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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1964, p. 10

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1711- f WN , t. p 10 rn@ CanadJan Statfrsinari 13owmatnileDpe, 21, 16 Special Farm Pro grams Shown on T.V. ian. 5, 6, 7 Ontario farmers will bave one-hotir TV prngrams iindi anu apportunity ta see and hear the general litie "Lets Look expert discussion on several Farming". facets of modern agriculture' The films.,, produred h v tI during January when the On- CBC and the Departmenit tario Department af Agricul- Agriculture ca - operativel ture, in association wih hewi!l be shown over a ne Canadian Broadcastin Cor-wrk of 14 TV stations. Jai poration, will present threelIuary 5, 6 and 7, from 1(1.30 'p ' ?yt -. , Ir - - - . Hove Recorc I ' r.. ... - -United Co-operalixes oi Ort 1 fer 11:30 each nmorning. at The programn on Tucsday. January 5th, under tbe tille ýh "C rops - Changing Sy-stem,".. - of wvill give viewers a look at iy, bow and wh.v some fas-mers ei- decided Io make changesz in i- theis- operation. There wil be ________ to discussion ni crop management Idecisions based on farm re- cords and on the experiences o f others. di Wcdnesday's program will A be devoted to the subjecl of "Livestock - Managing far XProfit", a çubject ai particularý itIes-est ta thase in the live-, ,i . stock industry'.1- A Witb il-ucapplication ni, Isound business princîples be- coming increasingly evident,i- Thursday's program "Farm nr' Býusiness - Records, Plans, De- 'cîsians" wiil prove of par-1 A! ticular interest. The progranil 4 will deal witb the importance l'oaf farm records and theis- use' ,«"0 arrrving aI decisions and A management. À The programs bave berur Aldesigned la be praclical in ap - 'plication and wili have over I4n S15 Ontas-io Farmers as partici- M n A pants in addition In specialivt.- lu each field from the De- Ree lýt parîmerît ni Agriculture. wcre return X-Y Dr. W. S. Yoîung, of the Eleclior e Departmr'nt ni Crop Science,: Latu5 Ji Ontario Agrirulturai College,' Ji will aci. as host ni the Crops .i AK prog-ram. Janetvillc i. H osîs and specîalisls on the Strong 33 Aî . esok program wil be Bethany A% H. McGii, Liveslock Branch,i Payne 18 Ji Ontario Department ni Agri-ý 9,culture. Toronto, and A.« Wall,: onypo A Extension Branch, Ontario De- Mitchell .12 A pari ouini ofAgriculuire. a t Po(ntvp)onl Newmarke<t. Mi-Masier T lhe 'Farin-uBusiness' pro-,131 A 'gram i ill have R.i1lea rd, At Farm Managemn-ct SpeuialisI 0llYu~ of nir Ohe fflaiio reiilimiuuio A and con-menator. Auriro cinirg fic, join)t ;uu-r A 4(Ilt.iini o f ît the' Ontariro De- p -artunieni n of' ouiiureuîmu f il( Caliaria ru fluowaus i uum èCorupor'ation. \'er Sr'xv a'nld f tliai Ille ei'lc'vusuinbrdaiusIs A had been deisigîied li caquauuît A Ontario Farm-ucs wih tme loi - est mems i in he ihrce Aimn-portanmt sectionus oufi 1wagri- di cultluralitirllsti'x - A progran-us xiii pruve i of ui Ao flic larni people nf Outarno"ý di saui flic Mnister. -'Iii these Srapidly changing turnes and ý>5 ihl)i' <osis ni produictioni)t us ý,g imperative ibait fli cesi tîirmeliods ni productiloind ~managemient be madie aa Sable 10 ihose enigaged in agru- YELVERTON SNOW? You 00O3 with your'Jeep' vehicle and snoi attachment "Jeep' 4-wheol drive vehicles have the power extra traction to got you through - anywl w.ather. Lot it snow - you con always GO wi vehicle double traction action te pull you thr' now can even make your amrings grow w 'Jeep' vohîciela sequipped wlth à custom-mai plow. Snow con b. cleored qulckly and profita drivewCVS. service areas. lots - env plae1 hMn everVons aise luailH enowed-upwitJh somneplace te go - M the moan with à 'Jeep' vehîcle gots ;j through. moflb Corn in for a démonstr'ationl to-d S'ld Lancaster Gai R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE .ALL ls CALM ...AU. 13 BRI'GMT-. vers Townshir Lelwis McGil1,Rthiu}.a ted by acclamation for anotf ri for Ihrce councillors as fol]( is BallyduiffPontypol Manve 65 12 1 27 9 71 72 21 i ) o a j, , - , .' uf ', i , i j suii s Bail s-du f Ilientvpqbol mati vf Ski e fi i î'lî:î <i s> ru,, I '~u lu -- I 11~'i ha il v J, 1 la rt l ' vil le0 i (ia rk 18 R-I.ha ru 1allis :'Il)t'> C334, 5 1 R 3! Fonityvpool 'l'a ior 7 Ilet I)a il Smi ilI .ianetx 111e FireuFree Christmas j~ Memberofn the Boon fain- --- -- - --- -- - ~ ~received sad tidings this'vh, Christimas trepisu't the damaged sockets. New ores wekle hN]andtat only possible fire hazard in- should bear the CSA fCan- A their father, Mr. H-aok Boo, roduced to the home at this adiair Standards Association)i A. his 63rd ear, had Thre are git wrap- labels of c'tectrical safei\y g awav in his sleep at, bis liom.elpings, paner decorations. de-:Outdooi-., use onlv outdoor Ain Beverwick oHn, facorative greenery, strings ot lights which are specialvlu i- hear attck.lights and candies to be care- sulated for the purpose. A Mourning the ]oss of a de- fui or ton. When fuses blow, il w iil 1voted husband and father areý But the Ontario Safety probably be because a circuit1 w his wife, Mrs. Hank Boon, i0 League points out. that the is overloaded. and the fuse1 A ýHollandbis son Hank of Christmas tre Is one combust- should be replaced oulv b% a ,Cooksville, a n d daughiters, ible item that cani cither be fuse of the saie lîou'seshold X Coiri-e (Mis. Harvey MOI- ýmade relatively safe, or allow- size-- usually 15 amiperes. Scolm> nf Velverton, TruLIs cd t become highly inflam- Ijsing a larger' fuse, or substi- 1 f(Mrs. Roy Werry) of SaulÏ mable. it depends on choos-ituting a coin or foil. sitmplyl S Ste. Marie, and Tieny (Mrs. ing a fresh tree first of ail, destroys the 'waruing s.ys-j lAida Nasato) of Port Credit. flot one with needies aiready tem" a fuse is intendied o10 & Also moîîrning his loss are turning brown and dropping pros'ide. If a fuse continues1 A .nine grandchildren, Misses 1of f. When you get the tree 1 obiow, call in au electrîcian. g Christine and Jo-Anne Boont,ihome, sawv a fresh cut off the A~ Mitzi, Marti and Mona Mal-!end of the trunk, and xvbeu Scolm, Debbic, Trudy and Bon- setting Il up, stand it in plerîts BTU nie Werry and Louis Nasata. of water. SHP xvas predeceased b.van-[Ifxnormebe bad irus v (.S1GFI 1 othe son Petr. he water every day, youîr tree, fiP was one nf a large bmr- wi]l stay fresh and relaiively! Mîs. Williami George Sling- ilv witbi one brotîher John li v- Iflame- resistant. If you forget erland died December 11, 19614, W~U ing in Dorval, Quebec. anîd to addwae fo a daynia th fanl edne,9 five sisters and four brothbe -s two, the trce wiil become dry .Oakps Avenue, Oshawa. She in Holland, and one sister pr'e- and britile, and ighy inflam- had berrn in poor biealh for ài NVILLE deas. mable.- There are good fae-j ris. Slingerlaîîd ý as AAý Mr. and Mrs. Boon and fam-' retarding' solutions you rail 42 vears old. ~~> >i~ ivimmigrated to Canada inbyo mxvusift pa A dan ghter of William aand 1950 staying for a perjod ni on the tree, but they shouidnut Ihe, laie Mrs. Margaret Fer- twn vears ai Birketon, ont - replace the ail-importantIlwat- g son le was horn in Toron- whrre thev assisted the Jakcerc added dailv Io the Irce 10 and was niarried the-re Juiv Van Dlam' family, laier mov- stand. 19, 141. Slipuc as livedi in sng bo Uppe.r Middle Road,] Strings nf lights shotîld bc Oshawa for 15 vears. Cooksviil1,e, where they oprat-ýchecked for frayed tords-anidi Mrs. Slingerland is sîîrvuved cvd a market garden. Tiiey' b her husband, her futher. a later sld thispropertv and ~ Mr ad M Bon itured, (Lynda t. Liiidsav; a sistc'r. 10Ioloiiand here ihey have V îA Mî's. Ralph loues t iabeli), rermained except for an occa- 1TrnoadaboteRet sional v'isit to Canada lo sce fi --go Toront dabother Roare i their famnily. Athe rncidei Mr'. Booii, a nature lover,%' Rested in the Arimstrnng who appiecî-ated lu the fill , Funer'ai Home, fui' a nmemorial the x'att ie uf matue asdi ~service in the chapet, Monda\, Piaveîl in oui Canadian coruDecerruber 141hi. Rev. N. T. trvside. io\ cd workinig Ji 1 Unmes. minisier(of I larmony ail '\vgt hings bot h V(<-!. _ United Chui-rh, av, coi- t'îblî' and animal. Despite tihe ÎF e ;j ~a*. ducted the service. Iîiternient obstacle ut verbali conm~ii A i-v %was in liam-ptoîu Ceineterv. cation withi a spit-l(\'et lanu Pal lbeaî'ers vvre Chaîle.s guage pî'obiei, we appreciated à Lotion, Gien Luiton. William bis quick sense Of humrsr o' Jones, Ross llubbard. Jack h is gregarioiis nature and feelfMAnistev and Don Anstrv. the rieher for havine shRred W bis acquaintance pveni for a'e feu, brief vears, MVesrs. Ou:nen No u..L.tuvd. C D U LN:.L& Corneil. Vic Sloan and Har- IA1tIi (Iniended for last week t vey Malcolmr-re p resý;e nt ed'y C.W. Elect New Officers Lind.say District Co-Op at the'l À 1~ Cadmus U.C.W. held their, United Co-Op nf Ont. Annual. tf1l5'1l A! December meetiog at the home iMeeting held at Toronto oni aif Mrs. Stuart McQuade on eWplOV Monday and Tuesdav, Dec, 14W Wednesday evening, Dec. 9th and 15. aItthe Royal York lin 1with an attendance of 17 mem- tel. bIn he past onilyh:locar and one visitor present. ersî W AGray the Vice-Presîdent Mrs. whre Ay elgaesatths eein Rohrer presided and opened vith 'Jeep' fvue oto hc the meeting with a Christmas Ad the future max' permit direr t reading.A Chsma cro §hen your farmer-prduicer membership , was sung followed b3' the @de snow - loa1o-p i te0 nrALord's Prayer. ably from !s desire. max' merge in the j Elme rs rurniture & The devotionai was giveri by 0 nfieresi. of efficiencv. wxith the l A Mrs. Lorne McKce. ~ parent body thîrs eliminatin A Minutes of lasI meeting ài ad Ap lianes were read and approved and ~j ~~woru k.an ~~rail eaul was answered with a QMmy Christmas thought. It aséi les-iretosu* aIý y 1-AI5ONReports were giveru frnm hear in per:on Jovre lHahu WJi Treasurer and Fruit and Flow- [fa an theLononberv istes yA er Committee. Correspond- fay iudtheL~nonbrrv5iser~~ lerb Bradley A ni St. Catharines wilh their X ence was read. batn wilin al th grlyK ClIarke Wilbur Rex'. Romeril piaved a rp- ra e irecent'v appeared on the Ed~ cord entitled "'God s'Ded r g Su1li-an Show) - all part nf Nlrs. Elmer Wilbur À of a woman who for .53 y'ear- thew floor show field after the §iivcd nulside the chîurch and arual banqtuet. Xlr, mp- Elmner Wilbur '2 1ec' a dîstorted lire of alcobal ONTARIO ;ed that becart heat of another A and drugs who finaliy through era- Rudy Vallee. L. aa friends ahe tu.rned to God for taria achievedf a record sales volume o! $93,000,000 from utls 1963-64 operatians, according ta the annual report presented nt the annual meeting in Toronto on December 1411) UCO is- a province-w.,jie ,wholesalinF and marketing co- operative, owvned and con- trolled by 140 relail co-opera- tives which use ils services. Total assets reached a new ýhigh ai $20,000,000 and nrt 'savings aller taxes were S618,.- 000. Patronage refunds <.1 $504,000 in cash and share capital will be made to mcm,- ber co-operatives according 10 the volume af business the,, had witm their reguonai cru- * perative. President Harold Forre-'ipr .of Maflorylown said bin hp Directors' Report that 'tnday NESTLETON Ms-t Ralpb Sad'er iwa5~ tezs for the Nestieton U.C.'. which wa8 held on Thursdav. afternoon, Dec. 101h. wuth Il ýmembers, two children andi Rev. Romeril present the hvn 0 Orae. AI' pMunicipal Election faîti-ful." follawpd b-: pro'--. nd D-ptl\-Rr.\-e Ro. Poter Jaetvlhe b the pre:mrden,, a n'J d r1 Dpuuv.Rceve Rod Poter,.Iaetvute, Lord's Prayer un un:srir. . her terniu. Malcolmn had charge c-f ' lows bv poli uuîg d ivusinuuz- worship ser,-ice 'loTh- r ,rs Stn. Bcthany Fleetwood Janetville 'Totali üg fe 67 1 4672 read the C4-uistrnaý 'r. rr the Book ai Mattne'v :r. :38 110î 49 46 .399 Chris*rmar carok'-' and Chri;ýýrna- z dn - 22 4t1 throug'nou' 'ne stor-.-~ Chr."m- -' vnr 5-f 2. it 14 37 2 F. cd b y th P S:ri ug rf g tht' hi-ra11d angels. -. T.he h-s;nr-P #'au f. 49 ti 6 fi .2 29 Pd wuth n inut,-s rr treasurer*s repo'rtg r imemnbers. vrl'jnte-t'rcr. ' ,, rnoi ' .'rr ... f I o t be nlectrr1 allerthue sendJng of ca. r- .; - - Ghs-stmas chees- boxr- !I ,rs S'tn. Rethany Fleettwood Janetvllle Total i decided ta change the rr rý 7 . 5.3 1.12 4(j6 date frorn thP 3rd T. M f)n',h a'-ýd ' 13 't ~ ~ ~ 4 2.4i ~groupas'a f'.'s'r ccyrring vear, 2, « 6 ?1 .5> 1Rev. Romner. rýr1 o' t'le iîstalIa,.On of fc-'r ;;4 84 il ~j2A1 965 8-Prrha-- as r'. Past se. r E'.rr- PP-s. M,' fZaoe "il "1 ~19 2 4 8 Ms-sW r.R-'t'- ,- "ut 1 12 1 219 Bwr.Grs ~ ~ tiIr ru 2 lt~Grant Ca-np*Dp-e - Cmttee. Mrz -r'-'r. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ia,2 2 7> M- 'w-o p r4ce '.- hielp arid 1i5 nw lading a ms:i-h happer lufe. fiood c'heeu- boxes aud cand-v hayy are 10 be made .ip on Several ChrustmaF caroký xvere sruug, readings v.ere gix - en hi' Mrs. Melton and Mrs. Same ils. Rex' Romeril read the sîste ni officeî's for 1965 and the following wv e r e iu'stalled: President --Mss. Naorman Robrer: Vice-President - Ms-s. Jim Fallis; Secretary - Mrs. Kcuth Stinson; Treasurer - Mvrs. Lorne McKee: Pragram- Mrs. Milton Gray; Fruit and Flower Committee. Manse and Pianist remain the same. Audi-! lnrs-Mrs. Bev. Black and Mrs. Leslie Johnston. W'e lad aur usual guIf ex- c'hange. Tbanks were offeied the bostess and a lovelv lunch sca5 sei'xed bY Ms-s. McKee's ose" '.vords -xr- Mr't. Ernersors a;- and e:ie:cienc-. - :n r. ç ance cl' ber ~i. . !Or the paS tv ' Mi-. maXrn:u- cr '-il*---,- U.C.W. nreem»r'.1 - . 1:fe mirorfi Thne excharige cf C- - - - guis foiiow>%ed anîd t*r:e-c' closed xv lit'e za -- :dic*'on. A ves-v ca :71 - %v-as s-erx'ed .~- 0ýe ,arnd the ,-ua.sr.' jc%'ed. M-sEnes-'ess-- ed thanks t 'eo t-, toal h'oo an. vo. - ta make such aen 'y afternoon. en'd "t'.' es ".. menesto ber hontrmfr January meetin-g To keep appies s~V.' Lsaiads from tu,:rrtmnc '- 5sprinkle th-2m xith h"n ange or grapef!riuit jurie 51% PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES * :r'arest, \STERLI No£TRUSTS 37'2 Eav St, To roriro 35 B.4e: I, ~'se.'OguU o-~. Minimum Wage Ievelswill rise on Dec.28,1964 A Reminder-A Minimum x,\,aqe of S an hour is being introduced by stages kc: both men and women workers +,hrowa;ro'e,. Ontario. The next stage in this progression occu.Ys on December 28, 1964. wheîi the fo', o\\- ing Minimum Wage rates v+ilbe effective. Port A- ;r Ft. t'i'îl -Sn pe - c v -~es t$11 pe- - .. lý 7 4 -li 4 t ONTARIO DEPARTMVENT 0F LABOUR HON H. L. FIOWNTREE. Minister of Labruîr For further information vIr' i'e .' Labour Standards Branch. 74 Victor;a Sre.hr't ZO~NE * j' . - -i r., ti",' ~Ç, - - 'c", ,'r.'~ , 1 . l'otilý 1 % ."crnlVPS Gnera~Manager LeOnard. Operaive jHarman repnrted that more than hall i the 20 million dollars asSetS Of UCO proper d Salesii extended ta 100 local co" mor hau (\ e i>i< triue operatives. Mir. Harman alào reported that by next spririn membe rs o operativ'es liredOntario co-operatives should and c'mrand. and have the hiave 30 warehouses for dry right to expect, their o,,, n (.- ferti]ilCr and 20 units for larg- operatîves to market their pro- .er radius distribution nt ducts. aîîd -oppi" t900od,, liquici. thus cansolidatiflg the serice arr1 ,an e' thevfuture position af the local niu.t hM . ' o.o'pC rati'.'es as a major in.- ~'coom:'] t ' n- etflueceon) Ibis increasingiy %vith fair ruealinv, and the quai- impcrtant s;upplyv for farma iti. of th(- rodJu ucn croco production DURHAM FARMERS COUNTY ÇO-OP ~ pIONE il7ORONO, ONT. Thl itect'{ors, and Staff wt~hail our members and lÏ! cuzýtomP-rs a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year O y WE %WILL BE CLOSEP o ~s( ~ JFriday and 'Saturday ' ju d a AN an 4 .1%narry11,t an In

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