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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 7

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\ I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plum- Lamnb's Lane, werc Sunday mer, Guelph. and Mr. and suPPer guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson, Brooklin, Mrs. Allan Terry, Town. were Sunday visitors with the Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foster, Misses Greta and Mar.iorie Blelleville, were Saturday Oke, King St. West, and also guests o! Mr. and Mrs. L. A. visited Mr. Wmn. Fairhead who MacDougal, Church Street. is a patient in Strathaven Recent guests with Dr. and Nursing Home, Town. May we IVIr. H B. unde, Qcenalso extend beiated congratu- Street,. B.re Mr. Qee lations and best wishes to Mr.ý John McKinlre Mof and Mrs. Fairhead who ceiebrated his John cKinly ofSceeey's 78th birthday on November 17th. Mr. John James, Toronto, Am ong those who attcnded sPentth ween this the B.H.S. Commencement and art, Editor and Mrs.' John pnthwekdwi hir M.Jaes, and brothers Bobsenthwekdwthhir and Rick. parents were: Misses Suzanne Bah., Carolyn Stacey, Nancyý Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rigg and Woolscy. ail of Queen's Uni- family, Oakville. were in versity: Miss Patti Aider. Coi- town on Saturday to attend lege of Dental Technology,' the Santa Claus parade and Toronto; Wayne Devitt, Uni- rcnew acquaintances. vecrsity of Waterloo. Misses Mrs. Grace Nelson has re- Mary Ruth Osborne and Ruth lurncd to her home in Tor- Werry. Don Riekard, Lanny.' Onto after spending the week- Cooper and Don Brown,! end wîth her daughter and son- Guelph University; and Miss in -iay, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Yen, Judy Brough, Hamilton Gen-: SOuffiWay Drive. eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Du-Mille Pnd family, Liberty Street,! I were Sunday supper guests of,~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk ovie ClubL o)f Tyrone,.in cepîcration of Mr Vaneyk's hirthday. Mr.Ro Ktsnson of Mr. V.ews Film of and Mrs. W. Kîtsnn, who has heen with radio station CFGM flop an Trp Toronto, has meved to Buffalo ur p a. where he wili be with radio Junior Farmers Win New Watches fui -~-- 17 y teen rninutes tn 2 o' clock - t ELIA RPTTTUTTTP The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Dec. 2, 1964 Church service at 3 p.m. on- 7~V&L.d____________________________ Sunday. Bowmanville High Sehool Miss Rena Graham, and Sunday scrcoi and church - eld its Annual Commence- several of the young girls, at- services were held here. Rev. ment Exercises on Nov. 2th Tyrone church on Thursday message. - ude wavwth teetac evening. '.,r. and Mrs. V. Peacock Il lAIa. thentac Members of the Couple's had Rev. and Mrs. Ramjit for o f the graduates. Following ,Club fromn Haydon attended dinner after chucW Servcese princîpal's report and re- th Bwin pry t iery hrc srics marks by Mr. Allun, vice- th Bwin pry t iery On Wededy sever ati-. At a Students Cotincli neet- chairman of the High Sehool aferwhich Sthey weeenter- tended the funeral services o!ing held last T iesda t a.s Board. the Honour Gradua- tied aithr.and rs:enr- the late Mrs. Eunice Robinson decided that enmeurtion Diplomas, Se co nd ar y tandiM.and Coombes. in Port Hope. A number visit- Christmas Danc Sno ba1". School and Commercial Diplo. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon ed the undertaking parlors the! It was also decdca haI v mas eepsntd Svra and Susan, were Sunday sup night before. 6hould engage a band oh__ selections of music were play- per guests of Mrs. F. Toms, Mr. and Mrs. H. QuantrillI traditional event.Prie erce d by members of the band. Enniskillen. attended the Federation of' set at 75c single and $.1 a After the presentation of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton Agriculture Banquet at Rocki couple. Thei Ale Foran am-ards for academie and ath- and family, called on Mrs. Haven near Peterborough. on moved and Gani eiceclec. elsee Astns ohr Ms dn ody ih.seconded that csloid hav~e attentjvel 'v to Pat Gill's fine McLaughlin at Mr. and Mrs. Several in the community a buffet stv.le lunch ati he valedictory. Bonnie Mutton Roy McLaughlini's, Blackstock, wcre guests at 'the Quantrili dance. The motion uvas pas- on behaif of the graduating on Sunday. and Scott wNedding reception at sed. It was then rcsolved that class presented the sehool1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Potis, and Garden Hill church on Satur-1the Student-s Council encour- with a handsomely framed Mary, spent the weekend with day. age recent graduates Io at- photograph of Mr. Lucas. Mr. T. Potts and other rela- A -few took in the Tobacco tend this dance. On behaif o! the Students' tives at Collingwood. Dinner at Cobourg last week. On ThursdaNy, our Juaiur Counicil, we would like to Mrs. Cowling, sprnt Tuies. MNr. and Mrs. McAllister en- and Senior Girls' b,,kctball take ths opportunity to ex- day with Esther Clydesdale, tertained Mr. and Mrs. V. Pea- teams were selecteu We c press our best xvîshes to the Bowmanvjlle. cock with a Sunday evening, hope that the teams under the graduates in their chosen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin dinner. supervision of Miss - 'fields. and William, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holden, will do as %Ncll as o jr Junior Nei1 Richards and Mrs. Russell Anderson and and Clara, Guelph, spent the tearn did last year KahyTwist. family, Port Hope, on Sunday. wveek end at Quantrilîs and at- -________ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham tcnded the xvedding. Shelleyý visited Mrs. Doreen Smiley, Davidson, Toronto, also spent C N DA AIO A NTTT Burlington, on Thursday.. the weekend. A DIN ATO LISIU E Mrs. Cowling vîsited Mrs. Mýfr. and Mrs. Cecil Quan- FOR THE BLIND Brummel, Bowmanville, Sat- trill, Oshawa, had tea with' urday and enjoyed the Santa Quantrilîs on Sunday evenîng.ý Claus parade fromn inside. Mr. William White, Niagara,ý Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Durward S L F WR Ross Ashton and family, were and family, Sunderland, were FD ~ V ~AL Sunday supper guests of Mr. visiting in the village last FRDA , EC. d4th and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and girls, weck. Enniskillen. Alan Trew. son o! Mr. and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. and MrF. Don Cameron, Mrs. Ken Trew, had the mis- C îg a Hih Scool9 a.m. to 6 p.m. N will hold their! N - eeting at Mrs. V.1 )ec. 8, Tuesdav. CLIFFCET LANR S OE Mrs. Fat and f RET LANRS STR ool, with Mr. andi 8KN S.E BOWMANVILLE rer, Sunday. girls held their' Sponsored y Bownanville - West Durham iDay recently atý Advsory Comnittee unit was the club "Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated'- n g u ard . i -- rtation WBLK-FM, 93.7 mega- The Inter-Cou ntv M ov i ele vGarardnere lu che guss hle playir andcMleand Mrs.Charmetforune o brek an nthe M iycl es. Club m et as usuni.inithe th e S an ta C lau s p arad e on O u r U C W M is P a Gr l, uce s U i- Lio s C ntr on the sec ndS atu rd ay t B ow m an v ille. D ecem ber m versity, Kingston, and Mliss Thursdax' evening of the Mran Ms.Gdo Dd-Packsr Dixie Gili. York University, month. leyrB.wanville, GreonThurs- iVran l's, Torotowerewit thir pr- h thse resrit e e Ms. . Rad n n e. MTh rs i. aO. M Torotower wih tcirpet- AI thse resnt ler eday supper guests o! Mr. and ily, Pontypc ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilli treated to the European Touri r.ARedadLn. Ms0.e( for the weekend and attended as shown by Miss Ernilyl Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison' The 4-H B.H.S. Commencement, Machi, o! her trip to thatl and famîily, Oshawa, vîsited Achievement Mrs. W. H. Densem and Mrs. continent this past sumîner.ý Mrs. M. Bertrim and famîly, Orono. Thei Harry Humpliries, King St. The scenes were mPost beauti-ý on Saturday._ girl stands o East, spent the weekend in, fui and next to being there in'k,% Toronto with their sîster, Mrs.'person. they were very mnuchý W. L. Rowe and Mrs. Den- appreciated. Miss Maiich idhad sem 's son and family, Mr. and'also shown her pictures takenl Mrs. L. S. Densem and Scott of a conducted tour o! Centreý Jr. Island, Toronto. when al: Mr. and Mrs. J. HI-. Farneli, movie and stili would-be and famîly. have rrturned to phiotographers were taken oný their home in Shewsbury, this trip and told how and' Mass.. a'ter sperdingz a few when to snap the scenes theyi diays with M'rs. Farneil's broth- took. Professional modeUs' and sister-in-law, Mr. and were present to pose on the ...... Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King St. boat against Toronto's skyl East. , uine, on the little farm on the! Miss Louise hIarnimren and'Jlsland, by the strcams, and inl Master Leonard I-larnimen,, flower beds. This trip was: Toronto, werc weekend guesis' enjoyed bv some from this, oif Mr. and Mrs. A. Marjerri- Club. -Mr. Raiph Poole screen-ý Fon, Flett Street. On Fridav ed a film of hiS rerent tnip e.vcning, Miss Harnimen ai-1 out to the British Columbiaý tended the Hamnilton - MeLvan niountajin resorts, showing wedding in St. Paul's Unitedithe magnificence o! thoseý Church.1 rugged mounitains. We are ail Mrs. A. J. Lymer. Mr. aî pleased to sec the advance-1 At the Junior Farmers' Award Night in Orono on Saturday, one boy and one Ivls.RayLver.Jon nd ment o! these people in the, girl werc selected as having shown outktanding interest in 4-H club work sinc Bobb, Rah cf r oshandwretype or movies they are tak- bcu ebr pe oosos a~rniiiorwn e e Bobyai o Ohaawee -ng today, showing how far fiî-st cecomirig cu ebr. Uprpht h ows Kat- i MHomwine 'Saturday guests of Mrs. Bert; thev hv dacd snetegrs eto being AVER 8"awa TILR.M.TINGnmaagr f h Colwell and Irwirî. Cariisle .,. ae rvne ineIegrloscinprsnei athbn.M.Dcsn angronh Avenue. Master Tommny Coi- 9înn the Club. Canadiani Imperial Bank in Orono. Lower photo shows Donald Rickard rcceiving B A E " ITN well and Miss Susan Clweii,, This is a Cluh of 'Anis- a similar award from R. G. Gropp, manager of the Bowmanville branch o h Coc Hill. necentiy visited their trurs" banded togc-the'r forý Canadianl Imperia] Batik of Commerce. grandmother, Mrs. Colweil. thr sole purpose o! sha ring - -_______________ ____ _________ Mr adMr. o Wttr with each other the knowv-' eta Model 200 -PU MOT Mr. nd M,; RonWa edge each bas gleaned d M et at ehn pont, Sýrrhou5'. were' week-i ing the time thev have benti... V-BELT, PULLEY *-nd' vigitors with Mrs. Watter- taking pîctures. Trheir aim il; son F parents. Mr. and Mrs.,to elp vou get better movi-; Joh Mauir, BownStret.with less wasted film, and Satt4rday visitors with Mr. and p rovide yoursehves with pic M nisters and Lay D elegates Mr MMaguire were thpir son' lures ofr- hide n and' daughter-in-law, Mr. and] c oreide n grandchildren, f a n i iie. Mrs. Arthur Maguire and fam-: homes, n urunig.a îîy. Scarborough. oc asins ech!ou iv n ocaiinsinechofor iEs xpress Strong Opposition to We are most happy Io report, thaï, we will enjoy sharin,., fhat Mr. Albert Mundv, who with fricnds. If vou have a _ Was a patient in the Tonontoý camera, tiean h r u Geea osiai now con-' Club. Perhaps youi can belpirilzdSna pr vaesig tbi om en.He' some o! the best of us, or, a ýC z returned home ast Thujrsdav, we hope, you wîll be able in! Mr. Mundy, bis xife and !amn- gican something fromi these By Mrs. Ross Catir Greer of Toronto and Mns. N. sible for yone mhyd iny deeply apprecrate the many' meetings t.o heip you. BAla o!etbnug.A.ayetotedt 'ci d kîndnesses during the weeksý Mr. Rob Caughelh, our Pro-, Stron- opposition fo the movie entitled "Peter Maha-ýcided to hold meetings in REG. $106.15 lie was in bospital. zram Director, is currently commerrialization of Sundayde'5 Quest" xvas shownl and JanuaryMahanMaco You Save on the At the morning service in covering The Photographie was expressed liv the Peter- discusaed aaylengnh Trinit\y United Chuirchl ast Society Course for Beginners.1 borougli Prcsbv\tery o! the. In the Extension Counci! ecn t 3 - Coinplete Package $21.28 Sunday, the foilowing recrcîxedYo are cordial' invited to Unît d Cuc metn nreport. by .Dr. Musta rdappro- pothe C he RtianWEllra m r HIT A PCA the Sacrrament of Baptism. corne and join us, at social Betlianx oncr Thursday. Fifly-'l wsgvn 1pî'ipe prtb1h ev Wlr- LisaaJane,,ddaup hterrofeMn.urndnhaîf hourais enjoyedeafier thof fourann lriptsns sudtha ofeMe. andînalplansrfor ancampa gnc inerpyaof Berhanvaproposed> Mrs, James Aiin; Trov James. meeting, so come to the Lions' gate: îîr-rrd United Church for capital funds. A study rif specrai meeting o! Presbytery U. onoMnan Mr GrdnCnronthe second Tlîunz-1 peop-le to xunir against the liy-, the iwhoie situation vvsre'b tini depth the whole Kilpatnick: Rohert William, ria\, of the month (and hring hawl xxliin wnîîoild per'mit Sun- ferdw tfeeuîxeo field o! Christian Edutcation. sonn of Mn. and Mrs. Mrchael sog a film in vour pocket) JdaynîcMîc ind Sîrnday sport, Perebn.rNew eeip Wonshrp sessions wxerp con- Krrkton: and 'Stplii Jaunes, Bit don't let that stop y'.o a panch admission basis. 'ments and needs in Peterbor- dur-ted bx Rex-. Mr. Prerry son of Mn. snd Mrs. Bruce corne aiong. visitons are mos Prehxirpopo.sedi that as ough rail for Extension Cotin- and liv the Bey. Donald E.~ Ogdr. welcome. a Ceniennialprnoiert. thel cil attention. Tanslry o! Nortbm nin steri Board of Evangelism plan a In order to handle more e!- Churcli, nat1ional1 evangchizinz rani- fectivehy the busines5 o! Pres-' The ttnîîedi Chîîrc'h Women TRINITY UNITED CHURCH BEAVEîig'bvey n t aei o-'xre h xîcen oe x'aricnîi7 exangelistir mr-thod.s 20 Minister - Rex'. Wrn. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. anris nrnier oRoustaOin Organist - 17\r. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. ln conner! non wîth the pre-, A file memnbership Was pre- tais makes themr gond cti1~ paration o! the new Hymnnany sented to Mrs. Robent Muir zens' PLUS ,a DAY, EC. 6,n964, -mitt è is ' b Ms.Eber Snowden on be- R L.Dudlev q îoted 'Wben iy REG. PRICE $111.45 S U N D A Y , D EC 6, 1964.ih set un tn sîibm ît sugges-half o! the Ebenezer U nted c tîzc is, beconie o truh'u Chnis -ý S ilam MriglVrhptno abolit what bN-mn, Church Women. tiaa that ti ev nhesitatîngîy You Sve on the 11 a111 - ornig Wrshp soiîuIli i ilitdcd or otnitted,l Mrs. Muir tlîanked Mrs. vote, leghlaad administer .6 Coniplete Package - $16.58 "Vle\V ul eeJeus sdwhist changes should be Snowden for bonouring 'e erRgSTMAnmenî the ----ît o! "' e oudSe lsu"macde in th( Book o! Commonlwith this life membersh P. Christ, the nations will become CRIT ASSECA Order. iGwen said that ail she couid the kinîgdom o! aur Lord and p.mi. - C.G.I.T. Vesper Service The propertx- cnimittee un- do wouid be to trs' to fill the'His Christ. Everv step taken î der Fred Nelson cf Keene place o! ber grandmothen Uhein that direction 'is a step to- SUNDAY SCHOOL, gave uîpprox-al to the plans o! late Mrs. R. E. Osborne, in ward a Christian ination in Tcinitv Clînrcl, Peterboroughi, whose menions' thîs member-- faut, as w-cil as in r ame. linerîedite nd enir binstall a chanc-el front arRi ship was given. Mrs. Roinicil cdosed with Junir. 9:oa'0 niake other chan ges in thel A general meeting oif thc Pniar ad indrgrtn 1120ar. art!iex and transepts. Ebenezer United Church Wo- Carol aud Maî'garet Downý PrinaryandKindrgaten- 1120 .m.The Home Missions report men was hcld in the Christiarn phayed two piano duets xxhich li\' thie Re\-. Dr. W. M. Mus- Edu!cation Hall on Thursday we ail ejoyed. Beginners- 11:00 a.ni. tard i'econnierîdcd supervis- cvcning, Nov. 26. Mrs. Reid calied ouj Mrs.-ý? ors for mission charges servedi Mrs. Eber Snowdriiî, Vice- Cari Down who showed us lierii - ix, l,.îxmeni For St. Ola, thepresident o! cur U.C.W. was own colourcd slidos Th ese 1 Rn,- E S. Colxxell of Ccc Hilh; ealhed on tb chair the business pîctures ronsisted o! ail kînds -"" fo- \ r' the Rr.x' Gordoipart cf the meeting. anîd imdcc caused a lot o!i oalnxevf Lakefield; for Tiere will lie no unit meet- nhatter among those present REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN Wa-sinte g' s in December. A general Weal noed Mrrts 1 -!K 1 hîrh meeting will be held on De- slîdes bt the utmoFt. N'ofKnxChlrh Peero cemrber 17 at 8:00 p.m. wih Serao!orowîlde R E F R M E rLti Dlic J' iglior ca rge, Othe -lection and installation a! of- nodcled for a hat display, and - REFO Rndgcno hi -for CrdiffPau-' with Mn. Romerîl o!fi- we were unusuaîîy priviîeged ' ciating.There wih be a 3e 10 secth, iatest iliat fash- Scugog Street, Bownanville i ah u e'.Hnn'Fnegift exebange ait this meeting. 'ions froni Paris. Many o! the PORTE, &o! Bancroft. fou' Carlow, the The Christian citizenshipsye odgea osbhte Rex' Ed ad fhmmorn omitelwr-h"careO! for the fashion conscious wo- I'e.Jhn C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister o anoh:adfrBi the prograni. Mrs. Fnank Rend ~y iot,îl Rx' JhnKig ! alhcd on Mrs. John Romenil M's le ou arranged Telephone 623-5023 7Hieok for the devotional. ctranateasom '~Thc Rex'. Rolanîd Hopkins 'Blcss be the Tic That Bund.q s mnao c srm WORSHIP SERVICES sluit5uh aon eedthtwas sung in unison aften which Ms. Reid thankd al] thoeî Reg a succssf- rural lf wok- Mrs. Romeil read froni the w'o took part and nvted al c ý shiop had been lirld xith an Bible stony- o! the Good Sa-10 stav' for a social houirYo fr ~ 9:0 an. uc attendance of 61.mr a.-W ARBOR W! 6 f Wood Chisels -$94,m87 GET BOTH AND STAND ER-CABLE 170 :IRCULAR Price $94.50 Save $34.53 ior BEA VER 4 1:JOINTER Model 2800 1/4" - Reg. $29.50 YOU SAVE %9-53 -Reg. $44.95 BEAVER 1550 RADIAL SAW Versatile 9" Cut Your One Tool Workshop PORTER-CABLIE AOE .SAWE 795 J SAVE $29.53 Hardware --$269,900 $19.97 $29,o97 Bowrnanville Phone 623-5211

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