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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1964, p. 5

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ha, th( pal ini alný tics 1h( dr wishing you happy holidays.1 BOWMANVULLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Mr. and àlrs.W. Kitson and Staff Ruby %Voodwa Nellie (.roeneve 'ir Il - - i On Sunday, Dec. 201h, lhe en,îoYed a roffe P>i Sunday Schr>oi heid the an- At church Sundaa Y n i nuai White Gif t Service. Don- a Nativilx Scene sxas 1ihe -cil- na Wilbur opened with a irai hme T'o c iir lOlristmm;s poem. Away in a \werp sULîiu h hx'iechoir. M z Manger" was sung, followed Mary Nircrv nne iC r - with a reading by Mrs. Harold gan. with Mr.DolsDctni Balson, -'A King in Peasant1s ai the piano. Tlicir ii xiW.1 Oiothing-' The Lord's Prayer mair'elloics.Te hr L a xv i. iwas repeated in unison. The bcealiifiillx' decoraîci '5111)ihîvo scripture, Luke 2, verses 1-14, Christmas irce-.. rtiw;î iwa.s read by Barbara Macnali. dow was clec-oratcd ~lbrr iThe girls of Mrs. P. DewclI's, greens. wîth lights itii n iciass favoured with a song, Me. Sam Dcwell hacid "u " "White Christmas.' Miss Mary thrce los-cIx' poilnse(tij-iii l In, Nidde.ry in ber usual capable cfl., memory of I)ii<tî, 'e mariner tolci the stoev cof -Si- Mrs. John n.î reeut4 imon the CobbieT-" and held ten îa"'xcj-Yisnart, i)C, 'the rapt altention of ail. Thc choir in mnernors <J c - hijjý manger was plaeed at the bandi.the - tlc Mr. JoIln 1Fl I ifront of the Piatform and eacIl son.t.FTh( nex crn. ." tir child filed past and offereci chanufel i th(,ul.ah caý '!i their token. Jane Reynolds cd Chiirch ou!i gave a reading, -What shall RC-x Charnles Çî, xa" 1 give Him?!" This impresslive charge(if thf, ser':ite. sfr'î jserv-x-e ç1orsed with thle sing- ,eres of rach of the nio' ýing of severa Chiriîstmas car- l 11.01,~xer îna o- ' ois, wvith Doiz Dewecll at the .5, rp, ýR" aci fori. r"' piano. childurca No i3 tsa.; dAftc.r Cîtor PrautclIe Tl ýr- aiîgc -Theli llcn . ay evening t-he choir mcmn- xvreîtîod Ti" Tal bers -iecoraled the chuýreil for Christ mas Trnrr h' the Christmas sE:Ivc" \After iii r lesson sua fo thecu- decorating soc tiev 2.1I,,and the ir- ,Ve a -appy c1-xstrnas! H-ooper'Ps Jewellery ' ROWMANVILLE: Nr. aundNlrs. Art Hooper rs. Lola Wright Mrs. Liva Lathanguc - - i q '6 ha 1~ - - - - I This happy littie fellow is Robert Dean Grills (Rc second birthday on November l5th. Hle is the sots of 7ý22 Southway Dr, Bowmanville, and ri andsoia of Muli. Coiborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grills, R.ri. 3,13(B Summers cf Coiborne is his puoudgea-anifhu HAMPT( obbie), who ceecbrated his Crisl'ine Lynn T'he Canadian Statesman, ELemanvil1e e. 23, 1M5 and 'Mrs. Russeil Ormistccn, Memorial Hospital OS aturm Mr. and MNriW eIvRn SaiVinson. Mrs \Vîll A- e yRp r imour end Mrs. WiII Short, alil For thr - wePk of December ronOshawa. we ditnrer gussofMr. Gec'. Armouir Auws-v; and N1is leBrtha Arniour. .. On Sundav Mnz. Arm1on-: BirtYiý, :3 naie, 3female a and -Miss Berfiha Arnaour ai- Dir-chargcs 1 lde h O¾wdc an- major ojlcral1ong......4 nicavof 'r- and Mers iMNinor opcrat cou 25 we1Y JIoskin w>hrc held mrnc-r(tiita 2 j- pri l1olu'e, ;i, ilnrrnoi i Ere r' i hu' rit:ic r u. fil Hali-. al 4any Happy Events Brothers Celebrate December Birthdays ýt Marnwood Homek Several entertairnmrents. oth- glitterîig w i t li ornaments,- iunction5. and an outing which stood next tn the piano. I ýVu been planned to brighten was a centre of nterest. c Christmas scason for the Carois were sung bv theIIc tients at Marnwood Nurs- w o mn e na s organizationis of 9 Home, 26 Elgin Street, Re'hboth Christian Reformcd ' ~ ~ id attractive Yuiciide decora- Church, and a deiicious lunch . .k 'ns have been effectivel.V was served. Miss Alice Hoge-; 'ranged there. terp presided ai the perfectly': On Thursday, a Hciightfuly appintedi tea table. . ranga pr~ysca,.uu ~ Mr%. W. .1. Cobban enter- c patients in the northtandihorofhe axig om at Marnwood. « ciy and Mistletoe attractive a tnnjbe Ch i decorated the spamu om mas partv on Friday evening.I: id the tlu Christmas tre This is an annuai eveni. The Explorers Croup of St. *'c C! c c 9 PaulVs United Church with SMrs. Kenncth Werry in charge I visited Marnwood Nursing, Hoeon Saturday and -sang - ~ Christmas Carois. A gift for ii eac'n patient was aiso given by 'q this group. SOn Saturday e%'eniîng Mrs. di Cobban and one of the nurs- es drove the patients. who arei e~ weii cnough to travel by car, qn a ltur of the arca 10 vie th hrsmas lights and dec-' iicorations. 4 On Sunday afternoon the!irs. ASalvation Army brought a Ahuge and prettiiy trimmed ~basket cont.aing a variety of "a 4fruit for the patients. The d'concert and carol singing by à the Saivation Army was aisot 1much cnjoyed. On Tuesday rvecîîng teà & Scouts Troop and thece Lead- s Ni~ "t5 àer John M. Knight Jr. visited Marnwood Nursing Home andj Decemrber is a big month for Shaun, lefi. arid Deat itsvon in the' above c~sang Christmas carols, theyI photo. Not only do thcy have a \-isit from Santa, but <xx laso hils a hirthday atienrgt. a , orca in this festive month. Shaun ,vill celihuate his tird hîuthdav Ioda>.Vs/cres- ÎýMiniatturp Christmas es day, December 23rd, and litile Dean was one-x-cai-olci oitn eeîe 9th. Theyi o evry ear e!çkilIfuilly formed of tulle andý are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joe M0cGill of Cookss-î lie. ai litir Proud grand- ,batiui deoae bythe parents ai-e Mr-. and Mrs. Harvc7tv McGilîl. R.. ,Etaskillc'n. * BVowmanvilie Lionettes were 1 week. One wiii be placed on t he bedside table of each H p iy A atn h i a Colmerpatient. On Christnmas morning each .t - "' I patient wili receive an attract- ,~ Travel Service iv breakfast favor from the 2% Orono Junior Gardeners Club., -~. BOWMANILLE ~ directed by Mrs. ThomasA. - t'. Fairbrother, Newcastle. .- -- -- - -- - -- - '.... . 'NI"r. 'a td Nis. Kcetitils. - .~~~ crIs' wcrrercccnt, giesi.s xi '-Mr. <andi Mus fissell Palnir. tIOshawa. . Mrs. Keîîii la Cavrs e- A'. L.Blanechard and Mi b eautitcl puese i t a i10 o f "Hanicfels NeaaiiiuîTr ii t ýChurch, Boxx-niaacîîx-lc. Trs.Ah1e- scrTriînihle. Johns Tramie id Pat.sv. I3ase D iine. i len ai îleNidicea -horsie on Suiscax- a ftcrîuiooî.Oui Sun- dav cs-ciiiuagiZ r, alur Rahia. T--ua M- ('1in R abaud i xo xhîdre, Atax caileci 0onMu' ýN'nicice-vand Mu' andci Mi-s Ro-esera- xyoeloin 's'ilnv sw1ih !Ir fa thevr. M r. 1.W. La r n ierr . O:' Slititni, ' :. e ,eîs i. lia uîîsoni. st's<a i spcnacinîîg !Il xvuiter xs'th lits npes.Nr . '..' '.a Prî-s-Dcwxc11 aind MrsDs- . . t; ,cili. celeheralec lais bir;id uh- This>Christmnas Santa xiii pav his fir-st \isit Io do'.v.Frienci.; x clî rl1ec o congraci nIa te 1;is (ile old littie six-months-old Christine Lvnnu, small. daughiter gentleman ssec iM. ai Mr of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thompson. R.R. 3, Bosvmanville,,Miltoni Eliioti. MIrA . Dcw shown in thc abovr photo. Christîne's grandparents cil. Meraad Mes. Arthur Mc ai-e Mu. and Mrs. Dan Kube, M-ýapie Grove. and Ir . utn e niMsFe îilî adMs ma n hriso o Bi achara and BexerIv. Mnr Photoa iv Ailswoctlh Pliotctiiahv a Il frona RBowrnaii\ihlc; Mr. ---- -andi Mca. Ger.XXilîan-î.ou andr i eY 1-1os k i i . l,oecls' ocet ix eut hv a Giena, Mr. and Mes. F'ranak Mr. and Mu-s. Rnit Lîikc. class of chljrrcus, O.shIaxxa. xio DLake, L.cnsav; Muis.; Riiht'" Rr>bi an Tery aiteîîded a arectakingz lessorîs iin Geeman.Deei.Osa-: -.adM. Chrisiýmas family Paety Iild Mes. Bnrcows' niice,. AniitaI Brticc Tirnk andciMrs, IL Tink. il ber parents. Me. and Mes. Pliilljps. xx-os one of hue girls Soîtiai. EImcr Hawes, Whiby. takiiig part, so Mr: ueowlHacuaplouc friciccis ai r- Mr-. and Mrs. Glenn Mctc-alf With Mnr and Mcs. Eric Pliail- nier îiihboccrs extecacl it- anîd Grant and Mis-, Judîithlita',* aliruîcieni Ui t she v'cr congu-ralt ila tions in Mr. Davidson, O s h a w a, wenc C'aisilaos progurti. anid IMes. Wsc Hoskiîî, Osis- gIuests omn Satîcrdav wiihMiMr- Nr nd clMis. A. k Lau- wa. xsi cciillv celebrasri and Mrs. J1. R. Metcaîf andci chard atnd Mr,-. Jaxenitr CIe- thc r6ithîsxxeniîig annîx-er- Mii. R,.s&s Mc(aîf, as il U'05 lmens oîtacithe ftiiîccal sacs. Mr. mnd Mes.Il{oskiua lhcir farnily Chccstmnas gath- Wenlitcs'clai of hiîîcousinwc'crescdenits of Harnplon ila cccîîg. Mi-s. Art Wcnlý!akv, ini Oshalwa. 00e tinir "tir,-ait ci Mii. 1)0,1)jlOMr.'Y îtid famicis'.Tauntiiio:i, or e li ui IA W.* cl n r.r". Saturdav cuighsl visîtors x'ihadN" icaotwr ýMe. and Mca. Ren Luke. umdM;M for,,nar kîillet, antMr. Haroîl Knibb,,Y Mc. ancdiMrs. Ove.rton Motît-O'îa ilayspent Saturday cusiling O edtsa.'aurîoi f Jlylii with numeinrois ce IP. li'c1 arc-und Treniton. las! scl.Mcssrs A. W. oîd Oic Moday as. Me. \.uc L. Prescoli. iii conipanr , -is 01)Monaylas, -"ýr. tidwih MIl. Hcher-tPres'coui o1fV Mcs. Merwin Mocnjov oý- Mapie Grox'e. atenidc thle 'v, tcnded tpIbo Çcueral of Mc.- frnera Il rUadî- cousîi., Mrs. il Miltoii Gray, which uras bnci Russell Glicle. St. Willianas , in Port Perry tîndcerlaikcng O,,I. The fruinerai w-as lîeld i panloues, lIncu-ment tas ciHePutPr-' i-etakitr, b \'eivertocc Cemeters-. pailours. Iiiitcrniritit ýas iti 1Mr-. Vernie Chanît, Uci-rixPla' (-s ciitc t£ of Toronto, is spemding lais Pruine(- Albert. Christmas vacation at home. Recentis- Mî's. T. S. tii- Mr. and Mes. Rois CJemens, bs- hian as clîîîîer gciMi-. ~ ~ Mu arid Mrs. Aibimu Clemeuas, ai MusvIý. WilIl Challis. Me. and v Mes. A. L. Blanc-hardc enter- Ms C., Barrelt, Dale and OMa t rghe laiisc'd Mrx and Mn-s. Lviuc aîîail (if Bewîss'anx-ile. -C Ma ilbghe Clemnacual. The Acres" M.otnor.nl.s a-igct you r hofiday ail Satcîrdav evening on tihe 0 and Dotclas visiicd on SundaYi Id ay canýon cf iheir weddi n fii otrcioivilaMc. oad Murs. l ast thru'the yei veusarv. J. . ciiýveiO ronua. t Master l3riut l aii nd ti On ir-ua a flccîîont Mnr. lis hrother Bead visileci Mýi and Mu... Edgar Puescott. aiI '\~ ~ anci Mes. Edgar Wrighf. Eti. -anr1chiIdrcii. Etificici, sisit-U niskillecs, on Satueday c"Cii ed ai the A. W, Puescoit home. x. 'n.Mc-. anîd Mers. Johin Carri 'arl 1Mr-. andci'ciis. Merwuia Cr openedtiîr home lasi Satur- !1 îdreeman, Oshawa, Mr. ansd Mr. dav foc a pue-Clristmas Pres- ~ - Ray Pettit, Toronto, xisid colt, familv Christmas Parity, Pr M.r. an.d Mrs. Lew CeNdeman wh'i-c licu guests were, thi IV J. MU. & B on Sunday, 1-Ici-b Punscott fanaslv, Mople Mr, and Mrs. Jlack HiarI, Grove. t.he Kesslen family, Po n Michael and Bobhy, Scarbor- Wooclbuidge, Mr, anad Me.A Pan & ougb, visited Mn-s.L D. Ho- W. Prrscollat MA. L..11% Aberneth gaeth recen'tly. Presýcol *. Or. and riis. îRoberit Gris, Mr. and Ms.nauBun .Sndv vniMAINr a 8~,~v 1UjLý.&. and iMrs. Eclxvard Kcarns, Oshawa, and Mes. Alex Sana- tho Prpsro4î homne w.u M'r- oniavl r. -John W. key, Patty and Jimimic, Wcsi Hill, were, Sundav dinnc'r Plinn h- Mrv's Studin. guests with Mr. and Mrs. S i ( Kerscy. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Apple- ton. Scugog Island, x'is'itec-I Mr. 'and Mrs, Ralph Ballard on S u nda y, antem,'Mr. and Mis. Wili Vuglan, In 1)cNaivi! Scn hr prtvisîtor.3 with Mrý. John Bl lfMar as kcn hv Trudi" E on i.VI Jc ic îce. Linda On Siccida - v Mr. andM. Ji-i Ami Vowler, Malton Elhuc>it anc-I Dr- and Pa- and mr Krîs Bal. Mns. Keith Slernon called oish rr ý7nl ils Iokpari ver\' cffec- Mrs. A. E. Billett. A ilsreporter rcn'f Mr. and Mrs. O. Pajil, Or. 1locprope ir xii h',leoo. visiteci Mrs.Dr. MeCul- înrc~ ianin~ f tlicrir are loeghon Thursdav, nCri nrS n'or canssinls. Mes. Burrows ai itirldd C!1ri mal;s Evc, Dec. 241th,1 vaiuc .are iivî-icd ina social! al îîîc Ilnmiiptnni. bcgin-1 lin., ilh s1kaing on Ille pondjý ?ti \iceCnhci.Or D l OW M AN VILLE IG A ;"'(i -Mr: Yen. c. andi YVi n:A( o edn Sî;îcdaa'\in __Jcihi Pro p. Don Milligan and Staff I-roniin. ami vrH 'dvî.i slic Mr.andi WISHES YOU A ...... Miî V.'ifr Mr- n h-ji 'O ij '*'-1 T, rnti r re Clin- ~ Mi . X'îfci Smale "1' ai ~.lr Ilosken i tr ~. ;airo sfrcrhsand inrv at.1d l Ml, andcl" lran-IMr an iid Mi--. Wcliv ilakîn ri farc auri Mr. Badeln au îida wth Mr. and-iNlrs. Msr a-'M r. Prin c' Ilogaril -i 4 fa-iiv, Pickcring,. visitedf M: -mi( Mes Ilarold i Salier.î Mi,> ar Pc-irs c"-c Mc r liMs ni Hail, à Ms I~P~ k'iip andiM.s Nan - lh' wr mn ec'anl frci 'ile attn. honou of Mi. end Mxý. Wes.,LI :RNETH Y ;ÏaIIpoper vy and Staff lTTTJT 1, To Yoti. Ouri, Favorite Custoniers DDECIILESCLADIE! IDftLLIINJWEAR ROW M ANVILLE Edith Bresinl Jnan Broineil Louis Lylp Trudy Store> n%(b]H lui=

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