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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 5

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Was St. PauI's United Church The small charmers in the above photo are Timothy Ernest Lunn, who will .*g celebrate his thîrd birthday on December 26th., and his small sister, Janice .~ Marie, who was one year old on September 2nd. They are the handsome child- ren of Mr. and Mrs. James Lunn, Ontario Street, and grandchildren of Mr and Mrs. Sidney Tomlinson anid Mrs. Nellie Lunn, ail of Bowmanville. Mrs Gýxeorge Henderson of Orono is their great-grandmother. Photo by Astor Studio puffed slex'es and Peter Pan, collac. Shie wore a matching,< wedding-ring headpiece and carried a small cascade of ed and white carnations, similari . BRYANT MAGUIRE leen Maguice, daughter of Mr.' to that of the bride.' . Stadars c whte mum Iand Mrs. K. E. 1Maguire offMc. Ross Bryant, Whitby, Stanard ofwhit 'mnnsBowmanville. and Mc. Walter. brother of the groom, %vas besi. and red gladioli formed an at- Leroy Bryant, son of Mr. and mari, and the ushers were Mr. 'ir. and Mrs. Walter Leroy Bryant, shown in the above photo, were mar- tractive setting in St. Paul's Mrs. S. W. Bryant, Vauxhaîl.!Jerald Bryant, Myrtle Station,j ried on Saturday afternoon, October 10, 1964, at 3 o' dock in St. Paul's United United Chucch, Bowmanville, Alberta, werc united in mac- also a brother off the groom,j Churchi, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Miss Donna Kathleen Maguire, on Saturday, Oct. Io, 1964, a t rage. 'and Mr. Robert Bryant, Hamp- dinogliter of Me1. and Mrs. K. E. Maguire of Bowmanville, and the groom is the 3 o'clock, when Donna Kath- Rev. H. Turner officiated for ton, a cousin of the groom. so _ranMs.SW.By tofVuhlAbt. Poob so tdi ~the dotible-ring ceeemony, and 1 The reception was held i n o-____ cfVuhlAbra P to sorSdo ______________________ te wedding music was play-! St. Paul's Church Hall whece:__ ed by Mr. M. L. Beaton, who' the hride's mother received in ____ aoPaier"d ece' solit r.ajce adaresaeof yel renoc ntyMvre ;.Huil, in singing "The Wed- brocade with matehing acces- VI an a S jThe bride, who was given sweetheart roses and white BEA TY ALO in marriage by hec father, carnations. She was assisted BEUYSLN lookcd lovely i ono by the groom's mother who 0I 71 KingSt. E. white wedding satin, accented chose a .iacket-dress of deep I~I 7KigS.E. at the neckiinc and waist with bitte nylon print with match-I applque of inypetals and'. ng accessories and a corsage LAY OF pearis. Thîe full-length Of pink sweetheact roses andIIj sopneckline, lily-pointed bride was proposed by hec a.I mP~~UAU ~ sleeves and a bouffant skict, godffather, Mr. Alex Smith off .~' SP AS caught to a self-bow at the 'Guelph, Ontario. Reg. $15.O Perms !back and falling toto a slight Following the reception, the li>* * * * k Special $9.50 ipetals, seed pearls, centred ding trip to Northern Ontario, Reg $1.5 Pemswith a white satin rose, caught via Niagara Falls. For travel- Reg.$1250 Prmshec scalloped bouffant veil of ling, the bride chose a three- Special -- $8-50 'tulle illusion. and she canried piece green wool suit with the groom's gifft, a white pray- black accessories and a cor- lt Reg. $8.50 Perms e book crested with ned and1 sage of yellow sweetheart nos-, 1 isSharon Hull, Bowman- 1 Out-of-town guests attended F ShaipooSetwit vilewas niaid cf honor anfi trom Vauxhaîl, Alberta; Bee- Çjm is $.0ýtbridesmaids wece Mrs. 'ton, Guelph, Oh-io, Peter- ~ 37-41 KING ST. E. Shirley Bryant, Myntle Sta-1borough, Cobourg, Toronto, Tint ith ionand Miss Lînda MeDon- 1 Newmarket and local points. Crere Rnse $5.0 ýldBowmanville. They were I Pnior to her marriage the Rinse $3.7 in ee-lelont ed vslves shodew us ere held at teIj r dresses designed with draped several parties. Miscellaneous .,y: j and bell-shaped skîrts with homes of Mrs. E. McDonald, We guarantee our self-bows at the waist. Te Mrs. L. Heard and Mrs. B. i work by expert !wore matching weddining Burgess, all cf Bowmanville. hats, eentred with a large iThe groom's aunt, Mrs. M. stylists. ibow, and cacnied cascades ofBryant, Hampton, held a cup For Apoinment white pom-pom 'mums and and saucer showec for the cred carnations. The floxveribride. The office staff off the PHONE 623-3801 girl, ljttîe Miss Jeannie1 Goodyean Tire and Rubber Holmnes, wore a full-skirted! Company also presented a card white velvet dress with short, table and chairs to the ride. Timothy Ernest and Janice Marie *ih sun gvu "iVNý SHRYADPR VNI' &&lae ~~»~&e - Savings on Durwood1 - Exquisitely designed - Lustrous antique golc NIRROR approx. 15" x 28" Regular 29.95 quality, -. . .......... ......... .......... ........ WALL SCONCES approx. 5" x 12" Regular 13.50 pr. quality, MATCHING SHELF (not shown) Regular $ 14.50 ...................... HOOPER"S 29 KING ST. &. Mirrors J or off-white finishes Mr. and i Mels. Donald John Smith shown in the abox-e photo were married in St. John's Anglican Chureh. Port Hlope, on Saturday, August lst, 1964. Formeelv Miss Mary Elizabeth Roy, the bride is thel clu4ie-of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fcederiek Roy, Port! Hlope. and te .-room is the son of iMr. and Mrs. \Vil- liani Sniih of Bowmanville. Photo by Udvarhelyil SMITH -ROY0VThe reception xvas hleld ai» St. John's Parish Hall, The' St..3 k: .\tleau('urth.bride's mother received in ail! puort fio!, 11 deoraied azure bine dress off nylon! v.~ i 1 i and assorted l'ier e p- , uver p: înted 5! l<j -un Iuw' ifi " Ill- ev's vith scooped ncckline and j v. ie-:-ilndI bribbons. cap sleeves. lier corsage was1 .Ào i t~-'Nb. vhuMaryof weetle.r, ~ss.Te FE1:zahc h [m , ov, daîihter - f groonvs mother ehose a petal, Mr.ai i1-s. nadFredex-- ink lace sheath drcss and aý He:- vc w, Kdbow)lv le - Wah.gtoRteid, ietany a Rcu. W. ý -, o ihioffiiaed groen o rupSe , e twatle $Il-ICIho Mrs. . '-,o ccdS WasC' ecstiesadxisa ea -id wn7eIcaoa- S Bow-n etonvillroes. in navi. ge lv Pobrle 'S rerst, o rm nle, e tni wlt ceC i!t11i vhaceorMs . eecEnikle Donna -ýîîdthe ies-po J H. SlemEINniskiLl ma. M c bTraîer, oth F.W. RByd,, Tvcne peff Powerli. e woe pi H. .Brront,NHwapton ea. eriisd_ and pin o-, 13Trlsor e Courtîce $22e5s 1 Porter's Store, NBlackstuck Donnpar a rP.-iý , and hebhie- . . Rbeyo, Burktoen Trote, oth F.LBaley onyoo f PS ll-c rvn in% Hm.s Wn.BTurnk, Haptna sheýý at, M iss he HndrusnBoStore, oshawa each , anadt:.Po- Hop eA. M iePlc, Oshawa $9,w95Chrpa-r hRîrs Bw- Hosehartn§oJack Buil max'.e. waw wh:ter-h- ot r adleyR. , Poawa Shop and wY' t ccadtir fl. i Fcan's Pariety Stoe M:~. Eward Snithbrothe! Jac skymoie hop cýefiluher geom, BoMiss l. I GroensBoankStorehw $10,05 ryParn. Por't 'Hope, and 'vlOke's Ploe shopa Jam ~ ~ %v; B nd nr, Bowmanville,; TeFligDucia were the gorl, Bwa ivÈlCryhnsta dy tre - 3 FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE - CHESTERFIELD SUITES.0 More than twenty styles from which to cho ose . . . with quality construction Boucle, Matelasse -... your choice of fabrîc and colour. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY - KROEHLER OFFERS THESE FABULOUS BARGAINSI - FOR EXAIMPLE - 2-Pce. Modern SOFA & CHAIR $2 9 kii For Only ........... Big Selection of SWIVEL ROCKERS Regular $59.95 - During Kroehler's M ammoth Sale - ONLY ............ I ................... * * * * * * Other Than Kroehler Items On Ali Three Floors. . . - _ - -----_.-M urmoff% *1r UmmUWj 18 or more to choose from and Quit Top consists of double dresser, '95 chcst and book-case bed. $1 5 *0 MAIRESSES 3-Pce. - ONLY $119 FOR ONLY UI 2 - Pce. TRADITIONAL with valance, solid Amkjl foamn cushions, n ~sacasse cover - Only-- $49.95 * * * * * * * - You W~II Find Bargains [ RII1UlEHN XJE1...Large 36" by 60" lable $O fl9 I' genuine arborite tops, 4 chairs in $ e9 9 ilb C.I.L. Fabrilite. 5-Pce. - FOR ONLY ..................... li 1 WE HAVE THE PLEASURE 0F BEING CHOSEN * as Exclusive Representative for Imperial Furniture i ili asBowmanville dealer for their solid teak in- . . Dining Room, Bedroom and Living Room Furniture Iii!! SEE OUR FLOOR DJSPLAYI -r 4' I <r 'I <1 <1 <1 <I <t <I <1 <1 <1 <i 'I 'i <I Sein R EDRON The Canadian Statesmawm anvmeotOc.228,1984 5 The Twentieth B r o wn ie j cord to seven gaines withiint Pack held their enroîlment : eerais B a dfeatas the on1 D alee ceremony at the home of Mrs. j team in the circuit. William McLeese on Wednes- i 1 1 Oshawa, comoieely day. The mothers of ail the iiicieier 1 -Inatinc play, s-or-ed ni : twveenjes were .guests. Tvrs. 'saaGnrasmvdt n cach of the first*wo np- J. L. Bird, Commissioner o wihaa Gneraoistmof ed t odsadaddhr.i ,hie Rosslyn District, enrolled hirthin a single pitofrt dsa addrce n v "r Barbara Fisher, Judy Geis- place in the Jr. "A" stand- 4 loiirdt le o b\f berger, Gai! Gifford. Wanda1ingb aloigKic ae iiors inhdie nie.. MacDougall, Dale McLeese,iRangers 11-1 at the ýMemoriaUmInlgi u ae Jant gle Saxo Rbi Arena here last night. The' Bohbb Orr, Danny Vh Jant gl, Sarn obnson. win extended Generalsr- and Bi 1 Little ench .e Linda Shepherd and Rosa id aief -re, Waisglas, and resented them aro ie rýe, , c: i w th their Brownie pins.!t r 1r. a d M s Ross D . x ist~ t on ýoq-k etc Brow 0w Mrs Ro Labertý Pettes; Craig Lindsev Grant,Vos h reiv. : -. and Tawnie 0wl Mrs. Sta o c a ndMr. rnt A., om nhi :~tJ.K Ogle welcomed the mothersý;Spencer. encounter. Orr lhad a third mlc1c while Janet Waddington and! The Kedron choir sang two back. vhcn refere Bl i'-- Nancy Brooks cond ucted! numbers at the evening ser- ýhani detected O'shea <n: games for the Brownies. vice of St. Stepheln's Unitedintega-rsc At their meeting on Wed-! Church on Sunday. Mr. Blake ntega-rae nesday evening, the Kedron! Branton, Kedron choir direc-. Oh, the Kitche::."- ,, 'f U.C.W. set the date for their tor, and Mrs. S. C. RundIe, John Beeechey mmcnd rx nn'iis ll tea and bazaar, to be the director of the St. Ste- Gibson's shut-out bii. held early in November) phen's choir, accompanied the - There will be a tea room, anàd hymns on the piano and or-! booths selling home baking, gan Guest speaker for the; E AU aprons, knitted goodis. candv e\vening cervice on the chur- Ilf Iouïe T*IREI D and apples, and touch and!ch's fifty-fourth annivers-tryý c take items. The bazaar w'1xas Rov. F. J. Whitcley.B.A., ALL THE TIM L; be oponed by Mrs. S. J. Hi!-' B.D., Pastor off Knox United No and then ever3body ge-u a lier. iChurch, Peterborough, and ireoiit eln,31ra " On Sundav morning Rev. S. formerly off Centre Street: thred by backache's. Perha,s no'i- J. Hillier of Brooklin conduet-; United Church !n Os'hawa. ing.senosvWor utafmo ed a baptismal service at Ked-, The pupils of Maxwe'll i condition caused by-urinaryjrrit2&j0p,'r ron United Ghurch. The chil- Heighits Public School wilI bel bladder discomfort. Tha's the tin". c dren baptized were Ruth Gai!, collccting for UNICEF. agaînl talie Dodd's Kidnev PUis. Dnds -p daughter of Mr. and Mrs. whien they go out Trick ()ri stimulate the kidneys to reliev-e t.; Alan C. Cameron; JeffreyTreating on Hallowe'en. When! condition which mnav oftrn cause H Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs.ithevý cal] at houses with their ache and tired fee Iing. Then %ou i.1 John K. Glover: Jodv Lynn, ioffical UNICEF boxes. tc etr rest hetter, %,,rk bettri. .,t daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- would appreciate \ olr PI- Dodd'à Kidney Pis -.ow. Look f, j ri-, Hitchens: Scott Mlan. son nies and nickels %vhich ' go zo blue box with thse red band at Al of -Mr. and Mrs. Alan E.: far to ease the liffe off children couftrs.YoucandpefdonDo<d..ca Francis-, Jane Frances. daugh-l in tinder-developod COLI1tries,.' MIRROR SALE JORDAN' ý a a . . . Nylon-,ý, ncbx çpplNrmmç ViTeuru CETC 1 -%,eit 1 -^/P -r 1 1

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