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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1964, p. 4

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r" f EDITORIAL COMMENT Christmas Present Par Excellence Yr7ý. (;fnr-al M ol ors mpiny'ees, there is a Sanla Clansý; Thrre,'s ýno douht about it, after the ert'tllenirilV that 'vas made over the uwcckcnd AI]il tht' oodics that anybody ever rrcrivcd in thicir Christmas stocking .hrank hvy comparison with the i- rreascs ini wages and benefits enclosed in fl gifl-wrapped bundît' Ibat wili continue to improve each veari- ora threïr ycar period. Everybody . . . or alntosi e body . . . is rcjoicing over the tt ment. Merchants. their shclvvs loadtd with lay away items ilhdt wotild ii.it, remained there if tlic sîrike hiadî-'t brve' rettJed, are hea\'ing, a rnîhi s.1ix relief, and prcparing foi t 1,bî1- s,, one week spending s irc , 'îhso' Santa Clans is rcail v pe ',.' the bank acconri- s. finan11(Cecîpi't "charge i" a nd a i othe cedt ac are joininz hini 'amako Q Illet'nto'x fabulous financial Christmnas i hstî It*s w'onderfui. No more huddlniz in ti '~\e rubber tire firs r î,, et n' t7s 1i buts heated by propane -as, Ail tha-, is cver and tht' proanctîin 1:ncsar strong producîng ýatOmobiles so ,f1v customers -will bc scrved and tht' cai' dealers and salesnii w:i ha\ e somer thing bsei rsprivappeai s 'o bc continriin- a, ant ý:riard o act this area. Therc 'oc, b n:' ain: e o he made here b1 ecausc al thr lct of the area ccononiv wîM hec ttakii a long. hard Iook ai wha, bas bam.enodý There arc, other emplovers inî tho is trict besicdes Gencral Matrsand soinc boxv thev have ta mcet this cnjIpct iî tan for their l : ~Si u',,Ï- os ,ho t, x- Where Sh ould You Trhe X':ue3l'axc x"()ti They are zpendîngi- the daN, togethor a n Floor 16 of Duckworth Coutitit lia[s- pital. And tf \von 'vwani b know hltw the - arrivcd ai this solution, he'or's their secret. l ail hegan wxith Dad, Dear oid Bon WîidQet is strict t'-'a nne-beer mai ail year. but at the office part\,just befoie Christmas liew xva persuaded t bbrcak oi a littie. lie had Scotch \whisky- and London gin, and rn the' waY homne thoughit b xvonld br fun to drîx't British st,\'le on ,lie left -- alon- the hgwv The fout' policemen xu'ho pi ted lîini olit of bis truLck-fiattecned car-sowi lit tic of the festiv'e spirit. *'Alwvs ihe sanie xvii h \iiit jok- Prs, said the sergeant. "Think voit eau drive as, good as' von feel after a foxv drinks. Von va n drink as 11ILCIIas \oti like as far as l'mn concerned, but foi- heavens sake cail a'--ah to getl home." Junior 'vas the first to join Dad on Y'leor 16. I-e had x'oluntecrcd to dig tlif5 Christmas decorations ont of the dark corner of the' basement whcre they had been mouldering since Jannar »v The string of Chr'istmas lighis ,Eeemed in bad shapp. The wire was kinked and the' in- tulation had corne off in some places. Anxîous to discovet' if the y still woî'k-- ed, Junior padded over the damp, con- crete floor x0 the nearest power oLutiel and plugged in. H4e vas stili unconscioLns when Mother came down to find ont whx' ail the lights had -one ont. Sis didn'*t let Jninior's accident detr lier. She xvas bUsy decorating thc bouse, and had worked ont a delightful Chr'ist- mas setting with candies gieamine through the colton-covered branches of t he brigchtiy- tîîimed tree. Unfortti- nately ber dccorating- budget had ilot mun to fircpronfing for the trecehe cycle again tb a lie\\,' piatleîtî, il xIt tlus? on fixed incomers beîug iett b it lii, tber bcbînd but îîobod\ 41 -li tit in this tops\ (liii\ \, \% xii -\cîîalx Ilts î'îx ' l.xx eVer \\ ii, 1" L onut '-'t i . t' eci il\ x i'. c x ~ i Pi\\ îxîtilt,\ iLd i lxi ' it o .t 8c! ~ Jugman 'sCo/umn i'~;~ ~i4 Ni i t: î' ne '01:- t lx xx .1t ,il ' l l tN Il î.' i x. l x S'0I s'lit"îl t il l lxîl1 t txlxè t1 l' I ti s 111iii1,î1 x (i c tl 1 i 1 1 1 l 1 i t l A 1t i lx ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1xS.iti 'il'. 1(xkl lxxi li; i \N a' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 lîii' l\ xiixl'ktlx li Go for Chrktrnas? tI1' i zv \.1lj w x io ' 1 I I .îx,î')lit 11 t i 11 log to Slxiiil' Sis, w loîsi' lt.1\ 'l t nîis d u'-en(' t il!)i n i lit', \ s liu ln - caIoîl;lvcithte tdil ii' itii x M whû uas ieîiîiîil i l a v niI t îitîniisliaps w\atî d tiot pe. nlieri train crlvhralinig the fvasi ii inte rai lionai \'t>She lad c i hge itoll ie;tl to Ibang abov i lie iuta 'ilîestopl jla- der unas oIdand t ickev% but liad licou nîitylhixcîts licar i Il'crash,. sud \v'er(- aliteIo li ppiva bipt-lal v'xli lt tntui[ I lit- ant a lnce a iiv- Chrlistnias lDa\-.' xx iii iliii' Vii<- gels logethi i iiadjoîiting moins utilios- putai.2A kiîdi 'v dOCtOî' las \voIlîîcci'ed iii ca î'.c' 11w ur nkc v. si ncecDad woiî't he abi'let-i use- lis rigi-l atmi for a lonîg lime. Moi 1wr s teg is iin tractiloni, ena ntîrs" >cii 1Serve the fs i mal. Sis, who was to have had a fui coat for Christmas. is goting skiîî grafts in- sicad. And Junior, who bcn hrîe- lcased unlil long aftcr the snnw hbas goine, is consoled b ' the faet that bis Chr'istmas toboggan wîiche rand lieu, for next uintcr. Yoiî, ton.ri.ail *Jouiî bbc \Vdgcîs for Christmas -iff von art as slupidlîv asý ibe'. diri. E 7vî~'\ear liLifdreds of curr- less people jouîi the Christ mas rutsh to the casnalîv ward. fInlspilais t'o <i ise for the holiday. Oniit'tir nihem lianci, fou c-al take a few simple precatlttt-ns and saxo Ilie bîtsy hospitiai siaffs thlic ol br of lok- ing after yorî. llavc a nc-rî'.' aîîd afrC h('bit-- mas. Stalv a ~o xtri Ry -1(11111(;ibson in 'The Bitte Bill Give Us the Faith! Gîxe us the Iailh of innocent chiîd- ren, that xve may look forward wihh hope in our hearts î.o the dawn of happy ta morrow s. Reavw'aken iihe thauight that ouîr most cherished desires wîll becxealized, tht' things closest bo oui' beaits - that wle mav came toana- appreciatiait of the' limitlcss .îoys aîîd bunotiful rewards of Paticence, Cl-arit>' and Sacrifice. Above ail endow Lis itb the spirit oif courage, that we rnay face the per- plexitics of a tî-oubled waî-ld witbout flinching, imbued witlî the' cbild-like faith which envisions thîe beautiful aîîd inspiring titings of life. . . and rcstorr' t lie happ *'\-hnr: ond cxpcnîictii'c's sti mari'>'of is filsi'hcliev'c it-sifort- e'.'cr. Gi'.e tus faîtui i unsl.'saîd failli n oint'follo>."Mnatl iiothn.the tucas- Lires and heanties o-f life thal niake moen happy '.vili spriiig frnîn oi iexhaîîsl ie sor te. Aid aliClitistruius. xxlu-î thee aris if tihexxold sxvei I ini I vons reichiat iii lt-t ns catit asidt' the pieteuiSe Of SI uni V i-nn and live, if on]it- foi' a dax', inii 1 hoîpe and ion' xve kioxv as c'hildren. A U. 'h t t ia os îiia x' Durham Countys Gieat Farnily Jouixnci %-le* Established 110 yeaz3 cigo ini14 Also Incorporatînq The Bowmamville News The Newcastle [ndependent 00The Orono News *Ifp IL Authi!zed a s Ctrxd îxsMaxi l'y the.roi i ixce Depti OtcWax. xr~ rr rir.muent n xýsixxein cxal Produced overy Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 Kng St. W., Bowynanville, Ontario IOHN M. JAML S GEO. W. GRAHAM 610O P. MORRIS EDTI-ULSiPADVTG. MANAGER BUSINESS Mr-,i. EDITO~PU~LSH~~SUESCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, stictint advance S5.50 a Year inl the United States .~Atluqh .very Plel1UtiMn lW'H Mlx.tOken tM nV,' Ci I"' ll"" It ndIV.t%. 111 x il 0ourrfls On the unde.atamdlY'1 tb'71 t il xi I,',îhe ,rhix' ir"r 'nv gx' n tdetsm gubixah*d hereurde lntie»a pri4c" t i urh ave duiner l, w:., "1 <hob cdrtmr~px The (a=d=S40t«M idver thaerî s w:edbythe c ? hyritra and wit .-,h ,rtltian plite' noted in writfit thoreai. x"»d cin thertcoe.If ayv fror Sn at iae.i tle r-cf r Cf di . aiidlD Sot1an la itbWitty %halli"Mex t-oxre*d mîch j ' rxtnnt th,% .nt"a t'met Y ut dvertlA"nêllt e# qth@ *pffr@ ecr-upf.d bv xth* ixteeq *rymr h te lm ix. l" ' xi. na rx xxci, sp olxLve and ihc Ipc(il' To Editor Johnn v, and Staff, and readers of this good, nid family journal, a Merrv Christmas; that. of course, in- cludes the readers of this column re- gardless of their feelings towards this writer. We are well aware that some really lîke the colurnn. while cthers wvouldn't read it on a bet, and still oth- ers read it in the' hope that. it wil] givc' them fresh inspiration to hale thc gu% who writes it. Thcn there's the old "ismoothie' who savs "I neyer miss read- ing v-our "col 'vuum-- read it c'ver.v week. I do." Such peopie are casily tripped t.p mv-th an innocent - soundiniZ qnery sncb as "how did -v»ou 1l1ke the one lasi week. abouit the' gu': ,-whrî trircd Io scratch bis hack with hi.sebo? Tne smar* onec, answer *na'. the': baven*t read lbIat particular issue. 7ei. buýt r' dumhi clUcks will prove the > are fibhing b':.-saývinz! 1. Ithough't that v;as roM aod.TbcvI.- wil bc rauLcht o'-caU5(ç'-sch a otece wv;ax- r.e.e prmnord. Bu' x'j>( bad. or indifferent. ix r'.'rnc',,';.~s' ~A4LL. t' ne rx i' ; a- mne '. :fr) ri ýst Chr r~r.ûr e~nl niy a rxtof chir:a ; nooZ-r .,-j rc 1< "cr.i: ica rrî.it.c",par- cà S.4e np -c ~ 'pr ~e cLrna faîyof childirre and grandchildren not this vear, we won't, because h ]adyshipp has dccreed that, she anC are going f0 spend it alone because, ' the' fortv four vears of our marnia she bas never had me ail to herse on a Christmas Dav. This proves that females are stran ', creattires. You'd think that But would bc only' too happy tc avoid th' nauseating experience of having to fa Ed Youngman. alone, on such an a picious occasion. Only last week. a personable wido rrferred to thîs scribbler as handsomj which made me feel pretty good unti 1 !earned thiat. two days later, shevij c-d the local nptometrist for an ev xa,nhaioi;4 pieasant to ajýcpj" a jo ',fui Yuletide. JItwas. with sadneè,' ..at we received the nevs that. a long' lime friend had been found in berhon%, v,-herc !ýhe lived alone. suffering fron a strokr vwhich bas paralvzed her left ,ide., 5oî ;strad of spending Christmua wi-h nrrir, r he Younzman famnily, she v. ne r, nospî'al. Beinz in lier, - eihtn *vcar means that her (-11e5 a co.mDete recoverv y bslim. ve;'ars aZo. 1 spent Ch1; mas Da ai fln- zest - mv first in. ç uddaer iea-L of a budd%, of the, Yrn B jr 's WAf. and son werx ~'-~'o ne a few aavs withý :r, ,',nreal. The missus,, and z--n'--ýr ' ortreal wvi+hout Fred n~ca r,,rln te-r-, toowell. He at- '~r.cd d~CCa, his Wjllow, ria. r'x-~ "rwhchanother choir rr.c.rnne c'.'-"c- - rne. where. while, et.fifty fellows p.etresent. ib pay * - a ~n'~ are:tvsweIl guy, 1 - .. - . a :~ d Conirade" for a-ed n pa he [dlfor, Sitaff1and Cor rm,,po rirk c ri Sugag (>1/Q/Y 1<> f/i (> ~'d'u1o r AIso llio l x x iil lik i In tcîi xxý it i( ii,< ýffrii a i Iik (xxlt i i lixf iol t ht vek x ix :iîl Ilsii f . pa[f [x 25 YVEARS A(;O ii [aii Bolit î' xix>.> il- Atlanta, Georgia, ;a' a c-ii- c-lent of ;c ivnieonri hic'- ch cmi i r'. M1,S. . 1 . \ t lilîîî i ixec Resîc 510<1ii)iii L anxd s'oi Stedman, who liaxo rour visiting frieudsc ii Bowma n- \llic andl Kinîgston. hliax r e- t-irnctIo Iicît hnîr oi STLSx'CniicN.Yt ,Mtr. ail N:. "xxi . x Wxright cclchralo'd lliLx 3,111 Siioda' v, Dxcîle xvbrn aili heir chldrco kcix Iioniç cin cMioiirlo ht -xi- casîýzon ,vithîlh rrai-i C:hristmas Vjsitnr% Mr. and Mi-". l\îx7 Ix Lt.1) 1 ;ic i t-L;labtoClx'Vii h Ilxcr Iali- cni:, iii Pairry Souîtîci Mii AndI NcI. (,cxîl-o'l Proa itix';li i -n . 'tno 10. o wîtii Mi r aýnirl Ir' 11-a Pro Iccc Nm ou-Ir l:. .and'<c sud daugbteî'. Niaixgxra FaItls. jx 1lb M r i ad M r '-Il. ioxwell .:\Il . iid MNîr.s ieuir' Grarxx aniuiInii iLxI Bî iîI xx 'iti NI xI cii i L l'xçm p- soli,. " iii mviss Iris îiîî.'8.1. Sit.xi t Lxxi. il'.- Mir Nvr' iî 'c.N lîivoi-ii-. M<îlcxx1, %xit h SIc anid NIc txiricî ai dNl h -F 0Ci 1l cx Mc H arn Id 1-'r % t Pi R. H- S l1% i~r tf.,'Ithl hiz parorn .i 'i-xnx'lxxztIick Mr ai-id 1M r; Wa 1lax' Shauw and 'n--ri rslex'. N-x' Trirontoi. wîîb Mmnd Mr,-- D R. Dax-id--'nn ir, snd Mr- Mirli ; .r- Hoff ;;soiIBores, Lxda: Mr ýandI Sic' Mt-l>. iIr- Wisemni.Torxonto. mwxtb ht-r parents. NMc anxi-i Mrs Fred Battît- Mcr iîxcl ibiM WxriîIIl. Smith. 0hv'-, ' tb MiFs Ex a and Mrc Horbeti Wakc- ]in. Pît-". HectIor Goxilcl. Albetl Bnîîsieadi, Clas. Cartwright. alid John Matîbcw. midi- ]and Rcgl , Trentoni. xx th th-ir familie; icrc Mr and Mrns. Ed rihtxxc' alid thrc'c chlilrcn. TroronIii, and Mr. andi Mrs. S. Kitcheix, Oshawa, wiîbth ir parents, Mn. and Mr>- W. Ma.-nardi Mr Edw acdNroi cs. Vxrtrixxx Colrge" 'Toiîontin, witb %Il-aria Mr- I.1 F. N irkcrsoI' Mr anti SMr- I .Rirt P!ckarrd I,îinhher narenis in Toronto, t., i x r. n r 'r ,r 1'. -,r, '/ [ 1i lxc- S a ixat a "" - ';ix tîc-îîc ifîl bîîx i u i c 'jn -1lri i ("îcur'. f xi- . rj c liii xlLy (, rlxx r,. 1- 4.9 YE.XRS N(,O (Dre'. 30, 1915)> ix emove'd their dressma-- irig business Io ihoîr i1înrnc, FîIgin St., u'l îxor'xî cii Ir Public Scbool. Melssics. Prcîv adiV'x:xr Klford,BRginîa, Sa-zk..r visitiiig il-bc-x t nt hr'. îr .JonîîElforci [c'xr mnstîîdcîîî snd gracli-I oic of Bou-iiio l:xile il'x' sçîxot-,i. s îcachcr of m-- mosti> Scit-ic ai Pa-i;. O' rt-n!il, Van-ouve'r, B C . ic t' szpcndîîn;zthic\%*Iil cr"" licr part-ris. Mr. an i I- Pichard Hanhib x NMr. W SIN,. D'.x. Franicisc'o. C('a1is i-'xx c ix s fol t ici tdothox ci- live xc- rc Tht' SLin i" Soîx di Wu]aiPortagcr la Prai: î. Max-is xiisiig Ill laIio0x pai'entx-, NIr' and Mrs. W.i1: WiI lianîs. Cl' u-h liSi NI r' W'ijliîaîiiî; oils f ro m, Ni-c1w York, lo ti it. c mln I t-txfi'.. E(iigxii-l, dclîîg dcI- fiexldi x lit i- lx1 i ixi c iift- ix- ii Ba t'k il ('huistinaN Visitirrs Pr. snd S"W' E . N Nitchl I Tit"ouxixx. l nthi ti frictiis i) tht- (.It %I;. Johxi iaxi, Sic'afixri. Anrd Mr Lelanid Edgrr. (')'lis x'.x, at Mr 'A'Edr-er"- '%r- nzfIo;nh FIrtctrex' kc dai;:-htFr, r; LDri Camiph-IL, Napanet- S7tanlev Dunui. Kintid 'oh k'.'x ct i cpart-ni' Mri aîîd Nirs Joh.,,ax'k 1.. k' l fitîix aIl L iris-d %ixl iîorW Lrzgr. n Txix oiitcî. at hnît- Prnipal A Jil D it x'. îh rt-tri. - oin 'no01* M I S , F141.iîi rid icM Rc'ughall. Trîronto. MN rati Nlc C. P. Blair axîi Mxý HI et-i Brîth ii liax'.-. a t tr. Mc, Cha. Bouix calTi. f- a Rank, Toroini. axnd Mr. Il. E. Nortox. Brnili..b (uxaixi, South îlic meutaîl %Ir. K R. Bn i i nali's Misses Mati .ac ci fI <'lx F3r- a v. Toronlto, atLd %MiF- (;racct- I'emc-cr, Lindsa', . at ,vic F. A.Fostrr's NI!- . Nc'lliîe Ps t [1, xxx' lx - o ixl rtt-i' S(îc' t <'ccx 'tr'îia Schotol, 3'oront ci, uin hl,, niothui,Mc Tho-, i'arnb1in, and Spice By B 1 'Sie y SOCIAL BUT SOT SOCIA\BLE' - f .4- - - 'c- lx .' r .- u.-.ý07 nac- v xx wd - c' rr -' %vir c :.Pz ~ xu- ' Ur kr cmc Sacre:.-I 'f . F'., 'rî" Acc'lamation 'k'.fx . D: s- xocal Drinkinz j; one of îhoi'e ben- titiîfullYv a5gie ternis 's ere so fond of ra these days. The.N.caver a multitude of s- ins. and vet. somnehoss, they sound reç- Spectable. 'i ' 'x' ~ 'arsazo. S5-n Scc:M D: :k.' ' s.nka- -e s Cxxx xL" :s rc' "'* :ovcrt e ec 1 :sn li:'t r : c. I - b:cr a -'curc îc Social Drinking and the Cocktail Party go hand in hand. A Cocktail Party is any gathering of Social Drinkers. siopping fret' liquor mbt empty stomachs nt a raie xwhich sîîggcsts prohibition is a bout tb hectîme iaw -within the' hour. TbeY niake a gestire towvard the' social end of it h N. ating a cracker. with a dead sardinie on ih. with every fifth dri nk. Don ,, c,' cux Abt iî"ùi. - ikn wkit Soc!a iDl i ticSociable d ciiik- i g is a quiet rls citîan aId friend. fxrIle.a ioupleo xf boilles of co!d lit fîshiw: a 1bot nogrtin. it eîîm- jir.a fier -a x 'Csdax: ou i:cîdP z-7 - ,,-,,usewife w'ho -7ng iI after a ------ -c- tniDing like a -n:e r0V thefollow. = - .~c - -. r riw cffee- - -. ' ad-aheson 2 c -: a purple r _z~s a man's bat; C _este an-d her c esei d ~- c-'~ ac" Lsespouse s vr aer;vc-une gets talking c- xr" c- cz 'ornean hour e; e r irited, but :"t-oE what '<a ::: ;a :veSocial X.ctuali'. Social Drinking -w'as fine, as wvere so man,* other things, before wvomen got into the act. B': thn w'-mens-arcd boozing, a' :k:'-s ave -one :r-omn bad to hope- xt~ bed dikn developed. And 1C Onv 'hi rz rsehan mixed drink- I.«î: -Our drinks. "-o-ial Drinkin2 blas ai! the poten- 'a. ilxostuctix'e power o.; The Bomb. T toad5 '-ioroken promises. broken dish- ~ r"ocnonses. and broken bornes. T.ie oîo:\ 0d thing about it, andý tt-c cr"'tcason il ts so popular. is that' kenables one to put np \with all the' n ore and boorF. the knuckleheads and- knothcads. thie dopes ai-d duilards. with, whihî sotcx'seerns :o bcinfested nox'.'ada%-cz lexcec fcr *tht'sparkling peopele vou and nme). Nox'..1 hope I hiavýen't hrown a xviblarkex. on -\'aur plans for a wet holidayv season. But just to end this little bani±lv. max I i ernrd vouthe' unes wrîtten ini ceventeen seventy - seven c bt : a:\kelsh poet, Hngh Dun- I. xii -,et 5'in.king r -o(n-I drinking. P' isn't Social: ]L*.s atrocial. À,LY- Gorter /tor §P0oet FIAREY 'rAYLOIR 'i c i x' iticncr t-f Nxp. r Pc hiIL sihon I Board, llxr'l~'1*)%or,. .was awaîd.- 'Ic , lx c(-lamatilxii for a I V h -;c xxxc -'i u- .'carBot-iiiand cd - ix i - h id tL'laie Norman 'la'dx (lîirliSt-. hr ha- ;ii Naîîani-cvfoi, a num - c! xxl '(vi ,îil ho pnop- i ic-'xxt (if Tao xsxk l-ci & Vi'itP, îIo:t- Six T'avlor îr, prcsidt-nt x> t!c N ïpiitîcc r la rl'; Club ac crI a mx'mhrr of Uiîon Lodge \i-x<i F xSXX and MouIot S -i u:of the -Masonti-Oder. an- cii rIicc ofx!Gracie 1' Cclhi rch. ax n i dnn fi'.h. ' x-il iicter acîcî c unîtr Mr ai, Mri .XTaxîcxc ha'. . ixAn sons. Allazt and Mark, 1UHRISTMAS SPIRIT The ChIri3tma:s BeI:s. rin?, clear and crisp, As people make- iheir shopping lss flolly hangs ai-tev'r'.' doon'. And decorattons fill cacb store. In the' kitchen, mother bakes, Fancy puddings and Christmas cakeps (;ood old Pop, chops down a trre While the childrcn shout with giet'. Now's the time when spirits rise, In the' voung, and old, or any sizt'. Lu oda Ko rçu A CAINADIAIN CAROL Sing a sang of Christmas Tî'mp and sinig îf full of mîrth; Swettht' echoos <leai1 rinig Cr al lnh, frosty cartb. Snowflakes fluî'ry thiongît theair xvit.b delightful madness, And scecmtngly the air itself is filed with rparkiing giadiness. Fî-reside:s are brîght wvithm. - '.indows frame the holly, Hearts of ail are fulled with joy. faces ail are jolly. 'F".vas Love that gave us Christmas Tume. it camne from God above, And sri ta keep the spirit true we scatter gîfts ni love. Sin- a sonit of winter sports, - lakes ail frozen over. Fieelds of dazzling whiteness now once ' were f ields of clover. Rythmic ring of steel on ice as skaters swiftly glde, Ilcalth and strength and grace are knit - in every swinging stride. Classy slides and snw trails are lit Y by twinkiing ligh~ And coasting his ar iled with thrills on) moonlit winter nights. ýSlighbciis jingle merrily as parties ,go a roiiicking, Wbcn Nature slecps beneath the snoW, mtir tut' bhas corne for frolicking. -Pearl Craig 2e

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