4. 2The Canadian State;rman, Bowmanville, D@e. 23. 1984 Car Crashes into House After Accident Early Saturday Morning - -. g 'r 114ollip HailAnd Elsi, utori. the tîelicinus dinner. Presîdent A gift from flthe aîxihlarv* was Runie also expressed ber ap. prespnted 1w' President lRun- preciation to them. die te Cnmr:ade Iennie Harn- A great welcome wps ar- der, nt appr-eciption, of her corded tb Santa Clous on his carevtaker duites. arr*ivai. Pre.ident - Elect Keith Fîri Vce Pr-.ieei.fan Fferguisoli of Branch 178 was But ton on iichlait ot the auixit- the 1-enial Santa Claus. He wAs iaiî %- imomd a vote of thanks In.assisted in distributing gifts by Chit man Rilt ates. Com- Comr«ade ,Frances Bruce and r-adtw D oi:g ,ohnsti-o Ai1 Cornradc Susie Graham. Smiih arwd Dick1it the fluring the balance ci the thre', -ooikm-ý expcrtls. and the evenîng Bingo was enjoyed and othnrrrmrmhie,. nt Rranch 17R mlifl - rcPerialiy attrpctive@ of thi' t aioa\Pl ianLpcion, piri7($ ,*-pieP w.onl 1,the mem- 'hohart assistc'fl and serveri bers. IZ' There was a collision earlv Satuî'dav at 12:45 a.m. between tbis truck and car on No. 2 Hligbwav at Sa curv\e west of the offices of the Bowmatî\'ille De- tachmeot. of tbe Ontario Provinicial Police. Dennis G. Gibson. 100 Ontario Street. \vas thte tr'uck driver, aiid the car was driven bvy Loi an Stace v, '26 Orcbat'dview Boulevard. l'le impact oif lte collision senit the car off tbe road. crash i ig itîto thc hou se owin- ed hvRo) Aiget', R.R. 4, Bowmaiivilie. Thli front eof the truck is pictured abox'e on thbe Ile. aiid lte Staî'cv.car is shown against tbe bouse in the above photo- gi-aph. The calv as extenlsivelvy damagcrl. atid itiveva At ihr tn-ot iig of ie Beiai d ûf riirpu-toî"t of Niomoriat Hos- f 1tal hrld îrî ie ipBoard Room asrt N'ci'.s. ioîig nomrinîat in iîitce ((ii posed of Geîîlîiiiei ige flic i m moçriil c rpas',('la i rnan, wiri lam;;n i(,. A'R,1,, as ao- pnrtrr od e îimi..iii aines o! <'antdidates 10 the aneiial meci- iiîg. This wasq moved hy Harr'.' Jose, Newcastle, seconded hy Harry V. Crv.derman. It xas decîded that tîte aiMai meeting woîid Fie heid on Wcdncsda'.' eveiîing. tarot- ai.' 20th. aI 8 n'riock, iii the T'Ov' il at aîdîtoriuni. W"îsh inîg xoîî ;;Il 1 speciai jovs of ('brisi nias anîd e.'e h app niess in the New Yeai Russell C. Honey M.P. FOR DURHAM k I. V-IE MFRRY CH ALEX CARF .1 anies St il t. Boidc Clia r- mari, propsîdecdai the rmeetinîg, and otheiý ,r niebic;of ilhe bcar-d pree<n t '.'. eeMi-r. Belli. Mi'. Ci"«. de' i-aiî. Ah t ose, Mir iglies. Nu I1s. S. N G i ie Rex W i ci~. Na n 're Bout, Di. IL. S. Nikiîîs, Di. Il. B. Rimid rA.Ni. T'i'uiipseîl.Tomn Ce'.'.ail,FIi. A. Bai-roî, Daî'liîîg- toniiwil i alid tIle secîrt- tai . iresîie . J. Dii i îg. Bcriiai'd Ilolion.the iHospital Admiîiîstrýatoî'.aise aîtended the îîietiiîg. Mi. el! ii'. i ot an <'ciietsmaîîitiîg 1<1 $15,1.5Î.35 Fie passed fer- pa' miti. Tlh is was seoedodh'.' Mi. "homp- sit. aîd l'ai rîied. Oni a itnloîl Fie M i-. Ise. seosnred hv 'Vi r. Huhstic FiliiaiccCenîtit tee vâ-asalioti îidteIo-îcs Legion Pcurty '5F5RM PAGE ONE) Rhiseitaia 'e \\estii'.r alse i e muclednioi aptîlause foirtlîutî siigiîg of t Sa'.'.Miiiiii\ Kiss- îîîg Sauta Clalis. ;iîrl1t Wis' Ynît a ieiiv Chu isi lias. 'T'ley lîad lte auîd î'îie jîîîîî thti siîging the semiiid ve rse andu chouls if thle laiter. Duriiîg thei î'iter'tainiiiîri piogi am ateivuî'ais Ah ma'. la. a Pa.î pî'rsieîî îead te le grams fnuîm Sauta ('Clanîs, re port îng oi thtFe pi cgru'ss Fie tas makiîîg in lus tourne.'.'frousn the Northi Polei.te Bouemaît villt. foîr te rau t' Jigle Bell" '.'. n.'.suli.g hi evei".'eIoîu' te lîe' dSaiîta's arn'. al ifJrnil\ Kato' .'.as ex- cellentî as Sauta Clans".lief vvas assisîedi dîst rîhîiîiiî attrac'tiv'iese s In îîMor' tuarit:30(1 cii tior b'. En '.10< Rundle oif the B<î'.'.mat'.'ille Ladies' A',xiiiai ntehte Rn'.' ai Caîîadîaîî t.gîiii.2îd Vire- Presîdeiti Niil lie Rates. Bei îth Will anis. Mari Wesîc'. r.Jean Fengiîsorii Deiese A r n no V'iolet Soniiîrsu'a 's. ora Aitîi Piper, Preudint - IV"de Dciitîh' R i i ha 1' d s. cnup r'aaî. aid îrs. VMa rg. Fieh oflî' tuie 'lari nuClihi Pâait.nenîbeîs nt! Brandi 179 ak su Fel ed ai the parte. Trinity Choir Render ".Messiah" T'l zi gof îiigAI iolIii iba filed Ti'iîii.' 'îItedCFiuîrF aimnat Io î'apaî'ît'.'oniiSinda' a fic er oii .' -s o i'.iniprc,.s. ed h'. the "îîîîî s î'eîditîoî oi tlaîîdei's At issinlî îîîder thle directin of '\itimi' Coliilsei Raci. Ni i;S., .W1.11 titi c('bc Ur(1 igaist 'l'lite seleisi'. '.' si spl il i o. ÀiA. A. MeubLle'. iîdNAis. S .1.Etl to1:. i.i îajlto Ah S. Ni Si'e .iei r: KHes Aeti'alf A R"C.anîd bl 'ît-, ic.Rs: cetteii 'ilîir Suiig u '.. nieio iCb lt-ý BESI' IISIIES l'oR .AN-FEit HAPPY NEWN YEAR IE*u4r>~ J' A 'i 'A A A Il ~jI il I 4 4' -, A A i. A A A A 4' i.' 'i 4' --A the $2.501)i n 1976 H d ro NI\r. Cr .d m rm a r. ClîîrmA n or the Grouînds Cnmimittee. in- forýmed the mecetinîg that the t raîispiaîiîed sprîîce trees ap- pear tii be in good condition for the winier. Dir. NIi k te s reminded itli e other iemnbers o! the board t iat lus termi wouild be rom- pieteil ai the endt of the vear' lie thiankoed ilien ali for thir assistamuie The Board Chair- miari. MrS tuit, thaikerl Dr. li k les for bis '.'. ik on lire boar d, antd aisoe xpre'.sed the boa's appreciatioîi of the cn- <iperatien giveit '.'.'iIle lie \'.'aS ('la irnan ofrtie med irai Cen- nultie Fib.v that conîmittee. Iiithe Horspital Admniistra- tois* report. preseîtted Fiy Mr. I loldî'ii, ie stated thai the niai- ol' .,tiioke con tr'et s pro- as if tlîis qu'estin uvili he fav.- or-ahi ' v comîpleted. Adiieto ethe lhespîtalinl NovenibFer u 'ei'o 2'23 aduit patients. 66 ipediatric andrt44 'M' eii ir. t tolden reporird. lie said ithat tiiee Fad Fieen 41 liajor ope'latielîs antd 91 iiîei' pei-l'ais pei'foî iTe( dui'g tîte inth. Emriiecc Departnient îreatmeîîts nmm- bed 12o diiring Ibis period., Ni. Fieliia so i'eported as Cl ai rîîît i f thle Regioiîa I I s- PitliColiîicil. îLe told the bo rdI t ha Ilurle n ta i io lesý- fer local suppoiti. lie saîd ai a i'egii. tCo.îtmeeting 1111(1 iin Be'wnianii"ile earl ' ii Decemtber tl was agi'eed that a 'ea t] v týsefîtpui-pose wonid be servedi if ail l ospitai Ad- mniis'iiatoiis ini Regioîi No. 8 wev(I'e o teIeet dire a ionth. willi thite cxi epticton ofJi.îY and "Inî additîinte dîtscu,.siiig ad- 'iiltitrti' o piobienîs suî.,h roct îîgs \\xrotiId iîîdîîîe rea 1 toadci'ship anîd noîîtîsîasm for (cliniing. Mcd n'ca I Records, Engineering anîd lousckcep- îng. A meetinig o! the Regioiîs [rciîî ingSec'tionxas hld lirrrounleîîda i. ani pi 0'\c tIn hoh' o'q aîîd îisi"'Mir. Holri' isatd ini concluision. approximately $4001 damaoe te itheut'uck. Mr. Stace\, and bis passenger, Miss Anne Cobbiedick, R.R. 2. Nw castle, were taken 10 Memiorial IHospi tali1,V-Bowrnan- v ille Area Ambulance. The truck driver . M.r. (;ihs)n, was also taken to the hospila! h 'v this armbulance. i. Stace v bas r-ecei\-cd abrasions and lacc'atîotîs iti tbe accident, and Miss Coohblfdick suffecd d taPcial i nj u ri'v. Botb had î'ecovered sufficie nil v V- Suod a 'v\,te he relcased frem t he bospi talIot ei't ut n 'e ot homes to recîlperale. Mr. Gihson \as ~\eI trealmnt in ,t out-patient riertat ment of theho bspt t a i fer m r iii unies. The accide-nt was nvsigîd " rnsaleP L. Sluart, OPP. Darlington Council New Twp. School Board Granted Permission to Use Council Chambers At tuie ilietiig ofi Darling- ?Vei"iilBi'ovnî i e anthi"îî' tuoî n i ici pal Cucicl lield in to <ompiete thFe suirvey on thie T"i luiHall on Thurs- Prestnnvale Road Fie tocatiîig daî v as dcdcd efa îmotlonî and stakinp the exîslîîg iimit.ý h'* ('îiiiilo Niar. Bîîdaî, of the rigbt of wa'. for lte >i'riiid<'clb'. Co icilIloi Cari Presi oitv.ale side-rîoad, a nd t lial, IDou. he. iIllte pubhi c i-blint att prnpe'tY omwiiers Fie loti- Boa rd o f I) iliii t en 'T'e'viîship lied bh letterto10tFi s effort be iiifei îi'rl tlmt i'wCetiîcil prl'Io tithe start ef tle soi'- C'hautberis '.'. Fie av.alilabFle for '.ev\. This vas seconded Fie meîet inîgs oif ibis buarud, etc Depuit\ Reeve H. C. Moi r. adn Io aiiaîrli.is iegarding ua rried. tie andu dates. A B -La w ti a rneiîd thFe Aî'ceuiis fiii o iilt i il g t o zoniîig B y1-i.aw was pRssýed S31t0.(9itJSf11 e t assed for anîd nbered 2287. Cotincil- Pa ' meuvit . 'T 1i is îîîluîdeni : lnr Don î-;.e-oirded hv Cotin- R oadrs, S,: Ï3 .2 8 4. 47; Geîîerat, rîllor Bîîdaî moved that B' - $27.9.6.salaries, $3,.07î1.5 4:; Law No. 22P,2 regardinp speeti Welfa'e, S i .618, and Roaid!zlimit.s on township moais Fie Pa" List. .4.1 11i cfcri'ed te the Boati Commit- Cenîuiî'iiteî De'.' <imii'ed Iliat -tee and thîe Roati Snpeririteiîd- tt Ri Ï.t.Shnnt, o al'raiige for proper raai sigzn.a. Th i,; was carripd. Oit a mnîli ii Iieh\ l' Roc'. e M ui r. .eî',nndetri hv Cniiiîci I or Ric irai G i bFi', Tiownship Clerk Walter' Riiotite w..as aiitho<ri/cd te write teo n. foi-ni Havrv Cook thai appron\'Pl lias lîeîî i _ien Io the Ro Scouts Apple' Day 'vFibciolti inthIle tonishii p no Ma v 81 196.5. 011 a nili ii i'. ltp r ii Roc. c.secroiodb'.Coiirieitini GiFiFis. the Road ipntiî ent v' aîilîloî i'icrlIo nvuiir prices ,nr a it esanrici' sîîbjf(- rin te tFi appi n'.a t ! fip OtîtarionrDparimenint o! iih- ivi R.'F. Superb Decorations Delicious Turkey Dinner Feature Legion Aux. Part y A gala ('lrîstîttas T'arty vas Fielti F' ' ue Bwmaiiviil l- dies Auxitiai".'tn the Royýal Canadiait lgiruiiHait on Mone- dlay ovoenitiig. Presîdtti Edythp Runide. , li>îteidd vl <'omed thie nembers. aid on botta If ontIbv' exeit \e xeîd- crI hesi "'îhsfnr a Ver'i' Christmuas aîîdi a Happy Ncwv Y"-ar. Seond Vice - Presicdeîtt Miii e Bates '.'.as thle eîîtora o - minti conv\on<r. _________________________ 'l iIte 1au1-g e jlin]] %v a n. l(n'a ýiiti - Ciil' 1vd e'ora t ed iiiRaYVl et1 d e t IEnieP. T'..uîo tail C 1ulistiuta s tier,(s ou i etiîPl' sîde 0fIl A cc.~.ident et sa g 0 "W eueP aditied \,'i 1 span1k iIuuug crîtameuts. anîd titi- I~c'mm r,4IIsel gariains Aci uss the fr-ont t I\ou II Up of tire uooderi tî-nt beoo'Ille stag e thei r w as a lai ge pait - SPOM frA .e oONE) uuîg of Santa ('laits in iibi h1mIiî1îc. 103 1, iuîer. % -; r P, sinigh f ii1led v tht tov atic] Snit i. ot.h vbuls sstauuî- gi fîs. uhich \vas heiiig put led -fd;i daage. ConsIable .îohîîî hi s traditintiial iceiedeer-. Rui W .,; a 1t ie(-ilives;tigatirg'l'îaqu.es iii Chr-isirnias roinus i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e- 'f v ui.<cer'felî.eypliaced aiouîg On Sa t ili la' ai 1:301 p.n. I> he v l.anîd red anid gr-een itiv<i e u a Iwo.'.ael'i' coisi i sti eaun' rs adlded to e l e f tiv-e a i QiurrIIi anîd Scîýigog Streels appea i'auiceof ithe î'<iem. 'l'hi roîi. u f lte 'ehictes t îîî"uîved i oie liai'oîd Douglas tA h i.mheu't. 71 Kintg Wesl. alnud 't'li nnia'. Sentt Wan-deli. R.R. ý2. i -Bowniiaîî'.i le, Dantage t hbe A f t'.'. e 'alSis nuî)io. )ted b o re o i'., . A e tiait '$100iiCeripial 'ueetb'. ! V e au divcuî b'. Jai iuî D)ît te. t6:1 li aiî Fis i aie aiîl a A ci ivi' i b'. Ross Jn'kîuii,ý Jlo:kkIiI ioHitd. cel lîd d ait ihil, Y A A\t 9:301 punIýi oh satiiidn' thîî'îu '.'a.'. a twýo ur eoilisioliM at Kinîg anud Selguog Str-eets iy bet "cci"uuesdirl hnî Yidi tî'.aiicd Di rk Riinkman, týs .S'irg Street 'I'hcr w ag m rmn anage ti othe Bl«n' în- t Mîari <'sr. Coristable MrGlIex . Usa"tue in ýestigatitiuugoffirpi'-. Al iil aiii. cii Sturîda'v.' a ca t dr'.ci i Rob(out W. Shei-Y da.153:1,iiheni I. StN<rthî.ý -à- at vka<ai'-u'.' ued FieRicFi- aici\'e.utot 9.5 QuioceSti-el. w'tiulî lie hFidpa-ked uin fîoîîî A cf lis liane Dauttage b iFie aii illuiiied to appi-oi-A Ili e 1î '. 2 51>l ('iustabFle Bonl A At 8B 54 p niiioui Sîiîd(a'.. tai S dii i e 1)\-'. i Iosr M o'e,9yv Jaim S' <'e.and Brýiue D. Nmuu uai uuîîr',aî-~ Peace on Earth . .. a ý '. ci 'ti" ' uiolitddi tihetGood WilToward Men. COIt' .tOf Q.îît'uî antd p ires 'îit. . d. uîiBi jA i; iil- WIDEMA&N'S 't'Iîmnllpsiuî'.6. 2 East BacA1 -k dnld mi '(tlie . e oit Ontarin jy finet auli, r> Stou Ladies au l i1d n s,'il t a ri o poi1îu Daîi '. Y Di 'o~t Ah a ue.1et Fn't' 1 NN.NV :75 *I oîtab!e McGue\e in- 'l'lie lonug tables. coroo w ilh Cltî'ist mas clnt hs, wcere arranîged] triform ant enormorîs rectantgle. Tht(, tahtes wre Iiohtced vwltb tatI gre-n tapera iii golden boiders. each nf .it hus\as art isticahi v trimmed u'.'tî a spralv of appanenitlv frosit tipped e'. rgreens w..ith. lvii lie'.- replicas nof giittcring tî'ce ornai'nts. mistletoe. and a titiî'yvpoinsettia. Golden unap- kiit-rîigs adornod vwith sprigs of niistieune, anîdt livY red and w.hite poinsett as marked earlî place. > Bi'aiich1i78 o<f ilie lie'.ai (Ca- nadiait Legion prepared anîd served tîe de] niotus t rke" dinîîeî. RîtilBava '.'w'as tthîc 'baîrmaui of the caterîig crnt- muti". Doug Johl soutewas lthe tbief conk . anthile assîsi - aid roks were AI Smith anîd Dick Lit île. Otbers uthoasi'- ed v ere.'F.d Rîut.tiwt 1l\ii Bu rton. (.'aî'euce Oke, George Thrasîer. Bill Kipai- rîck. Ewe ri Brapg. Art Shve- liai), J. R. Williams. A. Welsh, Ernie Peifect i. LloxdPi esie, L_ B'.arni. B. Rogers.. S. Iliot. Ron E. Richards. Robent IHav<'.F Maîu'îre cnwua ý.Prter Bath- Rate And Keiih Fergîîsoo. A siltg-soiig o! fa'. ni uc Clîrîi.mas Canots vas entoserri. anîd the piano acî'onpanîmeîît %vas plax ed b'. Comrade Suisiv Grauiu. Cootrade Rlachel Brutgli. <v\te0Fias ailexccp- tîcîtal'. tiî'el v '. ire. sanîg a soue. 0 "O ol 'v Nigbt,'*anîd ciiiraLie K il '.' Nwîi sfili v.oice 'w.as aise hieard in a solo, (.'emivade Moiia S.'.au lS tlit ick uviniîer o f i Feai- t-art i cl.v dries'tcri dot] dnuiat- eti b" Coriate Lorria Ariair Comniréi Aý1nniP fnil1nng wa in charre of the ia Foresters FRom CArF O'iF pia 'ed uwlih xiriessiînn i, v Eltno MuQiliî'ie. Suisanne a n ri (;ori gafIr G raham sang tu elot îhf i! duiets Thrir nînther. Mr- Georgc Griah aitm. was ihnîr piano accomrpanist. The H i Gt'ou p fron H am p t outa i .ri <'ucinilte tmade a gi cal bit v' vaî'ied Cetetaînnient. ThFe Fiîghi igFi o! the c'. ou- nig usas ihe ai. Io! San';i C'litns ( Roc Stephenson -i I flailiptoni. lie received a gri we '.sioie frein att !tc gifis. caid".' canes. anîd aPpIr'.- Io atl the cii tren pi es-entý 'l'uie nieunbeus of the rs! iiiitiee in c'hai'ge of arranîge- ments for tile .successfui evcîît were' Court Venture Presi- dPtîî Macnîab M rs, Elsie Broi. land Mus .Je1aîî Doiii. t!ie immediato pa-t prosidei: Coîîî-î B'uwmanvilec C h i e f Ranger Carl Sc'hwarz_.Alvin Yet, and Clarence Bell. Sernel ai".,\nnç, Piper r"art Ch rîst mas Mepssages frnm IlFie Pro'. inr-iai Commanrd of the Roy' al1 Canaditit Legion, anîd from tbe Provtncial Commandi of thie iad uc Aix il arne" in the Rro'\'a] Ca naditi .gi SFic also vi Ch('uristnmas rards seîît Io the aîxiîiar'.'h\ Pi isi- rient Tedi Sheohait. Bath Sîînî'r)\Ftno)k Ho.ptat.'tîîto The Sijnrir'iand i.adie" .\uu"iI iar' v n th le Rn'.\ai Canadiian Legion. 7.olie (ommnairr Gertrîîde 'Wiiam.,Bous man- v.ille SeliiîrCtie5 'uii15, tlle .\ a i..Ladies A i ur. Ii the Royal Cniaiit Legîýnn. Mi.ss Riitb D'homoli. 'l'omenîtn, a form'errmembelr Ilen uic iî- ary bere Gor'doni Deutos. Sujn- n"bîriok Hospitat. anud a sprial Mie fror, Prcsîrrtît Erlethe Rtitirlipin tr he niembei' of Ille Precsidei R ijnl îl meii liha 1If cf tbe atîxliar %.pi rF.entrd r.pp- rial gifts Itr rmhei 'i v/ho iare widow. Comraties Anii Wricht l'Rachel Bi't nuih. renu' taîte.VioiltSonîi'.c'aies. 1' 1~t j, il i. i., i. '4 'q <t Y <4 'I if (s t'. <1 'if 'f '.1 'f "q t'. r 4., M a, id id ~1 '.1 tO the citizenuq Bowmianville Mythe trucrneaning of Christmas be Ippper, it's faith stronger and it'5 hopes brighiter as it cornes o you this year. IVAN M. HOBBS Nlaynr nf Bnwmanville., TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Municipal Garbage Collection Yhee'c'.vilI he no Garhage Collection n Fri., December 25th or Sat., December 26tk Friday, December 25th. Garbagc< will be picked Up Thurs., December 24th ALJS() NO (A RRACE PJt*UP ON Fni., ianuary lst Friday, January ist, Garbage will be piclced up on Thurs., December 3lst Special Pickup of Xmas Trees %vimIi le pm<'ker t1p: NORTH SIDE 0F KING ST. JAN. Gth a n d SOUTH SIDE 0F KING ST. JAN. 7th T. STEWART Supt. TONNOF BOWIMANVILI1E PREPAYMENT 0F TAXES Trixxpayers wishing to prepay f irst and second insterl. ments of their 1965 taxes will receive the following discounts: January lst Io January l5th inclusive-------------- 2% january l8th to February l2th inclusive 1/1 February 16th to March l2th inclusive JO . -'/2 Of 1 1'AX'IEN'TS 'ru BE BASEI ),ON 1964 TAXES# Jack L. Reid, Town Clerk. Hos pifai Board Pre pares For Annual Meeting, ian. 20 A A A A A A A A A A A A A q A A A A A A A A A A A A W' A A t- A q A r! A A A A A A A A A A A A ~d'ythe peace of Christmas abide in your he art. JURY & LOVELL 'i If v "(i v "M 'i t ii.'i< ui:x ST"1ORE1 IN BONVMANVILLE - ii-. 211 *u*UUUIEI~UUU(EWI1~E<l<i<i« (,REE'rINGS AND) -IRISTMAS AND A WUTHERS M.P.P. and FAMILY -- -~i.--- -~ March l5th to April 15th inclusive _-Ilm.&.& Dé > Z. e, >. Dé 3. »4 >d X1434& »à ak»élt â.ý Wb. i" "'M", % 4wK-lirý ri ri ýAi»ll