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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 1

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Lucky Hunter Hits Jackpot .0hde man 18 Pages~~~~~ ~t BO MAVIL. NTRm W WýPt bTj' ------" ~ "' "-~"~'~ -i. ~'10eU P-er Uopy NUMJI3E-i44 of Agreement Specialty F Agreement was reached the azreei this week between the man- Employ1 agemnt f SeciityPapr major in, ageent0f pecalt Paer improved Produets Limited and their benefitsv hourly rated employees who coming ii are members of Local 466 Approxini 1'rînting Specialties a n d are invoiv Paper Products union. This will also xvas the initial agreemnent be- Rand forn tween the parties concerned. ees nnt m Nez.tIatons were started late in January, 1964, and conclidced this week when members, mainingi contributiî at 'aper ment was ratified. yees will receive icreases in wages, 1holiday and other wvith the increases nto effect today. iately 60 employees 'ed. The agreement operate under the nula with employ- vishing to become of the union re- non-nienbers. but ig dues. Occupants Pinned When Car and Truck Collide RoiWilliîaniS, 2 (IlîîeSiOn St.. \aS a iîappv bîîliilter WIWhi( e rî home frn t he Gotgama aasomitiIhe weekendciand broiigbt Ibis 1.000Alblin imose t bai lie siotast Tuî'sda v tMAlia 1u03 rifle. Thiis was bis lirsi moo.-e hlIin llimg I rip and lie downed the huge animal with one shotthal severed il spire. Jack Cor- beU, I St, (Gary liol of Venture Inn, and Bert. McQuaig. Oshawa, tvere the abher memrbers of lus partv. âMr. Williamns is shio\n withb bis pimbe bat xill provide t'enison for bis family and friends thimoîghout the nw~ c' Scout Dist. Coun cil Holds Annual Meet Hon ors Four Scouts The atnotial meeting of the, Bowmatîville District Co"nc"' of Iihi Boy Scouts of Cand was held 'at the Lions Cnd-om- c S nit jn it v Centre last Wednes T daý ening. President John a e I a Mury ighel chaia ilofT k t E s the tominating Conim ittee, alow port. Officers elected for 1964- Young goblins and ghosts 615 \vere President Robert L., wilI take over the town and Ex ans, Vice-President Don1 niost of the area on Satur- !Morris, Secretary, Harry Cook, day night during the annual Treasurer Tom Gatcheli, Badge' celebration of Hallowe'en. Secretar *v Murray Tighe, PaP-i They wilI have fun calling at (1r Drive Chaîrman, Alex, neighbors' doors asking for llnr.Newcastle, and Apple! handouts ini the forin of Dax\ Chairman Ait Brown. ! candies, popeorn, etc., and it WValiv hiarper, Cobourg, EX-! wiIl be a happy time pro- ecutixe Commissioner for the, ie hr r oacdns Quinte Region, officiated dux'- idetere are uacidents. iîig the impressive ceremnony, Motoists arefakelt.h w heu Queen's Scouts Certifi-escilyaru. c ales xx cm presented 10 Lloyd Police are aiso mrostà IU<RN TO PAGE TVOý anxious to prevent malicious Cost $11,000 More as Centennial Project Back to Work Town Learns If's Cheaper NxtMody - - u -For GM Workers, Construct IVew Library Vn ~Municipal Loan Fundý Condition Shows Big Improvemeni lifter heing on the critical list last mreek, Albert Mundy. înjured B. T. S. super- visor, is îîow making a re- xrnarkable recovery ini Toron- to General Hospital. lHe stihi bas to undergo brain surgery to repair tissue damage, with the operation scheduled for Thursday of this weck. Hie ivas iniure(l wheui at- tacked by fouir boys from the Tlraining Schm'ol three m-eeks ago.-- C..uts Quite Bowmanville Toxwn Coxîuii a sax iii î<iW s iloooO over a on Monday evening resuîîned 2t) vear Perînd. i ts meet ing recessed from CoLULnc1 i i hcided to co- October i9th in tOe CoiinciListruct fileew icx iralrx im ides tChamber. AI] meniber.s of the Municipal tLoaiî rtin- counicil were pr'escrnt, stead of as a Cî'ntexnîial pro-ý Deputy Reeve R.oss Stov,,ens:.iect. becaiîse i 'iîl ee moved that couincîl accepi thte more fimanicia i a.-. stance in procedure to obtain a loan oif, this waY. $98,731 <ioder thc Muîncpal Two î'eadiiîis xxexeiî 10 Loan Act for the constructiona By-Lawx atiilioti/,e the is- of the new Public Librar v sue of debentuires of $28.824i Building on the Bowmanx'iIe for the bui lditig and equip-i Musetmm propert ' . Couincillrrping of thle iiexx Puic i Li b-ý Ken Hooper secoided i ie n9- ra r. Thiis BV- Lîx'wiil bu, tion, anîd it was i.arried. sent to tilie Ontiario Miir(ipil Board foi,'ippvioxaI before tOcý This viii ifleail tuai t!<( third reuidinig town will also re('eive a psu-1 A Bx'-Lawxx :« n it)losî/e the vincial governimcnt g-raîîi of Mayvor anîd Toxxi (icrtlu $24,000 for the building of' theeect a'greie %%x iP rîew library, and there xx'il h1' M. Franîkinm euaiiig tus a- quo sitioii of' Limd ii vc es sa , for the xx'iden ing iof Prospect a Figure ! Street, wsgý(jtrc e B y- L axv112. Courîu'îilor Itîoîîu .<md !ed by'Council(Ir we:iex l'us. noved that the rcsîiest of the Ail Star Hockev Clutb lu hoidj a chocolate barcnasn Monda-%. Noveni ber 2nd. be granted, and thi> x\vas uai"d Couincillir Ca r1 L. e s 1<j chairman Of Civic Commit- tee, movecdi thatmoii pal for the cln b hcprox îced for 108 Saix'alioniî.rnv Ca- I dets. xvho xxii Os' iin toxxii<n Sa- das moîn Iim,. piiis lu <uni et0 be serve(il ut fi(,Sixa,,tiîn ýArnix' hall u inxxi s prepaî'eul b\ itlic S a 1luxi0mp Aî'niy Ioni( Te' Lu':i u' u îî hio -iiu Legion Branch Plans For Several Services As Tribute to Fallen f This st\vlish blonîde. with heflcucte gartert'.cr1quii Sfigure al the Forester-s Masquerade and liard Times clance on Saturdav rîîghî. Ail the males althte danîce W'cC gvin ci'bu vxetintil thie\-cv tîmasked ier- Ind çxîund slewx as Ihine u ier t han J ack M anut luOf0'.11,11l St.1 The aiuuutReiîeni'ratit'e Da x Cliii s i îratie utf' Biani 178 oîf thet*Ruoxal Caxuadiaii Legiou xxî,t lx't hu'.,Salvxa- tion Ai'înxCtidl tiii- xc.iî eni Suiiîdax uuî u o bei' Oui. ftoc eli'.'uo'l ioday' lixPî'e<udnTdeuitiSOe hanî x . îun aal tuî<I ti i id bccn decided x.ui"etix Imc'lîîîg 01 Bî:îi, 171i fiel 11his xx'ek Ser.!s'.iul -ai Arms i Ed RondIc x :11ix in uItii gs 0of the Legpoiu's aIIi.îat A,\iî- lice cI'iî'uh Paradu On Sat îî rdi x<tis:.N v enibe'i'7111. Bî',îicu liof iii, Rox il uuduul.iunu and. meniber> iiiflic ' Ruimaîmx'ile Canudîanu Prionu xCilparade. ied hx' tie Boxx iiiaiîx :lIe Lcg- ou ip ueBanud, itx lut' ('n- Dax Senix <i 'Flue utadû x'i Oî'aîce Dinner xx'll be held bý, Brandhi 178iiithe Legion 1-aili Oiii Satuirdavx'cx'cnîîîg.Novei1n- bus 7ýth. Tickets are avail- a Oie from President Ted Sheehaii. -nd Vice Pr-e.identl Bull Bate. ,and the canicen. On Suu îdaY' t'enîimg. Nui -ý vmr 8' h. the Legion's Nexx'- i:istlm' Renie ni b ra n ce Dax' Church Parade xiii be Iield.ý Memnbers of Branch 178 wi <aIl in for the parade in front of thie Con'munitv Hall in Ncxxcastle at 6:30 p. m. 'The LegiouVs Orono Rememi-l hranoc Dax' COurcO Para*de xxmilO be id on Sonda-v morn-ý ing. Novernber 15th. The Briu'hi 8 Legiononaires xx' il LIIl inin iifront<if theOd ci<1 l"iix'- all. Orono. at 10:1t-- .mi Thie\- wilI. parade to theý (>ruoLUnited COuicO for tne' Hl o'clock scrx c insu tu <<( ot ILî Oeu n (iF'idax' ee iliig. No\x 1l'i " i ut" Stue' < i' ud Saturdax'. Nox' 710 xxiu.x vs: . il Jo., xtert<:xx'ill be Aielliig pop- Thu2 ~ Lc.wmReiiiei., p±e.s îhroughouîtl'he area. 1 damage by older goblins w~ho seeni (o feel thaï, this niglit is set aside for them. to wreck and destroy valu- able property. Every avail- able cruiser and policeman will be on duty tbroughout the area to prevent accidents andI deter those w~ho are looking for trouble ini any forn. Mueh better for ev'erybody to take it easy ounHl- lowvee. 'There is a saying that applies: "l 1t's mueh, easier to stay out of trouble than to get ouît". This photo shows the emenisive damage to Coun- cillo lo-ionI loop)erýs car wl in ilt was i nvolx'ed i ii a cai'-truck collision j1ust vvest of'I lie CPR subwav c- ast of« NewcastlJe ast 'Eh0 sda v noon. ?Ms.' Cora Allun, a lini seai passentgi'î' died; drtiver '\rs. ilooper. suf'- fPîed e\tensive internalinjuîtries xt'hen the sieeringi Canadian ClUb Car -Truck -Collision <vbeel was forced back againsi her. Mrs. Ken Palmer su ffoed Iacerat.ions. the "oungI"cst 1looper child had liead in.inîj'es ald their older 'girl cscaped wtih bruis- es. Dio of the National Groccrs van was flot hurt. Spectators and police had bi t lease sornc of the oc- cupatîts of the car xvho were pinned in Iheir seals. Meets Nov. 6th Woman Dies Af fer Crash at Ahe Trniyr Newcas tle's 'Ho le - in - Wall' 'Pjlut i i .' tt t u . i u 11-m) nu . i mi V c D iîl i 'ît"'u ('iuui' h S u Ild a. SdîilIali. NOT Sti. Aui dfu'ex aS utrport cd la i w ( rk ou iu d, . m 'uuut.N î"îî il e I ) ý, 'j. . - twaker i i x 11,: e 1) 1 c. k Bird. l» <<<a, a fio of iliv ' v~al moc1Soc - ih OrPilg h loilx î Anmerica.i. ts shîutxiii 't 'ui;miuî N liS aH ille Fielid.- and' £Plileces BARN BURNS ---The sonf* l i le l\endal area is being extended to RaYmond Paroi whose farm is just east of the village. On F'rida 'v n ight his barn burned. including about 150 pics. and a large quantity of hav, straw and grain. Oî'ono's brigade was on the Job quickiy. pi'eventîin '(,the blaze 1rom spreading to nearbv tîbacco k illils. TRAIN STOIPS Port I lope'*s Boarid oni Trade went to work as SOOn as uîexvs xas i eieased of the CNR's decision to skip thc buil own iii favoi' of Cobourg as a stopping place. For thie pîvsoni, the stop at Port H-ope lias been î'cstoied anîd thme Board of' Trade will tryiv 1l( noumia,,e people i o use the train f'or afternoon trips to Toronîto. Bo\x -- manville and Newcastle stops have beeiî cumin- ated, but no complaints have beeti lodlIgeullIo date hv any local g roups. WINNERS -- Two airea folks ais' a bit i ichrlîi'his week. IVrs. Lloyd Alldread, Newcastle \\'on S500 iii the Branch 178 Legioi 5(1-.50 ) di'aw. andl Ted Fairey, the happy milkman, won the Kin Invcst- ment draw this week, woril $50 inca. BIG GAME - Receiifl l. il was report cd i.hl El i Brock had bowled a 415 gamne 1litIwas oxccp- tional. The year's high gamo stood f'or sinly a week, with Russell "Bud" Oke breakim, ~it bv- bowlingý Il sînikes in a row, afîci' setti iîit I i1 15 ini the lirst (rame. Il is toital wxas 420. A l îîîîs bu pened aI Libertv BowIlihere. i"ýu'uRIE STARS Tlhis. Satin <Auxx il .'c lx big exhibition i.arnie s of'itcîe i \ Mnia wiil unveil bis Bantanis a1gainsi, lingîston ai o'clock anîd thle JUvenile A Il Siais xxi IItii ga cainsi Oshawa Juves at 6 p.m. BLITIZES i'xxo us-iIo.e dupu...lt fonds are iii the offing. The iipiistei 'ld~' Ail Stars hockey club will bu tourim, the- to\vl of, Monday and Tuesda.v of uîexi \week. scllîîîghoý chocolate bars to help raise motir.v and tiox'rcu your help. The Santa Clatis pai ado blitz lfor fond> originallv scheduled for tie saine uiOibt lias bu's'i changed to November 231id. NO HOLIDAY lýasi 't &\.ii.i rî ls dents had a bulida v bo uele iechuois eail' didn'I. The ' \- ere a1tcnudini an fdtu'aliuuicuil- ference aI Qoetîs Urî\vci'sitv txho ev ehleaîul top led o ions on t'a utous aspects o I t ho edtiî'caticinu svstem. Mtusic teachiers hiolc a separaie serniriar iii Cobour'g. Appnoximatelv 650 hiIhi 'cixumulte'aclii'îs were ai the KinîgstonîîcOnferiîuo.. INVESTIGATING - Ho I;" <ushd 1>,' ou' 'Aîî cils met hast t 10 1)1uiî it' x i'01)('> nidî disadvantages o"seekîg 1lii'uu lu )urla Couit v Distr'ic.t iibScIa(i .t , I)"Jm t he session was a committcqil , xii.ciuux . d,' tails more closelv w\ith ihie Dî'ýpt. (,f' Euhicaî îjo<. HELPING SANTA A special BiuIî ll ne îold b 'v Memorial Par k Associatiti io exiTuesshav ovon- i ng. No\,ember 3rd a t the r'lubou isc x i ha i1pi o- ceeds Io go to the Santa C1aus Parade JYUnd onTîr'î xxas rgi rir(.ae3.,e10Onam treîthe Bownianvîlle Arca Amnbu. on i'uî>dy morning ai ap- was scriojjsjy inJured. lier. lance enrouite to Memnorial Hos- prsiarx 11:30 o'clock lhusband. Ken Hooper. ws a pitl. Rex'. Harold Turner wlxiem a car and a large de- memnber of Bowýmanviiie Townl officiateci at, the funerai seîv- ixxiv \-a xaîollicded on No. '2'Couiicîl and l aso president of ice for Mrs. Allun leld at thp i îh ax.est oîfNexal. Local 189) ni the Internatinal Morris Fîînerai Chapel on Snt- nisliii CPR luiit known as Rubbcrr Workers Union. iTURN TO PAGE TWO, -1114, <o I ol( 1Ilee T he 1î diver' o f Ille easIbounct oifr j ilhe xx'esthuîuuîd uta: , <a n xxas \Villiarn Hal1]r ., ag.' DIDN'T COMIE OUT EVEN "xl Flx nu \~~ llnii'i, 100i I ilotnrip SI icet. iih-Diic b a itremenclu.is arnoiiîît -xu. No infiormationî ha'j heeti of' news arriving on Tuesdax' reised as xci regardiug uns- a nd Wednesclav. the press Form r Pa tor ýibj chages.duadline mrriveul before il, w:îS. Fo m r P sor M' urg oaAiii Vrs. o dl et ntpe sa eu Returns tor asneinteardidi-dnehv ce rdoe. Anniversary Dr. Geo. Goth, Londonl T2r< i nim v 1 rsarvC l l nlljv(Isiiuv dServie,,To Be Guest rucIuer a were lid on Stinday morn - il',, and venuimg with th, t ls A n ve s r pastor, Rev. W. 1K7.Housiandei' te.àu ' A n ve s r officiaiing. Rcv. T. A. Mort- gan, B.A., Ottawa, a former On Siindax', November I t. dian papers andsi-nag-aLiic, pastor of Trinity Unîted St. Paîl's United Church wilIl seeking to show thc relevance Churh Oce peachd ait1cceichrate its 1i3hth Anniver- of Christianity f0 oui' modern mnrnng>ex'tu n îu h' ur' Duin- the.se cears a1 da'y . Be Oas traveiied widel.v cxu'in.long succession of faithfilinh Europe and Asia, and n In theI' ourii ing M Nimugari' . rmen anud xvoren hax'e scrv(-d liasi] personai interviews wiih subtect xxas "*Hîs Witiisses-, thei' u"iirc-h and madle theirý manY of the world's leading an-rd il) the 'evcning lieîîrecs--1contribuion 10 the mral ii ifxpe.rsonlalities. 'd o Christianitv T duth f fe communits v Dr.< - ' S out-oken ad niero Woodrsmffe U.iiit,'d aie un Oax'ing sîN'ured as guest! tation of tOc Gospel, driviin- Church iii Ottaxwa, rachcr Dr. George W. Gotlî tOc tî'utlî home wîth dî'aratie Ai u>î uix 0%'i-' iX ' eiuS of Metropolitan Churcli, Loni- powxer. St. Paul's is siiigular- silic(e 0e left Bowrmariihe, is don. Dr. GotO is a d 'ynamir l]v fortunate in having ss'cured xxife aîmd ehildrcn, Maureen, per-sonialitx' whose iospiring; him, as Oc accepts oîiy two .Michael and Teddy accon- Ideii jvcry anid weaith of ex-'Annhversary engagements a panied hini Ocre for the week-1perience have made Our much ýyear. A cordial welcome Liq en~d to attend the ]29t0 Anni- sought afteî' hi im p uJpit< cxtended to the public fo jola2 versary Ser'vices at Trînîtyljand on platform. i-e Oas writ-!wiîh St. Paul's congregation Unlited Chuich. ien înail -aticles fr aa'n4hsaistio i ccaio Shopper Wins Frymaster Ibh>. J.Bi.sc<o1, 1 (nta im S.,15 ue ttrî o a ewfivmasîer cooker and fi 'i tliai sItýewonîi ert1iwx' iiddo ru im" t heofil'th aniiiversat'v salecal Dyk- stia .' Varotv odus. 1liu ticket was drawri fînni tie weil-stuffed container. Partners Kia as Dykstia, lefi. arnd Robrt Dykstra. %vcrc present to congratulate thie winner andc express appiceciattori tsi the m'.'c1t1m0s h visiîcd their jsture over the rwcl% ckcnd.' ý 1 General Motors of Canada ex. peets to resume mianu,- facturing aud assembly op- erations at its Oshawa plant next Monday, Nov. 2, the company announced today. Tjhis will mean a eaH back to work for almost ail the 11,500 hourly rate people laid off since the strike of GNÉ plants in the United States began a month ago. Average hourly-rate cm- ployment by GMI at Oshawa is approximately 13,500 people. Post office staffs have been extremely husy baud- ling the thousands of "cal back' notices sent out to employees by registered mail. On one rural mail route out of Bowmanville, the courier handled over 100 registered mail notification letters. Forgot About Winning Ticketi Worth $2,300 Rob Vandenberg and bis wife, Iligli St.. were a wor- ried pair hast week, but now everything is fine. . . and they are very happy. Thev received word that Mr. Vandenberg had wvon a consolation prize of approx- imately S2,300 in the Irish Sweepstakes. The number of their ticket w~as listed, but did flot correspond ivith the one they were able to inca te. L.ater. they recalled boy- ing a second onîe at work anîd (hat one did jibe -'ith thle wtiuuiug numniber so ail j,. wilh. ,VOLUME 110 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY- OCT(IRPR ')Q 1(liA- 1 A- "-- . .- - , - y ý - - ý , . à (ýýtts f - - - - -- ---p -- . . ýw.,qw a w l

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