Serie.q Team Lebianc pri.,n F-Dew \ e~~DxOil. ojýr -x .Dviiiî; diiteîr D i Salu-da)>e' 1 ,e ole 'ex-~ colitesItMr Cao24.Kre a 7:00 a.rn --Bantarn Hii-ki?- Fo cski. Ronbo Simpson. Dale1 Lerno-,, Wax:îe B. 7;l..r e&. cingii lcînr f heI atter. îîIa- île. edge E. El '0,1Pauline Willatts 201. N'ylId 7-40 a.m.---Bantarn Fi'er-s Paruett, Donald Sit.Phrl:po'.- Woolner. Robhi ,,,Forbc-i. bir-thoa\.. The girls were taketi O. Ftrher won ovr ickell',Sheehai 213 1len l Dixn i2;59, 9:?0 a.m.-Bantam - Lions. Rorneril. Dot ertPtrRnal i1~.B: 'San_ fPo ieop. x e thev hao -an J niaî dfateciJoli Mç' Ilrstma" .23(). Lola 9:00 a.m.-Bantarn -Braves Scot:. Krux -.Noble.Pacedm feîoDY k .1Ii a..îirter i'lsoimbolr 21Wigh2:.Ma Pui2(. 9:40 a.m.-Bantar - Cubç W~c ox John.-oc. steve~, .irsn theit back home foi- sîppeu and D)o' . Joli rackeul up ail îm-Adr> Onoîl26Laa lfl:2 ~.m.Bantan - Prates Brout- C o I r~o j Dvid Wig'i.arl evcnîiîgofcarnes and re- pressýýive 8.36 total to take hioh Hzlei2:. a eupi 11:00) a.m, Pee Wree Rangers Ledd-,..Danie: cd\.Derîni- Bantarri .alî Su: - ,)ac'.I. coud playiuîg.triple honotîrs, foilowed bv;256. ari c rii hc 20. Fîxi il 0 ar.PeeWree Woolne: . Jo.eph Bennett, Paii! Alex Wisemnan. Ter'v Black:;, The annua SLiida. School Peggx Haxues -720). Silx enn 4 ui: ra -Canad:Jaiîl joncsz. Pauil Johnson, Rober!t Doug Hayes. Bob Howes. Jie Rahix Service xa observecd Bickel; 70l. Cecile Boxxers28 12 20 rn P V ce - : Engley. Timothv Jo7koski, Hircock. h leCattrau. ROI here Soindav- morning x t a 697, Oive Patfield67 and .1 ImStadiri -Red Vv Og Roi-> Gibbs. Geordie Walton, Webh. StePhen-t Sumrnersford, fine attendant-e.Iu the ab-lDol Brooks; 643. Onie Eî~c .20 p.rn Pee Wee -7ersStaiilev, Reari. Robert a:v Mike Bothwxell. Sandx' Browýi. sence nf Rex'. White, Superîn- Ceeue PRo\xvers took the Fiol otBooh 2.00 p.m. -Pte Wee- Bruins Way'ne Scyrnour. Wayne No- arren Aide:t. Kim Roger', tendent C. 1\î.Jonsxa i-ii iha25gm.ohrLl rgtI 2.4f) p.M,-.Juv\enile - ish, Bill Lander. Grant Mac- Gr-e, Cordoen. 1.arv Devitt, charge o.r the Service. assisted top effort.z going to Connie'1 Haler. DTiin I - Midget AI] Stars tin. Bernd Petazer. Gary Wilsaii. Bud Deplx.M;- by his cIass of boys and others. Wireman 288. Doris Joili1841 Doris Joli lit 2:00) pm. -Atom - u-aeOlive Patitcld tiill - Indans ad B ~Pee %Vre Series lCwk..WhadElS.- Denise Elliott readi one of the: Shir-le,'. Bickell '279. Peggy' 24< n-igeI arn.ons Cldas C-ah' en uv enile Sei-les lories. Mus. Vinkie. Misses: Ha.Niy-9--48 and Barbai-a Bt VC iuu 2V)p.rn. - ide,- Mros CndaS- ul 1 ïqý M)IR. oAn aeo n ooh os 6.Shirley Bickcl! 9 BurgesRosz Keatiey. Bar-x \,i Ry a.-. Coi.chl li~ oAnne Cae on and Drotx oohax-26Ka *v Bcauoule31 Monda.v. Novemher lnd McMairoi. D a v i cl Ohm-, (;ord Boy-d, Pr'CuoEîoIsoe trsrpe Complete Av'erages Ea tcc .):00 p.r. A torns - Chai-les Stevuný, Allen5M\,_, Howaci- Ed'noiî-ùoii. Walter senting different phases of the 2E. înea thur - Rovals and Giants Darreli Barrett, Keitiir Sxx ,"ý Ri-karTer.Dcx tI, î,ai ix -new curriculum. The choir'-. Doris Joli 202 Pcgg Bakerî s 40 p.m. Atomsr - Buvan'Cooke. Muruav ~Le.Joe Rcadet-. Peler \ai fftVgxsI ean-Good BrConkeWsean20! - -Rau-s and Hornets Pau! Shmnvu, Johnl,1athangue, -Lone. Jini Kitiiex.\ Thinig 1. Cix e Ihariks-. JDotBarok: Strdy oebr1h Lar' Tri'ck .. rhi-Braylc-ý., Aces -- Coach ?: Gr Grir- Mu. and is. Walter G ras neFce 9 saIra.Nvme h Red Wn R oach ?:Gavps fn. Bat~iDeeNlsnF'oxx'l- son of x.fi?-cal wef x v e 1O ni-Etcher 1i BUBKETON -Pee We AI] Stars Rni'VnD akr o-fordi, Brut' Meadows. LarrvVxTfalkevysSunda. Pcgyî1a9.s1.llBoue. 'loi oti 7:40 arn. Pee Wee - dnOrsup WaerPtvîH-ellami. Terux Wallon. Surtday xisitous xvrlîi Mr. iîîd CcieBoe 9.> Spent a couple ofni dus xvit') -orn AI Star's hvnLuvHogo.BooxICanucks -Coach ?:Alex Mus. R. Bruce included Mr%.'Oie afil 11Mu. and M S i . 1!.\urgue ,aîî 9:20 arn.--Pie, Wee Hawklz conl, tpet aue.M'ackie, Gîtv, Pauks. lirwjiiChaulesý Waters of Toconto, ErdTenati la mihy. 9:00 a. .Pee Wee - Leats1 Rickv ,Krîight. Dot Lorusso, Colwell. Michael Leddy. JohinjMus. Herb Gibson. Mu. andIDonna Preston 18,Mus. ElKia ni h' a:d frîc:inl. 9:0ar..ux'enilp --Ares IHerbeut Tink. Dan-elh Hunt. Walter, Michael Gibbs, Bruce Murs. George Heath of Bw-'lola Wright O8 shaxwa, xxre Iticsdax -ce-ii 1020a.. Juenle- anck IChrs McTaviŽh. Wax'ne Sbee- Barrett, Laury Simpson. manville. Bar-b Bottonsbaw hi;6 iinmg gests n uar i.B 11:00 a.m.--Midgel han. Gary Clrisbohrn.Mrdget Ail Stars Coarch. Mu. aund Mus. Miltoni Kirn-:Kay Beauprie 183 Httbbaud. -Bantamn AI! Stdi S Bun oîl ' o-lMitch Founitain: Ron Carter, hall were Sunday dînner 'Beu-nice Terux' 8:1 Miss L\ Ilu ls l . M 11.41> ar..Atorn - .eeh.D1x1Roe oro riait Peters, John Oyer)geî f u n Ms il Jye Tnin 82 ýRobert GrPhai rxxc ciîj -Barons and Bomb e\ ell. arv Radoe, 'rd-nJames Mi-Phail, gelofM.adMs ill\c Tnntr1Ï(sIkQRchdBrk-M- David Ma>\'- Kimbaîl. Coboîre. Hellen Dunni 181 I gueSteOf MIS. V. Caliuhill ali 12:20 ar.. Midget -Orpharie 'hac1 Cortîcîl. Denni.s Smale, liard. Alan Brown, Jetf Gil_- Mu. and Mus. Chilîlont Brown lhelen Piper 1,77tfamilv. 1:20 p.mn.-Midtget -Daniîx- Robinîson, Alan loti- hooîv, Jim Mclntyî-e.Denoi itrMusndMs rd 'îuDenise Anneart 16, Soru> Iu recportilial M i. aid --Training Schi>ollkirui Scott Eakini a-ieHmnîî.Dvd a -bIdersn Peter and Carol, wer(, Mariion Slaght -,5 Mus. Cvnîîs Ash tloii arfi iu 2:0)0 p.rn. Mtdget - Cornets johonson. Robb hipe Johnson, Ron Simupson, George Leaveu.1 Sunr)ay xisitors with Mr. and Marilyni Cole 14 wcllhaiel\.. W c xi. h theut 240.m Jux'en'le Lannie Bîuns. Wr-a Reridetîl Jbt p-d.rcv 2. p.m. - Doug Mev un. Brucre Wallers. 2,Mr-s. R. Bowens aI Broute. Linda CrosseY 1l, tJrasedn ion - MoxunTI Rova!s PrhSlroî Johni TaYlor. Dax'e Fouitain. Dot Bond 1:1 A I)Lîmber tuorn i lcie aii Atom ~eres iiaws Coact ' Deuix Mu id Mis <cdLaura Hazeldien r6 d tihe h-ci iexppni B tou oaShe:rithard abert. oad DewDanv(îoio, were Sîîpdav visitons ai Aor1Oso 6 l SI.John's Anglicanu Ch::rch. Marchant, D a n ni v Shearer, Knox, Dax'id Pest. Randolrth NE WTON VILLE Mi-. aid Muss. Sî . J anc-aster. Emma Bromefi 166, Blackstnck Cîiînin1ghani. c; eîîîi voîo' Eleanor Dadsori 166 Christnias lice hsilons iKeniieth Fcriç. Robert Cowte, IsLoaOe lsàptr LenFoylu.RodeySelesRobentW oi J;iiîrnx' Brook-. Ms.Lea ves a 1atîcîder) the liarvest IhomnE.Jeati Seller 6,5 tr<o fuillttc ave ai Timv Wllo. DvtdPoter o ernria Hspial.aç<s asoServbce at Salern Sunday after- .Jackîe Alexander 164 number oft pcoprcfrnom Nnvai Allaii Frank, Mike' Pflanza r. Hembej- alln. DvidMut . Biu'Lnia.mn t)w opugcts Maug iirg .ScoIie helpinvi:gts \seau Ken \ivian, Jan Benînett, Jeff HretDeryxit, Ritî-1x' Mr BnyLnia.wr uprgc3ýa-Kn Hodgsorî, Ralph Mii.M uo.-lmn Rogers. Dormie' us %Wv ocsxiîhi : -.of Mn. and Mus. Sanri Buttery. 'Marg Permis 16.1 Johnson., Christopher- Terý- McKnigbî anid Mus, C..Jones x rM. andor) s. Mel Maybee Thelmya F'or-estpr 6: hune Chistphe Thrrilngo Leas, ,Oail :Ric.xisilors wilh Mr. andur) us, 1aind daugbter of Cohoung xvere 'MuieIHloyd16 Mark Caverly. G-'r Mac: .îoîîes. G lot Murphx'.« Kenriethi Charles Moase or Liiidsav-,'Sondlay visitors at Mir. R. SteIla Brow-n 161 Doad u> 'Peteuson, ilan-- Oyler. Phiilo hast Tuesday . Wood's. Shirlex' Picklc . 161 Donld.Broorne, Richard Little. Garrv, Mr. and Mis. Rose Chatîci Mu. and) Mrs. Ross Prowt Pauhirre Wiletts16 Rama Coaeh 2 Dean Met'-' Mrph>'. Mirrax Oi-nistoil. ton cof Floida, and Mu. aund aîd Mai-ty wei-e supper guests,,Sirile.v Fowler15 (-?Ihf. Dale Meteaif, Jimmnv Hx'u vu.GuvSîx-Mus. JohnîCiîatterîon of H-ax'e.!Sundax - at Mu. hT. Henderson's.1 EvelynWhim 5 Laukin. Chai-les Hotton, Tom- den. Stephen Poole,. PriailJock w-eenvernighl \xisitous Mu-s. Roy Ber of Oroimo Willic Nesbiti 157 mv Woolnei-, Bradley Rundle,< Fnghey.- Eddie Bon., Heni xith Mu. and Mrc. R.Btri, was a S;tjriday- visitoî with bei- :Kareri White 157 Darîny Cox, Bruce Osborne, Rowe, Rodriex', Langlats. Thuusda.tie latter couple fathen. Mu. Dave DenaLlIt. flaZI lltaghuc .--- 1,97 Fred Ryan. Paulh Sheehan, Ber1Cahi2 Lus staviumg over un111 Sonrda-s. Mrs. Bruce Fîhiott anid ieu Shirlev Davis 157 .Johnî Parker, Grant Snowden,, Barber. G;airv Gittord. Ric-! Mrs. Gordcon Tiuney and) rotlieruMrs. Thos. Jones en-i Maux 'H1arrisoni 157 Stelie Lad, obbe Jneý,,Sacklto). eMiai . Wa iiiiiý. anarnaket of Trenton .îoyed a lîtthe dinnrîi part>' Mau:on Wisemnan 155 StephaenlaOmtnd, B hbi one, Sacels touî. Beg Ba. TW*avîeasùvisited at Mu. R. Brujce*s. witb Mu. and Mrs. Don Ellioti, j Marion Pearson 1.54 j harel uite. Pili anes hîîkS- it. TommyThîîî sda v. Denise and) Darletie, at ind- .Juili- Allen15 Hanes.Lewis. Dennis Kewal. Dav.id Muled r. icu Reic-l say. Sninda *v exiening, cehebrat- ,L-nda MeRobbie 15 Indians Coachr ": Br-îaiiî Smithî, Deug H-eniniig.LaMxrahd0fMttrlcansu.o n ieitîas fht Ms oeMàtt 5 Pasce. Bovd Knox, DannyilAlliit. Dari BPeies. Peter- Sun- vist bisotanicamemoial Jncstheaurhem 'ea ht gr rd- ea Whichea154 Catto, David) Fraser, Dennis' art. Lanice Livingstomne. vsthsfte nMmra oe ndle'getgad v hteed11 Broorne. Mai-k Slemon, Brian' Raniger- Coach ?: Wavîie'lIlospitai. Powmanvilhe a n ri daugbter, Denise, Mable Lýewis15 Halm ad orsEi en areGj..D i Henry vvas bei-e in the village. Mrs. Jac -k Elliott and Doro- Marg Crago15 Martin, Johun* Jons, PFri Keaci. LiauelGayK DaIdon business, one day. thîy weî-e suppei- guesis cf Missl Hilda Simnick15 Matn ononoPtrJbioi ih eKhoe, Tcî-- tpeo niai twrSudy n!lc oisn1P Nowlan, William Reid, Rickey u'\ Cook, Cecil Westlake, Wal-1 Mrs. Everf-etîtaloiaîdKieSwr.SinyadAicHdsoî48JN RE Nemisz, Donnie Stîîmuock. Nejli huer eszzysi Geua )Mrs'. Ivar Farrow of Orono'attendled Kenîdal Anniversaryi Marion Mai-titi 146 NEPRE Cuhersn.Kx'it eule Thuîîsdav visitors with Ser-vi-e. Others firn bere Marilyn Webster 146 Cutbe-tsn.K ei iiKcllY. Pairier, James Baker, Jemome, Mrs. W. Farrow. wo attended wer-e M îs. M.,Joyee Almonîd 145 Hornts oach.,;joh Pasant Rihae, air) n.Mr. and Mus. B Wo nilre.Mrs. CitnFaî-row adMolIy Horstman141 CE R arcln andyoakch ' J onvassn.icke'Pteson. girls of Cardiff speiit the week-:Gîcît Joan Suteliffe 14-4 Taml-sn.Rany Bke, CiveTomv alcn.end wilh Miss Anne Noshiti. Mr. antd Mus lJac k KimballDonna 1-leai-d 1-44 Mackcy, David Reir). Bebby. Atoni Ail Stars Coach', Mu. and Mi-a John Caula\w atîr girls weue Sîînday visitorF . Carolvn Bruce 143 Luxton, D oti l e Johnstonie,1Buck Cowle. Sîepheît Chark.e,._!ylSefln11 ag James Bui-tch. Richard Ha *yer,1 Rotîehd Piper. Michael o'- ____________________________ yShie reeha 1 4-13 o i xr rc farrell McMahoti. 1La r r, v Biien, Morris Meadows, Miul- Ja- --ly 4 Brunt, Steven Sylvester, Don- ebac, ehe avy1-ehetii Brow'es 141 aid Sylvester, David) Vance,ý Douglas Viviali, Michael Terp-" 5 Jinda liatehv--14 Brian Tighe, Roderich Thornp-1 stua, Glennr Rîce, Gu tsv Jobi-, G :'ý Doreen Park<3Rg son, Dotig Bragg. soit. Douglas Tamblyri, Davidl G ive m e. o n e Kareni Hayes 1.19 Giants -C oacrh, Brian~ Tahb, RxllY Simpsonu. Paîjh Lindla Baker 137 Purdy; Daxvid Masteis. NeiliFou)sex- Michael Orme. WaYne Sheila Ogdec 135'i ÀNIN PG lGoff. John Masters. John 1 Mu pbv. Meg cGihbs 131 S Wood. Mark Keatley. Deug: Bantam Series tf f i O C llGhadys Ellia 1.34 Kramp, Grant Burgese, Bilix' Hiske. -Coah o o d re s U Mary Aun Richards 132 L Scott, David Cook, Neil Biitt Hukes-Ceih .David) HelenParka 1ET2H pheni Billett, Dennis Bamber- sont George Payne, .lim Scout, i beaneiidsbu-y - 11! SPECIAL BLEND Deug White, Clame Pemfound, Hai-ry Willoughby, Way'ne Mc- JAol~ ffl lf ai-g e uls -. 1) Alv Donald Vinson. Joey Hilîs. Roberts, G o i, r) o) n Flintoffi VV 117 N ou dI~. Betty Piper 1Il() Bombers - Coach 7 Davir)' Deug SÎleep, Barrv Cowan.1 Mary' Harvev 128 Poale, Dale Cowie, Malcolmj Alani Johînsoni. Ban Mc-Mtllen. ** * aiyHaîîsT E17- Wiehman, Barry Br-agg, DougiTiin Bray'bcook. Don Mac- iL _- Realt.rive Morgan ------ *iT,aw, James Peteusan, Bruce [Molle ni.Ketn Tabb M* u11 7m - m' CUSTiOM GROUMNO W'Sy'er, Ricky Howle., John Col-' Braves Coach,. R. leck- bu I il m y h o m e 20Caol0Timbl 11 hitri Robert Flinloff. Alec7n0 am'EIGHT C Sibleck. Tom PLuk. Glen Mac- Olive Palfîeld 277 219 78: O C O K Neill, Bill1{Ill au, Siian Ev- Peggy Hayoes 208, 234, 28 'L C ans, Waynle Paeden. Paîtl Br;- V I1 Douis Joli 272, 284. 280: Dot ,,The Modern 9Way ýbos D alOMetcayne w- is w ntBrooks 239, 237: Cetîle Bnwer,, U R NE!Du Irutie Courtice. Balpb MeMîtI- al Mi. Ail (;iaban-is. New- To Re Traditiorially let), Priant Blackbnurn. Peul ei e Kilpatrick, On SLîunda\,, Nov. 8, lire etu PROPERLY AND CretLions Coachi ': .1ol h n-ah Remembuatîce Day Semv- Corc pr-'. Leuix' MacDonald. M;- c will be held et Newtoti- S RR cilose , Boit MacLean-e1C--îr_ 1t12:3Ppm., lo 'lt, goldhen aod 0 " lpr lPiiV B9u e-.RukVt-oi. proceeded beyoar) the first floor îeîst stage by November aMemopat, rris oi h i Krn Bîuge;se. John Vanre-' 151h and s substantiahty completer) b:, March 31Ist, 1965. Pth Cenotapb et 2:30 o:i Pair'1 Morris. De;v;ini Pingle. Sunday efter-nooni, Nov. 8th. EI elg a i Dautuis' oxxlan- .1ohnu 1ami'- How Do You Proceed? .\IneA. Wadc is te he nu: cnra ington lus easy. Pick up an Application for Certification for-n at delegate ealilie Area Conven.iO lXrE«lNRIG> p ee '511 stars t eau National Employment Office or Central Mortgage and liton xx lb ohhiiWlJ. mrnbci *.t hand engrA'ing. The ltiers Cci. Ca-s-s c,. flou Gilhîooiv- youf!rh Tusd-se- diuality only the inest hand en- Danil * Coxx-e. Douig Croiigh, Hosn oprto ofcli tet n ait o oinF.b h hrs)"s.- ouhl-G a r,,;Carter. Dax'd fuyu opeeifraino h nga stcue) Convrux u rlier) an Mus. .oi.u oetx1- naetCH f~.I o îh orbudrcnd hs SO\<RFtns. it-cShu R O A RAiSEfD L.TTERING) Orniustori, Tom ipo. Steve on the application foum.Lacsefo hmto;"I MReyax CawI ýke- xe Gi Fer- Act nations smie i lit the n h.dega-nb'ue tPii. %UrýC'k-r'teiFo- Atow laniguage'. Mus. Lancaster aise ýkeghandengravingooexpenftil-e 1ccx. iheu N101-1-1tJOy, Gary Sec your builder and arrange to have your home wner- gave a talk, on the "Danger, k wi'rHIN THE WFFK Pein.S:cahWoRand,\ilt epyuseft ht$00cs 0etieadhi f Potsoniing' mentioninl, Roe. \i"Dnn0oa!i'uje btt epyusl ata $0 ahnetv n e especiahîs hihe neer) te kep allier -nat. hint "flýif-up < .ige erieq Canadian tndustry stay busy throughout the winter. pilbn cimch o o' ti( &f&oteci as".l iet oo;îe . Di Taylorm. heu: Mi-- thîs program î eachicf childreri.7 î uI ni 1-ici1W dins iQuar-.5. Fir) PBro-'.Bill Homre and Cooltlux uuugp- ti,- 1G'>O Mtl 100 loii 1>t on> Wr h.Pat' Pa,"Xe. Bickex azies weme dstributer), alsço lseh,-. adt-t i IcLoai\lchael O(<Xc Gar-r UT Depeîîmnent ct Agriculture bîi- Rah.ui,,nFeu-e'-. \!lait Me- DO * I NOW!* 1dm5n4 or -Hou 5c PlantS aund Geu. 0: M BCaMl:. \c-1Mus. F. Gilrneî ondiucter a b e a t \ u L a . D e ! m- i ; Tien-nie'., UW in te r -B u ilt! Shorthaod I,etetus" con iStes , A l P i . « T es A u r Hoxward Mutton. Deuc! Ha'-- tepuize going Satu'ry. %IcCul-3 mes', r'Baker. jac ail- a. Issur#d hy juthit'ty el wMn AMI ~J ac4enm, 'ftstf09eur bu. Cèfdi het MsMeu- )Pc'h aA-jda Cuibr31 O ta csi îcti eoburg, Jrhti W'orchn. Glri w -éA À Mu5 t'ood and. gi-up ci,-,eu i n n e '-. Ted Nickerscin, Dav:r< er a doLeUriaus Ilnch dmn i Edmonsîon, Lec Lemon, K.eilhl the social hait hour. q! T:î tgu l:Meetinîg of the Box'wnian-slle andr)D i s t r i c 1 Aq~uariumurSecret>' washeir)oui (X-toberu Stlî e bcLions Coni- rnuînîv Centre wlîer a film of tuec MalayamScashore vaz: siîowîî. details cf the animais fîîîîtd onti he shore xvcue show un) ut: heaîtrfîîl colcur Duor prises wcure giirucii hon Mrs. Bi-sr Pateusoni. Pick Slîai-kcltoi. Doug Evaens, Teurîuî Pa-ksti-oi Jr.. Kim Bai-k- liron:. Clîrîs Tomlinsoin. Mlur-, ra.v <'-v .LYnnie Paterson:. Aiiuî Rckkeu, anr) tIe aquarumr xx hic \,h-s-as taffler) w'ctt te Robert .Arnidcison of Oshîawxa. Sex ral siibjects --'eedi5z- ,ius-.ed es'a eFucert nI thî o: est ,liiiperniunchiidiignpYE-- pairngno shinIics s tel aqitar-i i ns, Pet tea,, ir)(1hi aci,k':îi iva cir Roui Shai-kelton acter) a' or eue) ioneu-atnd dur) a -s eu goor) job oui thicfi'-h andul c- cessonies dotiahor b-s- Taxun Backstuom cilOshawa. anr) Roif C. Hageui of I'onîlucai. The wxx-rs ceofthie Je- showx -s-sce. first. Kuni 1aikstrnuir 'sx th bis Tinfoi, Bai-bs, andr Second. Roi: shai-kellotixi hue Plack Tetras i thelicOpe:m Egg-Lay\cr Cias": andc second to, Pick Shockelton i v th lus rBcd ýs\.-or-d- mi: c n(<lu Ln c- Beaiers 1,i Ctouugatuluatii-l. The l'tesicnl, Dutncan Syci. closer) the mîecting wîth a re- rindcr liat e-achi-u iinetîci buing et les tie - vs i)or foi otîr iiîeiei-sliip cdnuxe Nexi mîeeing et fhic Lions Comuînuî- lîx Centii iiNos' 'cni. 8 o ii ~mar i aamaai YOUR DOLLAR BLIYS r PIE 19C -SAVE 104-, 'Up e¶-<OtCE Q'JAL-ITY" A&P PEAS 5 extr: 8 9c SPECIAL 1 z EA fPiCL 1 3s 5,i 3 c Reg. Prîee picg 73e-SAVE 4ti 1W pkg69C %,AV£ 4kSAVE lo< OFFEE 1-i77c L622 W AI RIJ~ Frr Amy Riîasnei V'iu Arp, Net S 'P Ie Your money Dackf',ed WdikVour ,MAt pujr-a aS &P NATURALLY AGED TO ASSURE TENDERNESS GHT QUALITY, RED BRAND STEER BEEF iF SALE!l or OAST M ROUND lb RLOIN ITS - afN~d T'ftrOu~I. st. 1t~f,4. o F rosh fri ,ts £ V ge ah s MUSHROOMS PaaNezy Gruade SNOW APPLES .5-b, 6Qser pr 1.9 GRAPES 2mu35c mCED Li NIr. Fredi Carter attendecicdeeorated for ibis, occasion, a tonference in Kingston, andfOur choir niembers --en~ed a xxas a -Lues. of Dr. and Mrs,, dainty lunch to our gnest W. G. Bieck and farnily. choir, and visiting m1inister. \us L. Ayers, Toronto Mr. A. E. Ribey anid Mr-. A. spent the \weekendi wilh Mr s. R Hfubbard expressed their A. Carter. thanks and appreciation. Io ;Il Mus Mud Bown, m who helped in make our day Olive Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Alvery ucsfl Brx .Port Prx were Sat- Suiidav Sehool xx il bc. at. ijdxexening guests of Mus 10. ' 15 ai. ni. iiext SUndiay. Eý Bryvaii Chuuclh xvorship, xvili be x-t Mu ~d is Sînle Mo- rawn on accounit of Enfîeldt fatt. Osiiax a. wr Sunida Thank-offeuîng serice gSursis of Mus. Greta Bailev. Mus. S. Grant andi faiiul,- Iwas a inost perfect da. Oshatwa, were Suinday guesfte ou lhu-offering.which was ~ .Dx~ xxcll aîtirnded on Sunday after- Mr. and MNrs A. W. Slirchiai. 11o011 Our local congregationBowmnaixillc. xx ee Sundax;ý xx a: represented. with rnanv guestss(ifM. r Mr.. \isitor as wl as friends close -A-shton. Jw. Rex. W. Pý Piercev' of Mu. andNir., I. J. Coîisîn; Bhavdelivrred a fine 'Mes-1 and farly visird relatives in sage on -God's Great Power"'Kitchenier on Stunday, wxhwuh was drx-ided into lirec Don't forget oiir tri n ;érv- 1 ait'. Tlic Bnwmaniville Bap- ice and ohir Biirlcy Bus ser:x lýs Cliiîicl Choir. tînder the ice. dii netion or Miss V. Sadicu Mu ..Aud 1\1rs I lerh "I*i.. i cudcred two lovel v anthems. Millbrook, xisitcd relatixes i, Tm chuiîr(h vwas heatitifitîilv tht" village on Moneiav. Aquarium Society Sees Malayan Film ;c