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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 17

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S OLINA The eanadian Statemn omnilnc ,94 1 C OIAWestlake's. Bowaivil. atedda-at ien r The C.G.I.T. girls and Ex- NMrs. C. Johnts, B1 avlc aphWlu tUia Cacds of Thanks l Cards of Thanks In Memoriam arna es Cu tpoeswt terlaesadvstdo ud 1 wlsh to express my deep I would like tethank every- HOAR-In loving memory ofeCrdsmasn Bciwmanievilleo.ý; aPpreciation te îny many one who remembered me in Helena Mary Hoar who passed ed i Bo m n le First Baptist Church, in Osh- mr ciMs E. preMr. and Ms hita tr * riends for their kind thoughts any way with flowers, gifts, away on December 3rd, 1963.aaonSnyeein. vitd M. imrCosIlnt, std atHn recn goo inshes dring m ars vis ait n in quimries The de ths tll, ow eDecember lst, 1964 jing to yied the right of wayý The oficer stated that at The W omen'-s Institute w iîî'Oshawa. on aturda v nn . G isb r r v Tal owm Lanvie.Hosta. ecia tanks ti-0fthel foew oe 6 Wre vne ootDavI od the court that theltrough had been ripped off icember lOth. at 8:15. As thlShs. BoydM .Bo anieeundTiiOh er Newaste. 9-icalFlorals fo evrytinAnd whie se seep adriving without a licence, was driveway in front of anotherlcd over, windows smashed,,there will be an exchange of Francis. Mysicreaprciton~ sent into the home. peaceful sieep, fîed 20 nd torîtsday, ete estoun onHIhloraofpait pils Elsie Beckett. 49-I1 lier memory we sha fied$0analwavs10dy, elil esbud nHgh everal colrofpitale ngnrI My____ preitont l las by Magistrate J. D. Berger. In way No. 2. This had resulted!to the cottage and a spray bers end each emer ,iand fanil were Sna i-FN ULT esailwo stdmsn lw __ ep he absence of Crown Attorney in the other caMsr.in ,g to ,ý p aint I u s ed lueid aufu i w o rds rememer a ild in the e usscfM nar. OUET Cr nd m essages of encour- I w ouid like to sincerev Lovingly rem em bered by G F " o n Bl , .C i d a o d s rk ngH 'e ' 2t i t da agmndto h ussadtak ymn rednih- 50Yis Harold, Frank. Ted andlmnBonasile, acE.CWd- orid sffthriki ng M r. a onteadenfriue eCide' i oit vt r olnBwavlc enadtheh, Crown. takmyMryf insni ýfrile.491 a hydro pole, he added. !damage had not been estab- als;o be prescrit.ers2tbihd. stffon recsay iF eodrial orand st rre mbtiesfrrd m LtleMisCahrhe aerfnr\ u'-. . ,nu. Myoecpi tawviie in Meoilany way whior e was ameYEO-ln Iuving memorv ut a, Constable P. C. Harte-Max- Overtime parking on Kinglished definitely but that esti- The C.G.I.T. meeting ~ittled lieoss Cmeon nUI Hosita, nid ngmn. pin in Port Pher1 Hosia'.dear aunit Eva, whu 'passed ýwell, OPP, told the court lheStreet E., October 9th, cost tmates hadi run as high as $900. lie held on Fridav night. De- aies nded irthaypolionsTFF Spcil hakstoDr. enie away December 6th, 1963. ýstopped the car, bearing New Wayne Par-ker, Bowmanville,' Magistrale R. B. Baxter iember 4nh, at the hoe ot Monda Oba i rshawl to r.Ewr m nrs s nd sa orthe crerecivd. ThoDrhomweloeeg nt runwiklceceplaes an $wad cst otteeedoypigredoin thooinon he hethhlederlMesadedyre-MissGrntDon, aeeie 4EYBRO. TD Thow wsh wtoovexpressBrusmy tlicackslateiano$3snd Kanderlheenurses Mrandratwas But oexrssny hnk sHllwglnusstn, asked the driver for his The officer giving evidence youths when the damage a lowlees. There vil be re- and Mrs. J. Knox iter- niy anyfrindsfurther d aprecatethethogh ut neyer out of mind; lcne He said the accusedlwas Constable T. Davis. vee in the cold light of hearsal for the Vesper service latives at KedronanBru-________ MY t5and floers doringmv in doapecede oghfu They are cherished in the admitted lie did not have one, Stephen Barchard, Oshawa, iday. He advised themn to c9me [ini oui- church on December 13 [gham on \Vedneda kidesand care, their cards, ness shown to me and many: hearts i that he had tried the exam- was charged October 22rnd 1te terrms with Mi-. Cummings at 8 c'clock, and work will bi___ giece nd ilnes in MYoria d E h Mir. 9. Of thuse they leave behind1 ination in New Brunswick and with failing to notify the De-i and make restitution.* continued on ChrisutmasLBV reen flsil Bowmanvi mraEiMie. 9-* -Remembered always, Joyce' flunked it. partment ut Transport of, _And simply making resti- 'Crita fx- Ors. AAIA AVMB Helena Hooey. WdsantexrsouRnadFmiY. 49-1;l Traffic tickets: (Constable change of address. Constable tution is flot enough," admon- Qieanme rmhr 49 rds -antepesor P. C. Harte-Maxwell, OPP)- T. Davis stated that Mr- Bar- ished His Worship. "~Constable attended the Jr. Award Night an d M rs. re d ar LMIE 4-*deep and sincere thanks te *YEO--In luving memnory ut a ýJohn Kenneth Guy, October chard told hlm lie had' been Cornell says that he knows at Gi-onu on Saturday night.adfmlNwate iic ou et wis t tan rlaivs ur friends, neighbors and dear mother and grandmother, 24th, speeding 60 miles an living in Oshawa forsi sorte of you esnll n e. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thomp- wiht hakrltieirelatives for the acts uf kind - Ev Yeo, who passed awayi hour on Taunton Iold $10 months. 1-is ownership still 's shucked that this has l ad eele.Cure Mi-. and Mrs. Jim titn o 3 1 ardsan fo wers and special pess, floral tributes, comfert- December 6th, 1963. land costs, or five days; Ron shuwed Newcastle, continued happened. There iS 1no cx- xvere Sundav visîtors Daiiadthul thdand lu Drs anssi iattIng rs adcrsinteW tentiku gn aaid HaroàdLupel, speeding 90 te-fcr.ciefr thi ortutthing. IMs . elwee n it weekend wîth Mr- n r.PoeWlb andpru, sudden passing ot our dear When we xvere ail together, miles an hour on Highway Mi-. Barchard explained that 'want you to return here on GIdsleloles o Jackson. Paris. Il ForMedical, X-Rv isDanv. A I401, $30 adcosts, or 1 ay*Jariuai-v th and tell me wîîal O~k835 Fî~ lo nre n saf* -secatakTh iccan is broken , and s, ie boarded ini Oshawa during, IA great nv trom iSolirna Mi.ndMsFrkPaoe . . .i technicians, during my stav ~i eDs.Eetan ~- n ew Stewart H. Travis, EnnIh heweIndwrela e-yo aedune by way u Of ' "'dththîsrd fxi- Keii n h ussi e- Bttmemeries willivellen, pleaded guilty to 'hit and teal Mondtors, eturingto hs eparation. Then we wilsec cd peohe ho ned hel MeoralIbspta.moial Hospital, aIse Dr. forever.i-n October 3rd. The fine home in Newcastle over wee-xhat elsc wilI be dune". Mr.GorePrfc. Sproull and asssting doctors To us she has net gene away1 was $75 and coss, or 10 days, ends. Magistrate Berger dis- - Saturday to see the biggestl aCrid nursesin the eperatidnnrse Nor has she traveiled far, ad slcnewsssed missed the charge. little Santa Clatis Parade tmis, (u-ietrtarikal -om at Oshawa General Ho-Just entered God's eterrnal 'ed for six months. 'Using shotgun shelîs lai-ger ]KLDBON sie o Trono." Muh crvif i S us t er ac orrelatives~. fricrids and ýpital and the fast and efficient home Constable L. F. Dryden, than those permitted by law' 'idute Torn o." mchi neighbors for the lovely gitts services of Bowmanvilc Ai-cal Anid left the gate ajar. OPP, testified that he hadcstRbrMauaBv- Preparations ai-e beirig madewo re n oeeain LbryS.N wercic tte(mui"Ambulance. Wc especiallv -Lovingîv reinembei-ed and ,been calied te an accident ley, $35 and costs, or 10 d,îys. by the Kedron Doubles' Club with the efficient manager of ietyS.N shower in Blackstock. A w'ish te îhaik loi- llowcr sacilv missed by daughter.north of Hampton. He stated Conservation Officer Douglas and the choir for the annuali arrangements for this spec-ý COME IN TO-DY. N HOEYU sPecial thariks ttrieli. folks beai-ers. pupîls of HamPton1 Linda. sen-in-law Sam, son that his investigation revealed oehtl h o ehd Carol Service, whiclh willbe acular parade, Mr-. Carson El- LO IN HSBAU FLL PANE w,\ho arrangcd the evenirig. Seheol, the palîbeai-ers, Rev. Ted and daughter-in-law Je- that the driver uft h t e sop d the othe ov m e lot o a e tis ej y Siricerel.v, C. Dugan and Rex'. C. Catto An 49-1 car, Steilar Kowaiczyk, had stpe1heacsd oebrhî o unay ecmbr7:t30u.ae hi njyble SBDVSO William arand Jean Mahia ff y.Fuea Hoe nd-usaed but$5 amg 2nd on the boundary of Hope Forsuet1re ec- event such a success. 49kMorris uea HoeaIssandaot$5 amg and Cavan Township. He add- Fu tdnsroiTah Mi-. and Mi-s. Murr-ay jack Hapu nie hrc o-YE-Iiloigmmoyu and that the accused had ieft ed that this was in the open ers' College were observing'sun, Oshawa, visited ori Sun-ý the use et the C. E. Wing. ldear wite and mother, Eva the scene. Mr-. Wildman point- season on dcci- and Mi-. Maz and practice teaching in Max- 1 ihM- n r.Buerf 1wsit an ec1vle Betty and Lloyd Barries Yco who passed away Decem- ced out that Mi-. Travis had had -uawscryn oe well Heights Public School Tink end fanîilv. L who was so kirid to i me. sud suad family. 49-I lber 6. 1963. Itwe previous convictions for 1zuca ws caryiniasCoey r . n Ms WsIll n M and c ail lu me rntgitmy --Ged saw you getting weai-y,icareless drivîng and had lost nguesotu n ahise pa wecdMiss GLoialfml i-- M.ad-is recntstv n emrml os relp W anted Se He did what lie thnught'points after a speeding con gu shils nan e a and ti.s s oraNaiî iste i-TaRMA- . i eoilo-DaiWila t r bso we»I McCai-relI, Omemee, on Sun- NUTA OEN2SOE OS pital, Bowmanx'ille and Tioronî- YOUNG woman tu live iiias He cae ast, bsie .uJctoehBm, aeL Delilavidt.WiOsiawat, cf D Wlknonga. tis ors.ncrnro lu General Hospital. Special mothers lelper, two chilcrer. Anîd whispei-ed -Corne aind 1Setoer 3es wiand Mit o PMr. lia' Msy onuecorner of v L ibe ryS.ndS stDie cam aîdstudbeid yu omnepBî, ase ine Wllam$,1s5w, trgdWîis ient ahewd MiDna, i-.ari Mi. ruc alriiib pnfr oriseto thanks le Rex'. John Fi-amp- light duties, cxvii i-om. Good; rest". adcss o 1dy, o al about $75 trom his aunit, Mrs.,Wlon etMhawetiiMs attended the 25t1î onni esr ton, nurses and staff of chue References required. You wxished n nue a last -Illebe Brown, R.R 2, Osha- Mr ead ou. t-dinuîi- of the Peterboruglil SARIN SA ,DE.2H nierial Hoîspital, Bianch 178, Applv Mrs. Shcirmnr, 725-,5494 farewell"FR TAW ~ wapeadguty vastaî The Brownies workin.g o Couintv Fedeiation cf Agricul-~ ]leYai Canadian Legiori, the Osha'wa. 49-I Nor even said gondb, c ' I~R. B. Baxter iemnided h'i ,wrdthrGoden Back h e! jtuircdirner at Rock Haven, Frnhng Corey fF.AKanpLd staff uf The Bovs' lrainirig. AVON You hadi gone before we knew SELECT USED CARS" out et custody le appear De- exoel their firof lst aid -rze Schooi surI Cohd Sprrigs IEMASMNY Ari nvG E cember 29th and asked for a pctaiinthi week. _____________________________ CampSinerev, IMENIENS ONE Aid oflYGodknovq hY.SEEpi-e-sentence report.le in-'tai n thistree he Mrs.Several trom liere attended Be- yriî'. 49-1 Prit spare hours u - I*l ovirig aîîd kind in ail your' structed Mi-. Potter to miake Bih Rosnak inurh-ucted tlîem th Dh ' audwachth dllrsgrw. ways, M restitution Io his aunt and stayifui-m..HmsBitB Phn 2-66 49-1 Upri.glit snd just lu the end c U E separate and apart fi-cm two, . eeig f h Cr.q Yelverton on Studa.L U A o ordy of hsplMLa n ud r ldMts Mrightson f / ORGANIST and Choir LeaderlSincere sud kind iin heart aiid U V f *E B erland. h tan Education Commiittee 0 Wight and Miss Ilia Hoar, fui-St.Andew's Unied îîid. M IUK~RL~ Costaie . R Corîcî, (, Mnday night, dates were sel Buwmanvillic VIsited on Sun-' Church, MiiIbrook, Ont. Duties Beamtitnl meriieries you left: O O A E told the cour~t that h tibtepcilChisnaso day xx 1h Mr. n-"s.E.R_ sMAC tcommence Jani.1,1965 behind. LMTa weald oth ronr sidne ho rEsULFanT s tlaM r . 1, O W/TF TAXYES send applications ln E. J. - I.exiuglyîernîeubcied a nd -'LMIT» - caîe b terotw eencsîeWhehool.r T/E AY//YAPowell, Milîbrook. Ont. 49-:, sadîx missed by Iiusbaud Earl McQueen, Pret,. Nvebr s we M-. h Wie i e visi Mus rand Wc Tome i Celumbia.- - Browvn Ilad fou nd a la rge sun i when theechilIdi-en bring gmxi sitda adMjTm llA MeER rNYO #'/ING iýBRITISH Couba Dam Gordonî, Mary ai d Neil. 49-1 219 KING ST. E- cf money missing fi-cm ber- whicb are distributed to needv ,79TEM W8~E M#gSEINC constructioni. Txvo, top pay - BOWMAVILLE H.A.nthog h Fe EULSC U T nT~~~~~~I~th cidrnsmaîlei- s .i-m He irntruhth rdC U T ing prejects. Seîîd 40e ard ARorzIMDae fr te hli-nRigybnk.H Victor Mission, will be held FrApitett added that ethe moneforhaJoo Sunday nîurning, Decem-Ispc POO f: E/t Cade s sed ervelBope46 ,fe r kM M O I A S . R m!e a s been takeri while the victim s br 3th. P o o 6 3 3 9 land, Wash. 49-I Dignified and Distinctive R blrC s were attending churcb andý The Christmas paîtv for, WHETHER YOU WISH TO in designs for any nced. on suspended sentence tromludy co spane r' 152 Simeo St. S.,hshawacourtE:for a Isiunlsorta e 1Saturdlay atterneon, De- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE . TRAVEL BY 159iceS.SOhw OETeeI osotg off ence against bis grandfath- l I9th 723-1002 - 728-6627 of cars IeIe As our 1965 Cosu9a ebeh! h -~ AIRRAIL or Office Evenlngs models continue to be sold erhîree Toronto yemths ard .jccThe Senior Christmas Cou-O ha a Dsrc AI/ 6-fata eor pr .. ear lw fomOon, noiec nicetwil be held at 7:30, Mon- saw istrict _______________________ 26tf' atreoae ...wt aeIworo rninuvd~ day evenîng, Decemnber 21, REAL iii ~~STEA/v1SrIP otnt t aetP local the theft ut gasoline fi-ouitbecr The progi-ain xviii begin Ssi-1) Real Estate Board 17 H RCH T BW ANIL consult WESLEY1T VILTTr trade-ins coming in daily. !Clai-ke Township tracter, gase- ,,, :0 7 H ConultVVLiYjaIVJjjJj Sec us betore you buy! huie fi-oui Fred ('ux. garden _JURY & LOVELL. Sympathy is extended t o 16 a b hose from Francis Coxan,' __ 231-2 SUGOGST RAVE AGNCY Mr. Ilerb Paeden anîd o îer 94 a bers garbage pail firim Tîiomasi 231-72 manvlle 623-336 members bf is family for the, Several models to choose 'Stephenson. generalci- fromn z SIBowanvlle 623336 ildeath of bis brother, Carl,j from, both 6 and 8 cyl., the Departoierît et Lands snd, -which tnok place dui-inq the: standard and automatic Forests. and pop bottles trnm weekeîîd in Bowman v i îi transmissions. Ail are local ........te.oySous,.p....~ . Carl was bo-n bei-e and thisý o mileage trades, stîli 'peared for sentence. ,~. !was his home uîîili manhood. under newv car warranty. Victer Edrnund Hiuten, agedi He lias been il for some time. 21, was further remaîîded in i B ES I FO O D BU Y S There were 57 at Sunday! 96 oniaeustody toreturuihere Dec. 8. Novmbr wthGeorge Tf Strato Chief 4-Dr. :sent te Ontario Reformatory' ford acting su perimtendeu t. 6ciatmtetasi-fer six months definite aîd! ct D ykstra Foods Sndyeoo6case ae e l , cutomraio. tasis-ree hre ti smlr Sunav chol casss ae wIIýsio, csto. rdin Ths cr thi-ce montbs indeterminate on>k We Reserve the Right to Li nit Quantities. surrounded *bv visuial aids ls immaculate.onchre i asmIr prepared for the lessuns cf term ou ecdi of the chier the new curriculum. The col- 16 ota charges Iuoi-un concur-ently. M.. . Ici-st t theroo.1Ch6ch aur ntia c-r oadEdadYra GOLDEN YELLOW oui-fui pfictures add miîch inu Michael Harrison, aged 17: Il service was hlcd in the even- :17, and Rober-t Gordon York, *ing with Hii-C meeting affer- Hardtop laged 18, were each sent ho wa rd. 6 cyl., automatic transmis-'!Ontario Reformatory for 12 R1 b fA chur'lu fat-riulv party was! sion, custom radio. ]Ial monhhs detinile sud hi-ee B U II IIUnU l held mn the Sundav schoul one owner car in top nîonths iuîdeterimnate ou i uej nearly 7(0 gatbcred for a pooniton each cf the other charges lu N.1Newv Crop Florida luck supper, inclrîding fouir' UNUSIA.! i-un concurrenhly, I L LRI gerieratiors. Mrs. J. Brimma- - "Tun place youi on probation Large Suze combe, Mrs. Kav Tiiorudykp,ý 1962 Pontiac xvouuîd orilv he makiug a BRUSE 1-_- 11.1W _DÀdmW EDM I eWnci.AIi~srikrg of those'c Good selection of ('hcvs., Ilowe'en prank and e rided in I h(ikadt h Pontlacs. Etc. Corne in and bundrrds ot dollars damage. CA R RY A 9c - c and ut scaîetakeuu hbY look them over, Ml5. and Carol C. Waruuer (mal(,, lb______________ lb AtKnfasrinon tfa u rax, ip. M starr gond rcian as-c (d 17; ft nuald ri Miinsha 11. 3 9 3 cMO n n s1ir i-a-t 1956 CIr S. ,gpri tri. andRobert ir.liart .IF EIM E G UA RA NTEE SX NIAGARA BRAND in Acheverment Day Dninai 15 Fordi 2-Dr. malucuuuis damaRp to ntc Ashhy receix'ed ber cinty f; cvi.. standard transm q ownecfl 'cx'Clarence (uuini!n, BRE KFA T c hounouci pin and certifirate fer ,%Ion, rutomn radio. Cive uq" Cartwi-ight Towniship. Warner 5 9 ecompletîug six tnits. She and, an ofîpi-! pleaded guilty and the charge H A N D T O O L S th te iommes uhwas withdri-axx' hv the Crnwuî SAW the otherSer'icmemSrsatRothagaiuîst the other twnu. B3rimmacembe s n d Andrea SrieSain Ail six pleaded guilix r B A C O N lb Wigmore. P resc n ted s ,ýkit Open fromn 7 a.m. fuituer ulure e(,xteýnsive dam- H O N N G IN E T U A L T V avo ra le om m ntsnow tires. 'w eî's popetv at W illiam s' lave 15c A meeting of the U.CW . . Point. Clinstable H. R. Cor- Spring Vegetable ecuiv~e xas beld at the24H R neil. OPP. h netgtn 9 Ihurchocinhusat ternoon fic- uhndtedmg OR3 9topreparp rscendt s. Clar-ERIC dune tbeach cf the properties. for the regular meeting on Phone 623-3401 Ail six youths admitted that ê~édIe Soups L s Decc 91h, w%-th Mesdames G. After Hours 623-2083 u a tpdtigt o __________________________________ Best. E. Barrowclough. A. Menaber of both N.A .L. lttn they were sour-yfor SHOP AN» SAVE ATAustin. IH. Auistin, and Ber- a nd 0.31. 1. snd willing to make restitu- See our complete selection cf Saws, Chisel Sets, Tubular Steel Hmes ose hn S H P A N A V T i c e B s t p e s n . r. l r -9 * 0t io n .S c r e w d r i v e r s , E c ence Nichols was present for CONTACT: F.xideuice showed uiuidows tc pato he meeting. The samp alMQen adsomwnoshdbe evening a group meeting was EaI cucnad, stnim windows ad bee D Y K S T R A 'S 1 o held at the home of Mrs. Har- Weldon Brown of latice rippd tp. achimnnev HAW A W OOD PROD td old Austin, and others attend- Bud Fogg thrown tu the ground sud 'a O HW OD P 77 King st. w. VARIETY FREE: ed choir Practice k'îe. Jack Miller TV antenna damaged. Estum- ArON M.ca fSakile er odi te damage te the Colwell eut- COURTICE Your One Stop Luînber and Building MaterialsSHPIGCNR PHON'E FOODS DELIVERY Mrs. Id Plrmm and Mfr. and Bilrry Goodwien tage was $198. He said that 7811 DEALER -- -623-3541 F0M.r' Cha..Piim Of Toi-ento i cue Mi- Coi-eIl hâd agi-ced tri x îsited w:th Mi-. aud Nrs. H. Sales have the yorths cume and help ý Barr0wc1ough en Sunday. il him repair ail the damnaîe, <~~- -~ . 4 -. ~ ~ -~ A.

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