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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 7

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eSCI(I >ouI& £Prsonia/ J Phone 623-3303 Dr. and \4r; . J.M. Catî,oîîof Toronto -,rcnt Sundiav wilh h, ' sister, Mrs. N. C.Yellowlee-. -Mrs. C W. Vroelaz r-( ItrnCd [rom a throe wek'* V;iFit ini Alexandnria. V'rginia. Mrsý. Carl Lvonz of Toonto W.as a wrekend g-iesit f Mn. ni ;dlr R. L. %I:t(-h!!. Ceiître, Sieet. Miss Jtjli;3 Pic k;rri i() loi ti m i- tb spr'nt Ihc \\'CCkenid xxîh i Pnd Mrs. Howxard PicIsaýrd and la mily. 7.% HrlPLiîtc.z.R Rowmanville, i; a patient oi Memorial Hospital miith a di'ý- locateId shoulder. Mrs. Harry Saul ni \\'nm-i Pegý, Man.. was a xieekendl zlie.st witb Mrs, C. H. Mason, Kinz Street East. Mrs. Pei'ev Mti hon h;a ce- lîîrned home afirn spendieg th4ce wcck, ýwith lbr soi Doni- AId and famnilv at Haxxkesbuîx', On tari o. Mn. Geoi'r e Btoî. loý Angeles, Caliîf., visîted lii.' gi'andrnothpr, Mrs. Georpe W. Graham Sr, Second Street. over the weckcnd. Mr. and Mrs. Rn v Asbîooi and baby David, Toronto. vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Hl. J. Bah- rock, Ontario St.. on Suodiax' afternoon. Mr. and Mrs...James Paler.onî and sons. Ian and Edward ofý Philipsviîle, ont., werc cecent vusitors with MrT. and MrF. P.: R. Gilbert, Concession Streel,.ý Mn. and Mrs MWPA.flax-i' and fRmily', Oitawa, Spent the weekend with her moîlîci, Mr,; TF. Wripht, Cbuncb Street, and also atlendedi a wedding iin Toronto on Stidv Dea r Readers q wil Apprecciair lîearing [rom x'oi regarding items for this roluron. If N'ot havec hadi gîtests or have hecît visitinîg cul-of-îowii, please caîl 3-3303. Relatives; [coi n Rclesier, N Y.. attcndingthie fuiieral of Mrs. Cora Allin wecc Mrs. Leta Guest, Mrs. Hîlda Myers. Msz. Riihv iy eî d M r. anti Mrs. Edward Smith atnd Mi. Rtis..ell Scott. weckenidgtîcsîs <of Mn. ait! Mis. Morlcy Oke ain! famîl ' Wellington St.. wr Mr. and !Vrs. Scott Kintiie of As!,-i miore, Nova Scotia, xvlo wcre A n Invasion by a Friendly Army. iin town 10 î'istt thrir son. Mr. Bo.%d Kinnev. Mrç. Nesta Morris of Slr-oud, Gloucester. Engýland. arriv'cd Iasl Saturdav foi, an exiendc-d V~isitt vith ber datgbater and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Honevmnan and famîl. ,Lit). et' Sti ccl North.i Reectît vi ' tors ai Ili(, home of Mi. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk, Kîitt. Strneet West. were Bishop! F. H. WVilkinson and Mrs. Wilk-î insoni. Toronto: Mrs. Dougla_! Laird and datugbter, Winnîipeg,, Mali., and Miss Heico Geikie of F'ort William. Nrs, Bert Colwepil and r-wînl. lown: Rex'. and Mrs. E. S. Col- wrll. Coe Hill. were guests ai the Lvmer - Tiens wcdding on SatrdvOctoher l't h. inî Kin'- Street United Chiîrch. Osbawa. Rex. Colwell assisý- Pd xvlhthe bc edding cene- m on'. Satt;lrdaV SLtpper pgtteýts at tbc home of Mn. and Mn.. Patrick Gruld anîd Douglas. Rehdcr Ave.. wPe rMs. Mortev 0Oc. John and Karen. Mr.à" Bovd 1,innex,. all of Bowman- ville, and Mr. anîd Mrs . Scptt, Kinnev of Ashmore, Nov'a Scotia. lions hockeY %?inner's are a -tO auua.Oxoe lI i.efti'Sîxîri follows: Oct. 28. Canadiens ' On SailTratnua\, Colic4c' d Keith Siemoni, Vern Grubin: Itlle irc ftlccCo'.rh11o,;cx,-;ivaeef, Oct. 31. Chicago, H-arrv iIbt Gay iiaeml oi and Wil f llewiîb : Nov. pcople in Sa v.aIýl n .r îvfor. a dayv of ag's x Rangers, R. Foster and Audrev tnfri."î tf îdC-glsaî i t u Osmond: Nov, I1, Detroit. Olga Dougleal:nv 1. osto. E ve tsac-A Tntimble Ndv 1.LostonMac-Inve ts New iree vvrapp Focan anîd Olga Trimbli. ' l-ave \'onî taken a good loock at hIe ralendar" Yep. its lcss than two monilîs tilI Christ- m as. That rallier shakes« vou, doesn't it'. An article in ail magazine, a [cxv yeai-s ago set out a sc'bedtiie. so tuaI onie, could coast loto bbe festive season wiilî great enînyment aîîd no conîfusion.i.tf weîîî, somethin- tike luis --hyilibb cei! of Novembei- have ai] card' addressed aîîd stamped [or m'ailinîg:alil extra hinuse- cleaning drîne two weeks he- ! fore Christmas. anîd also ail -ifts purchased and iviappe!: during the ast iwn îveeks,, decorate and do bakiîîg. Yoiî know'. this probabTy' wontld be easîcr on the nerves, but somle- liow that wonderfîiT, glorious conîfuîsioîon-)f ".ust befone Chr'istmas" wouhd be inissing. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rcv. Wrn. K. I Iotisander, B.A., B.D. Organlist - Mr. Arthur Collisor., Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAV, NOVIEMNBER 1, 1964 Il â.'. orning Vorship "Choose Now Whom You Will Serve" SUNDAY SCFIOOL Junior, Interiiediate and Senior - 9:30 a.nm Primir and lKindergarltn - 11 :20 ar. SREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN s REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville Rpv. John C. \'RlbrLIgge, B.A., B.D., Minister 'l'lepone623-5023 NS IVORSHIP SERVICES 9:010 a.m. - Du(h 1 1:00 a.rn. - English 7:3(0 p.m. - English Prnclaiming the lVhoIe Uotns~ of God "Back To Cod Hour" Broadcasi SCKLB Oshawa- ua. Nov. l..î. ai ():Il P. MI hain Matet i-lf*Pltitîv.pilis shoitxctlîîî' wibh a simple buit hi'atid tex' î'w uiti--n i i til cittlil t'i'oli- tii I ll, e o 'lt 1 ia "ie x ' Iiî ut ii. l(e da1ims t litsii'ilitî'las Siieled up xi rtppiig oIlle c'oi 'IvrIl jiit1;.(,(-s aIlil (Il;î~. Il is shapt1 ic lke t îttae Ani Itan ýDi: uit11 i iîsî tic Ii tiîîI ii gÇai ic I'-in i ,ît ho]îi lii" l:c fcî iiîtii. îie a ticle'ti h t re- ltea d.\ i u11 KENDAL botI,1 ()ii . x t nu t tl . NM' and Nu 'o1' Mit ;î tanil' xxta' \î w ek'r Lt' tl(e alto f2c n t i f)bu '. u NI r. an! NI'i."\ 1tp ' u 'fotîtî ellit. NI: nilr u' Mr.îidc t:: 'tl c' ri' e No i' uit i s t PRît \\"i.i u M I. lt'tt\. ,tei d ri t C'.' air MI udîMi t îh N Mii î'eî i , ( so cit-. aidl ît-"c B t,'. aid faccil xx'i'tr;ct n titi' t t St s ' "t", tilt ' ' ""'t"' t t' r'" c. t. t. ' t ' t ci. "r t I t l~ ' 'i xi, 't" t r,' t t t t t it t t'. i t ttt ' i . -' ' t t. t lit 1ittl' tttti., t' t . t' t' t t cite" o t i 'i ii. t ' ' titt i."" t t t i'1 il 'it N ' N t t t. ltt ut" BASE UINE .\ l ii c ' I ' 'G :ta ' ' t. 0. 5 Pr 'c ' t'tt r,1" . t iN'Il . i x ' NS. 'ni 'xl: 1' ci; '.'. -' .3<', ,i:~~rt t .t 'r' ô e ."îuirirî .' i t N' .~ 'xi t- t ~ii'c'" S i-c' ' c' N" a ' ' il' ut ri Il lii l i lu î a' i c l it' ' t t tI- t ' t' I i t l i t rxx i t w el l' t ' plh'tî i l t i ltI t' tt'o i" tîtîtc I'l'iti-lc it tn' xxo 't t ("u tii. o 'h "i i lt h' 'uui o i t!Il,, ti ti ii tix ', 'i l i l i;ru'l ', ' , l i il ri iîx n t ' ' t ' t t 'i 'tti t t t Il' ' '~ 't t t t t - . t t , i t t. i 'i . t' t t i i' ~'t t' t" 15' t t , t t t t t"' t' ~t 't N"! t ut t ,t t lit."' w s' ~, "t' 'xli lu~. e t' NI,. i 'xi 'xl i't 'ti' Sut "t'. 'ru ,'tî dr xi 'i S ~xî t 'xl: "' x ' t"". I t t' i'.tI t 't Il' ".' lit'u t- 't t t t '~; r, t" 'i t t . t t' t t t t . x: N. ci" it t' i i"t ' ' . NIe' 'tri '..' t ' t NI . t'? "~ v s .îaa' <'n. r'. t 'xl' Ni "' il' '.<. - t 't xi ' t t xx' ':' Ni' a- -' NI:.' 3:A Cc' M . 1;" .' ' BowmanyuLe~ t atPcu;uLd Cx ~î..:.., tIi lii i Pix' lit t '"t 't - "t t "t t' t It t'.- Toonto The one huitdred v entg i i(i)i t v people cornte rom al] partstifý 'C ea Canada and ihiexv ccprese!it tniti t li manv vocations a nd profes- stions. There s., a medical dot'- toi, xxho liails froi Oshîawa, D er roi i.es, teacluers, a mecchai c id -exca I [roni the hiliîncss field AIH have dcdîctîtied lilvesfor, serictinGodý aîtd hraii l'hocxv arc pic'- xetiof atti Ci tc coaî"e wvi iiha s heci dcsigiîed 10 ia 1w lte Cadet ai accoro- pisholîd mn!devl,\nted Salvain Aviîtîx Offîcen aand servait of t lie îeîîîl]c. 'lhi v sx Ilaliis offlhic course iichitdes acairl' a< vliel us iii Str.piuue..T h e o 1o g' i. ('lîii't'h ills'.i ,'x il a - 1l11ai r(;'ii i i o 11rs Rebt'- uuit of Sali tr\ ii e' 'e iiî'prî'î juil data .îîu ri! it l : d Sist-a tutnl tst'îîPdît Pin, i c i ub I t .i'l a rainctand tlv.tit. uit tîal and itar ite of ficers'ni a 1c:t oit v servced îî th * euP x uî' tii! relatden a - lie av ti 'rtîtlutg Itn cS'aytîr lc. u l xx chute iv !te oi)- Int .t 1>slîeak itech iant! vr' Rowiniait ville t'tt i/Ohi lhie'lia', iîîce'. The etîcoîtit t(.:. v l ll i tl ilcusat'. titie aîd i 'in Cide-: u;uidt tlit saf 1 tm e iut ltefji t î tii ' 1 )iirîiniýl uîINVASION OF" ROISI\NX'IITF-tbbcCade' in a cixivx welcOtte anîd tiI te îî'le.s fori' lie dti, At li 2)a.m. a clii Id nets , aillv ux il] ho- !ie! nij a' Ile Hîgli i':oi AitoIii i t' [ ii the 'rtîîia large g'ît wxiii 21\P ea pirogial Into bueho, aý t rte l'îuittgseiool at n th'CxcP aeirmthr e vlilgrou ' Wiil te fctî rc i ii a gorpa t htotît t h -: ja y'tiriii! ni~ rn N~iia enipl, S' rlut'. Oeoheî 3! tai I nstall New Officers at Heather Lodge I -tut I lu~ t t . ci t' t t t t-(' t , t Ittt~*, i~ut" il lte caI-n t "t" it t ' I<"iulIs vr xi ' ' l ttî~.t i ster(. t 'I lie C t t o f e i.t i Il 'c ii txt' I 'îîîîenîp Noble t~~~~ t il. Iîrsr 1 Mxtiux le. dosîI'îa'd hi'il xx .î ' tuilvdoiîa'înihv Sîsîn': G at. Uutt-x . 'l'îcfo b tle s î . G:atd t'xeici'd î'aîîî iel- NI' t tîtîr tc S.ticIlltdoai!!î jc'r. . , N' ;tiN le Grand,: t S ' ' L.ux il i Bji ahu<ll. Ap- tFI S , '* S, j Crttt iltcor: tch s i.N r WL"xi: 'itr Bri t c' e,: i M i 'itt C:aRa î Së ci NTtclei i s Z1,Cr XI'.aducn h a aýî,tEd 1 iiii hpr u-ork 1w Ai civ Cori pptent staff led hv Sister Flor- ence Moore. Captaîn: Sister Ruth, Mitchell, Deplitv Mar- 'hall: Sister Annie Wood- Musician. and Sister Doroîhv Van Drîi. Soloist. Sistcr- Vanl Drc.who sang brauiti ftliv,- added mueli to miake the crre- nîonY of installation yer. n - pressive. The crar dini- tItis district: amnong lhein was one [rom Port Pcrrv .odge, invitîng Heather L.od'gc to at- Tend Openi Installation aIt 1th0 neW port Perrv Lodge Hall. Under neix businiess i a îdecided t0 cater Io the Dut-i haro Counl 'v Liheral A-.socia- tion. which xill lie a banquet. November 1711,. Sister Graue NIunrdoch ivas called on tb speak. and in a iew well chosen words onil o- fant tîx iii Ihe siidden t ragie Perri t. Scotch, T<en nebli Gaibra iii,. 60-wxait, Inside Frosted LIGHT BULB SALE Thc\ re made in Canada, fully guaranteed. Regularly 28c each 2 for 28C Hallowe'en CANDY Specials Make the kids happy . .and treat vojar- self (o savings. too! Neilson's JERSEY MILK Pack of 2f), !(-bair Special 93c 51) d~ diI~ V.i ipr LOLLIPOPS in a h.ig Speclai139c1 Kerr'.. Fanilv Variely ASSORIMENT Special 39C 1.3 cakes. TOILET SOAP in ahag 88 C BATH EPSOM SALI EhonoiiyBrandI 5potind )ag 44 C 1 pd thepic dn sInd Grand Majzter's airos for tue comngi Il, 'l" To csioer v imo rn loss ot hi, mother 1w accident'NE~W BOOKS IN LIBRARY statenient thait h s Ithe or- last Thursday. Fiction ficers installed ixho take the M.,aster Rick *v Anres ad The Spy Who Came in frori, oath but ai] niust rcmcmnber lits tonsils remiovedt laSt'the Cold. ,John LeCare: Kath. That it is the niembers who Thursda *v at Meniorial Hospi- erine Wentworth, D. F. Stev. place thcnî ther-e. lai. Bownalnville evnson:; A Song of Sixpence. A. After a fexv pieseiitat îowý Brot\ns«. Bus -v Bees met it .J. Cronin: Undine, Phy-llis and happy birîlîda 'v gr-eetitngs lite home of Mir. Wellîngton Brett \'onnig: Yon Onlv 1,îx- being extercn dd to s i r i F r o . N w a îe on T tîs-,Tw ice. Ilan F lem iti . B îîffin'm Menîbcr ' sflic neetn-, wasiday nigcht. October 201h. Fuir-Milo. P. G. Wodioîîsr; clused. a[tel.hii a del iciousi her plans wef madei- n he IArmna-edduîî. LT CUitVis: Thei, banquet ivas sermï di n the Ca"d Partx Carln'y iii NovPmo- ectoi,'(if Just in,. lotus AîAch.- banquet bail hv the ('onijbeeber The Club x'oIed Slb).00' incloss: The 481). Etîgene Bur- in chretFms owardis the iîew!vv fonîîedidick. Ri'oxn's Ctib Pack. Consent Nnfiction was also ~vî for thi- Cubs Kitîg Edward thle Sexenbhi ~~T1T~f~ o0soli canidv ai ltte B e ecs, Philip Magnus: Fields of Noiiî. B.RUWNS (tai'd patv. The ladies spentîSheiTa Burford: Okee (Cillcc tuie rentaindier of the Dvii'jSoy. forothv Wisbrsk i, The s ' ,!ipa' i*v \of fuis conji- na king sasfor the Red Evev .Night, Josrphinc. Tac- munit.v is entded in Mr. Croszs. NexI tmeetiîîg wir e'quielinie Sîisaniî. The Desert anîd Mr-. Pcr-c\- Mliiiaid ai the homîe of Miiss Jean iKitip. Davidi Howarth: Thq Tr Canacdîan Stte mtan Bomanville, Ort. 28, 1P64 7 1 l laG TRE TOILET TISSUE f , S ofit . . . absorbent and av'aiIabIe in %V'hiti, anid fouri*<'<on irs - Pin k, Aqla, Xellow, Lav'ender New food wrap disco\,'ci'y. HAN DI m WRAP Easy ùtotise, transpairent plastlic filmr keeps fondl fresh. l t 'x 100>ft. Regularly 2rols 8C 'Ihilpak Houschold Aluniiumi FOIL WRAP oN JLY IUeimatxx' xsin 3 x'îîîîrk ilelien. Each roli 33C2 Ç~Buy One Buy now for Christmas at this extra QGet Iow pri ce! DOne PHILISHAVE SPEEDSHAVER FREE i Mol C 7q) - TrI\ otary hl,îrlc9% Ir <)NIAV meani snoothest shave . .... ............SPE('1AILII FACIAL TISSUES *Soft ' Absorbent * Econornilcal 40)0 sitngle tissues, 81. X 9%;. inches, packe(d 2-pl' D)r *Yhair tjuitklv con'eieltl',comfol-tahlN'! ) Easy-Breeze EIE HAIR DRYER I asiai Ipt SPECIAL185 GENUINE LEATHER BRIEF ChS SPECIAL 5.99 each "LAUREL" E ELECTRIC BLANKET 'înghlec <<ntrol 1)i>oîîle.Bed 'aize wat iii î tîni% SPECI XI. 15,95 PRESCRIPTIONS 16 x 16 iric h DISH (LOTH Special 2 for 29c Terry'cIoth 12 x 12 in. FACE CLOTH Special 2 for 25c, Vicero.v Caiiar(iainmade Hot Water Bottie Special 99C REDEEM Your Money - Saving I.D.A. Coupons HERE (ertified Brand JSOPROJ'V J Rubbing Alcohol -0 Special 49c s El ItIli's I.I).A. B3rand GIANT RITING PAD Special 44c MJA Brand )NIE and OFF"IICE NVELOPES ----Special 44c ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-5792 l3Oth ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of q ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH q.45 ;im.- Sunclay Sehool 11:00 a- ni. - -Cati1The ('huî-ch uriv 7:00 pm. -'Th Perdis of A\ffluence" REV. GEORGE W. GOTH, B.A., B.D., D.D., of :\Ietîopolitan United t hureh, London. Oli ario %viII prcach Rt hoth services. ('OME ANI)\VORSHIP Ministvr -fi.xA. Turner, 1B.A-. B.D. Or~aîst- M M.Braîon. L.RA3I , AýR.C.MI LT.C.L. boxes m 49C wl 1. D. A. REMEDIES PHONE 623-5792

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