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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 1

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Walkout 5h uts Although the strike deadline in thie General Motors - U.A.W. n1g)iajn at Oshawa was listed as Thursday, Dec. 3rd (tomorrow,,) at il a.rn.. the entire Oshawa operation is virtuallv closed tight todaly fol- l'nga wa;lkout at the South plant last night. A meeting of union executive personnel was scheduled for Wrd- Ilesda;iv afiernoon whcn details of action contemplated were 10 be discussed. Several office %vorkers and supervision personnel who were inside the plant when the walkout occurred rlid flot arrive at thrir homes hrre lintil laie Wednesda 'v mor ning. It is understood that the office staff, after rfportin£! for work. were not adrnitted and returned home. awaiting fur- tther instructions. ýýi 4 In the meantime. outside the gates. workers are clustered around b--urnmn g logs and tires. trying to keep warmn. Valedictorian Receives ift Third -Maple Grove' GMTs Oshawa Plants be n~bîtrn tt îr ROWMANVILLE, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 PNAI.WDEDYfEFn - ..- u er iCopy NUMBER 49 Boy Hit Little Christopher Roy Conners, age 6, a son of MUr. and Mrs. Roy Conne rs, Maple Grove, lost fis life in a tragic accident at 6:40 p.m. on Tuesday. He was struck by a car on No. 2 Highwav in front of Beech's Red and White Grocery Store. 'the driver of the car was Joseph T. Rekker, age 17, Maple Grove A group of children had beeni skating behind the Red and White store, then they decided b go across the road with one of the Stainton boys to biS home to get his skates. Accordîng to neighbours a west bound car passed and as soon as it did so little Chris Conners ran out directly in front of the ecast- bound Rekker car, while bis older brother Larry called frantically, "Corne back, corne hack." As the young lad appeared suddenly in front of his car Joseph Rekker, the. driver, tried desperately to avoid hitting him with the vehicle, but was unable bo do so. His car went into thie north ditch and Mr. Rekker and his littie sister, Julia, were throxvn out on the road. When he picked himself up Mr. liekker vent tb his sister, saw she was injured, rushed to lbite Chris Conners and could sec he was unconscious and badlv (TURN TO F'AnE TWO) by Durham's Corn King Receives Special Framed ScroII Rotary's Production :iI"Send Me No Floweirs" Starts Heire Tomorrow 1 Ticlukets are in grridv arl 'Me No Flowers" and rehears-P aisI V a~ r r r ach i~ng u ta Ri h r pith as direictor fMargot5,. School Board lptaIs eraMig a fvrgotucin ihtI II-T) Araa1on12 Samuel puts th, finishing Te cvm e eti or touches on the production. th(- Bowmanville Isinette Club K u In C arke TWP KenFloc-instar as was hpld !ri the form of an C ia rk e T w p . hyd*1 Ç~~ asthe, Auction Nighi T e ii -. rr dîa o There will bp iun eijnnwhose wife Judy as played b fCrsmsatils neN~~~ManverBow for couincil in Clarke Towul.iJeanne Slemon asdfulY hand made, which made a'1. ~I~JInavîl a~aco w a ship this Yrar, but seven can- deciding whether bis ailments Ivrry interesting evening witlh adlians servingwthheUi ddtçwlcntsih fîeaereal or magined. In the Kinett s hidding madly seats oate ewtow ýipSmitb as the fatiîy doctor. agaii cac, nîlier. I opiwp dn tiddl Eernc Foc scolbad Morrissey, doubts the validity, Il was otd nauusvlied Sundav hothi a Elected Reeve b acclama-.'of George's complainîts - Rex that meinhers wouid sell tick-1 Hope Township Reew'a vraln iei h lin a Dpty Reevp John Walters as Arnd the rîext ets on a beautiful net Christ- T. Lîgbtie and bis entîre 1964 Gaza Strip. W Son ReveH. . alkydor eihhorbelirves inImas tablecloth, donated bo the council were acclaimed to The Defe.nc-p Dprmn i bs rtîrd from municipal Gerghad as blis owîî club bv a very thoughtfui per- office for another term at teîebfe h therodera governiment af ter a long period special1 way of dcaling wi th son.Il was agreed that the nominations, Friday afternoon Corporal PaulReîid a- ai eric asConcllo, ep Ithe nexv, that George is dying. 'tablecloth bc u ndsly held in the Womeîi's Institutelae ,ofTreMePan, uty Reeve and Reeve. Coun- Merrili Bown as Berti, the Bigi with Mr. McQuarrie's approv- Hall ai Campbelîcroft. Nova Scotia. cillor Loroe A. Perrault was Wheel froni thecWest *ba'i hi, ai, in the Cliffcrest Cleaners Also acclaimed to office are BFot.h men %eebre t acclaimed as Deputy Reeve, owo special plans for Jud.y in store window, with tickets the five members of the new Gaza War Cemtey and Councillor Robert G the event of George*s death.1 a vailabhle there and also ob- al-townsbhip puPrblie c sebool Chater. Orme 1-. Falls and JuÏie Smith, Howard Ruindle-.Itainablt, from each Kinette. boad bc.a ue ypo Trooper AdranBo.22 Lloyd Lowery were chosen for i Bob Stevens. Martba Sylve- l President Ev. Werry. on be- vincial legislatinti. replaces b s <no r.adMs dia A t t h e c o n c l u s io n o f e r V a e d ic t o r v a d d r e s s a l t h e B o w m a n v i lle H g h c o u c i] w ith o u t o p p o s itio n . 1 e r, T e d M a n u n d K i h B - a f o f t ei n t e C b o f n d v l nd ataho a r d s n et s n o a n a afr e r GreenwoodCoemenncinenedonwbat. bapens htlei aIltticiae 111g Scboul raduatio J Othersf0 ser-eaealusouago witb'ioparenshF-llo' îalii g if f om bb s ho i y ia e H ar t p tu en i G ad I lsi for counicil, but did nflot plans aiýe divulgrd promises a Exercises and prescrit the Ca- Couincil are Depîty Rreve Geo. 1 qualify. ýmosl diverting cvcning ai the ýadiali cook books to the fol-IFinnie and Coicillors Wes-i Vear4 ~' Standing for th eolrwavle Town Hall on lowing pupils witb the bigh- ton Banister, Howard Quian- 'Acclani board are: Ernest Dent, Law- pTbursday. December 3rd. Fri-i est marks in Home Economnics. trill and George Stapleton. nbsariiinheowa= Santa fi rence Greenwood, R. P. MC-ida., December 4 and Satur. Gradle 9- Lotiise Whitney; The five ho will serve 0onlkBwavleGl lb ~e .u u r r u aci, oîe obnoî,daDecember ..Tces r lGrade 10--MaieMartin: the new scooi board are Gr11 i r o jind b ho s n s S e S n a C a s P r deRobert Stephenson, Dr. R. J.istill available, but gel yourslGrade Il Margaret Shackle- don Scott, Donald Lord, Ew 1 ryaot be er g YýTaggart and William Wannanî soion. Ca l AI Witerspoon at ion: Grade 12- Rose Robin- Robinson, Roddy Bebee and! Milbrook uil hv oadhd eni saiwt f Nainaed or ehol bard623-2449. son.'Douglas Whitney. municipal electonIiyer B ig es a d B stin To n s H i to ybut flot qualifying were Wm. - At the nominato;etn lebsFresneFbur B ig estan B e t n T w n ' H sto TRN TO- AG E__ W .0)Friayevening, Nvme 7 The largesi ciowd ini the 11bieatened but held off unti parade than in prevînus veaîI, H -' by hePuli historv of Bowmanvilles an- the parade was almost over. witb evervoiie entcring int o norea I ts m.~fC S 0ie Pbli acliesC -Ms.RbrMaDgal21 nual Santa Claus parade jam- CommentsF from the many Fthe spirit 'of Ille occasion 10' CONGRATUJLATrIONS --Mr'. anîd Mrs. *lamps fard Larmer and oT n raMsBhWnvr med the lengthy route on Sat-ivisitors wbho have atterîded enjov tbcmselves Io the fuil. 1 eC om irday morning. with, esti-ý previons parades were that oe Parr, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, are celebrating theirso wceecida scol hetooderwrem - mae rnin rm 50( oIbsver efr wsbyfr Regrettabl\. tlucre was .om trustees, also bacaaio) TJNT hot.to)(ipeopile. Wcatber w\as the bes;t yet. There '7Q4or1d al emrtn hepoe- .,, ,,.,,. . ___ Garnct B. Rîckard, Shaws, was proclaimed Grain Speakers included Harvey Wright, Soul Specialist fron'. Corn King of Durham Counby on Monday evening Lindsay and A. H, Martin, of the Ontario Plant Food wlvctn if was announced that he had achieved the high- Cotinci'l, Toronto. Complete resuits of the competition est yield in Ontario, 160.9 bushels. The meeting was will appear next week. Photo shows, from left to held in Maple Grove United Church's new hall with right, Mr. Allun, Mr. Rickard, Mr. Martin and Mr. Alfred Allin, chairman of the competition. in charge. Wright. iwbai cloiidv ,a id cliIas ra i The Shiek nu iînalt\ more fu a u sî1 i au, asciW 'iir eieni thIis ye an ud other fcat îîres includg Sauta Claus ou h5;beailifnll fInal, but ceer ta in11v nobod ; of A a bwent hme diýzappoîiitd. fl(c main moving force, bebindi the parade's organizali il, (x press.ed bimself asdeibd with the excellent, co-opera-1 lion recccîvcd from itidividuilsi aîîd groulPs ,hrouîghoi it ,eý tow-'iî anîd dist ilil. He b' ;tiggcsted thai t n" person witb commnlt, o:' sîî,ggcsî:on sbhoti!d forward thcm Ias niCk- lvas p osz i b P tinFinance CYairmian R. P. Rickaby, su tbe committee cai) deal wiîî (Clark Werryv M.D., lbem and plan chang'es and F.R..S. (C)t improvernents for-riext Veêir. lit xas announcedre'it' Due Io a lack of spaue. de- iiD.CakW ybssc lails of tlhe flou . and Ilîn -e, full\ passed thle examina- tak1, inl Ppar,,w bb( iiîClided lions for Fellow ship in Geii- i n ai exteiî-av:e art it-e i1e-<11 eaI Surgery. Ile iR at pre.,ýiît wxeek. Several photos appear, chief resident ini General Sur-' in ibis edition and more wilij gerv a, St. Josepîrs IHospital' be ineltîded lati. in Toronto. and in July, 1965, A' this point. the iaini plans to enter private piae- Polit is fiat the parade wasl tice. Dr. Werry is the son of indeed biggcr anîd better than, MVIr. and Mrs. E. A. Werrv. ever. witb meniber.s of lheý Enniskildlen, He is married i committee and tb e hodir he former- Ano Elizabeth, so muh woik of onekind and! Dorland of Lapeer, Michigan, another receivin o gratL -and they have lw'o eblîdren,ý lions for tbeîir uonderile-.oba aged 31\'ears and Eliz1-ý for ts. beth ajged six monibs. 'Expect Seli-fOut Crowd For PC Turkey Dinner At tiie ieeting of tue Exe- cnit ve Conîmiltîe of HIle Dur- hani ('unitv Proyre.-ýs;\'e Cotî- scrvatî\'e Association h elId Muuîdav eveniing ast. ai or- onu. il -as reporled thai on thie basîs of tickets sold. a e:îo ci'oud is expectvd pa. ali their Tii ike'.' Supper. lu be lield ai Bow\maiîi%,lîe LionS Centre, ededa.Decenibe- 9th. :964. The Honorable .JosepbhXVi'- frid Spooner. Minisier of * Mîulipal Affales of Ouitarin. id ,îrjthe ~e'l visîtoi ~carne froni ifar andl uea i 1uiwa teliliel oro iidînz va rin u :m f San ta Clii s la ride le We<nSa tu îîùX . bu t ibis î."ni l- iP_ ranîcîMan', honîrrd rn'an didn'î cuni' n 'at'i tlteiid li dv 1+(' h'Associ'iior,î'r recognizableIn 1i iýs tli)ii nu . hC IS 1,011c (Otlicer than E.:' art iD.irhai-nCoii'i' arfn \elctcd to be un attend- R. Lovekin, wcll-knuWil Newceastle barrister. aiu Hon. J. W%. Spooner, M.P.r.i brated asths irt îrdaY \,esterda.v, but they will flot be liaving a big part.%. u mark the event. Mrs. Pari' is in Memorial liospital, Bowmanville, re- covering fromn a fractured bip. WINNERS 'Th'fli ri 'v Apron Club o f Ty roue, who did sticl a t errific Job in preparing the Trojan Ilorse fluai iii the Santa Clauts parade, announce the winners of ibeir draw. Thr,'v are Roger Ler toozc. Maple Grove; Mi-S. E. Goble, Tyrone, and George Solumon of Raglani .SHORT-HANDEI) Ur cop v of T he SFalesniatn this week bas been produced under a cunsiderable handicap. Reporter Mrs. Glen Hughes bas been off dutY wilh the flu since last Wednesdav, and print- îng appretîtice Bill Morrisoti is in Oshawa bospital for obseivatioti. As tbe staff \vas already depleted b 'v one printer \lio lefi. for General Motors recent- ly, tbose remaining (onitFlicJ(b bave been working exceptionallv lîaid tb bring TIhe Statesman (lut on time. (Ouri'tîanks lu Fhem. STOLEN-- If \vou lappeui tu see a 19.56 Clievrolet 4-door sedan, licence B98312, two-tone green and ivory, abandoned somewhcre in the area, pîcase notify e itber police or tbc Editor of The Statesman. It bclongs to bis eldest son anîd was stolen from outside ibis office un Suiricla eicotrig.Maddening, isn't l«t i i î viusr s'I Now .. tOn ïerlv inornitiîg. ibi7 arca cxperienced ils first snnwfall of anv sîze for the yrar. No douht more will bÉ, cuming lefore the wvinter is o'ver. su warm iip those siin\,els. DEVELOPIMENT -IF is iitdcu'stîorli hat l3ow- manville planners bave beeîî dealing wibh a huge proposed development on th(, former Anderson farm. Vv, e Road. If evervîhing goes according lu plan, there eventuail *v will be riv'er .500 homes built on this uîîo pert.v. GLOOI__S-toî'ekeepers. hlici' shel\'cs packed with Christmas merchandise. are a sad group this mrining due b Itlie advance walkout ai Gencral .Motors last night. l'lie families of the workers who \vill suffer the maini blow Fn ibeir income if settie- ment. isili. reached hefote the deadline Thursdav ai Il a.m. are tindoubtîcdlv ýmure worried about it Iban anvýbod.v ciesc. Let 's hope agreement will 15e reacbed' scont. Nohod 'v is Jookiuig forward b a length 'v strike that. xill certainly cr ipple everv- ihing iii this and other aircas direcilv affecte'd. The sight of those. fiies buruîing oub'side tbc GM plants oui Wcdncsda -v 1murning sends shuddcrs up the backs of those wbo iccail other costly strîkes in ihe past. Do wn VOLUME 110 1 18 pagrs BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2- M4 in- Ti-- Automobile Kinettes Hold LrinA M;nào

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