10 1%@ cariad!an statemnan, EownvMle, Zen. S, IonU auceufully prevented th e nerybuilng.' Agroup from the Recrea- tion Department Twîrling Class, the "Sailorettes", took NewsRel'10,WS fý 964 first place in the Junior Nov- ice class at the twirling comn- petitions in Oshawa an Satur- (Cotined From the Canadian Statesman Files day. is resident (Cotinedfrom last week) left Montreal recently for for Western Equitation, I ta NKeith Fruo sPeiet Sept. 2-...;Malaysia where Mr. Bradley!l8 years, at the Port HopeIClcCt for 1965 of Branch 178 Congratulations are in or-ifor the next two years williFair on Saturday. of the Royal Canadian Legion der for Walter Rickard, son of 1teach Malayan students as part' Friday was really a big night following a special meeting on Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard,lof a Canadian Government De- at Beech's Red & White Gro- Sunday afternoon in the of Shaw's, who, with his caif partment of Externat Affairsýceteria in Maple Grave when Legion Hall ta elect officers en Monday won the top 4-H!plan ta give objective aid ta hundreds of people toak ad- for 1965. award for Showmanship at theldeveloping countries. ývantage of the special free It was decided at the Town C.N.E., Sept. 16- beef barbecue and fish fry Council meeting ta contact a Lloyd Ayre of Bowmanville! Councillor Wes Fice, long spansored by Mr. and Mrs. Centennial FiFeld Represent- was the winner of the best 1time employee of the Goodyear Gardon Beech and the Red & ative regarding the new town 14ampshire Downs rami award,1 Tire & Rubber Company here White Organization, including works building as a centennial Monday, at the Canadian Na-, is oiten sent ta far distant several suppliers. project. tional Exhibition. Mr. Ayreiplaces on short notice ta doSept. 30-.. It was recently announced alpicked up the best ewe, fieldi splicing of rubber belts.î A new assistant Postmas- that Susan Etcher, Grade 12 and reserve best ewe awards.1,Recently, he received a cali tOýter arrîved in Bowmanville Sch ent at Bowmanville High Bowmnanville'sg Postmast e rgo ta Montreal where he'this week ta replace Bernard fco ol, had won the top award George F. Vice last week cele-1 boarded the Cape Breton Miner Laughton who has transferredfo the school in scholarship, brated his 25th year in the:at the first lock o! the St. ta Customs in Oshawa. He is citizenship and athletics. She postal service. He bas beenýLawrence Seaway. The job was Edward Greenan, a native of was presented with a school Ipostmaster here since May,to repair a beit while the ship Lindsay. crest for her achievement. 1954. ýwas enroute ta Toronto, and. On Monday afternoon, sev- November 25- Harold Therteil, Anne St.,,it took 36 hours for the trip. eral members o! Bowman- Randaîl Prime was the lm loking for double luck. He' At the meeting a! the Bow!iville's Kinette Club gathered Valedictorian at Courtice High found an eight leaf claver on manville Rotary Club, Iafliat the Memorial Hospital ta School's Commencement, on his lawn last Saturday. Smith, Chairman o! the Civic present the final cheque ai Friday evening where he was Sept. 0-, Committee, in an address, $350 ta complete payment for also presented with several A new timing clock has strongly advocated that the the furnishings in the Tele- awards. been installed on the east watt club purchase a 17 acre tract vision Lounge for surgical pat- Durham County Liberal As- cf the Memorial Arena, Bow- of land and develop it as a ients. In aIt, the project cost sociation held a dinner tast manville. The dlock was dona-1park. The property is near the :$700. Thursday night in the Orono ted by Bowmanville Branch oÈ, town's east boundarv. Sidewalk supervisors have Odd Fellows Hall ta honor W. The Royal Canadian Legion.1 A renovated and enlarged been having a wonderful time Frank Rickard, former Dur- Gardon Adams, a former re- rnterior that is most attractive the past couple of weeks in ham M.P. for his service. aident o! about 30 years ago,iwill face visitors ta Harry Bowmanville, watch i n g a Attendance up ta last week- lm returning ta Bowmanville asýLocke's TV shop, King St. brick house being moved from end totatled 1,814 at the Bow- manager o! the new Adams W., when he re-opens this ,one location ta another. It manville Museum, which is 400 Furniture store. week. ýwas tocated just west of Env over that of tast year at clos- Duncan B. Bradley of Bnw- Sept. 23- Brooks' Supertest Station, King ing an December 1. manville, his wife and three Miss Gail Hobbs, age 1 ,St. East, but when the job is A total o! 283 persans at- ebjdre wee aongthegropaderdauhte o!May 'ind finished it wilt be sitting on a tended the Red Cross Volun- of Canadian higb school tea- Mrs. Ivan Hobbs, won the Ly- new foundation on Lambert teer Blood Donon Clinic beld chers and their families whnlall N. Carr, Limited, Traphy Street, at the rear o! the samne last week at the Lions station. Centre; 273 bottles of life-giv- 0 Oct. 7- giving blood were collected. IWîntry winds on the week- December 1- jend failed ta deter about 40 or Garnet B. Rickard, Shaw's, 150 golfers wbo took part in was proclaimed Grain Corn tbhe Donald A. MacGregor In- King o! Durham County on surance Tournament at South- Monday evening when it was N ~__ __ view Golf and Curling Club. announced be had achieved Winners of the two top awands the higbest yietd in Ontario, were Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne 160l.9 bushels. The meeting ________________and Leo Huhta. was held in Mapte Grave Two winners, Peter Bath- Church. gate and George Gr ahamSplit I a announced recently the main $400 cash pnrize atlthat Dr. Clark Werry, son o! e o. MW M theStag Night held by Branch Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, En- 178 o! the Royal Canadian Le- niskillen, bas successfully pass- gion in the Legion Hall oned the examinations for Fel- T~o~ wê kLzSaturday evening. i ]owship in General Surgery. Oct. 14- He is chief resident at St. A substantial financial dona-1 Joseph's Hospital, Toronto. tion ta the Canadian Cystic A bigh honor has been a W Fibrosis Faundation for re- awarded Dr. F. W. Rundle, search was made by the Bow- Oshawa, son of Mn. and Mrs. manville Kinsmen Club at the Walter E. Rundie, Bowman- u 4t% dinner meeting last week at ville. Dr. Rundie was made a I - ~the Ftyirîg Dutchman Motor Fellow of the Royal College Hotel. President Byron (Duke) of Surgeons Canada <FRCSC) GObÀ Brunt presented the cheque ta on Tuesday o! this week. Dîck Hermansen, Public Re- December 9- Gtvl ~ k Ô~1lations Officer of the Canad- Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Vensen- ian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. daal, Maple Grave Road South, Well known auctioneer and were amnazed on Wednesday harnesahanse devotee Jack morning about 8 o'clock ta Reid o! Orono had a narraw find smoke pouring from the escape from seious injury In upper stoney of their barn- a pile-up last Friday night at garage. Consîderable damage [14 j(~~f~ IMohawk Raceway in Camp- was done before Bowmanville belîville. firemen extinguished the With seven weekends stitl ta blaze. nun, Bowmanville Museum has Rev. and Mrs. Abraham now topped the 1700 mark in Kudra arrived in Bowmanville attendance. Total attendance this week ta take over pas- at closing last year on Dec. 1, toral duties at Bowmanville's was 1400. ýPentecostal Church. The Rev. Oct. 21- S. G. Grant, former pastor, Bowmanville Town Council bas been transferned ta the at the meeting in the Council Whitby area. Chambers on Monday evening Thousands o! spectators o! approved the recommendation all ages enjoyed the wonden- of the Finance Committee ta fuI Bowmanville Santa Claus consider offers ta purchase the Parade held Saturday, Nov. 28. Lihnary Building on the cor- Recently Mrs. Ernest Blake ner of King and Tempenance 'was etected icmn presi.. Streets. dent of the Majorette Parents' Miss Sharon Hull o! Atex Auxiliany. Mrs. Clinton Hen- Mc.Gregor Drugs some tirne ning is the retiring president. ago, put in an attractive win- December 16- * dow display using Independent At the conclusion o! a non- Druggists Assn. pnoducts. They political dinner meeting spon- took phtsadsnthm a sored by the Durham Progres- headquarters. Recently,nti sive Conservative Association fication arrived that the win - îast Wednesday ta hear the uq ~ 'dow had won second prize of Hon. J. W. Spooner, Ontario $100 in the all-Ontario promo- Minister of Municipal Affairs, Stian contest. Milton J. Etliott o! Bowman- ŽAOctober 28- ýville was bonored in recog- A Kent Williams, 2 Concession1 nition of bis unselfish public Stwas a happy hunter Wh en service over a great many i harrived home fraith G-yeans. ,M: gama area on the weekend Solina Women's Institute wiiith mafi00lb l fl mooeb oloenraiinonTus er for- membens or Uourtice Dianna Dawson,- Wellingîton fia.,,,United Chuncb who are look- St., is the envy of ber high ing forward to a mortgage school fiends these days. Re- 'WMAY " unngcrmoyo Sna, eiysewrt eiig rV~ 'o 310 gtl November lSth. Starr of the Beatles in Eng- Peter Tomtinson, age 19, land, and last week received a IIIQueen St., Bowmanville, was neply fnomn this famous persan- injured accidentatly on Thuns- ality. P l day evening, shortly a!ter 8IDecember 30- o'clock. He stanted ta takel George Piper, Ontario St., pus a y fthe things you want bis .22 rifle down fram a rack was the tucky winnen o! a and he was shot in the left men Investment Club's draw withn y ur rachin 1 65 houler.when bis ticket, No. 143, was withn yor rech jl 195 Noueb11- ~ teSthan-drawn tram the drum by Bring ail your versary of the faunding o! Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth -Kiwanis Clubs, local Kiwan- Moore, R.R. 2, Orono, are the peronl cedt Ufl ' uer one roo1 ans, led by President Jim Col- pnoud parents of a baby girl ls, an Saturday afternoon born at 9:22 p.m. on Christmas planted 50 !lawering cnab Day in Memonial Hospital, LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED) LOANS tre n h east ide o! Me- Bawrnanville. paesi h Fine broke out in a barn Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, owned by W. R. Carvetb on Mdget and Juvenile Leagues Avadabbe et your naighbourhood 8 of M brancft bis farm, which is situated one attended the Bowmanvilte mile west o! the Twin Qaks Minor Hockey League Clinic Motel on No. 35 Highway. at which gat underway on Mon- approximatety four o'ctock on day morning. Jim Crombie sowuaaviils mch: JAMDES BELL, Manu«e Saturday afternoon. The barn was coach and assistant coach and its contents of 6,000 bales was George Cawker. They of hay were completely de- were assIsted by Don Masters, oahwa BMSaun: AMS MCANSH. Man4auestroyed. Orono, Newcautle BilI Osborne, AI Woodlock, and Bowmanville Fine Bri-< Don Gilhooly, Bud Perfect and gades responded to the cailandd Joe Kennett. r r 1 A TRADITION IN ONTARIO FOR MANY YEARS j'. J