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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 18

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4-The Canadian Statemnan, Nowmanville, tDee. 2, 1084 OnIy a Few - ~ç-' '77 of the Many Santa Claus Parade Features TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM BOWNMANVI LLE ROT.ARIY CLI MEMNBERS OR NIAY BE PURCHASED AT DOOR. 41~ 4! ~4I <I 4? ;i.oo B ~ 4 Voters aie apailcranîd (10 flot toiln out. On the une lia d xr lion Id haxe aulooiunuus gouriîient, as il is the foîiîdation ot de'. rnociac' vlutit ts lied îîip)iio sucb a complicated set of iaws and so mnaiî ' coud itiuns ai - lached to sing powers IhlaI il requ ir'esthie paltience Of 'Jîb and the kîîuwledge of a Plîlla- delphia laxx'Yer Iu gel eveii re- lati vel ' ni jour tlîiîgs dune. No wonder thal sonie of the ablest cîtîzeiis xviii iîol ii i public otffice or w illiîot sta ' long,. cauglit up as Ilimv are betxxeeiî pressurie truni their coiist iluencies lu gel tinigs doue ailîd hue iiiadeqiîecies <if Ille mea ns and (<olliîlc s lies of1 p loced li rt. \ 0 iîd polît iciaiî siiiîîg ion Illie lenic t xIhis t arli îî- td iii luoiîpublic upiliuiî. hi>' 01e ht]Il l he fl. ili îc. î u il tu Ul0 lit* xx ll ii. filsot ýe l O'. Ille( 01ile îîIllettion.îîîlx îldeild 0ui11 hegiotiiu. Souiilies lic lias lIotIlke ouiiuial positiuons;. ollen i tinig (iii afloit'tt wi til longule iin l liet;kand idls foot A large liaittt I l' ibrnleq s dueoth~ile peuple. Thîey are coiiradic-toî y, often uiîreason- a bie and xithî dîffereit x iexv- poilts. LUke peuple. focai goxciliî- ment iç also less thl îperfeci betatise iin the finalI ana lvsiN, glixeril inieîl is people. 1'tfiiiî vilhoîIi reg~ard lu hiniaiîi factor",thie Sîî~ cirrîiiisaîiî s s îîul eallv - ficieîiiv bul tiîtaîi cpo' xU l'O11 5 Il s tIituieud iciîiif tite's hadtI Iliai uuîs oui le clîuîiî îot k ail tluut i on liie \xlieni s<iletiiiiLt gues xx i uug. iu iIe u iireliplo\ CC oi Illie aipiited boards. Ail tbu ntleiî.nexx aîiend- mneiýts are muade to legisiation, oflenti vih litîle or no consul- îtalion xx' lbfile munlicipal ilies which liax e Ioix e with them. Theîî Ihere is the problem 'of muney. More money is not always the aîiswer but it pro- vides the vital nourishmenl cao aciive ils puteiitial as an orfe»aîîi7atioi oue xîîg ils comn- Mflit\and tis(- îel pirer As i i'la dîffîillli ieý bve suýr I he at -tu depend iaricly on one Source or rev enue -tIle prup- V L E * * * w. ert\ta\.1£+OUR BIGEST VLEEETO U X R Tlhis is becumnig less appro- i piiai e as mure anid Imuje o f the intiiiicilpalil.ý's serv ices be- corie ut beiîefit lo mure tlîan j1usi the residells onIlle ilunli- d 11f ~ j loc(al gO\v'IIriellts aie fi-tilIl more sensitivxe tluchanges in tax raies than are other levels of Pgoverroments. Few taxpa'- + erq believe that it is better tou ur nnw frteb s u say hr!+ give than 1<> rer-eixe. ur innw frtebae uy ay Bomidaries, shotild be appru- priate lu r-esputisibi lit.y , for 01, somne services nleeci large areas p AT and some restrirted ai-eas. 'l'le mumnitiipal ity slîuud be sma Il enotîgli tu b)e lucai, Jo il. umlîn4 \r pits SoOi as Vxuu cease luo lie iîig but local administration. whieh is qute a different - fhI M~ thing froni local gux eriiment. EI ':i NT CF0 'l'lie mI cipal lv imisl have t1le fi inancial capacit\ t(J pro- P'hone 623-.5689) vide the services tu ils rom ig t .,Bi mn i inuir. 3KigS.EBvnavle Last but iîuî leasi.thie sv - ** tenm of localgoeuîuius be adaptable tu change. No sev t oda ' s PLiZ relN local, Buy a Quality Buîlt anid lur each ser vice Ille ideal Sîx eirs are laid ouit accordi IgtfintrAplac lu Ille lax' uf the land bli schuol boutnda ries are dele r- fromn Cowan's fit the nîind lu rgel'v bh*v whiere the A, 11 mamn roads aie. w3 OUTSTANDING VALUE! . Lowest P r 1ce s Ever I a t funia orBig - 14 vu. fil. - No Frost aleqead oîtl beli ould iONLY and enter the fabulous lad eqîale ls crilîc 'Ihere are ruads tu blx kept KELVINATOR KITCHEN CONTESI > an pa cli Idreut1b$2d99ra*0d0 win a $1,000 Kelvinator Kitchen a tid a i Osi u p v ided iigaiirt is l aI a reasuil- ~~ Trade $ 0 *S V 5 1Vlaîiý tcuc<Souiotu $50im luA Y m $50 prohîcijîs perla: lin g tuhlu I ONTHS àvi dcc l Iisi t o NTE TOP LINE MASTERPIECE UNITS ll-iiîuoil ltalaiIdilîliiidIoKELVINATOR KELVINATOR DELUXE 1-iusili lucatch np xxitl 112)<'.1er- 12 '.olt d\'s pr(ibleins,, U O A I ie Lrguntrlit for piovil n-MA I ciul intervention w ilI be nmîc REFRIGERATOR xx'aker. if there is a ilîiei ,W SH R Capacily' for interîîal roform i A lttoillatie Defrost o A H R and self improvemeîît. '84-lb. Freezer SV' Wishing onue and ail a hap- ~.~1ualr4 %ater Tempert-iattit uei py anid peai eful Neu, Ypar. îil r Tm-o Cycle Iarn. iPspe(ltitill\ #'NL jvl '1? Mo0o C5«005~ 9 A KELVNATORt ra de' ItEONLY '%Viti, A-pproveRAG KELVINATOR DEUX I ce Pro*eci 30"RADEE* WAHR 1 (* uuulite itilîRotisserie W SiR A e x Caii utiierî M.P PP f * Attomtic î& t Big 11-1h. Tub ilbat Ilie application of the, <g Tl'wniship of Cartwrightîtii - - lfl 2 6~ 'II~~ Model K132 ~ 0 dJer the Centennial c i ONLY$11ithONY0 !t Progranmmeelias becîl appru$191,00 ecd by the Province of Ontiario 'jrade.......................... rade and bas been forwarded Io ~1 Ottawa for approval bvliv fe AI ID nIrACA Centeiinial Commissioni.. VYIIFi VERY PURCH- AFREE TiI~CETTO the o a dit.jCion tbC the iL 10%,9- ROTARY PLAY "SEND ME NO FLOWERS" - DEC. 3 - 4 -5 T Rink iocaled inu Black 'stock,.t et a net estimiated rost or L $9.500.t00, and mibs stîm subî- ccl4 FOteaoxemiioe R THE BEST YOUR LOCAL appoxai vii h ro'ed DE ALS ANYWHERE C O W A IN KELVINATOR ~ Town, np f Cart\rîl ýY 1156. () Il h \ -b' ýprimeul. A 11H SE E............EQUIPMENT CO. DEALER hiýxItle Goxcrnincnt;1 744 j f ~ I Lt?? Di

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