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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statcsman. Powmanx'ille, Oct. 28. 1964 Early Days in Durham County Recalled by Guest Speaker at Toronto's Durham (ou nty Club Hard Working Staff at Hospital Party tiY Aleen Aked dent James P . ovekîn iion . Smnlih vas boughit out in rw~ New ~reidet R C. ton- îoug nointroduction was Port Hope bv theHrîms house set the pace for another needed, retired Pres. W. L. who were regardcd as Yankee......... successful season of Torontos McNeil emrphasi,ed the fact intruders in the Indian vil- Durham Countv Club on that Mr. Lovekin was histori- lage. The carIv log cabins....... ThrdY evening, Oct. 22 at cal expert of Searborough's wr built around miud plas- theI..DE. Headquarters.I edrreHigh School, attrc hininevs and Duteh a fast changing world, it is president of the United Em- fireplaces for i'ookinl, and surprising to find that some pire Loyalists and as the heating. The impression is leit4 things have endured, that grecat, great ,randson of that that the history of Port Hope Toronto's oldest county club Irishman Richard Lovrkin, gocs back 125 vears.1. begins its 66th year and hails Who in 1796 came from Cork Tracing the route of lHarris fromi Durham. The eminent to Durham County, was quite in1-d93 wh remnoved from iatpresidents of the Dur- qualified to speak on "Early Digby', NS., shio\\ d the set- ham County Club have been Davs in Hope, Clarke and tiers jourîi"'v xvas xî the roots for its perennial Darlington Counties." York. saiiccd ît;l the ifiud Y growth. Mr. Lovekin broughit a good ta Albany, di-ove ini wagons The minutes read by Mrs. laugh when he said after that to Schenectady, then up the Stonehouse described the an- introduction it reminded him Mohawýk Rivei, thru R4,4 nual summer bus excursion 10 0f the lime he spoke in New- a long liard journey. For and W~ Durham as 'very enjovable, castle and it xvas suggested by fishi provicled a profitable very relaxing and very weli the organîzation that they econoniv. Salmon \;vas mosýt attnde."Mrs. Willard read spend a litile rnoney and hire abundanit. The capital asseis:4*' an interesting letter from Mr. a good speak2r! of nature \vere used to paurý Billy Milis of St. Mary's, who Among Por't 1lopes eariiest for the farms. Salmion pa id 1icntLii cd al)c ilv (,'e ai ,iot i i ii ladie5 s wloi 8i MI nearing the century mark stili Settlements %vas a Mission for mu'farmns for as mari.\-a sst d inIllt e kita.'len pî'euxi nh lie duicii uis I ca foi. laillI.1 participates in the meetings started bv the Suipicians Io as one to iwo bundred salmnon with interest anrd enthusiasm, convert the Indians. The Mis- could be caugli. nigbîl *v ,'11,W X\ iiTen's Ilospita I Aux iluii x'lv'Tua n Ar Iisow WiIliai if sometimes by mail. sissaugas following the custom boat. Agriculture and miliing hcld ai. the Lions Cornni-Liit\, (<'ii-u < lîi'sdermi' Soloist was Mrs. Helen Fos- of the stone age were always followed. A high le'eel Of afternoon. Those in Ilie p1,1,01)lil [ini 'fito ic îîtî fer (Helen Poxvers. Orono), off hunting, while the Iro- building quality ,vas reached- who is aiso soloist in St. Paul's quois, Algonquins and Hur-,the Walton Manor bouse at han, witb Dclig '. United Church choir in Mil- ons were continually on theýPort Britaini compared favour- S]ip I). ton. Mrs. Foster, accompaniedmove - so the mission failed.:abIy ith Mount Vernon. Ini' Mr. Loxekîinc on' OI U R Ched by Mrs. W. L. McNeil, gave a Fur traders followed and ther1801 a stoi-v is told cf hov,- paî frDîili, ,tmrdui so rnost enjoyable performance Herkimers, who had establish- JmsSuiop, rnsn0 tennal ns orIill itoieî- <)f "A Few of My Favourite ed a fort at Iroquois. N.Y., Elias Smith, caugi .3cr0 saujýt- nilMnoilprli 'Ihings," from "The Sound of traded over a large radius'mon i nre night's fishing for, patron 1867 - 1967: irestoriîticîî Music." (the last of the music- which included Port Hope. xxhich he declinrd fiftv dol-[of1apioner fini. iii'bous ais now live on the stage), (The Herkimer family were lars (bin tose davýs a good stcud. This Io bca n iiorialI- o i rs F r Copeland's Folk Song, "When -neestors of ihat f Mrs. J.lprice!) Shoemaker Smith, xx'o toa lal the 'Piuinecr if D 1 1 was Onie and Twenty," from P. Lovekin.) Port Hope was xvas qUite a character, '11 ho,ý lington Towiîshîp" - not to hie the Shropshire Lad, and con- firsi. called Smith's Creek and red nightcap. shakîng bis uP- Conaiîts oniîx'['l(, baril is Io cluded with the 'Lord's Pray- the main transportation for theýron ai the entourage disgust- be tradin'g ps idheO i er," tol the tune of Finlan- traders was up the Ganaraska'edlv shouiing: 'sel] yolîr birth- enc gsii - p)ot andii1w cia. ta the Trent River. At ihe right for a nmess of nottage- 1'cncsiolIciv outaIor(,rx i nd ' l ' 1XI The speaker was pas) presi- lime of the American Revolie- Frtos 'o oîxvdtelandiea s i rcrvi odITho l rtiu i:IinI~' i:(d wîîî "~ coraiConsei'vansv ot On- ýirncthiiig Ita1, de aî id iîint' eiîii'iîîiix'F. IlfWi arioitbru Poil Hoec the pre- litile ii e v "Pîrha . i llille iiii : r i i , (1 h n ta p u( i e r iius Saturcîav.iMrî. Lex'ekiîî's alo eueniiilii îinîtIois w \ Iinc i remii'ks verce c.I)ciallX' iiî~i-k ý ,e iiii'(' irtiIA h'i'i'iin > ieresting. The Bluestone Jinctise The speaiker XX ui t linku'it"t U\ii 'ti t lýi hali, bose ult iii 18,3-1 bv' Johni Dax'i i MI-. W. Bciiu't 'i iaid tfi ~W'iii: î xkcen tS.ti'hii f b ~~~Smith, uoxv the home of Di'. bnibeci'i i hi ce igllighis. 10( .lir 'x te'ti'S i. t llit (r Ol' US~~~~~ md TMrs. R. F. Richar'dsoni, inIllte )iiietlu -fiî. t thelii-clii ( .thi"' lcîier - ie nasi X'car' t a plq e lgh ii u i'sidluits -t for . ii OIVfl1PIC fron doors adtaX plaqsetting tir n teli( r' ciIXsi b mil u tn greror C anaaa 'srected and is nue cOf Ille oit- T!d e'îdtî' ii.t.li, .~2' ni _9ncing ous'zC il astcrî I'estei'andi thii' Illtîu i"kui na ' . < l t. X<i'n 1)ntaria bai h iii desigu and %IrrLox'ck i nand tiii lu'tci Ol m i reservation, i thldpl')icatc ed forxvurdînit h le nt h p : Il tn etesroamns. "xcsi Xa e-coîîîîtx'. A thl tes lar(- Twilflip\ýMs sr- "ie 1soci;il heur id di ld by'onue uamcd Pa'e' Il'dElliuiti a.su ci acile w ;as admînistrator l'or 1Mils W 1 . 'INeil i ci dir. q i#% (RexaiL)rd Sinicoe with the naxi- WT Wllard pcord lcabuaA n ,20acres. Followin g the iead'freshinents bath teipting c ci ofWm. Xilcox, tbe Lux ckiiis dcllîius w'as exprc'ssed tX b i o i aind the Baldxvins xxere among Exxaî'i PallarcI. W'Vii MrBÈricS c n n SUPER PLENAM INS 1I2cfirst setliersxlio (.ailleMacdlen ac~lWji iio n S e MULTIPLE VITAMINS AND MINERALS ri fe h ,0 ce rn.Ln vi-fnsiýitenct Pay only the Gel this 'ehl" rlnd1ru ,il en.$98 I aiesWui 13 erhll"esi l nai In i f o wn H- regular pice extra boni I %Vich Summerbilî Ave .'u' To?*i S 144 tablets, S7.98 ....... 36 tabIets wonîi $289 _if the Baldxwin fai'niiy tells <if hc'"t'hic'îi .siiig Vxs i!,Gi'e~iercs S.- 288 tabietsS13.98 ..... 2 tabheis worih $4.98 the rc'markable fljIgbî of pîg- c (-vor iiiit ennî"ît iiîid- XV'î"eei" 144 Ir. ta blets, $5.79_. . 36 ta bltis worth $1.99 -ons and tbc drinking orgy of Il(, 'd,1 i cii. il 1i'. M\îlSc'- and Glu: .'~ SPEIALS!he fortv' mdiuns liti June ci i.onînaidSicia' The ex SUPER PLENAMINS JUNIOR LIQUID! gog I i'idx.nO AG i ti lci(I a' oIll ie 4 " 8 oz. orchy $2,98 16 1. oily $5.49 "b îaîî 'C ir"ii ' s 'iilii r itoia iriii4' 1 i P fe x. r rouninic aril'records. (.\-x un C aiZII'sF x isn d Dvid 73) < l î ic' c iiil bih iti i i lii f xvn'c sel t cl ix' lrisiiroc and ') Ml i Moirrisi introdcd o n5 <-i i îî> c i I' îý I l'u ii. fiefore 1 STILL TIME TO SAVE2 JURY & LOV Phone 623-3361 2 King St. E. icre "Spi(Cer" uppeai's."ovîe- 5% kîîî" xcs c'scribed ns an Irisht- mani apposcd ici al forms cf Goverîîmenî.. Peterboxo xvas fELL setiled b>' a relief type of set- IELLtler. Major Wilmctt wxas dep- îîty surveyor of Yack Count>'. Manx'ers pine xxas shrinted anîd lidn'b make good timber. Bowmianville 'While "*Berzy" connec'ted tbc German settlement of Mark- MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Bowmanville Golf and Curling Club 1964-65 CURLING SECTION We expecita commence Curling eaîlv inNurne',li c]cxig information is required immediatel.%: REGULAR CURLER SPARE CUPîLER 1 want to cuioin. MONDAY & TIIUPSDAY NIGHTS TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGIITIS WVED. - BUS. GIRLS EXPERIENCE: The foilowirataes have heen IEN LADIES BUSINESS GIRLS STUDENTS.---- ICE RENTAL S2.50 ise t for titis \ea v: $60.00 (2 itiglits pie XV 'di'. $40-00 ('- afternoons per xr'eek $30.00 (1 îtight peî'xxee -$S50 pet' sItdent if sie 'si pci- 8 ends ('-'bouis per lt>r 50'( of dues to be submitted xxith application. Balance pa\yable b.hi>'l. 1 '6i5. I wish to join the . se c' inh il. I agree 10 Pay'S- - foi' aîînualnembrislip)iniii tte Gui lmîg Section of Bowxmanx'ille Golf and Curling Club. Addî'ess. lhome Phione: Business Plione: Applications should be mailed as scion as pcossibthî lc1) nere.cîBox 339, Bowmanx'îlIe. Please list itames anîd addî Cses of ait> pi'ispectire i\ieps Naine: Add'ess: Phone: - - ------------ N a fie Addî css: Pliolue: - .1' l'Rs stcxc l ioshcxxed uc )rcnicidmnsly nterestiiig >er- ues oîf colcred slîdes takcîî drur- ing the itrip shie an<d lier liihs- band hîad muade ho AI rien las. xinter A x'otc' îf thauiks ici Mrs. Stevens for lier proeita- tioîî of the' slîdes anîd fccr htc' excellent c'amiiîctar %V'as mcîved b>' Mr. Tîglie. Folloxx'ng Itie meetiiug a de- li cîous Inucrli'xvs scx'cl bxv thie ('ohanîd Sic tht Mcchlic's' Auo\îliu<î'v. "bics. E.'E._ huish- ton ia nd Ibs. l{ci Pcîîhcu', Wxerc th le ciivileîrs. Thel % wou'ci assistr c!b>' Mrs. Ernerst Bltiks,, ithe presîdciii and tMrs, Cal\ ii Crtcgo. Ablic i701) pfe ihc luicw hcci iiiciibc'rs cf theîc' cî'Il. ssmil andciCu ciiladers, andcparentî'c's xxcr0 uiccseit ai.t1ue aimhali m elin g. Women Dies F POxc PAGEc' c is t' : ai t erc, c'.\teili\x c itc"unh'l n xxi.-s ti'aiu'.f'i"c'h tIo i iir.t cei(,rai llaspit i]. I Ici' i*ii.ý chulîscîî rx'n rrtic'uil i.i i c' i uic i il ' % si ci uit f ic'1licx' i'i thîî \x c'ck da X'li uc1ici Cl ( l) "'. 1i c1(lu, siii i (' a ., . Stu x'u. w as îst'î ' 'ii itii X niuiiial Iliputalix t h l11w îîîuîîx'îtle Aica Auitsnb1iu c') ice Iliii.pilIloi' Su<'k (iicic Torontolhc. 'lie Ihtchîxu, i uiti) bc'i'î ucîxlxw, and cl i :xs s'ct bh t liei ' ic'x hIlii' itis' us 'cI7 iii. ho hî'ier sîî'ho s': c' iii îîcc .iii Eerglc xxa-fsaaMuc' moulaci t lastilh nIt xx'uîsfauid tl'utistehîusd ls -ligh'.1rcu pt uic'- 5a ste xxa5ýa hc iian tbý hospîtat. Mrc..marjar<c 'IPanii': . apt' 39, xvfr af Kiueib Pusliiit':i, r-t Q <" Si'r'. i.- na nIl ili i SIc'iliciiai I lqic.ttuli. Shîc liait bc'c'î, n i ciie in ie t ir' -. crl chulx hle Mst'c X c I Pe- Iuip<' cl îg iii thie back s' ,xvii hi bb l-Iopiîrrbt ' n 1 cci r- x' \uî 'od Pci c X Pal uit 'eccrix'cd tnci',st i u anct i'nuu5ciýii hhîll 'r d' andc aI. o uffeî'echfrouti stisck. Sergeant J. Barker' . s'on- mnding offucer orîthIe Dcîxc- niaiiîll' Detnr'hnîeîî s f Itf OunaoProvincial Pcl CO!.('i'- poisî JohncîClcss, OPP. auici Ccintable, P. C. lat i" x'l.OPP. tix estigalc ci1t1t( aci cieni. 1' on 1cr nu- Ial ai aci- dc'ut Iiithe 'cinitýv ou' Ne r,'. ra 'hlt1cun four ycars ancd sev'cî mnonthîs. The last x.'as on SNlarchL Othî. 1960c. xx'ien il Boix'în, aged 19. and John Basîl McDonald, agi' 26. bath of Osax',rere klced iin ait autoniobile accident uit the fou.r corners in NewxcaStie, (; d it .oO15 ci. XXI \'itliaîi Pc'i ix. IÀ ,ýi a ilii nii. î i lig 1X,.R.C.'T i. ilii'piaii . nci A'llai)lh 'brcl C'. C (.0 ,the, i Th( ailic i sii i , t Con S av c' , ieQfl.ic lic iici ibleme 'si g1'i cii i igMY1> Learmis ciiI ccI i l] 111c' ii:. oilich t '.c ~ ~ i; moUo i t"î( l X'.lic c. He.se ax r exxarcliiig cii- f Thei~ Saxîsîrr Loxv, 11h'. Benihigc('ladîr' X'ai ilci I1'luhke Upon MXe (St. Slutttîexx's Passioniî, b>' Bach. Th'le Rehobîth Chioir cx- l -sice'Irets sanig 11 re Yei. Axvhi le - St. Mathîexx'5 Pa- :îcîîî. Buch. 'Tichecces cf the chi in< Siei'p uandcLanîtîs IVav Safeiv Griazc hi' Bachi, alsa ic eh'hthie excellenit dirc- tlici ioci Mrc. Mccosx. MVii'h a îîlacuse rvas axxaî dc'd Xl:. licixfei, hus scîlus, Silutt WX t <ci i î i I-\ Iuîiîdcl c rrnngc'd rsoiiicrx'et i . Pasttmr' \X',tt (;îîît (ComipanYv uiaiigeld b'. Wf'filuiu '. :andci l ch Mîbe "5'st >sccu i list> Rules i(Coîsmors, lr. .\li 'c. î'iniuicc hle Luc idofi c hosî' i l.'.ý the List sr'ler'ti itu Ille fîîs.>l lîulf of' thie pi'cgî'uiui. 'Xl uîuî 'ui igi' of the AI- lit (n an sic ilic'. To'iosnto. Total Loot 40c For Juveniles xc'. i .,x l ie uic ctcîxi 'a t îsi. im"iits' i1 xx'wcek hoi' aiîicîi'u t uc cii fcit'îi4. 1, ho ; 11: vi uit iici'c',c'aii. 'lu î 1h-. ciii iuuid: t'îî' ,rt itc '1i'cccx l)cxll Leaf Rakers Not Helpful Steal Cash Mris. ,. Gi'net ('olren, 1h- r0y 'Si. Nor'thi had a stat-- lots experience on IV'ed- îiWri. iVsle She scas rak- iug leaves . tun ouths -walked Up to her and asked if tlîey could beip. She ae- ceptcd the offer. AX littie later, one asked for a drink of water that she obtaîîsed from the gar- age. She isas raking at the side of the bouse and the boys w'ere at the back. One of tise boys wsas missing %% ben ube ('ame ta find out hou' they mwere doing. She fousd laina upstairs in ber bouse. lie rushed past her on the stairs anîd tried ta met out the front door that had a spring lock. Wheiî tiîat didn't open, he ran out the back. and both took off across the fields. She check- ed. Some money vvas mis- sing from ber purse. Police, alded by NMr. Go- heen, apprehended the pair *% hoa w'ere from Toronto. They are tiow in jail. Ap- Parentlvy, tbe tw'o are on probation arsd isillIse re- turned to Toronto this af- ternoon. \v'on great aeclali n. \Villiani Perrv theit sang Au f vin allers Bild, (On Ga,:iiig ut a n Old Paint ing c. hb>' Wulf.follo\wedj b> WVolf's Fussreie The chair's sinigiiig xxas de- ligbtful cf Prm'tx' Polîx' Oliver, an Englisha ai aranged by, Regiald. Ye BwAks and Braes.i anîd AlI uhi ilic April Ex'enling. Mr. Pir sfinial s-awCre Climb LX'erx' Mouriiniby Rogers. and W'crc Yeni Thcre.ý aîrucnged b>' B'<irei., . ' XX cli knoiic.'i Spiriual. Nob,'dy KiîcýsIxx lite Tr'oubtle i'x'c Seeii x'uis Singb>' Ille Chir. 'Ix'e tx I>s<'lîeu'n. Thi- nial1is; Foi'-uieBe:iciivof t lie Enci h. and 0 Be Jo> jl. wr sc<ng liy Itle choir.\As il c cii clcidiiig iiinîber 'i(, c'irin .ig AnXîd CaniiIt Bc 'l"bul t Sbi<id, Ga i. nGospel îviiunWml, ' 'llc prcîgrani x'is c'Ii'sed xx îib ie sîngýing of ( Canîada. FO01,I) APPLIANCES t broug h NTATESMNI. ('LASSiI"IEDS 'I'elcphoile 623-330.1 i Heur the JOYSTRINGS and other outstanding musicians at the High School Auditorium .Saturdaày, Oct. 3lst 7:301 pi. No Admission Charge CHILDREN'S RALLY - .Saturday, Oct. 3lst 10:30 a8.. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Sp(insoîcd b>' Bowman\,illqc Salvation Aî'îny A CIVIC SERVICE 0F REMEMBRANCE will be held at Bowman ville Cenotaph . on Saturday, November lth 10:30 a.m. Ail veterans, service clubs and organizations, and the qeneral public are invited ta attend. We respectfully rec{uest that ail merchants will co-operate in closing their place of business during this special Remembrance Service. Iii the eveisi of raiua tiis ltememîîhranice Service wvill be hcld in the Towsn hall auditoriumîs. Ivan M. Hobbs, Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. NEWS Wh' Elizabeth Kozub On Mondav afternoon al on, e'\ceut xc mccl ing.Mr. Ruth- erford u.old l omething abou t our forthcomiîg Corni mencenent.Thiscyar li o be held on Frdayecn NovemTber 1t.Theus speaker sDr. bohnT. Lodge of Tient Uri -rst.Thi vl be a erv i Ibleeenin for ee.vo ,ïndng, s ~ fpecaillb hegraduatng grade On u risda>'.oic Girls' Vo1- Icybali Teanîs. with Mrs. Ad- ýe; a ms, tcaxelled t1o Coortice xxhere thev ptax'ed cxtremeiv xxeLl Tîe' juniors won two out or ilîre gauiies. The senî- iors. tbree out of tbree. On Wednesda tbIle girls playe hast Ia thýe B.H.S. teai's, and piaved well aitbouglb aur juîn- i 4~'ors tosi txvo oît of the tbree games. Oui' senuiors xx'oîît.hrc i. out of tlîî'e Good x'or-k. 19'irls' Lasi Tiierdax a ftcriiau :. I owl r' xvitî C]arke". Croz>s uu~4*~< ECouîîi.v leam, iravelled Ioi Pickeinihg u take part iii the I'. Geog Stephenson, Newvcast le: li s. Clar ence nieet. Tbev didîî't carne bart Me.James Newman. Miss Mat-'%, JeweIl. Mrs. emptv bhaîded ettlicr' The im Walis. Mrs. Earl Thompsoui, Mes. 0. N. Plumn- follow iîîg ha'.v3 are ta he c'ah- gratulated on Ilîcir fine sho\v- anîd Mis. R. C. Simpsonî, Newcastle, ing: Brian Haick. who placed sixth in thc junior boy* s: Tirn - Gray, sixtb iii the senior bo ' s:' and Mivike Rousseau, who plac- cd tentb ini thi senior boyvs. l'd, ailbbi.s lime. like to re- ner RectoIr He starts at 8:30 and will go m er R ctorH ere titi 12:00. Thie admission k'.:, sig s90v and couples S$1.5U. Asan xra adched attraction.: '1j tle'icsocietues have' th A n niversary kx'il flcmopforiwint<e'"par' vle "The Mlîax ' i'se xx'nI 'a> sii i g Iliti h el iei atix'c'cliig>'frcîîîî hic for tis dane'. l'in sure it l Tîur' cd Bîshcp cfi Armc'i ari Ch urcli, the Prestîr'.- ' will be a xXoiicerfcîl eventng. thec Rîgbt Revercnd ieî'iaîî Clurch. ahidthe l(<ii.- ' se 'evaîî nuc nif ut and 1ikwqn îîsaî.xxas the guesi cd Chiurch cf C(acda, suppoart 'theAlis' t lt i saciet ic'u ,r' Dii ciig the cor'se Fcîtîoxvirip h lic service'. thlie Ou r foutbhall 1t cmii, mlt ddre. tic' uîla id tibucu c'npnr'itx' veeugregatuii. i<<clud- Thur5da> . pli\-'c' thîci r be'.t 25c c'a rs cil inîg n iiinmber <if peciptc' Irom gamne cftlle 'easan vs Aiide'-ý ici lui tIi fui. îx etoaBnrrie' anci Buxmanviîl rie nid on. As a resuît. tiix' va 'cli Ili rc"cgni îhîîîî o! in Lnib liallXX tîc'uc a i'cc p- T fli jinal score beîng 19-12.1 rici'. Il is J.csccshiî ap- lion xx as lîcild nhoouîr Canon The falloxx'iiîg aie credited foir h iim i .a 'aiuiioiciSt. and Mcm. Wrigbht, Ttir pai isti sr'riig Ctarke's pointîs' Bob Cusi lic (rc . prîesr'tec lthie Recior xx'hth a Parks (iouîehdoxx'n I. 'l'er' cîthi' Ai'tc;i 'cîg graiicifuitiei' elui' cc noaîkthliii'Gi'ahaîi <tccuc'hidoxx',ii> laici sti'lunai'c', W i ll 'h sig-nificaiit ii<i i' iKeith Sxxaî'biick itouclidow.ii andcla crxe Thus beiu<ei the tast ga'i'e (If flic, '.easau. Id like ta sav (on bh f at ofailIlletic étcîeuits -con gî'atlîîatcîîîs ' ta every iieniber of flic ifootball teai'n. Mc. Lcixxr>'. ttîir caci, als'î .fhl oir Presents rcioserx os a* cheec for hiq< wr h Thocigli vaci wei'en't as ic nual C oncert c'es sful a.s 'cîc nîîhu lîke ta tiare beeîî, xir ail Io be Il u lit ri m ommcnded cioi voue strong deiernîînatcu a il<i d g0o0adr a it u d i o ri m .parts 'nan 'lip. 1 kîîaxvthere iîiigiie Ca i T'l'citTIi ' pt"ýasc'd I lie aurnic ch1e1xxihli'.>'cou cilt qîutcdoxx'nbeartecl ,s.aisi O> Bush, andc pla>'uug cf Buctî's Pccîcucel,' about losiîug a gaie, but look 1îsîînpressi xc' \Vsdcîn F Muuîcîc and FiiguLe as ail(or- cn iii -' tbr ller sihe (cf it, for r'V.gaîî c,o. tlere's lx'rsanablie- 'e-ar, ':repurhusl> iuc'x îhe I'ix R'thîhctl Ccic'. iî~anot heu' ganie. and anothîci guîe.'i srebut. wihliainii iiu of ieDutch ~simor fUime f or rîctor>'. F . ' 1N 4~45c to $15 WALL - TEX * W<i shable <ih'oth Su I 'acee * Sif dIasi~r iack Ida <aifor iitchens, B.Itlii îoo 1115. utc. u'.su tihe B SUPER KEM.TONE and KEM-GLOW AIAI (0C(lOlIS ABERNETHY Paint and Wallpaper 3.3 King St. W. BoX"manville su USED CAR CLEARANCE BUY NOW AND SAVE! 0ONE 0ONLY' NEW 1964 DODGE 4-DR. .Siant f6 cyL automatie New 1964 Valiant Si1ant 6 c3'l.. automnatic I)EMON ST RATORS Save S S S lcre 1964 DODGE 2-DR.. Nlant 6 cyl., automatie 1965 DODGE '-2-Ton Pickup 1962 DODGE 4-DR. V -8, automatie, custom radio, backup lights, wheel dises, mirrors. Oniy 15,000 guaranteed original miles. Loncal, one owncr, New car condition. 1961 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 2-DR. HARDTOP Siant 6 cyl. engine wjth 3- sPeed Push button auto- matic, whitc wail tires. %vheel dises, mirrors, 2-tone beige and ivory. Local trade-iin. imimaculate. 1961 CORVAIR 2-DR. 6 cYl. Good dlean car. 1959 BELVEDERE 4-DR. 6 cYL automatic, cîîstomn radio. mirrors and washcrs. Sniart 2-tone brow'n and %X.hite. 1959 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. 6 ol .. good clcan car. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Autoinatie transmission. L ocal trade-in reins good, as is - S 295. ExPert repairs to all makes ()f automobiles. PALMER MOTOR SALES CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH VALIANT - DODGE 20 King Strect East Phone 623-5487

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