Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 16

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Birthsi Deaths Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Work Wanted RelEtt frSl Real Estate forSale Real Estate oSl CliARKF-ToMri.wfe of' O S ddç'nly, in the cGaza Rummagee sale al the Salva-, GOOfl mixed. hav. Phone ýWATER for sale anai delivered. CORN picking. Prrcv Da rd- E -ermbikbnga- Gerenyee JakR ad WH.Clarke, in Los Anreles. Strip. Egypt. on*rdy oito ry ec 1.Iutl75415 48-2. Cal Cliff Pethick 263-2131. son & Sonr. Phone 728-1-43 low in Newcastle, For appoint- iGog California, on Friday, Novem-1 vembrr 271li, 19(14. Trooper!4 p.m. 4i CEDAR_ posts and poles,--wiil 32-tf 44 tf ment Phone 987-4716. 49-11RATR ELO ber 7, 164.a so. A rohrlAdiaanAncBons hcived Christmas ha7aar and tea, cnit t order. 623-3447. 49-1 MIXED hardxvood,2 cord'z, MO1INTJOY Backhoe Service W EIE otg ndlt'Poe6350 for William Henrv ,Ir. 49-1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan Keilial tUnited Chiirch, Xed- CFEST'ERFîIELD, faiir---.<>- resa, wcd anv~ lengtb., $35 load, -Tretlclirs, drains, founda- asBBac.mFllnvill3,01 - ~~Bon,; of R.R. .,Bowmaniville, nesdiv. Decemmhcr 9th., .3 li.r. dition. Plionefi 132-27.5,~ dfh\'ri also some itlv tioný and scpiîc taniks dit?, and'E ec.Fi]pie$,0)Bnxvnianivile orh bd COCHRANE--Jim and ilildja:cdear lrother of Jean i Mr.ý. $0]a.J A asadr, akild Cl 8-77 -$500 down. Phone evenings rooni bungalowgrgmNWATE e~Wt Lii - $20 load. J. A. Carscadden.rbackfi]Ied Cali 9 6-4737.iAT 2-4959for sriteandvertiserepiecenraohro.5 roit hTat-d959dorracttveA, bpdroembhomrooit i Dance aM cooing HillAna. WAT24 for srriealeadiiv23-5756. o57 ai ,eeo Simmon tausmaproudllldecan-e norcete bit o VilCa, 2 ra -dav Di-cembr-5. Jîm $Fi0shthr2, Buce thares.birthS ' 01Bli ricd on Saltîrda v, Novrrn-1-, 29 ùf PAIR of snow tires, lbhele-çs,IWI-IY waste lime and effort' P.O. Box 190. Bowmanville. $.0 ihS,0 onGv rn oe criWedesdvovM ber2s ber 281h), 1964 in' the G,'a Orchestra. Tickets availahie BAI-ES_f_ 1 gond condition, 6.,51 x 1., 4- Wc wtt]l sharpen votîr saws. __ 48-3 us' anloffer. Smril t oe,2 194StMmna optt ip. Egypt. 49-1 forN -w1 Newton~ ~ viîle 780< 220)2 evi size, fuît length, rea I bargaîn. Crowxe. 102 Elgin St.. Rowmaîî- Ti lv ~owanvlle Mav tank luDance and drau,. Pontypoul în"' tamnil.Mnvtak o14-1 'Phono 623-:1487. i19-1 ville. 46-41 JeiI home is %well kep.btwtlvneic~ sig$î6îî Dr. McKenzie and nurses. CONNERS -Suiddcntv i i I 1Hall, Saliirday, Dec.12. NMid- Jh FheW eated and closet eol 49-12,Rwnanilc n uedvne Rambler-, Orchestra. !Il 0 auge train set, lra('k ofl COMPLETE frozen tond lnck- A BAARS REALTOR A-king price 1.0 wih hucStAtrtvesny t)ccc(nibrt st. 1964, Christ:î- Sponsored bY LO.B.A. 49-2 'pYwtî$. 10trnomr.Orstm.20> u.f.a Romnianvllle - 14 Frank St.C$3.000 down. Gv ~a n af lcrchyhae ]KENT-.-Vern and Marîtl.\ n arc phle!'RoY Conners, n bis 7th 1Badiminton Club New Yvars 62311-19 *pciv wocmres . o1Pu bn &HaigPon 2-90offer.hm.Hî ceo adwt happy to announice the arrivai year. bcioved son or Roy anid Eve Dance. Tickets limited, so PIRof gîrl's figure skates,' and Iwo hors(,owr.Blik- PorsOhao a62coral.As7 of a daughtcr, t' \nn 6 Lîillian Conners and cear order early froin Ede or FN C2, e 1 t'Cri t' tcondition. stock 986-44.11. 49-t1 n Nelson St. Rowmatiille 501 Acre farm -with barri: 7 lNcenître; f vi liehoei n$90. lbs. IU 4oz..hemNrn n rohrof' Saîtora. Larry and'Cote. l'hone 1623-240.5. 4 - 23I 291<f. ancenre f vllae.o veni ea.Foîcsty Satin. ou d-.)t. 6- --I -.49- 1i INSULATION, hlowing meth- 46-tl reomed h rne aompti u aoffer. 23, 1964. A sîster forC R' t<i~Eieal Chaelthe - nigtrit Bioeo, Thîîrsdav 1)' e] HYEavclcîit d, \ith rock 'vool. Woî k- MPI_-7-rilîr 8a]kîcen ivn1nddnig our tchottt'c f11aielt.vîhinsere.omc- and Joanne. Morisee iralstapitîg i ,glt Mter 8 îngCo, so rdrang>'. pond as new, 62:3-31102,manshîp gtiartnleerl. Fr uo iîi'Rpis Lawn room. ilivimondem inveni- (i" aI ot a--.ecAkn manvlte Serice t Itehv ti(,Ilior Chamber ofi622i-557i8. 4-Hsimt~ -arrv L, wa il ' ,moxx er. iecr-. onthoards, ences Akng$1.00 crms. . Saveus, R C-li. Iori 1.5î1 MAVIN--Wavnie A Ca i .'l îd ~ ,ptoria i po.Cmec e Barn. North'CIIRISTMAS I 'ces, $I10n 2.215 PoeNxtuvse76 i2 < hrciiç r 1 Ar ar, rc oeleos97424TRN < Ar te oehappy tri annoîîîîce ç îw inti'îiniRxra v lCr>-Oshawa. 1-fdeice.Phone 623-21071 or ig M (iaate.Operi ci-ail modrn ov ' hc bri arriva] o their adpled ~0iiSa te of dut ls' tînt hiir,hoime t23-150i.;î. 192 EAT l"SIar nu ,ae nd 1tt S)o l .46 Qtîe"! 2oMinute drive b Oshawva. eîttiefonc hn. D7vid964.nerondprentsare' REE.('a Iev.1At\I-baking and "coffce Ibrea k',Pi>ONEER sced t'rni. F. W. drapteý. i I:u se'c Wstitipii'5 SSi., f' rIi 4->Askiîg S16,,50o). 27,vi64.Wan on Friav, Nov. i basementrlef A. Aic'e-aof matvlrtals o'11 l _FOI', aIl types nf building re- lIM!Acre farm witîî twoKehPees a bdro Mr.an Ms.AbMain Bxx- enI lupi\ . Cov "!i leFrida 'Diecember 41 h rit 231WerEnntski I cii. Tlihîicstore tir in voitr hIte. Firepi aydrcollln, xpstem, rcihm. unngBA «OK nuanville and Mr. ad Mrs. N. (ut> Thlî isdyNoveinher 21Sbi< ". ~Andiroxs ('hiirch 26:1-2o8fi. 'est îmtî es. Goodbrand Fahri. had-rr.rns lig ewwtr an.Akn I20>.REALTRbnao n ce0 ad Whittn ofLyndit .gre t 191 t.Chares A Gren,(lt-40 -iROSE sîlk taffeta drrss, si/C !62)i555it. 20-t f homies. uIc-No jlob 1to big or Terms. :10.1King Si. '.O"xaSvelriebgmesAt grandparcnis. Nir. Richard lovvd hiisband (if Agites Grteen A taird parlY Ioi be lield aI 18-21>. neyer wvorrî. Telephone OFFICE Eqiiipine-nt Ty'pe,- smail . ne <luoîîîrrn aIt Don 100 Avre, farm %vith 7 room >72',89-728do sig$.0 ihl Wilson of Krind-l atid M',\ ianid .irîd brut lier of len. in bis 8111h i Newtouîville Hlt, Dec. -l ai 1623-5991. '49-1ýt es ceraslrde hu .brn st am Hih Mrs. A. Whîlttnin of litiîiitin. eîr. ete it Northicutl antil \1. diiiissioii >>' ad> 5gi0c.t 'çtirî. rtti',ardrs as rs îpl Boks t d îg otrcuied bushao s ea .Hil I c ii adcnrls ,l((atorsý cheque writersls, Pine 162-3670. 4(-4' wav location. Asking $15,000o. 1ie-y(adn oopyct ea 49 tSml uicrl oeBtw-ptias -ig unh.Sunor- uct xvtrk, reasoîtable. PhoiteI furni'ture. \We hîiv, scli, retît Terros. S 51>0 o Spaiîs2br- fe Fli22-35ass7 e Hcriiard. 49.149-t serviu'e. Largesl stock. hitriget ERN'IE PERFECT 50 Acre farm wilh brick room brick btîngaovnnlx- B"ani oe PRC crndFî lo r ld al St ,iuoseîîb's Churchon, Cîai-teî-ed brise,; goingt'gO1. fOLAWAY huil, spt'itîg mt-tem.New ýandri i'ed. I G.oenbrixvieonY$,90iipcripee N(i\,eiiib(Ilhome, bain. PricriaoniP'az5.;111dowitgmcoIplctedrwttb Bi-p cit Double5bousen.oiariltwcession proud to annintl tic1,1Vn ryival rtdmylNuembier 3o\'1;111 aI Yrtodalc PavN 3aidwnwIiress: lar'ehi ag e4)- aii uvraRglan prîts. thi ihone i' H EAI'ISG ib 51,500 downacr>. uba wth ant.mhgn tetc>rel ctn o of their second soi, Aldto .tanîî's It i.ltlrelBwa -Tîol.MndsNv 2 anti onFia.N\fitti 7 !titIle CneexTuicsday. Dec. 8. For Oshaatwa). 4)- gan urbP.O.no\62-)99510 -1bu25igs centnndtrms per on Fida. Noembr 27 1914.t itns telephono Port flt 'LIINUM Windows. Dooi" O soi]. 2-f ~wLbaIguilist.Exelnad-tetsmnbudngit th18x ai Men uat iril1,tttFal.la prBe. xi!v -n mian ville.41)I I1'\NA'L, Marie -'tlt,>8835-2527. Il 7 3di pla~ric ttntsFF gnlar prîtes. Au ri' 8 OntarioSi., Bowiimanvilie Soit0. Larmstr. AkîSale or Tal 7'lt sig5650w St aîha-er i Nirsirîg Home on 'Bowmanville, 623-3187lt. 48--0-f hîoIri N42,1)0. Te r. ltoi rcrwrî pavmcn R1GG Deg aid Dtîît ist Tîsdav-, Di-cember lt s, 1964., New \'car's Eve Vanr t it'Cro.;x hegollias. gond ai>~- 1t eînilcae.1)1ar tienLk RIGl-oi ar iaio 'Mri -vit.furse'y fBlmekstoî'k Rccru'atiorî Cenitre 111SD Washcr Parts, all makes;i of tropical plants, ferrîs. Sta r hatroonî. ha7ro dveose Pioperty witlî fuishdlne a x yCecn.Nw3 doanghtier M l\rialofa aple Gruve riibertîî ofsporîsored b ON. Clu Il. p. motors. Paddy'S of Bethlebeni. acusmd c - SEPTIC TANK faamrnh riehe,':2extra cabîn'.trfi e.hcomhikbuglw ih to anrîouIice a Goori pond. ~~~Onîy .Ooo01. WtiI consider trad i>aalfîibdio om hsi Ortobher Jh fvMa Elo',$4.01plercouple. Ro\' Gout Mniettiaprs,1152 arraîngemets. Ideal for 'oms anîo fr. oe]hm wt tre om O loe 6th. i9614, aI Oak- '-carOrchertmot Froocan-gifîýs ail(]home î ePbrtneiVH'LlAHN TBE cro- uglwude HCE '\M Mîîtmiihtt..1. vil rfla eoilln-or of Edmtontorn, Danrel Wof frcys OrcheEstra. Fondnalow [îîaCICKN I vileTrflgr lmoia 10 Tro-and favours. 49-1 TABLE turnips, hy the huisl, ,for appointmeitt 62-283. Mi'.ý. pitl. A sister for Car-olyn and Lenore. exceceiontqtaiit.v. R. Ballard, 2rms -6 Division St.491 ontrctoOiMNwcste.E- ari bTIt2 47-1*;te. Rcsting al the NorthctttBadminton Clurb Dance, Sat- HPtone263-2234. 'bam.BERT Tcootrucltiwoiii Nanstl Ex- hbartinabou 5x3o i. ihrtrr and Nancy. aind Smith Funcrat Home. ira, eemer5h.Ms: Hmtn l- TV TOWVERS Phone Newtonvilie 786-2552 $1.50f> dowov. nearly aIl x ral sig bdon rc oe i' an R1aaieBow7manvilîe. Funeral service iyMi ('ýs.Amsio , alil ('ouer 41-tf Txvo 2-hcdroom bnaoS 7.900 ,vith terni-igroru't îelcdn ELOOS-Kurt adPla aIet 2o'clock Tbumsday after- ' ope eev orîc~-C. O. F. C'tIR ISTMIAS tirers, $50 10ttdrio>ttciî. O SLTLVLTOEi' n oti.lrekthn happy ta annoince <lie safe nonîî Iermerît Bowmanvitlp ets through Kax' aîîd Af .5151) îiir'l. axi.0Aaîtablnan' arrival of (hein son Kelvin Cemelery. 49-t ýSameils. phoîîe 6223-3454. 9 Ficîl St , Pbîiiîc623-5334. OSHAWAla îHae y r ees- oEUTVFiTYn UNa ex' ear tI otdaro i i etn ny$25u John on Saturday, Novemberý 1- aeDlas aeyu hs-GLW orieae.130ýr l 28, 1964, at Memorial Hospital, KEVN SuddetîlD ai lier' andSChalrsiîtomatit-a)Iy, while BwavleA rtè oýEN Sdelaihr perr ou w , . itainomticlln wlrd-161 Gibbonn Sc. Iial -1 0ered. I-restimates, samples i-o. fi living area, atîacbed arsnt apere tr uliî o ecohv anitfor. 4- esdne Tw l a s M tlal. u ,ait l atMeS ll, arJ8-10taken to the home~. garagc, pavcd drivewav, fin- gardent-i vnir hoiic -raiuîlt o .--IR.R. t. Omono. on Tuesda.3 a lir enr.De. :16 King St. E_. Io\wman- Day orn Sîht - Bill Ieask, Pnop. Budrel, 'T'erns Arranged islird roc. room. Niany extras.Li-iî tsve'deirbeoatoîo _________8:30___-_12.x'ar', 7 norne homeCiob i in n ns os t'ctsr- brvStetNrh h n December t, 1964, Colombe B. -1.Soitrdh Cuîl il -f40-t f I'VT:BtO.IPOSER rne eoomed batbroî iitd Cl n;dso h hm ReceptionKeouî.ii ber .5nrîd x'ar, ho-' , _rgPol: otjugADVRA.eîihntoiTV, IASSOCKS, picttires. (c- î Kn N hn 1>599xibvoy rd btoo nd 2-50wlotolgtoi i _Et__ -Ïho . oc wf f akB.Ko.The Chancelior.- and LnaKîtîpersl wanill:0 Kn V np6 3-5_5 llî.r hrwodad1 urd.Cl MisEhlTopson will h, edpexvîfe o! Jack B.andKecord. Admission Onal TV Iits.i. M- ~-37f.vl al.- 2-69)wihl et home at the Panish Hall, R4q-î a1teMori Fînra r oror. ali,Y tçIretrrt paxut'aiforIliaî abînd IVravki-. tiLal- 7-Ifhl losOr]î1v $1.500 Clown- 91Iî!Uwe >noii 13lackstock on the occasion of 'Chapel, Bowmanvile. Frun- 4!_)07-chir, 46)-,26. 3. uom ti Roomed brick home with -. - ber 9th birthday, Wednesday, emal Mass in St. Joscph's Re.- Escorted Florida Tour,'20 cdiRFCOR hetrfcdhd December 9th, 1964, from 7 toi man Catholic Chrch on Fmi- davs, Jan. 1Il toi30. Travet RCOD plaYer. 4-spced. twill e.r ad iieîs hctrienlsuites, r-. Cr-I sh dec_______Exralot.__XFrankP 9 p.m. Hem nephews extend a ,day at 10 a.m. Interment Ideluxe air conditioned nîntur aekr.îsriui er tnd omaîî tselt-'t es rîNO%%~a' vOPN nely eort Eta o.N.Fa cordial invitation to ail ber Bowmanvitie Cemcteryv. 49-1 !coach. No nigbt travel. Hîîtet (oriditioti. Clie Alliti. PlioiîrI11 frinds reaties ndneib- nd ous anagcd Phne ir 23-f14. 41)t p'i(e> Miirplix FtîrriitiIr, Have 'our ('an Fiushed and 8 Roomed home, near Kerr- LMT Kiî623-5014.P1on- 12- 71cndWnei7db at with garage. Furnace. 177 Chnrch St., omviî EKL friend, reltivesand nighatbandooums rAsking Phne orSing50rs). h6ne-33-931.LaVESTOCK SALESl b bors. 49-l' LANG, Ross, M.D. At write Rowc Traxel Agenicy. THREE space tîeaters, Olît 9-f udsFnaPouctS bTwhooadjoining ores$6500on3- '____--- --Chicagoî on Suîîdav. Novo.mber Port h-ope 335-2.527. 4-2 witlitfan lo hîeai rixe moins.Bu' *aPo Flowers 29th. 1964, Dr. Ross Lang,,W1-10 . Ra bY, 25 Quron St.. P,xv Livestock For Sale 146 merv~ 623-5063 main sireet in small town wrth Momibor Oshawa îdDsrc tDrhmCut ae rn 49-ee omulyCete two upstair apartments and Real Estate oîdOoo-Eeyhr.73pm ____________ dear brother of Mns. J. Noden, rMosma inIlo Twnt Hrs .Catîr.Sin,49_eu FLOWER SHOP Orono and Mrs. aÏme Little. -get'ein gdo. Tw~fenty DBRND a40 NEW ~Zemtatxd wilîtrab- JACK BURGESS- large warehouîse. A s k i nri 11 cefn 3rin rc t ortukpcu h IMemoniat Chapel. Fnrlgames-thirty dollars:; 11 oîtt d4e9oi_1î -W&c.2?1\eats 62-72 OtB BS F NAIS$4.)0 erm bunhorwal], lag hrtsrm.al...ARed&SnSls Funeral 2 Redroon, bies. ceinua-oxx',EDaIl indsav area.Orl$100-Orn5r18bipm.dyo CARNATION service was lietd Wednesday jackpot, and two jackpots at'xiui ahn1 Scot 1-tL'I~>mdem cotxenienees. Gar-,~00dxn 43 **, a 2o'coc. ntr-$250) Door prizes. Next sî>tîlrue.:3t iIE a tr eîtie i J'1.'MING IWPAIRS age. Nicpo aîîd ean. Asking $6,009Cotf 4King St.. 1 <-~aI2..>'. ne-Monday, 8 p.m.. Rod Rarn,; T'I-SEviiter u'>als, Mis' ;polted heofrîbill],Ptîîîîe PHONE IHAMPTON sn.'100 Acýre farni otyoi aaes FLINERAL ARRAN97E'MfýN'rSImont Lang Memoriat VaulI.Isaa 6t ie,8-1> loIîc 'îî- r1) HOSPITAL ARRANGERMENTS OroosCemptcrv. 49-'Os-w---t6- ti 10:au1:ot fils , s/s I aîild'31, Ofrnioît4919 t 263-2151 Brick toitsp on nmain slreet area Sceiiic rlii ad utoisl !mcaî WEDDING 1BOUQU1ETS ' Rwmanville Rotary (iumh 'E -1oint iOgscarsiNcrîiriRomaivile îthbat- nl:910 <>- 1501 txxo. Puimet lol.fu>ve ORDER FLOWERS FOR iLEMON. Clifford A1 M- will present thoe omedy S PO to >1<2S,-ha». i 49i- 8-t1769ci.cQiBo\BliL M-1?I<re', roon'>.ill R*Ool $15me11) ow - 1 Oi Seoi» acr es îbfs ihs t. npry 'h CHRISMAS -NOW t menia Hospital, Pewmanx'illre. "SiEND ME NO FLOWEWS OAOS o;guan ot CHITA O o tndv oeîr,1rpetc . 52 bag.tbl Iritrt OExcell iteurîIiitr- B oa r, LYCETT &G.ARDEN manvxil it xih garage, on large Goord pondi stles. Atfs nfre eiecImle Corsages and o nna.Noebr2î,Bovm ani'ilie Town liall St 5 bîtsbcl. it fan L [cqlitealinost inti x'ears oti. Cali Ger- Commercial zoned loI. AskungIbis une. S5,1)0-,1> onO!thOot ucto fDh Phone /'Second Street, Bowmanvilto. DVrembe'r 3 - 4 - .5 - i:15 pamri. 'SIIFIT METAI IVORK 8 Roomed home. Coturlice Newcastle. 4 roobusxcfBhnynHgwy7A 623-141 ~' -'3 bbis 9th ear.busbnd:OTickets - -- 5.00:1BUYING or ,selling furniture;1-ORSES huîarnled, box u I ODTOIG aeo ag o.Alnwycletbx t$700-Trs aud e.5h nldn A&fter Houri sMr Woolner, dean father of !*,or appliamîces, caîl Elmer, stanr]ing statls, S20>: also gond Orono - Ontario renox'ated witb ait modem 51Ar tokfrn xel eI nlin ahn n We send * H. Bain (Shirley). and Ken- aain Ntotllisiul rsiet 6-29. 6Ip1- e.2 14NII lr Teni. basi 1250.lnt, brilk o. iîsv2mls almnt.bg uniyo Flowersby ,/ neth ofBowmanviîle: .heauî,for the Blind sale of xvor .'AIUMINUM Dooî's and -Win- THEREFORD anîd f)uirhaiiî stocýk 'K R A Roîdhmei ehnx'$26,001 - $7.000 dnn Wireanyhere .~ William. John, Melville, ahl Of!'Friday anîd Satitmnay. Den'. 41dows. Contact McMule(n Hard- c.aIves and t1-er-idstc- ACKERM N ith funnate. and bahhroom. toso I ecitofmi -3 Oshawa; Charles of Newcastleiand 5, b o b eld in Ctiffcrttware, 36 Kinîg St. E.. Bowman-ier glers and herfers: cIx n o E C VA IG Amking price $4.501). Ternis. 14Anedivfi.vl-tr.dseec e iî o ______________________and Wilhert o! Toronto. Rest- Cleaneirs stor'e .38 KiogE.xit. Phono 623-5408. 24-tf fr-siieri. Sale Thii'sdlav 17cDr'î'A IN ablc hightva\ locai n-Bn-cmlt it aea 2no cah the Ncthcutt aod Smith Bowmanvillc. Sponsored bVIEATYWahr5 ne, s 0Goo. A. McGoxvatt, ldî-L<)A DI NG - TRENCHING; Aften heurs call: mntville. BricktoieagesrpTdSeceyati- ________________y___i Funeral Home. Bowmanville.ithe Bowrnaox'ilte-West Dur-shr, rw aýi) Fuiienal service xvas hetd at liaýniAdvisory Cnmilte 0iwa 9 utflnorflok.nSad, Faull 'fi'op SoitGayd Do a onc y' 623-3611 barri opn lkconrt x c.4- P O O R P Y . put-. on Trîesdav. Interment 'flicC.N.t.B. Yotîr patronagpeMant.aptn 263-224t. 2s ATL 1 r l \ F 4-Uoniii- TI:1tSERVIC(E Verum - roo 64 Chng o Adrss- Hampton Cerneterx'. 4q-1 wilI hoe appî'euiated, R2Makt10tn23-2.21.2 ARTERI'S PICKFT Reation649 R-_e2', <Actc robnniFi.ODRIUDTO Change of A'VhTsr; Itoss IDavidn - B thany 3flr3 ena' i,9mie oooFnRFriueRgon 161 King St. F., Fscorted Catifnrîîîa Tour ?7 WFLL prinieni- Scotch -P>fip\O BI.IEI)JN, 1-2lie.( Bowmanville PAEDEN -Al Memorial HoF- 49-1USOMbouse. i kiles. Go 'ti tApine aeiMdtT Portraits Passprtspitat. Bowrnanvilte, on Satin-days, March 2 Io 28. Places; aod Spnîice Christnias lrccs; l'or Prompt Serv'ice PlniUTMr510 Tens es-Rfigrtr ahr dniesrîsçay, November 28th, 1964. Carl le! interesî:Sali 1,akr City*, wilesato ni- retail.Phonoe-~ Mp~ON LN LA IG PtrJ atio odFs oîî Soe n obnto Weddlngs 1 .?iesris'adn an tet o-Reuno, Sali Franicisco, 1,0:Huiward Milisn 263-21M61)7 L NDCLARNG PeerKowal, Jr. rualon' o2aursoaî. See IF es aS villt ýPe, 6 ae58ryetr, heov-i Angeles. Sari Diego. G r a îîri î OshaNwa72-"0 19 Ia,, yomur lamnd u'eared o! ail REALTOR $11.00\,0 $,1f> oo.Po'iea,(:n1poay ASTOR STUDIO > dhusband of Daisy Mulleti, Cno n ayohr.- 92 tuhhlp. bush1, etc'. by Heavy and GENERAL INSURA'NCE ChoS11,bd0o0rck0dm hserlî Sie Travol rdeluxe air conditionîed LARGE Qujaker oit sîcve \xvittî -flmty Bmih-iIo Rotary ('utter. Mebro saa&DsrCtEtbgrieaî ieo alwh nw rnsBd Phone 623-2502 Cdeair fathrin of Judy and ilmotor uoach. Hotet and touIrs lixx'îtbtoxvcr'..Teco cul ro lo.la,)lCaMtuco saa Dititwlhgrc l 20-2,Wayne. Service was beîd 10' Wanted ta Buv itb Moris oi 'tîarrangedi. Phono onr liî.e wtîlîlonrhothu like uex-~~niîoraiîîeu>2-02 Real Estate Board land. $6.31 fttprc. romad îetSie - Fin ____________________ Ouca'Rowe.I Travol Agencx 3885-2517. Phoni exî ixuc786-2,104. SPRJNG hnorse. ans' sizn. Tel(,-52KnStW. 6343 Bowmanville, on Monday, li~pîîî 2.05 9t . I I'N FIA IH E __________ ______ November 3tb, al 3.30 p.m. 1 47-:3 Lji. Wellinîgton Sticet. This 5- rameit ouitt )ii iins o PIANC Turing. A r tbu r ttenment Bowmanxv-itle Cerne- Osa aAu iu icku,. NI. Fiatt, BR. . ,Bctb- RRO$2ST.,WHIT Clio.Poe6330-t SGIN IN ALES ASE IE any. Phione 'i r 13 coîleci. 1BARNES & BYAM- firsî clascotîdition and is bhc- $,<f 210 ns aehe ________ -tr,.. M ng offered al a uealistic prine. Poilt,,pol unt> t1x or oTete --'ICENSED A QiriiSaturday, Dec. 5 Sprrialiiiîein 281 tb,~IAIG taîg sb i ndcs onixrcku i u i i avourd wmt 1 - ' ' bkfIl fshed OI> instrutionsatd si thionFin LIESDAehsp i talîToto,îi'>u onut. inlMII'theIG .SES SI-'RIIE $12-5 int196.3Fuît basement - IS))donr o iN eevcnit N u s nhoe I ie i H ospîlal. Tr o t , 1 6 . O N i t o )0 1 5 1 'î n OW a n t e d -2 H I Ra ud g a ra g . tro . T o ta t p nce 1 i çrme L re is oi ')> - S ' igb p r n c n i a v a , P o N ur~ing H o m e Tîes Ay. DPaes eran t, 122 4. î,IO S C OMM,'NITY CENTRE A WVNNG S R- 1tU NGS D ad to k e vi e il Bu n R S r ic 17i000. Trnis ananged. i sand. .3 bedroo' olg. vnilad M dm Til n EmnerI A. assant, 12 his ~ "Phofne 7?5'792? lbeîx Stee Nrt. TisheSerfvicel"'roît oI75 x omhl Dessr edoS "THE Lodge" Nursing Homet Street, Bowmanville. in iz nowmanville 59 Nasa,, 5Si.)elîaxc'aIdi,,,.Sre ot.'h-Iriiiillkor on Highway 2. Licensed. Ac-17ôth Nyear. beloved hîrshand of ai1 8 p.m. f , igliest ('ash iPrices for Did eadIS'T'TA'K N) or frani bhomne is absoloi- 275'. Off seuuaoî eialOiVSit' nottpMtrse commodationi available. Kind Ada Webb. dear fatlier of 45a5nd ('rippled Fa' SockTIIETAEKS l iitpshp.CoNssD!$,Sifuit tîîshd TrisanBo pigbaIsie- ATU.VV aa bcdrTLFBDSI i oopns, lîvui roni, dînontmsstî%5.'500kBds-Hndtftd4 oin te rch oîe.By'1,ws.tbe.Bioaîi'ohh-. set rax ,Etuiikîleu iri "Ïhomes We have one that i >dx' aac .A Training Schaol. Bwavle Morlev (decoasedu Serv'ice Phone 2623-240! tir 263-26018. Re23-3ger1.tion1readx for occupant'y. N.HRA, ernis.Ls Ontario. 'vsheldr'>nthe Momni> Fuî'-.tnL- ui..,>QU1-RTERLS ONE herdtootn -groticîi floor Rfieain fiuanciîîg.' -OAGsotaimIect PlasSpciictins md ra CaplBovoanille ni, INT'EREsTING Bisine;'- in F' >0<RBaparimnîu'n . 55. Tee(phiii an Mae -Grhaetac <2 sgarae, at62-33fu otsad 2-58 PendnsDocuenicts niandeb Mna.Noeie 3t tgoddsrict Selt datîs ic-trialplmmn46212.249- 1 * plac eviebiewt atco aaeAller 9 p. m. - tained frorn, ou viewed atI?2 'cltock Intenment Bonux'- çcessîlie- ýai c tooîin'-iouîl: FOI'R-nOîn aliarîmettl.Nev- 'i îîncH3-ic ah.l- Pat 'en_____ 'Roni 630 Dpannuintof manx'iite Ccnieterv -, 49-I1'speruat offoî' - premoiioîs Nmtomîlille Nrcessnrr,% >teoiLa" 550 Coî i Rfimriaiond Mîîk ir 1eav ' yduty xiring. etc. H K Pten - -623307 Public Wanks. East Block, ~~Takc adx'antape et Chrilti-mas Poweorand liand Tnok lv' prîx'ate Piiotie 72.7-2-5.19 oerar liOny9,0KnHokn - 6305 'S aftdo PubriaetBidns.TrroWLIASA sa' Gn, ii~ N > vt 0 ccls . Trict'rles APAuTlENTg.lotoon aibertPhone BERTastFBlockildrngPlotenu Liberty St.Jack Whiteman 72635TREbdom oueuno 2Ontritamaral Hospital, on Sundax' <da-s' trial perinl. JITO. DepI Ans A. ENT-nlaonh. bariie Dayq -62.1-5774 N., ô5' x 103' - $2.500. Act fast. JeBmoh 8-22na omnilb eal 2. bt.slf-ot nri almi Niahîs -623-.317 Eveningi'Harry Bennett -7347 uiespry hr 2-38 A 300 Bt od.a îîîo'.ý November 29th. 1964, Adelini T 3. 513>'i 5tofH<uberton Montreai' Paynent Bond will be reqinr-IMeWgntsoRd S,. Osbaw. a;geti MEN n- ort men. if xcni;- (rAo1,1ir Radbo ,xxa-. Pootr72busefo322an>1 49-t 454fa 693-9 ed as specifned 65 yve!t5. vife of Ith af le.tlani ftnd )0 cood iistomot.. u n'nit i latcs 'rIrEE b Mdritbe dfoir 49n LETI .Koa 2-18 91TREofuro p Tenders xiiinont hF consud. C .Willtas, drkiristpr of coniin1tx xxe xxw!11-hov. i> Inx% and i (rnes 5-76, e/tu Catiadian S¶;;aiesrati,~-____ -______ Noticesihd an opewt n emdunesmaeon Nrs ntnie ("xîrsIH HVil lti gb -hoxv ea' ilx'vou tar i Ake rez- tSF OUR BUDGET PLAN P (O Box 19n. Bowmranx 'îleMotgge :rduls aeo orsbv). Oshawva; Archie Toî-itai:$600 00. nionthîx Froc i nrsor...GeorgegagW supplied by the Department. 1 ontBiw49-1'ilMn GeorgerWolfe.dRctid""lsNo. il before F1iday. 49-__ h3wanite nt er.prdetdat nt o__x ., - - ._ _- -HYGENIC supplies - <Rubber WE will buy Agreemenits af Bunketon, regrets,du ohvRETrles50t7 ar Th ows o n tner1aewo.jho.Sri. as:pc1.1 roAPARTMENT -ax'ailahle nn- .goods) maile.d postpaid ho plain 1Sale; boy or give second img exoortetfi.slal fn1,rpy taepr not recessarmîx- arceptoti. Iotrlc'> the Nlory!z; Funenal ,sehin2 for vont Wlr!te lotiarrritl. ii 3r m nle-pld vlo -zw hvic lslnrggs A wo D eop C rzta rr, jID. MILLAB <'la ort1.Boxvrno.î'lle, on Wod - 'for 'Fref& sare- atii it>,->a't utdi>mltc-Sx i îmls25r. 24 'amples nient and Construction Lirnit.nont bho able tO 1ipylclOhw dsrc.WieAv DeputY Ministen r 'Dre-ebon Dnd. s ;sraneti rtaimlo;gie ' in c<h , ý KIit > '>an' mlle nu-i sîl' ceat-ijwtitiifr!g aod ,$1 0>4 Ma;il dOridoDp T-?R, eti, Newrctte- Phaone New-icusitomr-r tb!-,'priB oe ie 7,caCnda tt Department of Public Mr rk>. ;'clock. toterment Bowrnpt . 1600 Delonîmner, lonireal Phone 623-3134 , 10' ' -d. Phone 623-29301 Nox- -Rtbhr-Ca., Box 91. castle 987-4245 or Oshawaiho have local suppisi h ai ..Bx10 wnn Ontario. 48-2 ville Cemetery. 49-1 49-3 49-j or 623-55861. 49-tf i Hamilton, Ont. 1-52'1-j28-2102. 23-"ture.492vie,9*

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