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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 9

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1 Ladies" Major Bowling League-,1 Last Monday night Wright fosted the lone shutout in Ladies' Major League actior nt Liberty Bowl, trouncing O. Etcher 3-0, Baker took a pair from Dunn, Bickell defeateci Patfield, E. Etcher downeC Brooks, Joli lost to Beaupriù ,and Haynes won over Tennant XIl by 2-1 scores. Ena Etcher led the way with a 743 triple, nosing out Junù ]Baker 742 by one pin for high total. Onie Etcher had 735. Whiie Marion Wiseman hit for i:6I83, Ollie Patfield 635 and 'r<la Wright also 635. Onie Etcher's 313 game tool'. high single honours, foliowed by Ena Etcher 304, Marion Wiseman 278, Eva Whitehead 277, June Baker 275 and Peggy, Haynes 745. DECORATE FOR >CHRISTMAS USE THE BEST.. SUPER KEM-TONE and matching v E A *-# a à t AUl 200 Gamet 1 Onde Etcher 313-244, Ena Etcher 304-208-231, -Marion Wiseman 278-209, Eva White- head 277, June Baker 275- 242-225, Peggy Haynes 245, Doris Joli 239, Doreen Parks 238, Frances Bruce 240, Olivel Patfield 223-236, Connie Wise-1 mnan 211-236, Kay Beaupriel 237-208, Lola Wright 234-230,1 Joy-ce Almrond 230, Muriell Holroyd 228, Shirley Bickell 213-227, Evelyn Williams 224,1 M'arilyn Cole 224, Meg ib 22, Rng 21 1 Generals Below Par -Simnick 218,Caoyn Bruce 216, Joyce Týennent 24, Doti Brooks 213, Marg Perris 213.1 214, Marg Crago 212, Lau.ra T 5! mod210, Marion Brooks 210,'W n sJ i e s5 t Haelto r205-24, dreyO1 Cio Boarti0204, Mare-; tlHamilton Red Wings pulled Generals played two men Generals showed better ln 203, Thelma Forrester~ 20,3, off a 5-2 upset win over Osh- short. Bobby Orr's l3th goal the final stanza, but had to Jûan Engley 202, Helen Dunn awa Generals to move into of the season tied it up five settle for a single maîrker by 201, Barb Buttonshaw 200, fifth place in the Jr. "A" minutes later, but Bob Mc- rookie Chris Hayes, bis fourth standings. Thursday night at Guinn sent the homesters of the season. Top 12 Averages Hlamihton Forum, O s ha wa back on top before the period Only bright lights for Osh- turned in one of their poorer ended. awa were Orr, Darryl Leach Doris Joli ................. 225i efforts, xvhile thie Wings made Wings roared into a 5-1 and Wayne Cashrnan. Bill Ena Etcher ...~.........2101 it thIree straight wins on the bulge with three second per- White, cut on the ankie Tues- Dot Brooks................. 206 strength of fine fore-checking iod tallies as goal-keeper Den- day night, was used sparing- Onie Etcher................ 2021 and desire. 1 is Gibson looked bad on two Iy, and to further add to coach June Baker ................. 200i Hamnilton opened the scor- of them. Real Lemieux, Brian1 Jim Cherry's woes, rugged Shirleyv Bickell_...........19q8 îng at 5:53 of the first period Watts and Nick Libbett were' Bob Kilger announced his in Lola Wright ....... ........ 19,5 on a drive bv Jim Mair aslthe goal-scorers, i tentions of quitting the club. Olive Palfield . ..... ....... 192 Conne Wisemian .... ... .. 1ocl989Hoke Kay Beauprie .._..........._,,,Lca_18_Hoke Peggy Haynes ..... _ 191: Enid Tennant ... .191! ; ., ! . j ... , GOODYEAR BOWLING Cornets 7, Banbury 0; Ma- Tigers----- chine Shop -î, Combines 0;* Machine Shop Hose 5, Braiders 2;Tigers 4, Lead Press ___ Lead Press 3; Fan Beits 4, Belts --------- __ Office 3; Laboratory 5, Belts 2. ILaboratory HIgh Single@ Fan Belts _____ A. Wray 308, R. Perfect 2g8Combine J. Luxton 290, A. Randie 270: Office R. Hately 266, K. Piper 265, Averages HIgh Triples B. Henning R. Habely 763, K. Piper 755, R. Perfect ____ W. Holroyd 729, R. PerfectID. Oke ___ 722, B. Henning 720, A. Wray R. Hately 718, A. Randie 711, F. WrightIJ,* Bond 711, G. Dadson 707, M. Murphy A. Lobb _____ 703. J. Murphy Teamt Standings J. Luxton2 Hose -- - - ------- 76 F, W riglit2 Braiders - .. . 71~ W. Hately Banbur ~ -- .~---51 Cornts ________ Mixe-d Major League ieiaim~L.,J~'N~ giging Monday at Liberty Bowl, Team Standings ________ Lola Wright .. ....2 30221! the Mixed Major B uday -- --jeI League saw few changes iniuy PANT CLAANE hily ice _ 20 28534!' ~ ~ T n averages. Everyone seems to Bcel_ oriesEtcher !9..122 277T ý oD p ouhneantninso n h oi ___ CONTINUES Dons JOli 19 31652fo r T opES p o t be holding their own. The Dn Dot Brooks ..... 18 29089: 300 games this week go bo Etchet -- -------- BUY NOW AND SAVE! ïKay Beauprie .1 7 2796,1 Local.189 league standings' Hornets in front, but Bruins Jack ecMtm edHontshghsnl o 32forthn ht,1ike H. Baliem :Olive Patlield 16Th 29510,tightened up considerably oniwound up the fîrst periýocidraw.ing witdin a single goal.,upy35adbleei rE efc ___ Ena Etcher...... 29061 Sudvmrigwe oneswt - agn as BllCooper and Brown each col. not Molly Mairs 313, D, Joll susta ined their second straighit1 Lyle, Gary Cooper. Dave Fer-, peteci their second markers, A BERN TNY'S Helen Dunn.. 16 28693 setback after running up aýguon and Lyle again hii' the! hi hreTinadR3 hre iki n î'eG. Dobbins AB RN TH 'S;wil CarîeTrm ndRa,600) Triples PG. Ellitt PAIT &WALPAPR ureBakr.....12 2761 ad BuirBbaamerh .......u. C12uuti 2rd601 es.aondasersassste erectroiedt43eorthehig M.Anner 33Kng~ w, Peggy J{aynes ---- 7 27029, vinngest teair more, giving hlm a hat-trick1 four of the Hornets goals, til M .3 urhe 736,G. B. uday -__ The cellar-dweling Raiders adtigtes'r ntese- Ta tnig lit 2, .1. MeNulty 719, B R. Wright=_ ___ Bowmnvile nyoe wshig b boi ii uset Comt.s 7-4 whlonci, befcre Murray Brown G.P. W, L, T Pts. Buday 712, G. Bebe 710. P. H. Ballartine-____ Phn 2-4! the Ladies' Major League aï-; Bruins edged Hornets 7-6 to, clicked at 18:10 to ptîsh thleConets.. 7 3 2 2 8 Dobbins 688, D, Jolil 686. L. M. Murphy--2 Phone623-4301 ter' the New Yeai' contact: clirbmb aoF first place tie.? Bsi-xîins one up, Bruins 7 4 3 0 8 Connors 666, M. Anrae-rt 63 8,IB, Holroyd2 ______________Greta Luxton at 3-3693 or; he ilers* win enabled!: The teanis traded final per-:Hrn 1. 6 2 3 1 5,O. Etcher 628, Albert Saman J, Murphy2 Helen Piper at 3-3681. i them to drau, even with theiod goals,_with Bruins scoring!Raidei-s 6 2 3 1. 5 608, J. Murphy 604, R. Wright S, Bickell --- -- -Hornets, noly three point-s - ~6 L. Connors2 back of thie leaders, and both 'mh .clubs lha'.e on înfinihd ortgr eto seiMixed League Bowling at Us Cow te opened the scoring for Lau-edgWgtv.I-TaiSadîg theRauersat10.5 bt a-,heid to a first gaine tie, but other veterari pEirforrner Raye! came on strorig in the next W)ig£ht . 33363 59 'Gusty" West netted thel two to down Welsh 6-1 Fridax 1n.fl.....310 5 equ alizer hefore tne period night. The rare score enablei, Bennett......33501 52 enciecî. o Wright to fnove six points iri Bromell 33232 48 Cornet fiC cd e t uerutf r-u iu 1e a c tPerfect 33 58,3 42 trie onl1, time o Bob John-i5-2 hy Brock. Brn......33306 40 ,... ..,,. stort's tally early in the sec-: nett~~ n.n~ ~ Prowî 32990 40 .« " t onci, but Gerr' Marjerrison,f g ou Broc-k .............. 32882 35 .e :;:f WeatSpecroutl-2zeoclose E WeSeilz n1Arcihie" Crossey and Billcti 5- tcher ............ 33096 32 Cîossey scorcd in less thar sithxasnl pito e- Harrison............ 32224 30 minte t sed aiersahadord, whilc Bromell took over lob 4-.fourth or the crtrerigth of ai__ _...__ Spaghetti& Bar-B-Q C ik n :2e arwdtegpt 5-2 win over Harrison, Etcher, _____ asingle marker twice in the wallopcd Lobb 7-0 to p'îsh the r . a SEE UR DTLYSPECALSthird, but late goals by the loesit h elradP r rlay Atternoon ! _______ OUR__________________________ Crossey brob.hciýrs broke it up fect downed Brunt 5-2. Alex Wiseman garnercd the Phil Vowles set the pace other Raiders' goal, with with a 745 triple and 316 sin-ýo ln %ýiedoing your Christmas shopping duig t15 Howîe Pollaî-d and Wayne1 gle, with Joan Brunx's 687, ow cold weather drop in and enjoy a hot drink and Thertcîl replying for the total and a 299 gamne by rn- IComets, "Archie" Crossev ma Bromelilcadirg the ladies November 27, 1964 .......Jf4~~ light lunch, or try one of our daily specials. adcied three assists and Bill Joc Nowlan bowled a 73 3' Averages k Cosyto ln ihtertriple, followcd by Fra2nk Crose toalngwit tei Hopr 31,ElonBrck2~E. Etcher .....22 two goals apicce. 'ope 71,Elo B'c 75M vColville .......... . 8 a lyni luIn the np and tuck second Dick Perfect 723, Morley Et- 0 afeî 8 Q ET U A T tilt, the la changcd hards cher 715. Gord Wilcox 60 Gibson_...........17 four tirnes hefore Bruirs fin- Frark Wright, 657, Louî WelshMCwa KING ST E. - OWM:NVLLE aly.on.tp..Cec.utto..45.a.d.e...M.Ma173 Goals b Bob Sheridan and Luxton 642. IA hte ~ Paul McCullough twice sent Other high singles werc J. Lobb ............. ...172 IIIII' 1 Il' I I Ili il ýýl IKýrlitlllrt mrolled by Morlcv Etcher 313,1M. Fotr ...b_.......... 16 -Jo>an Brunt 296, Frank Hnoper M.Coyle ...1...59....... 279, Frank Wrigbt 273, EltorjlS. Buckrell _ .........1507 iBrock 261, Jne Nowlan 2 57, D. Rogers _....... 149 A G ft o lea e' the Enire Fa ily.1Lou Welsh 253, Onie EtcherB. McDorald ..... 148 252, Vince Prout 251 end Ccc R, Hutchînson.............. 144 1Mtîtton 248. E. Coombes ................ 141 r Args;N McFeeters........ ..... 136 Averages W, Brown ....... .......... 136 Harold Bennett ... :36 229 N, Oudershorn......134 . Elo Bok.....6 210. Richards ............... EÏ ock........36 98M. McDonald.........133 Bob Glanville _._ .~ 36 224 M. Whîte..................... 129 Frank Wright........ 36 224, E. Richards ................2N8i Philip Vowles.......-:1,0 22.3 B. Cowan ................. 126 Hap Palmer .............3 M, Ahernethy.............. 120 Dick Perfect ............. )21G. Richards...... _.......... 120 A N D Virice Prout ..........m Standin ~!Frank Hooper....1 18.. ..C.. ......... 16 Duke Bt-ui ,. îî 16 Eth5 Morlev Eteher 6 25(o'.i.... ..........141 How.ard Bronieil C) 1,51Fti'd......... TrELEV I SIO N YeNora Grant...... 33L20 2f00 Games Jim Bedford ... .331?20 2 M. Gubson 285, S. Buckncll Oni35.M C ',ile 234, E Ethe Ken Nicholis .. 92 28, 205, 0O Patfield 224 J ASLW SMatt Harrison . 3 6 197ý Lobh 216, M.Poster 211,'A. R.il oe .:.3 197 Shetter 205. Ken Luxtor, 36 196' gMurray Winnacott -24 196ý $2 4 Hilda Bro- 36 194 Rua Joan BrRtural9Bowling Ralpi; la .o 21 iol L anlils; t tr\~ ern er 24. 1964 zz TUTRDE ecl luttun .- 31.3 îPts, pins Do radiot . 33 181 rM.aple Grove 26 35217 sseCox.....3 18o! ErniskilIen Srs_ 25 33481 jNorma lHoope :39 9Hii C'ý ...........18 31449 f ~lHarold Moore 3 P 17 2 Saleir..1 328 Emme Brornel ... .'2 7 1691 Enniskîllen Intob.. Il 29636 Ver on on s ... 36 16, y o e ......... I 29 0 ...........................iMar,,,Wilcox.......32 1 fHi pn......9 29102 :~~.Mcl Wiseman.......36 164Higti Single - J. Siemon 311 Mai-HFarrison...36 163; High Triple - J Slemon 788 SJim Cox.......3 16n2' Loý& Single - J. Knicr 55 SAI Blanchard ..3f) 16 1i Low Triple-- J. Knier 342 TV Jim Thomp.xor.....36 1601 LARGE SELECTION PORTABLE T Marion Wiseman ..36 160 Averages Over 180 c, Audrey 0Osmord . 6 5 D. Ta,7lor ..... . 33 222 PRWEl)I"RM $flfflZ Ruth Grant t 19R. T'1'isf......... .3 216à rMarie Lema . 15 (c -Miiils.....33 216 299.00RON Grace Wright 36 155 :Dave Reynolds .33 216 *4*9; Muriel Melarson ii.33 15 .Siemor.......... 33 211 Pat Prout t...... .. 36 1541 H. McLaughlin .... ... 18 207 VISIT OUR COLOR TV SALON RbhMitchell .......6 !,4'John Coombes ...... 30 20 _____________________________________________________ Dore M1 tton......... 33 154iB. Begle ........... 24 201 IBetty Nc-,hol,.....35 1.53, J. MacLean . ....... 3 0 SEE OIR U-TO-DeWATERCRmAihnm enî . 12 .MLagln 3 0 IThe Canadian Statenman, BewmanvMle, 1)ec. 2, 1964 Night Hawks League Team Standing O0. Moffatt ........ ...... 121 'M. Sedman ................. 33 V. Bartlett. . .. . .. .124 S. Combes................. 29 V. Sarginsýon *........ 118 M. Hodgson ....... ...... 26t'2 1. Turnbull ..... ...5* J. Shearer ................. 19 D. Dewelli.........-..... 13 . Sct', ............... 17 R. W illiars102i ' . cot712 H. M ulder -9 High Triple - J. Lunn 600 200 Gaines 1 High Single - - - J. Lunn 2551 J.Lu 255, 216, L. Wood. Averages cock 238, W. McNeil 2,11, J. S. CooabeQ ............ ... 186 W'oodlock 229, 24. 1. Wright J. Shearer..................184225. K. Campbell 219, F.* Land M. Hodgson ...-............. 18,1216, B. Wibur 219, M. Sed- K. Campbell ............... 177jman 215. M. Hoýdgon 211, D. J. Woodlock ................ 1761 Dewefl 210. M. Sedman ............ «..... 170' J. Lunn ...................... 169 B. Wilbur.................... 167 WrîghtKitchener Bops F. Land - .................... 167 L. Woodcock ...... l Generals 5 -2 G. Sco t t .... ........ 162ai F. Alle ..m................... 159 Kitchener Rangers carne Up M. Crago ..... ............... 158 with a pair of unanswered J. Harness.................. 155 goals tO upset the slumping W. McNei1 ................. 151 Oshawa Generals 5-2 at Kit- C. Sarginson....... ..... 148 chener Auditorwium, Sunday E. Mitchell ...... .......... 147 afternoon. M. Firth .- ....... .......... 143 John Beechey pat-ed the K, Raiston ................. 140' Bangers attack w'ith a tva A. Perfect .............. l ... 381go-al performance, single niar- L. Burgess ......... ........l 371kers going to Bob Jones, Bill .1. Gibner ......... -...... 1361Hxa, and Sandy Fitzpat.rick. B. Beers . .................. 133,! Wayne Cashman and rookie A, Lorusso ... ........... 131 Bob Booth clicked for Osh- E. Coombes...>.......... ... .129 awa, who were out-shot 38-33 M. Neil ----------- 125 in the Jr. "A" contest. O.H.A. JUNIOR "A" H OCKE Y TUESDAY, DEC. Sth F!.0an .m. OSHAWA GENERALS BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA SandiSSION «104 Students and Children, seat's or standing - $1.00 I 2091, 56 Sides - $1.75 Ends - $1.50

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