S The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Dec. 23, 1964 ent. President Mrs. H. E. requested bv the FuraD-Neatl nNiaef ________________Ashmore presided. Scripture rector. It is understoo htw n ii rnci reading of the Christmas mes-ilcrfcaeae o saelro t.10e n Oe lted by the Funeral Diretr dte uea evc opening prayers were taken by T hW Il Nw sý1Deeemher lSth to thergv10am.Tudaec S n o i i e s Eo yMrs. John Hamilton. Mrs. ý erning body. their pror 7 nS.Jh' re Senior itizen EnjoyAshmore read a poem "The Jme hd Ewill not bcregistered oCUh.aYS Night of Nights". Mrs. Jm s E RcadEio wnynn npc Offiers illbe installed at wr A n n u a l C h ristm a s P a rt y The muonie rie. adn. te3rd. e for liw'eek) mond LLunn and Sandra of ed the funeral of the 1lfte Mr. nis rces~ ive fp.,L On Tuesday, Dec. 8th the meeting at the Lions' Com- Cnllacutt Mr. E. Bradlev' discu.ssed and the secretarv Miss Mary WhiaeofSa../wavsedM.nd r.Mltn ry in Port Perry on of cmpatInsrecîve Senir Ctizns' lubhel muity ente. rs.Clare, r. exsmthwasaskd tofil itin.borough who assisted with thelArchie Lunn. Monday. Interment was in etIseto dinner CtThenroClus took onitaCefese.Mr. E.larkey, Mr. SGrton, Ail wre tpfleaeto ae ntaicrn.srvc wsa Congratulations to Mr. and;Yelverton Cemeterv. 0f 956 animaisinetd their annual o aI anulChristeviemas .during the month bv etr tlerana hita i rTe ar dor tedin ,thet- Mrs. S. Sel, Mrs. Mho, art nonAhoepeet eveedgeto r.C. S.Mrs. Victor Hall (the former Telephone Orono 127-for . s otin dîtonl edan tgeen CrstMr. R. Selr, Mrs. R.Nihool- ganoe th grup rsfen eLareen. us o rMiss Judith Carol Scott) onl new and renewal subscripton inarian, 20 were condmr d E R ri mas their marrnagheonallday,,Dec. -A yearru'roundMgiftSforoueaajasnteand29 r -~ ~ ~o jmacoos.IthhalthsoM.EBrmlMsS.cugmetndood wishes Mr. and Mrs. LamePhaeI th in Trinity United Church, tives and friends far away and _______ N A regstatontale asdeort-Leggett and Mrs. L. McMahon. for 'the New Year. Mrs. Russell Virtue of Tyrone Bowmanville. near. Acd with a white tulle Christ-, The evening concluded with' A social hour and exchange visitedi Mrs. D. G.He. Mrs. Ceci] Robinson, Mr.,Ms adaCobeiko OBITUARY jAs r admd ade u-the piaying of bingo conductcd of gifts ended a vrry pleasant Mrs. 0. Chapman spent theIWm. Robinson with Mr. andi Mewc andraMm.obertLeisc irounded by greens. As eachýbv the Club 15 members. ThCrstamein.eendwhMs.Ln o- Mrs. Gus Wilson visited Mr.M.adMs eelyCwn WILLIAM KICHKO member registered, the ladies bingo winners were D. W. The ONO. Club held their row, Toronto. land Mrs. Francis Hall. Agio- Mr. and Mrs. Beley ooo Th eah fWilimKîh wer gve aChisma cr-Bentham, Mms. J. Woods, Mrs. Christmas meeting at the home Mr. Arthur Best of Victoria, court, on Monday.. and Mr . Franley o , 7Th0.at of 9S. li Sret sa en a thergetmen cre- R. Rabbins, Mrs. Cowey, Mrs. of Gwenneth Thompson on0 B.C.; Miss Edra Best, Mm. anid' Mms. W. Norman Porter re-Td sn, r.andlp toOhaa cu do ficeiead abotoenemen olyMr eitMseE-kMr.Tusd ngtDc 7th Mrs. Wayne Haaey of Toron-Iceived word iast week re the Tenhan, Mm.andMrs Oto h1w , 1 96dan. onai ceieda outnner ofholyS. Rundle. Mrs. E. Mos.Mms. with an attendance of 29. ta visited Mm. and Mms. Horace asn of hem bothe-in-law,lCang ,r and Mtrs.ated a.Demeral14,pt196.i sa Bmuel. Fnahpansforth Nev es and sans. ý the late Dm. Russell Stephens-ed the Hall-Scott wedding inla yeam's iilness. A1amhadcee n ihs Mrs. T. Gatcheîl, president Years dance were checked. A Mm. James Powers af Ken- of Brussels. Ontaria. rntUiedCuhBw H wabo nCl twdecaraed onChestmatei însfr hirgitafaCad o foer eee P Mires. . apman, Mr. anudm LitZ ~~~ ~ ~w bspemothe Mms. Cei r.Jck Camn a nville, on Satumday. .tin, Romania, August16184 Sds oad Christas teeonCiteue othi ito 'adfrfoesreieihh mhrMs.welMs Jc Cap n ad ,X the stage. Red and green gar liwomk o be used for Club 15 when she was in hospitai, was Pwesrundhoe yKnyM.adMsOvil Mrs. John E. Armstrong Ieft and mamied the formerNli uspnde fom hecei- She also announced a read. Also an invitation ta 'plane an Thursday. Decembýer Chatterton, Carol and David, iast week by 'plane for Tim- Nikiforuk in Oshawa i 98 ing he tales edrme trctilsimilar contribution ta Club 15 attend the 1High Sehoal dance,!'t.Mm.RnldHnocDb'e îs ased1h brsms Mr. Kîchko was a m Î7igThpietacers an ra îar' the Legian Ladies Auxil- Dec. lth. Gwen Ballingal1 Congratulations ta Mrs. Wm. Murray, Michael and Charles1 holidays with hem son *Mm. Geo. ployee of General MooYo si wtponsetgrapcwitbandresh lubi emesthnws o etea s f ows: rs-Syarwo ilclbaeteddteanu'CamnArmstmong, Mms. Armstrong Canada Limited in therjc 1 tagrn.stlctae re s win gold' he eio fiznoa'e rdet Joanrasley Vice-Presi- 'hem 90tb bithday on Satur- Christmas paty in Toronto an '5and family. departmen' and mred i ïï gpot:s.were inte resd gld rCiand a appy ew dent, orm aiseVaCpec'y, iday', Dec. i9th. Sunday at the home of Mm. Congratulations ta Mrs.115 ewsamme fS dipt eithetacs apeinga camgCsm-arand tat Happy nowte Nanc BrianTCasp:aeen ,Mms. Robt. Dionne, Mm. and, and Mrs. Ross Broome. James Ginn who clbrdJohn's Greek OrthodaxCbrc thetM ms cmpecngalebmn ýad Locl22d. ing efect.a ndmont enjoya py en Malcolm : uTrasnd enM Gerald Lunn, Mrs. Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton hem 93rd birthday on Dec. 15. Local 222,U.A.. 1vTE PER NCEST FÀngwer:sct.attended Porte Pemmy Baptist Mm. and Mms. Orville Chat- Hei uvvd ytoSlS Toas meeting opened with aicame ta a close. Dollv Lee: Scmap Book, Edith Drc r henronSneph eenig terton were weekend guests of ýtv fOhw 074,v M.in Ms RssBooeBrightan and two d;uhes b1y the singing of grace. Thel B The dmaw for homes for 1965:A 'Leon Eord was the gues' of Toronto and attended the Mrs.H emark Am)o ,130 members present thon sat Al~Tll was made, followod by u atseaehnehwe tdso SeiO a dnei h edown ta a deliciaus turkey, exehange of gifts, thon lunch BL C S OKAc o n a c his womk in Brocket and Canadian Room, Royal York 4i dinnor catored ta by the En-I of make-your-own sandwiches,ý RAÏ J. DILLING ;Churchill, Manitoba. Hotel an Satumday evening. du nik1e mu.Cu 5mm~ aotTahrNgtx cafice and Christmas cake was Chartemed Accountant Mm.JmsPwrso e- Ms. Jim Bail is a patient in du bers weme dinner guests of thelbeid at Central Public Scbaol;ojOC.9 hrhSr aa Mr. Janms.o Powe ms Mf en oiHsitl omn ~ eirCtzn.on Monday night with a high- n oe.9 hrhSre rM.adMsRo oes emilHsptBwa- Seattorancethan a anyi 623-3861 lof Scarboraugh and Mrs. Cecil vile 1 e Sumersfard conducted a'previous timo. Parent-Teach-:1ÈOADJMSBOk a Aftr dnneIMs. eanerCbatered Accontnt gests of Mr. and Mms. Grant of Ajax; Mm. and Mrs. Aud-I cama] sing - sang with Mrs. 1 r Night for Grade 8 was held BTURi E1R JMSBROSPawers, were Sundadnn e Mm.an ofMshw;M isard 1ý4[ary oleaccompanying at!the previaus week. Tutei akuty Cbug rnaMthl n r i Lthe piano, Parents had an opportun ity: ROGER ROBERT BIRD Suite 205W 725-9953 Cbug rnaMthl n m i P. Ohaw__Shppig Cetre Mm. and Mrs. Brian Piestley'mon Kiostra of Keene were A short business meeting ta meet and interview theOshawaShoppig_ Cente_____ A ws onuctd y m. . il techrsindviualyalo he Funoral service foi- Rager ý - - beave this week by mator for Sunday visitors of Mrs. Wm. >ý~bort aiter whîch the Senior1 Schooi Board. Parents alsoilRobert Bird, ago 68, 17î53 C . H. d AcoGGnS therhm nNrhVnou-Mthl.T e D ra q Ctien eeced nw lae f; adth apotuity of seeingl Richter St.. was lheld in lm-iScndFor t;e m p..,aftrnt. M m n Ms. MtueOronarad i sst- af itiselectio wllbean wic ws n isly n heKeowaB..,onWensdyCo.heateedAcoutat m BC. ateStreemntsnMd.Luhe Brmbai asPrgrssv dý officers for 1965. The resuitslsame of the pupils' wamk maculate Conception Chumîh. Now Librarynts.MBuilding L ietng wit Mm. and ims Ry seredandfmend rnee withVer R.C. R. WD. sAyCoKn-g___Pho p 6233612Cecil Jones while Mm. Piest-lig fot r. anfwdays. Co sevaiv of this election -ill be an-iK ing &aTem pem anceaySts. le y w as taking a speciai Bamaball o e a s nouncod at the Januamy meet-~~~~~~~ halls. A dainty lunch was: November 2,5, 1964, at 10 arn.,____coreaIB ,Tmnt.M.ndMsAlnDweo j~The Rehoboth Choir of Uic acquaintances. derson celebrating the Mass.i VLEFRE AN R Ms. oie MEmy aBbcyonretyngtte Adu staî Rfom hrch un-i The High Schooi held their Mr. Bird died whiio visitingý & COMPANY Bridgenomth visited Mm. and 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A MCristhe presnem mopnCnte ac rdy vnhnHaitn nar au- Chatered Accountantu Mms. Wm. Robinson last week. McGee who are visiting theim soito ~ e h dmcin a Mm. Mlinhmin the Recreation Centre. day, November 21. Licensed Trustees Mm. and Mms. Arthur Ton- son Mm. Douglas McGee, Sean xe STUART R~~p of Christmas selections whichiMuSic was provided by the, Ho was born in Ontamio and 4Kin iBankruptey nant weme Sunday inmadMcal tGaaaHls xed ateCtzn cTARlueýdelgtd ead ienee.Joy ta te he DonlandTDiry.ban uscath the Royalwet v Canadi n gOSta. Onta7io_______ginn. of Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Califomnia. ofDrhm out ____ O ha a.Ont ri G nn M r. and M rs. M arshall Chat- JAMES ,!Wo-ld," "Sulent Night," "How1 and annual meeting was held Regiment in World War 1 end MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS, Mms. Alian C. Beaucbamp is tertan and their grandson tersneews o Great Thou Art," "O Haly in the Recreation Centre on saw active dut.v from 1914 to & C~ apteti h eoilDvdCatro n on- coniunea ,Night" and athers, ah aof whicbTuesday evoning. Ail the sbip- 1919.. Chatered Accountants HsptlBomnieathdywthD.ndMsKih Insurance Real Estatem instiiled the truc meaning 0f; pers but anc and their wives, The dcceascd returned Ir) Oshawa Shopping Contre mresult of a car accident. !Taylor, Nancy and Bannie, dChristmas in the hearts of the fram this amea were able taý Ontario and workcd fo r a 728-7527 M.adMs e utn rmtn King St. E. Bowmanvlle.it listeners.: attend and enjoycd the de-I number of vonars for the fcd-j Partners: Mm. Ernest Nicholson attend- "SEASON'S GREETINGS" ~ 7j(f.nrII ii~ Thoughout the evening, sev-1liciaus oast beef dinner with ' ora1l govemornent. In 1956 hol Hon. J. W. Monteitb, F.C.A. OfieResidence du erai iuckyv number. prizes ail the trimmings which was movcd to Kclowna. A. B.Moneih, .AC., .A.fi 623-581 63-549iià ere ade and following is a'semvcd by the ONO. girls in. Pravers and rosarv wcr G.W. iehi, .A.ruse)NoA.beln & D ra 623-5681A it f ines Ms A. Saun-:their usual graciaus manner. held 'in flav,'. Chapel of Re-':iosdTute)h ib ra d & Duh matc ~ doms, Mrs. W. Woolley, Mm. ýMr. Ford. Mm. Bec and Mr., membrance, Tuesdav. Novem-' G . rthwyCA - Cosborn, al af Toronto Don- ber 24th. at 8 pin. R. F. Lightfaot, C.A. H at nt R p r A!]ands Dairy were present and Mr. Bird is survivrd bx' bis B. R. Waters, C.A.Helh U i R potnth duA spako. They also led an in-, wife, Martha: three saois, *Ger- 1 ---WL-S-ON-&-BURROW-S Report for November 1964 sidemed ta be accuratp on ~~ ~ M BOWMANVILLE A terosting discussion. These, ald, Kelowna, Robert, Osî- CatmdAconat Communicable Disease IInitial test, were canfîrmed, on g~~~6358 l' gentlemen wore welI impmess- awa, Lea, Orono: two daugh-j 114 King St. East, Oshawa. Ont. Eigbty cases were epotedamesttaltedt. R O623-L589 - ed and ail considered it a suc- itors, Audroy (Mrs. L. E. Agis-: Partnors: duing the month; .16 of these Sntto Acessful evening. siz). Langle.v Diana (Mrs. R.I Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. being measles and 27 chickcn Fnmidmcar r eur Mms. Cecii Hill was bostess Gugietti). Toronto; 14 grand-' G. Edmond Burows, C.A. pox and the balance was coin_, ed ta be licensed under author- ~~ for the Dorcas Uni t meeting ~childreîî and two sistors. Hisý Phono 728-7554 prised of infectiaus hepatitis iyfteEblesad ISN rsdn SWednesday afternoon, Dec.,'son, Tommy , diod in 1945. german measles and mumnps. FnrlDimectors Act. An- K.LCISertr A;! 6th Te inmbes an tw 1 aIlear'rs e e .esr_ý.ý'Two abid animais weme me- nua i inspections of the pari- "A Vfery IM /erry A 6ton ebrs a ndtwtenhdredwer sm. C h ir o p r a c i1c pmc o nMma ours are necessarily made by I i io s te d d Paul K ish, W illiam i A tkinson,Îo t d - a f x i M u r y h e B rd f al t c ri y Meeting oponed with cal] ta 'Robert Simpson. Tavis Dir.- 'G. EDWINMANN,_D. - Township and a skunk in Daml- thattpeBo r of eth to cetif woship. Hymn "Sulent Night" ýker. Eugene Poirier and Stan- hiorato ngton Township. No abies dt i and prayer. The woship, lo Crik.vacin wa dipesedautnion and equîpmentare C hri tm a Io A ff ofScrptue p leýCrak. iOffce accne as ispnse duingsanitary and adequate. Six of sage, a meditation entitlcd Field of Honor, Lakox'iW Me- 1EgiStcrofHse ttemnth. theosi ______________________________________ "Take the Wrappings Off andlmorial Park. Phono 623-5509 At tbmee monthly clinics, 60 Conties weme inspected. The i 1[ iOffice Hus yApitetrmiiý ony a, esn e ie hS o Gd's Gift' and prayer il 0 ___-_________________ in This Wed., Tus n a.oI iwas givon b.v Mms. WalterNo caes_______________________ _______________if_ iNItn e ~Wrighit.Jo nS W Se n a weme reported. III IIIII1111 9 II [IIIII] II i!i FIilKii!19111 NltneSat., 2 p.m. A r.Jh Carriaglan ___________-_______ Of the 1,335 tuborculin tests e d lovoly colored slides which Sshe bad taken when on ber Shaw's Homne and Scbooi' DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D1S (Heaf) pemfommed and read on trip ta Tinidad. During the Club met nt the schaol on Fi- j75 King St. E. Bowmanviiie Grade 9 students, durlng Oc- ebusiness peiod the officersýdayý, December 18tli. for Hur obran ovmbr al 9o ~a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy .6% weme positive. This indi- Color iwore monstated for another: Christmas meeting. In the ah-1 lsdStmayadSna ates a very low incidence of Elvis Presley and Ann-Margret Cye. Cbosed y inigh "th enc fle presiden e aîîR-d Office Phone - 623-5790 infection in this particular A oo Uon ho idnght th vie pesient Heen u-Res. Phono Newcastle 987-4261 gmoup. No cases were diagnos- AClear" and beniediction, after celo vei-v capabl.% acted as cd. Howevem, oniy 84% o! A' which the hostess served lu chciairman. The minutes wemc' DR. E. W. SISSON. thîe consents weme signed and 12 o'clock Mid-Nite show Fri., Dec. 25 Ai and a hal! boum visit 'vas on- read i b Mrs. H. Robinson and' L.D.S., D.D.S. ireturned giving permission ta A joyed. Mrs. T. Taylor gave the re-. Office in bis home hv h etdn.I sfi ~,Wednesdav ovcning. Dcc. port of the corresponding se- 1100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville hate thi staymefleet the in- 1 6th. the Christian Education mtamy. Mrs. Ross Lane and' Phono 623-5604 creasing part the opinions of "TjIhe C re on 1 -hisms hm!Oaffeicenito t etpiesa a 9a..b6 .. aly dcsin. tisvm maoom, beautifully decorated ini Mms. F. Lovekin, acting on a OfieHus:these students play in making and ~ ~ ~ setting for an evening of en- caffep maker. brought in theirýCOOedîsa Sna Ithat 100ri' of the students did sýI.oyment for membors of the report and it was decidod ta -DR.- C.- F.-CAÀ-T-T-RAND.D.S. flot roceive a Heaf test. ~ AU..W adthihubns purchase a 90-cup electrir: Office Immunization "Beauty and the Beast Appoximateiy 40 attended, coffeo mnakoer. A Christmnas 75 King St. E. Bowmanville, At 31 office and school cli- Adut ntetanmet Coorand bad a mcal plcasant tîmo. treat is ta ho purchasod fori Office Hours: ics, 37 childmen completed the AdulMrs Ramerltcondcted cn- thoschool children. The son-' 9an a6 ..dîy initial series of Quad vaccine '.. ____________________________________ ,tests and games and camais jar and junior room teachersi Ciosed Satumday and Sunday a;nd 23 mcived a me rinfoing na ile' Lovekiiiatd she_--Tlpoo6359 attendance of 99 infants and 69 The finîal timbrr Bpmitrr.Saicitor 1Hcalth Confemences. Chmîtm;iý%Str-x" 1 otcfNtr Pbi' I School Nursing ServiceflIIL um 1 Sy J bIl- twhie wýhole;c'hnol in rrad- Kinc S t. W. Bowmanville Nursesý gave 1,283 vision .7 ng and sniz Rible maders- Phonos : Office f;23-568 tests ta scbool cbildmenlIl wei'e. Johin Wglît, l,ilis Paf- Res. 623-5553 November. These are made tlea hsw hdin h tersali lPan] Craza. Tom Bai'- HODGINS & MORRIS i osîgaprtus wîtb G d Wishes m~ie, Fric Patterson anîd John Barsos Slctr uili-in lighting. The esuit and OOd 'sh s Lane Sep v e ra 1 apprapriatc Notaries Public of the visual acuity test is part In the serenity of Nature C~arol., xcre sung adti 4Fak ~ Bwa"0 onl v of thoe .vidence whichi au d'ence joined in ninggO".0ICAR tbe nurse uses in screening '. 4 hrn v tCame AIl Ye Faithfuil" whic'h E IHR OEI cide st edfrfrh We sense las Ling la ioglth prograni ta a (-on-A. L.B examination. She considers i $ it is -Solcptreaso herealhthstsy One ou happness! 2W~ af pwent inKg St. W. Newca.stieB w m n il Holiday tirne to wislifo td(îproran prov~ided, Thr ýý ro eaiu niaigee y uniuch h p ies iatian wxith hrart\ applaîîse. --___ ~ - observation of the appeamanco o mn Mmr.agg iilso said how pleas- 'ADIE HAMILTON - ORONO and bobaviaur of the cbild eîd the parents and childmen Phono 1 r 16 during the vision tcsting. 'cre with the prescot s ystomn First Mortgage Funds Audiometry ' eevthe senior's from Pro- Resîdence - Farms The audiometer programmeI. vdeiîc' attend cl1asse.. tal Business Properties cootinued ici ural schoolsU he xewc'omers they are a 0Opnto m e f r y sch ools weme visited and 688 * mu ~~ ~ fl most welc'ane addition ta auo __r _____I cbildreo givon a beaming test * u ~ L tIm eetings. Meetliin closed wîith KEITH A. BILLETT. .D '>ith the audiometo.r. F --n pla-vo hv Allan Bmrag.j 141 King St. E. - Bwmanvile covcmd, -even retests of' yA RNEC SOQ . G LkmE N .'A h D A IR Y Grade 7 tudeni. A social. 9)ff:ce Hours: By appointrnent, rvosdfcsnwap1erd1Cara OW M N IL E ur 'vas spoot and lunch was Telephone 623-3252 !nommai and 15 rctests indicat- i aniM-.S.Pie Nexi mcci- ThuirFda,, vening.s Rctarded Cbildren's Scbool in ý.. ing s #Wednesdaý-, Jan, 13. Wed. and àat. - 9 - 12 ithe arca. Several tests con- j s h & ~i